31ie ?l£a411223zetdd Mrc-9'Z2 T l L' JLQIo ho 87413d ImiI . rruL e is bis &u*v 77 ewca st/e Social anad 9)ersona/ wasn't anough as they wg defealed 6-5 by Pickerii Scoing for Newcastle wi Joe Hartoon two and ana er ta Tom Martin, Chris Dwý aud Neil Vaudemsloop. Ne castie was outshot in the g& 25-20. Sumday,- January 31 Town League De-ite suowfalls aud bitter have amoug their projects, a I n te lit. gael wa cold weather, a large cowd bottlie drive lanneci for Feb. ville defeataci Johustou's 3-1 attauded the Jauuary Lions l.3th. If you neeci ta rid your finish out the season und dance helci lest Setumday ev- attie, basamant or garage of feateci. enlur. lVauy couples wame botties gathereci from the Scoriug: Cowanville-Ga celabrating thair weddiug au- Christmas andi New Year ses- VanDam, 2 goals, 1 assIst; nivarsamies, among them Con- sou, these. boys will ha only Green, 1 goal -Alf Aidreci ô nie aud Paie De Joug, Mary- toa happy ta collect them from assist. Jobustons--R. Go aun and Don Inuis sud Marlon yau. Pîcase leava battles bu 1 goali A, Sutch 1 assist, sud "7harman Shields- witb front- of your home. coller- Henderon 1 assist. Charles Gray celereting bisz tion will get under way short- Cowanvblla eceiveci birthda1ýy. 'Vhe next danca, ta ly afler uluea sm. Faîbers are penalties wbile Jobnstan'sg ba hielci lu ýFeb uary, will ba needeci taa, ta drive trucks or 5 uucr'the swet_enrt sigu of cars. A previously planned Inl the second game El Valentine. Wîtcli for furthar drive faîl through, for wbich burst finaliy won e gamea ai Infommatipn. apologies are axtendeci, but 3 consacutiva 'ties by downi Studenis sud staff 0f th, waothem permitting y au r Partuars 4-2 ta capturet Newcastle Public Scbool bave bottles will ba collacteci on 3rd sud final playoff berth beau puttiug long boums aud a the date mantioneci or the fol- Scoring: EI.mnhurst---B. Ro great deal of effort ino per- lowiug week f the weethem- 2 goals, 2 assists; W. Pea fecling their camiug musical mau dosu't co-opemale. 2 assisîs, D. Stinsan 2i eveniug. Tha oparatta *"Ol.i-____ _ suIss, Tarry Wallon 1 goal, King Cola" wll ha parformmd Grean 1 goal, B, Wright by students lu Grades 3-4-5 c ste assîstý with studants from Grades N w te goaG.n ter goal, J. iCh 6-7-8 peformiug bu the op-golG.Hne1ga, C eretta "Cowbay ou the Moan". nock ewlas nnbmRIH i H c ev 11 T 1, assist ah Grade two -studeuts will Partuers mceived 8 oft prasent saverel numbers -fram the Rhyhm Bai. Grade .9 Thursday, Jan. 28 12 penalties. studeuts wil ha eturing ta Tyke Final Standings Staltîs recaiva Ihir Grade 8 awerds Newcastle Tykes continueci Team W L T I andi promotional certificatas. on thair wiuning way as lbey Cowanville --(--- I 0o2 Allin lual, it promises ta ha a blankeci Orona 7-0 with Kavin Jobustans 5 6 1 full aveniug sud a fine oua. Wade racordiug the shutoul. Elmbumsl ------ 3 6 3 Ail parents sud bteresteci par- Lceading the Nawcastle scoring, Parîuer's__- 2 8 2 sans are wclcome ta attend. was Davidi Million with 2 aund Top 12 Scorers The data bs February 91b at singles ,gaing ta, Norman1 G AF 7:00 p.m. lu the Community Sheamer, Mike Smith, Danny C-Gary 'Vandam 12 14 Hall, Thera h ea omaîl admis- Wagor, Scott Foster sud Dan C--Chamlie Green 14 9 slan charge, pleasa check the Martin. J-Pale Henderson 13 7 adverlisam.ent. Novice C-Pete Afler experieuciiîg suceh colci, The Ne wcasîle leam couldn't McCullough 10 10 bitter winds sud suow, fEnd- gar on tack as lhey were C-Paul log us knae deep lu drifts, i15s dowuad 3-1 by the visiling Ujx- McCullough 7 13 to ha bopaci the grouud-hog bridge teaam. Marty Lowry J-Terry Fisk 8 10 finds uathiug but better days scoreci the auly Newcastle goal C-Fred Alcimed. 