The Canadlian Statesmnan, Boýwmanville, Feb. 17, 19711 A e By Frank Mohun 6373 T YKE(,,'TOURNAMENT SPORTOPICS JUNIOR "C" PLAYOFF DATES ANNOUNCED Bow.manvilhe Eagles, finît place finushers in the reguar scheduhe, îbarted off in fine style along the phayoff traîl, weil' loping Sutton 11-3, here on Sunday night. It was the opener of a beut of five senies. Second game in the senies goe t bbe Keswick Aren--i on Friday night, with bbc third encounter et bbc Memonial Arnr here Sunday nigbt et 8:30. If necessery bbceoui-th game wI' be played back in Keswick Friday, xibh a fiftb and deciding-, elâsh- -1.qtdIfor ç;iinipv- YIh 9.fh fl O d , Someirne theexctemen a equal or surpass N.II.L. --z L4ufJ actioni, when it cornes to watchingorganized hockey at the W__ ---W8.30. youngest level. You get a f ew chuckles along the way -tand 1_ if you haven't seen the stars of tomorrow in action, you wilI ni. 1A1 hawa eneaIls ttoiG Saturday action Muorallers K e n'bigJ u niorouO p e n ertM IXED M AJORý OshaaGnri u o (Studrday, a t Moing al en a, aiT ke turngactint VW inI n *Â% 0 t Fbu ,1971 istreak of the Junior "A" seas getsndnayrway, 5 paprof the Hat to nu Sunday night continues until five o'clock, invo]ving teams from Newcastle, ds y a y f 4ichA "i fth p"toorSnair i ng o onîe Port Hope, Port Perry, Cobourg, Belleville, Ajax, Hamilton, On Thursday, February 114h av%1TIIf '1 l "Jack of ail Sports Ernie Saturday in Oshawa, the and the host Bowmanville Consumers' Gas Tyke Al Stars. Mulder's Knights defeated TO soutthoPaw"Pers fewoaly enthycae pwihnh These boys, mnostly eight years old, play each game as though Lindsay 7-5, * s Monday eveoing for a total to wallop the Jr. Habs 8-2. teStanleyCu were at stake. Take a look - you'l1 bc glad It was a tense, excîting &-b- Faeiihmuhdpedngo f 937 which was not only Sundey, Oshawa led 3-2 in the! gaeAt mF eenigo J V ULJIeJIHghTrpl fr heevnigin as the Montrealers won 9- did! ~the outcome. Mulders have à wbuHhTrlso for the scheui nDsit h iggm ti t t t t t to winthe fialgarne In order Alan -olelAgainrLtgin managed onlyDeand oe maeorifor figftrri tATET IEofsecure spot anaed nnyanhenempjr yr- by ng Ernie fot coitent with that preciably in the standingcs. ItV BATLETO WIE goal by H. Oyier. Legion Fisks Fuels received three fabulous triple rolled 365 for the CÎvîc Auditorium Saturda3 Las ngh te Mn' TwnBasetal Lagu pnnnt Scorers for Mulders were: (Intended for last week) were just neyer in the game minois and one majofor High Single, also for the ev-, -- wasdecde inthefial oule-eadr f te reglars el aTo Dy kst a n.MAryse On Sunday night, the Junior as Fisks heidl off their attempts fighting. ening and the schedule. Those wasdeide i th fnaldoblehederofthereula shed 2 an Tm Binrna i A- Town League opened their to get organized. Woolner had Foot-Notes are some righty fine games e ule, but the 400lswee o late for this coiumn. sists went to John Dykstra 1, eifnaswt wo fast rnov- a big night for Fisks as hie Fans, if this is goinig to be! Ernie, 365-323-249. Could itib 9h t'w A couple of we'eks ago Coronation Caf appeared to have Delton Dykstra 1, Jamie ing and exciting games as scored three goals while set- the type of hockey being pro- be? Here we corne Florîda. llrst place ail locked up, as they had won six games in a row sl and Martyieb e eke 1 er e' uh ihl right ting up two, along with Donc- duced in the up and comningi Only bowling will tel Wednesday, Feb, 10 leadby-fi v pontL.Bselorandin MartyeirStel.wO down to the final buzzer to ghue with two and two, Burns playoffis, then you had betteir Russ Hately who also sems Team Standing~s 40 eadby iv ponts Bu Crontio iot hei net tOScorers for Lindsay were R. defeat thern 5-4 in the first with one goal and two assists journey down 40 the rink to be having a very good year D.Odn . 