TIhê Caiiadli 5.tate5mar, towinanville, Feb. 24, 1971 Town Cresi to Appear on Vehicles Bow%ý,manville's new town decal, approved in the last regular meeting of the Town Councîl will be plaeed on ail corporation vehicles during the next few Dek.lesigned by sign painter George Forsey of Bowmanvillc, the decal has ai ple orange background, green shield and black lettering. The shield is a deiufrom an old town emblem. There is some controversy over whaf the lines, :,ts.nd V-shaped bar refer to, If any reader knows or has a suggesfion, we w uld appreciate a letter. The 25 decals whîch thec fown bias ordered will cost BkReview Kbruslichev Reme (IîtlBrown and C ,,ïtb an întroducfî mntary and notes by tt'ankshaw - isa buiok Many critîcs ba tîne is authenficîty ,,w droiits he does horif was asseffibled. pesnldecîsion tbai authetc was basedo s,ý typ,,script, and Itsan enflirallirý iieverfbeless, fhoEsç v T<1 -,ushcbev swear .fha rl tbîng. Neyer befi wnbdaccess to such riitwhîcbh purport wîfnby a top Soi hi s an absorbîr s-1ocing story, someti Eut it has chariged the price cf your home. Foex-am pie, if you hogtan $1 8,000 lomn 1963-todaY, ilsvworth about 'n4 0. Dont be e Wàa Costly pie s., î Sec me eI abouta State Farmn -lorn,-eowners Pal loy tawilcaver yaur home-n for all it's Worth .., md keep if 1,hat vway with ý,u1cmatic Inflation STATE FAE Fire and casilaltY CANADIA1X TORONTi --FL IF'S -70 - EASN B lw 5T 11,ST ton and Carol and Mr. andi Mrs M. Saniîs also attended. Thbe Women's Institute beld their annual card party in the bail on Friday eveniag witb 25 tables, The hîgh lady was Mrs. Jean Jîllisin, hîgh gent MVr. Don Sandemberg, The bologna prîze was won by Mms, lint Brown, Lucky prizes and door prizes were won, by1 Mrs. E. Trim, Wallace Bough- r leMr-. Gord Trîm. Mrs. Dux-a bur1,y hirley Gardon andc Wendy'Lane, The 50-50 draw1 was won by Mc. Gen. Buckley, Undergoing sumgemy In 'Me-f .imo.al Hospital, Bowmanville, iwere Mns Dorofthy Beattie of Crooked Creek, Mrs. Ahice Sel- ler,; af Ncwtonvillc.t YELVERTDN On Wedrýesday evening a mis ellaneous shower was tend -c ered to Mrs. Mike Wren, (nec Debo-rah Ibornpson) la Yelver- ton United Churcb basementr in honour of hiec recent mar-a niage. Miss Nancy Moore con-a vened the program foflowingc xvben the honoured guest wass presented wifb a conglomera- fion of gifts. She was assist- ed by Miss Clements and Miss1 June Taylor in the apening of fthc glîts. Debbic tbankedt everynne for their gifts andc thanked those responisible forc arranging tbe evening. Lunch was scrved byther cnmmt tee- Mmi. Balfour Moore, Mrs. Oram Moore, Miss Nancy1 Moore and Mrs. Orval Quack, enbusb. BLACKSTOCK Sympatby is exfended fa the miany relatives of the late Mrs, Ida Taylor wbo passed away ia Osbawa Hospital during the weck. Also, sympatby goes ta Mr. Frank Baîley on fthc pass- ing of bis brother, Mr. Wm.t Baiiey wbo nasscd away in Alliston on Feb'-uary 19. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Sbortrudge and Bill were un atterdance at tbe -funecal parlours In Allîston on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baley attendcd flic fun- eral on Monday. Sunday callers of, Mn. and Mrs, Wlbert Archer were Mr. ind Mrs., Tom Carter, Bow- N WNN WW uUWN FlrnigOhawa and Mr. and Si îb er a arre, somnetîmes ingenus, Finland. The book fravels ouf- Mrs. Elmer Archer, Wbitby Co. Lfd.) There are also flashes of hum- sîde fthc USSR wifh Krushchev Mrs. Bey Dealy and chiîdrea Jon, com- or. The man wbo saf at flic - f0 England, Geneva and of Toronto spent the weekend y Edward sumnut of Kremlin power Yugoslavîa. We gef aiheflic wufbier parents Mr, and Mrs. a unique from 1953 unt il 1964 cornes fascîaatîng background foflic K. Duo smore and Befb wbîle ive ques- across well, if this is bis story. famous secret speech fo fbe ber busband was la Monfreal Y. Crank- The book tells bow a select 2th Party Congress. !on a business trip. n't know group plotted fthe dow,'nfalof Many 1wîll leic nfrîgued and' On Wednesday cvenlng the tHîs own secret-police chief and actual camd b hueevsrgl WI.ar ptyw_ a Rus reralsl to ge itos o fbe rfmemorues of Sveflana Allilu-ibeld wtb 12 tables. Wîaners ong fi-ed f lic bchîndo theiscee yeva, The words.have the truc iMre: ladies hîgli, Mrs. Reid 1 nohin tie te beïndthesceesingof Khrusbcbev's. Unex-ICook; 2nd Mrs. Percy Van- Russan erson f te beakpected insights are gîven into1 Camp. Men's bigb, Tom Armi- ri ok wtse-damol flic u ban is- flicthe minds and motives, stnong; 2nd, Earl Prescotf. sîlkn enîsîs is afule exlanis- sfrenigth and weaknesscs of Door prize, Mrs. Gladysý at ît's ftbesierîi scrflyxpan Krusbcbev's colleagues - Sf a- Thomprson. Next cuchre wi ll fore have cd. We gef ba purport s f i Blau, ei, on be Mardi 3. ýh a docu- ie flic Bebînd-the-Curtain ver-ioMlnoagovcad uayineges fMr ts fo be sion; but if makes for fascinat- lv, al teko, agovc n Snyd eit an gesfsanM /itled ng bîsfory of a confemporaryseraotrsanMrKilVnCm ad vietléa- Ewar Crakshv benIamjjly weme Mr, and YMrHa- nature.'dadCrnsa la ~n old McLaugbl in andir faroily. ng, Olten We are also told why Hu- closely îdenfîfied with -RussianM.anMrsWlurTmad unmes iz- gary was paciflcd in '1956 - affaîrs for ftle pasf 25 years. Mrs Codurney GmarTomsan byflic man wlio decreed flche lias vîsifed Russia Ire- rJ on re isahome.rn "a 1restorafion of order' in fthc oufiya orepnetfrMcMasfer University wltb bis unhappy country. The reader flic London Observer, parent, Mm, and Mrs Raîpli is also faken fo fthe 'uunii Sot-e may bave reservafîon-s Larmer, David and Paul, for conferernces (Olten acfually in- about tins book; but ît's.pro- a week's bolidays. terminable diriners) wlien vocative anid stimulating. The Mr, and Mrs. Fank Stapcle- plans were made f0 wage f lieviews exprcsscd 'do appear f0 ton, Newtonvlle, were week- disasfrous wînfer war wîfitie tbose of Krushcbcv, end guesfs af Mrs. George SI-mldng. V ~ Glad to report thaf Mrs. E v~ TY U L bBarry Fisher Is able fa lie home Irom Port Ferry Hospital, fbaii ---Sorry to, report youi- regular thier ster conany, aad for Mc. George Skeidnig la hopîng! corresponident Mrs, Ecanki l- thîs wc extcn'd aur sincerest fa lic-home today (Monday), nier Is in Memoial Hospfifal, tbanks.fa M'Clals mtb I1 Bownanville. She was'takea A Tlinking Day is planned expecting f0 lic released moon. Tbursday aftenoon and we for fliese organizations with a Mm. Harry VanCamp la also a -wîsb lier a npec y recovery. p3arade in Bowmanvlle lanflie patient there, Improved beailih Church services weire leld as