ation. Mr. Reg. Haines, pre- TeCndzý a- sIded at the organ. CL ASS' 1 IE 0United Church WomenY Nestleton U.C.W. held their P o c 1c or -ae first meeting of the New Real EsaefrS l Real Estate for S l Year at the hiome of Mrs. Mal- colmn Enerson on Tuesday af-Hed i Bo m n le DO YOU HAVE $79 - $300?tenowihagd attendance 08r89 8VR ae.Rni-i ts or,59and several visitors presenit- Monday, February 8, 1971 people had started cout on a the1 Marksman lGun) Cl ub, GCOgO IYIVe God. en $tl i-syous, 79 The rneeting opened withca rally in which speed was candy and food; two batteries, REALTORmo., no other, cash needed. the theme hymn and followed Judge R. B. Baxter p1resid- noc atrbdiiga tools rorn Ken icks' bar New cottage needs finishing, with prayer by Rev. Parsons. ed with Assistant Crown At-I cording to a pre-arranged ad garage. Other local and iAenAkdtrl pa;u t gt Phone 623-5300 asoaadndriwytto, Thenew slate of officers for torney K, Stubington, D. J. pan torahcetibontyrabyshdsmla8hre rnoAe-3eaod ~4'rve.3arsalorn-1971 was read by Mrs. Norman Barber as Legal Aid duty by specific'times. They had only less in number, Garry S. ort'sDuhmC nymrow rcutngheotea rnoom bungalow on large lot.Mis e.Pro odce one proceeded east along the Rogers, Jody Rogers, Kim W. Cu e hrdy a.29,Getcneni fl.I' o o Garage 24 x 40 suitable for down home commuting dist- the Induction Service, reading Last week Gary Black of Base Line fromn Waverley Brown, Paul Seymour, AllaninteCofrc R ma nesy1iutonbtaelyzn worksho>p Priced at $22,900, ance Scarborough. All N.E. Ephesians 4:1-7 and 11-13 and Orono, charged with theft of Road to Liberty Street, then Adcock, Allan W. MainprizeteEuain Cnrtecalnet h omnt n Oroio Ne 16 rombun Metro, 50 min. - 2 hrs. Senid closed with prayer and the a stereo tape deck, was re- east on Highway 401 and Clarence and John Bonsma. is etn f'1 isasYug1pol a idso Jow freno Ne vextra washroon self-addressed stamped envel- Lord's prayer and hymn 362 manded to August 10th. made a wrong turn onto the They all elected to be tried Aei irpeietsr-drg hr ecnt er h attý_ghed garage, close to park ope to Advt., "A charge to keep I have"• John Lloay d, Darlington service road instead of New- by Judge Baxter and pleadedmakrdprt of henghetsf yiclv-lai and forestry In quiet naturall The officers for 1971 are as Township, was fined $50 and castle mnterchange, guilty. Pre-sentence reportsRoaBnk embrewlnctey o' dvg hefe setting. 20 SHALLMAR BLVD., follows: Past President, Mrs. costs, or five days, for con- "Car rallies are great sport are to be prepared on Garry lte O oig Wt uhr oiehv ahv a APT. 816 Arnold Williams; President, structing a greenhouse on his and lots of fun," commented and Jody Rogers, Paul Sey- Cag. drn h inse.Afekotî os Maple Grove: Weil built and Mrs. Arthur Hyland;- Vice- property without the neces- the Crown. "The persons who mour, Kim Brown, Stephen ps 0Yas odtosO rafltîgt etrilnn kept brick duplex. Each floor TORONTO 10, ONT. President, Mrs. E. Till; Secre- sary building permît. A. A. organized this one were ex- and Allan Adcock and Allan iehv benmralrdsrekguctold b-baz h-las 1,000 sq. ft. living space.6l tarv, Mrs. Norman Mairs; As- H. Strike appeared on behalf tremely ill-advised. This was Mainprize. They were remand- h.teywrinalotehvo h! m ndnte Maike appointment for Inspec- sIstant, Mrs. Ralph Sadler; of the township, a Saturday evening when ed on bail to March 23rd'with rvost rthethusdahrsice.Mn aehd tion.N S L O Treasurer, Mrs. Bruce Heaslip; Following another vehicle traffic. on 401 could be ex- termis, to remain separate andan erbcoigdsluîe wtHm Bowmanville: C a m p 1 etely E T TO Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. too closely resulted In a fine pected to be heavy. He was apart until final