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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1971, p. 7

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Mn.,iErnest Gray af Blacis- stc ea wiutan n sfdent aI Mn, cdMrs, Z.Adams', CUhurcis Street. Miss Muntia Boyd of Hum- IlIon spauet lise weekend with han panants, Mn. and Mms AIV lu Boyd, King Street West. Masters Geoffrey and Chris- topisen Masters, Lindsay, were v-p-kend visitons witis tisei gý,4udpai'ente, Mn, and Mis. Arcisie Masters, Lambert St. Mn. and Mrs. J. Crozier aI Kingetbu, Miss Laurie Slemon ci Waterloo, aud ,Mn. Ian Montgomary af Torouto wene weakeud gueste wiîis Dr. and Mns. Keilis W. Slemon, Centre Street. Mrs. Peler Lcenlj as, Val- canlian. Que, le visiling cI lise home of han maîhen. Mrs. Bennicé Cale, King St.East, aind also aItishe home of ber bý-rother and siter-in-law, Mn. cc,-d Mns. Aluîn Cole, Frederick Avenue. Mre E Samuel, Hanry and Jasisua, raturued racenlly tram a holiday at Monlago Bay, Ja- malca. Mn. Samuel alteuded tise International Furnîtune Shows lu Cologne, Germnany, and Paris, France, annîvIng home luel wcak. Mn. imr Cully Jr. (Jumie) inivd uNew Zealar'd an Jauay 151h for au extendcd slay. ln a letler recaîved hy hie sisten, Mrs. Sisanron Whal- kan, ha scys ha bas found lise pýeopla exlremely, friandly, lu- lanarsîcdan d nospîtahie. Mn, and Mis. Robant Johns- taôn and Mise KctisnuoaIDon 'Mille epent tise weakend wlb Mn,. and IvXne.Russeldil Cbant. 0-u Saturday nigisl c bitbday panty was bald ut tse homne 0fMiss Ethel Glîhat nt loba- on aI eis. Gibart's $Olb binlis- day. If tl igeudary grauudbog had nerva enougis olaave bis warm den yeslendcy, Fehnuary 2nd, lhen's not a doubt thsd he saw bis sbadaw lunlise bnigist sunshIine. Il was cOld enougis, tao, ta ual only freeze tise 11111te rascai, but aiea bis Mn. au feIs. Wcyburtie Adam , Gerge Street, and n.tdMrsý Zack Adanis, hucsSînreet, visited on Sun- da t heirnuursing home lu PôrI Ptrry, and liscu warè Sunday evenlng supper guêÊts ôf tisir sou, Mn. and Mrà. Rase Adams, Oshawa. Miss Anne Mckevizie spent tise weekênd wi7th her parents, Mr, and- Mrs Kenn-eth Mac- kensie Welligtoa trÈet. Miss Mackezle. ho le now ln Toronte, has j tconpleted 1hr contrc asAsitant Stage ~VIau&er witi theFinI Resi- dent Enllsh Thatre Gnaup lu an atte tw garne tshe ïtems f'm orui olmIlsa ruauyfalk stined aay tram 'lie wrmh a tiei'hae ver lad'V wekn ewudbe ~slaèe t her tamYou If you hav lsad ot-Gf-Iowii guess, een wayon oliday friede. uetdiai 623-3303. Dan' foget aur hungry Teteè riends, particulanly ln thîs fri!gid weathen Auy bir-d t;hat winters hree the di-ab gsparw. deevs a '-aurdout. At one ltime Over tise ,,eekend, we had a card- inal, three bldejay5 and a culaIblp.ckbirds feeding United Church Mlister. 1ev, BA.urneS',r B.A., B.D. .h Mn.r. Mp ertes InataeGdr!Tgosrvc REHOBOTH9 Chunsay#Refrmd a tha same tïme, wish dozeus af spurrows waihiug patiently il lise trac for tise langer birds 10 leave. Tise Sacrement of B'aptlsm was udminIelered luet Suudah* ut tise moning service lu Tnin- îty United Cisurcisltiste foi- lowing cildnen: Deanna Gruce, daugstar of Mn. and Mrs. John Edward Bannes; Steven David, soun-oaIMn, cnd Mrs. Raudy Wayne Cox; Brt Mallhew, eau af Mn. aud Mrs. David William Smiths, and Jason Norman, son af Mn. and