THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLFE, 'fHURSDAY, DÔECEMBER 3, 1925 NEWCASTLE SCHOA)LS NEWCASTLE Y. P. LEAGUE Public and High Schools' Commience- Sum e aple'sLodue~ iYug T e 1 e v e ~ 1 i eec i ment a Fine SucceesPol' ege_________________________________ "TwoHIours of Summer Camp"5 THURSDAY DECEMBER 3rd. 1925. Over 500 people, possibly nearly was the titie of tbe Young Peo.ple's _________________ 600, from the Newcastle village and League programi Monlay evenirîg, rural school sections assembled in Noven;ber 23rd., and it would beNWATEMRh.Eo.PHL EIE ESTEEMED CITIZEN AT REST Commii-unïty Hall onFridayl evemng" difficuit to conceive of a more belp -________ to witness the village Scbools' Com.i ful, enjoyable and inspirationaIl Miss Gladys Matchett, Toronto, is Ani event of real personal interes Isabel Fisher Melroïse Parker mlencement Exercises and presenta- programi. Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke, hoeo oiaS.ttetrvligpbcof e--____ tion of the annual prizes, 'This bas Matron of the Bay of Quinte Sum _omn______s oth raelngpbleofNw become one of the mcst popular mer- Chnp at Bobcaygeon, for the Miss Olive Thorne, Toronto, pent castle and vicinity and te local Friends' in Newcastle and eled- events of the year, reaching -out,' in past two yenrs, occupied the chanir Sunday with frieilds in town. shpe1ad cninr fmr ieewr nrpae o h a its interesta,. as it naturally does toancoucdthmeigatwih M. ooosei now in chargle chandise is thie retiremient on haif newswhicb quickly spread from almiost every resident family. wr ie luintn eoti- of the teller's cage in the Standard py~foretee .N .Aethm ehm n rmpaet The prize list bas been growing teresting reviews, realistic reproduc-, Bank. and tatonartee, M. JEnW place Mvonday week that Mrs. Jamesl froni year to year and thanks to the tions of some of the social and re- Mn.S utnMngrSanadPip bs eiemn nMnay, Parker, wife of an bonored hf e-1 tbnughtful iier tand generosity cMato.l eaurs 'nSa eptiio Bnk Mdrnart. tsdacd November 8th., froinithe position long citizen and long establkledi ofaioa citizens aieotiio Bnk adtreAt.Toseahwhich he bas held for t1hirty years bsns abdbe aldb of itiensmore prizes were award-ý of camp songs and roundelays. bouglit a deer fromn northexin woods. is cause for deep reflection on the'bsns ahdbe aldb eçl for profl'cîency in various respects To complete the picture n-d give Miss Cora H epburn, recent prin- quick passage of tune and the death fromn home and loved ones. this year thaîn ever before. The a true representationi of the fine cipal cf Erin Continuation Sehool, i S1 changes that have tak, paedr She had been in f ailing bealth for on Fiday evenngspiritual atmosphere cf the campll, visiting Counellor and Mrs. J1. H. ing the flight of6 years around thesoetiasueerfmdaees and there have been meritoricu1s the programn commlenced with earnest1 Giloson. G. T. R. now the Cailadian National adin gew wsme wh oendr.n progranis in the past, rea;ched a de-dvoioa eeriesan cnluedP re h ie beaitemporeandiMr cidedl e tnar-feclene ihrveetsnig1qitmd Mr. and M,ýrs. Wm. JenningsaeSain 'This prograni in its entirety was tation cf Got's love and grace and visitng thr.n inossw and Mnn in î ewastlecan irm -ebriI hi agtr r. Gog the werk cf the united! efforts cf thie sulent prayer. da1tr r n r.Rs ht we twsamc uirpaeLumisden had them close their bouse Board cf Education and the teacbing AcopnigMsook nie1rSannil.ta tbsbe f recent vearS; for a while and cone up and stay stf wt heasstnecftegodpatcrm wetyi1- re