gav th fiancatHeart roufluaion '.anvass H-ere FeDr5tr letter was-reîad iom Portj ýPerry Hospital Auxiliary re Re or san Auxiliary Te;ý a lelterF il um Mrs. Fitzsimmions (Kar - I U a a uen Murdoch), home econo- Inctututes nist, re Summary Day a Hamrpton,' Feb. l7th, whený ceushions xvi]1 he di splayedi BOWILlNVILLE W. 1. hetter to change 'our mmnd. wt r. arnedae1~ The ebrarymeeing01 Be open-minded but not emp- in charge. Plans were macle The ebrury metin ofty mîided. We do net know for transportation when rs fhe Bowmanville Women s b what the future holds but we \Iaco]m an Mrs he f vatiute Asheldoungthe Sld nw hsodstefuue ered to drive. A letter froni atin Amy oug Popl ~ Miss Catherine Blair, ar- Mrs. Lila Lymburner an- Hall. Followîng the opening companied by iVrs. Trîgg,nocel rviia Cof- of hemeein. mmbrs ndgave two musical selectin ence in March at the Royal gust ~er mcl x ccoe yon the iln e ce York Hotel at which she wîll î ,. t1,President, Mrs.I1.Muoday. Myj Love is Lîke a Red Red b hîmn r.Asi Thee ws agon atendnceRose" for Valcntine's Day,' Zoeller, president of F.W.I.O., The busi essi în on "The Spînng Wheel."setgitîgsacarroid COnýducted by the president These* were mnuci enjoyed. th15ies oficc t.i.~&r andi the secretary-treasurer, Thre guest speaker for the G~uelph will be in Apnil with .< i1~ MrM. Flintoff. A letter wa afternoon was Rv n a pooling fee of $35. Those l.4v~ read fromn Mrs. L. G. Lyrni-IBrown, Chapiain at the Pine ligible. are, secrtary-treasur- " bourner, nf the W lomen's Ad- llidge Sehool, He is a minis- ens,. public relations officers s' ,vîsory Commttre of the De'- ter of the United Church of or rnembers at large. Book- partment of Trade and D"ý- Canada and became invo]v.:d lets were on hand regarding velopment, of a mneeting to be in Correctional E d u c a t i o Onew courses available for held at the Rtoyal York on about fouriand a half years 1971. Several cards were sign- M March 3lst. The pnoliog jiee, ago. He told of the boys cori- dfrtoenhspa. for the Officers Cncering to the 'Praining School Mrs.o rthur inHystlan, cn in Guelph onArl 27. 28, 2.9, here,-a diagnosis and study to be sent in aind the secre- macle of the boys and then of venor of Citizenship and Edu- tary-treasurer. Mns. M. Flin- bcbg sent to the Training cîopeie fra -.'" toff to attend if possible, colwee hywudhi etna rograï-ini n itizen- Summary Dy fr 4ehle h most. The pro- hp h olcl Nm course "Accessories for Your, gram here eniphasizes ,,,ade-,woman who bas contributed, Home" is tri be Feb. i7th at mic training in the morning tO society" 'was weli answer- Hamnpton. Mrs. T. Buttery, the 1and the afternoon in sbop iaed wThsera ocallaie course lcader, spoke on this. prograin of which there are nmd h ot Ctzn A letter was read concernîng several choices. The boy can 1sbip is macle up of the Tiniesit the adnpted child in Turkey.idîscover through involvempnt ýThings," was ably presentedj A donation was sent to the what hie would like to punsue. b r.Hln.Sesae Harold Kn Fanm. Choices A boy is et the school for a homes ire the grecnbouse were maclein the Home Eco- minimumn of four and a hall where thie plants of citizen- nomiîc. Brancb Progran imnh n u r 0mnh ship are started. Be a good the Training Schools, Foond After care officers in theineigbbor, show interest in Forums, and~ Short Courses. ýboy's locality look ito his the church and community, The nominating commîiter-, home life and if it is not suit-1 keep the iaws. Citizenshîp is ia to he Mns. G. Richard-,s, able, a foster home is foid theam the wo fîiendly gree Mrs. M. Wiseman and Mrs. for hlm tb go to after gradu- ing, tewrso hna R. Patfield, The Kopper Kar- ation. The responsibility dnes Simple things rosI .50 litý-,e, nival, March llth was dis- ont end with graduation but mean so much in helping new cused gitstobe brought in continues until 18 years of Canadians to know this land ý,i is Heart Month ândýof their time for the the month tc, cover Orono, heart banks ini the stores !