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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1971, p. 8

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Dy Frank Mohun 2-2§ The- spots editor found himself on the sck Elst last week uit the id l flu bug. Tuesday, we thought we were getting battr. e w tred ur usual effective remedy of sweating ,hereainercf the malady out of our system. Li,'ke we entd ata Liberty Bowl and rolled off aur amiesfor te next evening- so we could rest, as Wednesday wp abe aour day back at work. Well we sweated al ~ight, barel.ýy managed ta even stand up for the three games, aýeidsmho racked up a 757 triple. Then it was over to 1ýFhehg schaal for basketball. A hot shower after, gradually xiclcedta old- it's always worked before- hadn't miss- a day at work due ta cold or flu in a long timie. Hoeethis time it was a pretty sîck sports edîtor wha arved oe n there we stayed, sck but alive, t t t t t OP..A LAYOFFS NOVI-,TCE Bowmanville Preston the Mover are stîll waiingteHt heplayoff trail. They will probably meet Oshawa or Peerbrough, but no dates have been released as PEE W1,EE Bowmanville L & L Trailsleds didn't en- eutrand problems in their first serîes against Port H ope,t trakin-g t1he first two games by scores of 10-0 and 12-1. The 1iccais wrap,,ped uipi~he best of five set last night, but the scoreî was ecevedton late for this column. The Trailsleds will now, 'rixýeet Markhani in aý" best of three series, wth the first game ~ber Satrda at ix 'clock, BANTAM -1 Bowmanville swept their best of three affair ~agint ayRïdge l!3-3 and 4-O. They start a best of five ýeie ganst Mrhm Wednesday night in Markham, with tesecond game scheduled for thé Memorial Arena here M.iDGET - Port Hope and Bowmanville McGregor's 'UP.A .mbatti taa hard-fought overtime lie Friday night in Pport Hope, withà the saw-off givîng Bowmanville the best of afair ona the strength of two wins and a pair of lies. The L.A crew will now meet Markham ia a best of fieset, -wilthe oý npener likely Saturday evening - seven ~ocokaI the Memorrial Arena. JUVEl\-ILE -- Bowmianville St. Mary's Cernent Redmen, posted apaiJr of victories last week right in Port Hope ta s~atur thiropening O.M.H.A. playoff series, three games TneRednenwMl also face Markhaia la the nextý round. Trhe bestcf fve eries will prabably start on Suinday la At atet rpot three OMH.A. playoff games are sche- uledfor aturay, ih the bantamns in action at five o'clock, pee eesat ix ad ridgta seven pm. Bowmanvîlle has alwaysbeen stran cont na almost alildivisions, but that hoetw vclspport has been known te tura the tide In a crucia playoff series, Let's 'get behind the local teams nd give1 them your support. It iso a worthwbile cause. t t il t i. . ~AGLS SARTPLAYOFFS BowanvlleEagesalready had first place locked up headig ina Ibs weekend's action, but kept their momnentum 5-, ydeetn Pntn 6-3 and 4-3 to complete the The EgleswillmeetSuton in a best of five series, with e fiat cnten slae fr Bowmanville on Sunday night aI If asIyer'5seresagainst Newmarket is any Indication, ~he unio "C"playffa'houldprovide plenty cf crowd- 'TH-E 1HEART FUND Whn auar alete particîpate ia sports, a persan dcesn't