Tbe Caniadian Statesnan; Bwanilc cb I.17 ree 'Witnner of the fîrst Ski-doo race was Joey Burns who rcccived a, trophy front LdJames of County Chrysier who supplicd the machines. Young, skier ue tow ropz, xwhile, froi- left to rigli , several men who played a bg p tin e (!d y's sucne.skeep a wa1 istul eye on the eupront. They are, * from lef 't o righ, 1 cKn Deck, Inspector w tIi bbce 'Dept. of La r, Larry Luxton, SamBMittcry, and Ross Knepp who dci igneci a new sefety device for the tow thtma eado(pted by other ski clubs. ___ __ _________ m 7',lows, Hal. gette, RR, 4, Roseneatis, 352. The new executive lsasa.2435; Treasunen, Leslie Ben~ * folIowsi President, Bill Leg- son, R.R. 2, Newcastle, 987. gette, RR, 1. Canîpbelîcroft, A710. 797-2446; Vice Presîdent, Bob!ï Tie Ganîas-ka Valey Rît- Leggette, R.R, 4, Rosenrat,j Wcndy Anderson, Mils Sugar Plum, arrived aiftheticscene in Realtor Guy ing Clubl ha - its 1971 execu- 352-2435; Pest, President, Jack LeBlane's black and whitcý Cadillac convertible with the top down. Master of tive elections on Sunday. Jan- Woodward, R.R. 1. Onono, 983- cereonis GrryCooe laat îgh asistng hr fom bc ar.uany 25th, ab Orono Odt Fel- 1569 1; Secretary, Debbie Leg- - ceeois ar ok__ trgh ss L e rnttecr » * *'V<',, ~~ ~Rahdy Locke, son of Jqck Locke of L & L Tool, Io show thcm how nsuch fun thesej zcisofyongtrshathrae riige!Smpowhwarsonbe for much ofl th- cleaninîg vwas in charge of tb-bc Whiz-Skid demünstration. He could be. '- iorse. riU s1i~en'vddh alh eaina b ie towcd many of his friendsall around bbc large field * Glde A'nlvusay!Usu- was presen slI 1 is causce for celebration of yellow ' -for a ogmritople but mum wasE onThursday, Janulary 21, 1971, lyn i hb ýt wasý for thei Oronio Horti- meeting Mr çutuiral Socity star ting the bas occurre yaer o0flits Golden Anniversary. Presidei't codn centrexpieces enhanc. read thex Mi hetale fror the delîcîous presidents, pot, luck pp, including a E. Scbmîd. ILIove -ly arrange-ment of 'mua, dents were dlople by Mrs-. K. Schoenmaker Hamm, Mre for tiheheati table, - C. Bîllîngs, Tha Sciety ha5 two charter Mr J.Cal lnemrberslyfa.E. Hamm atChaliîce, Yrs. ? TmlyMsHam Mrs. C. VIYWOA'LO A oderfijfl ew kind of comforti Wai Luxurlous, easy to cdean, vinyl flooring vIriyJ foam. Softred ïs rchly enibossedt mark., mas unvenfloors. Just roll Po cmnting neded. Idealý for suspe -Vl.. o cmotbl ..sa nexî toiday and see A 1i the ovely Softreci pal 'hiE E m-0S, F Ci . te- wîn ac-saeuvoac- asa p, ia--ufb Imums andi a potted Tla 0 sent to Mrs. Tamb- e10 gusanatnd ospital, Since thece njyei rusngslg rs, Tamblyn's death so ng le'd by -Mr, C. Tam-blyn d. with Mýrs. J. owr at the piano.c- A toe-tappingý Inter- tMrs. E. Couvier' -ild-ý,e spoie by Mr. C. rames ofthtie past Bings r.,,ýandtiMr. C.,ayo on as conipileti by Mrs.tei f uhrgn adviln Six of these presi- wjth s Mrs. Lowery asi accomp-t able to attend. Mrs. anist, sMý H. Staples, Mr.t ý,Mrs, C. Billînga, ' VMr- L. Plainwastihe -win- ldwell anti Mr. o. ner of a pteinriss don- atedl by Air G. Buckley, for iai-ey --as iso In- having ,a birthdlay closest t thse Mr.GBucklley introduceti eMrs. T. H.Smnith who along with her husband, Rev. Smith 0f NewcastIe Unitedi Churchs, had visiteti Japan last sum- ~IGmer. She hwdAeso -1ie1pns, chîldren'a playgrounds Narri, Q it nh lii deUctes, Mt. Fuji Ibrough 1 0 Ca refor 'themiat, rice planting, girls diviýng for oysters (Mrs. Smth was lucky cnough to buy onet cnann tw-o pearîs), trees gTrowingc on stee-p slopes show- ingChowVevery inch 0 f ground 1 is uet.We