uadyour coaches the best, inyour coming -tournamnent. ~I1y ~ !LJ~~The Juvienilem have proven TY R g! 0 M ic es X ter games aulg consider T lhe second meeting o ur Com lets Rd Cross eeagodcutii able excitement. Meeting 4-H-i group was held an Feb. D3. Pickering an their Ice M onday 2nd, 1,971. The place was, Bethk Mrs. Bruc TiIIsof987Ed42t Instructo s L1 ours night for he firt of the bet Knowltan and the timewa theirto 's C U s toognpof at u-e five, Newcastle iirov- 7-9 p.rm. We opened thle meet-i thei LobgganPart las Sun edthe victars with a Score Of ng with the 4-H Pledge with G e t S e k r Ad r s e a o sday. Theyý,wilhowever bava The Newcastle Recreation lY belonga ta the able e 8c-2, While we ae'theitgrlan tw lads 'th is at a n oth e r p ro u d ta a n -lers sh e h a s h a d o v ecr th e n a m ne s oa ,th a s c r n . w r s n . ý e n f r Y n r a weather Is nicer. In place af nounice that Mary Grace Pt er.hv ere htDu the minute;s of the last meet- i their regular, meeting, held erson, eldest daughter of Mr. Our incerest congratulations ard pulled a hat trick, Con ii.Tenetmeigwl e Monday nights, the Newcastle and MVrs, Murray Paterson, ta Mary Grace! Mayshe have igratusin ohmadW in.Tenx etn Lb Cub Pack, alang wîth Guides scesul omltdteRdcantinued success lil e eman eaewth yaua u lb aefrtî and Scouts, met at the local Cross InstructorCorehl endeavours and we know she the WRY. Thistempîy unit i "The TyroneJek- arena and aenexoeedntwo-bousas wgliian on eers". Mrs. Lambert faoeit in Osawaandeniy, Se aio be excelent mEasus aain Turscay eenin -*-*~ ~ skating Ducingthis aded o.her laurels, uthe suc- dar oi ber training in thýe hom e eWILL Y.uBEu n"insigPrcs"o time, Cub Chris Gosieigh, who cessful completion of the Ry Newcastle Swimming Classes. THERE ___ fbis Otn fnse r 'T ~ attended a s pes crl a1______ ceived a card, and a small hstrctar Course. de Itraete frcn d3je o cnot parcel ta help hlm over thne Titis cmie's arie la enUl changs.e the appearance ut pain of is lniury, caused I ayH c ey um o.Ms e akdt so the icy way on Friday. Chrfs stems from the fact she is the "C hoosing thieFbi. o suffered a bad fall which re- first persan, who bas gonup( boe.Ho e the dresa and jacket, forte iVI. rs. Maryann minns was Swlmming Ciasses bl a O iiiigo repunderi fai o absent, due ta Illness and a Newcastle, ta reach this goal. g 3 i prWeparoedaurheabric fo q'.'~. gt-we car wassigad by Maay years of hard training'm utn.W coe h et Cuaadsent ta her at' and perseverance have been U er a LGVI yr~~h home. On the brighter ide, Put into thisacevnnts e ate-aesadaIf Bowmanville L, & L TrajIl-a h uhepr another assistant, George Gray Mary Grace began ber train- neetdhcyteqesPeWe"At Fia nLh' vr M . ceebatn bs ithay1ng la 1961. -Some a hlneetd hce a hîsesP" We""team WltrMurphy. M r s. ave Happy blctbday was sung ta credit for ber success certain- piay-off gae9 aebgnfrdwe a oeTusafGthiM.RnMna r algbt' dur Newcastle teams, withThswsteRcadMn, :5Mri hîm and he received asam e re having already been de- nigbt bere. 7-1.Tî a h ihr anMs ai cake ta celebrate the accassian. and a I gamet edi etdadiwsoigteirtiwnfr BowmavielTunrMr. ariHakn A remine htCb n h eis support behind these clubs best 3. out