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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1971, p. 11

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wîth three, Jim Larkin two' NEsT E O adone assist, Tom Woolner NE T TO R ec reat 10 f Rev'i e s one goal and one assist, Johni 65th Annilversýariy Turner one goal and two as- Women's institute TYKE LEAGUE The Ail Stars' goals went to and Donald Davison one assist In the first Tyke game of Dale Broorne and Stan Green- each. Thle Wings' goals were sists, Stephen Hobbs two as- In February 1906 the Nestie-2 Tue,,Fe. ndth Hrntsham while Darrell Goudey and scored 'by Bill Evers with sists, Harvey Lootsma two, ton Wornen's Institute was5 defeated the Steelers by a 3-0 Rob DeBoo had one assist. tbree while Mark Mahoney bruro onevaea PauThe Hsa- s;core. The Hornets' goals were In the third centest the Far- had one and Trent Masters and k' ol e~, sixty-five years 7of partil- 1 scored by Kevin Noble witb gos defeated the Royals by a Bruce Hopson and Ken Mac- ies'gaswr scored b pation in womenIs affairs the1 two, while Chris Chipman bad 6-1 score. The Fargos goals Gregor one assist. Dave MacGregor and, Ronald Nestleton group celebrated the one, and DwayneScut and were soe by Rick Bain with I h eodgm h Davidson while Robbie Brough occasion by entertaining their1 DonIHarthhdseconScflltz scoredhad one assist. husbands at a pot luck supper Dý)i Hrt ad neassist. six whilc Ben Kobes and Jody Beavers defeatcd the Kings by Ir- the third Bantam game in the C.O.F. Hall on Saturday 1in the second game the Card- Ross had one assist eacb. The a 4-3 cousit. The Kings' goalsthCusdfaethBrvsvnig imals and Incians played to a Royals' goal was scored by were scored by Glen Martin byat 2ioc he Cubs ' gal Ms.WalerWets the pressi-enng 1 -1 tic. TI,(- Cardinals' goal was Leonard Hone assisted by Carl with two, b a6-nd BlîTle BirkettMs Wltr els te rei scored by Brent Thompson Smith and Beriono. ase hi a ll ikttri were scored by Brad Milner dent, received and welcomed whiie Paul Dadson tallied for Ini the fourth Atom game Burns and Mathew, Joncs had wth na nd oname Passist, BJim th ere sseattedo(6:30)aitl the Isidians. the Frasik's Variety defeated onie assist each. The Beavers' ShackarukonJame Prfco bal we e e asscmbled (6:30) arht 21I1n the first game of Thurs., the Rams by a 3-2 score. The goals werc scored by Richard SanyMckleto osi e goal hie jyald.cosbo ait Veil,. th, the Blades shuLitout Variety Crcw's goals were Krakenberg with two, andAdy cClohadneglma. thýe Bomnbers bya2-costscrdb Mke adeJiWan Jono tw adac and two assists, Gordie Kow- Mrs. Malcolm Emerson read l'he Blades' goals were scored Paynie and Pat iReynolds while assist, while Jim Timmerslaîski onega.TeBae'temntso h is et by Kesi Hoy. Pa1 Hdsnha seas-t ikdu acass.g6as were scored by Tim ing in 1906 from the original ln the second cantest the The Rams' goals were scored Tegm fStPb6th,'ae ihtowieDnsceay ok te c Gui! Americasis defeated the by Todd Mahaney and T egm fStFb ae and Brian Head one as- counts were read o! bread- Royals by a 3-2 score. The Taylor, assists going to Donald the NveBsdfae hlsist each.mang bter akgan Americanrs' goals wee cod Rurt, th two ad Jo Ranigers by an 8-3 cousit. The 3IGTLAU house-cieanisig. In the eariy by Doug Hoe mwre re peN ws wooan.oeB' s were led by Dennis Sobil thGT eIJE days of the organizatiosi many f{ooe*bom wih to Nolan ne.with three goals and