ises Major iie 'Miss Laura Waltoni, the popular when it was a one track systen< wvith with lher, Mr. Iumlsden and faily1v friends and' citizens who donate lmncMro AlndIine Post Office Assistant, is efljoying n lo competition from iautomob01-iles, where they could receive proper prizs, cnsistedcf e tetwMaweks' bliday and Miss ani otor busses or trucks or any other care and attention. But few of the pieand cnil*d fopeningde Pearce,th League's delegates,, and1 Singer is taking bier place. aiay lunes this sidecof Burketon many wbo kniewý of Mrs. Park-ýr's voicl xecse, usc yth sholMisses Edna Rickard a'nd Eileen and Pontypool. castle Orchestra, addiresses, seCio ookh atnedcm1a hi Newcastle extends a bearty wel- illness, little realized what an alan- niuners and presentation cf theý own expense. Miss Rickard read thelcome to Mr. Geo. Woodbouse, sc lhr a eebr frhrigsaetemld a ece academic, atbletic and other, prises. opn-gSrpur esn n the cessor te Mr. Bernard Hughies, as back still before the late Mr. Chas. and were sadly surprised on learn- Mr. Merklcy Clark, the zealousi girl deleg-ates each in turn o1fered tllrlateotndr Bn .hays bame Geunl sellManagerngThcfuberaldeice h os ,and painstaking chairman cf the B. prayer while a bush hung over the! Mr. David Taylor continuescuit- he. Gr.and Trn yt' hn Tefn relserLice t te bous cf E. preaided throughout the cv7en- meeting and bearts dwelt on thingslficaîly ill at the homle of bis daug- six men were emyployed at the station cfM.1n Ms LmDeEmy jng. ev. E B. Cokea memer diine.ter, Mrs. H. W. Dudley %vith two1ins-tead cf the sole offiiai, -Mn. J. St. ,on Wednesdny afternoon, Nov. ng. ie.E .Coe amme iie E. W. Pbilpi, in recent years, when 18th., was follorwed by a public ser- cf the Board, openied with a Script- After a short business session, trained nurses in attendance. - Mr. Philp's father, the late Jamies vice la St. George's Churcb, whicb ure reading froin, Prcverbs o the conducted by tle President, Ms Mr. and _Mrs. John Symons, Mr. Philp, Sr., was agent bc in the was largely attended by- the bus- nature, virtue and qualities cf Wis-ý Lillian Colwill, Mr. Mernill Fer- Robt.* Martyn and Miss CIstn 70's and 80's and when J.E.W mesppecfte vlag an dom and effered ani- apprepiate guson and Mr. Alex. McGregcor on Martyn, Port Hope, called on, ?,r. then a young man, was bis father's friends ' in general fromi this and prayer. ~invitation addressed the audinea(n r.Go.Rcado hrdy assistant and dlay eperator, and other commîunities. Rev. E. R. The various numibers by differ- mientiened last ýweek. 'Mr. and Mrs. Horatic Wetherell when Mr, Jamles Lycett, who in lnter James, Rector, officiated, and deliver- ent departmients of the sel, I gave Ms Marjonie Clemrence, the firstl bave returnod froin Sa.skatcherwan years ïnioved with bfis family t ecd a deeply impressive funerai ýora- ample evidence cf the geod tasteý League speaker, gave a good outlinc where thley sipent the Autuin witb S8ault Ste. Marie, waýs nighlt eper- tien. The cburcb choir, with Mrs. and judgmient o h ecesi h rýwi nc tu (Dr. )Farncomb at the org-an, sang preparation cf theim respective part opening te closing, net frcgttilig family. lntoedyssicmnwer e two grand old hinls cf hope ard cf the prograi and cf the theagt the activities cf the me-lsquitees wio Mr. and Mrs. H., W. WetheraUi employed in the station yardL bit assuranice, Rock cf Ages and Nearer tme andl care expended in the trai'- dou'btle,ýs considered the initruc-ling have returned home fro)ni Manliteba now the trainnien