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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1925, p. 5

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___________________________________________ 1~~ BIRTHS SYR-In Clarke, on Tuesdifay, juiy 14, to Mfr. and Mrs. E. SYer, a daughter, '-YRELL.-In Owen Sound, July 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Glordon Tyreil, (nece Hilda Chester), a son. - HOOPER-lIn Bowmanville, on Mon- day, july 20, 1925, to Mr. and Mr3. V. Rtoy Hooper, a son. MORRIS-In Bowmanville, on July 17, 1925> to Mr. and Mrs. Chao, U. Jorrl., Iàberty St., a daughter. WARD-In Bowmarrýille Hlospital, on Tuesday, July 21, 1925, to Mr. Wý1. F. Ward, P. 1%1, and Mrs. W7ard, a daugliter. Botht doing well. STEV ENS-la Bowmaniville, Hospital, on MonMay, July 20, 1)-25, to Mr. and, htrs. J. [,orne Steveais, (aee Iva Worden> a daughter. (Ruth.) MARRIAGES WESTMAN-MINORE--At the resi- dence of the b)ridet's parents, Centre St., on Tuesclay, July 14, 1)25, by Rev. A. M. Irwin, B. A., B3. D., WVhitby, Mr. Albert Ernest Roberts -Westmran, Phi. D., son of M1r. and _Mrs. Thomas Westmian, Toronto, and Miss Agnes Jean only daughter of Mr. and rs. FIin . Minore, Bowmianville. DE ATHS BRAGG-In Darlington, on Sttnday, July 19, 1925, Samuel Smade Bragg, aFged 77 years, PETHICK-A-ýt 336 lReid St., Pet-rboro, on July 18, William Henry Pethiclk, in bis 60th year. B IJRT-la Hospital, Toronto, on Jufy 13, Velma Conneli, belovedi wife of Mr. Byron Hurt, aged 25 years andI 2 monihs. 1WILLIAMS-Aiý- Port Hope, on July 1., i927, 1Vargart Roddy, beloved wife 0fi the.,late George Williams, in lher 87thj y'ear. CLA1RK-AIit Port Hope, on Juîy 2lst. 1925, lEliza Caroline Janie Moon, Jieloved wlte o! Walter F. Clark, inalier ls year. HAM LY-At Port Hope, on July 14th., Aubrey L. P. Hamly, youagest son o! Colin and Aima Hanily, aged 21 years, 5 monibs. LULXON-In Clarke, on Tuesday, July 14, Jane Ann 5ç,uch, beloveci wife o! M1r. George lir Iuxon, aged 62 years andI 4 niontha. CL-O UCH-At Oshawa, JuIy 20, 1925, William Lawrence, beloved son of Mrs. C. Clough and the laie George Williamn Clough, in lus 2th year, WILLIAM1S-In Reach Township, on July 20, Sara Ana, widow of the laie )i»ward' Willlms, aged 93 years. Inter- ted at Fine Grove Cemietery, Prince Ai- bert. ASHTON-At Little Britain, on Julyl 13, 1925. Mary Jane Wherry, beloved wife of the late Johin Asion, agecl 91 years. Inierment ai Bible Christian C-emeteryl Columbus. McMAHON-At Richmond 1Hill Wed- nesdlay, July 15, 1925, Thomas F. Mc- Mabon, e(-Ctor Richmond Hill "Liberal", and clerli bM third division court, York. Integýment Aurora Cexeiery, ROB ERTS-Entered into rest at Prince Albert, Ontario, July l4th., Lucinda u salit Campbell, wmidow of ibe laie Afred ,)~berts of Brooklin, in ber 54ib year. ,,,,iterment. ai Groveside Cemeiery, GORDON-In Clarke, on Tuesday, July 21, 1925, Mary Jane Braiund, be-[ lôved wife of the laie Henry Gordon, in lier lst year. Funeral !rom the residence of ber dsaughter, Mrs. Richard Hlallowell, lot 10, con. , on Thursday at 2 p. ta. to Welcome Cenmetery. WTe-ýhite ShieltI Club Pîcnic wiil be helï on Wednesday, J'uly 29tb., at Mr. Ituitasl Osborne's farm, Concession IttI., Elast. M1embers oaily andI children, Be sure to wear a badge. Bus witl leave Southt Ward Scbool 1 p. mi. sharp, and St. Pau's 2 p. m. sharp (dayligt sav- ing time.) Ice creani will be on sale. LOCAL AND OTMERWISE Mrs. C, H, Haddy and' son Jack, Toronto, are holidaying with rela- tives here. Mrs. J. T. Mollon -and daugbtet Beatrice are spendi-ag a few days with relatives ini Toronto. Mv. Harold M. Jewell, Buffalo., N. Y., is holidaying with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Jewell. Mrs. Robt. Freelantd, Toronto, is visiting the Misses Stephieas, Odell St., and other old friendis beve, Mr. and Mrs, H. T. Howe and faily, Hamilton, are visiting her parants, Mv. and Mrs. Jerry West- away. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamnilton Batemnan spent Sunday with Mv. andI Mrs. J. H. Johnsboni, Petit's Point, Scugog lsland.1 Misses Elsie andi Daisy Culey were ia Port Hope on T!Illrsday at- tending the funeral of the late Aub- rey Hamly. Mr'. and Mrs. 0. A. Bennett and] famiily miotored from Massey, Ont., to isit w,,itb Mrs. Bennett's patents, M~r. and Mrs. W. G. Nelles. Mr. Howard Lapp, Manager Stand- ard Bank antI Mrs. Lapp and Fred- die, spent bolidays at the be-me of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lapp, Little Britain. Mrs. Jos. Martin and daughter Jean, Lindsay, are visiting ber sister- in-law, Mrs. F. G. Byam, Church-st. Tbey will also visit Mr. F. L. Byanm and Mrs. Luther T. Hooper, Tyrone. Mr. D. Burke Simpson, K. C., and bis daughter, Miss Mollie of Bowmanville, and bis graaddaugbter, Miss Janet Back of Montreal, speat the weekend 'with his brother, Dr. J. Simpson, Russel 5t.-Lindsay Post. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood loft Sunday movning for Detroit, Mi-cb., to visit the latter's sister, Mrs. Rob- ert Kube. Miss Eleanor Wood ac- compaied tbema to Detroit enroute to Columnbuo, Mt. Vernon aad Cleye- land, Ohio, where she -will spend her ivacation, Ail memrbers of the Woman's Ia- stitute are remiaded of the Silver Jubilee gathering- to 'be beldi Friday aftarnoon, July 24, at the home of the Secretary, Miss Editb M. Weelkes, Kalmnar Villa Rest Home, Duke St. Be there to have a good tume and belp the visitors to have one, too. Wbat is believed to be thbe largest lun-ge caugbt in lear Lak~e, Peter- boro was caught Saturday miotaing by Tom Curvia, a local fur dealer, Mv Curvin was fising with an ordinary spoon lure and smnall books wbea be caugbt a lunge f'orty eight i-aches in leagth, twenty and a baîf in girth and weighing thirty---Rve --bs. The fish f ougbt for nearly an bout. The Rev. Dr. Joeeph Pbilp, M. A., 55 Fairholt Rd. S., Hamilton, called at this office on Saturday. He camel to Bomà-vile to visit bis old friend, Rev'. Dr. We. S. 1Pascoe wlth whom ha was mnucb associated years ago in London Conference and more recently in the City of Hamilton. 0f course, Dr. Pascoe is mucb the older mani being well on in the nine- ti'es. I UT WHERE THE WEST BEGINS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Polina -White, Duntroon, was reSý ceai guest o! Mrs. E. Bullman. Mn. antI Mrs. W. Chas. Werry antI Miss A,'udrey, Oshawa, are vlsiting ai Mit. Forest. Miss Florence B3elîman, -Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cobibledick aad dauighter June,(- Toronto. spent Suaday -wiih Mrs.< E. Bellinan, Balsara Grave. Mr. E. M. Down, Detroit, Mich., has been visiting bis mothfer, Mt.s. Robt. Dowa. Miss Melora Burns, Lindsay, is spending two weeks' holiday withi ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butas, Liberty Street. I An infanît and pre-school child welfsre-coaference will be held in the Council Rooni of the Town Hall on Friday afternoon, from 2 to 5 p. Mi. Mrs. Samuel' Bray, Broeside ,En- field, and daughter, Miss Irene H. Bray, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Lorre Villa. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Maitlaad, Woodstock, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. G. Elmore Reamar. Mr, Maitîanjd is the Mannual Training Director of Woodstock College. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. John P-almer Lpent Sunday with relatives in Toronto. Miss Ethel Mollon spent Suaday wlth relatives in Torontoe. Misses Greta and Gertrude Mor- ris, Toronto, speat Sunday at home. Miss Sadie King, New Toronto, is visiting Miss Emma French, Ontario Street, Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Elliott and faniily spent SundIay with friends in Toron~to. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. French, New Toronto, spent the., weekead with relatives. Ladies, just read C-ouch, John- ston & tJryderman's advt for special values in dresses. Miss Florence Werry is holiday- ing with ber cousin, Mrs. Walter Jeakins, Kingston. Miss Theresa Darcli and Miss Jen- nie McCaulay, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. J. H. Darch's. Mv. T. H. Jeaaings, Toronto, spent the past wveek with his miother, Mrs. Wn. Jennings, Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Greeanaway and s-on Gordon, Toronto, are vis- iting Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Quinn. Mrs. Louise Paterson is viesiting lier cousin, Mrs. Geo. Cornisli, Sal- em, and Mrs. Wilbur Fitze, Janet- ville. Miss Gladys Batenian is holidayiaig witb bier cousin, Miss Edith Black- well, Thurstoaia Park, and at Greený hist. Mr. H. J. Hooper otf The Free Press, London, bas been holidayTing with bis parent-s, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hooper. Misses Stella and Maude Rey- nolds ave holidaying with their brother, Mr. H. E. Reynolds, South Rox-ton, Que. M.r. Rd. Pooley bas gone to Por- tage la Prairie, Man., to visit ber sieýter, Edith--Mrs. Harry Street.- whio iS very iM. Mrs. Cecil Willianms anid son Nov- mran, Souris, Man., and Mrs. J. H. Aslhley, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mrs, Charles Williamis. Mr. -a.nd Mvs. Fred Brimaconibe, Mrs. Spicer and Mv. and Mrs. Reg. Waraer, Toronto, spent Suaday with the Misses Brimacombe, Elgin-st. Messrs. Gregory Colmer and Mer- rill Ferguson are attending Summer Scbool at Bobeaygeon representing Bownville Young People's~ So- 'ciety. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. LaBelle and daugbter Laura C. LaBelle, Edmon- ton, Alta., are visiting his p arents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. LaBelle, Beech Ave. Misses Aura C. Rundle, Connie Seward, Margaret Ajbernetby, Ruby Aldsworth and Rulby Lancaster are attçnding Sunimer Scbool at Bob- caygeon. Miss Kathleen Rehdev, Paris, who bas had bier tonsils and adenoids re- moved is convalescing at tbe borne of ber unicle and aunt, Mv. and Mrs. C. Rebder. JMrs. (Rev.) W. S. Blythe and fan- ily who have been bolidaying witbh hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Reb- der, have gone to their new borne i-n Detroit, Mich. Mv. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds have veturned froni a very pleasant trip to South Roxton, Que., where they enjoyed a visit with their aon, Mr. H. E. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, Mabel, Jean and Grant, and Miss Normna Armstrong, Nestleton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Atm- strong, ,Argyle Street. Dr. a-ad Mrs. M. B. Annis and daugter Mildred, Lindsay, Mrs. Srwitzer, and Mrs. Bailey, Peterboro, wvere Suniday guests of their cousin, Mrs. A. E. McCready. Miss Eva Darcb is bolidayilig with bier sister, Mrs. Fred Partnei-, Kir- by, Little Miss Alice Pavtaev speat a week witb bier grandpareats, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Darch. Mr. and Mrs. James Knig4bt and Miss Helen Knigbt, Bayonne,- N. J. Mv. and Mrs. Robert Wallace, West- field, N. J., are visiting Mrs. Wîl-, liam Cannanad Miss Can, Kiag-st.! E. 1I "Hlorsey Block", KinXg and Ta-* perance Streets, Bowmaaiville. r Hvdrsey bas, decided to off er this