disposition TeFinsi eote-Oratfce ol.Tec-nn renovated 11% storey 6 roomi Wilfrid Vine; Social Commît- of $3Ô and costs, or three a very inexperienced driver of bted smai t the case.tofLDonhalhan ' 11y home. Asking price $19,900. Bus, Trip Ralph Sadler, Mrs. Malcolm H amp t on.. Northbound on ed navigator following the chargedJ with takingHamptonlOi1 1F0iýsO gnrtosi uk' .lm Nwate24arsfrleof B. Pack arranged a bus Fruit and Flower Committee,. of the vehlicle ahead braked themn out after dark on a ro., a bik ed aMsprt Aug. Ei 8thb 5 o h oysat ladwtiod eroom s.trip to the Maple Leaf Gard- Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, Mrs. Vic- and signalled for a left turn, not familiar to them- was (Dast, received a supendedre sencor prbles. ee frmehoe n lrg brn-ens In Toronto to see the lee tor Malcolm; Press Reporter, Mr. Balson, unable to stop, truly shocking,." en o r wo eaors. e ;sno Prcda 37,900 with $12,000 Foillies. This was scheduled Mrs. George Johns; Unit Lead- collided with it resulting in Allen Walter Argue. R.. 2,ilto as oiat i the s inp- down. for Saturdaiy but the Gardens ers, hMrs. Lawrence Malcolm, $400 damage to the Balson Blackstock, was conivicted Of voda, in thecr preceding epi-d wayfrm rug frc Whitby: 11/&year-old 5 roomn were sold out and the trip was Mrs. Arnold Williams, Mrs. car and $300 to the other. careless driving and finea dso-i e10t1y'a>ohr(nilb. pso wt abcue brick bungalow, large well rearranged for Sunday. ThIs George Bowers; Auditors, Mrs. Stanley 'Arthur F ou nd, $100 and costs, or 10 days.ý Williami A. Alldread, town, o rGogB@ýME-bod landscaped lot, paved drive. necessitated considlerable tele-IMarlow, Mrs. Bowers; Pianist Courtice, was found guilty of John Prakken was eastbound' charged Janujary 5, 1971 withlgrBrocouh otHpA Asking price $25,400 with phonmng by Mjr. a1nd Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm; Manse careless driving and fined on H i g hr w a y approaching ý having a stereo over the valueTonhpCrk usad f- $4,000 down. Welts. Cubmiaster Welts apol.. Committee, Mrs. Lawrence $100 and costs, or 10 days. Tooley's Road. Hie put on his of $50, pleaded guilty. This r.daBro lugreij"Maoquae l fcdt 6-1 ogizezd also, that more tickets Malcolm. Evidence of Constable Moon, left turn signal and stopp)ed,lhad been purchased fromi Kimisdn fPr oeIitrcl'paes rbers n an were not available for Sunday. The President, Mrs. Hyland, OPP, was that Mr. Found, waiting for two westbound Brown for $7. Heawasbgive At approximnately 11:45 a.m,gaeardig A Hm northbound on Presto)nvaile cars to pass, when his car was a suspended entence of two qar dugt o Pof ,riy-cisasheulen me thre bs lads(15) of Brow.. Prayer" and welcomed all Road, reached over into the truick from the rear by one er n ocm akt ARnies, Guides, Cubs and Scouts, members and visitors- back seat to retrieve a suit driven by the a-ccus;ed. Mr. court in one week when theý atPe.Rs tnhu.e'atric fa dr5ýR parents and friends left for Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, which had fallen onto the Argue told the Court he saýw bond wvill be prepared. He is a rga ovnr oe a ï hknt e yI FRANK ~~Toronto. They attended the assisted by Gall who read, the fLoor. In so doing he lost con- Mr. Prak-ken's car 'and the to keep the peace and be of etdhewoHlnfrn:oema ineca RELETT MrD 2 p.m. performance and arrIv- CltepSagcodtd trol of his car which went off others com-ing f rom the east. good behaviour. He is no4ta ito nMs ý0 otrwofrnr n adledd' ed home about 6 p.m. As the devotional period with the the road, striking several He was uinable to stop in time associate with others involved ýsn w l ok sns'Ms usa l eetrle ihteelgt.W huduemail, boxes and ýa tree, result- So swerved to the right, strik- in