8 10 aheaci. Ta aur friencis vaca- assisteci hy Bian Allun. New- E-Wayne Pearce 7 9 tioning bu Iha sýuuuy, warmi castle wcra hempemeci by pan- P-Bob Stîllas 6 10 sauth, rblapo oul brlug us slties as îhay pickad up 4, P-John back sýome sunshine uie Cunningham 9 5 We are saryt repaort that Newcantle kàwiet E-Brîan Rawe 8 6 Mrs. Laiulse Hlodgson is aglNwateto l a E-Bill Wright 5 9 patient luMeona Hospital. e on tack but 4 goals bu the oa1 enin M2rrTeddyý Innis lsa ain third peioci gave themn a 6-3 G AAg Mter paowinvlewt intVictamy ovar the visiting Osha- GP GA Ave xilter Temmy bavbng beau in wgalswclub RayDan otnstRau 2VanDam 12 29 2.42 and now releaseci since hem olwie a et e E-Orville tansîl apemtian. Partriciga, Brian Andersoan sdWod1 42 .7 Dw.Greg Gray eacb counlaiWod124 37 Mr. Bob Bluain frm a y singles. Newcastle outshot IheJ- Bob sou Crack, B.C. sud Mm., Davîi Oshawa club 3,3 ta 26 sud Luxton 1il 42 3 82 Clarke fromn Toroutow were picked up 6 penaltiesof the 9 Gea. VanDa-m 1 5 5.00 waekenlud guesis with M. sud haudeci out. Total 1 47 3.92 ,Mes, Dn Innis.dy, Jassary 29 P -JaImia litNewaste couts sud[ Fi y Wright la 2 2.00 Cuoaaweýll mb ,planningi Pea Wea 1WayneLeasch Il 64 5ý82 thirbhus tnp ta I Ottawa sud Newcastle wera dumpad 7-2 Toal 12 66 5.50 ______by touffvilla as they were Corng fEVentS - utsoo 36 ta 17. Scoring for _________________Nevacosllware Ravin Hawas Necall Sau=CbBatIlluasitaiandi Marty Brown Bo ln prive. i1,1trday,-Flbruary j from n Quiuuiey sud Haes. o ln 131hl (weath!(,, -e r peritlg). --ta MNDA-LAIE r'ceecis :wIlelp by n New catlla gava il ail lbey îI nciLADIr their bus trip laotta1wa. bad inluthe thîrd periad, C.R 5eanen26, Cr P 5-1 scorlng 5 goals but Il juil arm ne n, 265, C. Pi(51 Newcastle Public School Presents a MUSICAL EVENING in the NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL Tu esday, February 9t 7 p. m. ADULTS $1.00 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS - 50e i_______ I tells you what is going on' in the world,, weekdays 7 a.m. & 5 p.m.' LISTEN HERE: © ,- E 15C:)3 * & ©U© ONTARIOS AUTHORITATIVE NEWS VOICE Langstaff 246, E. Marcer 2ý I. Patton 241, J. Stere 240, Cauch 239, C. Duguay 237, Mrcer 233, M. Wade 224, Farrow 222, I. Brown 220, Perrin 216, N. Williams 21 B. Lake 210, J. Hutton 207, Lunu 205, A. Gogerty 204, Moore 203, G. Hallowell 2( J. Aldread 200, M. KantI 1 H. Couroux 196, A. Langsî 196, M. Major 195, M. Fost 195, D, Lengstaff 192, Couch 181, K. Mercer 175. MEN - 200 andi Over B. Burley 338, E. Taylor 3( J. Brutan 286, G. Kimbaîl 2, J. Robinson 271, B.* Far 237, T., Wllon 233, J. Fc rester 229, M. Heury 228, Taylor 224, G. Kupery 2' C. Rbvems 216, E. Nasbill 2( J. Kuelangen 207; D. Hai 203. THURSDAY MIXED 175 and Over B. Glanvilla 276, M. Lam 237,, J. Mylas 230, F. Lem 223, A Farrow 207, T. Garà 197, M. Adageesi 196, S. Bît 186, M. Coucb 185, H. Farmc 184, J. Mitchell 184, W. FC gel 181, M. MacGmagor 175. FRIDAY MIXED 200 and Over M. Henry 279, E. Jaul< 267, S. Powell 253, B. Mad 246, G'. Rupemy 232, J. Je: lus 228, J. Sikma 225, N. M~ cuil 225, A. Pearca 223. jPear 218, R. Burley 216, Holmes 215, G. Gray 214, Helsay 213, R. Goad 208, Zwiem 206, D. Nsitt 204, McCracken 204, B. Wilks 2( IP T4nnek2 n 03. T-rai aereJ aere ýacb jerOn Sunday meNewcastle - Early Sun eftemnoan, Newcastle firei were called tlp the Sunnyl Spur Station, King Str fan- Newcastle, wheu a jeep. ow 1ta by Ernia Gilkes, caught de- whila bhaviug some workd on it Inside the garage. amy They managed tot tow lti C. sideansd avoided fîra dar one ta, the building, but the b' ;od di considerable damage P. the vehicle. 