2The e ans0fa Stqternan, :Bowmanville. Feb, 3, 197! _ Haggis -Again Takes a Beating Robbie Eur-ns day is Ab Mavin's ta o. It is the- one da y of the year that Mr. vavin is assured an, attentîve aildience i istening to his récitation -of the great poet, 0f course on-e of his favorite poem s is Bifrnis' 'Address t'o the hgis.For le~ years he has gïvern it in the Bowman ville Legioni at the start of the Burns' Supper. This year wps no, different. Beside Mr. Mavixi are Mr. and Mm, Bill yeo. r.Yeo, was master of ceremonies for t he occasion. Thie haggis was ceremon- Iously brought inù)t flc ining area by two dtrmmers of the Bowmanville Pipe snd Drum Band, Wayne Taylor and Clive Brown. Scugog' WaIk < ýF0M PAGE ONE) erlgueer te propane a report m tflicSli-sen Avenue drain- age problem. Fresent Fetitien A pelition algned by 44 cf1 the 46 esidlents on Scugog, 'Road nonfi cf Feutii Streot ~tac Oec0tane Hydro Build- în~g and by 15 lusers et the h1-dlhway was peented Ite e-oulcil requ,ýesfiug, cetr pedes-1 tiain weikwe-ys aleug thai ;Eeccion elthflic ad. The petltleema ce ita stualîion "liazarde-us" anmd tIdar.gerous". ecpecially for &2hudren travellïng te ani *lonlKnox and Lord Elgin rchools. The raeil ll'Leia ieden al would lie suffi- cient ýn.d that if Il couIld net be cen.ctruclced over the wliole ecoute tenaI basfte obe Put ti aIt, chemosî dangerene serc- iiies cf tfeli îghiiwey, Thera wacaiose a calfor rtrcter efoceen e he flic earea. ~le petii' n camlw c flic aflen me-sid-erý n Mmc.J. 3)oxt ner lied spoken te coujn- elle ahbou lic hezard. (CW- îng of -)pcnIber 71j) At.'bteftjimO corun. Bell had~ The boler reori -'àu a hem ,Andre Verbrugglie oeacI(-f fthc Acres etarn on Tauinton Scauighit ira On iSatumdaY inorning and causerl aboult $500 tn dantiages, A aoesalor file Dar- lingion B mavlepire De- partnicnt whiých !l guse te blaýze, aid fliaitheflic r ,mas bceleed te have $atc aroun~d flicchumney of flic 1?ofler whleme tductîing meets flic ellleg, suggested te Mrs. Doxtater thet she ge a pétition fremi ceucerned residents i, the1 aea. Thore was corne que&- tien et thec lime regarding whether, Scugcg Road was Part efthelicCounties -Road systeni or net. TewnCeuncil mectivated its road commit- tee te look I ile the mater. The- problem was brouglitý, up iu the ciesed meeting ot the, Ci:unnittee-ot-the-Whole ou January 25th. Councillors decIdeci te held the engineer's, report on il lu abeyance fear the meantime, 1«pendIng fur.- ther information", Il wasapparent Iu Mondey's negular session that thé mat- ter lied.been defermed.beceuse Council stilIl held a glimmer -et hope tIliethelcCeunties system couldidnle one wey bo asesse4 the coasts otthe side- welk construction. Theso hopes were dashed hewever when Reeve Bob Dyktra advised council thet, unbeknownst te the Bow;na3n- ville dlelegetes, Scugeg Rendr lied been climinated as aa 'connector-lieli oad' by a ICounty by-lew passed Ile119, The maintenance ()t the raad lied theref are beena muiia es-ponslbillty ah aleng. Even If Il had beon a 'con- niector-linl-iomad' lu the Ceun- ty systeni, the Reéve notéd, the' agreement would have 1o0ly been fer the upkeep et the road and net fer cidewelk (fOnstructlen. Councli refermaed flc petu- tien cte totwn reads crn-. mittee (Reeve Pykatra, Dep. uty Reeve Stephen eand Coun- ciller Prout) and asked !fersa mconiend.tion by -lihe e,çt meeting, Ceun., Prout said l u a n temview h'aler In the eveniug that te construction.& sdo waVKs ýwAl probably 'be e- gended as a local Improve- ment. If 'It la and se pascsed by DOUGLAS J. BARBER andî MERVYN B. 