ai 5 series. hy,-Odawwswnb r Scouts will be colecting POP Pee Wee Recreaton ItIs understaadable that slit no wadvance in Ontario play- ecy oud bttles an Saturday (weather, Feb. 4th- Newcastde won work or other commitmnents downs, playlng the winaer o. MIvr. Reginald Gaskin. Tor-4 permitting), Bath these graups oIvec Bathe Park with ascOre kecp sarne absent , ome" ai the the Mackbam and Bay Ridges; onto, speat the weekend with are pann a bus trip eyo 4-1. Scoring for Newcastle, tîme,' but when you have secies . Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread, plaJnningOttwa T Bgen re veig teNer- JeMrs. Thomas Alidread of o. ~ nne fta i pOjtawa Thi Dn T lm eki nJe geryW n, frbysee ev enin, ienecastle i Scoringthie Tcailaied goals Carman, Manitoba, la visling aney athe pojeta apraieDnWisadGrc an-by oidcranyape were Geraid Brunt with two, wî r n r.Gog ~" ~ mnyadteywi prc-maker, ete your attendance In a largo r.Gog ate yourc c-aperatian, They singles going ta Bil Leamnan, Aildread and other relatives are a met e theCamunit Frda y, Feb.' 5- Newcastle following ai the hometw Ralpb Cryderman, Brien Mar-ardfids Hal t in am.Saur ai t Orono. Bath teams piayed falk. tîn, Kurt Kemp and the final Fahr iiing ta drive theirltheir best, witb Newcastle the To date, ail teams, Pee Wee, goal by Barry Sbackleton on M.adMs .Gbsvrl awn cars or a truck are asked laewt ls - cr.Bantam and Juvenile have met a very tricky play. soed Mc. a n c.Frd eru tarm u.SoigrNwate Jeickering la the ficat ai thef omnii nreeît oEnsiin Congatultiaa ar ex edeBugden 2 and Gary Zulauf 1; play-oîîs, Pee Wees to date Port Hope, Friday night, for M.adMa omnCx ta is MryGrcePaeronscoring for Orarno, John Coca- have been defeated two gme escodgeath'lr- Stoulfvilie, were Sunday ev- wbo we learn bas moat suc- ish, Jerry Jabsa, ikV n l a best aut ai five serles. We se da campietely dominated ening dînner guests ai ber cesuycmltdbrRed Seggeler and Peter Boots. wish them well la their nx ohr r.EaMCy CrssInstcmtn Corse s StraFb 6-amnefr et Iis,,gamne, winning 2-1. Scor- ahr r.EaMCy thes Royalcionin2g . Athis gaýme were Cc - Oeo tehglghaa u weli as campletingville won avec NýewcastIe2IinTreUatd hucWo a Lu aia oie elstitr Jeu Bugden scared Nw- Bantams îearned an earîy dbold aB.St. Patcickand'Tr Tea Ho.Fe Cate pa-h&amLodge in Newcastle. ilisbed performance and prece- i Cue. We wgou etyIsremiS castle's aaly goal. Next league lesson. In a best oai three Leaman each witb twa, aing - -is i olakSt ale Mrch 7Tea ern ai th Pri-,ncial Legisiativel Mr', Casa, a member ai theident. If we didn't include the New- garne, Set, Feb. 13, 12 iom n gmichk ering deand bathllsangoingtaMati ox N-Get ia tauch with Mrs. R, Assebly wa in owrenvlleMasonic organization himàelfi The new executive ai the castie Recreatian Commlttee Milibcoak at Newcastle, nPceigieade oe i n icx -jMember ai the Board ai Assaciation waa aworn in. wbho bave nmade al Ibis Pos- lai edesaynight ta speek !Grand Lodge and Past DDGM iTbey are: Charles Bngal sbetrag h yasa ztth Maýsn's annual meeting ai the Eastern District), spoke presideat; Aiex Hendry, pat spoaaocing Red Cross Swlm- i the Ontaâria District, Past 1 about the cale aithie Speaker presideat: George