central business block for unre-1 seprve-dq11'ctfnnslein the earIy partA rGeo. W. James Writes of Hi. First Trip, to Winni~peg. IL is a raiheýr difficult taslt to ait tIown ta business, partîcularly ta newspapen wnitiig, afier a forced absence o!faine weeks froia office duties ihrough a, sud- tIen illaess. So in order to slide back it the baraess o! wie1ding the î.en frin the ediior's chair wivtb as littie ru- sistance as possible, 1 have chosen as s finsi effort an accouai of a trip Mrs. James antI I iaok let monili ta\Win- nipeg Nwhere the Sixih Annual Convent- ion o! the Canadiani Weekly Nwppr kAssoéiaiioa was hel ai the C. P. It's palatial hoiel-ihe Rayai Alexandra. Like( many other weekly oditors la every province o! Canadia we biad b1een planning monibs abiead ta use ibis coni- vention as a mevans or an excuîse for iakiag our anual we,-ll-earaedc vacation. F'or 1 thoraugbly believe fromi observa- tion andI experience ibat everybaIdy should get away fron his or ber custoin- ary occupation or business ai leasi iwo weeks in every year. 1 don'i know o! any class o! mon or womnen who really need aor are mare de- serving o! an hoaiesi-to-goo4aiess care- free holidlay or vacation than fice aven- ageneppr editon. On second1 tbaugbt, 1 might include two others wVlio aire also slaves ta the pulici antI ta general bumanity: the family phyjsician antI the average farmner's wif e. The id-a a! an annual Press trip anIi( convention is not a aewv fanidangled 2Oth ce-ntury innovation. _,t siarted way bitck in 1859 wýhea the ~~s Association wvas organized by weekly newspaper mnii aad for 65 years ibey bave been meet- ing every year usnualiy in ihe mantb o! June. Tho, Canadiami Weekly NewspapcrsAs sociatioa as an offsprng of ibe parent arganizatian is putting forth every effort ta lep upi)bte splendid traditions wic(h brouglitsu0 many outstanding aewspaper editors togeiber year la andI year oui. To-da,,y no one asks the WJmy o! Con- ventions. Every organizaion bas a purpose, wbich usuialiy amnouals ta Pie promotion of the indlusiry ibat it ne. preseats, oanflie protection a! lis mtnom- bers, Wene il not fan the facitati the intorosis o!f these linos of iadustry are pratected tia al times by persan s familliar with every angle o! the bus,- iness, thoy would perhaps be often bar- assed by uniaielligeat legislation, or other ihings o! an absirttcting chanmicier. But the purpose o! businessorai- tîins such as thie C. WV. N. A. is not -anly to Sseihat industry le proîected againsi elements ihat are destructive in thein charactoer, but ta improve the par- ticular lino o! iadustry represenied ibat ht may maintain an honoarable positian in the business world antI ifs local cota- Oae methoti a! "K<eep)ing Up with the tim-es", is ta attend conventions, antI ltothing perhaps bias been inore beneficial ta Canadian citizensbip tItan. natianal meetings where the editors from fie Western Provinces sialte bands Witi theit Maritime niea, andI wbere tlic problens o! the far-flung parts o! Canada are broughitat the attention -o! the mn -who live in the ceaire, or more tiikly populated, provinces. They get oach holding conventions la different parts] athen's idleas andI viewpoiats. The practice o! the C. WV. N. A. in o! the couatry blas praved o! 