'KELLY axe pleased te announce tbat they have become ,assodied in the practice of la w uode r the firm name of Barber and Kelly 28 KING STRE~ET WEST BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Telephone 623-4444l Effective Immediately TOWN 0F-BOWMANVILLE APPLICATION FOR SLANDFILL DISPOSAL SITE (ERTIFICATE of APPROVAI NOTICE 15 UEREBY GIVEN TUAT THE TOWIN 0F BOWMANVILLE 15 APPLYING 1FOR A CERTIFICATIE 0F APPRO VAL, tJNDER THE WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT 1970 TO XIAINTAIN A4 WASTE MANAGE- MENT SYSTEM THE LANDFILIL DISPOSAL SITE 0F WR ICqI 15 TO BE LOCATED IN THE .EAST 1114LF 0F LOT 14, CONCESSION 2, TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE IN TUE COUNTY 0F DUUHAM.U FURTUER INFORMATION' MAY BE OBTAINED FROM4 TU,ýE UNDERSIGNED. J. M McILROY, A.M.C.T. 40 Temperance Street Bowma-iville, Ontarie Council, resîdente will get their new sidewalks on Scu- gog Readç. Just as long as they are ,prepered te pay for themf, that is. If -il became a local 1Imprevement project, the re- sidents weuld be mesponsible for the entire cest with in- dividual essessment based up- enfrentage. r Llbrary Report Ceun. Olive Cobban pre- 5sented a' report from the 5Library Board which reveai- ed that the number etf books on the sheives wes belew the number recommended by the eLibrery Associatien. She, aise noted that, wlth an increased use et the Library by stu- cdents, there was a pressing 3need fer a more up-te-date retemece section. There. are 14,492 books on the shelves le the local Lii,- mary, which Is about 30% off the recomrnided number, (The lbrary Association sug- geaIs a xiumber et boks equal te two-and-a-half times the numeber et population using the tacility-which for Bow- manville wouid mean, about 20,000 books). Thie Libra.ry leapaenl lworking* out liow mu-1ch IU M idccistlL dteit e'- ferenice section. The Mayeor felt thet a lot et "'good reference material" enu be lobtained free upen ap- plication. "4The LeDein report for ln- stance," lie sald. "There is ne cest fer this sert of thing. There should be a number et copies le the Library." Hec went on te say that once the Town's Officiai Plan ha been appreved, a certain number of copieis alould be placed le the Libery. The WVaterfront Plan and Zoning By-Lews ishttuld aise be nmade available for citizens and atu- >dents in the area. Taxi tandRentai A taxi company wishing 1,ô use three parking spaces on the west aide of Divisien Street, will be charged aren- tel of $20 a year for eclih meter, subj oct te annuel me- view. ."IWe consîdered $5 per montli rentai for the stand was a reesonable charge," Coun. Bell said in tabIing hic report te counicil on the mat- ter et an appication tram H. W. Knapp et Gerd's Taxi. Mayor Uabbsý woadered If the figure was neit tee low. Cour.. Alliesaýid o-t was tee low. But Ceujn. ]Bell contend- ed that- the adiventages et having a downtown taxi stand- eutweighed the poten- tiel revenue las, Mayor Uobbs questioned the wisdom et- 'subsidizing' the taxi comlpan-,y for the stand. He said lie would be surprised if the avenage re- venue tram the 225 parking meters le town was net et leest double the amount set by Bell and his committee. Aller semne discussion--Il was decided te accept Coun. Bell's recomndetion but review the metter next yeer. Il was lntimated thet couïncil will base next yeer's rentai charge on the average net re- venue-tram the town's park- ing ineters. Drainege Problemn lUpentfie rcommnendation ,of the Town Engineer, Charles Watt, ceucti voted te, ap- point Mierrili Brewn te pre- pare ai report on the Simpson 'Avenue drainage preblem. jThe problem was caused semne monfits go wliee L, & L Teel Ltd, put i a parking lot in an area adjacent te their factery, The lot Inter- rupted the niaturel water- course deîning part of the 18 acres te théeaest side of Sirpscui Avenue. As a con- sequence thlere lias beena blackage and A danger 1 waten backing lip and ruýnïing the meadway. There la aise a pessibîllty thet heavy spring thaws mîght ceuse a Flood lu the L &L building, according te, Mr. Watt. The compeny waýs request- ed hy the town office teý do someting aout; the pneblem, but up to now lies apparently dene not1üng. 