7 ,,,t-Fire Fighters nteg Ph one No. the Xoe Is 987-4211 as- Newcastle-rire Chiaf1 A. Glauville sud some of 1 men taking a random sui .among a faw mesidents, - 1 quite discourageci ta le-amu un- without the use of thea tla, phone book or help from oparator, most residents1 thp_ no ides whatavar whal ernergeucy fira 'phone nun Pts They strongly urge yoL 1write the number down 22 put it near or aven ou il teleuohone. The minutasi 9 unf in ding, the telephone1 sud then huutiug up the i ber coulci meke ail the di] Ptienca if you should bave a 26, The Fire Dept. talept 23 number ls 987-4211. Min 20 saveci could also mean a h saveci. Place Ibis nu. 20 right ou your 'phone lad 20 aud usaci clothiug andi bac 18 for relief purpose. 16 The repart of the Corn. 16 tee 'of Stewards showad 16cliurch finances la ha lu se 14 condition sud the Indeb 14 nais ou Ihe new building 14 staulially decreasaci unt' ,uow stands et only $14,001 The apprecialion of the 8() gregation was 'axtendeci U the officiais sud leaders 2 necteci wiib the work ai Cburcb: Tha Rev. H. A. 71 0 er sud Mmi. Turner for1 leadership sud guidance;( 1 !nu'I Mr. Rosi Mtraîf and 1 vemy fine chairs; Sur ' School Superintendent Mr. Bragg sud the staff of Sur 0 School teachers, the leader 01 ali the lhmougb - the -v O graupisud organlzations, Cburcb Cuistadians Mm. Mmi, Jas, Newman sud ais Mm,. sud Mm.. Doug Haie]y their contributionlIn he aralian sud prlning af weekly bulletin, A substantiel bequest1 [ck- the asIate of the laIe M. T. frici Carruthers was 45, uowiadged andi appracialaé R. Cburch officiais elactecim D. Tha Members of Ses:i L. Rae Abamuethy, John Crt E. sbauk, Mrs. L. Eldiridige, 12, Rice,, Nelson Wilkins, F. Hendersan, Alvin Boyd, E. K. Hull, Wilson Priug, 01, hart Teapla, Rau Shacil] L8. Mms. A. Bernes, Jas. A aff nelby, Gea. Graham, 5t Hetharlnglon, Rois Ste- G. Doug Kemp, Samn Buli Wm. Eby, Miss Fý Gard! Rev. L. M. Somarville, Tho 01, sou, Taylor, Wm. Rabir :78, Mai. Samalîs, Otta Br 0-w Oliver Dalmympla, Dr. H. ,or- gusan, Alex McGregor, L. oeil Stacey, Mrs. Leslie WS 21, The Comrmiltea of S1ev :09, -AI Culhhertson, Gardon rris Pharson, Glenn Prout, McArthur, Leonard Joues, Bryson, Jas. Coombas, Ro Caruthers, Allen Thieý wii Davidi Bowen, Robert C euis Ted Clarke, Staven Siet don del, Dou Welsh, G e i ack Shackleton, Wm. Haynes,F ow weli Blackburn, Doug. Ha ýor- Lyle McMabou, Allen Far 5. Mmi. D. McArtbum., The Board of Truste ErEnie Twist, Alax McGrE lins Emnie Twist, Alax McGrE ýdiii ami, Don McArîbur, D iok- Reynolds. \la At the conclusion of A. meeting lighî refreshm J- were servad sud a social D. hour enjoyaci G. _ _- _ J. n204,f L~. ~ p'-ry wu e. e *u RFPm w 202. .-The Newcastle Detach of --fhe Ontaria Provincial 1 ~ice from Januamy l7tb la St. PauI's uary 23, 1971, investigali imotar vehicla collision ~ which five persans reci Con~w~o u'..>um suit eight persans wÊre c parsona Iurias, s a H e ars Reports 'enle a:cofeIn.îi> The iriual Con'ýmcgtoalJanuary 21, 1971, an Os] Meeting of St, Poul's Unitaed resîdent recelveci a bi Churcb was halci ou Wednes- leg sud laceratlons afla: day evening, January 21s1. suowmobile traveliaci ov The meeting was presideci over 30-foot cliff near the Os] by the Rev. H. A. Turner wba Ski Club aI Klrby, Ontai opauad il wih a brief devo- Invesîlgataci duriug the tipual service, lu the absencepalc fim wea3 of the Congragational 'Sacre- emai occurrences of whbcb tary Mm. Mansail Stacey, Mmi. wara four reparti of b W. Teapla was appaintaci sec- enter