the preceding charges. "igo onn"wihses.d"fIhdala ffe the twirls and spins, the pre- our 'talents to benefit our fel- ing in $500 damrage to his car, ing Mr. Prakkeni's car andý Walter R. Hawes, 16, Black- ere rmhrgadoh'te cision movements and the towmen and to glorify God. Falindtonotfy he e- iveguad psts stckchagedOctber10t 21 King St. W., Bowmvianville multi-cluedlgtng h relvesngs C henst.we partment of Transport wiith- 'last while in the company of ad-"lwn nte'ic. îei h hl ocý5 62-33group extends,appreciation to give ousleaoCrs.I in six days of purchase of his Tues;day, February 9, 197J'1 four juveniles, did break and r.Fsesadiehdber iT 623-3393 the courteous and efficient bus we are not always alert, sin car, cost Robert James Web- Judge R. B. Baxter presid- enter Blackstock U n it ed snigteeSnsa!brEP taKihso oubslo 4 Bedroom drIvers and to Mr. and Mrs. can make us lose sight of God. ster, Oakwood, $20 and costs, ed with Assistant Crownr At-i Church. He elected to be tried nealdsgigthm tHIl etr hepîttodpii Six year old 2 storey home Welts for their untIrIng work. Thelid canat camne Ito tue or three days, and having no tory K. Stubington, D. Barber by Judge Baxter and pleadedanOo PbiSholRd asryInaml pîhinEu wtelcrcha. inse ScuesCubMeng There is no possibility of de- insurance $50 and costs, or an as Legal Aid duty counsel. guilty. The amount involved Cospýga.Ms .L ftepis nwacr o recreation room, extra 2-pcee On Sunday evening ScoI etn hit u ftiu additional five days. Coulson Ruiter, 74 Simpson was$2. Lwyr M. ellypae heacmai rhiiTidt ieL washroom, carport with bal- master Jim Sloanje, Cubmast- lation can comne strength and .Stoppmng on Highway 2 to Ave., who had been remand- stated it was his ist offense, mnvr uhejyd cony. $27,500. Terms. er Walter Welts and Barbara reliance on God. The peace of pick up a hitch-hiker cost ed one week charged with that full restitution had been Mao aCrudl wsrikg ne h ayad Bowmanville Wlsatne cues God inspires one to hold on Jh ilmNwovle rvn hl impaired and made and under the circum- ele,"tîntfrm,1 Clbmetno uatcedfrth ia vcoy$20 and costs, Or two days. license 'under, suspension, re- stances asked for a suspended br u elkona Excellent retiremenit buniga- groups, in the Scout Hall, Port The business, period follow- "With the roadway narrow- ceived a fine of $150, cost $3, sentence. The crown had no atalighuouspek low in good residentialarafPer.Ls sumr CbewihteDcbrmnts ed by now banks, such a stop in default seven days, and on objection as Hawes goes tosriecus elv n nmntoa nomijrie tow,,n. Nicely landscaped. Ask- Welts took an Intermediate read by Mrs. Emerson and the on the travelled portion cou, ld: the second charge a fine of school. He is to report back ýd oeSna shl nte ing $18,900. Terms. Training Course. Provincialfiaclreotgvnb th cause a serious accident," said $75, costs $3, in default three to court Feb. 16 when ia pro-p heloHusofCnrd Orchardview Field Executive Peter Kal- Treasurer, Mrs. Heaslip. Cor- Judge Baxter. days. bation order will be ready hlincagofteSv- Cofral rc uglwleste was present at this meet-repnncad"hnkyu. Conviction for careless driv- Theodore McMotrren, 13 7 for a two year suspended sel n Am hr.wt h osotnhlig In Bowmanville. Located in ing and presented Mr. Walts cards were read and several ing resulted in a fine of $100 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa,, tence. He is to be of good be- In15,teMjrbam cush .sagodCi. quiet, oider subdivision. Ex- with the most honored badge, donations received. Mrs. Hy.. and. costs, or 10 days, for charged with driving while haviour and report to proba- soitdwt h is r-ta o ele,"o 'ant eceller t financing. $23.500. "The Wood Badge". Congrat- land and Mrs. Heaslip volun- Janice Huntington, R.R. 