Mns, Norman Rugis Smith. Tise ulis annual meeting af Oshsawa PrashytaliUnited Chuncis Women, wIll beha sld an Weduesday, Febnuary lotis aI Port Penny United Cisunci. Registration iseut 9:30 a.m. Tise speaker aItishe aflernoon session, wisicis hegins ut 1.30 p.m. wlll ha Mns. Ted Colwell, Phone 623-3303 Serve inM wifa of lise Rev. Ted Colwahl,I Mn. cnd Mrs. Walter Rasmý wisase former home wcs Baw- atlanded fise funcrel af bis manv1lla. Rcv. and Mrs, Col- aunl, Mrs, Ida Wesllaka on Servi-ugý thaîrn. missions fan well are mission arias in Brazil Seîunday. lise Chiucu af Jesus Christ of and are praseutly et hame on Sid and, Sandra 'Reyenga of Latter-day Saluts fan aven c lurlaugis Oshacwa wene pnesautad wîb yaar, EIder Brent Sorcusen a roll-awcy bcd tram Tyrone and Eider Michael Chistlcusan community. bave been asslgued ta serve HAYD ON In spite af tise cold weathan l ogetisa n lu heir mîssiouany tisera ware esgisî orn ine tablak efforts lu Oshauwa ccd sur- Mn, and Mrs. Harold Me- pluyed carde on Pniday aven- rounding aiea. Laughiil, Biackslock, Mn. Roy ing. Pnîzes were given ta Mn. Baiug ceigihaors lu Salt Laise Plews, Bailiebono, wane Sur'- Harold McDianmid, Mn. Dava City, Utahs, Eldar Sanansen day dinuar guasîs of Mn. and Hall, Mn, Earl Prascoît, Mn,' and Eldler ChrIsîianseu are Mis, Rose Ashston, ccd f amily. Evert Watson, Mn. R. J, Lam-. part of 200 young mec ccd wo- Mn. and Mis. L. Chniseecen hart, Mn. Leslie Gable, 50-50 mec sarviug lu Ontario and and Mary Ellen, werc supparîdnaw was won by Mr.n. cW. Quehac. Tisar massage le af guets ai Mn. ccd Mrs. Jc'k Woodley. Jesus Christ ccd of tba Book Patte or Suuday. Mrs, Jacks Cavens le a pat- o Mormon, au anciant record- Miss Sharon Werry, Encis- eut iu Memonial Hospital. killan, wcs a Satunday aven- Bowmanvîlle, Wa trust she nigist guet of Miss Dehisia will soon ha feeling mici Paterson. hellan, Mn. and Mis. John Jones, Sympathy is eaxleudd ta Wbitby; Mn. aud Mrs. Harry Rav, David Nothay on lise Dageer and f amily, Blacksslocks; sudden passîug of bis grand- Mn, Roy Dageer and Mise Cana fatsan lu Oshewa, Degean, wane Suuday viellons aI Mn, cnd Mns. Jacks Jouas. Mr, and Mrs E. R. Tis mp- OBITUARY son,' Bawmacville, visîted MeIs, A. Tharapson on Tisursdav, RS EASHILN Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton MlMT CIL aud Ronald, Mr. and Mis, Rose Tise funanal service for Mis. Ashton atlended lise funaral of Meta Schilling af R,R. ~ Mn, red Tambly ipu utnoa.,Bthauy wae held on, Salur- Mn. and -Mis.Arthsur Tre- day tram ise ý,Comstcck _Fuc- w , WjIlliam and Paul wanc eaalHRma in Peterboroughs, tuppen guesîs of Mn. and Mis. Tise Rcv. Kaith Adams of St. Ee 1 Trewin, Enniekillen, on Paul'e Anglican C-huncis aIls. Sunde .cîatad, Bur'el was su St. Wis tha suow starrn nMary's Cem lery, Manvans Frsday tise ocde w&re pnalIy Tawusi p. wall hlocked. Tise scisoal buses! Mr$. Schilling diad at ber didca no un oa Wcdnesday lesti nesidence on Januany 21, 1971. wýeak onau couit ofI oad con- Tise for mer Mata Wentland, ,dia s ccd waathar. jsise wes bar n cGcnmany and Sympalhy seextanded to ha came ta Canada in1951, Han nelai vas and Iamîly of Mrs.isusbend, tise aIe Fredanicis Frank Wesîlake Mis, West-1 Schilling, padceased ber lu laka, (cee Ida Avery) was a 1958. Haydoc g'rl. Rer home was 55e is surived by bar