_____oo __________à Phne 21 Bowma Vacation Days' Two months of -fine summer weather1 joy the great out of doors. How is your of Groceries? We can supply yQU. Tea, fresh and fragrant coffee for hoi camp. Çanned Fish, ail kinds>Cooked Mea lunches, relishes, vegetables, fruits, etc. Our China Department contains many bari W.GC. NELLES CO. Groceries and Provisions. Victoria Building Phone 62 Bowma Whj can have ing into We from $50 raiiged, t Now and enjc weatlwr. We, or closed IBUY'ï ELEC Th Bowman' ~kIn Comfo iy stew over a hot cook stove when ea nice cool kitchen and turn yourc a pleasure with an Electric Rangie have a range to suiit every purse rai 0.0o Up. Easy time payments can taking a whole year to pay for your ri v is the tume to get your iElectric R oy the comf<orts of sanie during the can supply your Range with either 1elements. (OUR ELECTRICAL GOODS AT A4 CTRICAL SHOP-There's a Reasoi te HSrdro Sho1 vile Phiones 192-202 anid If Youre Worry»l about what to serve when Comnpany is c, -why not phone our store for some of our de Roast Pork, Ham, Roast Macaroni Loaf, Liunch Tongue, Bcilogna. We have the larkest and cIhoicest disr Coo1ked Meats in town. You will find ther tasty, delicilous ,wholesome, besides labor-ý anld economical. G A. Edmondstoný BOWMANVILLE, JULY 23rd., 1925 URGENT APPEAL F~OR HELP IN4 THi~E DTOR'S MAIL A f ormer S. A. Officer, Capt, Health TaflPs seem ta find popular LOCAL AND> OTHERWISE CIague, of the Salvation Army la favor, as like education anud religion _______Bowinwnville, now etatii>ned at Glace they interest and concern every Mrs. Rhoda Qrago, Toronto, is -is-Bay, C. B., writes to a friend in ib4dY. Siiae writing the health fliting o14 friends here. town of the Cape Breton strike situa- talks that appeared las' week on g J Mrs. S. Wells, Galt, is visiting lier tieoi. She says "Wtis now ten weeks people eating more vege tables, we since the strike began. and there have xeceived this timely article On sister, Mns. L. S. Ca.verly. doesn't seem te be any signa yet of how te grew up to December' aur Miss 1. K. Smith, B. A., le holiday- things being settled. You know the çiwn vegetables by C. W. B:- ing with relatives ini Cleveland. Oh-IO. coal trade hias dropped and freight Mr. Edito-Somehaw I neyer get coming, M. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd have rates are s0 fearfully heavy, that 1 quite threugh wvýiting and talking been spending a week with relatives can't help feeling sarry f or the Coal about the garden. To me it ia the BhiloUS in Caibarne. Company and yet when 1 realize that moit important cultivated spot on elid Mrs. Wilnier Fitze, Janetville, lhas flot 0111Y sinIce 1 camne here but three the farm, and yet how really f e Jellied been visiting hier parents, Mr. and years previously the mean have just fine gardens one sees in paslsing thru Mrs. George Corniah, Salern. been having three days' work intw any part of the country. A garden Mr. . W O. err, B.A.,andweeks; and living sn high that. h is started in the Spring but should Miss E. M. Werry, Toronto, were re- poor seuls have been going behind giye fLood right up to winter. cen gustsof r.J. 1, err, H -with their grocery bills and then Uere is a list of the garden seeds , fpelagust of Mr.J. . Wrry Ho- lhen a little pay would corne they'd for .seeding frein July 1 ta August Mr.0.M.Alerey-ean ti do without clothes te try and 1: Carrots, radish, lettuce, bush m very srt.M Agrrie n a-aighten up the back accotint, se beans, sweet corn, turnips, peas and ily of Oshawa, spent the weekend1when the strike started they were- spinach. I plant these early in -ang with hier f ather, Mr. S. Black and1 woefully behind with clothing. I July. They are midsuxmer crops other relatives, have met women expecting babies whie-h few fariera kver use as such. Mrs. Sripture, Colborne, and Missi in a f ew days and not an article for SOnie in the spring and turnips after Evva Scripture, Toronto, were guests the new arrivaI, people who have the early patataes, but that ends, of the foriner's sister, Mrs, Chas. iwt tasted meat for weeks before the garden making as nulle out of ten Mann on Friday. is strîke began,an o the rations1 farmers will agree. ieMr. Mlo Earl, SecrilMs onticuebtefs or meat. 1 have had sweet corn for weeks Helen Earl, Oka Mission, Que., and One hiome I visit the mother ia ex- eafter the supply of the neighbors ianville Miss Dorothy Davison, Toronto, are pecting ini Aùgust and has been so had been used up; and~ bush beans holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. weak she had convulsions a.nd has have been a delight even after the Davison, Brown St. been in Hospital until t-wo wveeks frost had played abiout a bit. We Mr. nd rs.Joh HederonMr.ago. The eldest son, 20 years, has cover the beains and spinach with old Mar. and MiVss John Hendersen, Mor. asthma and is threatened %vith T. B. canivas or carpets ,when a frost' Hary ad MssEll Hede~on Lo- he 14-year~ old daughter is also ini threatens and that treatmnent