visit- JIAne 1 Wilecoý Toronto, oni Sunday. Wannani of Orene, aged ecd in Orono. Port IHope, JtIly lst., Sisson, belIoved wife of ey. aged 68 years. .yrone, Juiy rd., 1925, ett, wicdow of ttue late ed 60 years. interred t Drew, Phila- Balleau, Lex- izabeth Spencer ts of Dr. and uîndurnl". pupils of the ýh Ward School or Third, they le s3econd book aplea. BEnntskii- ýr. A. J. Stap- taplcs, Tyrone, s3ervices at dsay, on. Sun- -mr. and Mrs. Ccil Welch, Ro- chester, N. Y., recently visited bis cousin, Mrs. W. C. Cole. JMrs. F. H. Morris and daughter, Blanche, are visitig lber brother, Rev. A. J. G. Carscàdden, Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Cireper, Niagara Falls, are visiting bis par- ents, Mr. and Mlrs. H. B. Creeper. Mrs. J. F. Allen and daugbters Ruth and Edn'a f .B'eeklyn, N. Y., are visitiniglber sister, Mrs. C. A. Jobuston and other relatives here. Mrs. (Rev.) W. S. Blythe eand family, Oakvllle, are guests et the beautiful home of ber parenlts, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder, Wellngton-e't. Mrs. (Dr.) C. WV. Sienien, Cburcb Street, and bier miother, Mrs. J.* J. Virtue, Hampton, have been enj cy- ing a visit with relatives et Atînu tic City, N. J. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon Rice, daighters Betty and Be-a and Mr. Arthur- Friank spent the holiday witb Mr. -,-d Mrs. W. J. Braund, 1 Miss Sybil Burk, -Toronto, spont Sunday at h&8me. t7 iPort Hope is having its main atreets paved et last, ' holi- Mr. Ted Humpbhre&ý, Peterbere, W. spent the heiiday et honi.. ha Fariners have bad a catchy bay ý.mas hairvest so f ar this season. noti- Mrs. Eva Jones, New York Clty, ia that visitinig ber niect, Miss Eva Burk. . Miss Ruth Polard, Toronto, ùs vis- 2md iting ber aunt, Miss Aima J. Pol- ,enta, lard. and There was a beavy rain fail in ttus arc. districtl between 5 and 6 a. ni. Satur- ~'day. Mr. Mrs. J. B. Oke, Toronto, fa visit- rein, ing - er brother, Mr. J. H. Werry, audHorsey-st. and iss Mary Euringto-n Parsons, lests Oshawa, is visitirig ber aunt, Mrs. ef tbhe Cana- frrn, Jan, 1 ugacecrease o comtpared wit1h perlod of 1924. . F. A. Fitcheti Ughter Sheile, ent the weekend Uir. and Mrs. rueunt. Mrs. Fit rii reniain. for a D1 Beard lias ený iers, ail but on. cand the ,iadows Wlfe and Fbmily. S. 17, DARLI'NGTON Promotion Exanlnatler fted CREPE s 4 to 10½/-2at .............. ....-$1.00 es il to :2 at .................$1-25 ýzes 3 to 8 at .................... ..$1.70 1 to 5at ..............................$L50 6 to 10 at .......... .....$ ....SI brown or Black Patent $1.75 to $8.50 Black, 18 inch ................... $3.45 ýs in Black Patent... ........... $2.35 Window Display of these Goods. $950 I ns ey: rare Tbey dined The automnobile makes it easy uow e'clock and for Cartwright, Manvers aidCak ,ts of Belle- farinons te deal in Bow~nianville- ists. the premier shopping centre of West id friende in Durhami. id of Dlurhami What- funny folk attended Port theexcrptHope Dominion Day doings! Dailyl te L't-Cel. Guide says: Comn-iittee mpade ern-' Commander est andi well nieant effort te intro- in Texas. duice cÔnimunity singing by bevin- that shows several bundreti song sheets printed. ning is don.. T-hey also engaged Peterboro Male te b. seen e Choir of sixty well trained vocalists ýntlo)n to up. te leacd the singing. But aIl te in buildings, ne avail. The crowd refused to urrounidings. jein in the singing nuiniJbers on the ave w. seen Son.- Sheet. iam and On- with weeds,1 Bowmanville Flying Club flew ir ,. qrid othPr their seîventh nid bird race on Sat- Store Bowmanvîlle Sntore News St. Lawré' logg's Pep, 2 for . Il ........84e .......2,9c tins.......27c fQr ail purpes. 