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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1971, p. 10

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10The Canaidian S[a[acran, Dewmanv1le, Feb. 3,1971 from i97 Statesman Fuies Joruary W- The hoe f M n r Qrljand PlummiierLbrt t -_was, b,:roken into whilea [bey ware away and robbedI onSatrdy January Srd, be- tweu the heurs of 4.30 and1 10( p,mn. The thieves, stelae $2,550 in bonds, $491 min csh,t :3' sesof rninted coins and1 oc,!iers tbay had boeu savl-ng, lrisuDance poicies and a whiter gÔdwristîwatch. ~M.and MNrs.Ket Sargenti of Nawtou ie wre the par- ents of the firt bay born lu Menýiorial Hespital un 1970, Thîs younirg maln wkas boiri at- 8:46E aim-,o New Year's Day' andi wexged sven pounids ona oÇabr f 17-2TownN Concîl' t ha oath cf) officet adsnserdby ClaIrk-Admi-in-V pirte tne inaugural meeting3 fTonCeunicil held on Mon-C day aenin .The Re.L. M.f Sený)eevil, A retired United1 Cchn1 minister, read aý Psaln anid Wad a speci prayer at tha opeiug of [ha mneeting, 2 J a nuýjyy 11-V ,I'wvo ifferentf fines atdtif-s fèrent Umm in jha Uame bu i bù.'z at, Hýam1pton kepit 'Boýw= i'avlefiramener b'usy late, Jatihnning, Fire broker ebuti eDt [ha we:st end of [hae barn dfiirsg halate eývaning bout fj-ineei wener abla [eý bning it v!nder courtrol abouit e 3.m. L Au.r amroun four au m be vWeraed a-galu, but [býz is ime he effortsý wvee lu-- vain! and tlbuild-!ig uig abo)ut 6 b6CI chiciens bune teh gnound Allan Venaaou rj the stoumtre and wS nais- Jir fire wasý causýed byé ant ovarbeated bareedar Tir sue- gWton but itl iler undes [bat lu mi effort [o av abocut P,900 cliicks [ha gar -mas tun. ed ctn aftem tha valvesr feeding the section luveivad ln the ir fin had beun hut off Fine broka eut in tha in- swaon arond Uome ePpes bejing it ha nrtrh en1d cf [ha Hcln-ishad lant early Tuesay veuugbut dld onlyr axtigisedb-y Bo-wianrvlue ~A Geýinnal Motors wnr ValBaîc, ' ing St W savng manny iVas and m1uch viore extensve pnopar[y lcs hle eanly [bis n1inig. Ha- wac reurin homje fre;n iiipl - weu ha e[ie ùyks-ý fi~' Fod Mankat fîlied ith souô1e aud cald ln cha aarn Acerdirig te firamen and tha !yloua broers Cilude =ud ~Iu11heate ued [ý Ïkeep[h ',,bucda[h wactL front de~ ltdinadveýrtauntly beur. lef t i 1. ha flomasiia licked ch:oieantte arud cigîýan ak and dectroyed tha cah ?eglsten. y;1ry-lz onr tha shelVas sýuf. ked MO daMaga. jrian, [ha tax cdllectienr sltua- ton àu Boennvil bas e~e cnsiderabe improve a~nt Duing 169 Taxý Ar- reans ertifiatas e ng- lséedaals 0ports fan taxes totaling $13350W This vaig Cable Tae- ýý1sion i l [bi anea lauca fts o1nt loca pegammlng ori Channel 8, Dabbla Mi1llar Ëaughter ofMon anid Ms Deug Bler of Tyrone, bas beau Iaiiln lu rophies [ha piast coupla 0f weeks fer bar sking rrw ~ Twor wAeaks age, sha to ha ,paci slalomn iu tha Uadies D. Classa at Pater- berouli Ski Club Last Sat bndry ai a bermna club at %MPby soe came second in [ha On Tuasrday, batween élha hersc nina e i andi. allbt 0h.[iane was- aZ theft a t[ha ïý"vy Nichis Matons on [hae cone cifiurch1 and Sle Tile big $1,00 flina;l Kin 'fit îýêsonaut Dnaw tecik place on 1tuasday, Jenuary 20[b. Creigb- ton Gray .. 