'imense value ant Imemnbers go borne a! ter every meeting witlt aew ideas wbicb, wbea put lato practice. or improved .upan, are worih a great deal ta the cammnuaity antI individual readers whiclt are served by ibeir lcaal aewepaper. To one who bias beeýn atiendling tibe annuai gathieringe and press trips !ainly reguiarly for the pasi tweaty years, m cian assure my readers ibat it requires very litile persuasion ta coanviace your- self that you cannai afford to miss tinis grand eveni a! tibe year. The pleasant menýorios o! good 2e11oawîshipladi friterai- iting wiib your' bretbrun of the news- paper profession, saly iohing o!ftte splendidl eniertalament flint is ilways accôrded the ediltors and thoîr wives, croates anew that desiro itut - muai attend the C. W. N. A. conventian ibis year". Jusitat show aur tenders the 'hit' sent oui ibis year ta tbe u nsuspecting editors ay Manager E. Hoy Satyes fronti the Asaito h eati office in 'or oa hiere is a samipie a! one af the advancel notices about the Conventian: "*Everythiag is in readiaess for the sivth "Get-together"'. There is ta bc, splendid entenialament by the Manitoba Governmieni, Winnipeg City, Whaipeg BoardI o! Trade, C. P. R. antI C. N. P. The ladies w-ii o-la in al] these big eveais antI there wili ho a special Win- nipeg Commuitee ta inieresi ibose ladies who do not cane ta attend the business Fessions. Premnier Dunning o! Saskat- cbewan, antI Premier Bracken o!fMiai- toba, are to ho preseai ai various f unc- tions. Mayor W7ebb will !ormally apon the Conventian...The business ses- sions promise ta ho extra good." Alter roadiiag the above andI more isi it aay oditor ,pulls ibe raIl-ý top dowa oa is des1k, !oýge sbilao o! love, for a farnigbit antI beais it witb bis wif., for Winnipeg Lest sanie o! aur thni!ty subsanibers who hoard Up) Victory Bonds instead o! speaing heirmono ilatravet accuîse uso!su idng on r hard-earned wonlth la transportatiion ant Inotions liv- ing in Pullman Coaches antI diners, we wish ta set thein miads ai case by let- tlng theni la an a !sanily secret. t is ibis: The railtway antI steamship coni- panies a! Caniadlabave for yeans extad- ed the courtesy a! free iranisporïtion over their linos ta editol's andtI liir ,,ives when aiiendiag axinual conven- tians. ta faci, ibis year fice raiiway qQinpanies vory geaerously offered transportation as fan west as Vancouver tu ibose £wishing ta go bond Winni- peg. We regroited circumnstances pre- venteti us froni gaing thte -limit for sirîce beiag la Winnipeg wo now realizo the fnbl sigalilcance o! the expression -Where the Wesi Begins" antI we should mnucb like ta have visitcd the Sunset Provinceý. Befo1'e launchingioa a detaileti re- port o! the trip, I wisl ta refer to a kiadly aci a! fic Winnipeg Dally News- lity whlch later we found abounds thru- out the prairie provinces. The dally Publi.ghers had prepared and xnailed to miembers of the Association an attracýtive prograin of the Convention. The front page had a s-triking illustration or Cow Boy dressed in typica-i Western cos- tume riding on~ a charger and carrying a banner with the inscription, "The P'en is Mightier than. the Sword", and down the page ia large letters *"WeIcoriie yee 3Editors to Winnipeg". Then as a further introduction ïnd welcome this poem apeared on the aext page of the prograta: OUT WHERE THE WEST BEGINS Out where thie handclasp's a little , troig- et, Out where the smaile dIweqls a littieý longer, That's where the _West begis; Out where the sun is a little brilhter, Where the snows that fall are a trifle wbhiter, Ami the bonds of homie are a wee bit tighter, 'rhat's %where the Wfest begins. Out whefre the skies are a trifle bitter. Out where friendship's a Iittle trueýr, That's where the West begins; Out where a fresher breeze i s bl wýin, Whiere there's laughter in every strean- let flowing, Whiere there's more of reatping anid iess of sowinig, That's where the Westbeis Oui where the world is in themklg Where fewer hearts in despair are ach- ing, That's where the West begins Where there's more of singlng and less of sighing, Where there's more of giving andl less of buying, And a man maltes friends -,îthout balf *trying- That's where the West begins. -Arthur Chapman. NOTE-Having only given the pre- face without a word about the actual trip we flnd in making tu) our papor the last minute we are forced to hoId over the balance of thiis article until next week. Unexpected dems.nd fazL-tadver- tising space in this issue i s Donsible for this abrupt ending. So like thep serial story i the magazine wve sign off: To be coatiaued in our nexi issue. G.W«. ENNISKILLEN Promotion examninations tin S. 