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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1925, p. 6

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FOR HOMES THAT WANT THE BEST FOR COOKING Our stock of Groceries is fresh and seasonable. Fresh' Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Can'ned Goods,' Pickles, Catsup, Relishes of ail kinds. 1Headquarters for Poultry Feeds and Supplies. HARRV PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMAN VILLE Summer Needs You wiIl find this hardware store wefl equip- ped to supply your summer requirements, such as: IjAMMOCKS SCREEN DOORS FISHING TACKLE SCREEN WINDOWS LAWN HOSE, ETC. PLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVE Cali and see the goods and get our prices. MASOJ*N & DALE he Popular Hardwae --Quality and Right Prices Phone 145 Bowmanville GYPROC Advantages Pire protection Low cst Cannot bura S ws likemisbr Nou-warpiag Cen be1 p jted Aabastined <Cn bm Papered Vermin Pro Resits heat andI Cold Saaitary Wll not crck Kemp8 o, Moislur Easily quickiy protets yir tock. -Every Farm Building Needs GYPROC YOTJ can keep yotur stock iii better health and increase the value of your entire ta.rm by using Gyproc. Gyproc is fireproof wallboard, cast in sections. It eliinates fire hazards. It keeps your home and farm buildings warm all winter b.- cause, being made of solid rock, cold wnd anId moisture cannot penetrate it. Its section% are noules directly Vo the Jeists ans! studdijig. Thie joints are then âUles! with Gyproa joint Filer, ensuing a perfect, flat, Slno9th surace. Qypro cau be paintes!, Aabastined, paperes! or panelies!. ODSPHQ$PHODINt1, 7'he Great Eagflish Preparation. Tones antri nvgo rates the whole petous systena. iakes ne* Blood n -ad Veina. Used for Nervous Desph>dè7 Deility, AentaJ ad BriuWorry, ,iLoss of £nerg-vPalpitation 4o! the Hcart, FalgMeryr. Prll$-pet bGx,3.ý, for $51 Solti by all drsaggists, or mailed in plain pkg. on re'eipt of pri-cç. New paxmphlet ma' led 'rce. 11EWOOD MESIcINE COXGROtTO.,ONT. Dook's Regulating Compound 4A afé, relialts regulaing Mnedicine. Sold inlatbree de- grees ofs trenth-No. 1, 81; -No. 2, S3; No. 3, 85 per box. Sold by ali drug.gists, or sent npaidon reeiptof price. rep phlt dresa: THE COOK MEDcgNco., M ÎIYC TUDTO,ONTr.<ormerlyWndorj BOWMANVILLE, JULY 23rd., 19251 SOME LITTLE THINGS B. Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver, Colorado. Man lias sacceeded in conquoring beusta 'of every kins!, whether in tlie jungle or out on the plain. Wiat lie bas net tamed he lias m9aitly extlngui-sled. No long. en doos ho four tie roar of the lion, ,or the grçwl of the tiger, or the trumpeting of the elephunt, and Vie mumniotli ans! Behenioth ho has stowed 4coinfortalily away in museum galleries. But it is far diff erent witi Vhe creaturea which are regardes! as "litý tle on earth", They have become dangenous as civilization advances. Man is noV inventing weupons te fight "big game" uny mare, but lie is giv- ing bia thought Vo the pests that are ever creeping in on him. Ho is in everlasting atruggle with micro-or- g aniinis. He cannot take a rest or he would be encompAsses!. The figlit is open and continuai. Juat now, Vie scientiats are con- tening on Vie cancer genm, that is yearly incrcasing its ole, accordini te Vhe luw of universal evolution, for, as the manner of lufe becomes loss primordial, Vie greater the danger ironi the inconceivably sail, con- fronta hii. The Britisli "Lanc9t", a conserva- ive journal read extensively by the regular, achool of medicine, has glv- en a fonin of endorsement ta wiat is believed Vo lie the discovery of Vhe germ of cancer by a noted Engliali in'vestîgator of Vlie British Institute of Medical Research. The author. ity In question statos that the find. or bas been able Vo photograpli Vhs cancer genni, 0f course, without Vie aid af pliotography, the battle against he liacihli would be ever so mucli ard- er, if noV impossible Va wage. In this particular case, it is given out that the germ. which ha been seen is only a diatunbance in Vie raya of ligit. Getting dawn very fine now, down Vo Vie constant of light--an intenference with rays of ,ligit, unknown ta Vie nakes! oye, makes a deadly garni which thnoat- ens Society. We presumû ,that the advance i the seanch for Vie deudly bacillies, if it is that, or just a "state ofmd, ina been gained ithrough Vie