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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1925, p. 3

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M. A. JAMrts Steamship Tickets Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Ask for information. Phone 58, Bowmanville, Notice to Creditors IttZ THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE OF ROBERIT AVERY TRELEV!ENi- late of the Town of Bowmnanville, Deoeased. NOTICE IS IHEREBY GIVEN that al persons having any dlalims or demnands against the late Robert Avery Treleven who diGd on or about the 23rd day of April, 1925, at the Town of Bowinan- ville, are required to send by post pre- paid or deliver to the Toronto. Generai Trusts Corporation, Toronto, Ont., exe- cutors of the Estate of the said Robert Avery Treleven, or to the undersigned, thieir sý,jcitor et Bowmanville, their naines a±id addresses and ful i prticul- ___ -~ars ini writing of their ciainis and st.tements of their eocounts apnd thse natures of the securities, if any, hieid by tltem. AND TAKE, NOTICE that after thse First dlay of Auigust, 192,5, tise said Toronto Generai Trust Corporation wiYil -proceed to distribute theý assets of the sald deceased among the persons en- titteci thereto, hvn regard oiy to the dlaimus of which they shall thenr have hai notice, and that ise said Tor- onto General Trusts Corporation wijl nfot the lhable for these aid assets or any part Stisereof dn any person of whose claimi th ~e shalnot then have recejved 0f JuE, at Bow%ýmenville t1is Iltis day M. G. V. GOULD, Solicitor for Toronto Generai Trust Corp. 25-3w SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Harbour Improvements, Oshawa, Ont", will be' received until 12 o'clock faon ~(dayligIit saving), Tuesday, July 14. 1925, for thse Harbour Improvements, consisting of cribwork reconstruction, generel repairs, close-pile protecton, ciqse-pile retaining wehi, and aou wahl at Oshawa, Ontario Countyý,, Ont. ~iens and$ folms of contract can be1 seen and speciication and formns of tender obtained et this Departmej(nt, at .the offices of the District Engin ners, 5lQuitY Building, Toronto Ont.; Cuistoni Hlottse Building, London, Ont., and ai thse Post Office, Oshawa, Ont. Tenders wilh not be considered unhes made on p)riinted, forms supplied by thse Departinent and in accordian2e with coditiomns conteined thecrein. Eacis tender must be accom-panied by an acceptedi checjue on a chartered bait, ?PaYebi)e ta the ordler of thse Minister of R-ublic Works, equai to 10 -per cent of the amount of thse tender. Bonds cf the Dominion of Canadla or bonds of the ~.Canadien NationaJ Reilwq Crnan wil also be acceptLed as security, or bonds atnd a e'heque if required to miake up an odd amount. Note-Blue prints cen be obtetined et this Depertinent b y deposi cePted cheque for tise suni ting an a able to the order of the 0f S2, Pay- ~Public Worhts, which wviîhii inister 0f if thei intending bidder au ).ýe îeturned. lar bid, iit e regu- By order,- S. E. 0'ýýR 1E , .kepiptment of Public Worl,'Secrets ry. Ottawa, June 20, 1925. 26' M Co STLY PUEAT In summer when heat is fre, your problem las to keep it out of the house. In winter when hiet costs rosi money, you try to keep ail of it in the bouse. Ton-Test Insulating Build- ing Board, builitinto wValls, ceflingsansd roof of e n îew or old house, does bothl of theso things equally well. It sto-ps hieet, cold and sonnd as-ý ru bber stops e- tricity. Ir ensures cosy rooms in winter and cool, comfortable roomis in aumnmer. Cuts coul biis one-third. Mekes a big saving i building costs by replacing other build- ing niateriels. Easy to apply. No wastage. Has grestorstrongt',h thanwood shelîthlng. Ask for illustrated liter- eture sud sample, TEWM JmT E S T INSULATING