'Unless they do, lioweven, the town will act New Democrats HoId Conference on Farm Poliecy The N-\w1)Dem-ocratic Pirty provincial NDP leader, DonI- cf Ontario held a farm poicy aid MacDonald who summa,ýr- conference i Newcastle on ized the Party,'s farma policyý Saturday. and, reviewed the impact of Meeting in the Newcastle today's economy on rural On- Town Hall, the day-lIong con- tario. ference deait with the, posi- The spokesman for the Na- tlions cf the National Farma tional Farmn Union was Ken Union and tCe Ontario Fed- Bragg; a f armer in the New- eration of Agriculture. andi castie area. lVr. Bragg was related, these Ie a 12-point substituting for Walter Miller farma pelicy tatement issued who was unable te attend. by the NDP.I The Ontario Federation of Two speeches were given.ý Agriculture was represented One was presented by Mel1 by Bruce Taylor eof Enniskil- Swart, who had corne ail1 the len. way 'froma St. Catharines te Durham County NDP- cari- talk on the subject of "The ldidate, Deug Moffatt, cenven- Farmer and Taxes", The~ ed the conference and chaireci iother was giveni by forrr the session. I «Acident Rqound-uPI A 19-year-old Bowmnanville lided on Liberty Street south! girl was taken te hospital of Taunton Road. There were wîth pessible head injuries ne apparent injuries. Dam-1 when the car ln which she ages were estimated et $200 was a passenger crashed on for Vandenhoven's vehicle, Highway 2 a mile east et and $250 fer Henderson's. Courtîce early Sunday morn- Later, on Monday et 4:32 Ing at 12:26 at. - p.m. there was a two car coi- Maureen Baker cf 49 King lision on the Thîrd Concession Street East was treated in of Clarke. Preperty damages .Bowmenvllle Membrial Hospi- amounted te $250 te a car tel end discharged later in driven by William James Me- the day, Bride et R.R, 2 Newcastle The driver ef the car was and $300 te ene driven by1 Wayne Douglas Fegg, 23, cf Phliip -L.ynweod Eldridge of X&R 4, Bewmanvillie. Damage Bewmanville. te the vehicle- was estimated Then, on Tuiesday a two car et $800. collision on King Street East Othier major accident)s which in Newcastle resulted lu $175 occurred during the past damages ta a car driven by wveek are g-iven below, Nancy Colleen -Thompson ef Twev cars cllided in Nesie- R.R. 5 BowmanvIllie and $250 ton on Sunday niornîng at damage te ene operated by 11:55 am. The drivers were Karin Fischer ef R.R, 2 New- ,Lamýe Donald Lee et R.R. 1 castie. An unnemed passen- Nestieton and M e i b o u r n e ger lu the Fischer car appar- Deuglas Switzer et Nestieton. ently received a, miner in-: Damage te the Lee vehicle jury lu the mishap. was $675; ne damage figure During the past week, the was given fer, the Switzer Newcastle detachment of the car. There were ne Injuries. Ontarie Provincial Police ini- On Me1nday eat 2:05 p.m. vestigated 17 accidents, mest cars driven by Leonardus à'.et them miner inveling rela- Vandenhoven ef R.R. 3 Bow- tively 10w property damnage manville and Richard Herbert and free cf serieus inJury, Henderson, of Newcastle col- Ffre t Chiot Uc1ymnncalled flic fine "a neal nuiisanice" d said that il would involve "dollars ced dollars et exponse ta ex- C. R. Mac(en r het-limAr Managemeni ýBrandti oethle Deparîment et Energy cend Resources ianpgemreili as licoua ethoflicseicce Tues- day, invest 'igating flic situation and offeing advice. JackCadi, one et the awn- ers ofet lcpItlias appaenlly lied te emalther flic fine liy eýcraping carîli oven the bure- ing sccions. But, il la a slew business. There islce reedy supply cf waer et the scene,ý and lie use et a dry lhiical exlinguler would lh ooeeexpensive. Theme lias beon anc suggestion lta flic fine lime duel whicli is a waste praduci aI St. Mary's Cernent plant would prove au effective smothering agent, But, ferrflic present, fine- figlters are stymied in doler- mining liowAtley- cen accler- aIe flic business et putting eut flic noxieus blaze. Stu dent <PROM PAGE ONE) follewc: Jolie Corieli, Onn Public Selicol, speaking an "Gerdie Hewe"; Mary Anc DeWitt, Rirby Public Scholc, speaking on "The* Woodcliuck";, Caonle Breaull, Klrby, witli fleic pofet"Pollution"; Nancy Groolt ram Leckhamt's Seheol spoaking on "Pollution and Conservation" cnd Sheila Me- Donald ef Lockhart's apoaking on "The Conservation et Deer".