saw .a.group of Inin1 hltrnfrom Winni- peg ho sang at Expo, other1 cenes nt Expo, in OsaFka anti1 vaios laces Hng on IN FOAMMsSmt provîded 1neet SHIONing-cornmentary abong wl,ýth ber pcue Mr, ove xpesdts )LOVELY thanke of bbch oclty ntipre- serteti ber -wit'h a ift (PENSIVE Througbout the evnl-Mr vinyl foam Edgar Jameswatangpc turcs anti will do so i't future, ar.Soft. QçUiet. meetings se biset our 50th yea wm. celebrations will lie recorder! g cushioned wth pictorîally. tb help hide heel Mn .C.Blig peet tbe report of tcie nnmlniat;ing il Ït out. No mess. cite. Mrs-. Coi"er will lended floors. So cotinue as priesitent aidMns McGill as treasujrer. Mqrs E. pensive. Stop James wIl be 43ur-new sc tterns aend colors! reta"-ry antiMra E. oujchburni o ýur pinit. Amiong7,thsedne tojrs a;re Mr, F, Zegera ni sq. Yd~~ It wa eldouncei btthe ur musicl trio ntertaî n- eFd wÈhitisore livel number5 te bring to cloe an ejy retn if oui:' G1den'year WESLEY VILLE (Intentiet for lait week) Altbougis thîs area bas not s4ffered the sevene problems expenienceti by conimunities in Western Ontario, thene have been difficulties. Diffi- cnloty in ccrrying out normal activities was causeti, not only by tinifting anow but by thse ver-y 10w temperature which froze water-works in severalý homes Linda anti Sharon Thor-n-1 dyke w,,ere both home for tise weekend. Sharon teacises near Waterloo and one night ber pupils In tbe junior grades hati ta remein et anbool until noatis were openeti about 8 p m. Bot;h tise amaîl cisiltiren anti niotb- cri were quite upset. Th-,-e isati been na ol mihrr sec- tion since Ilest Tedy Lie ta in Toronto foýr tî work ses- sion afhI i nîvensity course anti Is workîng et 1fpragram- ming arisool reporta for com- pu)tera. She was intereabeti to findc some fro.roý Port Hope among bisose she procesacti MnI. and Mrs. A. Thorndyke celebretedti ieir 28th wedting annivcnsary with, e family din- ner on Saturtiay, January 3Oth eat tise Genosha Hotel in Oshe- wa, wisicis iatibeen anc of tiscir stops on thein honey- moon. Mn. anti Mn.ls. Rcnneth Ash- by spent bise past week et thein cottage et Jack's Lýake wiscrc, besides cnjoying thse deer anti bird hIfe, tliey expenienceti suris 10w temperatures, biset by con- trait they fûlunt lake shore weather niilticr then bisose wiso remeineti bere. misa Clerc ank wh1'_o bas ineen auffening fnom arthnltis et tinici, bhatO ta have ber apartmcntlu PrýMt HO-eDe geiln anti et presernt i.- in Hope Hav- en. Mn. anti Mn a tmo of Torntio Dnien te wekn with Mn.. ant0 Mns. Hctor Derke. Tise gener1al etn of bhe Welcome TUnitet Cisurcis wo- ýmen whIscbheti bEen poitpon1- cLed twice bas been cencelleti b-eca,ýuse of the considerable emu o Ifln uanti uncertein . i -danti weýather conditions. On nîsicymorning, Jen 3lst smcl car îtb c Frencb licence plt tppeti et Wel- carne UTeti 'ýChuncis anti four people cerieihi.Tbey, were wcrnly welcomed by Revý rJohn RamîIt wiso conducteti tisern ta a seat rleer the front af tise churcis. Following tbb service sevenel of tise congre- -gation --bock brdi anti soke ste tb.em before anyonc, realiz- cd -b viion bo ci ticntlypleese 11c tli iseîl neW 5110w vehicles! Business DIrecoycssSa Awcannlanc CharIf usescoLanTntTh ro ugh 1l5 Liberty St. S.. Bowmeanville, WILLIMC. HALL B,.Comnm. Cisartercd Accountant 36½/2Ring St. E., Oshawa Telepisane 725-6539 j C h ir o p a c iîc G. EDWIN MAN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St, cor'. of Horsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By apponnient JOHN H. TAYLOR1.t D.C. Chiropractor