reall stp b realize just how' fortunate he or sbe Whe yo se a oun gy, who appeas healthy but ïs t'~atictd romai-ot prtciptinonly then do you belleve Undobtely herearesevralyoungsters afflicted çvîth $~ear disase yung eoplew dn't know about. Hlow- evr w er dvsdofnn7yarodAndrew hirvine of Oshaa, ho as hd treeheart operaions in Ha yaung Bjfe. Bt e tii iks a lay road hockey. The btzforhertfud will be held Ibis Manday In ~he Bowman lllonlo, New7,caslle area. Usully yau associte beat dsese itholer eopeAndrew Irvine is only nias Altoug eua cnfirm-1cas yet, il is expected Ihat Andrew Willbe ntevieed n CLBradia durlng the 5:30 spartscast ~'rda evnig b sort drecorKari Edmands. ~Y&c~ Mcnb ws rellyDen Berg 235, 257, C. Rtter ~i1tin th pis tis eek I247, 22à, 207, D. Nolan 20 3, ~ac's ightrile as755 218, 213; J, Flonk 241,, 214; (17, 2e, 34) Hî 33 ganeA. Debaa 259; T. Aldread 202; ~a hghsigl. ic bwlngR Ovendea 203; B. Buma 241, Enjoya efreshing Swim for -that- change of 'Pace MONa FM, - 7 ta9 pan~ $,0per person at Iths LbtySC. S, at 1Hwy. 41 owanile men Five bowlers were aver the 800 mark Ibis week. non Carter was laps wlth 879, Young Hon came up wlIb gemes of 295-277-307 for bis býest performance ta date. Wilh n litIle lit of iuck be wouid have made the 900 mark, Wait Hately after n big 878 lest week came rlght back wllh 871. IHateiy s ganes were 326- 277-298. Doug Carter tried ta bent bis son Hanand came very close wlth 867. Doug had 264-329-274. AI Osborne bnd 847 (276-255-316), Soutbpnw Ernie Perfect bad 802 (222. 306-274). 1The big news was the hlgb triple of the Lader Hardware leam, Lnnder's lad games cf 1372-1277-1451 for tbe bigb. est tenm total everbowled aI Liberty Bowl, 4100. This is an average of 820 per ma, or an aver age of 273%~ pins per geme, This shauld stand for same lime ta came. Fourteen bowlers bit 700. Don Oke hed 794 (277-267), Ab Saman 765 (332), Brian Martyn 759 (270-261), Frank Mobun 737 (285), Howard Bromeli 754 and the hlgh single gaIne 338, Mike Murphy 754 (259), Georger1 Piper 752 (299), John Carter 739 (299), Don Bagneli 741 (286), Paul ILyle 726 (305), Bob Kent 724 (276)>, Harold Michelson 720 (259)>, Lnrry Piper 702 (283), Bill Westlake 716 (246). Maurice Richards bnd a 289 single. Jim McKnight 285, ý George Stephen 281.E The Lader Hardware tenm la la top pince, havlng 10 wlnî,s. ,W, Frank Rai Estate atndt Dyk',stra's Food are lied forE second place wlth 9 wlns, AI Osborne leads la the av-r erages aI 272 for 15 gemes.1 Ernie Perfect bas 263 for sec- ond place while Walt Hntelyc la third at 257,É Averages Naine Gaines Ave. AI, Osoorne - 15 272t Erî,le ,Perfect - 15 -233 WD'l, fHately 15 257 Rusa oke -____15 _249 Jnck Bond _ 15 2481 ;Don Oke_ _ 15 248E George Piper 15 242( Deug Carter - 15 240 'Lnrry Piper ... 15 240 1Bill Westlnke, 15 2371 BrIan Martyn - 12 236E Dan Bagneli 15 23 Luks Anneert 15 2341 DIck Perfect __ 15 234 1Deve Reynolds - 2 234 Howard Brameli - 15 33 Harold Michelson 15 233 Dr. Hl. B. Rundie 15 231 Ji McKnigbt -_15 231 Ab Seman ~. 5230 Elton Brocok .. 15 230 LMaurice -Anaert -i15 228 .Bob Williams là 1 228 1Paul Lyle 15 227j JaiLeader .. 12 2251 IJOn.Cart-e'r .. 