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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1971, p. 13

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Mrs. Brure Tillson, Edtor I __ vlold Dance Party to Hon or Departing Detachmient Member Necabl: Police Officrs~r we bribe losiug you as you adother members o! the were weli iked here." Newcansie .P.P. Deachment Expctýessing bis thbu nks for arag m Dance -Party authbbc evening that be und bis bbce Bowrnville C ountbr y wife were enjoying, and for Club ou Sabuirday cveuing, bbc gifts he bad received, Cpl. beolg former colleague, Cook crnmarked briefiy on Cnstable Harve Cook, re- bbc years tbey bad lived lu cently promoûtcd te cank Ofe Bowmauville and be had been corporai and now resîding with bbc Bowmunvihie, now w ib is ovcly wifc Lorraine Newcastle, De ta chbme ut. and famýily ln Perth,whr "Perth la ceuily quibe nice, be ia ssitioncd with bbc Pertb but we wiil cetinly miss O.P.P. Detacbment. Bowrnanvilie."' This la net Mca. Cook aud ail other their ficat move, Cpi. Cook ladies eubering the~ Club wece wenb on te say, "this meve, wclcomed by Cpi. Gord Le~e, and this place more than any who prescuted eacb o! tbem other, we wili reaily miss. witb a carnation corsage, bbc We did make lots o!f fiends cler o! thieir own choice. here and we wilh miss lb, and Mse was supplied by I know Lorraine fecis bbc "Wayýne Rosa, bhrougb Mero- samne. Thank you." sound,. choosiug' excellent mu- Sgt. Swiughammer then ex- sicý foc aul types of dancing. pressed beat wishes ou bebsîf Many. spot dances were beid o! Cpi. M. Nimîgon and cuit- bhrouigbout bbc eveuîng. cd on Assistant Crown Attor- Sbeurtiy before midnigbt, a ney Ken Sbubington for a delicieus ýsmorgasoorg lunch !ew words. He tee spoke asset up, enjoyed by ah. bhigbiy of Cpi. Cook, and ce- Felo)wiug this, Cpi. Lee bok peabed bbc Sgt's. words, "Our chreand introduced Staff bass is Perth's gain." Sgr t. Lýou Swinghamîuer, wbo Constuble Bruce Tilîson ex- cailedi on Cpi. Cook and mad2 pcessed bis beat wisbes te bbc sepveraI presentationa te bim newly promoted Corporal, re- on behai f e bcNewcastle iatîng bbc facb that be and Dctacbmeub and bis may bbc other officers hated sec- frienda. Wising hlm the vecy ing hlm leave, "but you'Il beat wibh bis new promotion mnake eut airight up thece. and new detachmenit, lie add- On bebal! o! myseif and bbc cd, "Our ls la Pertb's gain, beys here,, we wisb you bbc, t>eChicken rc,,pai RICFE-A4-ONIl 19 Varieties DARE'S COMIES Pancake Mix, Assorted f evc AUI NT jEMAi MA Goidendale Bfranid MARGARINE Chaimpion Dcg Food O R. BALLARD'S P Maple Lest WIENERS 1-lbv vacouln pkg 54< EEF IVER SKINLESS ni56 BEF KIDNEYS 14U SX Brnd USore a o lkuk POLISH SAUSAGE 71 "rgn , Bck ito Back D , 11I-oz Pepperoni, 1 lO"oz Cheese PIZZA PIES, both for78< SX> Brand , thpieee, any weight cut BOLOGNA VISKING 1b34< NIAP tlELEAF, 8WEET PICKLED MIpDcCvTl CENTRE CUTS lb lb Among toserepresenting1 Newcastle OP. were off i- cers of the Býowmanville Towni Police and memnbers of the Dept. of T-rnport. Other such dignita~ of the law, besides the Assistant Crown Attorney, were Mrs. Leola Thrasher, Justice of the Peace, Bowmanville, Douglas J. Barber, representing Bar- ber and Kelly attorucys, Bow- manville, and Mr. John Dar- lington, representing lawyers of the Oshawa area, not to name close personal friends and, acquaintances who had attended in Cpi. Cook's houer. Phono 987-4213 from wy ;and Coaa bis- second from Rowvley anýýd Lowry. Newvcastle outshot the vîsîtlng team i6 to 13. Javenile Newcastle Juveniiles