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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1925, p. 6

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L.TH QÙUEST quest for a strong ften continueca from ood to oId ,age.. builds health and a body best through ment. Is Emusion goratino cod-iver depetudable aIIy to f any age ithle r health and a body. Take Emulsion! Quickly Drjve Out Ait RhieumaticPqiSDJso The first day you take Reia the doctor's reme.dy ta eîn so rapidly, youll realize thaet- when Rheuna goes in uric acid g o(ýut. Rt matters flot Whether Tou dare tortured with pain, cripplo<î with swollen joints or distressed w7ith Ioc- casional twinges, Rheuma ta gueiran- teed to end yoiir iheunulatîie trouble or money baclt. Rlieuma is just as effective in cases of lumbago, sciatica, arthritis and chroieic euralgia. Rheunuatism is a dangerous dis- case. It of ten affects the heart and causes de'ati. If you have il; i the sligtest degree get a bottle of ~Rleunia fronu Jury and LovýeIl or any good druggist today and drive it from your system, at once. 4 Z-utoo Tabets D3 Three Thinigs -stop Headache in 20 minutes ---break up a Cold over night - sto1 Monthly pains of women. There is one thing they wili not do-they won't hurt you. TO EXPECTANT MOTHERS Letter from MrsAyars Tel],% Ilow Lydia E. Pinkhaim's Vegetable Compound 1Helped Her Sprig Valley, Sak. - "I1 tooýk the Vegetable Compound before my last con-finenuent, when 1 got to feeling so badly that I could flot sle-ep nigh ta, imy back ached s0 across mly hips, and I pouid hardly do nuy work during th e day.i I never had such an easy con;finemnt and this la my sixth baby. 1 read about Lydia E. Pinkhanl's Vegetable ComI- pound in the 'Farmner's Telegram 'and wrote you for one of yo-ur books, W have no druggist in our t0w», but 1;sa your medicine in T. Eaton's catalogue. I am a farnuer's wife, so have ail kinds of work to do inside and outside the bouse. My baby is a nice healthy girl, who weighed nine pounds at birth. 1 amr feeling fine after puttting in a large garden since baby camie. (She is as good as she can be.) Yours is t-he b'est nuedicine for women, and I have told about Il and even written to my frienýds about i." - Mrs. ANNIE E. AY-ARS, Spring Valley, Sask. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comi- pouid is an excellent medicine f or ex- pectant mothers, and 8should be tak-en during the eintire perioti. Ithas agen- eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire systenu so that it may worki every respect as nature intenis. A'il drugýists sell tbis dependable medicire. Ge t a i.C ell ep ou uy ceczeaiia sore or itelhing erp d youIlI Se able tb rest and sleep once Tlink--inst a drop !I ait worthi trying? bril boule todfnla Jury s of Nov. l2tb) Silver .Medl Contest, iriday, No- vem-ber 27th, Misses Lette and Edna Stutt spent thue holiday at homme here. Mrs. Geo. Cooper bhas returned 10 lier home here fronu Toronto. Mrs. W. H. Reid, Bo'wmanville, le g .uest of Mis. Thomas Staintonj. Miss Rernice Tueker was home et Dr. Tucker's fromi Ottawa for Miss Ivy Liton, Toronto, was weekend guest at lier brotber's, Mr. G. M. Linton. Dr. and Miss Rae, Toronto, were; et Rey. J .W. Rae's for th.e hoidtay. Air. anti Mrs. Barsteati ant iMrs.