andi thefi, two mapoi retamy pro tam. common thefi, ana disturt Reports prasentaci hy the camplaint, twa domeslic rapresatibves, of the varbous pans n he rai daparîmeuts of' the churcb pins, sud Ibrea arallc showed anoiber year of a-weme chargaci wiîh crii vauèement with the exception offaucas, Ibrea persans cl of the Sunday Schaal whei-e. cd with minor liquor off although enrolîment has in- and nci roschre creaseci, attandence bas showu iman ed rsins hage a mecline. ipieidibg The amalgamation of' the Know The Law Salem sud SI. Pau's congre- Driver Must Signal Inter galions in June, 1970, bas e- Befora turnlng right or sulted inl a graatly streugth- or changlng lanas on a ened St: Paul's facing the chal- way, or hefora movlng langes of 1971 sud lihe yaars from ea parked position, abeaci. 1must firsl ha sure Ibal, An interestIng item amoug movemnent cen ha maci the many projeclosud services safaly. If auy other vf carried oui by the Unitedi may ha affectad by your n Churcb Woman was the sbip- ment, yau must signal Iment of 1,900 pounds el new Intentions. Failure ta Strike Settled ai A& P 1 IPl The Canadien StatesMan, Bowmanville, Feb, 3, 1971 Hold Annuat Meeting Red C wro 1ss B ranch Sm al in Numbers But Big in ResuItse * The Bowmanville and Dis- thanks ta Mrs. G. Evers who of the H-igh School Youth1 trict Branch, Canadian' Red does a tremendous job Cu fothrheptrg- . nd..ayi Cross Society held its annual keigti omte cie out the year. 7ba of the President, Mrs. G. For- and ta Mrs. R. Býouwmeester, Brnhofcror97ar treet, sey. This Branch has only a Mrs. H. Kraayenhof, Mrs. A. aýos falo623-re39d09,;s. G. wned small active membership but Munneke, Mrs. W. Lawrie, Mrs. W. Wallis 623-31; Trea.. lire a great deal xvas. accomplish- Mrs. J. Living, Mrs. E.Bourne,sueM.W J.EOrstn done ~~~~ed for the people of Bowman- Miss M. Crowe and Mrs. F.e, r . .E ville and the cîtizens of the Griffin who look alter the 623-5475; BodDnrSr ou-surrounding communities dur- Workroom on Friday after- vice, Mrs. W. M. Rudeli 87 noons:. Only their continued 4261; C a M p a i g ni, Mi-, Les mntgusias and70uporta1d oombes 623-5043; EmergercyV blaze ~~~~~~Mm. W. J. E. Ormiston, the nh aman upr nServices, Mrs, G. Forsey,; Frstý C etreasurer, repoted that con- the mnany hours put in bIT the Ad r .Lxo 2-63 tributions for 1970 reached wmnwosw n otfrHome Nursing, Miss M Y Crowe; the $ 3000 mark. Approximate- this program make this report 623-f 929; Sickroomi Supply1ý ly 70% of this sum was used possible, Serýice, Mrs. F. Gifn6.?.,-' '*ta provide disaster relief fo,)]- Red Cross Youth Twa 3115; Public Relationsý, Ms. lowin~g area fîmes and ta main- Bowmanville High School stu- R. Spry 983-5291; Hiomemak-1;"r - tain the services provided by dents, Miss Donna King and Ser-vice, Mrs. G.Fre;Sr the local Branch. The remnain- Miss Pa'isnwere span- vices for Seniors, Ms .L~ *.*. *.der of the money was used by sored by the Branch ta attend cas 623-5445; Wbter Saft .the Women's Work Commit- the Ontario Youtft seminar in Mm. W. W. Bagnil 63355 taet purchase materials for August at Humber Callege. Wonien's Wark. , s.G.Lvr disaster clothing for local, na- The Branch exctv r 2-2639, Mrs.R. pryi,3 tional and international relief. most grateful ta these young 5291; Phoi ovnr r. The scope of the Red Cross ladies -and the other membFprs Scott62-38 his services is evident in the f ai- ~i4t~~lowing Chairmens reports: l IM r Servic Mm11% YfT ~%~ Blood Donor Seprted ha t~i~ thrce inc ere held during I fo o ~the year in May, August andW h e SNovember and a total of 780 M cnber ,~~~. ~~'4-~~ for the Free