-Oyone Times. <PROM iPAGE ONE) rauting tac bus. Iu lier appeal Mme, Wesllake elated a further incident, whicli eccurod lest week..A fox, she sai.d, allackod a herse in a fleld aethflicend et flic rocd..1 Sic said sie could net 'let lier child walk. flic roadlenflic demi and wouid cet permit lier te cross c seven-lane higliway. "Tic snowbanks are 50 hih1 fliai tiey even present pro - lems for cars,. nover mmd six- yeer-ald girls,", she snid. Ai tlie.meeting, when flic decision was mado net te re- oule the bus, thie administre- lieu lied ecornmecded Iliat for a limiled peniod eftfinie, until flic wieter recese, when dayligit wil libe carlier, that thie bus sliould lie re-routed hla--mile dowe the road le pick lie chîld Up cf lier home. Mme. Wesllake la unable te taie ler daughter te the bus because she lias twe yaunger chidren et home. Hem luband ile an einployee et Genemal Matera and while lie was on cîrike, lie teck his daugliter te, echool ecclimemeing. The board decided fa diacus the malter et, a commilîe e o the whle meeting lield fol-i lawing flic genenal rmeeting, A. A. H. Sîrike, cheimman, tld Mra. Westlakc che wauldi lie întormed oetIhe boamd'sJ Idecialon ShorLly -Guide e NESTLETON Mm, Win, Steel'cf Austraila who lias been vlsltlpg vwith Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeMullen, Port Penny, ettonded morning service in the United Chuncli and visited witi the Lawrence Malcolm family. Ail were Most haeppy te welcome Mr. Steel bo--ck te Mls 4"homne town"? and te hic "hom-re cucl" Mn. and Mrc. Vicoro Mai- clMn.-and Mrs. Norman Mains and IMn. end Mrs. Bert Gibsan, Blackstock, vlsitcd ëoný Sat'unay evenlng wli-"hM. and Mms. George Black, Lîned- Say. Mr, and Mrc. John Neablt weme Satunday evcnlng din- nr guesis wth lvNl and Mme. Charlies Ne-blît, Bowmanviiie. Space d1opos net permit the naeming oetPail wlieattended the le Feles. Women's Insui- tute members who wcul ntare Mmc. Walter Welts, ber hua- band Mn, Wells, Mme. Malcelm Emecrson, Mme, Allen Beaceck and lier husband Mr. Bcacock. Adulte from Nesiieton village are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Semelle, Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Wiliams,, Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Clung, Mrs. Lee Shiaw, Mr. and Mme, Oliver 'Rohmer, Mr. and Mme, Warren Rohmer, Mr. Pcry Grandel Sorry te report Steplianle Robmer and Douglas Switzem arc patienta Ie Pont Penny Hospital. A correction, please-Mn. David Jeohns' father was Mr. Richard Jolies (ncl William as was epoted). Ou Sundey memelng'an acci- dent occurmed on 7A Hlghway ln Nesîleten ai ithe Country Store. Tlieeatbound car, diven by Lemrne Lee, wec le collision wlili a car enterlng thie highwey from thc Country Store and driven by Mcl Swlt- zen. Ferluneteiy no oee was serleusly hurt but considerebie damage mesulted te the cars. Mm. and Mms. Clarke Wil- liamiswene Tuesday ovemnîght visitons wlth Mm. and Mme. Deug Fallae and family, Bow- manville. Mn. and Mrs. John Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas, Llnd- cay, vlsied Sunday with lier mother, Mmc. Ivan Prouil. Mm. and Mmc. Grant Theinp- son spent Satumday wilth ilie Neil Bailiys, Blackslock, and were ovenîght guesta. Redmen JUV<s. Beat Port Hope by David Goheen Salurdey, February 6ti,, ceuld lie the oening garne cf the Lakeahere group Juvenile playofi s againat Mamkliam, The game could tart at 9:00 p.m. 1Bow manville St. Mary'e Cernent Redmen elimainatod Port Hope, Tuesday, FebmuarY 2nd, by the score et 7-3. The Bowmanville acors were: Gary Murphy witli fli assist going te AI Junkin; Bruce Simpson, fmem Steve Femsey; Scott Burgess, trers Bruce Sinmpson, Steve Fomeey tram Jüni Baker; Laurie Gay, With the essist goicg te Jini Baker; AI Junkin, with Harmy Willoughiby and Elroy Timble asisting, ýand Rick Sheokelton witli an unassicted goal. The Part Hope scoers weme: Emnie Doig freni Rendy Ker and Rick Fox; Jini Haynes an uneasictod goal; and Jim Heyc- Se froni Tony Goering. Ploase chieck the sound truck or the bulletin board et the tour cernons if the geme was arranged for Saturday aiglit. .Winners of. Darlinglon Speaking Contest 1 lRoseniaryKilleen The finals for the Darling- was another grade six student, ton Township Public Speaking Peter Knowlton who attends contest were held on Thursday Enniskilien Public School. 