15 "223 Maure Rihads b.15 231 aFrnk Mohun 1 2 Ron Etcher -1 22 Randy Bentprie , 1 1 Bob Konoaki 5 1 rRosWright --1521 « Bob' Ganville ___ 5 219! tJohn Van Dyi - L15 219' Ron Carter -.. 15 218 'Elwyn Diciey - 15 218 Bob Lawtan 15 217 Hep Palmer 15 217 Ed Leslie _ _ 15 216 , Doug Taylor 15 216 ýBob Smith 15 214 ýKari Piper 15 214 pGord Wilcox 15 214 1Jim Brulan .. 15 213 )Bob Laird ____ 15 213 nJohn 1Iagram - 15 213 )Bob Kent,. 15 210 1Clarence Oie 15 210 ;,Russ Halînian___ 15 210 nBud nenning - 15 209 ) Karl Bicielil~ - 15 209 > Les Smnle . 15 208 IRay Van,- Meer - 15 208 nLowel MacDougal 15 205 LArt Howe --- 15 204 ,Ro1y Coombes - 15 204 TGeorge Bebes 15 203 Mîke Murphy 15 202 nGeorge Stephen 12 20 ,Bruce Muas ., 15 201 )Ted Bagnel .. 15 201 > W L Pins Pli, 3-ardwatlre - 1.05117 Anet198, We-stver 1i96, Prur193, Wiitney 19 I2, gouîd191, Semna189,irtn 187, Sl'mnlck 185, Biais 1185 Dawny 182. Teain Standings Wstver Brown's Pupils Spend Day in Ganaraska Forest' by Dersi Sidenlus freezing temperature and cold> But the real sigaificance of Beamn remaried. Iwind. the project wns unitîng the Il gives, in affect, a couan Twenly grade three and1 Wben tle group returned toi clasa as a whole for a comman point of reference. four students et Brown's Newcastle et 4,15 tînt, afler- experience and bringing the Whelher il is an Engli ___ Sehooleat cf Newcastle, noon'there was nal a cbild or parents in and getting tbem essay, a lesson on fractions, or downed books, closed theirjparent -Wbo did not coasider involvsd in the scbool prog- a story on -the wildlifs iu aur school room door, and gaI on the undertaking a worthwbile ram. forests, tint day spent in the, lihe back of snowmobiles 'rec- experience, Involvement lsan key word Ganrasin Forest wiii be theý ently for a full day tour whichb "The parents were amazed," ta Mr. Beam. And se is comn- pupils' subjeet over and ovar too-k tbemn 34 miles ta the DeliMr, Beamn said, "Tbey neyer mon experience. again in tie weeis ta came. picnic area in lhe Ganarake realîzed that Isarning could Frain Ibis ane experience la, Wiy, il la almost like taiing: Forest and bnci, taespince oulsîde of school. whicb the whole clessa bai île wori out of going ta' Cnlled e 'winter workshop "I thini they learned as part, a program. tauching upon scbool. Jusl esk lie youngsters on snowmobiles', lhe tour was muci ns Ibe ebjîdren,,...niay- every aspect cf lhe achool cur- ttending Brown's School or designed te give tie students be maore" riculum. la being built, r, their parents. e prectical lesson on tia cefe operetion cf snowmobiles and te educete them about forest Town Basketball conservation and Ilife in lie wiater months. Organized by 'the acbool's prnial/leacbher Jim Beemi consultant with lihe Northum sSonC r naio 1 2 berland/Durbam County Board i cf Education, lhe "worksiap M wns tie culmination af weeks opX d e t h n of preperetion. o pe s E Sînce lie beginnîng cf lie new yeer lie cildren had Ken's Men's Wear handsd Ravin Perret and Proieeascb Doug Kramp 0corIng seven, been planning lie excursion, Coronation Cafeae 41-27 de- accounted for four points, Ken Kelly six and "'Jas" Bur- making meps of lis route, fent, ta stop Coronntion's with Wayne Burgess addîag gesa tires. studyîng animal trecis and wiaig