asie as- In the first game teCm new ideas were excbanged îin while Ted Wthcrspoon bad PEE WEE LEAGUE sist, Scott Stevens two goals ets defeated the Canucks by n th, art o! home-making and one goal and one nssist. Other Ini thc first Pee Wce game and anc assist, Scott Sellers 4-3 score. The Cornets' goals the learsiisg process still goes assists went to Jef Edmondsosi, of Mon., Pb. 1sf the Bruins one goal and three assists, Rich were scored by Paul Forsey on today. Mark Ellis and Earl Doyle- dcfeatedl the Canadians by a Cayely one goal and one as- wlth tbree whilc Stephesi Followisig the meal, Mrs. The Royals' goals were scored 4-1 cousit. The Bruins' goals sist, Brian Desinis anc goal and Davey had osie 'amd Larry Grant Thompson introduced bv Mike Hollisiger with two were scorcd by Randy Now- osie assist, Greg Brunt three Brunt and Morris Meada4ws the guest af the evesiing, Mrs. while Chuck Welsh, Steve mas' with three and Stephen aissists, Bill Wright, Nick Gibbs two assists eacb. The Canucks' Lorne Thompsosi o! Blackstock Iluismasi and Wayne Porter Fowlcr one while Doug Far- and Brent Badour anc assist goals werc scored by Bob Lux- who had an excellent collec- bad one assist each. row and Jerry Reid bad osie each. The Rasigers' goals were ton and Wayne Seymour and tiosi af pictures taken durisig ATOM LEAGUE assist each. The, Canadians' scored by Dave Browni with Martin Wnd whiie Len Eld- hier ftrip, to England, Ireiand Ini the first Atom game of goals wcre scared by' Jerry two and Larry Woodward one ridge had one assisf. and Scotland during the-sum- Sat., Pcb. 6th, the Bisons de- Reid assisted by Steven Irviie goal simd osie assist, Dave Mac-- mer. Mr. Kenneth Samelis feaf cd the Clippers by a 5-1 and Peter Willoughby. Donald one assîsf. oeae h rjco n BANTA LEAUE 4 i NMrs. Thompson gave a splendid scored by Kevi Ward wîfh Biades dcfeated the Leaf s by H ue ic fire, and anc assist, Russell a 3-1 score. The Blades' goals In the firsf Bantam game the' WS m stry. Te gecstwce Carruthers anc goal and Sid werc scored by Bobby Shantz Peec Wec B's and Panthers The second meeting o f thce taken an a tnpfasc lh Tomlisosi one goal while with fwo and anc assist, Terry playcd to a 3-3 tic. The Pee ur aam 4- FnomblmoraCbangn fte Guiards", 1,ev\isi Schultz and Keith Sbee- Sargisisosi anc goal wbile Neal Wec _B's goals ivere scored by Club was held Tuesda c an'ri ate iail ban eaèh had one assist. The Prisigle had one assisf. The Tom, Fountain, Marfy Prestosi 2, 1971, at the Agriculture Square. shopping centres, ca- Clippers' goal was scored by Leafs' goals were scorcd by anmd Frank Leach while Johi, Office. thedrals, pastoral scenes, "poc- ket-book" farmis, the lake Glenn Millen assisted by Kesi Darrell Kniox assisted by jim- Conboy, John Davis anmd Randy Our guesf speaker was Con- country 1o! Scotland and Ire-' Davison. my Maguire and John Sem- Mastenson cach had anc assist. stable' Murray Joynf of the land, pictures i Wales wberA In the second encaunter the plonlus. The, Pasthers' goals werc O.P.P. wbo gave an, interest- Prince Charles was lsivested. Tigers defeated the Tyke All Ini the first game of Fnl. scored by Rab Donoghue witb ing talk on thc proper way s Also a! interest was the church Stars by a 5-2 score. The Tig- Pcb. 5tb fthc Wisigs and Hawks foDnisWoeracwefsowmouig.Atrhis whcre Mrs. Thompson's grand- ens' goals were scored by Jack baftlcd ta a four-ail tic. The Tîm Conboy and Rasidy