3, Bwavie wac'4 [ha fntunrata fellcw,ý whe,71ý ticket Ivan puied eut. sýi 0f(pt [haq Legin Bidn thbear ar1-iuý i-e1g fi-- Oha Mascnic Past M(astrs, MîAasters sud Wardensti Asýsocia- tiqir of Ontane Disrct bld 'tFlTca Flyin D[cma s WVeduesdýcay, aven lng, Rt. Wcm. Bre. JamsJcksýon_ cfd sh. Wd lmade a speciai preata- floii te Rt', 'Wou, B3re.Gau f, . Riï 1,cid.l h!bu!rnneu veau lieprasedMm.Riekard for- b-is dîcatîoui [e Masenyyoe ~optibutons urlng bisý trmi ef offica a, Junior W,ýardlEn cf [ha Grad Ldge cifCnd lu [ne Pro)vice of O)ntarie. On Monday, Russell C. Bowmvnanvllle. Honey, Northumberland-Dur- Vitors frem Toronto, sh ham's Member of Parliament wa and Cobourg joined wt advised His Worship Mayor the members of Durham C7hap-, Ivan Hobbs that the.Customis ter No. 181, O.E.S., on Tu-jes- Office here xviii not ha closed. day, February 10 in Foec February 18- Nightingale Centennial H1-all tol Information was received celebrate the 42nd birthday cf this week that Ralph Fry' R.R. the Chapter, whichwa insti- 1, Newtonville, has shot 12 tuted -on February [l, 1928. wolves since Fall within 20 Several citizens eaLng at miles 'of Bewmanville,ý His The Voyageur last week were total for the past eight years surpriseci te find they were is 47. sitting near that well-known On Saturday evening, the entertainer Liberýace. Appar- students of Cartwright High ently,' he was oný his way te School held their annual Val- Peterborough for a perform- entine dance in the Recrea- ance and stepped here for some tien Centre. The climax cf food. the evening was the choosing This Saturday mco r n 1 n g cf Miss Heart Pund fer -Cart- something new and noveliis wright High School. Those beingr ntroduced at Bowman- taking part in the cercmcny ville Library when Heidi Hig- were Lorrie Turner, Valerie gon will conducf a story heur Frew, Cathy Loucks who was for pre-schoel youngsters. Miss Heart Fund fer Oshawa Mardi 4- Chapter ln 1969 and presented Cindy Van Camp, 12-year- flowers te 15-year-old Janet old Cartwright Central Pub- Turner, ithe wînner. lic Schocl girl, won the Dur- February 25- ham County public speaking On Tuesday eve-nlng, Feb. contest at Orono on Tuesday, 24th, Ebenezer Church Hall Feb. 24 at the Orono United was the setting for the pre- Churcl i wth her talk oni "My sentatien cf Jennifer James' Trip te Western Canada". Gcld Cord, [he bighest award Cindy is the daughter of Mr. accorded 'a girl ln Guiding, and Mrs. Kaîth Van Camp, Jennifer Is [he daughtar of Mr. Blackstock. and Mrs. Wm, James, R.Rý 6, The Statasman was advîsedi 1' this week t, hat the Sunoco sýervice station that bas been ýoperated for several years by IRay Gibbs, King St. East, bas been sold tei and will be op- erated by-Kurt Sîcos. On Thursday cf last week, GEM divers frcm Oshawa put on an effective display cf Skin- diving and Scuba Diving for the beys at the Pine Ridga Schoci. Mardi 11- His many friends In [bis area were interested te, learn [bat Douglas H.ý Rigg, Oakville Di- rector cf Recreation, hasý been appolnted as [ha Commission- er cf the city's new amYfalga- mated Parks and Recreation Board, St. John's Anglican Cburch was full and overflowing on Tuesday evening when a "Teen Challenge" rally was held. Thera were over 400 people in the church which seats 300 and a line-up waiting cutside. A parallel prograrn was run lIn [ha Panish Hall te, an overflew crewd cf more than 100 people. 