streni et six gaInes the ocher basket. Keri Degrandes clicied for tises, and learning ail about la the opening game of Men's Jini Baam wns tie Cafe 13 points for lhe Fuelers. winter survivel. Town Basksîbeil Leegue dou- crew's best with ten points, Rici Bilinsky picied Up ten, Under lie direction of Mr. bisbeander action, aI lie Higi while Doug Kremp lit, for Tom Pear son and MukeCG11- Beem eand twa part-lime Scioci gymnasium, lest Tues- elght, Don Degezio coilected hooiy saci bngging four andý tenchers, Mrs. Carol Bailey day nîgît, ln the second con- fiva and Wally Selo four. Ted Dedson's single basket, and Mrs. Diane Rawe, lie test, lasI pince Haaper's Jew- Hooper's were down 19-15 campleting lie point ttaln. children lad made scele draw- eliery edged Steplený.r Fuels etthle half and sth11 four Teain Standings ings and murais siowîng wiat 34-33 ta move w;.th-nï a single points bnci ieading into the W. L. T. F. A. Pli. tie trip would le like, Tiay point cf lie Ibird pla-ce lasers, final quarter when tbey out- C.oroatneh had datarmiîned lie number af Ken's narrowed lie mangia scared Stepian's 13-8 to, taie Cafe 9 4 0 367 383 18 miles tieýy would le trevel- te tinse points, as liey stop- thie ahi ana point decision. KesMas ling and tien worked cul bow ped Cononatian fron- iociing Guy Paris and John Rundîs Wnr 7 ns5 I396 3 8 15 uc1 gaslbe would need for up tle langue pannent, wiri gernered aine points apîsca Stephen li n.two gaInes remaining lia heta pce lie Jeweiiers, wilh Fuels 5 8 0 473 436 10, A aafetýy afficer fnom tha naguler sciedule, ôprsJwl New7cesjtle dtachment 'of lhe The Mens Wear, led 1.Hopr' ewi ntnoProvincial Palice, Cohn- Bil Scribe's 23 point perfarm- Bowling lny -81-45 57 stable Murray Joyat, gava a anues, 13 cf them in lhe sec- lessan ou lihe proper way ta ond quartier, built up a 20-5 ed saniecftle laws concarning moat of thiîr mern therast Tyrae- il 62 snow vehîcies. cf bis Wny. Enalsilhen -- 10 15m35 Tie chiidren's parents bead Gerry FeuIs fired elgîHI-'a 7 160 beau enîbusialie about Ilhe points l i f inal quarter, Sauina -. ..-..7 12597 projaecl ,fron lie saet and Salem---- ---147 many lied agreed ta loana hemr Mapie Grave 5 15261 snowmobiles for lie outîng. ihSnl- as. Eigh Iof the fatees vlunr j29,ugi STalr-M1. Mri ed ta drivs lie machines. Oua 329, îes-D. Taylor 1 819, ý 1 A spirit ai lie venture, decide Wtou74,K MGli70 lae go lng for lie ride, AveAge Tie date of lie trip wns sel ansAe RM ILYe pretssetht he .Taylor 12 257 D mnrtr would le e maximum numbe.- M'ZI_____1 3 cf parents and sue mob'le R.VlMeru- 1 22 1970 PONTIAC 2-DR. 1 evailable. A Friday seemed la D. Maynerd - 15 2278,atmte3pedP îlui te maorily lest. Only D ad 5 2 suithdtetk teda f R. Laird 15 217 aind dises. Chrome side i e- oup C.dtGlaidlieday5 5wcri, and another hmd ta forfJ ClGaoden 15217 sorom2n:io.Le 1go sleep - hehamd ]usl coInWMme lns____1 -1 1970 PONTIAC DR h -off shit an6:3O liaI monning. F. Watson -____12 214 R T u sowoblesgniedJ. Coombas 15 21 V-8, 3-apeed automalie, Pcv in lie sebool yard in the merna- MU Dava Reynolds - 6 213 ,, and dises. Brown vinyl to iug, and, iu zero wethier uî Mrsn 1 22 nterior. Lic. N33754. SAI' e sharp wînd biewing frorni -Raipi Dnvey 15- s 1 wiizzedoff ~n irgie. Wotterun __ 12 20 1970 BUICK SKYLARK lite aast, wizdofI igeC. Russel ___ 12 205 V-8, 3-speed autamatie, m ifile dow lis uarow countnyJSemn__ 15 24 w dosadw elpnh munes a lihe Dell 17 iles dis- J.