BýR 12, in Tor- 1 tipt and Mrs. Win. Jarnieson spent with friends in Osha-\wa. E 1B. Neale, Port Hope, is sister's,Mrs. J. J. Uglow. Haney of Forest, whio speni days in Newcastle has returned an.d Mrs. James Parsonis, a, were in Town for Thanksý- ird of Brighton, atti n of chemnieal toietsi *, Boniathan, to selI 25, C r, NOV. 1 nu p. M.l ance. $20.00, On W. Philp ar'e1 tlheir lnew 1 gh, Bro-%wn's 'ing with her r( 1-Ut0hr h les, Torolto, e with ?Mr. in, Toronto, Swith Mr. ns. of their man3 ýnded to Mr. and Mn' on the birtlh of theii old Vernon.Ernest Gibson, Osii ind Mrs. Sidney Lux e, spent the bolida: /Irs. Harry Couch. Mattress us SI The erinstrue. 041, OR YOU Same Spec .r gu- and uroui vered with t2.3 0 p. in. serve yi and F0