198 1 with Ken's Me's Wear winning twice to narrow the margin Brinkman 1, H. Purdy 3 and gamne and Fisk Fuels had littie and Dilling with three assists. between five and eight. You bowled 781 (317). Ogdem M-----Ma-s-- 16928 16 toasnl on.T. Davies 1. Assists went to trouble running ail over Leg- Legion picked up one 'minor won't be disappoînted. Nr e Toa on ei'nl e newyti usa ihP. Brinkman 1, R. Brinkrnan 1,ion as they trounced thern 9-3. Ktyen 7.ois tue ouraen F. Bruce ------ 15953 13 style 767.Doris J1.lfor whom C. Bruce 102 1 Toa1on eifnl gtudra hsTeda ihau .Pry Ken'soeethboln sa biu la-K------lo 1 the first encounter going at seven o'clock and the second ati Mulder's next garne is Thuns- i h ist opeed Te scoring in e'bwi r s a biuspe- Campbell 16200 in Eîght p.m. Ail playofi s will be played in the boys _ _ simdy erral. f îsýnsýh otF ad ------178 ed one at the 2:30 mark. Nich-gI JI only likes SnOW machines butl at th High:gchol on uesdy nigts. b'ualso BshowsileusGmhowR ktoiput 1High Single--A. Bons 299 at~~~~~ thîihSho nTedyngts or tBwnni an ols battled back and at the 8:11£ Kens, with big Bill Scribe leading the attack, could be tm s1 0odc mark had. the score tied 1-ias toesrke oehr for 75ý2!High Triple -C. Bruce 704 thetem o hat bt dn' cuntou lst lae tepenFulsAider let go with a blisterîng M and a very nice 342. Keep it] Over 600 Triples When týhe Fuelers are at full strength, they probably have mr ht ro oitblnkrngF14L o. acbox ey neo CBrc 74-A Bn 6d UL c Nmsho.n our Good Sportsmen 4.21. HowID. Ogden 669, J, Mains 643, L thebest te am in the circuit. I E) L A U on. With only one minute re- Sweet it is, eh Jack, There Coonibes 640, K. Campbell 623, tt t t t L adies maining in the period, Nichols olinthv beI l mn[.Lad65 H. Single -M. A. Richards 3411 took a one goal lead as Mc-Houpydn't ha ben 10marÙF Lan 615 PINS JUMPING AT LIBERTY BOWLHghTpl OEten79M lnneedn. ThlJe othen 300 gane olled A, Bons 299-226, L. Coombes Carole Roberts almost bowled a perfect game last Tues- Hîgh Average O, Etchen 237ý In the second 14 took Ken's by Bernice Buday31,Cre26 C. Bruce 235-289,- ,i MIen ýonly 55 seconds 40 tie uip theb ICl Nrwt hr sî oni Bernice, pran'tice makes Campbell 264-224, J. Mainsý day nîghtroBowling dnthe bety elesege at Libety H.nSig1w - Bo Richars 346 scre on a oal by Tylor.oA Bow, aroe oled hehihes gmerecrdd n Bwmn-High Triple - Ted Bagneli 8161the 4:15 mark Adcok hadi The Junior Town League Leini a ye ihoe be here. Stel 249, D. Ogden 24,5, D, Mut-! ville hy a member of the fairer sex, H. Aver'ge - Bob Richards 242 Kens ahead 3-2. Thi en eifnlpaof nSn and one. I ol pera fEnetn23 .Brei21 Shestrtd ffwih l onetie trke ad usmis-T ean-ms Pins pts. the oniy scoring of the p e miiod d ay igtpraocedoyet an-; The. second game' of the Perfect has sewed up High Average. She startedoff with 1 consenight sproved tdojbetthesshowriAveragenifor arweek oret a- D.gOgdenoe214oiC.bBrue eh21!, edl the perfect performance of the final bail, to end up with R. Seileck --- -- 19021 29 as Nemis shut out Nichols and'other thriiling double -header.'stopper as both teame cameAvrn e for a ') wth 77e-au-rh- J, Main 24, F. Bruce 21, K. aýeedu44,Tasigeteth rv smrs e.rok 861 8 into stle do;int n the finI gamne Fisks Fuels on wîth a terrifie game 0f ful-Érnie. Campbell 196,A.Bn19.J a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c igete h reiu aksta ob ichards -----18555 28 for ich1s .moved to within one gamne of hockey, the type enjoyed by Doris Joll is maintaining Rowe 190, L. Coombes 1189,'A Liberty Bowl by Dr. Howard Rundie. The only perfect garnH roc^ 165 26 Tetid pndstili inl entening the finals as they the fans. The score stayed HighAvrge for the ladie' ysna13,A.Bnei18 racked up several years ago at Martyns Bowling Laoes, was G. Wilcox ------ 18338 23,Kenls favor, as Meadows pot-camvthougi wîh a4-2winclosae18gh3,,eep.heBanswgte25 rý!ýe,ý hv h-léteErieRoah.M.Rihads----- .-18889 -21 ted one at the 5:15 mark. At'over the bard prcssed Legionion teir oes right 10 thewTeam2sandigsL Wight 182, F. Lard 180.(F. M. Rkhards ------- 84 1teI iuemr edwýIb ntescn emsadnsfn olrDykstra 177, B. Wiibun 177, D. -r i iMniistdb h ate Eniie sc. Lxtn 818 iiheilmiutemrkMedos1clb.Inth scod am, inl uien. and Hayoci tied with 14 On heMonayevein, Eni Pefet, hesmothsouh-D. Reynolds ---- 18545 20 ihhsscn fte night, Nichols turned the tables o ihl pndtesoîgpit ah pawshote, cmethrough with a mighty fine 937 total. o. Etcher ---- 17968 19 scored what proved teWiKest n theirseris etat h17:17mark ofthe sfrnsitOe 00Ga.e Broe tarted î vth a 365, came right back with 323 and finish- T. Bagneil ------- 18157 14, ner with a picture goal as he . apee as they downed period as Homeniuk netted Oe 0 ae ed oiff withi a 249 in Mixed Major League action. T. Milîson------- 17495 14 picked up a pass frorn Osmond oeneai2-, one, Ken's came back in thel Ernîe Perfect 365-323, Ron Tli7,conerwoldalo lkete pas urbeate cngat L Sa 17924 1qand dazed Nichols with hMns32 us aey37 Thî crnr oud asoik t pisourbeatd onîaU-1 macAeagsrighty rushes as hie moved In the fuust gamne, Legion second wîth the only goal ofIHayoc 4,Rs aey37 lations Onon40 the Lander Hardware team, who two weeks ago Bob Richards --- - 18 242 around them with no difficuity took a 2-1 iead, opening the the period et the 13:08 mark Bernîce Buday 310. tonîghbt, racked up a record 4100 total in the Men's Major B. Konopacki----- 3 2,39 or pressure frorn the Nichols scorîng et the 6.30 mark on a when Balson lied the score.ý Over 250 Ganmes i guIe. O. Etcher---- 18 237 players. Nichols made a great goal by Oyler, Thnee minutes The third produced'the pret-, Peggy Haynes 295, Albert Tha îswha yu cli ret bwlig.Thefiv bwles M Eche 18 23move late in the third period later, Fisk's had it lied up on tîest goal of the night Rt the'Samnan 286, Jack McNulty R. Selleck ----------- 18 232Ias Laver took on Ken's and a goal by Rafuse. At the 12710 4:45 mark as Hoopen picked' 283, Norm McKeen 276-261, averaged 27 over the 15 games for a lofly 820 triple average. H. Reynolds -- - ----- scored two goals at 13:35 and mark Kramp put Legion up a perfect pass frorn Mcm- John Luffman 276, Buis Hall- Bon Carte-r led the attack with an 879 total, Closely foi- G. Wilcox . 