____ 1'2, wndw n heloei lane ney.AI Stephen 12 20 T cilre wresng rdRay Dnvey 15 201 1970 PONTIAC SEDAN' wnnm, looking every bit tha R. Bowers--------- 15 199 V-8, 3-speed automnalie, rad parI cf junior ski-docers. WhaI C, Burton------ 15 198 top. Spolleas condition, Lie o na child dîd net have un dr s17 PO TA RII antier loaued hlm faobr, 90 ONICheRS day. The code %vas sae ad New"viIIe- Starkvilie V 3sed uoahe siaes like. radio. Palomîno Copner wî Once et lhe Del, lie chld- Thurs., Fab, 1, 1971Li.P65.SV!AE 3ren wenl on variaus study Doris Tompklus 208, i.F64.SV!SV trips lirougi ths snow-cover- Gail Miilson ..~ 22CON VEN ENT i ed foresl. King Baker explaîn- * JysSae 8 red lie ecoiogy ai lia place.Drli ta5,. 8 WaneHadncio a nforesl EMaine Marchant .. 182 BA 5ranger wili lie Deparlient of Marie Trim -----78 Landsanad Foresîs in Orono, Grae Farrow .., 178 91VV *camei la relate 1the lista y BannicesHenderson ...1517 IA'AX. ai lie pari and tlh about Whiz-Skiddïng, the great Olive Henderson. . 16 4-cyl., 4-speed transmiss 5 foneat conser'vation. flew winter sport, coast Coreen Barchard - 163 wilh red bueket seata - The group luucisd aI e pic- down a hHif or tow be- Marie Gable12 inie spot ia lie Dell where snow hînd a snowmobîle - Pal Miluson 158 1970 VICTOR VAUXI wns piled almost table-op . Dale Fonan .___ 157 Vr o iegsle hugi. Two of lie meliers had enjoy the thrîll of bob- Peggy Milîson . .5 eylewmi>g,'iv brorughl la lie site in theîr car sledding or the excite- Cahy Lambert ....154 >' Lic, P47192. SAVE! SAN cooiing supplies and e iamp- ment of skiing with safe Shirley Martal---- 14,9 er cf food donnted by Damia-- tough Whiz-Skîd. Mnrg Gullnnd _--------- 122 MAY WE QUOTE YOU ion Stores cf Bowmeuville, Hligh Single Gall Millson29 As n brook, ahi velîed by Dealer enquîr1les învted 1 Rugi Triple P at Milison 679 i pncied ice and saow, gurgled H. Avg- - Doris Tomplins 208' near-by, ebiidrenand parenta 00Gaes- ei 2Mlîe itucked itlebot dlogs and hot j 98-1204, Marie Trimi 277 22 idrinks and warmed ihemselv- PaDi o 262023, Marie, as befara lwo eracking cam p Gable 258-224, Beruice Han-Im finelueson 244-219, Grae Farrow iIf a yone lee n c ai 235, EMaine MarchanI 228,'6KNGS.E here was,, a car ouîfilted wut IDr amkn 2-204,Dn 3biankpes and a frat aid kîi dî otby Stark 218. Tom Cowan,Prs 6parked i e t lwo hundredHH Gaines Won - Ginger 3 8 ards down ;,ýth rail. îAlîpice, 31, Cinnamon 31, 5 But ro oed*4 asiehe.WM~JL~OT, Nte 5 Mixed Major League Wbat n pleasure Il was ta Burgess 258, Babe Brown ses John Luffmnn bowling Albert Saman 256-2 54,1 843 for High Triple (325) on Wright 256. Monay eveaing. We hope ta vrae see a repent nexl Monday, Aeae John. Dave cur aid smootie Ernie Perfect --- Reynolds 831 (319); Doris Joli Dave Reynolds ...,,.9 785 which brougbt up ber Larry Piper 4 2 High Average ta 252 for the Doris Joli ladies; Ernie Perfect 783, tek- Ollie Pntfisld over Hîgh Average' witb 271; John Luffman .