BUILDING EBOARD For Sale i Bewaanville By McCLELLAN & CO. L-TD. BOWMANVILTjE, JULY 2nd., 192 "HUMAN LIFE AND SOME 0F ITS MAJOR PROBLEMS (Continued from page 1) This huian 1f e we use continu ously froni the cradie to the graVn iJ, our greatest possession. If fail with it the loss is isnestiinabb and irrecoverable: "What shall profit a man if he gain the w,ýhol world and lose bis own soul?" Life, is fragile, it is easily soiled perverted, brokea and ruined, bu on the other band its possibjlitie for good are niea'surable. Our country is grossly extrava. gant in ils waste and wreck cl hum.ran lives. There are too miany pitf ails an1 snares for young and inexperienceý feet. Over 65,000 young gzirls arE lost in the U. S. annually. ",Wh.s shall it benlefit a comlmunity if i gain. the whole world and lose itF o-wn boys and girls?" Wbat is Life? It is the most in. trîcate aind maurvelous piece of mech- anism- in the world. Its orî,iini ! ln the union of t-wo minut sexý cells, invisible to the naked eye and but 17,0Oth of an inch l i size. i miere speck as it -were, but having the germi or spirit of if e withinit of inestimiable value. Days and montbs pass by and it is bora in to the world, a human being, a child ,ï heipless and dependent. Its inn ia blank-it knows nothing of the great world into wbich it has just entered. Parental love bas anxiously await- ed its arrivai and quicýkly anticipates its every -need. It will be the cen- tre of attraction of the borne circle and an enduring bond of affection will eat'wine its bheait. This child hias brougbt with it a complete equipm-ent of bodily organs and besides a set of sense faculties wbicb will by and b y begin to wak. on and respond to iininerabie calls to enlarge its if e, under the g-uid- ance of parental wisdoiu and love. What are tbe forces w,ýbich will make or mar and ruin this young life so fu1i of promiise? Let us remenabe-Vhe child bas brought three great forces or dor- meant faculties witbhlm as determin- ating factors la tbe sbapiag of liii life-namely, heredity, intuition andý a spiritual eatity. Ilereditymay be a weigbt or an, uplift. e cannot help -wbat ber- edity bas passed on to us. But It is our privilege to sort over these and doubly guard our weak points aad eieu-pon the urge of the good; coming fronm revereat, faitbfui and' heroic and Godfeariag anucestors to overconie defects.1 Next consider the individual as- perations, powers of eboice, free,,oui, of tbe wili, higb or 1ow vlýewvs of ife, willingness to work, and serve and Thes-e wili show the kind of stuif or metal wvhich is la the cbiid sud wvlhl be a forecast of bis probable success or failure in 1f e. Then we must consider the en- viropnments: The 'home life, its atiamosphere,. in- struction, exemple and ideaLs. These will have a strong influence la the me-kinig of the charater of the cbild. Next comes the achool and its standards-its playameates and thbe far-reaching influence of the - st'ructors. The churcb, the social and political comple-xion cf th*ng, around 'him-These wvihi have a bear- ing upon the kind of person and! citizen ho wil beconie.1 But all of these wili Til of mekinig a 1f e grent, without the of the great spiritual entity vihn h individuel biniself. When- we como Vo set up stand-1 ards of succes lai life we mneet eti once with ae iversity c on . Wbet is -uccessa ilailfe? la the accumulator or the dis-; tibutor of life's blessinga Vo be! ranked the higbhen? Who ia competent Vo formula te a standard for a diverse end complexj PUBLIC NOTICE ~TAKE NOTICE THAT:-I-The Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town 'ý& ,Bowmanviile intends to construet as a local improvement under sec. 9 of thel Permani- ent Pavements on the following Streets in the said Town of Bowmanville, and in- tends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. Street Silver Teprn Division Division Division Contre Carlisle &Ontario Lowe Froni To The Estimeated Cost of Work is King 'Vo-Welington ýce King Vo Churchi Quoen Vo Ring- Kinag Vo Ohunicb Cburcb Vo Lowe Concession Vo Lowe * Division Vo Ontario Centre Vo Liberty King Soutb Vo T. Lyner's Centre Vo Division $6,600.00 3,673.00 4,195.00 4,593.00 10,287.00 9,738.00 9,042.00 -~7,444.00 3,588.00 960 3 A petition against the work will not Dated this 23rd day of June, 1925. 