dau- nantisof aIeydau. gisten Mns, Josepis Raj ski (Gertrude) afBetisany, a granddaughîer Mr s. Myles TYRONE 'il Tynane aunual Congregellô augis TyroDe United Cisunch, Feb- ruary 9th at 8:00 p.m. UCW Februany meeting will ha iseld at thse home af Mrs. Walten Park, Feb. 101h aI 8:00 Ail ladies welcoin'e. Tyxone 4-H witis leaders Mrs. M. Yeoanad Mnàý R.. Lam.s- hart held their firsl -meeting aI the borne af Mrs. Lambert, when sc welcon'ied six girls, ail repeatAd the 4-H Pledgc. Unt offlccrs are Presldènt Gloria Yannow, Treasurer Judy Clark. The next meeting was iseld at Mns. A. Knowltan's home, Tuesday, Feb. 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Mns. Yeo discussed Fibres for Fabnics, Il le im- portant ta choose a fabrie thal is suilabla for tise autfit. Il le aiea important te get the cor- rect measuremnents. D!an!e and Gloria demonstrated how ta Measure. Glad ta repart Mr, Breutün McCullougis retunned home DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION 1 with Aduit Counseling Service See Your Aduit Côunsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9 p.m. at the BOWMANVILLE 111GII SCHOOL Guidànce Office The service is free confidenial -, and no appointmnent îh necessary.. TRINTY UNITED CHURCH Ministr - R'v, Gorge K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Orgnis -Miss -Gail Thompson SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1971 11:00 a.m. SBE ING SURE OF OURSELVES 11ev. George K. Ward ' Ne Iders and Stewards wiil be inducted îio office ii the u'orning hour, CHURCH SCHOOL HOURS Juniors, ntprmediates and Seniors wilI meet at 9:45 a.m. 'RiderartnBeginners, Primary Departmeiits wilnctduring church service Prearain eeting fr leaersof home meetings j tram Oshawa Generai Heepital last week. Glad ta repart Mn. George Alldread raturnedhome fram Toronto Ganeral ou Saturday. Mr. and Mns. J. C. Cook wvere Sunday dinnaer gueste at thein sous, Mr. and Mns, John, Coak ana girls, Hamptoni. Susan Woodley speut tisa weekend at Darlenïe Avery'i, Enfield. Congratulations ta Peter Kuowltou who came second su'ý Public Speakiug aI M. J. Rabbi' scisool su tise Junior class. A famîly gathenîng was iseld aI tise home of Mn, and Mn ,J. C. Cook this week lu bonor of litliaDeanna 'Crowell's fit li binthday. Congratulations. Sympalhy ta Mrs. Gr-ant Glaspeîl ou tise passing of h*"r grandmother, Mns. Ida West- lake, fanm.erly of Solsua, Mn. and Mns, Jim Rayeý-nga and Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtua wene Sunday visitons of'Mn. and Mrs. Sid Rayenga, Osis- awa. Mn. and Mrs, John Haucock, Onono, visited ber graudmots-' en, Mrs, Editis, Murphy on, Suuday, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, Febý é, 1171,' £Lefters 0tue dîtborI 111 rSSCSants. 1-ion riePaj eC1i f ate-a TeBook af Mormon basa universal message, Ils pur- pse eslated lu tisein words otahie cauvincing of lise Jew aind tiseGentile tisaI Jesus Is lise Christ, tise Eterual God manifesting hîmsecf unto all natîons." 