Hayes talk lie showed a film on fthc parents wcre marred and which Pisich wif h twa, Ros i-Hooge- Hawks' goals wcnc scored by each had anc assist. Dos and Don'ts of operating still is being used today. At boom with two anid Asidy Jar- Tom Cosncîll with twa, Paul Isi the second game the Ply- a siiowmobule. the conclusion o! pictures o! Ivis anc goal simdasie assist. Passant and Brad James, anc crs defcated the Huskies by a Tom Barrie thanked Con- the British Isies. Mr. and The other assisfs wesit ta Art eacb, wbile Barry Thompson 7-2 cousit., The Plyers' goals stable Joysit and the meeting Mrs. Samneils showed scenes i Bons and Steven Sasidersosi. had f wo assists, Dosiald Childs werc scored by Mike Hobbs was, adjourned. British Columbia with Mrs..; The juîcy tencterness and delicate flavour wilI tell you this is truly the finesf Iamb moniey con buy. Try some this weekencll "It's first choice for second 8ARTLETT PRS RALVES 2,11--ztn8 AYLME BUTS 4 9-ç-az fins 89c AYL MER PIAS 5 9-fî-oîfinslO.O0 Capri P E ACH E SLICED 284Zfitn 3 9c PABLUM ASSR D8-oz boX 2 9c CHASE &SABON 1-lbg 9c KELLOCGG'S CORN FLAKES. 16 z box 38c Pouch Paeck, A-1,orted M ONARCH CAKE MIXES 2 lo-oz Pouch packs 5' CoMPeýSeason i x SIIAKE 'N BAKE 20oZ. 231e OMO DTERGNT gant sie 2-lb box 9 6cf J 'I Sameils commesitin. Guests for the evening weres Mrs. Lorne lTnonrson anô lier granddaughter, Mr. and Mirs. Ken-nefli Samelîs-, Blackstock, and Mr. Wrn. Steel o! Au- stralia. A cosigrafulafory an- nIversary card was received from Mrs., Brown (Mrs. Ted Marlow> o! Oshawa. As a night cap ta this de- lightful evening, cof!ee was served anid Mr. Fred Dayýes ex- pressed the men's appreclation ta the ladies for a most esijoy- able evenisi g. Court Lady Saowbird On Wednesday evenisig, Pcb. 3, Court Lady Ssiowblrd beld their regular meeting in the C.OF. hall, ýNestîcton. President Sister Marilyn Mooledge chaired the meeting with Secretary Sister Marge Lee noading the minutes. The fisiancial statemesif was given by Fisiancial Secretary Sister Dorothy Lee. Plans were made for the bot lunch ta be served following the Men's* Court sleigbnide In PFebruany. Arrangements werc also made for a dance ta be held inMardi. Two gi!fts were an hand for a hittie girl who bad beesi bas- pitalized and for a new baby. Visitors af the meeting were District. Deputy Sister Diansie McReelis a! Bawmanville and High Marshall Sîster Emma Balsan o! Oshawa. The meeting ciosed accord- lnig ta nituai and lunch was served by fhe graup in c harge. Tic 1971 afficers wilh bc in- stalled at the Mardi meeting. Sunday Services Presbyterian In the Preshyteriasi Church, Sunday mornisig, Mr. Morley .Mitchell chose "Our Fathier" as tie theme for bis message, reading Mattiew 6:1-8 - God is our Fatien from the firsf breati ta thc last. A rejectian o! God rcjccts the shapisig Hand in, aur lives. Tic Prodi- gai son returned ta bis father, destitute and penniess. His father welcomcd hlm anid for- gave him. Wc bave the love o! aur Heavesily Father bear- ing tic pain o!fite death a! Ris Son on tic Cross. The junior Choir sang "When H_ Cometh". United Church In the United Churci Bey. Victor Parsons chose "Stumb- llng at Slmplicity" as the sub- jeef' for bis sermon, reading il Klngs 5;1-14, Luke 5:18-26. Naaman, captain o! the hasts a! Syria, was a leper who joursieyed ta tic praphet Eli- sha in Israel seeking a cure for bis disease. He wss asigry whesi Elisha sent a message tellisig