'S. No. 16, Darlington, in June. NaTines tinor- der o! merit: Sr. 111 to Jr. IV-Murieýl Moore hion, Leona Bradley, Myrtie flrad- 1ley, Jr. 111 to Sr. 111-Doris Griflin hon, Harold Stevenson hon, Annie Oke. Sr. II to Jr. 1II-Willie Wallace hon, Naomi Vîrtue hion, Grace Werry hion. Elsie Moore, Joe Stevenson. Howard Oke, Alice A,ýshton, May Strong rec. Jr. il to Sr. II-Lloyd Brunt, Earl Trewin rec., -.Audrey Brunt rec. Sr. 1 to Jr. II -Helen Bruini. Jr. 1 to Sr. I--Marie Oke, Ruby Virtue, Bruce Ashton. Sr. Pr. to Jr. I-1iuth Stevenson, Bernice Stain- tont, Marion Griffin, Fred Trewin, Clifford Pethick. Pr. A to Jr. Pr.-Verna Pet- hick, 1Kathleen Mudge. Laura J. Andrew, Glaclys A. Smith, Principal. Assistant. SEE THIS BALL GAME Wednesday, July 29th at 7 p. m. sharp on Publie School groun1da an OId Timie basebail teaan will play the Hîgh Sehool team for benefit of Fresh Air Camp Fund. Mayor T. S. Holgate will take collection. The plaXers of 25 years ago are: Messrs- C. B. (Bean> Kent, A. (Dusky) Mingeauid, James (Corby) Williams,1 W. (spud) Wilcox, W. (Casey) Mar- tyn, F. (Doney) Martyn, E. F. (Waxy) Weekes, Geo. (Jetto) Weekes, Lu. <H1am) Houper, C. (Goosie) Osborne. To make the line-up complete F. C. (BaiIb.) PeVh.- ick should manage the Veterans. BOARD AND BOOM Young lady wants board and room or ronm alone in privýat, famnil-'. Apply M. T., Drawer B., Bowmanville. 30-tf I ~'- HERE ES YOUR CHANCE $5.00 Off Regular Price of Every Suit in This Store Suits that were purchased on diff erent occa- sions at very sjpecial figures now offering men and .young men 'wide choice of style and fabrie and value that is only possible under the most unusual circumnstances. Corne to the store that always seils for less. Complete lines of mnen's and boys' furnishings. Se (G. Chartran 1 door west of Bell Telephoee Phoutt 26 omuil 7, Articles For sale BUGGY FOR SALE-Rubber, tîrot buggy VWitl1 Wood wboels, la gooti re- pair. Repainteti. A. W. Plcltard, phono 185, Bawmanville. 30-tf FURNITURE FOR SALE.-[ Oakt Sida- board, 1 Diaing Boom Rtue, 1 Waoden Roclting Chair. MrS. R. WHommes., Church Street, Bowmanvlle. 25-t! CAR FORS SALE.-Taurinig cat in good Condition, wouiti malte aven into good truckt. Apply Wmn. Wilco)x. Queen St., or Wesqt EndI Pool Hoata, Bowmianville. 30-3w FORD TRUC'K FOR SALE-Wlît Olsian Unlite extension, il/. ton .sidie springs, speed axle, starter andi generator, sialte bady, ln good condtion~a. Apply ai Cale's Garage, phone 54, Bo-emaaville. FOR SAýE-7 yoar oltI mate, weight 1050 lbs., goati free driver, p:erfecily quiet, als0 buggy anti barness; 1 Tor- onto Comaputing Scale, made bye Can- ada ScabCo, (20 lbs), la porfect aorr, nerlynev;50 fi. grocery anti hardware sevn 1set new teay lnes; apmîmer o! tItawers-32 la. MrtnBras., Bow- -maniville, 29-3w FOR RENT-Apanimnent, caatalniag 4 roonis, electria llgbt anti waior. Appiy ai The Statesman Ofice. w'ear & Travelling, Goods Pho-ne 120 rJoRO1Il1 Dorotby Brand Evapovrated Milk is an extra good quality. Just a little better tban any other milk put in cana. We want you to try just 2 ens and we are go- ing to seîl at this very Special Price to bava you try it - 2 CANS FOR 25c Soap, aIl kinds -........ ....10 Bars 63e FaIs N.aptha ............ . . . .10 Bars 69c French Mustard in a cup, Specialo10et cup French Mayonnaise Salad Dressing cups, Special..............i5 Ki.ppered Sniacks,...........-.4 for '23c H. P. Sauce, large bottle..... .......23c Gem Jars, piats, per dozen ........$1.03 Gem Jars, quarts, pet do . .......... 3 Bowmanville Betty Brand Milk is a very bigh class Condensed Milk, put up by the same people that put irp Dot- otby. If you use Condecnsed Milk try this, one. SPECIAL PRICE 19c 1~~. - Black Tea, bulk, Special, try 1 lb. at 68c Prunes,............2 ]bs. 23e Royal Yeast . . . .5c package Fleiscbmnan's Yeast........... 4c cake Wiltard's Chocolate Bars,.....3 for 13e Watev Glass for packing eggs; Regtiîar 20e sise for 14-c; large size 40e for ,.ý...29e Broomxs . .. .. .. ... 1Baker and Confectioner Bowrnanville Buy Corbett's Bread MADE IN BOWMANVILLE Being loyal to your community is, good ad- vice. So does Corbett make good bread. Tr$T a loaf to-day. You'1l like it. We strongly re- commend CORBETT'S 100% WHOLEWHEAT BREAD CORBETT'S MILK LOAF Co'rbett's attractive display of cakes and pastry so reasonably priced is savng many a liougewife the worry and expense of baking these hot sultry days. Willard's Ice Cream For Sale W. P.Corbett White Footwear Foi' Hot Weather Women's White Buck Sandals, regular $3.50 value priced at.........................$2.9 5 Womein's White Kid Strap Shoes, regular $6.50 at ...................................50 0 Women's White Canivas Strap Shoes and Oxfords to clear at .... . ............$. 50 Women's Patent SandIals ...............$1.85 Women's Caif Sandals..................... $1.85 Misses' Sandals, size il to 2 .............$1.45 Knox's Shoe Storei -C. S. Masons Exclusive Shoppe- ANNOUNCE THEIR Annual Midsummer Clearance Sale of - - DRESSrES-- STARTING FRIDAY, JULY 17TH., 8:.30 A. M. ENDING SATURDAYî, JULY 25TH., 10:30 P. M. C. S. MASON The Personality Shoppe Phone 161 Bowmanville Next Door to F. F. Morris Co. T. He. Kniýýght's Store News SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEKEND Wanteçl PONY WANTÈD-Thiteen to four- teen bands, safe for children, Drawer WANTED AT ONCE-A small house to reni, in or near Bowmanville, for working people with 4 chlldrea all btool age, moderate rent. Write to Mrs. F. J. Flint, H. H. No. 4, Oshawa P. O. 30-1 Help Wanted HEL.P WANTED-Man and wl!e waaied to do farm and housework. .Ap-. ply to Statesman Office, Bowmianville. 230-if To) Let COTTAGES TO RENT-Lake Scugog, ail coaveniences, ten minutes fromn Janetyille Station Mrs. 1-. Middleton,> ]4adsay, or Phone 105, Bowmanille. 2a-3ûwt TO LET-The sbop and roonis over same and the latI back of sarrie to Queen Street, known as the Prower Block, lately occupied by James Ben- nett. This is a most desirable pro-. Perty, Apply to Mrs. Ei Y. Prower, Bo-wxatrville. 2a-tf TENDERS WANTED -Bu tenders are invited for suiperîn teadeat's bouse o! Boys' Training School, Bowmanviile. Plans and sp)ecifications may be had !rom Supi. Dr. Heama-nn, Lowe St., ]Bowmanville. Tenders to he la Archiiect's office o! Provincial Secr'e- tary's Depanmmnent not laier ihan .Tlv 2th. Lowest or any tender not rnecessarily accepted. 30-1 Lost or Found FtIELD GLASSES LOST-Wil the per- son or pensons who borrowed field glasses froni the laie Fred Couch, kind- iy rtin samne to Mrs. Couch. 29-tf SUITCASE L.OST-Brown suitcase on Suaday evenîng, July 12, Provincial Highway, between Whiiby and Oshawa, coataining Montreal bank book, money, wearing apparel, etc. lRèward for te- turn to Charles Greenharn, R. H. 3 Bow-maaville or Stateseman Office. 30-1

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