can dIo their ewn ilMy Gcd to Thee. ing of the girls and beys. Andl the( camrl lawfal prey. where tbey spent the past three swýAitcb1ing. Mr. John, Armistrong,plcintef- techrs wcre certainly well requit- Miss Minniie Pearce spoke special Imonthis with thein Intenment.iiw zgnlianat Teteck n h ted fer ail tbey have put into it by dagt1 înamna rneo h ily plot at Bond Head Cemietery, the admiirable way in whic'h ail the ly cf the missionary studios, cf tbe Bob Wrigbý-t. C .N. R., was, the last da,,y switc!h- the romains being borne te their tudents, front the little tetsin'mis C. G. 1. T. werk M.W .Aai and cf the splendid M.W .Aai attended the man and the late David Rutherford neltn place by three sons, Min. Baries eoi t tos i te Upper iSunday menning service By way Ho.cisteini-Friesian Breeders Sale at wasthe ls ih wt2mn50HnaM.Mloead Mn. Ste- Barrnie' o otic higbscbno ol cute fimu sical imipression of the spirit- Cobourg last week, and b o ught a impîoyedi. The late Wm. Hunter art Parker and Mr. Gco. Lumrsçlen, theniselves.1 ual phase cf tie meetings, she was fine yearling bull for $100, consigai-waaie nepîye ndtdd describi-n- thesekr aeditle lights and dlid other werk insniaw ~The choruses by al telne brrpr the sekr*pue ne yS .Cx obre.adto ecryn h al Among relatives and friends froni pubicacee puil, ircte , MsEr eernd sang ln duet with Mn. and Mus. A. W. Pickard ad uîbs etany ore isa distance were: Mns. Frank Hag- Mis H.Maen it Mr. . Cooke "F ollew the Mr. and _Mns. W. C. Ferguson, Bow-1 cilags o atntbryyar'at Sandwich; Mrs. A. P. Mcl- Cowa atthepian, wreangl Glearn", Eileen playing the accen-i- maviulle, visited Newcvast'Ie fr iencd c atflevc n iut a rose and daughten, Mns. Peif old, mos peajn hnmcy wih loe animent on bier Ukelele. on Sundlay and ittended servicei ucsinj i ahnl h Guelph; Mn. and _Mrs. Biake Craw- attention te shading, emipbasis and MisMroAli jkewte-thMiiS.UtdCuch terests cf the G. T. R. and then the fr n oTrao n n r cyreMo. vryfie ntrpe-thus;iasm of the wholesomc espnitual 1 Mn. Archie Gienney ,is attendiiing jC . N.R. an, cfanfilgIuot'yI. Walters, Port Hope; Mr. and Mns. taten ~s ivn te sng"Cnw amepheec iccm't i us Chicagco Fat Stock Show ,te wbici ote te public witb wbom he did adràsaa Calculations"; other good numnbersj and cverywhene, ýer repent dealinl'glhe won a free trip early la th'business, Mný1 . Philp retires ,liid Mn eei lrl1f nig t wvere "The Dançee" and on a secondi particulý,arly witb the Bible study I Faîl by taking ighiest standing ini moves ite fils thereughly remýodlledc testing fendest regards for theenme- apeaaicth atiti on Ma pnod ndeen1g eotos. IDarhaml Junior Farnmers' stock and mloderaly equipped h'ousýe up mcny cf deceased ai-d exprcssing Gcd Preserve Thee, Canada._"' i The Leaguens preseat bad bceen Judging Cemipetition. uptw hc e buh atsmatlîy for the bereft, included Aprtty drill, "Fairy Coilonsý" by t skeýd te occupy tic, ground floor cf Principal Thýos. A. Redgen cf the Spring freiMn.Har oe i. piece rn h ec'teBsns pupiis cf MiSss 11sel Barrie, tepianoý the S. S. Ronis and fer rasasaw Public ho a deputy retunnling It is undenstood that Mn. Philp Mca, Mn. and Mrs. Blake Crawford, accompaniment b y Miss, Masen, wný undcnstocd the eider folks and jan-, offlecr last Satturday la the electis who was lccted last Aagust a mcmil- Mn. Luther Argall, Oshawa; Mn. and the admiration of tic audience for icora had been requestcd te take, for the Older Beys 'Parliamient. The ber of the Comnmunity Hall Mng Mrs. P. O'Neill Mr. and MUrs. Geo. the precision