hlm- ta hathe sevesi times in the River Jordan. He wss angry for twa reasons- (1) because Elisha came mat out, (2) because the remedy seem- cd fao simple ta be cf!ecfivA. It is the same today. If w e have faith and obey God's. coamand "Poilow Me", the sbackies o! doubf, pride, envy, greed anid arrogance will fali awsy anid we shahl be asie 0f Gad's childresi. If la just as simple as thaf. ENFIELD Mrs. Herb Owens was a weekend guest o! Mr. and Mrs.i John McKay, Stiling, anid visited other friends tiene. Mr. and Mns. Jess Milis, o! Mississauga, visited at Mn. Lloyd Smith's. Mrs. Wilfrid Bawman visit-g ed witi Mrs. J. D. Browsi, Orosia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis were Sunday visitars with Mr, and Mrs. Morley Gilroy, Broaklin. Tic U.C.W. met In the' church basement witi an af- tendance o! 14. Mrs, Russell Cochrasie, Mrs. Gardon Taylor asid Mrs. Wil- fid Bawmian presented the devotiosial using "Love" as tic theme. The members al cm- jayed a peniod o! Bible sfudy led by Mrs. W. Bowman. In case you wandcr at fîmes wbcsi lunch is mat mcntioned, ladies always bave tes. Tiat declar- tian shouid do for sevenal meetings. Wc are sonsry that Robin Wiscsicr la iaving a difficuit time with a very persistent virus. We ail hope if clears up er, Mns. Thamas7 MeGuire (Maymc); twa daugliters, Cynhia and Judy, and nc son, Douglas. He is sunvivod by two sis- tors, Mrs. Pat Gallaglier (Lin- da), Bowmanville; and Mrs. Kensicti McKaY (Judy), New Brunswick; and five brothers, James, Michael and Kei'th, a! New Brunswick and Louis and Thomas of Bowmanvilc. Mn. Pafferson w-tasa awelder at Gencral Matons, member o! local 222 UAW, and adherent of Holy Cross Roman Catiolic Chanci.rc He rested at tlic Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Re- quiem Rugi Mass was held in St. Gerfrude's Roman Catiolie Churcli, Woodstock, iNew, Brunswick, Pcb. 17, withins-, termesif in flic Community ICemen r Woodstock._ Thr Canadian Statesman, Bowmnvýillp, -Feb. 17, 1971-- Report f'rom Ottawa By Russell C. One of thec most'important bis before tlic Hause of Cammons at this time is the Canada Developinent Cor- poration Acf. The bill provides for the establish- mient of a large pnivate corporation f o: help develop and mnaintain strang Canadian-cantrolled and Canadiasi- managed corporations. in the pri- vate sector; simd ta provi de greater opportunities for Canadians ta in- vest and parficipate in-the economic development of Canada., In introducing the legisiation Mr. Benson, Minister of Finance, saîd "The corporation will hclp ahane samd secure future Canadian developinent. If will ho a large-scale source of capital to cre- site major new enterprise. If will join others in acquiniing simd rationalizing cxisting companfies whcre 'competitive- mess may be improved by merger, amal- gamation or other corporate arrange- ments. I helpingta bring about these cbailges if wil reduce the risks of an undesirable degree of foreign contrai of flic enferpnises conccrned. Ifs activity will involve close relationships with fthe business and financial communify." The corporation will be uniquely Canadian with ifs voting shares heid only by Canadian cîtizens anmd residents of, Canada. If is a principal objective ,ta have CDC shares widely held. -Shares will be sald to flic public in campefition with ail other investment vehicies, anmd the bill specifically directs CD)C ta invesf far profit in flic best