1, ability was impaired contrary tion officer once -a month. bto osteHueo ultosteered as caretakers for the Nestleton, Driving south on, a to criminal code 222, pleaded Reginald Kennedy, 36 Drift- ýo n 'intcagn o NwateArm Chair Bird Watchers month of February. The roll county road mn Cartwright, guilty. He was also charged'wood Ave., D o1w n s le i e, w, Cut.T, trsG-en Completelv remodelled 2 Nestleton folk have been call "'How to promote church hier attention was turned to withr having liquor in, other through hais counsel Mr. Greer etgat h ugths A dcto riigpo10 bedroom home. Aluminum reading. with interest, about unity" followed and was well the dashboard mnstruments. than his residence and pleadi- pleadeti not guilty to a charge sidng ne sorm ad sre nabitious naturalists who leave answered. Members were ask- The ca adrdoftee uly e %was followed of criminal negligence. Doug- huad olrst sen freshly painted and decorat- their homes at 5:30 a.m. and ed to brIng a "«get well" card road, struck t theso hoe r y PCons-T.ecLwp eod from as ep 0 igh S., acid hnrý huai.cegoig ýn e-d. Very low taxes.' Asking travel 15 miles into the coun- for the roll call in February. ed shoulder and went intoebe o the Coutic. he ar aswea- e ws ivovedin n ccien Z;17,900 with low down pay- try to -,atch the birds. In Membership fees were then re- ditch, where it hit a hydroing. He was unsteady on his with Mr. Kennedy on eNovem-Y mn.Nestleton the residents do not ceived and two new memnbers pole. The investigating officer feet and two tests shwd.0 ber 7 last, near Ontario andie okrt aSý foeshv rvd vr .Rural Bowmanville lack interest or concern for joined. . stimated damage to her car [and .19 %. He wvas found guil- King Streets. It was allegedi h ujc AoeYuPr ucsfl hnecuae Sixroo baut- lcaed u. theirfeathered frIends. In fact, Mrs. Brokenshire had charge|at $350 and to thie pole $100. ty on both charges. Total fines Mr. Kennedy did niot stop f-atlePoImoratofhe----ý u Si ombat oae utfour residents are giving themn of the topic and read a veryl Donald McCrea McAlpins, were $200, costs $6, in defaul ter hitting the Slee t a roo- FN UL outside of Bowmanville on top priority and have feeding Interesting New Year's letter age 23, R.R. 1, Hampton, was 20 days. License suspen1sion cycle and hiscar lic nsmo or nearofeclettisfrstations for themn. Some are from a missionary in West fined $200 and costs, or 20 was three mronths and gie ae. e re ace sqetlopyhloit OUMNSAD bdomgrealfeeding sunflower seeds. Oth- Indies who Is a friend of hers. days, following convictioDn for 28 days to pay. Newell and Dennis Gerow sn smnal itr E"ý only $25,900. Termns. ers have the mitxed commercial She told of travelling to a dangerous driving, with an Robert J. Barrett and Rich- corooatd r See'dei 10 crs fedandotersa ixtreof isionscoolý and ,ofthe poor automatic six months,' license ard Shceeýhani, Oshawa, plead(- dnc. r.Keney1aikh North east of Osha'wa'. E-cr n condition of the roads. It took suspension. Constable Allison, ed guilty to a chr e sel- did not know if he hit tb he !S ht ice'8 TFOD celn uligst ihnew, watch these fascinating colour- four hours to go 40 miles but OPP, Millbrook, was east- mng soft drinks and cash un- motorcycle or not,'llheculd ra chne hve tll hoesinaeasAite rin- ed bits of fluff the folk here they enjoyed the beauty of bound on a county road near der the value of $50 from the think ofwa getn aa ed. $1ý2,900 with $3,000 down. sit In their arm-chairs where the countryside. Here they Millbrook January 1st when Quick Clean Centre. Const. from four Young men. Judgelm itg.