and gîce with whichl it seats la the gallenies te be la a bet-I vote wavs takten la Mr. Rodgoer's in- Committee will take oveýr the H Jol,'Mn. and Mns. O. C. Landen, wa eccte adfo te ea adte psiio t ath he fnthat rocin at the school. duties cf Secntary-Treasaren te Oshawa; Mr. Liddile and famiy, definite mannier la which the cild- foleowed the more formiai report s heSdaySeu loffile Unit- wvhich Mn. j. Scott Menojtgomj-eny ap- Grimsby; Mrs. (Dr.) Mclntosh and ren la their coloful costîihmcs, eachl and whicli none tic less presentcd Th plicd with sicb skill and devotien Miss Beatnice, Miss Saleme Howard, and separately gave thiein spe,,lnîn a real pictare cf camp activities la cd àCburch cof Newcastle, wýill bob wvhile -a citizen cf Newnasi.tle and MnýI. and Mrs. J. E. Matchett, Miss:es parts. resp)ect cf the diversions ef ecre- its annual Cbisýtmiaz Trec Enter- teio h Mars. J. C. H-ancock bas ajt- Mary and Ellen Breca, Mn. and MArs. A wels~Fok acebyth irs ies.Itainiiient 011 Wednesday evciii, tended with e0ual capacity ln the G. S. Kirby and famuily, Mn. and cf Miss Mason's roonli -waTs oohr h lo wsso lac f ecemb rerd. An, excellent pro-Mr. Philpi's experience Mrs, C. F, Reynolds and Dr. Alfred mcst dlelightfq.l nuier. The littie I hairs and under the expert direc-I grain is l1prpaaio. a beok-keeplng and bis; well- Farncoib. girls ail lookcd so ceahi.lyswet tion cf Mrs. Coch-e, the active youag- Mrs. M-Narki Blackburn and daugh- kron e entarial and financial abil- Besîdes ber sorrcwing partner cf ndctlatirgenbonnets, mce, and maidens spent a hiaîf hou ter Bessie, Base Line, Daningtn ities emrineîntly fit bun for the posi- 48 years cf happy and blessed ilnar- pupesaf n iafrsi n varicas group gamie, te the bene-, attendcd the Newcastle Sciools' tien and the work will help te ease ied 1f e deccased is survived 1)y witb green and orange that t-hey fitcf their ewn social and physicai Corrmmatlcerrient Fixercises and ne-1 the change cf lcaving thje active sýer- three sons, Hanlan cf Providlence, captivated tic audience the miinute bings and te the keen enjoyment ilaie over the weekend at1 Mr. vice cf Cax"liaas great transporta- R. I., Mýelrosze, iving on a parttcf the apeard o th, sag. I wa ofthegaleris.and Mrs. W. C. Blackburn's. tioniisysteni te enter upon the somle-1 the fermer Ivan Law farmr, near tacyi ppeediton othposae. l'itwa cfthe ghi ai les. by a pciod cfý what dissýimilar duties cf a pivate Solinia Station, C. N. R., and Stew- nc,,ss cf youth, and graceful, barmenn-1 groap singing of some cf the more JMn. and Mrs. P .O'Neil's weLleendl citizen. ato ýhwadtreduhes ious motion. popular camp songs led by Mns. visýitons wcre: Mn. and _Mrs. J. - Chnîstina (Mus. H. P. Trott) Milli- A scarf drill with red, white and! Coche and ber camp girl assistans.Geild, Buffalo, Mns. C. Meeandý LAKE SHORE, CLARKE inochet, Maine; Nettie (Mrs. Floyd blu sarf, itba atnofc s~gst-Th metig ws oncudd ith 1nnd daaghterS, Fuiller, Mns. C. Vin Butler), Newcastle; and Gladys, !on by girls of Prinicipal R cdgcr's, earnest devotienal eecieMns. cent, Croktown, Mn.r DSae Ms c akril p~ h wifc cf Mr. George Lumsdeii, 1Enily rooni _was cleverly pronid adCeoke lcading ail heants upward te ýiMn. and Mns. Luke YoungandMs; rie' akrilesen h Street, Newca.5tle Tcyogs eleite hart apse. Miss an a contemplation cf the bighiest and, and Mis. L. Goaîd, Belleviîle. Scelofcs cotgdatn- son, William Downer, a member cf Mason playcd for this, toc. imost wortIh-%while tiings cf hf e. If ycu wanit te kinow what is goiag anice. Elgit