Prestons Lose Ouf On Penalty Sbof s e M InWeendTourniey , Preston the Mover NovicelIthe Tournament Chamnpion;- ~ il Stars oest out on penalty ship gaine Saturday evening% shote ln the final gaine of the' with Milton who also had J2th Annual Newm.arket Ma- won their two starts. This or- Novice Tournament on turned into a defensive duel the weekend. The Movers ialter three periods of pisay __.___......_______ played aine periods of perfect with no goals being scored, defeasive hockey, flot having The Movers outshot Milton byL Commercial Hockey a u recelved big efforts from _A go--al scored ou themn while a wlde margin, but'their best Nicjn Ha ksY-Lee Prout, Perris, Larry Hellam crig10 goaýls, but this.was shoating efforts with well adGr isn notý enough ta corne home piaced chats were blocked by 1. fluI the second gaine, .ry.- wih -be silverwre. the hot Milton goaler,-Y I f sons displayed plenty at ex- Mil tan drew a penlty rwith g ing c ~ e I rpoosavescoring punch, rally- Prso'sfrt aeaitethree minutes to go in the WdFbowuary 3 1971 î C d ng froin a 5-3 deficît to wîr da,-lyigColllngwood, was Wgoing eway, 73,5197Mueton & a 5 a O hutat. Tm Buton-gaine and the Movers appliedM scrîgHiarileV Krce75 5 ~AI~Gould eped into a 3-1 firt, -ï tre th crna scoring drive, Gerrard Mor- High Srnple - - F. Bruce 350 N iE3 ehaw started the g on off the g 10, jy 'l if IJ t period leed wIth goals by Joe .-ruadd Godfrey eesisting. Don TpmSadnsW Balson (2) and Charlie Green. Faro otched the next two go al post [dDn)arw en Sarng ergcrwuiike a usstdCpan errdmissing by inches an the D. Ogden,----- 14,118 14 un-ksse.Cpan Gradshort side. J. Maire 13,304 il Go Bryonckd o Morrson cord th fo~th1This set the stage for peu- F. Bruce 13,15 i ETh tw clb cp-fu unsitd n ofe 'alty shats. Mlltan's firet tw,,o,,C. Bruce -----, 13>507105 couaters In the second per- ashed thesoing , utosa shooters scored but Bowman- 1K. Campbell ----- 13,466 liod, with the winners' scores asitn., ville agaîn came up blank IF Land -------. 13,179 5 Bowmanvîlle c second gan h ovr eewîhu h Over 220 Gaines b1, n Cak 3-3 draw thBok'Spr made it 2-0 on a poe play ntd BbyGog anbr ai the touinement, pae services ai right winger F, Brue30 5,D ge uCmeca egeHc test lu the aipenling game, The effort et 10:55 ai the middlean Ro Marjerrison, while with320 their OgdnumbComrripllayed Hc-ather match saw -Brysan's frame. Luke Prout,, one of Balcon bagged hie third for owiten. was an one rival Waene Whiteman out with 250 J. Rowe 227, M. Oveuden key, Walter Frank surged Smoke Sbop ratle home four Walter Frank's top perform- Mutton &, Gould, along witlr Lindsay ,i n ideatîcal5tth measles, and Eddy Vissor ,220, C. Bruce 242 273, A. Bur- iran behind on Sunday inOrlu unanswered goals in the final ers, hit for hie first ai twa at a ingle froin Grant Flintoff th -vin g, Gý ymausstartep suffering the effects of flu.1 gees 237 F. Dykstra 256. ing teaîai a fierce fought, period, as they Swept peet 15:30,.uets codwdu Whilete .