18 230 17:18 bo move within one goal. ahead 2-1 to end the period. tyre andLeaver ho pull Nemisiman 276, Leon Connors 27.5, bowd y WltHaelyeti~1 A ~oos~ shrnerake upD.Reyols - 5 29Ader of Nîchols made a lastý In the second, ýFisks took out of the net and made no Don Bishop 271, Larry Piper an 49trile whleMik Mrph hd 74,BonSelic, akig . Boc - -18 226 minute rush and with only 10 command as Foran shut the mistake as hie scored what 270, Buis Habely 269, Doris ~ ~ an 9 tipl, wileMie Mrph ha 75. Rn ellcktan T. *Bagnehi- --- --18 25 econds remaining in the game door. on Legion, while his[ proved to be the winner as Jol 265-254, 0111e Patfinldi r:egular tearn mem-ber Jack Landers place rounded out the D. rm 1 24had Nemis beaten but wasl teammates answered with twol Nichols went on bo defeat 263, Joan Suteliffe 261, Ros coingwth --- 18 224 -oldb h olpostan goals, both by. Donoghue, toiKens 2-1 and even up the Wright 260, Muriel Crough - - In hatiluitioî cmpnyLoellMeouglicanheT. ilion- 8 ~24Nichols dropped bbc firît gamne; take over the lead 3-2. senies at one and one. Ken's 2,58, Phil Bannis 254. Bon Sut- excse bcaue usscoesdin'tcont 'Mc'tred arT. Piper o --------- 18 2,3 of the playoff s 54.Tetidpro poue eevdthnee minor penel- ciffe 253, Jim B3ruton 251, the record es dte nt h "iM ave to i nto .donBgei -1 2 e' eevdsxmnors little scoring but somne excut- ties, whilc Nichols were ai,-IDon Wright 250, Lola Wruh but la H. P agmerl - -------18 '8wieNcol ikdU w ing and fait moving pîsys as, sessed only two mînors. 20 4hne rd oo iwih an aterirk besideý his narnec - a teami F. 3ra-dîey -. -- 18 214 minons. Big gun for Ken's was Fik' elentrheron oo ots ~nienw oe cors uda g toars Ie 10, W uderL.Ricars-----18 21 Medos ith two goagls. For goal le Iad and Leglon pressed This wcek's Sor-e-O wýinniernie Aeraes stand that t[Mac4o00ered plenty of.vocalý-s18 1 and ora Perfect27 supr ,.Brok-----8 20Nichols it was eaverwith haýttt but Wneunabiw t vo-w ,,is John Luiffrn who Dvei7nod G.MH, n----1 0 two g alAder with one goal diuce the tyýing goal. Theylwell known chap around the 40 thetcern oweverand tw assiss, alog withpulledtheirnet-minder for rink. John had a bard inieLayPie -(5 24 bE oan oue.V. Prout ------- - 18 20an wgwihple ter Doris Jol .--------- ---- 52 t-1 .Come .-1 0 Ashton with two assisti. the extra- attacker but even reachîng the ice 40 shoot as Ia the second game, Legion that backfired as Refuse slep- he ell over the board coming OMHA PAY FSL. Welsh -----------18 207 proved no match for league ped the puck loto the open iout on the ice and slid to the John Luffmen . 231 PLY FS .Wlh 8 26wînner Flîks as they rolled net at 19:59. Iblue lîne. Picking hirnîcîf up, Rusi hately - - --------- 230 NTOVICE - Bowrnanville Preston the Moyen neceîved a M. A. Richards ---- 18 206 over Legion 9-3. Fîki took a F'sk'i received four minorlhe shot but was fouled by Hector Ballantîne 229 Uye in the finît round by vitue of their finît place finish in E. M3- - 1 0 lead after only nine i-pnlisadLeinwr1setewodnga edr o Albert Saman ----- 222 thReglricheauds H.- -on-ghu - 12 204 utes gone in the first period sessedonly two mînor penal- you sec fans, not only PegyHaneo-22 Tbey wilI probably open up against Bay Bîdges on Sun- Marilyn -Richards 1n 203 ocol'b oohe eus lsi enhce ascri ling hkey but ceon Leon Cornons.------------220 and McDonald. Evans proved Big guns for Fisk's were Rae- cen also take--a-c-ance-oui day aýt lnoon, here. M. Wihcox - 18 202 to bie the only Legion scorer fuse with two goali, Dono- wunning the Score-O i e Mrh....... PEE WEE - Bowmanville Trail Slcds will1 play bost 40 D. Zealand------- 18 201 as hie notched one at bbc î8:22 ghue with two goals, ane M- Scyuteenx eekPru1cBernice Buday - --- 219 A. Scep -- - 18 201 arkGond Sim pion .