papils have beca the Canadian Royal Air Force died .Pastor Cooke was in Bcwmnaavillcen a1ewat, ra tqnepn-aarded gcld wreaths te accomipaay on Octeben 23, 1918, while in the The classical element was P ut tthe sii viig atnigtý ni ecsl edteIdpi-srieo i igadCuty this fine prognairi by the Thir ai vnn tcdn h dent page regularlv. This papien, their geld pins. These rep)resen t sriec i igadCuty of te Hii Scool traaed y Pnn- anquet te canvassers la Tinity will be sent te a new subscriber te two yea's continu-eus attendanice. . Dcac a aieo aa ofpatGrabig aad Mtris brock Tin Church. end cf 192_6 fer $2.00. Leaive yeur. Threshing la car section is now shiclds, Scotlanid, and as a girl cf contribution as befitted thiir icara- ____-order with Mn. Gco. Jamiesen at fnshd Th etwate adsîtenïcam e to Cdatnad bHed ign stepln fa ubrc Pest Office or scnd direct te publish-1 frozt have left mrany cf our farimere prnswostte tBn ed ,igwsti lyn faiime fprcsentcd iy Miss ?hie M. L. cs with plcwing unfliished...0ur Ier father, John Melrore, subse- tic principal scenle from Juliuls Bok r.Pbk-Shô tgdabse oilqetybeneha yri Ciesan, leading up to Cîesar's as- rk.PbiSboltadabaktscaqunybemehd dyrate sasiaic ndMrkAnoy' eu- $3.00 for Art WinowSga by H. A union service wili bie held lan on Fnidayevnîag, oebe 0 Newastle Woollen KilIs. At the oqay over the dcad body cf the great S. student-Clanence Gaines, by teCnm iyHalon da, which was well attended and mauch age cf 26, Isabel Meiros-e became the soldier and statesman. The you g IC.Bonathan, presented by Principal, Doce-muber l3th., at 7.30 p. n. h enjoye quoWm. Ctoalso n ictu-d bride pcf aes ner ickweddin gentlemen and ladies n thas wreJ K. Grahai. speaker for tic cvening is Rev. G.cara an actoerabi stkngpcentc bik hae ail suitaibly costumied in ancient Ro- 00 aglHsoy n.E i G. D. Kilpatrick c f Cialmers Uvit- ual inimitable ýstyle. There was a which for mnany ycars -was their ma syls adrceaedaî o-,td $ms.0E0ean o AderHsto, by J. cot'ed Ghunch, Ottawa. Good mscis fairly icng 'prograini supplied soily home, on the corner cf Mill and taeinsparts aw ell. t so aioused he Mcntgomer R. SE.ttbeing furnished. Eveny'body w el-i by iupils cf tic scbooi and consist- Bolton Sts., et the lake. This thi prsvl. ts aose h, Mngoeypeeitd b ev .corme. ing cf a speech cf weic ore, twe bouse is at least 125 ycans old and intenest of nmaay prescat that now vR. James. dalogues, two solo.s svera rccita ls considered the oidest bouse in the they are hunrting up thein Shiake- $10.00 in gold, Highcst Standmigý Reserve Fniday, January S for a ientwi'ues n seciaî village and is stillinl good shiape, spaesadcihrrciwigo ra-Ent. Exanis., Newcastlc Centre- first-class concert to begiven la iwcll nen'dered trio byr tbree girls, a having been recently renovated out- fer tic finst ture the tragedy cf' Juý l- lao Andensýon, by Danhalii the Ccmminunity Hall by "Ye Oldenbbndiiytcwolsce, side and la. ms oear, Th beat >n iLcdA. .&A .,pcetdbyTm ilgeQatte -cf Tc rttiptee sri ngby six gls ad Ti at ns ane wl wy an frv e t wht was dhugh tecoaated ai-d preseaitcd by Dr. J. A.i meeting and c]lectcd ticfolwil Melrose returned to ils bome ie b close -cf Exenciseso thatrthuogitetheE c Plcwing ' LAKE SHORE SCHOOL fudbs1moh'oldagt, cls o xrie htone numrben Buitler', Reeve. e; Âocersi-Pncsident--Enic Pean'-'hËe; wvas negnetfully omnitted and a ictien' $1.00, Poster, Adv'tg, Coin. Exen- Vicjresidnt-Austin1 Turnýer; Laura Gladys, ia convulsions frori of tiaaks te tic Orchestra frte css H .suet st--Hila Secreay-Kcnnetb