& G.gang's assisting. Bradd Goadi r ey teain, dîd a fine job on rightl F. Bruce6 750, C., Bruce 720, 13th, there wilbe n Youtb Bath 'conteste were opening ed their lead ta 3-1 whenthfna20muesBron notched i-be second goal, Briawing. A special tip ai the hat1 J. Rawe 616, N. Venu Abbema Bowling in Bowmanville, ansi.h eta-tre ar ipo once t cht fire,20wintesRaysCoin Dennis assisting. G o difre y gaes to the tbree defencemen,,615, Jnio GilssinltseiesT o hewmre1:5.WtrFarr ipo onectdtarroghbie Jirye, i M ayjerriom pJcked rip the thîrd goal un- Rau Vissor, Danny Strike and Averages auirGrlndifna eis Te ée 1:5 ateSansnarv- i nsbur Cyle.ounti îsng 9ssisted. Centre Tom Eyman Gerrard Morrison, aiea goalers1 D, Ogden --- ------- 212 D. Piper 5, K. Piper 2, coatreets lu style, wl-h the ý ed the gep once more, with BrySisone rewcouni anig. cýcored, assisted by lîneinStes Britt Murphy and Peter Ne-C, Bruce- --IZ 208ý Cowle 5, Fredricks 2; Carter Walter Frank ve Brooks aiProut the triggermaa, Byonet1 îeofnn La3rry Watson and Gary Dus- miez net having a goal scored F. Bruce 28 , ear2nog, ls hc gSls 84. h nyga ati epenalties banded out by ofi- seîdarp.' Allia Bruni- finished againstin l regulatîon tîme. J. Mairs ---- 201 Ta Standing that ieatured corne teetb-rat-ifinal periad came ou a Larry Jhn awl r. hi t C secor-d the ccoring ,assists ta Don The Moverl sti-ll have no- K. Campbell -- - 194 Carter -------------- 271tling bitting, rnainly fin eiPerris ecreamner, tieing theedoc onpwr la t FarwadWyd rso.thing concrete on playofi A. Dykstra 190, Cowle. 24! Frank's crew. The ather gaine gaine et 8:.20. tecks. Crombie, Merjerrîsan, The Movers, wl-h a win dates but hope ta get going J, Rowe ---- - 188 K. Piper ---- 231 was a more free wheehing en Walter Frauke belId a large Sainsbury and Prout were the ô ver Lindsay, qualifiîed forSunday 12 noon et home, A. Bons - -----.--- 1871D. Piper ------ 23 counter, witb offensive pla-y territorial edge In thne hast 201 pick for the winners. Muttor Prerect 9d îaigth cin minutes, but Brookýs lhung on, & Gould's top bande were Frdice10 Brooks, wha neyer treIled tbanks ta saine incredible Balcon, Dan Girardi, Flintofiý High Single - B.' Taylor Ia their garie, opened theigoalkeeping hy Grant Wright and Rick WoolIner. r!257 , J,.P tersn21,D rd-s tng alter 4:30 ai the firstiand grim cbecking frain hie The Walter Frank, Brooks iuv nil s St rt Series28, . Pipers2, J.irilacoeTitanyBrsLrySisadymriget:4,wh Carter 208, D. Piper 201,K periaýd wben Clarke beat Curt 1 mates, Along wl-b Wright, series reumnes again thie Sun- eh IL JWhyte 219. Crtr cbecking kepi- scoring chances'land "Butch" Cale w e re Mutton &,Gould-Brysons nexi arK n QjO f igU l u uple -4. Caer 537, hmited unitil Lanny Burasý- Brooks' besi-. Walter Franksiclasb slated for 10:45, Junior Baya by David Goheen gaineinai-erielizes iheuthe] key li-bte follawing gaines. Roberts 7, Welhb0, Adams Juveniles will likely play eti The parents, their familles,5,L amat 2 ;ros5 a ThsSuaday, Februery 14, 7.00. and friends are elsa ta be] a er 2tndn "8owuianvlle's St. Mary's Ce- g ment Redaien Juvenîles wilî pAs t wes ,sbown ln the congrai-lated 'for the help- 'ei Sadn participai-e again la a hockey pl ayofi s gainet Part Hope, fulnese they b ave sbawn Robets 322U gane. Ti un twl ei the Juvenîles stick ta bac- thraugbout i-b"e seasan and' Brooks 2 gain hsi- markbam i a hetky n -ytuhi h eu-i-eplayofis. If t had not1 Adamns ______ 21 ~ 3 oi- a S seies.Mark a hiy, box, i-be Redmen wll been for their help, i-be Red- Mohr12 gei-g i-be extra gaine because bave e chance ta continue i e udnotav b eLmant---------18 ~ the beda beter sasani-ha i-beplayfî ta travel anywhere, andWes- --- -- 1 Bhy awmailetlu i-ereguar thilysnah b canwîthout their vocal suppor- ai- High Single .