invenit- ion ai tic ultra-microscope, which depends for its miraculous acope up- on new light waves on raya used alon)g with powenful leases. This instrument can be employed ta de- teet Vie presence and estimate Vie quantitios of partiales of fluid whichh otherwise would be invisible. It can detect whut is known as Vie "filten-passers," i. e., organismasa minute asVto lie inseparable by a Pasteur filtar iri the liquid con- aining Vieni. Certain Structures of colis ans! ap- purently same ai Vie "filter-passers" are transparent Vo all visible wave- leng-ths of liglit, buV are more on Iess opaque te ulra-violet raya, ta whirc a phoVographie plate is sensi- tive. IV is hs nethos! tint ha been uses!, no doubt, Vo sacure photo- grapis of the newly discoveres! "1germ" of cancer, if aucli it may be termes!. Already, by moans oi the powerful beami-ray and tie lana combines!, investigators have isolat- cd Vie virus garni ai pneunioniu and other "filter-passens." 1Isolation ai a g-enni is sure ta be followed by disecovery af an anti:' oxini use ai the poison te produce a wall ai resistunce witiin Vie body, as it -wene, on Vie ancient bypathesis tiat "like cures like" per the honico- pathiicpinciple. Isolation oi the genni is often ac- coptes! as victony aven the diseuse in medical circlea. Howevcn, in the case of cancer it may be different, as anc aschool belleves tiat cancer is an evolutional disease of Vie body noV Vo be attackes! in Vie ordin,.ary mnanner. And!, even 'witb ather diseuse gens,: which have been isol- [ated and seemingly conqueres!, some- thiag aiten stops in Vo take thoir places, this, Voo, according Vo Vie universal law that doca noV permit us ta lie off aur guard against Vie inicrascopical enemy for a marnent. Peniapa Vhe patient investigators nxay fins! ana ai Viese, Vhe "ffi" gernni, if suci thone be, it, also, belonging Vo the incredibly miniute '5file-paasers". But, as witth the so-cailed cancer genni, there are thase wivo feel tinttheViengin ai Vhe "flin" was ans! is more n-----a- or metaphysical than physical, being a ingtit ae a pinul.Thsewho wcere periodicaily subject Vo quinsy have tins made themacives imimune t attaci. ORONO ITEMS (From Th~e News of July. I6ti> Miss Muhligan, Bowmar¶villoe, 1s visiti'ng Mrs. T. Stanton. Miss So-uthi, Hamilton, is visiting lier son, Mr. David South. Mrs. Henry Richards, Wooler, 'vis. ited her cousin, Mrs . H. Moulton. Mrs. Frank Stinson and daughters, Toronto, visited Mr--. W. S. Stinson. Miss Edith Cowian, Wellesley Hos- pital, Toronto, is holidaying st home. Miss Mary Soervillo lias a posi- tion in Purliament Buildings, Tor- onto.1 tMrs. W. S. Roy *and daugliter, Cooksville, are visiting Mrs. W. Col- ville. Miss Agatha Stuples, Marristown, N. J., is at lier f athe?'s, Mr. Win. Staples. Mr. Bruce ElliotV, Standard Bank, on duty after a ploasant holiday ut Park Hill. Buckley-Wood family pienie Wed- nesday ut Hampton Meanorial Park was well attended. Mn. Cecil Archer, Port Hope, v-is- ited his uncle, Dr. Arche-r, Port Per- ry, and called on The News. Roev. and Mns. Alex. Edmison and Miss Dorothy -and Master Ralph are on holidays ut lber' fatherys, Mr. Wm. Corniali. Orono Womeni's Insttiute lias hean invited to attend a, picnic given by Millbrook Women's ftnstitute at Mrs. Earle's on July 23rd. 3fr. W. C. H. Mitchell, Forestry Farin, hus bought Mr. Win. Riddell's residence, Miill St., formerly known as the Sievewnight properVy. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Armsrong, On Gamsby and Miss Agatha Staples were invited guestsaut a Gardon Party given by 3fr. and Mrs. R. /S. MeLaughlin at "Parkwood", Oshawa. Sucessful candidates who obtained Interini Second Glass Centificates: Roy H. Cornish, Mary L. Davey, Ir- ene Elliott, William LycetV, Eileen M. Souch. Limited Third Glass: Dora P. Bowen, ]3eatrice B. Soueh, Jean V. Stewart. Corna are painful growths. Hol- loway's Corn Remiover will remeove them. WORKING GIRL'S EXPEBIENE RÂdHow She Fotind HeIp iLydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompournd Arnprior, <k)tario.- 1I muet write and tell yae&>uy 4 xrence with yenr medicine. 1 waE werking at the factory, for tllroe years and became se run-downj that 1 uses! Vo take weak spolîs and1 would be at home at loast oea day eachj week. 1 was treated hy the doctors for, anemia, but it didn't seem to da me any good. 1 was told te tako a rest, but was unable te, and k#ept on getting wonse. 