*r cussel. gltsmetngRl alag.Te0rvriu esn f ours. , throughout the province the Gctting the campaigu under- New1castle, Clarke and Dar- the area. If each person put in was answened' "Namne a book why the boys are, in the Mrs. Hyland 'read an article 011tanin Heart Foundation la way'are student reprcsentativ- ington. just one 25 cent piece the tan- or magazine worth neading." schools. from. a Toronto paper,, "The prepaning its annual canvass es, (froni the left), Derek1 The target for theoe getwudb elz hniy SMrs. D, Park, convenor if Three things Rev. Brown Court of Canadian Citizen- lfor donations, Lobb, Sue Bryson, Bonnielarea this year is $3500. Another way a person mnay Education, called on Mr--. would like clone tbrough the ship," with Honourable Mi- In Bowmanville the local Mornison, Chnis Wight, Susan If any home is missed la the donate to, the Foundation is b~y Blair for, the motto,, which Ministerial side wene tb be ai chael Starr presiding. Seven- branch is fortunate to have Burgess-, and Ian Peter. Mrs. canvass, donations may be giving an in memorium grani was "It Is a gond idea in real honest -alîve human beingî ty-two new Canadians froni help ino ts planned blilz of 1Pet Lucas, Vice-Chairman of macle directly to, Mrs. Fred- in lieu of flowens, change your mmnd, it may bin elationship to the, boys 19 homclands becamne Cana-itPie town this comîng Mondayithe local Heart Foundation die Ames at the Canda Keep the torch buriingiý, work betten". She sabd deter- who are thene, through tbe dian citizens. Concluding the night' (February lSth). Be- Association poses with the stu-1 mperîalBn OfCn- - evyorigtonM da mhination 0of mmnd to go ministry to try to help boys ceremony "O Canada" and twecn 75-100 students of Bow- dents in the centre. lin Bowmanville. 'night and welcomne the can- througb .ith something is a bo grow'to, manhood, and al"The Queen" wene sung. Prom mmqnvil1e High School will giveý Canvasses are plenncd laterl There are also a number ofivessera. godthing but sometimes it is bneakdown of baniers be- 1947-1968, 1,032,888 citizen-1 tween the Institution and the ship papers wcre grented. .I active in sports. To ail whoi cnmmunity help, He closed ýgave a detailed and vivid ac-1 a d ompOeYr-O dOBTU R AR DU LTS ! ewith a question perind. A count hfler experience tonr ARety.Came 0HCmereALD RTO DO SOMETHING ,vote of thanks was extencledý the requirements to obtaina. , Dnewsailwelted- Poowga10aylnes b Rv, row byMns vis to Canda.A n- ~~i~ i'"'~' d Satunday night with Fay Anchibald Britton died et the ABOUT YOUR Ms..Mudyas ade fenc mutcsupidb' 4t4, Adams and his Orchestra in .Oshawa General Hospital on bier thanks. three noteworthy citizens, 168 atnac.PyadhsbnFb r,17.H ie t3 EDUCATION 1I 1The meeting closed withiquestions w e r e answerrd ,.. stan pl ayin adth io b u ebr St7. OHeawa, a b7 God Save the Queen. Mcmn- wbich gave tbc 111e Pistory of ..,~.,. dne ilno o e-be eietfrteps with Aduit bers set with their convenor; the indîvîdlual. A thorough ,i uday, cinlb. 31h.