affernoon and flience to Court- is w3shcd for ahi these. u -uai wifb Mms Roy Best as ice Higli Schnol on Sunday. Mis Dorcen VanCam--p, ofI o rganist in lier absence, The local Band bave heen Toonto, spent the weekend - ast Monday there werc f wo pracfising at the scbool on witb bier parents, Mm. and Mms. minai- accidents. One învolv- Wcdnesday eyenI-ng for flic Stanford VanCamip ed Mrs, Joyce Stacey, nlorth Easter Parade on Satumday, Plans are beng nmade for flic of the village la the mornîng, Aprl3r.World Day oIf rayer on Fn- flice other, Mm, and Mrs, Sld Mrm and Mm- C. M. Jonc-, day, Mai-ch, fli, fa be beld ai Brown lanflic evening, east oI Mn. and Mrs. Fced Henderson flic Pre -byteian Churcli at - the, village. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkcy 2 p.m. wîfb Mmi Mactyn of, * TcBoy Scouts met Mon- attcnded Open House at Bell Prince Allient as sekr day evcaing la the scbaol and Canada, Oshawa Shopping Mm, and Mrs, Keifli Van wcmc guefs0foftic Guides at Centre, Monday eyeoing, and Camp werc Sunday evening a Valentine Farty at flic hall guests later witb Miss Jean guesf s of Mm. and Mms. Stan on Tuesday evenlng, Tic Culis Walkcy. Bagg of R.R., Oshiawa. met etthflic chool onTuesday Mr. Bob Henderson, London, On Safurday, Keith Van- evening, also flic Brownles af and Mr. John Campblcl, Wat- Canmp, Harold Swain, Herli flic Sunday Scbool. Tbreeerloo. are spending thus week Swaîn and Glenn Larmer nar- Newfonville Guides wcme guesfs af theur homne froni the uni- ficipatcd lanflic Fammers' Bon- of Newcastle Guides, and versifies. Trueman Hender- spîiaf flic Oakwood Curling spent flic weekend af wînfer sonl, Sudbury, and Miss Dora- Club and won second prize. camping at Camp Samac, fby Ellioff, Waterloo, spent Clarence Marlow and Wein Oshawa. thie weekend at home also. Swaia leIt lasf week for a The Newtonvillc Vcnfuring Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Henden- holiday in Florida., kCompany spent Sunday even.. son and chîldren, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Suggltt m n Bowmanville. Tbey parfici. and Mns, Fred Henderson's- scîstine arceMrs enn As- NT pated un floor' hockey, basket- Mr. a dnMrs. Glen Farrow, Good Ronds Convention la bavll all and lafer swam in flice Cobourg, spent flie weekeîd Toronto flua week. ,avleschool pool, tic Venturers wifh Mc, and Mrs. C. R. Far- On TuesdaV evening. Mr. 621 flien had lunch and a tour oI row. and, Mrs. Ivan Thoropson, M flic gounds. M. Rick Wht- Mrs. E. Triro leIt Monday f0 Elizabeth and Susan, Mn. Ed- ycrn c ny who is recovcring froro a spend a Iew days witb Mm. win Challice, Mr. and Mrs.1 rCnîuY snowmobile accident. was in and Mrs. Baîley, Castîctan. Keîtb VanCamp, Cindy, Barry IOFFICE attendancýe. Tic Newtonyille Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones and Leanne, Miss Ailcen Van- ,ON.U.C W have reccntly dona-ted spent a few days la Toronto Camp, Janis Mehaugblin af- - I1MC unds leVfluaoranlat-n4ndlasf -week. feuded flic Northumberland- __________________________ Misa Edith Carruiliers, Gar- Durham P'ublic Speakung Fin- dcn Hilli. ment a Iew days als wbc e Cindy cepresenfcd fih Ms Gardîier and Ona Cartwrîigt T'Pownshîn speaking Mn, and WMms. Frank Staple- on - Being Eldet la fie Far-- ton spent flic weckcnd Witi ly" The speaker froni Wark- % ~Mm.