0f Which The Corporations Share la $2,4,17.0 2,694.00 1.862.00 2,320.00 2,927.00~ 4,617.00 3,568.00 1,885.00 1,726.00 915.00 Estimated Speciai Speciel Assess- Rate per foot is nient is Vo be paid in 20 annual payrnents 30e 4." " i 40e 30C soc 30c soc so0c 30e " " " " ~, s, s, ~, " SE ~s 's ~s ss s, " 55 £5 avail to prevýent its construction. JOHN LYLE, Clerk. friendlv and neighborly wilh ah W.*I. Dustan Hydro Power1 peoples sud nations, how mnucli wiser S. G. Chartran Brown & Benn the investmnent mnight hàv.e been. H. J. Babcock J. J. Macon & "Tho ,shaît love they neighbor ing W. Claude Ives Tburston FurS nation) as thyself". A. Dilick S. W. Mason & The generation closing put down F. J. Hornse C. M. Cawker & reheliion, ebolished slevery, enfran- Aildread & Morrow chised womea, outIewed the ciursed Coucb, Jobaston & Crydermen1 saloon and bas made the white-slave2 251 world? Save the Author of if e traffic e thlng of the past. Th itself. eration bias been gonerous ir When' are parents equipped to ho anthrophy, diligent in busine5 progenitors and guardiens of their kind in 'beart. skind who may ýbecome imimortel Now wo must tura overt spirits? the rights, the welfare and th Wbet is an ideal home? Is il a tl-ny of the people of the gene spaclous place with plenty of furni- et baud. u- ture and the command of ail good We are not greatly in ne ve things to eat and wear, or is il a more burnan beings beingx ve place wbere God is reverenced and tb'oughtle.ssly into our world lthe practical and etbical and spirit- -indeed .many parts of tbe it1 ual ideals predominate ad the reiga are over populated now. le of love and justice is suprenie? Great nwimbers of the lowoî Wbere the kingdom .of G'od is first os living as serfs and mendi d, in ordler and thon aIl othor necessary living on the grini edge off ut tling-s added in harmiony therewith. and pestilence ail the tinie. es What la a good kind of school? Soclologists in our own lai The oneo-%vth the m'ost elaborate fac- pointing to the fact that repr a- iliti -s and spacious campus and line'st tion froni the leas desirable e ifathletic fields and sturdy teans of the lacoempotent, thie ne'er-de foot ball players or the place wbere the criinal and epileptlc cias il the humuan mmiid is carefully loead to out of ehl proportion to thiatc I unfold and perceive and acquire the intellectuel, cultured classes, re basic facts of life and of truth and physical and moral condition t kao-wleclge, and -where mental and make theni thleiost desirabie mlioral and ethical virtues are at a hears of the neiot generiýition. 'premium and moen aad womien of la wlse enougb, sane enougb, trained iads and sterling principles eaough to lead the way to the bare being prepared for thec fuller rection of these evils? activIties of lfe? Cen you solve the problen o is Whet is an- idoal churcb? Itl uemJydSihis eta aninttuio ith certain encient out-of--work, Who are disýcou it cre-edaý and dogmnas and fornIs and and 'unbappy al the timie? rituals and mystic sh~e or ilt Onu you correct the evils0 2is an isseii-bly of people united to vorce and inake more sure andC t worship God and observe lis laws the homies of all? cl and in the naine and in the spirit Cen you chase away the