1 was troubles! mostly with my periods. 1would sometimea pesa three months, and #hen 1V carne It wold last uround twoweeks, andI1 would have such painsat ies in my righit uide that I couldihardly walk. I amn only 19 yearsofai go and mweigh 118 pounds uow, ans! before tak- 1 7te Vegetable Compound! I wus only 109 pounds. I was sickly for two year& and some of my friands told me about Lydia E. Pinkhamr's Vegotahie Com- pound, and when 1had take a bottle of it 1 feht a change-. My mether ha beon taking It for a*ffo-rent ail-ment and has fouas! it very satisfactory. 1 amn willingt to tell fnleuds about Vhe medicine and1 bo unswer lettons aaking about it. "- ' MLiss HÀZEnL BEN-DTi, Box 700, Arnprior, Ontario. A day out etici week shows ini the puy envelope. If yen are troubled with sme weakness, indicates! by a rnsadown con- dition, tires! feelinigs pains ans! irregu- arft& 1let Lydia E. M1kham', Vegeta. beCmpound help you.C Wotsld flot be Without Zutoo Tablets At Any ÇOSt1 Mr. A. O. Norton, the millilonaire jack Maniufacturer, of Boston, who reý- cently died, was a great "booster" for Zutoo Tablets. H.e suffered from headaches from child- hood and wben lie foand Zutoo Tablets stopped these headaches in a few minutes and left no bad effect, lie begau rlecon- îmending thein to bis fawily an±d fiends. In an unsolicited letter, Mr. Norton says in closing : "My famnily use them when ever needed with equally good resuits. I have f re-' quently given themn to friends who were suffering f rom Headache and they mever failed to give quick relief. 1 always carry Zutoo Tabletas in My grip on the road and WOULD NOT BE, WITHOU1T THEM AT ANY COST." ý25 cents per box-at all dealers. have learned Vo rely upon Dr. J. D.ý Eellogg's Asthma Rem'edy.-So safe Io they feel tlhat complete reliance is placed on tils true specific~ with the certainty that it -will al-wlays do Ill that its makers laim. If you ave not yet ],earned -bow suie- you nre with Vhs. preparation at hand get it to-day and know for yourself.j NEWCASTLE (Crowded out last week.) 3 Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Cooke visited Toronto recently. Mrs. (Rev.) G. R. Ciare and Miss Meta Clare, B. A., INor-wood, were recent guests of AIrs. W. H. Pearce. Congratulation~s to our local young ladies, Misses Elizabeth Han- cock, lys Gilbank and Beatfice Bragg on having passed their Normal Scliool examinations.; alie to Misses Eileen 'Ca oke, 1?orothy aud Evelyn Rickard, Marion Rickard and Audrey MeGuire on their splendid successes in the, recent music exama held in Bywinville. Mrs. Alex. MeLeod and daughters Aiudrey and Dorothy, cformer citi- zens, now ýof Toronto, have Vaken upl sumimer apartenents in Miss Hazel Barï'ie's bouse. Miss Audr,.y is re- ceiving many ongratulJations on 'having completed ber ,course at Tor- onto University and received lier B. A. Degrec. Mr. MeLeod ac- companied Mrs. McI.eod and daugli- ters to see theni comf ortsllly settled for the summer in bis native village. Mfr. and Urs. J. Scott Montgomery of Lakefield have been renewing frieildships here staying principallyl at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.- Jamieson and M~r. and W. F. Rickard. Monday Mfr. Rickard and Mr. Montgomery, the formner now D. D. G. M. and a P. W. M. of Dur- hiam Lodge, and the latter also a P. W. M. of Durham Lodge, A. F. & A. M,, motored to Hlamilton to at- tend the Grand Lodge of Ontario. Tliey were accompanied by Mrs.1 Riekard and Mrs. Montgomery. UNITED) CHURCH NEWS NEWCASTLE (Crowded out lat week) With a new preaener, a new solo-1 ist and a new organist, the regular1 eongregation of Mill St. United! Churcli miglt have ibeen excused Sunday evening for imagining that the whole church had been trans- ported in sonme iraculous way to soine entlreiy new location. Put-. ting into ,practice the fainliar adage that a change is as good as a rest, Rev. E. B. Cooke and Rev. Thos. Wallace, Newtonville, arranged a friendly exchange of pulpits for the evening service. Rev. Thos. Wal- lace delivered a gripping sermon on "Death Bed Repentances." The organist was a distinguished nmusie- ian-Mr. F. Weaver, Mus. Bac., or- ganist of Alexander Presbyterian Churçh, Brantford, who with Mrs. Weaver aud daugliter have been en- joyling a f ortnight's holiday -,it, 3fr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, former Wragg Farni, Base