- Gea. Skelding, Black- worfh placed first but fomn stock and vi sît d Mm, Skeld- all reports, Cindy gave a fine ung, wbo la a patient la Port performance and la le lie con- FPerry Hospital. gatulafed on a joh well, donc. mýSympaflyiy laestended f0 Mm, and Mrs Kelfh Van- ARN ITU E EMM the famuily aIflice late Mmi. Camp atfendcd flic Holstein Victor Farrow who died la Convention lanflic Royal Yack ïMemorial Hospital, Bowman- lasf Wednesday. foville Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Grali- ires frWeekend vîsitor wlfli Mr. arn, Mr, and Mmsý Raîphl rm and Mrs, Chasý Gray, Omono, er, Miss Sharon Larmier and was Mm. Barry Lane Mr, Ray Essery affendcd flic Mm. and Mrs. Ken Brîgnaîl Canadian, Ontai Guernsey R -0 0--M hd dnner Sunday wîtli Mrs. Association Ap.nual Meeting Roy Farrow and lafer Mrs.,beld lanflic Carousel Inn, Osha-, Mllîgan and Bernlee were wa on Tuesday and Wcdnes- U callers in flic evening. day. G CI pMiss Wcndy and Heaflier The Frlendship Group nIflice Lane, Part Hope, spent fieTUnit cd Churcli met on, Safur- 9 weekend witli Mm. and Mrs. C. day evcnîng as a social time MIJoncs and attended fie wfh skating and games. Plans 5card Party. wcrc made fa have a speaker Weekend vsîfors wlfh-Mr, for fie nexf meeting on Mardi and Mmsý J. Veleke wccc Mm, 20, )UR BEST BUY 13Y FAR and Mrs G, Veleke and laro- Safumday evenn callers of Y EM ARRANÎGED ly frro Lakeside. Mr, and Mm., Bob Brysaandc ,M A N V 1 L 1Mn. and Mms W. Bouglien Iamully wcre Mc. end Mms. Vic -isîfed Mrs S, Gordon, Orono. Hanc, Jr., Bownrville. Sun- M A N V IL L E for dînner and laf c" attendr-fi dayi,, ppe~"r t ee PHONE6233808 flic8fthbihrtliday of 1- T. 1H anMrs Jî'i' n court- Hall, Mr. and Mrs. 1E Staple- and girls,Oswa au ~'"The Love of Four Colonels»"11b WIt-ohfe Toreadors"1 L..J L?1. "The Tender Trap", and "My and s t age manager for Km ii n O îi r O l bhree Angels", the latter t suesrgeasd ardîretor 14cr K i].- m l n h o or F olnbeing presented at the Poor Gog n agrt.Ms AlexThetrern oroto.SheWonhacott bas also had great W h S aldii5iY s as also workecl backstage at scesa ietr costumes, props and make - proutinof"hctvi~1 VIi Jia led t 51Y iWorm" at the Orono One-acte GEOFF WOODS teaches Play Festival won nîgh pras French and German at Bow- fiom adjudicator Leonard It was Founder's Nsght on He looked to longer range varitage - an efficient, unified, manville Higli School. 11e was Craînford and Robert Christie Tuesday, Feb. l6fh at Bow- programs and referred to the %vell - informed orgaizaison ýthe pianist for, their recent pro- gv ARsudn îke rranville Kinsmen Club when coming year as a period for with a cause which youth canduction of "West Sîde Story". the award for Best Produc- about 60 members and guests consolidation of the club's in- really appreciate. Gofla ,yd"enod ina h eebruhOe congregated at the Flying terestà and talents and as a Following Mr. Watso.'s ad in "The Winslow Boy", but his Act, Play Festival in 1964. Dutchman Motor Inn. They time for consîdleration of the dress, Ray Hutt, Area Eihiportrayal of "Bob" in "The Wvnne's latest success was were honoring the men who direction the organîzation candidate for governor of the rivate Ear" will be his ls D,,ri h os' hc formed the organization in should take in the future. district spoke briefly f0 the dramatîc role in thîs ares.' played f0 large audiences in Hamilton 51 years ago., The Kinsmen club, which is group explaining bis role and KEITH ALLIN will be Bowmanville Town Hall in Among those present was an entirely Canadian mensinterests in the club . .