vui ,and under the leadership of Jesus of war aad briag tio every boniE 0 ts promnote the kinigdom of God la every ]and the Dove of Pence? discommunity? e Why is Protestantism divided in- Can you out-law war and i to innumerable sects and factions, Peece and Righteosness? often antagonîziag one another- I have bad experience la while they al mrofess to teach the of the trying ad tragie events -fatberhood of God and the brother- comje Vonmo'rtels ln this life,e i h'ood of muan? as an observer or counsilior How often the churcli bas used friend and I have founld notbir its great et book to accuse and potent as the Grace of Godv conderna and coafound one another is brougbt to us thnough C rallier then holding it up as e iamp Jesus our Lord. Ohi, the unfat of life Vo guide 'the feet of weary able love whlch enibraces us as s pilgrims, into the narrow rw-ýay of life hblîdrea of Cod. sand aloag the road that leads to the How impoverisbed our world celestial city. 'its store of knowledge and us sWhat is wrong with the life of the standing of ethical and sapiritxual wonld, wlth its crime and vice and nos. How lacking in illumir lust and greed and hete and intem- faithi. How destitute of Loye perance and war? Are these neces- 1 uflig eemn n sary adjunets to civilza tion on its formning power, h ol Wbere are the great moral spirit- so mucb as the setting up of ual leaders, who -wlth open face to- central dynamos of Love gende wards progross, wbo are spiritually1 love, la nîl the churches, cone minded Vo discera the laws of truth its llght and life-giving -currTents and la wbose hearta there is a bura- the homes sud bearts of the pi îgzeal for righteousaess -wbo will How Love sanctifies the 12 give their lives to the- Solution of blesses the home, coutrolling thE greet civie and international tion and trensforiing the woîl problemas? The churches wlll need Vo ex You canri akeý no better iavest- once a new Pentecost 0ýf spi: ment of your life witb ail its zeai fervor and ils nmembensa and energies than Vo be a prophot baptismn of the Holy Spirit. lof righteo-usness, a messenger cil Broken altars of prayer mus good--will to ail peopies and one vvho set up agalnanad an eniarged jholds before the world the L,*it o grain of service, for the spiî' Life. welfare of ail miankind to hoe e 11anlf e presents a twoj-I~ lisd.WIl o (a'The innor life, wbiich, eactl thechlegan sing a one lives as an individual, a nesponi- marcing hymun sible humen beiug wbose coul is des- "0 Love Divine, ahi Love exceE tined Vo survive the chaaging order Joy of Hleeven, to Earth, corne,-i of materiel things and is built on ài Fix la us Tby humble dwaelirg, plnof enduriag spiritual 1-f e. AIl tby faithful merdies crown" (b) The0 otber aspect of our liveï, And our refrain shalho: outside worid 'Fon no m~an liveth Vo I rest amy w\eary coul on Theet binseif". We are eiled Vo serve I give Thee back the life I ow our day and generation b y the will That lu Thine ocean deptbs its of God. May richer fuhier be". 1 arn remninded thet nmy generation May these hymas echo eround is comlng Vo a close, for I bave just world la Jesus nanme! Amn-sr! recelved an invitation Vo participate ln the 75th unniversary of 'Zion Mthodist Church, on Hampton cir- ENFIELD cuit, Oanada-"the churcl cf amy_____ cbildbood. Il was there I finst publly addressed miy faithi in God Total proceeds cf asiniver and accepted Jesus ns amy Lord and $106*00,*. ...Anniversary visi Master and as my Snviour and w"ero too aumnerous Vo Im-entioni. Fniend.Mr. Arthur Ormiston and MiUss Ihave been a servant of the n were la Toronto attendingl churcli for more thien 45 yea-rs-. The PRatc liff e Famnily ne-union.... service bias been whigly ixen, and Mrs. Edwin Oriaton hiai I toub eryimerecly eaerd.fine baby