-- 219 A, Slep - --Buis- Ha--iman01-m-k 21_ akhmtonight (Wednesdey) t seven o'clock in the open- E. Dickens -- -- 18 200 The second reproduced theE ,S M ajorn ----- 1 Future dates wîll be an!nounced later. ý789, B. Richards 753, M. A. a]ong 40 a commanding 6-2IWE Am~wuu eeDbbn 1)29 Richards 740, M. Etcher 73 ea9 , 1sconing thnee;ýiPesWrgh BANTAM - Down but not out, as Bowmaoville dropped 73 moresboging mmr Bossreright 21 G. Piper 722, D. Orme 719,1B. goals by Leadbetter, Woolnen Helen Reynolds --- (6) 216 9 ~~~Lola Wrighut -----.-----215, thse finit two gamres in the hest of five second round seies Konopacki 716, E. Bnock 704, and Donoghue. This time Fln- Five bowlers bit the 800 Luke Annaeet 18 233 Maurice Annaeet ------- 2141 a-gainit Markhiam. Facing elîminatuon tonight in Markhaml, a G. Million ý703, F. Bradley ney was the only Legion player plateau wlth AI 'eGoose" OsRon Etche 8 230Hle.uo) 1 Bow n invi ile win is needed to force the fourth gane here et 680, D. Reynolds 680, G, Wil- to cbuck 'one by Fonan. bonne top mer with 897. Os- Maurice Ainet 1 20Do Wngt -- cr Iv the~~~ln Meo66Aea audye fv 'lc.Wthtecx 6, L. Sae n6, . a-in salready in command f Rady 'Shashen" Beaupnie waî Randy Beaupie - 18 22911Norm McKcen .---------- 21 i4letin board eat the main intersection, or listen 40 supper- Mlad 66, L. Seinton 6s67, the aFisks jtcontinued next, 82g as were 301-291-305. Ab efe ------- 18 230Dn29hp- 10 ~V I ti s ports on CKLB, bo find out if th ere lu a gaine. The locais L. Richards 653. to roll as bhey ran ail over sigS35ad add toBinMry 5 29Bh ilFwl --------- 208 Y rUJrn nI hae eld a definîbe marnin the play over the finit two, 250 and over Gamnes Legion for the third time, scor- morglemes5 ofd264-179fo ri akLarnde 15 229 Bilginia Fairey- -------- 208 w e d ym r i but cenýt.find the scoi'ing range. Markharn took the opener 3-1 M. Etchen 265, 303, B. Kono- ing yet another three goals, one total. Busi "Wigger" Oke had Bob Williams ------ 18 227 Bon Burgessi-->--------- 207 lU 1ni 'ri in MNarkham er ad the second encounten here Saturday night packi 352, T. Bagneli 274, 309, by Burns and two by Woolncn. 823 (239-295-289), Howard Maurice Richards --- 18 226PhlHro -- _-1, 13y09, M ealard, 2 59, . Mloe "The Kid" Brorneil had 816 Elton Brock --------18 225 hlHro -----------27 :5 a.m o1l 4 309 M. ealan 259 Moe(259-303-254), BRon "Fats' Jim McKnight----- 18 225 Bon Hayoci. --------- 206 MLDUGKT - Bowmanville McGregor's I.D.A. posted e Richards 250, D Orme 306, Ece fe îeabesatBhOe --Jîm Murphy --------- - '206 UISTiN HERE: 'lïi -4 decision oven Markharn hene on Saturday night and D. Reynolds 255,G. Million bi 1 h a n a ly iky---- 8 224 ------Coo---e (15) 205 thpni noved right into Markhani on Saturday bo win 3-1. 278, G. Piper 263,L. Welsh ht81.Te a oe hd lynOcey.k1 2 Betty Cbarland ---- (15) 204~ 25,BBcacs.4 raeT'games of 232280299. Boss Wright --- - - 1 221 George Chaland .~- ----_ 203 Wîith a 2-0 bulge in the best of five seies, the druggists 251, M.A. Richards 341, T.'MTL FMte oweswr bbcBb lriRe1 2 ob Vandenberg ------202 w 11c he aIttmpting 40 sweep the second round set whcn Mark- Meraw 259,E. Brook 279, 271. 