- and 'Ted" in "The, Private Ear". 1967. Bill Watson of St. Catharines, club primarily for inen under no doubt hoping for the Bow- H1e bas many Youth Theatre, onAebrtedrý- the National Vice President of 40 years of age, cao learn froin manville club's support ini the criidits. He Derformed at the 1 ohnAni-buy"T he dîrîa e the organization, whîcb xvtb other service clubs, accoîding clubs forthcoming elections in Youth Pavihion at Expo 67,1 teahe isorotfla 14800 memibers and 444 clubs to Mr. Watson, but cannot June, 1971. Mr. Hutt is a 37- with the nnly 111gb School High School,1He bas played is the -second largest men's emnulate them, because, hie ex- year-old self-employcd busi- Theatre production (Dunbar- mioes in "George and Mair- service club in, the country. plained, there is more involv- rnessman from, Orillia. ton High Scbool), 1He appeared, garet", "The Sandbox", "The The District Deputy Governor, ed in Kinismen than the ordin- The evening concludéd ith valoftbe rtsine wc a FstleCrou 1ag" Th bl Clair Hewston of Whîtby walary service club work. a social hour. alTomaheMArs in "ewcanl Garden", "The King Decides", there ton, as well as Bowman-'"u we can leara frnm nth- for_________a Thomasore" in "eAdMa "The Waltz ofAhie Toreadors", vile MyorIva Hobs.Clu Bu fo Ai Seson", n "he d~"Separate T a b 1 e s", "'P'he vemersayorom W. Hbtby Olhb ers," be said, "and strîve f Dra mîrable Cricbton", as Faustus tom"an Mro p in "Doctor Faustus" and lin, s" onrcevdhg awa, Peterborougb, PortPerry our exîsting programs, th-rough r U'The GoodhWoman of Setz-' and Orillia also attended the their example and experiencce nn".Teitb d Wonn otheBet praîse for his performance as dînner meeting that was pre- a" e wnteBs Ewni Ue fVso, sided over by President Kevin M%'r. Watson, a manager with < flAUltC as Actor Award at the Simpsons- wihn in th ofenVralOn," Chipman. rw ieIsrneith er rm'Fsiain16 Niagara Penînisula, caîîed the Fo o, l Last yar's theafricai actîvi- tarin Dramna League comp2- Mr. Watson who wîll steP indîvidual club. president the R ies included roles in "Women tition in Hart 1-buse, Toronto. into the National, Presîdent s ,key fFor l LUu7- John as evda tý spt ef easugefd ha io igure" in the organiza- Oo nf Parliament" at Queen's Uni- as srvd sstge spo nxt yarsugete tht ie.1e declared that a sfron.g versîty and ln "Dark of the manager for "Blithe Spirit" the, organîzafion should take club could only be possible if, The Bowmanville Town Hall Moon" and "Indians" at the H1e bas also direcfed "The on a'national îdentity i n some ifs presidents xvere strong. To stage is seldom idle, These Orono Youtb Theatre. 