pro- ai, Ohio, who are on a 4,000 mile Hospital çvith appendýcts;- and add- longs ýhe season often for w.eeks. Mr.aer Mp re recent gueatse ed ta this the father and son with- Always we have tornatoes, but, Mr.andMrs J.N. awre.out work. Thisla anly one of many these are protected by hanging Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McFae, De- case. Its -wof'k like this that makes vines 'ia the cellar, letting them trait, Mich., were guests of lier aunt, one cynical or conipassionate. l'm ripen. We have stored watermel- --- Mrs. G. H. Biekeil, last week. Mrs. glad to say up to 'the present my ens in. the saine wey. Bickell returned West with thein trend la compassion. Our own coin- The nrildsununer gardener sees and will visit relative-c at London, rades are keeping up well altho out Chat the seed bed la comtpact and St. Thomas and Woodstack. af 90 seldiers, only four are work- fine, thus fas-oring the water supply Misa E. Powers and Miss Kath- i.ng!" in the soil. But soon the faîl raine leen Delany, Manchester, England, Citizens, who have clothing af any coame and these plants grow rapidly. e- who are touring Canada, are guests kind ta spare for these distressed The -,ower soan works eut a plan, to en- at the home o Mr. and Mrs. J. H people, kindly leave with the Salva- bath oir rigbht planting~ and fer Swindell and are inipressed with tion Arniy within the next few days right protection, at the time when stock the beauty of Bownmanville and vicin- anid these will be dispatched with autuma fades inta the cool aights efi ity. what has already been receîved te be, early wlnter and hie obtains an un- A Musicale and Afternoan Tea distributed amiong the needy af that usually large supply of the beat food, g'under auspices of anc group of place. la cas-e off Officerg Capt. just 'wat la needed for that season. Trinity Ladies' Aid will be held at Page and Lieut. Greenshields net be- of the year. 1 have had an early )me or the home af Mrs. F. F. Morris, inghomre, please leave at Misa Harn. sort of peas te mature in seven ats for Queea Street, on Thursday, July den's Millinery Store. weeka, when planted July 15. And 3th., fram 3 ta 6 p. m. Splendid ________ think af frea h peas. la Septemaber I prograni hias been arranged. Admis- With young carrota already for use, sien 25c. AUNT'S SANE PHILOSOPHY the peas and carrats niake a dish Sores Fîce Béfore It.-There are_____ that it seemas I could 'cat forever. rgaiis. many who have been afflicted with It may ha that Aunt in this ar- But try a mIidaummer planting of sores and have driven theni away ticle opens ta aour readers a new somne or all of the Ithirngs I have with Dr. Thomas Eclectrie Qil. All viewpint on a subject that miay nat menti'oned. similarly troubled should lose nio have caused us very muoh real con-4 time in applying this splendid remi- cern but whic~h dees really. have LOCAL HISTORY'S VALUE edy, and there is nothing like it ta saine personal interest f or most of be had. It is cheap, but ita power us, sooner or later. She addresses Much of it in Ontario in Danger of 'nville La in ne way expressed by its low lier friend thusly: Being Lest Forever. price. Se strangely imfbued is human In connectiari with pur publica- Bank of Montreal crop report. for nature with the strain af contradic- Province af Ontarie, .dated Ju.ly Ist toriness that we are apt ta veer tion recently of sanie local history aio School Section No. 1.7, North Da.r- says: FaIT wheat is in head and fs around and turn agai*nst those who lington, and Clarke Unýion, in Clarke mling well. Th¶e straw la short but do us a kindness and then suddenfly twsitee prgah jv an average yield is promiiaed. Spring cease pte do sa.et: wbeat, barley, and oats have nmade Sonietines good things-pleasurea p"Anthdingtrest: chs nierit rapid growth. Corn and roet crops or gifts, are haaped upen us, taking "A ht seial t whicht isnivest n a're excellent. Tlmathy 1 tciia ay ila aus by surprise, or corsnIng it riisa tuh e ci ag çleote it atn short crap, but clavera are heavy. moments whien they are mwst neaded, tion ste ncuam tai ht when e appeciat thema 'dofel na y cal], local history", declared Raspherries are abundant and apples Ohnw preat hmadfe and pears promise well. Recent grateful., rf tpe eaok nades rains have benafited the pastures, Se gre at areounr needas that wve do .ing the Canadian Histou?.cal Associa- I which are naw in goad condition. net forget the desira we feit for tien at ita morning seasi.on la the Belevile ntaiatels a a e-theni. But let these sainie giîts or 'oya1 Victoria College on the sub- BellevoillehOtro ello f a n ie- abeaefits corne regularly, day after jet ai "Local History ha Canada". w t moorstwh sBaydovriht nad ay, or week after week-let ius be- "IUCanada", continued Dr. Lea- Banay it hleadayhen ievered ~came used te theni and aur gratitude cock, "we have a paculiar country. Napaee extdayliedisoveed hatweara away and we take as à a matter To thp, geologiat it is the oldest in lie had left bis wallet