1 levening et Hobbs Senior Ele- The public speaking centeat mentary School. was for ail grade four toeieght A grade seven Hobbs stu- students in the township's pub- ýdent, Kathryn Knox, won first lic schools. Between 40-50 stu- prize in the Intermediate Div- dents hed- entered the contest, isien and the right te repre- After various intra- and inter- sent the township in the West- school run-ofis, 10 centestants ern Area finals which will ho were selected for the finals. held on February 9th at The young domosthenians Grandview, Manvers Town- could' choose whatever topic ship. The runner-up was Rs-they tancied, but could net mary Schmegner, who attends talk longer than betweeu five grade eight in the same schooL. te seven minutes. The winner et the Junior The' winning speech, by Division was a, grade six stu- Kathryn Knox was on 'Enthu- dent et Shaw's school, Rose- siasm', a rather esoteric sub- mary Klleen, The runnor-up ject for a grade seven studentI <PROM PAGE ONE) fermer Elaine R. Smithlofet Toronto and lias one son Michael, age 15 menthe. Ho la familier wltli Ibsi enea, havlng been a long limeî summer resident et Ceesamea. Mn. Kelly grew up le the Ottawa Valley environs and attended' Loyola -Cellege le Montreal, Aftto a year' w,,ith Royal Trust lie entored kaw sehoiýol le Tarante. Ho and9 his wife, Connie, have iire chidren, Leunlo age 5, Chnis- lopher ago 4, and Enin age 3 manilis. IIEAUT DAY - FEB. 151h Monday, February 151h le Heart Foundaf ion Day in Bownianviiie and rnembcms of tlic Bowrncnvilie and District Heart Association will be ont cauvassing. Ail they ask le thaf yen have a heari ,. -and douaI c tte ir cause. CAPITAL FORECAST A five-yeam Capital Fore>- ceet for the Town cf Bo- manvi1iO will be presented te tewn couou lwhen If moe next week lu privafé session <Commifîce - of - tlic- Whole) - The forecat which la bo- Ieg prepared by flic clerk- administraI or and freasurer, la expected to ho made pub- lie ia two weeks fine, ati counei1'5 ccxl reguliir ueei- IIEADS REALTORS KeRoc -ekIn ef W. Frank Real F.state, necenlly wec clecled president et the Port Hope - Cobourg aed District Real Estate Board. Council Cuts (PROM PAGE ONE> in aboyance a pmepoaed ide-j walk- construction on Scugogi Road which tlie engineer liad1 eslimialed would cecI flic lewn r iThose pmojecote given th1e gr£eent light were: - $900 fer a guard rail on Simpeon Avenue et flic curve souil th fliheMill House Drop In Centre. __$40,000 for a r'ow bridge on West Beach Road. Thise arnount wes lwice whaf the engineen lied mequestod, but would permit flic construction cf a cqncrele bridge rallier Ilian a baiiey bridge as the original proposal suggested. - $10,000 for improvemeelns, on. Meemns Street norîli tram KigStreet for 2151 foot. Thek- roed will lie re-dilclied, me- gnaded, and built up witli, gravai and e fine muloli or sur- face treatm«it ceaIt applied. - $11,500 for flic came type et improvements as above on Base LinoeRond tram Waverly! Road ta Hunt Street, a dis.