- 1 the temperature hovers around found a church centre of 200 his attention was drawn to a Smith mnvestigated the com- Baxter said, "You want neto h vrg o Bowmanville the 80 degree mark and enjoy devoted people, a school for westbound vehicle proceeding plaint. Restitution has been believe that' you did not me ocmsfonz aegelDs Xtrid Older 6 room homne with the antics of these winter 500 children and another for at a very high rate of speed. made. The fine was $50, costs you hit this motor yle?"ýmmn rfsinl eDa very large lot 119 x 144 in friends as they vie with each unwanited ones. They were The -officer turned around. and $3, in default five days for Two witnesses for Mr e -i eetdbyoeo ob central part of town. Asking other to obtain a morsel from supperIvised by Swiss ministers gave chase. It turned onto each one of them. They were nedy said there had benropetsa ekdw incri $18,900 with $2,900 down., their providers' tables. Birds and a Swiss nurse who looked Highway 115 where it reach- given two weeks to pay- drinking during th e eningtatoe irr lhsnd 11seen to date are, evening gros- after elderly peo-ple. Let us ed speeds of 90 to 103 miles Clarke City Iron and Metal LawerGrer aîbs eng.l o' cet aets311- Bowmanvile beaks, shriks, nuthatchers, look at our hearts- and see Our an hour. The officer turned Co., Ottawa, paid a fine of ha vyer k ree sad hsncien tran atebym s)t Very large 2 storey home bluejays, chickadees, hairy possibilities anld may our on the revolving roof light. $99, costs $3, for overweight. PacnoTheowldgeiofant im-1 on nicely landscapedlti woodpeckers, downry wood- hearts be mnoved wIth com- The lights on the fleeing car L. Woods & Son Transport eacrd waeon l i mc e north part of town. Homne Is peckers, housesarwte passion for themn and a desire went out briefly, then on and Ltd., Lasalle, Que., charged thea wt a, wendeepf kicked fr sor tr only 8 years old with enclos- sparrows, starlIngs, cardinals. týo help extend the kingdom of off again and disappeared In Jan. 21, 1971, with not having Assitantrear fen Atrhscr hni h ader of his carSIt'ES Wif) ed carport and large patin. There are also cotton-tail rab- God. She closed with a poem- a cloud of snow. brakes on a rear axle, paid a Stss s at on A torevne19; K.eWiby68-52 Only $28,900. Terms- bits, jack-rabbits and squirrels. The Mizpah Benedictioni con- It had run off the road on fine of $20, costs $3. ueoing on said thefoevidence Large House and, One Acre Sunday Services: cluded the mneetinig after the left side for 765 feet and John Mathews, Roblin, Ont., as drivinsistuent wihter adÎ Jutof wy 1. hs l-Presbyterian which a delïÎIcIus 1lun1ch was turned completely around fac- had three charges read Of Sleep impressed him axter said erus svnom y 15 hous old I h rsyeia hrhsre y those 'In charge- ing In the opposite direction. driving a two axle thector -cere witness and as a sm-i 1nkea ideal club house. No Sunday mnorning, Mr. Morley Mrs. John-s extended ap- Mr. McAlpine explained this with no, license to drive a Mr. Kenndy rejience dO 5 OS il dro abut the price Is right. Mitchell chose "Justice" as the preciation to th-e hosýtess and foolish behaviour by saying conversion unit. The total found te' nciden daene and S600full price. Call Andy theme for hris sermon, reading to all who helped t make lhe panicked when he saw the fines were $95, costs $9. aste0rseuio ta, uthclet469391.Romans 2:1-11. We all want such a 'pleasantme g cruiser. Minard Transport Corp., was found guilty of dagr ODL , Suc e lec 46-83919. Justice but for ourselves, in -- -- ~ Milton Miýchael Helmer, Gatineau, Que., were charged osdriigco ay tangr- Oshawa' our own way. Students want King Street, Kitchener, plead- and found guilty on three ous i co ntrary ubsetoncrm-. Beautiful brick 3 bedroom their kind of-justice - a voice ed not guilty of careless driv-'charges Of plate switch. Total aThe 21,esuse5,ctA 4.Y UT