ý Rarri, Toronto, spent Thanksgivi ng at Mr. 11. Hooper's,. Mïr. Wni. Cochrene and bride wvill occupy their faim at Kirby, f orruerly the James,, Brown place, MIr. and MIrs. Braclburn anti littie daughter Rutbi, London, visiteti their aunitMrs. W. J. Stutt. Mir. ant iMrs. Will Inch anti sons, Weston, spent Thanksgiving et lber fathier's, MIr. S. MI. Billings, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Gilfillan, 1Toronto, spent Tha,,nksg-iving- at bis brother's, AMr. J. J. Gilfillauu. MIr. anti Ms. Gîlliesq Mackay anti tieughýiter are spendiug bis holiday with lis parents et Port Elgüin. D Mr, anti Mfrs. Wmi. Undlerncîd, Toronto, Lare et Mianui, Foia where they -will Spenti the winter. MIr. ýanti Mrs. C. W. Vinson anti little son Frank<, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with relatives Jere. Mr. Robert Jolinston andi bride on the return fronu their honeynioon wiill occupyrom in the Post Office block. The cheapeesa of Mother Graves' Wormi- Extermninator puts it within readu of aIl, and ît cen be got at any druggist's. Mr. Edmond Cotrbledick and daugliter, Mliss Flora, are ocupy-1 ing their residence, Park St, vecateti by Mr. A. Beal. Mîr. Wilbert Scott and family have returneti to Meple Lake, 1ait- burton, having solti bis residenice on Princess St. to Mr. Aif. Beal. No man or wonuan shoulti hobble painfully about beceuse of con wben so ýcertini a relief tsaet handi as Holloway's Cor»i Remiover, Miss Rate Williaimson and frientis Mr. M. J. K-lnïaster and Miïss Al-1 pine, Toronto, spent Tlianksgiving nt the form-er's sister, Mrs. H. Ju-I.- e.Dr. anti Mrs. MeCleilanti and lit- tie daugliter, an-d cousins Mr. a nd Mrs. Featherstone, Toronto, visiteti the formier's parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Robt. Poster. Orono Lotige A.F.&A.M., wiil re- ceive an official visit fromi Dist. De- puty Grand Master, Bro. W. E. Clark, Oýshawva, at 'egular mneeting Novenuher 26th. Mrs. Alex. Lang and d au ghite r, Mrs. John Nocden, left Saturday for Toronto, whýere she vais met by- her son, Dr. Ross Leng of Chicago, sith whom shepurposes making b9r f1ori-e foir the wfvnter. Studenats of Toronto University and Faculties homne for Tlhanksgiving were: Messrs. 1-. Rickaby, F. Cut- tell, A. Somiervilie, J. Gilfillan anti R. Armstrong anti frienti Carl Barn- hart anti Misses Mlary Knox, Mary Somierville anti M. Dicksôn. Drives Asthme Like Mgc-h immiiediate help froni Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Asthme Remedy seems likçe -magic. Nevertheiess it is only a nit- urel remietiy sed in a natýurel wý,ay. The snmoke or vapor, reeching the moust remiote passage of the effecteti tubes, brushes asitie the trouble anti ojýensý a wa-,y for fresb air b enter*. It is solti hy dealers throughout thne landi. t Revs. Tucker anti Rae attendeti a meeting of the Maintenance anti Extension C-ommllittee Of PreSbyTtery of Cobourg et Trinity Churci, Bo-v mnanville, on Wednestiay. Much, business was transacteti anti ar-- rangemients matie for a Men'% Ban- quet. Th 'e wedding Is ennounceti of Alexander WalshI anti Mary Grace Mulbolland, Port Hope. he coIre- mony was performeti by Rev. Cha«r- les Atiams-, Toronto, niepbew of the, groom anti took plae at the homj-e' af J .H. Muliiollanti, 166 Westmn- ster Ave., Toronto, et noon on Wed- nestiay, October 28th. Powerful Meic in e.