'eeded Raisins, 2-15 oz. large package. .. .20e tin 23e, 2 fgr 45c Durham, 24 lb. Bag 99c SPECIAL Toilet Pa.per, full 14 lb. rol 16 FOR 24cI for 44c iii' 45o min. J10 sec; D£,nnng and Flvetcher ne report. "Bowmanville Woman"! has writ- ten The Statesman a long letter but failed te comply writh journalistie demand of giving the edîtor her name so we cannot publish the let- ter but thie lady rightly finds ser- jous fauît with town parents who permnit their children to ateal peas frexn farmers' -wagons enroute te thie canning fa'tory. One mother boasted te bier, she says, that, her son stole enough green peas froni on. load for a m~ess fer her famiuly. Parents should f oxbid theix objîdreri stealing, even a fewr peas froni a load. Most farmers would gladly give theni a few if respectfully ea>sk- ed. WESTERN CANADA REQUIRES MEN .Tracter experts e-arn ten te twent3y dollars dailiy Start trainin,- now and earn big inoney this harvest. -We aise teach the following paying trades. Bricklaying, Barbering and Mechanical Dentïstry. Earri while learning these trades. Cali or Write 163 King St. W., Toronto. I ~- Moiney Wanted $2000 WANTED AT 1O%-Âs second inortgage loan on valuable Bowmnanvilie residence. Drawer B, Bowmanville. 27-2w Hîelp Wanted MAN WANTED-AD experienc8d farm hand for 2 months or longer. $40 te $50 a month. Âpply te Wm. H. Ben- nett, box 415, Bowmnnville, phione 1l1r13. 28-1w is visiting lier aunt, Mrs. W. W. Dickinson, Rev. and Mrs. D. W. Best and Miss Elizabeth Best, B. A., are beli- daying at Beaverton. Mr. Cecil lerman,'.Albert College, Belleville, is bolideayiýng et bis fath- er's, Mr. F. B. Hermion, Carlisle Ave. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson T. Bragg, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. W. S. Bragg's, Kingston Rd. East. SMr. Chas. Hill, Eenniere, N. Y., Mr. T. A. Brown, Ott-wa, are vis- iting at Mrs. H-. W. Burk's, Centre Street, New Suimer Dresses just receiv- ed this week, mpecially priced froni $5.98 te $15.00. Coueic, Jcibnston & Crydernian. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dickinson, Teronto, Mrs. Andrew Devitt and son Carl, Blackstock, spent Sundny at t'neir father's, Mr. W. W. Dickin- son who, le stili very ill. Capt. D. Colemnan Warnica bias been appointed Instructor in the -Canadien Snial Arme Scboi, De- partment Nationial Defence, Ottawa, from whicb be grad4uated witb bon- ors about a year a-lo. Misses Mildred and Marjorie Cole, Greta Wickett and Helen McGregor are attending Sumiiner School ilTor ento, the two former specializing in Rinidergarten wonk and the Vwo latter ini Physical Culture. Mr. John Burns, Vancouver, B. C., la visiting bis nepbew, Dr. John Spencer. The senior editor and MWr. Burns vwere flear neigblbors froni 1860 to 1865 north west of Brooklin and were glad te meet after 60 years. r e h~orse, buggy,1 te T.' Maudei Bowmanvflle.1 HORSES sesQ andn n Property For Sale HOUSE FOR RENT-7 roomed brick, bungalow, hardwvo~d f40rs, modern con- veniences, fice garden and fruit trees. For further particulars phone 6q, Bow- manville. 27-tf OAK<DALE FARM-106 acres, Il acres pine and hardwood, briok bouse, splendlid garden, 55 acres crop, abundant pastur, driiied well and windmnill, close to Ponty.. pool 01n good road. Blossessioni at once'. M. M. Gi),son, Wýhitby, 28 -3 COTTAGE FOR SALE-Waittoii' Côt- tage, Newcate.- This is a ver-y pleas- antly iocated co)ttage with large gardien, Young fruit trees aise a building which coule, be used as a garage. To be eoid at a reasonable price. Appiy to Mrs. Mathew Brown, Glenwood Cottage or box 75, Nwate 88 FOR SALE-The home of the late F. B. Whiting, situated at the Forks of the Scugog Rond. This property is in ele- gant condition; consists of geod bouse and four acres of land with abunidance of fruit. F'or particulars apply at resl- dence to Mrs. F. B. Whiting, Bowman- ville. 23-Cl To Let HO.USE TO RENT-6-roorned lieuse, modern conveniences, on El',gi.n St. Appjly to MUiss Eva Burli. Elgin St., Bowman- ville, phione 42. 