700 bracket. Hector Ballan- Ed Leslie ---- - 18 220 Jack McNulty-------------- 201 ONTARIO S FAMILY STTION hem s hre aturay igh et evei ocloc. ______________tire had 793 (289), Dr. H. B. Peuh Lyle ----------18 29Dns nen 0 pr Siliraynih a sve ocl B undie 787 (279-273), Dave Bob Lawton -------18 219Denise na (15)---------200 ___________ Fuue ae, fnedd aest o Mrhm nSudy D 1r J"V~ I "Smoothie' Reynolds 750 Doug Taylor ------- 18 218 l a vy ---__---------_(15)_200 and ud a nfifh geme be nequired, it will be played here CÛOWlflg (253), Jack Bond 738 (273), ýBob Smith --------- 18 217 iiil 9 1 9 Bill "Jake" Westiake 732 Frank Mohun- 15 216î SatudayFeh.27bhet sven .m.February 12, 1971 U'f (257), Elwyn Dickey 726 (256), BbKrpk .-1 1 JUVENILE - Markham will meet Bowrnanville St. Jack Bord had the mensF Jack Lancier, back or track Jim Bruton -------- 18 215 MaysCernent Bedmen un the second gae of a best of fivel high triphe this week wîth aftet bis openetion 724 (270), John Van Dyke ---- 18 215 01 v a p' seconid round seies on Saturday et nine'o'clock. In the open- 725 (246, 224, 255). Ray West- 1 O0 R Don Bagneli 721 (250), Moe Bob Laird ----------- 18 215 l Ub n er, Sunday in Markham, the Bedmen went down to e 4-1 lake roled a 295 game for Richards 719 (288), Ed Leslie John Carter--------- 18 214 p efa.high single, 716 (274), Art Bowe 715 (258), Claence Oke -18 214 Th'? third eocouniter lu scheduled fon Markham, SundaY the way for the ladies. Berl (289), Ennie Perfect 712 (276), Gord Wilcox ------ 18 213 et ight o'clock, with the fourth geame here Saturdey, Feb. triple wes 685 (276, 206, 203).1 Ted "Pappy Bagnelh 703 (286), Si Trewin--------- 18 213H A .5 T H E EPI UIIN ZENITH G. Feddema 213 1;C.Rt OuI ViL-i'0 rnie Perfect -18, 259 Injurance-- 10 8 20816 1(1 UW e 0;E eboo 229 H., Van IDarenuire invited! Buis Oke -------- - 18 253 Kens Mer's and ADMIRAL Den Berg 200, '209; G, Btt, DerniiesJack Bond------------ 18 248 Weari----- 10 8 20481 loI a v270; J. Luffman 251,/238; W. Walt Habely -------- 18 248 1. G. A.- 9 9 20326 9 RE TÂLS SALES & SERVICE Denny 258, 21 1 S. 'RobinsoDon IneBOke ----1-------18 24 owa~n Pontiac9 9 02739 2 Ba"LSn Dén i 217;E. Arher 24; A Bihl, Westlakc ------- 18 238 Pepsu Cola 8 10 20407 8 -SERVICE STATION and TOWING 723 ~)-0011I I Va or2021,00N Doug Carter -------18 237 Mutton & 8 U2'U52, 2; .Deae Dave Reynolds- - -- 15 237 Goulci 8 10 20316 8HN 2351 IV 426 SIMCOE'S. 20 214; N. Zordervan 217: Don Bagoelh ---- 18 236 Sehby Grant 8 10 20010 8 POE6351 TI D McBeeiis 276, 206, 203; 'M, Dr. H. B. Puincle -- 18, 236 Jury&24BsUn Falcon ron 4, 2 55 .Po- T. GogePpe 8 >jrak . lY04 OSHAWA Dakn 55 257, F. Potter 207; 1 Lar ry Piper----- 18 1236 ,Lovrll 7 122418 7 ter 29, 26, 24; A Mcxenj OWMANVILE, OT. SroldMichelson -l 3 ait- 71 04 UIN )gether their longest unbeaitei' ion, wînning four and tying a- il Jr. Canadiens at the Forum, eGeneral s surprised everyone best tearn effort of the season, nthe second, but the roof caved Ig, Generals f ailed to gain ap~ will be- Hamilton Red Wings at ay at 7:15. ks Bowlin DeVos 176, B, Smith 174, Rý. Broomne 173, N. Van Abberna 172, G. Downey -171, E. Mitch,ý ell 170, A. Glaspeil 170, L. Galb laghcr 169, L. Woodcock 168 , N. Ovenden 166, B. Piper 16.5, D, Muitton 165, R. Stel 164, M. Verleysen '162e B, Nimigon 162, E. Deboo 161, L. Burgess 157, S. Dilling 151, W. McNeili 146, A. Perfect 141, M. Knapi 137, D.Leaman 108. IIEATING SPECIALIST 17 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville PHONE 613-7591 24' ROUR SERVICE Oit, «as & Electrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa-, lions - Central & Window' Units - Clare Hecla & Findley Equipment Free Estimates Budget Terms Avallable igs. 13acirage i AND lIN .LE SUPER A9c gai. SE RV ICE