-TLhe healing properties in six essentiel otîs areý concentritet int every bottie of Dr. Thomas' Electric 011, forinig one of the miot beneficial liniments ever offereti to tbe us-e' of man. Many (an testify tb ils power in ailayîng pain, anti many mnore can ceirtifyI Iluat they owe their beelth to it. Ils wontierful power is niot expresseti by the smnall price et miceh il sells. -111r-ant iMirs. M1. L. Trvelle et- teti tefunerai of lber aunt, Mrs. Wmu. Weýlkey near N',etonvîlle. iDe- cea-seti was a tiauglter of the late1 Thiomias Greeýnrwood andi spent ber girlhood tiays inu Orono. 0f a fIaiy of three sons andti tree daughters one tme residents here, ail biaveý past. Intermrent Ioolk place et Port Hope.1 90 boutle telieves you or your A f ew of the lady frientis of -Miss Ct, D. D. D. soap, t00. 1Grace Virtue surpriseti her eat the hom-e of bier sister, Mrs. W. RittieJi, & LoeilDrugists on the eve of her irarriage, Thurs- day last, anti presýenteti -er with e ratten fernery and a pyrex liinet pie gulating Comnpound plate. A short complimentery adi- A efe reieie eglat tres was reud by Mrs. H. G. MVlc- aiedicivee Sold ilu hreed, "Kay tb which MsaVirtue matie a gres o strength-No. 1, S$1; grateful reply. Thbe remaindeýr of NIo. 2, $e3; No. 3, 85 per Soi. the evening e vs speut et cartis. A prpid on receipt cof prie tiinty lunich ~ serveti. Fiepamphlet. Address. TH'E COOK MEDICINIECO., The Family Physicin-Tbe gooti TORD NTO, ONT. FormerlyW ind or) doclor is elways worth iis f ee. But ___________'L is not alweys Posbe o get Iq' tioctor juat wben you wapt biI. In l PHOSP DIE sucli cases, common sensýe suggests ie Great Engtîsh Preparatin. the use of reliable homie reme-,dies, ies and invig-orates, the whole ,such as Dr. Thom-as' Electic ivomis myti.iakes new BLod wihi otef oldi Veins. Used for Nerlvous lyefctvlues RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY WEST FAST 5.28a. m.D ex M 10.14 a. M'D 6.« a. nm. 2.!5 P,.Din 8.20 a.m. D*7.48. m' 4.31 p. m. D 11.27 P. ni. D1 * 7.10 pn.mD 12.26 a. r. D D *-Daily except Sunday. D ex. M-Daily excepit Mondlay. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY W EST 4.>52 a. ni. F 10.07..l 2.02 p. ni. 7-1 1). ni. 7.06 p.nm. 8.24 P. ni. Sunday OnIy EAST 8.42 a. mu. 9.13a. fi. Sunday OnIly 10.16 a. ni. 1. 2 6 p.i. F 3.19 Jp. i. 7.14 p. i. 9.581p. Ini. 11.21, 12.34 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY WET TYRONE STATION ES 8:-'5 a. mi. 6: 18 P. . Dally Except Sunday Trot out your big apples, Durhamiii f armir, Ontarjo Reformer says: An apple in T, B.l, Mitchell's drig store window weighs . lb. 5 1/ ozs.i Is 47/s inches in diarneter and 14 7/ inche[s circunifeiýlnc1e. Shape and color perfect.e see. Tropical verdure, thje Wonder- 1 ble . 