interest of the sharehiolders. The CDC will acf in the Honey, M.P. broad area in which, the national Intqr r- est and the profit motive, are cornpa{î- bic. The CDC will sckfLüevelp bal- ance simd cdivcrsýity in ifs ho1dingý's- 0Of particlJar inferest itaz-'aur are i the facf thaf crown corporatioiinsIl1 h1r as Eldorado Nuclear LJimiited will1 . a said ta, CDC at a. fair, simd r~ tl pricc. Eldoriado of couirse, has ver,~ 1insive- refining- inferests in Port e ýAbou1t tirce ,Months ago the Mni$e ý Energy, Mines and BesourIces, t'he ,n arable J. J. Greene was in Porte wifh me ta officiaily apeni a new rýî- cosiium rcfisiery aPnd a new UF-6 zý ery. These two refiner ies iepr-esnVtw capiftalirivestment of S'_0,000,00,~i creafed 150 new jobs. Thle sale ta CDC .Will notVaffect the mngm nt~~r operation of 'Eldorado. If willma y transfer the ownertship) from the jv ernmenlt of Canada ta) CDC. In view of the right lof the publiic ta isivest ini CDC Canadianrs wilh 1J.?e- fore, be able ta purchase an injffi in i Eldorado simd other Cr.own lcc)orafiin such as Potlymîer, Panarc,-tic Oils L,ïmit- ed simd Northern Transportation on pany Lisnited. The1CC w-ýill mot be an aget il' o Crowni Corporationri spon1sibie t&Pr. liament. If will be a private corpoiration opcrating bas;ialy wýithîn ithe ~~~s ions of the Cnd Corporations At But because if is crcated by lan L, of Parliament, amyi chang2e in thecata structure, abjects anid poweroes~f 1fhe corporation pa-ssed hby the d1irector,,ýaid sharehaclders will require, approvb,1vb a resalutjcionpssed bly bath l ot Parli am ent., DL A C UST OC 1< Mr. and Mrs. Danny Corby were necont guests a! IMn. and Mrs. Davo Collisis, a couple wio have recesitly came fnom England ta ive ti Oshawa. Mr. anid Mns. George Bny- asifs, Dwaysie anid Julie were vzeekend guosfs a! ber parents, Mr. anid Mrs. Dean Ormiston and girls o! Broakiisi. Once agaisi, aur aresaiong with mosf o! Southersi On- tanao, was struck by anotier wisiter storm an Saturday and Sunday. Many people wcre storm-staycd away from home or ciso iad great difficulfy ne- turnisig home. Several fram Higi Schoal wesit ta Peter- barough Safurday evenîng ta hoar Gordan Ligiffoot - some wcre able ta retursi home wiilc athers had to stay. Mns. Bniasi Hamilton, Mrs., Dorofhy Ven- nlig and Mrs. Gwen Thomp- son along wifh Mns. Linda Listesi fram Part Penny wene af Oshawa pariipatng tsi inal Business Girls' Bonspiel and werc mot >aile ta retunihome usifil Sumday niarni1ng. Boy Turner skippcd a rink made up a!of Boy Corden, Vice-Skxp, Neil Baiiey, Second and Archie McMaster a! Part Perny, Lead, at Lake Scugag Lumier Ca. Bonspiel at Pont Perry Curling Club on Satun- day anid won first place. Brian Hamilton aisa participafed In fis event. Tiere was no churci at cither the United Churci. or St. John's Anglican o v en thougli a !cw brave folks brav- ed fie elemesits fa get ta fie United Churcb. This is Heart Monti as mosf people are awane af. Tic Hearf Fund will iold flicir asinuai dance at tic Recreation Centre an February 20 witb Tic Celapiane Spoosi pravid- tmg fie music. Ticesiew Heart Qucen wiih be ciosen and crowmcd by hast ycar's Qucen, Janet Turner. On Sunday, Pcb. 21 thene wil he a town- ship-wlde house-to-house can- vass and a!tcr two very fine yeara fie committee la baping for another excellent canvass. Tic West Durham Public Spealçing Contest piasimcd fan Gramdview 'School last Tues- day had ta be cancelled fon wbat iesc - amathen smaw sfonm. Al fie contestants wil advance, ta tic Coumty Con- test fa be ield at Part Hope fis Tuesday. Good luck ta aur representative, Cindy Van camp. Several o!fie local U.C.W. mnembens attcnded flic Presby- tory Baliy heid last Wedmes- day at Pont Pcrry Unitecd Chanci. Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreli anid family werc Sunday din- mer gucsts a! Mn. and Mrs. Keiti VanCamp asidfamlly. Howard Bailey celebrated hI' seventi iintliday isat Tiunsday wti a birfbday d-- sien attemdcd by Mrs, V. Bailey anmd Mr. and Mns. Boy Corden.5 Mns. Merlin Suggift and1 Mrs. John Hamilton were insi Toronto severai days hast week1 atfcmding fie Progressive Con-î servative Leadership Conven-1 tion af Maple Leaf Gardens1 wihen Wm. Davis was chosen1 as tic leader a!fiat panty and 50, thcesiew Premier o! Ontario.1 Mrs. I. Taylar and Miss Edma Larmer are bath patients ti Oshawa Hospital maw. Miss1 Larmer bas undergosie eye1 surgeny an bofi o!flier eyes. Mrs. Charles Smti is siawingi impravement in Part Penny1 Hospital wicre Mn. George1 Skelding undcrwent sungery1 duning the week. We wish for1 ail these patients and amy ot-i- r's, fiat may be missed, lm- pravement ti icalti., Tic February meeting o!fie ONO. was ield aftich home a! Diane Tobin witi 20 mcm- bers attending. Presidesit Don- ns ,ve aa In fie çchir fo fie vanlaus reports. Norma VanCamp reporfcd an plans for fie Skating Party ta, be held at fie nink an Februaryl 2.Draw was held for our mystery sister. Constructive suggestions for ONO. activi- fies for 1971 wcrc discussed. Tentative plans wcre made for n ext New Year's Eve Dance. Tic ral caul was well amswer- cd witli "WeWan a diffenent hirndo". A deliclaus lunch a! finger rail sandwiches and cup- cakes scrved iy Diane and her graup conclucled a lavoly evesi- tmg. Cartwright Scouting Associ- ation bcld snowmabile races an Susîday, Peiruary 14 at tic farm of Murray Hoskim. For indvidaltimed races, Fil, lacn their C.C. cass~r David Adamiis, eteo;Mk and im heeerPhil flpskinj, Blackstock; Dong Mathewý, Whitby. Secondplcs en to Floyd and Colin 1(AstJne, Todd Martyn, Crh M DUi, Blackstock; Arnold, Nel, Scott The hospltality of Shirl(ýy and Murrýay Hoskin -was much ap p3reciated as theY opened .ei home to the Ladies' A4]>jjarY whio servý,ed hotdinsto Par- had braved the stormn and, blocked road cOndiLoý, s () have fun and support Scputs ing. GET CA'Sf TODAV FORÈ OLD APPLIANC~ES STATESWkIAN JOHN F, General lnsuranoe FIRE and AUTOMOBOIXE INSURANCE Contact: HA1RRY VOEURMAN 62.3-3111 or 6335 33 KING ýST. E, MONEY ON DXPREMIUMA QUALITY FUEL OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3341 or Dial 1-668-3341 DX FUEL OIL CALL 'US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COU)RTEOUS SERVICLE FOR GÂRBAGE PICKUP 1971 Township of Cartwright calîs for Tenders for 1971 for Garbage pickup for the %ummer mnths (approximately 650 pickups 36 cais) in the Perio)d May 1 to October 31 Ail tenders state equipmnent proposcd b usýe and quoie um sum total price Lowest or any tender not necessa,,rÎly accepteýd. Tenders must be in Townshîp Office- before 5,-00 pm., Ma rch 2, 1971. Furtlier details Township Clerk's office. EARL FOWLE,FAZ. Township Clerk, lktok FRES TUREY ~ WHOLE FRES TUREY(UTC LÈGS CHOICE QUALIY A&P PUAS 14-FLOZ, 17 LIQUID (13c OFF DEAL) Javex Bleach 128-FLO PLASTIC JUG68 ip ý m AFMM ýqw a 'IL «P m 'q

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