Blood Transfus- $1492fr asesb1t ion Service. Clinics are again nuts, etc, )u teî~~ scheduled for the firît Wed- and nesays In ebruary, May, Thee.ii somethlng wrotige, hr adCoun, Bell, aten,,- the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - August and Novembertemte ocucibigrg j~ used~~megec Serviceste Mncl'satn book G. Forsey reparted, that assist- tier hefore thé December anelute am fcltinStatements of Accounts-for the 4 YrAOP~k beffer- grcre a - town had been read and pass- im fie. bdig grcre wa pr-ed. i lire.vided following eight fîres in hoethe ae.Attlo 5aut "Tt Is a typographical error," iutes and 20 children were hcîped said Mr. Mcloy In, reply. 7 ithis way. Used furnitdme "h amn was also to- mber and used clothing was alsa -ward iwgadri o zly A and P supermarket workers voted five-to-ons found in samne instances. the bridge." Friday night in favor of a 30-manth contract retro- Mms, Fomsey also stated that Cour. Bell requested that t dding active ta December 14, 1970, that gives themn wage there are now 12 Homemakers the treasurer put more Infor-, bhowl siti the everît mation in the section pertaIin-. il; parity with nther superînarket groups.T~he vote ended o Wlnessin h omneor inIrg ta description 0f where- >1- e 1the a 15-day strîke by 2000 members of the Amalgamnated the case- of a mother being the town manies go. ;und Meat Cutters and Butcher Warkers Union against 97 haspitaie, Fute uh M.Mlrysi he woulda 1ted- A and Pstores in30Otar o n on- m unitHoee herequests were filled duing cmivey the message tà Joe 1 Lil t FrstAid --Mm, H. Luxton tex collector. ). ly a t mly saennuin Hwvra h tateci that during 1970 there BYTA M con- height of the strike it too >was picketed. Three stiikers hadl been five First Aid cours- te ail from unionized A and P stores in the area came here ses, two Standard and three GET CASH TODAT PLUMBING & EATING COn- ta advertise their grievances andpersuade the public introductory for Girl Guides FOR OLD AFFLIANCES K. 1the i h ra ehdas pk HOG H N rurn- toshop elsewhere until the, strike was over. In the en the vri aea e daloganpak- THROUG PHO 262UI tepicture above Joan Lyon of Port Permy walks a picket tiens -rousre Abulanzae- C AST EN Tyronr, Onfzailo Org- an King Street, while two others pîcket the Liberty vice and given demonstra -_____________ d the Street en0rance i i ta the st o es parking lot. tiens In First Aid and m routhý- nday Udrtenwareet hc to-mouth resuscitation ta ap- î *Ken Udrt, lwaýrret hc givesth union proxi-maely 210pras ndybargaining rights forbahl employees in the comny5 Homne Nursing - Ms M- I r of Ontario stores, the w agp for a male worker goes, up Crowe reparted that 16 per- weelc from $124 a week ta $143.50 and alter June lst ta sons received their Horne the Nursing pinsaind certificate-]WAC TI PG and $158.50. The conipany has agreed ta pay ail hospital i arhof 1970 sd]anathe'r [w0 tO and medicai plan premiums and ta pay, the entire cast curewas sete uOcto r fr0,wîth a ni 1rolmnent of K E~ A prep Teelde me ahWd the ! uesdey P.veing fi2or a two bioum d r cho ession on came in the home," FOR OUJR Wi- MeSi1iss Crowe attendedh annivcî-siira ack-1 day workshop in, Toronto _ d. I .1with approximately 30, oth'emIV were:M tffff n ' f Il' instructors fromn centre sA ;on- I Iuli5n UI liAuf WrthIIUthroughout Ontario.cS eia ! .uick- Skckroom Supply Service p ep * "Ï/ John by Pete MeGllen Tt will cost $100 for room Mrs. F. Griffin eported that Bey. and board for the 10 deys, but a total of 183 articles had beenI Mrs. Kawartha Lakes M u s 1.c class instruction w il be free. Ioaned ta persans -ili