cantaining of course that which 'was once the world. To the historien a M aver $1000 under the pillew. He hutalxry large part ai it is at least the very ffiat he bck hbe aid hd ofound Habitual favors become a 'neces- newest. It isi a country la whic*h thia teý,asue nd aded it tntheity and gradual!.y -we cerne te think we cani actuaIly, se et work bhe landlrd.A s ndhae as. at theor weare fully entitled ta theni. pro'cess of planting pol$tical and seI the boneAs ie -cýalledte the or 'uch benefits, sometimes quite c"al institutions la the soil. leaving thwoeiecle ouldn't he small and insignificant, come into "Ia ever 50 niany districts afis gile a sci e er? len, d"Nolhe nmeat of aur livea at one tine or an- country ,especially 'in English- idn't want e ier? er" ai No eother, glittering al'ozng aur pathway spaaking Canada, it la atill possible did't antto ee ier an fub-like a vain ai gold brigbtening up ta trace out the story ai the settlae ý led over bis wallet and reluctantly drab-colarad days. ment of the land froni the first cor- foa ler!d the o hotel mankolltar il At first we sea and lave the beauty ne? anward; it is stili possible, if. we for be! W~ba do yu thiagai tht? ai, but sean we grow would take the time ta record it, te Bank ai Montreal crop report dat- eccustonmed and becoine blind te it. mark thecspot where staod the first ed July 1th is as folloa%,ws for the even finding fault and criticizîng bouse, to ladicate ampoag the maiter Province ai Ontario.' Feu wheat bias abould it warver. ~ roada ai ta-day the path afi the first made further improvenient and a Just commoaplace thinga, perbaps trail thatVwandered among the pinea. good averaga yield la now antici- -good health, pleasant friends, a "Yet how sean dees this eppar- Ipated. Spring wheat, barley and boan ai books, trips la a neighbor's tunity vanish! How sean this lifor- enta have also improved. Haying car te and from town-whiat a lot indtioa la çbliterated by the lapse ai eperations ara well advanced, thoug-b we think of them at firat! tXntil be- tinie! With.the passage ai eachi-n retardedin lasane sections by wet commang used ta theni we get careless eratien of 'the pîder peple,- iaw n yTou weather. Alsika ha very premising. and thougIhtlass and abusa theni. much aifniemery ha lestý Cern looks geed, and la growinr 'Then suddenly they cease frani "Fifty yeara have passed since the cook- rapidly. Root cropa are gôoad but ana causa or another, and la the re- tiina oi which 1 apeak and my peint need ramn. Weather la tee bat fer action of our chagrin we rage ai view bias changed. I valua nana ? ~tree fruits, but apples and peara againat the benefactora or the 2its the lesa the great historie epica ai a rasparres re ______________________ MaIcaulay or a Gibbon. But 1 find poiewland mapere r ysli drawa more and more ta the abuadant. Pastures are short ad charni anid maaning ai the history ai brown and require plenty of niaist- îtî lcs hlvdeefrt rigrng ure la sanie localities. lWho pacset h ivdhrefrt ange andGun a Caada theCanaian ucbrssettns may arisatlay an- Dver 50 Years In Business ,and ptill going strong. When yý Df choice tender mats of higbest quality,, Laturally think of Cawker's. Buiki up your body during the mionths by eating plenty, of good meats. ,ou think- you just summer Our large variety of fresh, cured and cooked ,eats will appeal to every appetite, 'C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Build~ing Butchers Bowmanville *1 wornis la the tomach aind bowels of 9 . witb yau when yau lremioaa your bals P children sap their vitality ai]d-!re- e ii Sand berate the giver. Thinga b tard physical davelopmient. Theyqud 1 tained tee easily are neyer appeiat- 1 229 'keep the cbild la a constant state ai l Stýlrcd as are thest that are worked for, unrest and, if net attended te, en- J ~ ~ I~( neither can wa proparly enjoy danger lufe. The child cen be LK F upleasurec- unlesa we earn tbein. arnued nuchsuffrin andthe , 4j~ ddgsto~i Open your eyes te the daily cern- mothier mch anxieybing andrte - di forts you are even n'wew njoying, and liable worm remaedy, such a ilr' wJïhic, parbepa, yen are abusing. It Worm Pawvders, which ýare sure deatbhmna.la this carelasa abuse that wears eut ta wermas. kind actsansd stifies genereus deeda. I To our BewmnavilI, Patrons- Due te the nunmber af our eus- toiner% living la Bawnienville we are opening a brandi oi cur Battery service \ Stations here. This Bowmanviile Service St- tien will. be under the local manage- ment of Mr. Eluer Shaw and will be operated in cejunctien withm bis present business, the 0 West End Garage We wish t asseateur custem- «re, bath aid and new, that the same high clasa service and reasün- able prices which have built our O)sh- arwa business wil hacantinuted and il possible improved. Bring your battery and iIgnition troubles te Mr. Shaw at the West End Garage and be assurai ai prompt, caurteous service aud reas- onable prices. Yours 'very truily, DON McKAY One Diay Battery Re-Charging 's Il