-J, Brooks Bechedu le i tpheg l shed ie ver ny mebe a -be arena, ai- home and awjy, 227-202-275, M. Adamns 254, i-be arenas would look bleak M. Gillespie 225, W. Mosher ~'Markham's gaines are alithe squad plays 100% hockeyan desolate, 222-224, M. Roberts 224, S, D,,layed an Sundays with Bow- ai- ailti-mes. Skating, check- Whyus 1V> Wben the Red- VanDriel 213,B. Lamant 213, .ianvlle's ta be played Set- ing and hitting have always men play away iroin home G. Lane 201-20G8, T. Wood- urdlay nigbi-s ai- i-e local been in important ingredieni- i-bey have many fane eround ward 206, arena. This means that the lnanay gaine ai hockey,. - e hi ly u ha Hg rpe J ros74 ~frthoegin il epa- Jin Olinski, Brian Hughes i-be came te:ain cames ta Bow- W. Mosher 6431, M. Roberts-egig l ed Sai-uarday, February 2tb. and Deve Snowdea are i-o be manville te erena does nat 603. Ai- i-e t ime ai wriing i-be congrai-ulted for brInging have very many fans ta sup- Senior Mlxed League ,-ranagement was trying i-o get thebeopys i-hie fer, and lei-s part aur teains, Midgei-, Ju- Bradley 5, Holroyd 2; Bruni- an exhibiion gaine for this:hope ihey can continue ta get venile and Junior "C". 4, Terry 3; Bouwmeester 7, S-aturday, Feb. l3tb. If i-he i-bte boys ready ta play hac- If yau enjoy wetching bac- Lyle 0; Davey 4 Whitehead 3; key, thea wby nai- came dowu MacDonald 5, Cala 2. i-o i-e arena and be part aiTof tadn a hockey gaine, Bauwmeesi-er ~ 2 Conartulatonç IWhit-ehead . .29 ta the committee and others who were responsible for ilie opening of "&iowmanville's Sports Hilli" BEST WISHES FOR. THE FUTURE SturtsSpo-rts Ditrihutig1(o 830 MNANRD, PHONE (705)743-7343 Distributors for. DAYCO PRODUCTS NGK SPARK PLUGS PETERBOROUGH BARDAHL Terry -~24 YotBowl-lng 2 Bruni--____2 Cain 19 Aide 5. H. Gray 0; Luxi-an Lyle ------ 3, 5, T. Gray 0; Holroyd 5, Fer- Davey ----13 i rend 0; Gibsan 3, Edmond- MacDonald - ---12 cou 2. High Single - L. Whii-ehead Teain Standing 314, D. Bradley_ 9-5,D Aide . 241 uvaryn 276, J, Peterson 296, Luxton ___~~, 24 S. Cala 267, D, Sinale 271, T,' Hahroyd 19 Brock 264, G, MacDonald 251. Edmondon 15 High Triple - D. Bradley Edmanon -- 15 769, G. MacDonald 700, D. T.Gray 12 Martyn 696, L. Whit-ehead 675, T.rad S. Cein 671, G. Jensen 657, T. Gray ----- ------------ 5 ve63 Higb Single - T. Gray 175, RB. Luxi-an 173, K. Aide 165. L D E High Double - R. Lux-ac 307, K. Aide 300, T. Gray 292, C. Lavigne 280, H. Gray 270. February let Bantain Boys Lest Morudey was realiy a Waoolley 5, Bain 0; Farrell nlght for Onie Etcher as she 3, Kamer2.bad i-be bigh triple ai the 3 K am 2 angigbt and received a cresi- for Toleain Standing---- 18Bawler aifi-be Manth, and ta