1Since il was puhllsised lu '830, mIllions af people have rad the Book af Mormon and - osider il as isaving beau wnîitten hy lnspsrad propisels f thlie uew world, It le, lu- diecd, a new wîtness for Christ. Tise Propiset Mormon Wrîtes His Book Comnmauded'hyylise Lord ta galber tise sacned reconds af -aucieul Amenîca, Maor mon abridgcd many langer records aunIbm i seets 01 gold. Ha collected m n a nevolume these lnspired wnstlugs contaiuiug several tbousaud years af ne- liglaus istory, IellIug of lise fLns colouizens lu tise Amenicas M and how God lad lhem ncr -Ptram the Ealy Land. Dalivers Golden Pintes Tise Augel Moroni, son af * Mormon, tise praphet wbo ived In luauciant Amenica, delivaned ~~up tise gold plates ta Jasephs SmithIn lu1827. Ha tien cam- tisat la-stifies a is dlvlulty, mauded Josephs ta translate A New itnessfor C tishese ancle'st wnitings wislch A NawWi:ues fr Chist e said coutaiued tise "fulînes Did Jesue Christ appear on aoflise evarlasting gospel". tise American continent aler Tise propiset Josepis Smiths, hy bis rasurnectian? Au ancleut tise gifI and pawer of God, was ilstary of tise early lIshaitants able ta translata a portion of 0f tise Amenicas records juil ltse golden volume, This In- sucis a vieî.i Ilvlvldly ne- spired wonk, known as tise ýcounts Ibis appearance by the Book of Mormon, was publisis- Savior la pensons iu tise west- ed lu 1830 and sInca tisaI lime arn bamnIspisere esonly alter bas beau cannied ta lise four hie resurnection s is e HOly corners aoflise curtis. Laud. Tise Book of Mormon' and TisaI hislony, known loday lise Holy Bible go bund lu as lise Book af Mormon, le ne- baud' fan bots testify lisat gardad as ecrinture bv lise Jesus,îs tise Christ, lise Savior members of tise Cisurcis aI af tise world. 11111e note aofIi ltter an pubis i 1 u c apn Your friands, John and Myrîlt Br Ed's note. Ilfs bëeau ni banc to00. Yuk! Januany 27, 1971 Tise Sands Apte. Apt. 4, 606 Bay Esplanade, Claarwaler Beach, Flonida 33515 fleur Statesman Office Friands. A note tram youn south- cru subecribans ta laI you aili kow wa anc auj oyiug tise lovaly sunsine lu Ibis part of tise world. Tise weutis cau change lu Ibis country toa as well us su Canada and wae au bave came pnelty cool, wîu- dy days. It will lasI two days aI a lime wisscis l enougis We wena In swîmmîig iu lise ouldoon paol ou tise 141h of Jauuary, so dos Ibis make you ail feel bel- ter. We arc bath ,eujoying good isealtis with Ibrea reg- u±lar meals a day, ual count- ing tise snacks as wall as lise lovely oranges aud grapefruit. Sisufflahoard le a lot of fun as is tise beach, The f eel sisould ha well washed, and we bava a good tan, We bad a goad Christmas, want ta tisa Seaspira res- taurant aI Island Estates su hetwaau tise beach and tise cîty, New Yean's dînuen ut a restaurant ou tisa beach. Tise Christmas ligissiene were heautîful aud il lakas a long line fonrIisam ta be lustalled. Tbcy wera putliug KENDAL Rau dcl and district had au- olisar iad snow stores and hîgb wîuds Friday iigisl, makiug roads Impassible 'unlil lise suawpiow bcd beau avar Ibeni. Tisa nantisaud sauts ronds wèrc masl effectad, Il turnad colder Iu tise altennoon and tisa $côwsquallg lesecned, Mn. M-elvin White White cf Lindsay vlsiled bis cousins, Mrs, Wmi Mercer and Mt, and Mss Vernuon Pecocis lest Tuesduy aflernoan. Hope ha gaI -home safely balaie tise bcd stonr Tueedcy atternoon and nigisl Mie. C. W, Stewart vIeIted wîth Mis, Dabson Monday altarnon, Thay wera mainlg Plans k10 geltishe W. ta seud far saeblunkae, .Mis, Eddie Caunoux ccad Mis. W, Mencer, are Icking tise rdens. Mis. Alve Swarbrîis bhas bacc baving troubla