ham- mered Pickering 10-0 to win their best of 5 series tbree games to noue. Newcastle was led by Doug Rickard with 3 goals, Brian Anderson 2, and singles golng to Dan Nor- ton, Terry Thompson, Normi Tilîson, Greg Gray and Rirk Stephenson. Newcastle coun- pletely dominated action, as they outshot Pickering 36 shots to the 16 kicked out by Jamie Wright in recording the shutout. *Pee Wee at 1 p.m. Newcastle Anfter being bea ten 2 to 1 _ __________ ad eliminated from their, best of 5 series three games N Hockey day Newcastle again .faced e~ c sI by Daid Sharer defeatat the hands o a Scar- by DvidSherer borough club by a 1-0 score. Personals Thursday, February 18th- Bantam Tyke Newcastle Bantams played Nwcse CuSot, Orono Tykes put Up their a fine game, as they stuck ewaturers - ownis, Gcuds bést game of bbe season with Oshawa right up t ,o thc ean Raners reowelebrat-e against Newcastle but to no las t six minutes when Osi- iangdScutan g uidae nw eekaTo avail, as the Newcastle cýlub awa got two quick goals to be'gin the week, these youth defeated tbemn 3 to 2, Scoring win the game 3-1. Scoring forEgranîzations were ta have for Newcastle were Normaýn Newcastle was Tom Martin attended a "Sing-Out" at Shearer assisted by Sett from Chris Dwyer. Newcastle Courtice High Sehool ou Sat- Foster, Norman -Shearer, his received 9 of 15 penalties urday evening. Weather cou- second, unassisted, and Ed handed out. ditions being as unfavorable Kanilligan fromn N o r m a n Town League as they were, bbce young en- Shearer. Iu the opcniug game of the tertainers from Tr e nto n Novice finals, Elmhurst took a une weren't able bu make the trip, For the Novice action New- game lead lu- tbe best of five and therefore the evening was castle defeatcd Pickering for senies. In doing se they hand- cancelled- until further notice. the second game lu a row, by cd Cowauville their.first- de- Cubs from the Newcastle Pack a 4-1 score, to swcep the ser- feat of the season by a score will join witb Packs from the ies two games to noue. Scor- of 3-2.. West Durham District, wheu ing for Newcastle were Tom The score however is n they meet at the Bowmanville Dwyer froru Mike" Wade; indication of the play, as Elm- Lions Centre in Bowinapville Robbie Coolahan from Marty hurst had a good edge lu bbé on Thursday evening, when for Lowry and Don Rowley; Wade play throughout the gane. their second year they will en- Ifmeans ntol Oc prices. but we'vc e.ined our laeu quolity standards. Take our Super.Right trim on meats, for exomnple. Alil excess fat and bone fla trirnmed off before th, meet is Weghed and -priced, and, we never add fat ta beef roaasts. Remember tee, A&p sel s ,Only choce Red &'Ind Steer Bef na inferior grade,. Want furlher Pr-Oof that A&P goÏes One better? Check our Quarter Pork Loins. yau get the compete loin Ot A&P, none of the centre cut chopS are re- meoved. We qguarantee a mini-l mum Of five of these More ex- pniechopa in each package. AI A&PWeCorel No ine Met sld any price WING STEAKorROAST $ SIRLOIN POIN4T ROASTI Boe 1 au,ý RUMP ROAST FOIlSc RZOUND SEKl FLAN,,K STEAIK BRAND, STORE PACK, BEEF & PORK Tawn Club or eSuper-Right Brand 3moked, Sioed Don't Miss These Fresh Produce Buys Fýiria 'QrnCanada Nt!. I Grade, Texas Grown, Washed, Trimnmed, Pce Freshl Crîsp, La rqe Size Fresh Dail CELERY STALKS e28< SPINACH 210ozocelo bag 49< Caifrî~QewCanadea No. 1 Grade, Bradfcrd Ma, Canada No. 1 Gradz, Frelh, SwYelag BnieaViow Cookîng Packed byA-At&P CAROTS2 [or 3< ONO S5-lb 'bag39 1 Ln 4 6<é lb vacuunm package JANE PARKER ANGELI:g CAKE ck ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED0 EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, FE13RUARY 27, 1971. The Canadian Statesman, towmarnville, Fb 4 91 1 Young DIrector Leads Grade ,Two Rhytum.Band The program at Newcastle Publie SchooL Cons-1 band, being led here by Director Janiice mnencement includied selections by Grade Two Rhybhm __ ________ ________ ter the Bîrdhouse or Bird- feeder Contest. Ail Newcastle Cubs wishiug transportation are to meet at the Community Hall at 6:15, and to be in uni- formn. Ahl members of the Cubs' familles are welcomed and are urged to atend with their boy. On Sunday, the Browuies, Guides, Rangers, Cubs and Scouts will be meet- ing at the Cornmunîty Hall by 124 p.m» to board the buses t1aking theml to Bowmauville for 'the parade. They will march ou Wellngton to Silver, South on Silver to King and along King Street East te their dropping off stations. Board- ing the buses again to be transported te Courtice Sec- ondary School for the service. A slver collection v411 be tak- en. If the weatber isn't fav- orable, bbc parade will be can- celled but the service will stili take place. We are sorry te report that our favorite druggis;t, Lorne Johusou, is a patienit in Me- mnrial Hospital. We wish hlm a speedy recovery. Two Newcastle residesits, Mrs. Luella Drummoud and Mr, Dave Noden receutly pas,- ed away and we bave since re- ceivcd word that Buster Harris bas been bereaved of bis fabh- er, Arthur, a former New-, castle resideut. Art Young, manager of the Royal Coffee Bar, was bereaved of his motb- er folwnga evere.Nstroke, To ali memnbers of tbese fami- lies, aur sincerest sympathy. A,% little sunsbine. -We were pleased bo learu that Erule and Mildred Alldread celebrat- cd their 55bb WedcUng Anni- versary an Tuesday.. Congrat- ulations and very best wlsh- es for axiother bappy 55 years. We feel this young couple could do lb. Newcastle couples atteudiug the Harve Cook- Dànce-Party on Saturday evening and win- uing spot dances, were Mr. and Mrs. Alex H-eudry, Constable and Mrs. Ken Ruttan and Constable and Mrs. Bruce Till- sou. Mrs. Robert Taylor bas re- eently enjoyed a two week va- cation lu Newcastle, visiting wibh ber mother, Mrs. Ruby Andress. Mrs. Taylor bas now, returned te ber borene uRe- gina, Sask. Cýubs enjoyed their Monday outing, whcu they met at 4:30 p.m. complete witb box lunch and toboggans and beaded east just beyoud the C.P.R. aver- pass ta Mrs. Don Innis homne. Once there they headed for the wonderful high and fast hîhis, with spilîs apd falîs caus- iug -a few bruises but soon forgotten as tbey wabebed an- other take a tumble. After many times of speeding dowu- ward and then makiug the long bike back ta the top, they made tracks back te the bouse aud warmed up with some boîsterous action sengs while lunches aud bot chocolate were prepared. More sougs -and pk its were enjoyed followiug their supper, wltb tbe week's activities being anuouuced be- txvecu. As Monday was the 22nd of February and the late Lord Baden Powell's birthday, bis if e. was briefly outlined by tbe Cubs as tbey remember- cd bbe Baden Powell story. Two new boys, Shawn Gar- rod and Brent Pollock were introduccd te BP,'s:hisbory for the f irst time and seemed deep- ly lntereeted In the. many ac- tivlîes thley as boys arc now eujoysng, through thîs man. C 1osiu g thbcevensng, Mr. Tony Ton was thauked for i, s helpa In dýrsving and stï.injg on tn safely direct the toboggauers throughout t h eÎir eveniug. Wibh special thanký, e xteuded te Mrs. Inuls and br busband for the