Wraoiley -18 hoi- off îI- was ber birtbday Farerl 13with a cake and ail, ýbut no Bain j2candles, She rolled a greet Bain~ 12749 triple - 221-250-278. Mari-, Higb Single - K. Woolley lyn Cale was rigbt behiad wl-h 158, D. Kramer 141. a nice 748 triple - 216-263-269. High Double - K. Woalley 0111e Patiield aiea had e good 296, D. Kramer 265, L, Ded- nigbt, 738 - 187-315-236. Thel- son 255, D. Bruce 254, L. mna Forrester lessi-hi knackIng Fallis 253,.i-hem dwa wl-h ber triple ai Due ta the Zone rail off iu 736- 256-198-282. Eve White- Peterborocugh Satrda,b- head I laieaet i-be top ai the ~ hiet wl-h ber 730 triple - 267- 2z73-190, follawed by' Helen RIý ogers 717 - 160-227-330 and Shirley Davis' 707 - 211-241- 255. Top 12 Averages 0111e Patfield 240, Onie Ei-cb- er 229, Dayle WolnIk 228, Thel- me Forresi-er 225, Helen Rog- ers 223, Eve Whitehead 217, Dat Brooks 216, Jackie Pet- field 213, Judy Bragg 212, Marlon McKnight 211, Marilyn Cale 207, Heather Moore 207. Teain Standing Pins Pi-s, Thelma Forrester- 14177 10 Elleen Moore 14139 9 Audrey Osmond - 14317 9 Onue lEtcher -,. 14498 8% Joyce Tennaut 13672 8 lielen Rogers 14398 7%~ Judy Bragg - 13897 7 Ena Etcher - 14186 7 Dat Brooks - 14709 6 0111e Patfiehd . 14483 6 Mebel Lewis - 14092 6 Shirley Davis -- 13655 6 Over 220 Games Onue Etcher 221-250-278, Marlon McKnIght 239-241, Bll Wiseman 234, 0111e Patfleld 315-236, Fae Lewis 233-255, LIada Cale 263-254, Doreen Park 242, Ena Etcher 243, Eva Whitehead 267-273, Miaule Taylor 228-247, Emma Bragg 258, Shirley Davis 241-255,1 Toots Wiseman 235-236, Mari- lyn Cale 263-269, Joyce Tea- nent 258, Marg King 295, Marg Perrîs 229, Helen Rogers >227- 330, Heather Moore 264, Aud- rey Osmond 223, Joyce Lyle 232, Dat Brooks 229-231. Jackie Patfield 243-256, Nancy Cox 238, Pet Luxton 253, Beraiece Terry 261, Joanne Brommeli 225, Karen Burn5 241, Thelma Farrester 256-282, Dayhe WolnIk 231-256, Helen Depew 262, Florence' Draper 251.1 n! n The Cainafian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Feb. 10, '1971 After, Ousting Bay Ridges>ýl Bantam A's kMeet Markham- Tuesday night bof1iast week Ron Strike, Nilk Wind, Bri Bowmanville's B a n tam A's 'Holmes, Grant Luxtocn an-, unleashed a patent, scoringIRory Gibbs who alsa had 'six- attack and easily defeatediassists, Bay Ridges'by a score of 13-3.1 Saturday afternoon In Bw Bi.g guns for the locale were' ianvile was a different stary Boyd Knox with four goalsias the locals failed taodc and Don Spicher with three, the same kind of hockey that Singles went tr John WIood, brought thern theirvcor Tuesday night, wlth the reenît beingý a close 4-o v!ctor-y, Y.A. B L. B wling John Hately scor'ed in h first period assiste ongt January 31 "Rusty" McQuaid adJh Tonight the girls showed the Wood. Grant Luxton eae boys just where they belong an unassistedgoal ln the se as- they led the way with ond period. some very nice bowling, Wendy With les Ian five iue Maynard who seemns to b e left in the gaIne, Rory ib getting better alI the time led netted one, ass go.rgg tQ the way wth a very fine 780 Andrew MacKenzie andBoyd consistIng of gaines of 251-262. Knox, Lese than a mint 