11elhas King Decides" and "The cause or projecf la order to belp achieve thîs end, bie. said, nighf s if is echoing fe the foot- also directed a Christmas play Form." For the latter he was gain broader recognition and comnctosangfi 44seso eea elknown in Newcastle. Keifh lhas just awarded the frophies'for Best more effective Dublic relations. club aresidents should be in- feet. The mles in "The Privafe110W, finisbed playing "Goff- Director and Best 'Play by H1e said thaf there is "at least creased. Ear" are played by Iris- Hel- rey" in Osbawa Little Tbeafre's Bill Tyas n tbhe Orono One- 1l million dollars" being beld H1e intimated this was an on- larn, Genif Woods, and K-eith production of "The Lion in AtPtrayFetiveaint1or by Kinsmen clubs across the going 'objective, neyer more Allun. And those in "Black Winfer". PtrSafr h uhr country in trusts and bank ac- important than at the present- Comedy" by Paf Hundle, Ei-1 Botb directors nf thes" Ng well known for bis plays counts and that thîs monev in- Tecboudd vHa zabet h Prowec, Cathy Godfrey, pdy aebe soi'e "Five Finger Exercise" and stead of being applied f0 local Rogers mn Hamilton in 1.920 is Dnug Oke, John Amcsbury, witli the Bowmanvîlie Drania "The Royal Hunt of the Sun" projects could very well be lîke aIl the service clubs f0-' Bob Sheridan, Ken Dennîs and worksliop for several years. used to form a national fund. day, in the process of makîng Barry Cowlîng. Wyýnne Wonnacott, who dir- H1e remarked that perhapsebhages. Yuio'fknwCahyGd- ect'"Blck Comedy" îs a I G Cs oa the clubs should change from Tbe Kinsmen have ont-,ad- frey, Geof Woods and Keitb nurse-at the Oshawa Generai I promoting swimming pools and vanfage. Tbey dlaim th-at asa Allun? ýAs an actress, she bias appear- orO d Irecreation facilities cetc, (at young man's service club tbey CTHForRE 0ace1e4i1"h Hngresp-d1ances which they bave achîeved a are perbaps betfer gcared to Grades four and five at Bow- "George and Margaret", "The through gr-eat deal of success across accepf the emergîng youth of manvîlle Cenfral Scbool. Be- Sandbox", "The Curious Sav- STATESMAN ties ianto)bandoreir e and plae in the lduitigommuat ydcis wie a bi s cbra po-l , a nd beray bls". CLASS thec3 land)boa se and poulhi nr oaye w h are ltok iin foa sdcios wpe a gseveralro- ge" nde ar a sTabl"s"L.S S1T1E D SA causes which concern the naf- Bill Watson appamenflyCathy bas acted for ftbe Don experiences she numbers bc- Phone 623-3303 ion as a whole. Wants fo create a second ad- Valley Stagers la "No Exit", ing property mistress for ______________ Juabiter-, Pasteu'ni A Process Cheddar Î - CHES -UCS3 38-ar pkgs $u-.J0 S.utan Br'¶d Bef, C4,okesn & Turkey, r MEAT INER l-az pkg49 Pentry~~~ ShI, we o oweetensd GRAPFRUI JUCE --1rlin39 Pant.'y 1ti, Unsweetened sOu? O-RANlGE JUICE 3 â8-fl-ori'$.0O HERSHEY CHOCOLATE 2-lb in MIL SOAP pkgof 3 bts4 BEEKIST OE -lt 9 Assorted FaorPdnAdded WAGST A FE JlA S 3à4 9- o1 -zr s9 ACF etis ane, S tre'ned Wb,+te & oleure, Toids4 BALLT TISUE pkg of 4 ras 59et ShelaRotn',St'a]etiSpaghetti, LANCI PRODCTS -1b pkg 39c Plan, îl, PsturîedProcess Ch-eddar Cheese KRAF SLCES SPECIAL 8-or pkg 37e Creem Stnyle Cor-n, Medîurm Smail Pes, Ktohen Siîced Green Beans MIX & MATCH, Green Giant'Vegeta bcs 41,4-o-or,6in 89c Your Choice No fut udded to BeeF Rosts, . .fDot ut A&P LB73 H 4ab O (b E66f-) 3 Ibs &over63 P RIMAý-E RIB RO.AST 7" CUT - AT A&P YOU GET T1-4E FIRST 4 11M~ ONLY WHICH MS THE CHOIGE PORTION 0F'A BEEF RIB NO FAT ADbED TO âEEF ROASTS - NOT AT A&P! P E. Canada No. i Grade, White Table Stock 50-LB B.&AG