- tance et 3350 feet. -$14;00 for flic semo type et improvements as above on, Cemelery Roed fnom Bacc" Lice nomîli 2050 foot. - $50,000 for rad construc-' tien fer 1971. Four allier prejecîs were deferred. Improvements t le icinter- sectioni et Base Lino and Libi- erty Streets, which is estimaI- ed te cecI about $10,000, was put off until the Departînent of Hliglways la coctected me-. garding their future plans for that area. The town hopes tel ho able te construct additional lanes on the east-west apprea- ches te the intersection. Anothen dot enred proj ect was a 2750 foot section et Meames Street, north et Con- cession te the CPR crossing. The engineer was futher requested te investigate road improvements, necesseny on Silver Street between King, and Wellington Streets end-te submit an etimate et costs te improve the King and Scugog rStreets intersection. The major items rejected by Council were the, continuation [it the rndprograrn on Church Street (from Division te_ Lib- enty Street) which was esti- mated te ci .otabout $170,000, and, the reconstruction, et Elgin Street (frein Wellington te the CPR bridge) et a ceaI et $120,000. The former undontaking was net waranted et precent lie- cause traffic fiows along Churcli Street lied beon less than 'ex- pected. Besides, Mr. Watt explaîned, the proposed Uighwey 2. dcv-i elopment wili iikely directI traffic înIe King Street and net' int Church as hed et ene limel been expDected. Ne neason was given for the cancellation et the ElIgie Streotý proj oct. Kathryn Knox but one which she handled , grade four. The trophy ïs pre- how, else but enthusiastically, sented by Shank & Themas Rosemary Killeen recounted l.nsurence Agency Ltd. a trip she and her tamiiy had Judges for the event were taken te Uncle Tom's Cabin Frank McQuay, consultant with this past summrer. teUie onîsBado Other students taiked on EçthenedssCounie Berd , Facs, ate, rug, Cts nda remedial teacher wlth the Romeo and Juliet, te name e United Counties Board et Edu- i ey.h Knxwnteu- cation, and Mrs. Eandelph i er Division finals lest year. Frsre oîa She is the sixth recipient et The convoner was Mr. G. the Darlington Township Pub- Gleibs, principal ef Hampton lic Schooi Award for public Jr. Public School. speaking.1 The Mapie Grove East Pub- Rosemary Killeen won the lic Schooi Choir was a -special Junior Division award oncelattraction et the evoning's acti- before aise. That was twe vities pertorming et the con- years ago whee she was iniclusion et the speeches. S tudent day evenings starting et 8:15 P.M. and ending et about 10:30 ý pr espep .m. Friday's presentatien has MCOn been sold eut (480 seats), but * .beS lcunS there are stili tickets available (FROM PAGE ONIE) for both Thursday's and Set.- Ray Leach (CSS), Cindy Ayre ui'day's shows. (BUS), Danny Uanewîch et About 135 people have been,ý (CSS), Cathy Vice (CSS), involved le the prodtucjion Mary Tomlinsoe (BUS),, and one way or another. Teachers Bonnie Morrison (BUS). The Geoif Woods and Elliott Tre- principal actors are Tina'meer hoth et BUS have-hând- Vooys (CSS) piayîng Maria. led the musical direction, -and Terry Russell (BHS) as Tony, teacher Mary Ann O'Leary ef Cindy Ayre (BUS) as Anita, CSS has done the chore-o- Rick Morrison (BUS) as Rifi, graphy. and.Dennis Deeley (CSS) as "We have had te drop a bai.- Bemnardo. let sequence," said Bob Sheri- The play will be presented dan yesterdey, "But le ,,ýal in the Bowmanvilie Town Hall otheri respects il le ju st 11ke on Tempemance Street, tbiis'the a c ýadeiy ?awaFrd winn'iing Thursday, Fridey and Satuir-lshow.", DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS I Chartered Accountants OIFFICES IN MAJOR VANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA ÉARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, F.C.A., R.A. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE -728-7527 1971 ELAN 12 herse SPECIAL... .$539 ONE ONLY 1971 Olympic 20 herse SPECIAL ý..$715, TWO ONLY 1971 Nortic 24 horse - wide track SPEC IAL.$8 ONE ONLY 1971 Nortic 24 herse - electricstr SPECIAL ....$980 ONE ONLY .....BUY NOW! 1971 Olympic AVOID THE 197 1971 Scandiîc" 24 horse - electric start 20 horse - wide track SPECAL ...$99 RICINCREASES SPCA I USED 1970 SKI-DOO OLYMPIC Ad A fI SPECIAL ! PRICED TO SELL ------ -4I ALL SUITS, PANTS and ACCESSORIES - 1BEING CLEARED AT DEALER COST1 FINAL. CLEARANCE ONLY A FEW LEFT TO CHOOSE FROMA HURRitYINe URIRY!HURRZY ONE ONLY ONE ONLY -1