1ut*.s nresu and flellds f ut sunshine of the sonîfu, blue s'kies lliem Up. ocean breezes, sparkling- lakes aic wonierful ocean beeclies, they are, In just a fwdeys-quicker than alVn Fortiaen ar fr te1njo. ou ever dreanut of-these wonder- ment of those who seek tbenu. fiheeith building, fiesh cre-ating tablets calleti McCoy's Coti Liver Canadien Pacifie trains leave Tor, i Extract Tablets will start to b4pl on-to 8.00 a. m., 3.20 p. ni. anti 11.80 anbmf ndreib 1tijoe p. ni, connecting in Detroit et sain(-, iafter sn,ýicknIessant ilee.ckt tiepot (Michigan Central> wi'th trains are suspectedti iey are especially giving tlrougb sleeper service. The valuable. "Royal Palm" for Tamupa anti St. Motppl nwha rite Petersburg anti the "Ponce de lvMso te olknotihiarmite Leon" for Miamii anti West Palm lv of the lowly coçlfiae xtamintes Bleacb, the "Suwanoo River Speciai"ofteirtcssaeetcti-e for St. Petersburg, the "Flainpgo" kindti tat belp ail feeble untierweigblt with bthrougli service to Jackýso- ie n, woinen and chîltiren. vill, Tnip an Mimi.Try these wontierfiil tablets for vei Tepe nti Miamu 8 t10 days anti if your frai,puny chilti SpcelWntr Torsttckýets-tion't greatly benefit-glet your are now on sale to points in Florida money ba'ck, allowing diverse routings anti stop- A very sickly chilti, age 9, gaineti overs et principal pDints -witit final 12 pountis in '7 months. return humit June l15th., 1926. Ask any tiruggists for McCoy's Secure detaiïecti niormatîon alC~odi Liver Extract Tablets-as easy arrange your reservations tbrorgh tb take as candy anti 60 tablets, 60 any Canadian Pacific agent. -4-5 cents.i BANG FIFTYI Travels by Mail SEND your remittences by Stand- ard Bank Money Ortiers. They are convenient, efficient, andi economni- cal. The nuoney is fuiiy insureti against ioss 'or tlueft ini transit. It cen reach oniy the person to whiom 'tis ta *airessed. Standard Bank Money Orders are as gooti as cash anti !are acceptable anywbere t» Can- ada. Tri-E STANDARD BANK BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Mamnager Branches also et Newcastle, Newtonvilla , rn. , shawa $800 I CshPrizes RE A Wonderful Opportunity for Every W1ede-.Awake Man,11oman and Cl-ld -mmANSWER THIS PUZZLE ---WIN A BIG CASH PRIZE FOR CHRISTMAS Ï Are you wvide awake to yûur owfl tireets ? Are you deterniined to et ahead in hiei wodid? If so-enter thfs great puzzle coinpetltion- The Mail and Emire will give avay 100 CASH PRIZES tcetaling over $8,000.00, to men, wown and~ chlciren who send in the'nest answe-s to the "C-Word" Picture Puzzle. The Mail and Ènipire lias already paid Thousands of Dollars to successful prize wlnners in recent Puzzle- Gai-ns. The cash prizes ofered in comliectron wit t tins newý Puzzle Gaie w-ll be forwarded to the lucky winniers on Decombe 23rd, and reach them Wbe Cma How Many% Objecis Beginnïnlg With the Letter ",C" Can 'fou FInd hi TThis Picture ? The pic.ture belew cna a nunbe, of objectsa nd articles beginnlng wvith Gne 1 1zindred Caeh PrIzes wfi le givezi for the 100O best lists of wordas subrnitted t etter -C"'. You wil fid ael sorts of things tisat beginwitb thse )etter 1~ lihe~"cariera", -Cbbage-, "Qaif-, Cross", etc. See how many youi can fusd. 15 &IISweà to t7nis Pule. Tht. anaw;Ier having thse larg'est ansd neerea-t Correct list of This îla fot a trkk pamie; ruothing 1s hIddeai, anfi yoti dont hase tc turai the pttre ~ ~.