boy.Mr. and7 I haghverie o etop enmded C.RaipliAshton, Detroit, are visÏ towerds Truth and Progreas and to tM.Ge.O sto's be spiitually 'minded la deaiing with Myntle Hobbs, Toronto, visiteI nîlth grat inniateprbleisofMr. J. Hobb's.i ,.Mr. and Mln. alfte. -et ntiaepobm fStecey, Janetville, at Mrs. John lte gnnto isn -sb~ sons ... Mr. nnd Mrs. WalterC one ofnthe iostenotig able in erare, Bowmeanvilie, et Mn. oneof he ostnotblein heCochrane's.Mr. and Mrs. F world's hi'story-It bas been an age Page>, Purpie 1Hill, al Mr. S. Ps of discovery la the t'echalcal sciences, .. Miss Jean Mark bas bon re pbysiology, anetomny, blology, bacter- iology chemiistry, surgery-all have gag;ed as teacher for another bnoghtther bahng initris Vil S. S. No. 15. .Mr. 0. Mc mankind. hain iiiisrest loch had a bern-ralsing Friday, niarkind. ting up bis niew roof...Mei IV hes been an inventive ege un- Fred Smith and J. Starks have paraýleiled la the wold's prolgress:a: ts Traction power, rapid transit, aero- ats planies riding the air a-paaning the AIl ohr a u wya Cooked Meats For an occasional change of menu why not serve Cooked Meats? 'You will find them very tasty, delicious, wholesome, besides labor-saving and economical. We have the largest and choicesrt display of Cooked Mqeats in town including: Roast Pork, rituli Hamn, Roast Macaroni Loaf, Jellied Lunch Ton- lýw gue, Bologna. st ho pro- ý"3ttâa1 G, A. ' Edmiondstone nieoet Phone 21 Bowmanville youar lling, do-wrj PHONE FOR FOOD To make shopping easy these hot sultry days we would suggest that you phone us your grocery orders. Our No. is 65. We can assure y7ou lof just as good service this way as if you called. 0f course, we are. always glad to have you make a personal call at our store. FOR THE JUNE BRIDE If you are looking for a suitable and accept- able gift for the June Bride you wiIl find our China Department brimming over with gift sug- gestions which will make the blushing bride happy. Phone 65 ARCHIE TAIT Bowinanville os 1 - ng ýn Arestful night on Lake Erie a Makes a pItéasant break in your journey. " A good bed iu a dlean, cool stateromr, a long sound uIeep and ant appetizing breakfast Lle in the morning. ,ne ~Steamners "*SEEANDBEE"-"CITY 0F ERIE"-"CITY 0F BUFFALO" Daiýly May Iat to Notbem ber 15tJh Leave B.h-9MO P. M.! Eastern Leave Cleveland-9:CO P. M. Arrive Cieveiand *7:oe A. M. I.Standard Time J Arrive Buffalo ...*7:oe A. M. *Steamer "CII'Y 0F BUFF'ALO" arrive-s 7:30 A. M. Connectionsý for Cednr Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and other points. Asi, vour ticket agent or rourist sgency for. tickets via C & B Uine. New Touriat Automobile Rate-$7.50. Senti for free sectional puzzle chait f Thse Great Ship tie Orert Sliýp SEEANDBEE" arid 'EADE 32-page booklet. ' Lens, ifet Tise Clevehand C& BuffiioTTranisit Co. Breadth. 98 feet ChùeeanCh.,. 6 incises, 0t Faen55 Goodontisoats, local improvement Act R. S. 0. 1914 Chap. 193 and amending Acets, 'e gen- in phil' ess and bh ds So Much GoodiiessatSc rushed IftATce to-day eearth Such is the verdict of the many people who c leas- regularly eat and enjoy famine CO1RBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD uare ~ Every sice is full of nourishment and makes Pro'duc- ~îaees, or better health. Eat more of Corbett's Bread o-wlI --so inexpensive, and yet so good. ,sses is of the whose forelTes HINT TO JUNE BRIDES g.odes are busy times getting ready for the e cor- 'eventful day." No need of bothering or wor- of he ryinig about the Wedding Cake. Ail you need of the of do is leave the order with us. We speciaize in urged jWedding Cakes. of di-i WILLARD'S ICE CREAM FOR SALE 1AMY '? anl vv P. UCoirbett iu-law Baker and Confectioner Bowmanvîlle many 'sthýat lý

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