EV'-- bungalow on Athabasca. Fin- in all administration. Crimin- srornome ing December 4th. S i ngh fines $60, costs $9. $23.50, ine dev as $250, ots, ished recreation room with als want their justice and go, Santokh, Oakville, eastbound Rea Bros. Ltd., 322 Queen licn, musenitone montn bar.Holywod ktchen. Fenc- free. Paul points out the o iha 0.fudteS.SCosilwr hr-cnesseso i ots ed yard with patio. Driveby judgment of God cannot be W l dd s rad icy and slippery. An- ed with unlawfullycarrying ais Lgie 8dy om this best buy, $25,900. Termns. overlooked. He will judge alll i otther eastbound vehicle driv- a load of lumber in excess MisLran James, 545 GLE ELI according toh Sok. Paul ý n by Mr. Helmer attempted 15,600 pounds. Inspector Now- Share wdFoest, Mark hm Afe to the New RteveltOnrto pass an-d started skidding lan testified for the Depart-Ichared ith excedigthet. EL R Phyllis McRbiep245 nJssChitt cetorI epigwt h urn oteright. Mr. Santokh ment of Transport. Mr. Rea, Npee limi t, Liberty St., 62-284reposibilÎtY and do thtitrs ndteavneet pulled off onto the rig«ht, seaking for the company veme 2lst a on Jan Oudhoorn -whic sp r igtbeas_À s nk wdein spaircemadsoleeuri a a'si osae eei h uit scagdadtefn the Royal Conservatory of the government scales, at- or Should the legislature be tin Music of Toronto in Bow- tempting to thumb a ride. H LBTSE K session at the end of March, ov manville, Ont. The names are His nose was bleeding, histhgrupanabstipo arranged in order of merit. face cut and his clothing torn., attend an evening session. HT SIE A %e.U&'% ANVILLE Grade IX Piano - Honours, The officer took him to hos. The next meeting will be l REH AI' Marilyn L. Dawson. pital where he learned from lb held on Tuesday, April 6th at NSL' Grade VIII Piano-Honours, the youth that he had been TOUR HEADQUARTERS the home of Fran Moffatt. AD TOSR Margo E. Payne; Pass, Dennis In an accident, but had no FOR FREEZER"A"SUPPLIES AUTO L. Francis. idea where it had happened Grade VII Piano --Pass, or where his car was. GOV'T. INSPECTED FARM MEETINGS p d ig Henrietta Katzer, Heather Y. At the hospital the officer E G o.10 Southwell. spoke to a young lady who BEEF or PORK Farmers in this area may W R W ERSGrade VI Piano - Honours, had been brought in by an- not be working the land, but Myles W. Chittick, Rosemary other motorist. She too was BULK SUPPLY OF they certainly are a busy' 98-63,Killeen, Shelley I. Ball and in.iured in the accident. She gop Julie A. Payne (equal). Hilary did not know where the, car Frozen Food rAccording to information We buy Iron, Rads, Batteries, Metal, Cars C. Johnson; Pass, Barbara A. was either but thought they from the local office of the and Tucks or wrckin'Gustar.1 had turned right off Highway CUSTOM CUTTING Dept of Agriculture & Food, andTruks or recm9'Grade V Piano - Honours, 401 east of Bowmanville. SM KN U IG there will be a Corn Herbicide Annette Taylor, Colette Tay- Constable Yardy went backSM KN Day at Blackstock CommunityD We sell parts for mos makes of cars, angle lor; Pass. Louise J. Sloos. to 401 and to Bennett Road. Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 16th, a Grade IV Piano - First There, on the service road he L c e e tl White Bean Day at Cantoni(O EOr U UY îon and ppe. Class Honours, Mark S. Mun- found the car, a total wreck, Community Hall on Tuesday, day. and one of the two other pas- Feb. 23rd, the Hog Producers j- l TWENTY-FOUR HOUR TOWING Grade III Piano - Honours, sengers dead from the acci- PHONE 623-5578,, annual meeting in Pontypool F % u MRE .8O CUSTOM WEIL DING Judy Carter. dent. 73 King St. W. on Feb. 12th, this.Friday, with Grade II Piano .- Honours, Further investigation re- Bowmanville many more meetings to comec 24-oKz.yo. 3le ½-lbefuryi4gînte eksaea.m