Martin ai miag Instruction here la the Masters astrsed Wardens'ln the Legislative AssemnblylTemple Lodge, Oshawa, firdtvillagp. Tbcough this Com- AsocatonAF&AU. end dwelt briefly an a com-n -Peien;Jme immttee we boast a higb num f la the pcture above MIr. parîson ai the speaker la Par-lai Ontario Ladge, Port Hope, ber ai extremnely good awlm- Ces-s is welcomed by Associa- liement and in Masons. He second Vice-President, and mecs, ail wltb considerabie tien President Charles Big- conitended thet the cale ai the Wilbert Teeple ai Jerusalem knowledge ai weter saaetv, nil, oni the left. a member ai Speaker sbould be chaaged taLadge, Bowmanville, Secre- and same, like Miss Paterson, Fîdehlty Lange in Part Penny, llaw greater freedam ta cx-itary,-Treesurer. AUl men have' icager ta gaoanr ai, by the Associations ott- preas opinions on cucrent ai- eat itlement ta the addcess Weaerryt laata ~ gasgpesdn, lxHedy fia Alte7paercndol"Worsbspiul Brother" in their Mrs. Jim Stephenson bas brsdnAe edyiar.Altesekrcneen Àes on the ight, a member ai Duc-inow la makerulinga on esteb- organization, a patient la Memariai Hos- pital, but undecstand she meay be eat home byth ieh1f per la being printed. ci s e t C nsierPNo bowling aews hs U __ ltéOltwill apa Tx ek ONE Lambert or Mrs, W. R.aicn leî you could help us vutta[a0 a m iscellaneous table, of oddaý and ends. A reminider %w7ll ha- in the Coming Eventsý Mai, 8, Study Gls Buttons at' ian. M'eetin Eighteen memnbers of 1 the ýPioneer Button Cluob Imet at theý home of Mn-. 0, K, a bonBowmainville. fr t January meeting or n otday4 Ijanm 25th. For the moon lnhth:i ladies enjoyed ir w o lunch for the first courIrse an the hosteas ,providled the dea sort and a cup of tea, Mrs. Annrice Oha was i'chair-ge of the Cl-eir and ColIored Gass Buttoql klaediscope, outhine, lon over]Iy, Victorian, lacy, glas5 set in glass and metal trbm. M-emrbers were dWided iut- t;hree groups and a thcro)ugh dicu~ip was ca urrîeýd c'a cortcerning the etfitos and construct ion oiF tee beautiful buttorýswic ? aIll colors of the -rainibow., Black glass buttons iF l bt- stu dîed at the February meet ing. GET CAMH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCMS THROPGH Ne0wcastle wvers in Operati o Hoke NW by Dav-id ihe'irer Newcast.le- The February 1971 by-4aws approv':ed deal7-Iane mutuel aidmen d Tusa.Feb. 4 councii meeting was beld an ing witb the sewers. Aiso itaae lire eta the SpurStioi MAonday evenig, wtb Reevýe Ibis meeting ,the P.UU Cjre'n aury. Therce ee TyJte D-ouglas -Cunningham, Coun- granted permission ta instali f[building permits issued lnareu-j Newcaýstie gave up the first' cillonsý Margare,-t Breceton, Fred ligbts on Toranto Street and ary. Couniclior Hoar also3 ask-f goal but bounced baek witb CocAlfred G7ray and Frank an King Street West, ed permission for the firemen two, one by Greg Martia iromf HoaF- rupreeiýi The reading Of At tbe meeting beid Febnu.