wlth ber feat Ibis wliutcr, Sha bas beau li In uhan awn home ccd bas, cma alectnie iseating. Laet waien he viss.ild wilishane graudson Pied Audersan, bis wife ccd Ibrea deugistars lu [Oshacwa. They clehraled han 76th blntisday and ber great grauddaugbtan's seveulis (Lelsa Audcrson's) an Sucday, Jeu, 24. Mn, ccd Mis. Fred Cran- mîllar of Torouto wane dals praseul, Gui good wisisas for1ý RedIsh, WealIh acd Happines' are aa xîended la Alva. Lanry Hoy ccd BihI Mencer tramntise Cenlaunial Collage wena ihame fanrlise weaiend Miss Marilyn Chsurchill tram Guelpi soe accampauicd tisem, Wilis Mis.W, Mercer, Suc- day, wenc Mn. acd Mis. Rey Couroux cnd Scott. and Mrs, H-elen Caunoux, ccd Lynu, Becis takiug tise snow off Mn. KaunaaleÈ's collagelise, peel weekcud were Mr. and Mrs. Jacks Nealnu fmlyMr'. And Mis, Rasse atMn. and Mrs. Dave Meneer acd chIsld- rau, Mies Betty Anc Swerd- figer, Carl Lengstaîl ccd Eddie Couroux, Tisey also 100k bacis their Sii-doos. Aller aour cuowston and isigis wnd Friday uigist, tisa second storm Ibis peet week, tisera are greal iseape af scow pled up. On Sundey tisa ski- doacîs wara out isevlug a greal lime, on tisa bille and lu tisa waads. A graup usually go tagathen for lear of accidents,1 Sa fanrlisay have beau qulta lucisy Iu tisaIrespect, Oui streets ara wall cavered wlIh en7ow and tce but tisa snowmo,- iles43 have cal beau on tsem Wall, adieu fois. Ed's Nota: We are Iudeed s;ony toacdvlsa, Kendal renRd- ens that Mis. Mencen allber more than 25 yeans reponting cammuuity news for Tise Slatesman, bas decided sha wîlli ha tnahia to continue, We wisbhane well and meny thenke for ber belp aven tise yeane It le iso-,ped a valunleer will taise o)n tis e job ahe bas done go weIL- The wInter time le withus S TARK VILLE At firet, we thought It fair, But degrees went 10w7jand Mrs. J. Bothwell, Bowman- lower ville, visited her parents, Mr. With the touch of frlgd c e and Mrs, Russell Savery. air. Mr, and Mrs. Brian Csmil ndthe wlnds came alo>ng iýn and, family were Su-nday gcues fury- xw"th Mr-. and Mrs. Alec Mart:ý- (An added factor taf ih in and sans, Nt-wca,.tle, stand) It was planned to have the As thev whlrled thse snw Shilois Congregational meet- about us ing at the home of Mr. Orme In vengeful combat ove 1a, Falls, Wednesday evenlng last the land. week but due ta the weather They say 'Spring l rudtseý conditions it was postponed. corner' Weekend guests with Mrs. And Its range w antble Jlm Stark were Scott and May aillOur ptie-nce beý Michele Hallawell, Morrish, strengthened and Shelly Brown, Newton- To await the baxn dysc ville. by and by! CANADIAN BIBLE SOCIETY (Bay of Quinte District), Thse District- Annual Meeting wIlI be be! o Wd. nesday, February 17th, in St. Matthew's UnteflChuroh, Wallace Point Rond (South of the By-pass)',Perbr ougli. There will be a Turkey Supper liret at 6:z30 p.m. Price $2.00. The meeting follows at 9 p.m. T'rie ue Speaker, thse Reverend Emmanuel J. Ifeuer, Vfisual Aide Secretary of thse Canadian Bible Society, of Trno Please make reservations for thse supper b 745-141 orn,ý Box 695, Peterboroughs, Ont. i-heu, up whii w-c aWîe down thea lOthis ai Olba Sa il was qusteana xei cuce far us ta walk out iln bancr ancd sec the ligis. W:ll you ksud ly mkea le

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