et home.U IA Wil- Camnpthe frst summer music Classes will, be taught In during 1970. This number in-N àa ow P i e Aber- will be held et Lakefield Col- percusion andi brass. Instruc- chairs, 7 hospital beds, 5 onlege School from Aug. th ta tiou w il also be given in or-mdca rtce1ad86pir, ;tRy hsi o-roi ne-wr, edn n c m donýarti cerl iesa d aniRErG ft yens, 14th. chestra and band womk, choral of cutches, $46.00 in cash diner, taking headed by Rev, Canon position. donations of three pairs of lomp- Clough, rector of St. John's Pr D a v i d Ouchterlomvy, crutches, one cane aud two m te- ory18 bats be ndra servatory o~f Music et Tom- acknowledged. Elght new pair Fer- fo Mu tho. autha e oto is adviser ta the school of adjustable crutches and - - e Man- Musd sudets wth ce-and will assist the commnittee one air-ring were added tae elsh. tain degmee. of proficiency nu seîectiug top music teach- the equipmnent maiuteined by ~rmswill be accepted from the Mc fu cutis fPeeboo ers for the program. the Braitch. Miss Sarginson, Don Vibc t or ia, Northumberland- One scholarship sud e few Ontario Dibv i s ion Director WKNGS.EST àANIL RyDurham. bursemies will be available. visited the Banch during the -A% HOE62-24 ýobert They will be housed and fed These will be more than ade- srn.Ms rfi xrse ssen, et the sehool and will enjoy quate ta cover a student"s ber thanks ta evcryoue for1 raig, all the recreational facilîtiesý total expeuse. The scholarship their -co-operetion duiug the, ,pen- et this spot: swimmîng, boat- will be',awamded iu the strings pest yeam. ral1 cing, fishing and outdoos division. Sevce rSeirs-A l'are- garnes under comipetent sup- Application forms will be program lu Fun sud Fitnesso steyervsosavailable shortly and may ha was started. et'the Beau Villa1 rrow, -rior. obtained by wrîtlng ta' Miss Nursng Home in July. Ths-b i f1 ,roby tbis ule, the Highway RoseMary Youing, P.0,. Box held every Weduesday eltem- ýees_- Taffic Act provides a penalty 991, Peterborough. noon sud combines a s'iug rego, uon convctin o uDte $0o.JOH F.sang sud exercise progmam., egar, upo co viion ofupt 10 Mrs. L. Lucas, Mrs. I. Mc- O R1114 egor Drvin TipJOH F.Naughton sud Mrs. M. AIbins )oug. Carbon Monoxicie P6lsoniagi, are daing an excellent job and Liberty St.S. at Hwy. 401BomniI Wbnter sait sud grime on the poviding much worthwblle Poe6317 the roads quickly deteriorates 1 enjoyment for the patients,. Thoet2 37 1nents vehicles exhaust systcms, caus- r U H sta ha hoped that this pro- aif ng exhaust emissions ta seep gram ceau be expanded during bta passenger compartment the coming yeam. 0f a vehicle. Carbon manox- Water Safety - Mr. W, RTide is an- adourles gas sd General insurance Bagnell, Chairman, was un-i canuot easily be detected. Each lablet epeet u n V yeer many people are aver- FIRE and AUTOMOBILE ae ta ba pormeint, bt a came by thîs deadly gas. To INSURANCE way at present at the Pine put on the 1971 tex roli. tons of wearm kuhttaci ear ntos Payment for' the said Dog license at the ware sent ta northern'ontaria 1le 1lime ofi the call of the Deg License Officer or ta 555 l meguc ele bigh: hee Quilts, layettes, socks. out within 10 days of the said eall, shall result in mbitts sud sweaters are ou you a dfiscount of $2,00 per dog license. baud iu the avent of loal MOTO'NI' such fires or Individual amergencyl such ROSS DAVIDSON, ad le In id ,eicle Clerk. Saven ladies attendad oR- nove- HARVEY MALCOLM, Womkshap in Toron ta for vol- y aur1 Reeve. unteers from ýal over Ontario,. '----.. abide_________________________ Mme, Spry expresseci ber __________________________