Office- 14 Frank St., Bowmianiville Telephone 623-5140 Office Hours: By appointmenit D e n al DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. DR. P. MONTGOMERY 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Office Hours:, 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone- 623-5790 DR. STANLEY GERTZ 67 Ring St.. E., Bowmanvllle Office Hours:- 9 a.n. to 6 nm Monday through Tbursday 9 arn. to .4 p.m. Friday Closeti Saturday andi Sunday Phone 623-7662 DR. WILLIAM KENT ... Bowmanvllle Professoa lg 222 Ring St. E., Suite 106 Office Hours: Closeti Saturday, Sunday, anti Monday Open Tuestiay through Frsday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Telephone 623-7349 Insurance DONALD A. MaeGREGOR Life, Auto, Home Insýurance 67 Ring E,, Suite, 2A Bowmanville Phone 623-5962 OPtoely tKEITH A. IT, O.D. 1,13 Ri!ng St E - Wmanvle Office IorsZy aroointment Telephne 62-3252 Moin -Te.-Tus r According to the Education Act no school in the two coun- ties can be sbut-down becauseif of inclement weatber. iThis was revealed by W, Frank Thom, director ofcdu- cation for the Nrhme land - Durham County or of Education, at the regukr' meeting in Cobourg Thursdayý night, durng a discussion on, the transportation probleml caused by snow storms lastV week, Mr. Tho-n said that even if there are only 50 students in the school, this is not gooti enough reason for the school to close. The only two reasons for closing down a school hie said, are f allure of the heatîng sys- tem, or on the order of the Medical Officer of Heath. Otherwise the schools reniain open wbether the school buses get there or not. The dîrector of education told the board that if a prin- cipal does close a school be- cause of the Weather, it wouldý not be eligible for grants. "If there is a f allure in theý transportation system", hie said, "the students are not marked absent, so therefore the school, is not penalizeti andi it docaý not lose t'ne grant." The representative from the' Alnwïck, Caap bellord area.1 c. v. Johnston, told the boardý that its le-gîsiatioil on "no snowînobiles on school prop- erty"l is a joke wîth the police. The reason, hie saîd, is be-i cause it provîdes the policei with absolvtely nothing toj base any action on. "There is Just no tecth in the board's, legisiation." Mr. Jolinston saiti residents, in bis area have been com-1 -plaînîng about s nowrnobilersý arounti the schools, but there is difficuitY in catching -the cuiprits because of the identi- fication problem. "When the police do catch them; there ta absolutelv noth- ing they can do," hie added, The board decîded to consuit its solicitor to sec what meas-1 ures can be taken to give the! legîsiation more teeth andt th ,oiemore power to act. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES TY-FOUGH STATESMV-AN S L A 851 F 1E D PERSONAL LIABILITIES Are you fnlly covered for bodily sainjuy tootisers et home and away fromi home? *MEDICAL PAYMENTS *LEGAL FEES * COUTRT COSTS Fan Furbier Information Ccll 24 King St. E., Box 100 Gowmanvillc - Ontario 623-5681 623-5023 623-5493 "A"t L A RGEî, PRODUCED IN THE MOST UP-TO-DATE, AUTOMATIC LAYING SET-UP AT ORCHLAND FARMS Fresh. . . FROM FARM TO YOU 1 dz !doz, f Or -AVAILABLE FROM YOUR GLEN RAE HOME DELIPEVERY ;S LESMAAN OR AT THE FOLLOWING STORES NORTH END MARKET * LARMER'S G] TOM'S MILK * FRANK'S VA] HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT * DYKSTRA'S F BRYSON'S SMOKE SHO? * GLEN RAE Dý IF ITS IT' EIIETY F'OOD )AIRY 'SGOD rono Hoartîiur" Sce igins 5Oth Anniversary 1 -- i