1The mystery of the cld -Royal Theatre, seams te, be unfelding this week, At the -present time, it appears [bat tha theatre will be convented te a billiard Icunge. mareb 25- Massýý-ý'achus etts JInstitu1)te cf brook last weekend, In a;il tuna. Most burglars break11nto Techinelogy. Mr. Býrooks 4is river 3,000 jonod in [ha fun April 29- places, but lstwak t ithe genenal supervisercf san-of eating the frash maple syýru p The Bewrnanvllle Miner A & P sterïe, it was4 a different a rds at General Motors of with flapjacks and sausagae Hockey Association held their stery,, the burglar broka eu Canada, Ltd. The Museum- on Silver St. annual banquet at Mamorial of the place. Apparent!-v iy,.April 8- In Bewmanvila wiil make its Park on Saturday evening with or they hid somewý,here in 'lie On-e cf the bighllgbts cf tIle first appearance on television, 150 present. Durlng [ha aven- store at closing time and laten a nn ual banquet cf the Durham Monday evening, April 2th. ing, the big draw for $1,000 depanted with over $1,609 Central Agricultural Society pî22 and $500 was held. Don Cia- wertb of cigarettes. haid In Newcastle on FridayApi2- ment cf Oshawa was the big St. Mary's Cernent Redmen was the presentation of an Basil Cliaff, 7 Saunders Ave,. winner and Graham Dallas of came through last nlght fer Award of Menit for long serv- turned 34 and get a 29 Tues- Hampton was second. [hein second win of the On- ice te Mrs. Miton J. Tamblyn. day. His birthday glft-29 came LbryBwafcintl tarie finals te beat Tillsonburg Mrs, Tamblyn, for many years, during a lunch heur cribbage terety BoMafcager l O Cougars 2-1, tieing the saries. bas. played an important part session in the matarial con- "h oeo Stili winning Bowmanville in the activitias of Orono F air trel department office cf the borne as "h oe c High School's Senior Re qna hand-werking member In truck plant at General Meters. Champions" lived up te its basketball team last nîiht de- many departments and a cern- Provincial Enumerators fromn four eut cf the five pnizes in feated MitclIl 70i)te 3 1fr thl-e petîtor in the vaýrlousi classes. the Regienal Assessment 0f- the 13OAC teurnamant fer the second wn thir iutfo On April 3rd Alex Mc,- fice in Cobourg will commence district were from the local the Ontario r A. Chmio regor's IDA drug store cale- taking the annual census In aîîeys. Dave Reynolds was 13 shlp. brapted lis 37th anniversary, Durham County on Tuesday, pins abead cf his naarest cern- April 1- ma ing hlmeaof the lengest April 28, 1970. eitr An extremely b.rlght f uture establlshed, businessmen in It Is understood that the peitr for this area was pradicted by tewn. occupants cf several bouses Mapy 6- S. W. Clankson, Deputy Min- April 15- tbat will be [cmn down for the On Thursday of last week, ister cf tha Trada and De- The new uptown office cf new bighway and antrance at'.guests at the Rotary's weakly veloprnent Branch of the On- DeWitb Real Estata bas takan [h west end cf tewn, have luncheon were six Franklin, tarie Gcvernment, as be spoke on a most- attractive appe r ee advised, te vacata their Pennsylvania Hlîgh School stu- briefly at the officiai opaning ance In [ha premises frnrypenss dents and their Bewmanvilie of