Pearce; Treas-fReot o1Nvmenl1.ode ftecthlng-. Ticbabe dîed anside cf generous services, by Messrs, Meoffatt Rcwl,,and; 50c, ditto, 2nd-Muni-iiel uner-Hcwand Peanc; Lock-out standing:1 an bour and tic little bodywa andi Gaines of tic Board cf Educa- Heniderson; $1.00, poster, ditto, P. Ccmaniiittee-ten. Hearcd, N,-d Buck- S.IVEasxWli eanti buried 'icre on Fniday ln tic ti én is till in aboeyance. S. student, îst-Lawrcace. Gainies; ley, Ea ibnCa.Geny Wilson, Bob Hendry. -rv tth fbe dmte A list cf prises awarded, -witb SO0c, ditto, 2nd-Violet Hlenniag. Sports and Social Comnittee-Emi- Jr. IV-*Be1lla Wilson, Billy R a î a w-g a Ths urpie wrames'b roi ihr,'l.Grjý)j lanid, John Hlendry, JackHomes. Mn. Hatilan Parker fnom Riiode pausof necipicats, doniors, and Teeforpieswn ivnb nsnFshnl lf ohni wn ths akn icpeenainsfl1 Board cf Education. Clemeace,. Austin Turner. Mnj Sr. I111-Ai-niabella Hcndry. Island, and Mrs. Trott and daaghtcr 1qws: ,Clemence, Tustin 'Turner. Mrs. S r. T-Ruti Holi s, OlivfonMaearsaygfratie WilnotGol MealHigestFre Ofer (Rev.) E .B Cooke «was eiected Jaynes. Wti their fathen and sisters. Stning a tnicald ation Class- - Special Fe O r teaýehenand H. R. Pearce, assistant. IJr. I-ytcAllia. Mn. James Parker, tic bereaved fred Graham, by f amily of lt ai h aaia tae nwl eBusiness over, a jolly social tune, J.1Ae.Hedy eaAla. butsbaadia eens ofNecac st uci ~ ~ ~ ~ Ti Wilmot, pretentedabywBey.bE.1R.waLs SPeat wltbgamnes and lunch, Pr. B--John Mitchell, Ailln ustdngitesofNwal. Samies. sent to new subscribers in Canada tic hostess, Mrs. Glenney, being as-Clr.Heenotholyuvvigm be Ie~l l SqaîrPrie t enrcf192Wfo N. Buckley, Mrs Pr. A-Floyd Powell. la tuis village of tic old Militia ($,0i bocks) -Minnle Pearce, -balance cf this yêar free. Ceenead aonAu t.Jau A. Martin, teaclier. member of Dunhain Lodge A. F. NEWCASTLE HIGH'SCHOOL Report For November Middle SchooI Minnie Pearce....... ......... 86 Hilda Rowland.........76 Clarence Gaines........7 Bernie Couch ............70 Tucker Couch .............6 Nora Cowan .ýýý....53 Dick Gowan..................ý52 Marjorie Cowan .,....... ..... 49 Ray Deline....... ........... 48 Clara Caswell ..............._45 Ida Parker.................._43 Doris Spencer................ 42 Lida Lake ............ ...... 41 Cleland Lane ....... ....31 Bertha Oowan .............25 !May Clark . .............17 Alfred Graham ...........16 Goidon Kqtc'humn........1 Ainley Butler.................. 0 Form 2 Farewell Blackburn ......78 Nellie Garrod .....ý........... 76 Ejleen Cook ... ..........74 Ray Clarke...........61 Charles Thacker.........59 Dorothy Rickard ...........58 Besýsie Clark.........5 Burney Couch ...........49 Muriel Lake . . . ...... .....48 Stanley Graham . ............. 28 Ernest Pearce .........18 Gordon Laking . .... ...16, Rcuss Jones....... ............ 8 Fori1 Muriel Henderson ..........77 Eleanor Anderson .ý........... 75 Mary James............ ... 58 Eari *Walkey. ................5 ýAresta Maiûln...... ..........55 Fred Butler ............ ..... 41 John McFarlane........33 Jean Parnel........... ..... 27 Melville Samis........ ........ 24 Wilbert Grahami............... 10 Reports givin-g standing in cadhi subject have been sent to the par- ents, J. K. Grahamt, Principal. & A. M., of w%ýhich lie was W. M. for more years than an*y other man who bas held the position. 