Lipe, Clarlke., The special soloist of the evening, was M rs. Foster Snowdon of Osh- awa. The large congrogation, in-' cluding inany visitors, enjoyed the wbole service vory mucli-sermon,ý organ niusic and singing. The reg- ular organist, Mrs. E. C. Fisher, playod the accompaniments for Mrs., Snowden and foar the choir"antheni in whicli Mrs. C. A. Co-wan took a lovoly solo part. An unexpected musical treat of' unusual neiet was aff ordod New-. castle music lovers in Mill St. Unit. ed Churcli on Monday evýening when Mr. F. Weaver, Mus. Bac., of Brant-, ford, under auspices of Mrs. E. C. Fisher's group of the Ladies' Aid, vevy kindly and generously gave an organ, and piano recital of surpas- sing excellence. As a special favorj to Mrs. E. C. Fisher, organist of the church, Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker of Bowmanrville and The Bragg Quartetj of Shaw's assisted on the evening's prograi and fieely contributed of their vocal- art in sevoral keenly ap- preciated numbers. The audience was, of course, largely feminine in character and it demonstrated t appreciation of the beat in music y vigorous applause for evory number, vocal and in.strumnental. FOR WOMEN ESPECIALLY Delinoator for August. Vegotable dinners ýareù growing in popularity, probably resuit of knowing that vegetables have benefits that foods we like better can not confer. Per-1 haps son-ie of us have progressod to the point -where we recognize,> through the wider use of vogetables,1 redder cheeka-the red of nature-' straighter bones, more perfect eohm-I nation of wastes and a genoral im-1 ,rovement in 1-he. -1-1.tone 9f guarantee of quality for 30 years ýT]E.A good ted' The ORANGE PEKOE is extra gooci. Try it 1 "Neyer too Late to Mend" May be a very good maxim, but "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" is much better DONT fLet your Home, Outbuildings, or Fences get toc bad before you comnmence to look after them. We shall be glad to give you estimates on Luïàider, Pine, Hlemlock 9B. C. Fir and Cedar. Shingles, B. C. Red Cedar, and Quebec White. Cedar. Ruberoid Roll Roofing, Shingles, and Building Paper. Ten-Test Fibre Boai>d for insulating and walI board. Cernent and Lime Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring'a specialty. NOW is the time to put in your next winter's sup ply of Coal and Coke. Our Watchword is SERVICE Cali and see what we can do for you. McClelIan & Co., Limited King St. East Offce Phone 15 BowmanvlU Hoube Pkono 328, 274, 314 A restfui night on Lake Erie Makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool statcroo.m, a long sound sleep and an uppetizing breakfast in the rmorning. Steamers "SEEANDBEE"-«'CJTY 0F RIE»-*"C=TYOF BUFFALO" Daily May Ist to Noeember l5th Leave Buffalo 9:00 P. M. f Eastern ILeave Cleveland-9:CO P. M. Arrive Cleveiand *7.00A. M. Standard lime J Arrive BSuffalo -*7:OOA.M~. *,Sreer "CItY OF BUFFALO" arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and otaer points. AkLu iktaeto tuiteec o iktsveC&BLn.Nworist Automobile Rate-$7.50. Sen,-',for treecion-lpuzzle chart nof Theear DtS!, theGrer Sp "EEANDBEE" andiSENBE 32-page bookietLength,50 er The Clevelanti&LBuffalIo Trau 't C .Btcadih, 98 fet Clvead, O0[u-.. ach, Fare, $5,50 - ~~YourRailTlclretiI - * *- -1 ~ o teos I Cultural Advantages at, Albert College RESIDENTIAL SCJ«)OL FOR YOUNG MEN AND WOM,,N Studente attending Albert Cellrlm have the adymatage of thorough tr~aing in tbçie Iaita. speei-acours" ake aveituble in Mugie and Expre&i*n eýN Theie insdude the study of Piano, Orga% escQy of Mir,ç V<oice CWture and Pubipiý PkiIÇ, Cours., and eeaiations lhadin a cmd chdic h graduating dgreç of lTc~ScutoComaoevator7 o« Maime p. qpven et Albert Colle. Geacral coiuaes iecludeprepara6j<Um frvosity, flthry *IELLUVMLLE,. GNW. Tesching and Comnmecial caweea. Seheol" For Calend'a, and oth~ er tuIeurawrl tO Prospwerity is Neyer Saf e Prosperity is nýeyer saf e unless it rests upon protection. Your home is neyer saf e. PROTECT JT BY INSURANCE Your business is surrounded by risks. Insure Your valuables are always in danger unless protected by insurance. Insure your present prosperity to remaiii prosperous. We can help you. For Ail Kinds of Insurance Consuit J. J. MASON & SON. Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone '0 King St. E. Bowmanville T enm RdRs"bsbe

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