the AVP Extrusions Lîmited occupied by the Wesbay Dis-- Our bat Is off this week te High School liosts and hostess- plant ln Newcastle yesterday count Store, just east of Heep- Newcastle Lions wbose efforts es. Rotary has beau sponsor- aftennoon. er's Jewellery. have transformed [ha village ing 'this student exchange for It was anneounced this, week Maýny frern lere attended Ccmmunity Hall into a mest [brea yeans aud It seems mesù tbat Kenneth R. Berooks, RR th animal Mlhrook Lions useful, and attractive- building, valUable In bridging tbe gap 6, Bowmanville, bas been Cub sponsored pancake aud ]New?, they are talking aboutwith our Amrarcan neighbors. grantad a fellewship fromw the mraple syrup festival at [ha lbuilding a cemplete kitcheni A :1.41 mill Increase in pub-1 iSîcan Scbool ofMaae ntKnnd Farm seutb of Mill- on the west sida of the struc- llc school supporters' residen- 1-lb pkg JANE PARKER, HOMESTYLE, 4Gazed Donuts [il tax, blghlighted tha 1970 budget presented -[e Town Ceuncil on Monday uight. Thiîs 7.3% Imeasse lu[hae mîliirate le neamly baîf [ha amouint sg gested lu tha original draft budget. For a $3.500 asqeass- ment h eider, [his newý rate ne. prasents 'a bike of $32,94. Off- set by an increasa cf $10.11 lu [ha basic sheiter nabate, [ha suni total cf [bis increas ameunts te $,2 28'ý2 fer ý,a 35 assassmant. May 13- At [ha Lins Club meeting-1 on Monday, DulsKernp wss alectad as incomîing presIcren, succeading [ha cunrent pnesu dent, Jack Dunn, on July ist. Aný Invitatienal Intanscboei[ Tmack and Fiald meet was beldj oat Countice Secondany Schoeli. ou Thursday, May 7th, vwith five area schools cempeting.> Clarke High was [ha trepbyl wlnner wi[h Cou.rtica Seccnid- amy lu second place. A surprise famewaell entyo Thursriay, May 'ith was plmiinnd, by officens ef the Newrcastl O.P.P. Detachrnent, bonenîuiig Cpi. Stan Respoud, naceutl- prornoted te [bat rauk, and muoW transferad fnrn [bhis ares tce tha Woodsteck Datachmeut. IF I ActionPricedl COMPLETE CAIGMIX 7.'-oz pkg JELLO POWDER 2 k.3c CRTYML y Lg. eO SUGAR CRISPI"-o.2 9 HEYCOMB AI- PRICES8.OW NTH'$ D UA-i~ THýROUGH SATURDAY. , 1iERU6, 1971. Ctcf Toronto end sbra OkiIStreet%%Vl.l e wc, Beut Coorgetowfl, Agincourt, Aurore, hiuo a II ewakn M,rkham, StOuffVillC, Bey Ridges, Whitby, Oshaaec LGwmafliî 9 AWPs 0w. super-RghtBrn UeRgQultSjci SLICESIDE E IE 1-LB VACUUM Si hock DiomOfld> ProceSS~ MiId c I j oiner eu-t -SoI dAnaywhere! Maýple Lee, By tk- eeAmy %Weipht Out, vitking LB51 OLGNA kof 949/dý Super-Right Quiality Frozen POýR T- NDER Olb Canaa Grde A Eveceatec, Frzen 5 t 6-ba aera E "Baid, Paiiy peck, SIiojjed CAPONIS L4<colD0 CUIS s68 GAM E CHICKENS EAC CONED BIEF u9s'" pOR"'K 0 LONRASP7IZZA PIe WIENERS -RED HOTS B5~ SIDE BACON SAezUSAGEL66& PORK HOCK S LBI6 JaeParer, DoiImîy Dated RAISIN or LEMON PIE funt 8'inch 24-oz pies JANE PARKER, DAILV DATFD, LCE S-*andewich Bread 4îaVS9 JANUE PARKErr Wiene Lii>PKG OF12 39C 2 Wiener RoIls kof82l COFFEE chase& Snhrni.a-9' INTOAO01.OMUAR Sarine DUNSî~3/'0f.zfin1O0 Mie Rc MIXES 6.zk39ý' HEINZ SPAGHETTI IN OMTOSAUCE 14=fLol PEEK FREAN .ALL VARIETIES - BISCUITS MEAT DINNERS SULTANA PBRAND, FOE ik-oz pkg-&1 AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX -.ýj

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