- 40 yiea rs dn o teps and Koper KanivServckctsmedical examboation was giv- CôuselingSerice wene gîven oui. Lunch wes en, This was followed by anl senvcd by the gnoup in charge, intelligence test. Pollowl. g, Sec our duit Mrs. G, Richards social con- fbis- nerve-wr.acking expeni- n Cotinsellor tenon. ence the visa was given. How-*,e EVERY even, Mrs. Welts said theO U NESLEON . Canadien officens were v..ry couteous. WE N SD YThe regular meeting of Mrs., Jos. Wygerde, a neý EVENING 'Nestleton Women's Instibute tive of Hollend, and a Cana 7 o 9 p.m. at the noon, Febnuenv 3rd, in the gave an întcresting accout - i. Preabytenian Cburch base- of ber expenience, in10 ut BO M N VI 1LLE ment with Mns. Bruce Heaslip when she became a Cauaii HIGHI SCHOOL as bostess and Miss Ruth citizen. MK Proutt assisting. r.BnD og,. 67 KING ST. EAST 63 Guidance Office Mrs. Walter» Welts, presi- froni Holland, gave an xe62- dent, chaired, the meeting, ex- lent papen on "Whet the Wo- T'he-service is free tended the welcomne to aIl, men's Institute Meens t0 Me"SP C L SA NG . D and "thank you" tri the hos- She said she bas beco ecceDixP CI L S "9WD cofdnil -and nlo tees. Foliowîng bbe Opening'cd -and bas a seose nf belong-M appointment js Ode and Mary Stewart Col- îng; she bas become acquaint-P U R E D Y P recessary.lect, Mrs. Richard DavisOn, cd and bas macle many tri- L S F I D Y P necessary.secretary-tneasunen, read bbc !enls. Hen accent and ber - - minutes of the Januany meet- sklls have been acccptcd. She I said thene arc thrce types nI New Canadians. Type 1 ne - " MLS'N C U K E A C m i i I~~~~, uss accept anything Cao- ffl. ~ '14o.Tris A E TN M ortrn ilo ca y. 15U adian, refuses to mix wîîh 1ozTuteVA E IN Canadiens, and keeps thbcuscm -.:: Reg. $.25.. - Special, $1.88$119 T ' toms of bis or bier land. Type . 11 THE . ~~~~~~~2 buny the past. fonget their . x:n.ern . . <4 beitage and custonis and are The handsomne, happy little fellow in the aboe GJ tonetal Caadtyepese com to Christopher Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Trry Atne Flw k 1 adeeP a hcaltby balance, Baker of Oshawa, who celebrated çgis A Valentine FIow M T R [ 114 1btenthe two. They accept January 22nd. His proud grandparents are Mn. a 3 L3«4 ~ ~ X~*în~tAuirsatx~* * ourthb challenge and the oppor.. Mns. John Baker, Bowmanvilie and Mr. and Mrs. Win. presents in addition to o tniisandl way 0ff he L ,R .6 omnil,.hitpe' i o Buy One Gel LuilosnI yd SnowdenR .6,Swavll hitohrsBg b o present but not. forgetting! c self-service cafeteria system a fhi eiaeonbcaiî lgreat-grandmnother is Mrs C. Morris of Bowmanville AST H C LAE ue r thein homeland. Mns. De og __McRobbie Photo Razo-M deîiel ea type 3 Cana- P 0 N TIPO O LAeca 17 u nG NOO N B_ UT 1Mrs. Grant Thonipson wes 1 i tbc wînner on tbc word con- test on "Citizcnship" and ýe- Wedding belîs rang in Pon- bride's sistec's home Ibh ceived a gif t from Mns. l{y- îypodl lUnited Church Satur- guests went to the Orange land. A reading, "A Newv Hall for a social evenîng enid Caain"wsgie y aftennoon whe~n Miss D E no tex WiAsbto s n. LMs.iod Wils,-dughternI Medancing. We exbend Our con- 3By mailing on THURSDAY, be sure ail the special people ont your list receive a, Coutbs-1-allmark Valentine from our complete selection. tmported for Valentînes Day MINIATURE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS by Coalport of England il E VYà Miss George MorIon iisîthî Mnr. and Mrs. Bo b MorIon of Kendal visîtcd Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnowclougb et Wes-J leyville on Sunday altennoop, Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. John Leon Clapdorp, bbc former Miss Mary Louise Ter- nantI on their marniage- Satur- day aftennoon, Pebrnery 6tb, in Orono Unted Churcb. Pcv, Baui E. Long, B.Tb., officiated, followed by a reception endý dance at bbc Acres Restaurant. 