267ý Susan Carter wae next later these three cmie in Une as she knocked theni again with MacKentzi esor down at a 746 clip which in. Ing the goal, assiste ongt cluded a 308 single., Pat Mur- Knox and Gibbs. phy had thein falling at a 737- Bowmanvîlle meets ak pace, followed by Ron Selleck hamin l the next pI-ayofý with a 705 Ron (Fats) Etch- round with he fîret ain er had 694, Sharlene Cain 685, echeduled for MarkhaniWe- Ron Carter 681, Susan Cobb Feb. lOti-i and the scn 672, Ian Jackson 674, Bill gaine lîor avle a, Creamer 668, just t eep it Feb. l3th l At5 piFtr in- the fain ly, brother Doue dates and garnes wýIl 'be ar- Creamer 668, Ken_ (Clobber) nounced in next week'e apr iI Cobb 653, Cireg (Cauinoabali Palmer 636, Lynu Woads 616, L;TeçI Harrison 610, Eric Patter- i-Ison 609, Jeckie Patfiîeid 601. ýTeains Ptv. Pins -Creamer l5 12976 Cala ---- 12 12396 S. Cobb 10 12362 ýMaynard 9 12904 n Lugi-enburg-- 6 12450 >K. Cobb - 5 11724 Ef Burley - - 4 117'00 Sele Averages 128 k.R. Selheck 249, K. Cabb 234, ,B. Burley 234, W. Maynerd 233, :R. Etcher 228, S. Cain 225, T. iHarrison 222, I PHIL VOWLES PHONE 623-7591ý 011, Gas & Electricta Fwril & Air ConditionIntl- iions - Central & Windowl Uni-s - Clare Reta & 6 Flndley Eqiîlpment Free Estimsae os i, ,î-mme Lefi reer Poniaic Safari Station Wagon. Centre, Pani-iac GT-37 H-ardtop Coupe. Right rear Bnik-Centi- Four-DorrHardi-op Pa Ponila Parisienne Brouham Hard-op Coupe, If you're happy our 71s are roling agaiu, think of your Poniiac-Bui ck dealer. Happy? Jusi- ask .hil Ii's been a lonfg waii- for ail of us. So right now, your dealer's ail set i-o make ut really worth your w hile i-o corne lu and talk deal. You see, he i5 practically out of used cars, His salesmen, not having many '71 models i-o s4ll have beenf selling used cars with greai- success. So your car is lu demand. Right uowl What i-bat means i-o you is a generoius i-rade-i-n allowance and i-be eariest-possible deivery of your new '71. If you want a deal-and a new car-tha- was wr- waii-ing for, corne on in to your Pontiac-Buick dealer's. I-ls 1971 Pontiac and Buick full-size models are new Iromr i-be grouid up. New suspension sysi-em, nwbody, ne'w fanemiew everything-includinge e auyinide Yo'lflndfil-size Poni-iacs and Buicks now coýýrne, with power front disc brakes as standarde'ip_ nnt And i-bey have a new roof design tat llws for mc more glass area al'round, Greatly irnproviig vîsibilit,ý The îiew double-p anel roof also helps mak -eour, cars even quîeter, .Newness îs everrwhere. Fur instance, aï!171egle have been designed to operate effciently on thiene no-lead, low-lead or regular gasolines. In a.d ditïon tothe lower exhaust emissions attainaEble, with this entg*r_lefel ,combinai-ion, there are benefits lu longer life _f cr-youar Ls~kplugs, exhaust sysitrn and other englune parts,. And that's only tlhe bheginniug of the getnw for 107,£ You'll discover, ga in anad again, that i-he accent is fairly-, and squarely on vaPle! See your dealer today. Strt aking up for yourli- trne with a top deal oeaner '1 on'a cBU-i& onr Acadîan., The soonier you oerder, the soe y-'lbe-diigi LUBIA i M. qqair a 'W