î!o use the Council Chambers David Milîson a nd the Othe- ;ý.3 regjIýý metin andarylat, Don Lake was grant-lfon Manday, February 22nd to yJfWodekasst b tw speia meetings were giv- f ed permission ta separate bis 1 show films an lice iigbting. Greg Martin ta take e 2-1 lead en hy1tb Clerk, Mns. Jeanj lots. Bell Canada sum 1e By-law 71-9 was passed ce avec Bowmanvllle. This leadi VcCullough. prpaalfo apln t add 1 the expenditures for raad and held out until late la the game At the meeting beld Jeu 1their building, A motion was' streets la 1971, lCouncil being when Bowmanville lied the, IîBÈh,_by,-laws were cevised and irmade ta increase the wages ai aiiawed $19000 foc the main- gaine witb lesa than twa f the Cleck andi Clerk's Assist- tenance af roads and culverta I minutes leit. Tbe autcame ai' ant. includîng snaw plougblng and~ the gaine Iben appeared ta bel ais $3 2.9 I Aby-aw as assd, ubicclsanding. There wiIi be no settled but Mike Smitb'a goal %o 4 02.9 5 A b-law aspasedsuie tpoint. Counicil feit, la con- witb two seconds remaîng tantcepapprovai trhe nteiastuctig roada with sewers gave Newcastle 'the go-aead MuniiparBovdforrewratesng.a.goaaland the victory by a score In riv fo raes.A resolulian was made ta ai 3-2. A " ~~ d There beîag no petitiana or have Council apply foc the, Novice A iiy iUn deputa tions c o rr le spondence 1970 road subsidy. ta In Ibis game Newcastle alsa 'y was ~the fîrat leter owabsiness. Futher a ppaînments t h is etrwsfo dropped bhbnd eely as the Committees were made eit Ibis Lake Vista club came out fly- rNcwcvastle--A recent cam- the O.W.R.C. ne: the water Pra- meig ereKmaladigadto - ed u ýî-i-th "AiltyFund"jet. hi da taietest Abert':Pearce were appainted Newcastle faught back endi basceaize $32,9 t dae. niamatanta the Bowling Commitîce, with the belp of sane fine goal- l rusyou a!d ho make hi a The Gsfra Pne RMgelTor-Iwitb W. H. Gibsan, Doug tending by Pave Debeau and! to akethî a!TheGret Pne Idg Tor-Wright, Murray Paterson, Ai- Pale Allisan tbey managed t suces nd a vecy special ist Caundcil asked for $20 fac freçi Gray and caunceil repre- salvage a 1-1 lie, Scoring9 tIa,i I>aile the voluntcer Ibis yea's membersbip fee. senitative Fred Caucb ta thef Newcestle'sal a ra malh!ý,ers who canvassed teICucfi hthehersueCemetery Baard, 1Ain unasgoas waaBnie lau n Mesdames Madeleine given on the village was sat- Twa names were submitted' asltd B keHilde Caîl, Bettylîsfactacy and as there was't by Couacilior Breretan ta actf Friday, Feb. 5 ChrDonella Chard, Jackie Itoa asucb that could be added, o h ena.inCmita Pee Wee Delonig. Ale De Goayer, decided a cepeal wauid belM.WnCliradMRy Nwatewsdlae o eîteFisher. Mary Foster,lsubmitted and the member- fM.WnCilradM oy Nwatewsdfae a 1 lHapkins wbo wece appoiteàc the second nigbt la a row ta MeîarJo rie Freethy, Heleit Habbs,1 ship fee paid. i tbat evening. faîl behind twa games taO0 Anî ita Hldaway, Alma Hop- i On a nequest for e donationI A reques't fon a permit ta in their best af five secies. kî ns Marilyn Kosnt, Margaret Il ta the Salvetian Army, a mo- build was submitted by R. B.I The Newcastle'lub put la Kiau1ste ýfrman, Alice Kupery, tian was passed to send $10,1ilickard for a b-ù ann aio their fineat perianm- Jea psekar, agar elld- Aheuata onte a hLaundromat and Car Wash, to ances af the season but îustý Fý ý-ai, Magart Ru- Areqüst o doateté h e built when, the sewens are cauldn't finish off thei 'r plays anViernie Rudman, Wlmal Canadien Cauncîl ai Chnstiens installed . This wauld be built as they were drapped 4-1 by Scot, angie Sikma, Henri-,land Jeurs was filed . I o rerty aîready awned bvy Pickering, Kevin Hawes scan- r Ita Verhucgbg, Pat Yandy,1 A letter wes recel.ved fron I Mn.' Rickard on Beaven Street cd Newcestle's only goal assist' Jo .Sle.the Association ai Mayors and' North. Being anc ai the nar- cd by Ken Neai and Bien The,-nks aI o ta the Canadien! Reeves e-rpieîing Bell Tele- I oetsresi h ilgeMko.Ge aepti fttra on aidiug us witb Iphane rates. rfetsteeslath ila e r fa.orme ad e pt a a' puhlicîty ta boost the cani- The Planning Bnancb aof theï daray b nprIng fie peormto19ainasbe iced paga . oakmp ep. iMuiipl faiaspace, permission wes bei27stsb1agntPce- pý,,g1 _N, Hookam. Dpt. f Mnicpal ffars back'et' Ibis lime until Mn.,fing. sent aiong same inomto Rickard could praduce suf-BanîtatU ARET Son municipal developmcnt, îficient plans ion afi-stsneet Newcastle's seasan came ta planig sud aeataasur fparking, Councillon Hoan, an end as tbey loat their sec- A lter ainrcceiero m speaking for Mr. Rickard, stat- ond game la as may nlgbtsl WH NEVERYONE prprplnig cntrol. d that lie bad intended being and were eliminated twa game pIbe Dept. ai Higbways, acet Iere biniseif and be (Coun-Ifta 0. Tbey were ousted by a N iED g council's proposai for the cillor Hoar) sald be knew score ai 8-2 as the Pickering aieo land on Hwy. 2 sub- thene, was ample roamn onad club daminated the garas. Scor- jec to ta eir agreement. diinlpoeryondb ng foc Newcatle wcre Bill The water operating budget Mn. Rekard ta allaw off the Wagar frani Tom Merlin and ' fon 1971 was received, witb sre akn and wauld con- Chrîs Pwyen, and Tam Martin tbree copies. frani the O.W.R'C. ftc hrnt have addiîonal la- from Bill Wagar and Ken Information was received' od frornathe Art Gallerv af Ou- formtionmadeavilabe. ayd taria, aanouaciag tbey wece Jval Paoi lieased ta rua a lattecy and I(irthoegame) iasking permission ta seil tick- m ikrn s ecsl ets thraugh business finms in1 i N'ewcastle Thursday, Feb. 11, 9 Psn. the village. A motion wes I *und *Fb passed ageeing ta allow tick- SdaFb7 ta be sold Ibnaugbout theb e r I navICL l Town League Paof .village, but Ihat no one was In the final game ai thelr ta icel hie was obligated ta selI Newcastle-Mrs. Chrla. Bar- beat ai three seminlbathf theni, because ai Ibis motion,ichard, Mca. Douglas Walton teenis started out rether A letter la answer ta caun-lfaad Mns. Bruce Tilison visit- cautlously but as the game f ch's eeler requcat that tbey ecd with Mca. Harold Hockins, went an the mamentuni pick- be campensated foc tbe amis- Port Penny, and bier daugbter-1 cd up. There was no scaing sians made in theadvertlse- in-lew Mca. Tom Hackins on tbaugb unlil the lest. five Whe vu need the ment la the Newcastlc. Re- Tbursday. minutes wbcn Tcrry Fisk sean- opentservices of a parler was rcad. Mn. Lyall Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Yaung, eccl roni Hon Gaod and Tii trus company, let us help was la attendence and offerei Leskard. and Mr. and Mca. Cox ta give Johnstan's the ta check witb the Newspeper Bruce Tîlîson atlended a Ger- lead but Elmhunat wes awacd-! fou 0on such temns as Assocatian and be wauld belman