1Mcc. Lily Brown Cbapmani cf Orono, wife of bbe late Orley Chapman of Kirby passed away alter a bnIef Ili- nees on Monday, Fcbruary tb et bbc Oshawa General Hospi- bal. Funenal on Tbursday et bwo p.m. fîom tbe Or'ono1 U.nited Cbuncb. Interment i Onono Cemnebeny. >Mrs, Arthur Tennant of Leekerd lias been a patient in bbc Memnonial Hospital, Bow- manvîlle, sînce Thursday of lest week., Mns, George E. Clapodorp of Delhi, bas been vîeîting ber cons Mr. H. Clapdorp and McI J. L. Clapdorp and'ber grand- children., A social evening ont Fnîday, Pcb. 121h t 8:00 iD.m. wfll le hceld ini bbcParisb Hall of St Sunny South, Mn. and Mca. But il has changed the Lloyd Brown and Mn, andý price nf your home. Mns. Clifford Curtis Icave For exemple, if you Tuesday for Plonida. -Tbey bouhtan 1 ,0o , hope tb vieil sevenal bris home in 1963-lodaY iOhr clown -A nldiî ri ît'c worth about . Cevanos. Ohr conthr $2420. Dot bein Inde Mr, and Mca, Alfned Icîtwibha coîîy ilaJoboston, Mn, and lb/ra. ParlI of aches. Sec me Wright, and we believe Mn, about a State Farm and Mns. Ross Davîdsool, a Homewoer PalloyMn. and Mca. Bill Brooks. I Homeowers PoicY sure cnjoyedby visît there injý that will caver your 1967, mnet grand people, a lot home for ail it worth of deep sea lisbhing, wenb to -and kcep it bbc dog races, and did con- that way with sidenable dancing. To aIl you 'z automatic Inflation bolîdayers, mny veny beat Coverage, wisbes. We won't be able bo attend bbc Tory Convention Ibis week. I won't make any pre dictions but do hope bbc "Grass Ronte" gels somne con- si,-deration. Sorry I mîssed neportîog;- the passing of Mn. Max Crys- ir~ tel of Toronto who dlied ina Cleveland bospîtal fron a heart operation. Deceaaed ne- B rlnkicman celivcd hic public school cdu- AGENT rationbene. Wbcn the Crystaàl Scugog StaBw inville famîly slioneored a large suni-. Phone 63-3621 mer resont here for severel I yeans, Pc was -wibh his Pro-! 'h' STATE FARM thers and sdater in bbc Pro motion of camne.He lata' Sie cdCaUatycoeat~ wentb mb btcerestaurant bnci- :e _î~" CANADIAN OFFICE nÈin r Toronto and was veryl' Savionn's Ciiuncb. Lunch iliî TRNT, N. succecclful, He was hig'hly rce- Ibe served. Everyone welcorne.1 spected here and was quite FRE - 5 rersonna tades YAR[ with Rl-n1 NOXZEMA Shave Cream liOT only 79c $1.50 ,c ENOXZEMA 5km Cream Seial 1.69 - OnIy 1.49 F REDE RIC K'S Chewehk Viý,,ýltann for Chljdren Special $1.95 rThe Canadian Statesman. Bowmaniville, Pcb. 10, 17 er f or Every.Ld t One FREE hick )n Chrome Blades et One FREE YARDLEYý, Fancy Gifi os $2.25 Value Our Prîce $1.49 IT SPECIALS.. I SOFI e DRY I BUFFERIN DEODORANT j$1.69 -ny9e $5 Only 93e .JORDAN OLD SPICE TOOTH BRUSHES After Shave Iand Deodorant- Spvray 89c - OnIy 65c $3.50 Value $L99 RE SPECIALS Shop andi SAVE! )LEY SoWi )eodorant FCA ISE Reg. 2/Ti )nly 79c Spe-cial 2/61ç VITA-DI ET Once-a-Day Vitamins, for Adulis $3.49 -Speciaî $2.79 !Flu? No, Energy BCol#p'd &V*etainâ Trial Size $1350 FOR 10 DAYS ONLY I AN EXTRA 10'/, OFF OUR NEW LOW'PRICES ALL PHOTOFINISHING and DEVELOPING* Offer Expires Saturday, Fel,. 20th DRY NIGIIT CO POJGH? IONACýe' Try Soothing Vapour GmiiRMAUSN ICTAC VAPORIZERS j Cough Control Syrup j Cold Caýp5iules à $6.95 Special $4.99 $1.90- Special $1.59 $1.49- Special1 $1,19 y PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WHILE YOU WA!TONCL or WE DELIVER FREEFO Prescrîptioiis Accepted for Blute Cross, Workmenes Com penlsation, FEHU Welfare, D... and Other Insuranct-e Drug Plans______ FREDEICKY PHAMACLTD, 67 KING5ST. EAST 6 =2-546 BOWý VM A N V! 1.