11e was for several years a village Councillor and hee bas the distinctive record -of having served in the Reeve's chair for eleven years, sev- eral times being elected by accla- mation. H1e bas taken an active part in jiolitica- and bas made bis influ- ence feit in no small way, being for miny years chairm-an of the lo)cal Conservative Assoýciat oei. The deepest sympathies of the whole comniunity go out to hlm and bis family in their hour of sorrow. TRIBUTE TO LATE MRS PARKER Officers and dir.ecLors of Newcast- le Horticultural Society -wisb to pay a kindly tribute to one of their fel- low-workers, Mrs. James Parker, wbo gave so mnucb of herseif and ber time in the interests of the So- ciety and the flowerýs she loved so well. For six years she was a Director and one year Vice-Pres-idenit. She was eveir generous with her flowers, always happy wben she could share them with ot.hers as long as she wa,,s able to work in ber garden. But "The weary frame grew tir- ed" and hýer spirit baýs passed on. to rest awhile among the flowers in the garden of the Great Bey;ond. Signed on bebaîf of Newcea.stle Horticultural Society-Mlrs. J. E. Matchett, Secretary. BROWN'S SCHOOL A Basket Social will be beld in Brown's Scbool on Friday evening, December 4tb at 8 p. m. Good pro- gram. Ladies with baskets frce Admission 15c. 47-3 NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Mill Street UnitEd Churcli, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Pastor. 11.00 ,mi. -Morning Worship. ý2.30P.m- Sunday School 7.00 -p. mi.-Eëi service. The inaug-ural serie the union of the twoun gregations -ýilI be held a morning. Rev. W. H. lilt'h M. A., B. D., of Litadsay, i séak atý both services. Everyioywl em.Agents WNanted AGENTS-Seil hosiery for the fani ily from Mill to Consumer. W,,rIfo our new ai an Winter Catalogu out. Sterling Hosiery Mis, Jý Ont. SALESMEN-We offer steady e nient and pay wetkl-y to seil our plete and exclusive lirles of guar qualîty, whole root, fresh-dlu7g-i trees and plants. Attractive ilii samples and1 full co-ol.eration, a maaking opportunîty. LUKFI Bi ERS NïURSERIE,9, MONTERAL. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOME, M. D., Graduate of Trinity' University of Royal College Physiciana, burg. Specialty-Diseases of en and cbildren. Offie-Pa Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D-. C.]I afonor graduate of Trinity Uni' Fellow of Trinity Medical C, Licentiate of the State Univeri \ew York, M~atriculate of the Graduate Medica] School and oital of New York and FeIlow Coronto Academy of Medicine. -Mrs. McNaugzhtojn's Resié 'JZewcastle. Hour--8 to 10 1 tn 3 p. m. . and by appoint SAVE M ONE AND) COAL You can do both bylb ing Pea Coal and Coki trial order will convince Geo. J ajmiesq Newcastle1 THE MAGIC TOUCI cf car wehding torci[ works wo on your maciinery and al parts.. It makes tiieni fit to tic Jars and stralins cf eveý use. Often oîjr velding ih very tbiing needed to sulpport a axie onr'wieel before it breaksi RATCLIFF MACHINE SHOP Kîng St. E. Bowma Phone 425W This store will be open al day Wednesday December. during,-" le ne ;ut roronto, 46-S Ir comn- tranteed t._-"rder noney- IROTH- 91 C. M. ýy alune wom- 'axker'i MI. iersit-Y ýGllegq Posi- 3 Hos- cf the Qtffice 3 Y ýon ont. ,onders metal stand eryday tne shaft, down. anvîlIe When> You'Needt il GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAK'ES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CRIZAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store Where it Will receive prompt attention and you will gel h H. S. BRITTON, Bsaker & Grocer Newcastle S. W. MASON & SON Dry Goods anid Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowrnanvil] Ai =Mmimal-