~~ uWpahi down or sidewazys, Wle are glvtng you this large picture so tisat aul >bje&,sc tÈbeojüsadatse8I h ttueta tr ihtolte and arttclas atart-ing wvith thse tter "C" will lie easy for "u nt &sea: awarded FLraI Prize; second besi.. seco&nd Prize, etc. YG1JR ANSWER TO THE 'If-WORD" PIULE MUIST BE MUAILEID NOT LATER THAN WEI)NESDAY. DECEMBER 91b choose Your owu Prize from the To Be iveil Awvay yOu R GOREL A L5TTDOp pOR TUNVIY0FR P LiEA SUR'AN14D p R F0i7q1T DUÈFING SPA RETIE TRT YOURILISTOF -OD"T-A You may neyer In your lietimie be, given aniother oppoýrtunity such an we are ofrigyou 1in our Puzzl Ganie 10 "ply ad larn"- while earnIng a big cash 'pèize, You can't help enpoyig the lûint for 'IClWords" in thés Pleure Puzzle. Ail you need is an obsering eye. Let's al( join %i and have a jolly good time. IANo maer what you age, If you îke to aolivep uzzle, try yourhand aI 1hns one. Il realey la not a puzze ai ailfor i! the oAMtInShe MI g p uehave been mande peorfectly plain, with Yno attempt to disgulae or hide them. Gel a penci and paper and suee how mnany -Wor-vçjds" you can find. Whben you have nia<e up your Hm o f "C-Wýords" aend it in along ,vittl one,' twoý or three yearlye bclîoat The MaIil and Emnpire atI 5.00 per year, whih wM q uajI1y your a1iswer for Ce EBn ah Prizs 10 lae awarded on, Decembr 2DAto those sending 0» the 100 bent answers. U A WN ANDSOME CASHl PIIIZE VGOU XMAS. Start your IlI 0f"CWods T-oay T H E $8ROOOZPRIZELIST Winning nswers i eeive the Onie HnrdCash Priss acordng untce tabe below: 100 GUAND 8bel-jSbei-ISbrp esrp la iZIeS in s ji ien ss t ons riensAr I Are Sent. j Sent. j AreSC t. I Sent 2nd 111.... 29.U00 400 80. ,6. 4%d Pris.., 00 0.0 60.0 1200 8tui ez...10.00 2000 4000 10.0 lltit ç,. '. 6.0 10.0 2&.00 50.A0 Illthtu 201h Prises, mc. 4. 00 1 7.00 14.00 30A0 Prlises, IncLj !3.0Am1 6.00 12.00 J 20.0 PIsI b1001h 20 Aa mm 9I 4 In the event(dfa He for any prise offre ies mfu ansountQ0FM? lu rie wfl»be pald b eaeh i td t SuacritionRaesa-Payable in Achrance The -Mail and Evnpire anyher lecdl y 1m1all, $5.O0 per yean. Deiverd b'y csrerbylIfamiltn, $6.Of per yearp. MàaIl otir Puzzle ÀnwswerS sud QulflgSbcitonal (. A.MOTO RY PUZZLE MNGa THE MAIL AN4D EMPIRE Dept. 1 Torontei.<lnd 100 ---- CASH 1MPRz"IZfES ---10,' The -CWR"Pclr uzeGaine ilaacmpiet ineaswe Ihe pop Lliaity 0uf T-be Mail and Empire. R coala nothing laitepOrtand you dou nol hav e 10 adlua sul'- oIplion tu win a prs ,f your liaI of 11-Wvorda' is awarded sirt Prise by the judgea you «Hllmin $50,00; bulif you.twollld Ukete bmwn more ihn$30, we are saking Ihe follwing special ouser whereby Yeu carimin greater cash prises l'y aendi t ONE, o Wor te yal ubîitin 0The Mail and Emnp're. flEU'S 10WTIIE UTO PRIZES WILL ,BE WABE 5 bfLiv seewd of $30 wOl le awardied 10 the nwi '-'-""~ wnintngForulPrizeif ONE wyearlymr w0 The Mail and Eminre at $5»00 ly mail has been sent in. second Pèze., $40,0; TIrd Prise, $300,0, and so forth. ç(W se-cond coJulin of figures in ise liai,) M () inateed of $309tvill le awarded W tise