Costume Bell lu Toronto cd a penalty abat et 18:35' Tax-I Matters, Succession wýling ta go aioag witb theirfon Satunday evening. Bnian Rawe taok the abat but Duities, Planning and palîcy. He polnted ouI thatf The Newcastle Senior CIiI- failed ta score and Jabnslon's -Administering Estates, immedieteiy the omission was. zens bave planncd enoîber gel- appeaed ta bave tbe game la lnvstmnts s - b raught te his attention, itf tagether fon February 131h. band. But just four secondaý lîiv-,tiens, avings was printed correctly the fol-I This mantb they wili meet et later Terri Waltan 'scored an and High lnterest lowing week. the Cammunity Hall for a pal a blaaping backbender frai Certificates. The accaunits Ivere then!luck dinner, foilowed by a thie, blue-line ta île the game eutborized th be peid. f social bouc. Those wha baven't and send Iti mb overtime. S Fallowing this tbe montbly been altendîag are reminded Ia the overtime period Em-1 reports wece submitted. The that they are îîssed and will bucat toak command as Biaaf Welfare repart, nal made pub- be beartily welcame. Rowc scoced frai Bert Sine Ilic: the Heeltb Dept. report ls The Cubs wene somcwbat and then Wayne Peence banged fin the C? office, the fine disappointed la the weathec- home the clinchen assisted b y z1z L T, affl report submitted by, Councillor man's disagrecable weatber Bien Rawe and Paie Stinson1 31 Dy~teeQRN loar -showed two praclicE, which caused them le cancel 1 d ive, Eimhurst a 3-1 vlctory 30 FIUL MONTHS OF TROUBLE-FREE STARTS 1 An investment in trouble-free - oll.sea 'son drivýing 1 Should this j VOLTS j PRIe'F battery fait within 6 nionths 1 J6 j15.158 (flot merely discharge), w. will [3 I6 21.45 replace it FREE. Beyond this 4 j6 j25.98 guaranîce, should titis battery SD I613&.45 YOIJRwe will replace it on a rata basis. You pay ont the time used. ~uriuioi Tj ~ *P~jcs ightIv dote slippin GUARANTEED AUOPARTS nonths, 71D 6 42.20 a pro-j 19M 6j 17.45 nly forL40, 12 j65.65 BD 12 J81.9s -n mo.SviI o xr xL r charge hatiiles ta $ 1. -mm% IWATER PUMPS) rebout.y Up "'WESTERN" MUFFIERS J'PR EMIUM" Top.of-the-hine muffler with double steel sheli, heavy zinc coating, inside and! out. fully guaranteed. , STAN DARD" Carries a lfetime guaranfee. Heavy-gauge steel outer shell. Roled, blowout-proof ends. MAKE YEAR STANDARD PREMIUM *4-66 '67-69 9.5 0.45-9.95 11.45 8.55 9.50 Cho. &Pontiac Chev, &Ponike s(6-CYt) Cl1ov, Ponticic (S<j,1.> Chevelle, Chevy 11, Aodioo (4 L 6 C4.J Dostgo & Plymoouth, (6-cy.) codge & Plymouith (S.Cy.> Ford & Meteor (6 & a syt> voriit & Dort (6,-,4» Vriant & Dort 6.CYQ. IIST ONLY-.WE CAN SUPPLY FOR MOST VEHICLn 1 RADIATOR CAPS For most cars CrAPeeei cm# azsmouroa VACUUM teÀVY OUty luwe-up anls' 24PC 24r: 2"N 30H 42 53K 60 1 .98 is.l! MM.2 19.25 For al vehîcles. *~ THERM 05TïATS Winter type. f For m St Il cars. E p $PARK PWr. 1 Me CAU Sm m Sa$S -:-a-ï- - 72 aS 196" 6 CqL mu* 2m7 160 4,8 2.40 49.5 2352 ,4 9-69 l. ont3S5 2.5 4."8 1.9 895 294.015 Mete.For & oht 2S255 1.85 4.98 1.93 1.50 5.7 2.3 2.Q 19669,6 Cri.-m st 196-9 8 ytsut 25 . 4.98 2.95 85 2 20 Meto~ & Crnet2-M 'l .8 98 1.9 7.9,5-5.95 1,1s For Europeoo Veiies Autn1956-67 (mos» 2.5 25519 230 Ià -il a -- - ---, mat and Car Wa'h