use Of their home. Don't forget bbc Lions Val- entine Dance this* Saturday eveniug. Purchase -your tickets now and reserve yaur table. Sorry, there was an error lu stating that "ail challengers" would- be booked lu annouuc- ing that the Newcasble Hockey Mothers would play tbe T'yke AIl-Stars. They uo- feel that teams from Baurnr through to the tewn lcague are just a lîtie more than they could handle, as it woffld scem that ail Tyke and Novice teamis, possibly Pee Wees, too, would be bbe most acceptable chal- Mr. and Mrs. J. Neal and uses, Somreof. tbem were ti family sud Dauuy Langsbaff busil, Englisb lavender, and fe were back te their summer- gariic, which are excellent to foi cottage for the weekend and found lots of snow and more keep the aphids,, bugs, etc. v.ç came ou top o! lb. away from bbc plants lu our da Theski-doos have been very gardeus. Plantiug marigolds mc rnuch lu dernand this Febru- among the plants lu tbe gar- gu ary. den help kil bbc worms ut vE sry.the moots. The ladies had Yc Kendul is having a real found the maggobs very bard Mi sinber. The weekend of Feb bo get rid of. A large card irj ruary 6th saw us geting dug was receivcd from Yvonnec out of good sized suow drifts. Hoy and Mary Low wbo bave bu rben Saturday, Feb. l3bh, wc been bolidaying lu Hawaii. tc, had another ceai storm which The Hoys were, expected an illed everybhîug. Some seven home bhat day. -They would foi cars were buried on the top be surprised to see se rnuch ni sud west side of Brimacomnbs suow cerne down since they ir. 11111 (now better known as oeftb Mrs, Henderson uobedd he Oshawa Ski Club ihi). that tbcre were a number o! The snowplow came te hielp courses the W. I. ladies could fir get the cars out and lb Ig take but that they require 18 o: houghb somethiug bappeucd ladies te, take tbem when vl ;o the, brakes and it wenbtbey are broughb home. A de- back dewn bbc bill and land- licious lunch was pcovided by I ed lu the dibcb. There was Mrs. Reg. nothng owerul noug to We necd te let folks know 1V get lb eut. Six ski-doos came that we are stillinlutbb land Fe .sp frons Kendal and took bbe of the living after sucb a Keudul folks home about sborm Ti 11:30 p.m. Some Toronto folks Mr, Kuzenko bais be en lun m wbo bad corne'down for bbc weekeud sbayed at McKeiveys sud walked over te Kirby wbere another Toronbo car IN NIS5K picked them up Mouduy. The o,4lni n ato fols cngrgald a Jak last .week's news - sbouid n m NcKelveys-,. The, Sixth Line read, Frank Nielsen, Dona'ld Gi was aise blocked and did net Trewin, Euniskillen, Earle in let openied Monday. They, got Trewiu, Blacksbock, GI en an tbe Newbonville road opened Ashton, Huydon, spent bbc a: wibhoubteeo mucb trouble. Tb weckend at bbc Quebec Win- [s quitc an extra trip from be, Carival at Quebec City. lý Kirby te Newcastle te New- M.adMs egWaig l tonville and back te Kendal Masr. ud r R e evnge but quite a fcw did lb. Tbey Anuse,. re Waeku got the Kirby-Kendal coad guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wayn opened late Monday, and bave Beckett and Penny. B since widened it. Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin s Mr, and Mrs. Bill Hoy bave were Friday visibors of Mr. Fi rebucned frorn enjoyîng a twe, Ernesb Irwin and Mrs. Mabel weeks' vacation lu Hawai,.' Bewen, Bobcaygeon. The folks wbo accompanied Mr. and'Mcs. F. W. Werry tbem stopped for a visit lun vere- Sunduy dinner guests Vancouver. o! Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wil- The W,!. meeting was beld Hiamas, Port Pcrry. na Tuesduy evenîng ut bbc home Mr. and Mrs, Charley Lang- M: o! Mrs. Helen Couroux witb maid, Sally, Tommy and an Mrs, J. Hendersoni presidiug. Faye were Sunday guesbs of Mý The program _was lu chargeMr. und Mrs. R. McGiii. r o! Mrs. Grace Mandera vho Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ra chose as ber topic 'Our Herbs'. Stainton and family were bo The coll caîl was ansÈwered Sunday supper guests at Mr. wj by uamiug, 'A Herb'. The and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey's, motte was "Keep Herbs, lu Bowmanviile. 1 of Your Garden". She gave us Mc. and .Mrs. M. Pollard gu qulte an interesbing topie ou and family were 'Suuday visi- ar our maniy herbs and their ýtors of Mr. aud Mrs. Earl _______ Ykomn, Cavan. ba Mc. and Mrs. Floyd'Pebhick W_ HAYDON end Bill, Scarborougb, spent Sunday wibh Mr. and Mrs. S. th Miss Barbara Anderson and R. Peb.hir'k.Sc Mc, Jim Litieford, Oshawa, Mrs. ilton Stuinton was were Sunday visitors o! Mc. Sunduy supper gucst with bher to and Mrs, Arthur Trewin and sister, Miss Luverne Orchard, M farniiy. Bowmauville. Mc. Tcrry Tbompson, Toc- Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, ar onto, spent bbc weekend with Ancaster, Mc. and Mrs. Garry eé bis graudmather, Mca, A. Beckett, Valencia, Mr. Oliver ra Tbompson. Beckett and Arvîlla, Bow- 1Mr. Roland T b empo u, mauville, Mc. and Mcs. Harry ui Hampton, Mc. D. K. Tbomp- Beckcciey, St. Catharines, A. son, Bowmanville, were Sun- Mr .and Mca. Floyd Beckett di day visitera uat Mrs. Thomp- and Marie, Mc. Russell Tabb ai sou's. were Saburday evening din- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gr e guests o! Mr. and Mrs. rurd and famiiy, Keswic, Waye Beckett and Penny. Mca. L. Grifflu, Blackstock, Friends, neighbocs and re- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garcard, latives gabhered ut bbc home Barry and Leri Anu were o! Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bec- Sunday dinner guesta of Mr. kett and Penny ou Satucday andi Mrs. Charlie Garrard. evcning bu heip celebrate Mr.ý Mc. and Mrs. E. Topple and und Mca, Floyd Becketb's 30bb family, Bowrnanviile, visited wedding anniversaryv. Coui- Mc. and Mcs. D, Cameron on gratulatiions -,te Mc. aid Mcs Suuday. Becket News îs sr ce as no one Mr. Joc Býrown and Mr uni d is travelling oiraccoýunt.o! sce Mca. Gordon Brown anid and coudcodtns family, Newcastle, wrcSi n- Mrs. Gcrýald Sliackeboni, o! day supper gucaba e! Mc. and1 Salem, visited bcW lc-Mca. George Irwiu. burn family o oca. Mc. Jim Rewan and Duy Mr. and Mcaý. E. R. Thompq- Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs.Alu sou and Mca;. PD. oopler, Bowv,- West, Mc. und Mca. Merviný munville, were lasb Malçnday Englîsb, Bowmanville, wejreý, supper guests o! Mrs. A. Suuduy visibors ut Thompson. Mca. R. Rowan's., iMrs. A. Tbompsou %vas Mr. -and Mrs. Eurl Trewîn3, overnight guesb o! Mc, and and Donald and Mrs C.. E. Mrs, E. R. Tbernpson, Bow- Horn o! Oshawuateuded the' manville, lasb Monday. funerul o! Mrs.,Horu's sisteýr- Mc. and Mca. John Potts in-law, bbc late Mrs, Idla and Blle wcre Sunday even- Taylor, Blackstock, ou Frîday ing callers ut Mc. and Mrs. A. at bbc McDerrnot-Puapbaker Trewin's. Funeral Home, Port P-eccy. Symputhy of bbecocmmun!- Mc. and Mrs. Recg, Brock, ty 1$ cxtended te Mca. Rus- Linda and Brenda. Bolmn seil Gilbert lu bbc suddeu ville, were Suuduy cahiers at passing o! ber busband, bbc Mc. and Mrs. K. McGiII's. late Russell Gilbert. Several The Edgar Wright fumiyý freinHaydon ubeuded bbce and Mr. N. E. Wright bad funeral service ut bbc Nortb-- Sunday dinner ut TheAre cutb Elliott Funcral Home on Restaurant lu boneir o! theïi Tbursday. file'sbirthdupy. 