as nitning Vs'ia rieif JTWO (new or renewal> yeaiy ubaripion 1 The Mad i nd Empire are sent lit. Second Prise, $800.00;ý Third Prise, $G00.o0, and so forth. (Se Ihird çoln of figures in prise liat.) ~~"" ild 0f $ut 30 mill!l'e awarded Iolise ase wlnining 'iraI Prise pro.vidd TIREE(new nr renewal) yearly eua"oipliopa 10 The Mail aud Empire are sent ln. Second Prise, 160.0 Third Prise, 125.0 and so forth. (See fourlb Columu o!fligures t» prise l,)-. lAntIb is the nmoal remnarkebie and libera-L offer you have' evur had precentdd youi? AralishaIts not ail. We "mill give extra atnounîs en aIl prises ln tise ame manner. If your answer ta qualiifld hy TUlIPE yearly subseriptins -and yeu wl» fouila prize, yon yull rcel-v. $600.00, aud sn forth downt tise prise Ilia.Toere given asp pprtcnity 10 partielpale 0lc 100 Prises Iotialliuw ve $.00twe Oa +s....i afb -~i- 4i FEASjY RULE S--- 1. -4-y nan Onao or ci1,1dwhIe lives inCanada ax,, is vnot ar1 deteiet , ndwh'I f Lo t i l, elso- Oueed y hsMail & EO iwn.inzSlgti4J000 or more, ar leteigMbe to ti inilpteluIkisP le _.%il aasers ustl'e maled1'y, eneaD eey,'er11h,191, !drse o C. A. Monltgomery, Iaze -Maage, 'The'Mail &Emie 4.AlliaIs 0f isues shon,'li- l'-wrtten on oeslde etu. Wite :Ir1f111fIa!ln t and1a1ress înl noper rltt h.d cre.If Yiu earete write nyicngebse, u1e a iearte szict. , .ý I.Onl 0hor, as appear In We',t,era leiear wlll Je couated , D o nt ue1,, ead cm ou d or oL5aoete wrds. here i e plural is uedthe luia even Lugil' "sed te esat I'fferenit ojcao arie,.A n obeetorrtcean l'e nassdny onc. Hoeeaoy viIble, p-t f -an bjeet Imý l'e isaf- 7. Tme answer Ihaving the lrg ilad eresi cerrect tll thelte C IlIl b1 wrddFrt r ,etc. Netnas syl v anwrtighaven- eaigupou de- t hePuzle,,,'t oiy eue prse wlllbeawrde 10any ee1eho dIý; ncwil pises l'taardd eIoretitan eue If"Ilany gopwee mrebave 1-enwor5king l. a th,, event oif a MIe fer a.y pczdsfered t, he fa»l amna e msuptrize iv!I ' d týerenLs te<l pttel Ile. i eritoa lehnew and relewI', pyabl il ,dva.-,e ef $590 par year 1,y mil, or 6.1 euryear deilvere,!l'y carrier boy lin towill il'ea, etd Il. Ail answera wili recel-esltesaienidrio reýgar*dless e weteror netLa jsýacIIptleu l' ticaJIl & LEimpire i, sntIl. 1.tbree.priîent Trnnclzuhnvlng neou nctieniwLth The ail & f'rewlleae te eact as jdgste cdethe wlinuers, acprtcpntly seuding l hIanersre acetthe decII, isio e th, Judge, s final an-1ultie noilmet flte Pr i z, VI ersanI cerreti sst ef werds' biile pu bliised -tlinluTe N-1!taiS CEpieon eame TYour ovin suhacriptlon will count, or suysecip- tiens t. as-rt et -s)ule future date. just wit o is e s*,der wheai you wain l ibe paper started, %id it wiUl stâart promsptiy on ibat cdate. Tou wilIl 11m]il easy to geIL aubacriptio)ns1-oTise Mailed Empire Io qualtty yt>ur arnswer for tise BLg Cash Priseýs. Tt b by far thse beal dally ne-wspaper pwisish-d li FLORIDA AMERICA'S Is Your Child WINTER PLAYGROUND' ~~EIjoy the ativentages of springý Thin an~d W liaeandi open arpleasures du'- inig the winter mrontbs. Thiere is no Ced Liver Extract hi Sug leck of veriety of things o ni .. PI7 .5-L 1-1

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