~ Hilda Simnick 745 (302), let s Helen Reynolds .,,(3 ses you rail that on Thurs- Hector Ballantine day (DA,); Bernîce Buday Russ Hntely 732 (308); Albert Saman 708; Albert Saman Rau Burgess 708; John Fowl- Jim Bruton-------- er 702, niso roiled High Single Peggy Heynes for tbe evening cf 326, Oh Mike Murphy------ whnt those Snaw Machines Howard Brommeil_ _ ana do, Gord Simpson ---------- Team tandigs - Leon Connors TeinSanins Russ Hailman --- Haynese.. 12 16,229 Berpice Buc1.y Fowler .. Il 16,654 Loa Wright - - ----- Dun... 10 16,269 Pets Dobblns 42 Brown 10 16,091 Helen Dunn -- -- Budey .~ 7 16,118 Ross Wright --- JoI ------- 7 16,112 Maurice Annnert - Patfield ,'.--»-.- 7 15,840 Virginia Fairey Opoka ---- 7 15-'01 Don Bishop Buttonshnw 6 15,286 Bill Joli Coole ----- 15,479, Don Wright, Reynolds 4 15,693<41jim Murphy - Sutclîffe 4 15,157 ! Ron Burgess--- 1Over 306 Gaines I George Chnriend John Fowler 326. John Phil Harios -, ----- . Luffman 325, Deve Reynolds Betty Chnrland -(12) 319, Bernîce Buday 308, Hiude Dejîlse Annanert,- Simnick 302. Archis Crossey ., - Over 250 Gaines Eari Peavoy ----------(12) Worm McKeen 294, Don Helen Vendenberg ,----- - Wright 288, Ernie Perfect 286- Shirley Fowler------- 261, John Luffmen 279, Doris George Bebe----------- Joîl 279-263, Russ Hatelv 275, Rob Vnndenberg- Dave Reynolds 274, Shirley Linda Crossey-------- Eawler 274, Angela Saman Worm McKeen -..------ 266, Don Bisbop 261, GeorgelVi Coole ------.-----412) Bebse 261, George Charland IJean McLean -- - 259, Helen Reynolds 259, RonlMarie Brooks -- - - . Inchï-ding i-Lu -,ngame f or $1.000-00 DKPOT SPECTAL CKPOT VALENTINE SPECIAL 'AME GAME 500 .00 &LL EXPENSE GAMES PATD TRIP a wonu FOR 2TO HAWAII * N's, (or $1,000. Cash) each 20 Big Regular games at $50.00 eaeh BRAND NEW 1971 HOLIDAY FORD MUSTANGý or $2,000.00 Cash Zarly Bird Camnes start ut 7:30 Many Free and Valuable Door Prises BUSES AT THE DOýOR C ANCE FOR OR 50,000 MILE GM IARDTOP wmer brakes and sleering, radia, white wall tires moldings, Bava Goid with matching interior, N32670. SAVE! SAVE! HARDTOP, mer brakes and steering, radio, white wall lires Dp, sharp Granada Gold with matching spotless lE! SAVE! K SEDAN radio, white walls and discs. Chromue around Igs. Lic. P26029. SAVE! SAVE! N id and white walls. Bava Gold, wîth dark gold e. 265044. SAVE! SAVE! IENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP mer brakes and steering, white walls and dises, 11th brown vinyl top. Showroom condition. E! GMAC FINANCING AVAILABLE RAND NEW ALL 2-DR.. COACH ssMonaco White ___$&1799 (HALL 2000 SEDAN (Demonstrator) r grey wîth black bueket seata, YE! O ON LEASING A NEW CAR or TRUCK? swrft LYLVW~U¶LYflUU~1~¶h,*~,U.flw JA( GI $18 S~PHON E 62343%',96 Stew FPreston, Sales Mgr. iIay Lathangu. WTeldon Brown1v Rosa 271 264 263 252, 233' 231 231 23C 224 224 223 219 218 218 217 2117 217 214 214 214 213 213 212 212 211 208 208 «>03 203 205 205 205 204 204 203 201 201 201 200 200 W, FEATURING ZENITH and, ADMIRAL RENTALSSALES & SERVICE 723-0011 Falco TV'426 SIMCE S. OSHTAWA SOC Admission to, the nex.t KINSMEN SVALENTINE BINGO in tie PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY l2th $9.000 MinPRIZES 1

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