'ouru-, Mc, Roy Pteso i ap a- hablons te Mr. Edgar Wrighb., tient lu the Oshawa Hespital, Mc. Norman Wright bad i buvîng had un operabion. 1ïis Sunday supper wît h (bbc E. frieuds wish hlm a speedy Wrigbts. j OG FOD S-oz in lof Jane Parker, Daly Daitedi, Conut-Orange or PEACH PIE 2 iii8-:ich 24-c, pies 8 9c Jane Parker, Daiy Dated, S Gliece B READ 60%Wh.h~ 2 24-oz ibaves 49 c Jane Parker <Pkp cf 6 39e) 1H0T CROSS BEUNSpkof 2 Ô9C A&PTOAT ICE484on 27r 3 8oz pkg $1.00 , ie6ag 52c lour* .bk 9 4H1ý.rkgs 98 26-ca ine24c Elmhurst: took atwo g-oal lead early luteIseOndrIper- lod onr olsb B Wrsgh'It from *WaynePere u Er Stevens,. and Albrt Gre from BFob Sine. Cowanl"ville- then cosdthe gap on a goal hv' Charlie Gree'n from Ga ,iryI VauDam and Aif Aldred. luI the third period both eam added one goal, BobTuwo from A, Green and Terryi ýWalton 'for, Elmhurst, whlle Pete McCullough scored from Fred Aldred for Cowanville. ,Cowanville picked up five of the nine penalties handed out. Pee Wee Recreation Hockey Playing agaiust Bowman- iville on Thursday evening, ,Newcastle beat them 3-1. ,Scoriug for the home team iwere Paul Quinuey, Tim Jeu- kins and Jerry Wannamaker. Last Saturday's game was cancelled due to the bad wea- ther, se this Saturday should see the playoff games under- Way with Newcastle meeting Millbrook on Newcastle ice ,e hospital in Olaasf .ring a bad attack of asthma? r a couple of weeks. Mrs. Black of Courticr 1sited Thursday with heci laughter, Mrs. B3ob Young- [an, Bob and faily. -.Recent guests wîib the Yournarii vere Mr. and Mivrs. Fred Youngman of Pontypnol and Ur. and Mrs. Gary H-ether- ngton of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs , John Hle lust and family came dw .visit with hier parents, Mr, ad Mrs. T. Stevens, They und it very icy and too iuch snow ' o get their car n. Tthey hand to waj' lk uitea !stance. The U.C.W. have ecivedl Une plates. with the picture )f Kendal church on them. whichi are to sel at $2.50. Sympathy is extended tr; ir. and IMrs. Arohie -Roy mn ýe pasýsing of her mother, LIrs. Hiallbran, on Suinda, eêbruary 7th. Mrs. Jean Alleni spent; rhursday evening wt e nother, Mrs. Irene Mercer. 1ILLEN Mrs. N. Collacuitt, Bw miville, M.and Mrfs q. ~rifi~ wreSaturay Vený [g dinner guiests viith . and Mrs. W. Griffin, Heýather and Dale. Mr. and 'Mrs, A. Garrard, [aydon, were Saturday ev- ning visitors at Mr. and lVr5. Mrs. Tomn Burrùws, es 1111. Mvrsý. Lesley tBrooks, Bowmianville, 1hadSu a supper with Mr, and Ms Floyd Beckett. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cochî- rane were dinner guesta withi NIr. and Mrs. Ken Cochrane nd family on the occasion of Nr. Cochrane's birthday. Lat- r, Mr.n and Mrs. Ralph Coch- rkie called at bis parents' Joe to extend their has1; wishes. Mr1.1 Albert Samis, 'Universit.y Df Waterloo, was a wee-kendi guest at bis home aind stay,ýed an extra day. Cindy Brown, Maple Goe as beeni visiting Mr. and Mrrs, Wifrid Bowman. Mr.Wallace Pascoe spent, te weekend with MrsiM Scarlett. Toronto. Miss Laurie Ko4,ak, lqamip- ton, was a wekýendt guest ! f IssLillian Lavender. Mr. and Mîrs. Don- Cocbrane ndic famc.ily, Pori t Prry, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C,"och- rane. Mr. Wallace Pascoe s n s unexpected weekend with i Alexander cousins at O)shawaý during the stLorm that lausted and lated. _________ TH ERE ARE TIMES ahnyounee th AdminiCngtates, snesm tsSaig SAUSýtG4Fm sx Bi SIDE BACON

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