2'7-tf COTTAGES TO RENT-Lake Scugog, ail convýeniences, ten minutes frelin Janet-vllle Station Mrs. H. Middletoni, I4ndsay, or Phone 105, Bowmanville. 28-3w, TO LET-The shop and roorris over sains and the land back of saine to Queen Street, known as th.e Prower Block, iateiy occupied by Jamies Ben- nett. This Io a most desfrnble pro. perty. Appiy te Mpm. E Y. Prower, Bowmanville. 25-tf THIS WEEK AT C. S. Mason's Frock Shoppe We are showing a most con'pilete range of Summeer Dresses-Everything that is -new in ma- terials, and styles at ,prices that meet ail competi- tion. *Head Dainty Undies -___ Cihemise and S)tep-ins of Fancy1 ýk Sîde- Figured 511k, lace and ribbon IVooep ±inied. Ini wondeîul iesmort- 28-tf mient of shades, ood, in Per Set $3.69 r iuici< .piy to wman- New Nighties 25"-tf. -. -- 0f Cross-bar Dimity ini colles- e , d tien of dainty shadea, lace and J. m. rillbon trimrned. shouald seli ~27-tf$1.49 Eacli re niew ,se Cul- S etr Springs.,watr to H- 25-tf Jtust the thing for youir raca- 'i Oston tien, ail aizes, Special Prices, springs, $259 Eachx r, take ply at anville. Broadcloth Dresses doAle-: Ail Sizes, aIl colora in stripes, Od Con- Veoey Special ýr tires. $.9Ec bli sup- $.9E c i27-tf Tub SiIk Dresses Truck Double weight Tub Si1k )o run- -ail aizes, from 1 maltes ieAppIy $ 5 Farm For Sale Cr-es lut 1I ,,nn L Dar Phone 16- s. 1 door west of Bell Telphone C Dimity Sets Chemise and Stop-us c f Cross-bar Dbnity, la(ce and4 ibn trianmed, ail coIorsý Very Special $1.95 Set Supersîlk Hose Made of .14 Stzand Pure Silk, with 4 ply tee, solo and beel, ext~ra snug fitting ankle, iail aliadea, aise black n white, $1,79 Pair White Middies 0f extra Strong Middie Cloth, made with yoke and nienograr on Geeee, Special $2.10 Each Blouses Anetiser shipnient of Blouses received, Pr-iced $2.89 Each Porch Dresses AR colora, all sizes, front 98c Each» C. S. MASON The Personality Shoppe l. Bowmanvilie Next Door b F. F. Morris Co. Men's ani Y oung Men's Suits $15.OO to $35000 Included in our stock is every desired coloir both in light and dark shades, English Worsteds, Scotchi Tweeds, Thnglish Whipcords, Scotchi Ban- nockburns. Guaranteed blues, hairline stripes in blue, Oxford greys, plain, and fancy, showing in the conservative young men's in both single and double breasted in fact al the latest styles. I~f you want the best at the lowest price here is the store to get it at. A fulllline of Men's and Boys' Furnishings, everythiig you need. Just a visit to this store is ail we aslk. G. Chartran Dffce Phone 26 Bowmanvil.e Dr. and pent a w p. h- - ;RAGES OOD-On ï 92 Lowther - J. L'iddy, I3d dnugbter of [wood. te Dr. À, ., only so IaLe Dr. C. M-ÂTH~S -1 l xs H.w 3 Soap, ailkIdsd 3 Asmeonia 1 Bar Castile, al What 1$ An Optometrist ? Is a uesti.on sti'l being aogce4 by mxâny peotple lthrouglioit our land. The dlctionary -wlll tell you the wor4-ineans "EYE MEASURER". In Ontario ant Optometriat is a-legaily qiuali- fied practitioner of Qptometry, a profession regulated by an Act of Earlianient, One wIho zeasures the cirvatures and dimeùsioxis of the eye with scientific instrum~ents and who, pro- dues clear and cenifortable vision with an eye out of zneasure by neutralizing the Llefeots with lenses or conibinations of lenses andprias. ï' Also by theuse of the. 0p!balmoscoe the inteier of the eye is examined and each case appearing other than nortmally healthy is yaferred at 4once to his or lier physician. So you see, the Optometrist la the Specialist in refraction or ntieasuring of thxe eye. Censuit our Registfered Optomotriat, R. M. Mitchell. HAVYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED TO.DAY R.M. Mitchell & Co. DRUGGISTS & OPTOMETRISTS Phn 2Nights -and Sundays Phonos 280 or 232 Bwnnil 1 - 1 > 1 l i 1 1 -1 -1 11 , 'à ý i >