Cartwright ' Farmers, Pass Six Weeks,Course, on Eleclricit'y on the Farm' A c id n R un . P For the past six weeks, farmers from Cartwright Township have sma Jr., J. Wiersmai, Art Rowan, John Den B( <Ittenided for lest week) pitel in Bowmenville, treated been attending a special, course, designed to acqueint them with the back row, Aiea Manager Rex Walters, Mauric A two car collision on High- in emergency for bruises and uses of electricity on, their farms. It, was sponsored by the rural' Malcolm, Gerald Jones, BobWat Clifford RE way Tw S; ut n-Slialceain ed dscagd division of Ontario Hydro, through the Bowmanville Aiea office. On iDon Beacock, Stuart Dorreli, Gilbert Zekveld on atudayevening at 3:10 Mr. Breen, the driver of the p.,ni. .resulted in pçrsonal in- car was lso treated for whip- Monday, theý course concluded with a delicious dinner et the Coin- Faim,-Sales, Representative, Bo)wmanville Are juries to ail fixe persons in one lesh, and hic wif e for a broken. munity Centre in Blackstock, served by the ladies of the, Women's were H.- W. (Bill) Cookýe and Keith R. Whîte, Ca;r and caused an estimated finger on her left hend. Institute, when those present received their framed diplotnas and the course, but were rnot present at tbe dinner $15it)0 in property damages to The driver of the other car later were taken by bus on a tour of the Lakeview generatinig plant, non, Bert Arends, John Carnaghani, Artemio Ma' bth vehicles. 1 John McQuinn of R. R. 4, The graduates, front row,,lef t to right, are, R. Van Camp, J. Kersten,' Don Crozier en-d'Kerlen Clark. Davi4d Breen of Newcastle, Bowmanville, wes uninjuredPHogve_______ lis wife Penny, their two-end- according to the Ontario Prov- P.________ n, E. Fee, R. Larmer, G. Metcalf, J. Bonsma Sr., J. Bon- -?.--af-year-old con Robert, incial Police Who învesteted M~Breen,'s sister-in-law Bren- the m-ishepi. awa enidJohn Guanti of Tor- chaweeksiJ1n d,- l9reen elso of Newcastle Only minutes before this ac- onto, collided on, the Countyeke and hier 10 rnonth old son cdent occurred, another' one Ro ad One, west of Zion. TÉhere ___________ _____ ýkn to h ahd taken place on Enterprise accident occurred on Friday et Ga Hill, w1ben a car driven byaot45pm.Ms Frost f Ohwa Yp E ar Bier la the efternoon, ettun James Fros1of phmwaaptwo tin ent]y lost control as it rounded2:4Pm w cars, colhided on /1VD " a curve and collicled with tw County Road Nine east of in h4i ~P~PI~A~I< parked cars both owned b ' lirby ceusing $700 damage to-t John Hood of R. R. 2, Or on ie drivenl by Harold Copping od A paccenger ln the Frost ve-of R R. 1, Orono and $500 to BR/NG MiOTHERS hîlDnl Jsp ocad, the other operated by Sekomy 70~E U~T age -9, of Wbltby, was taken Mvurphiy of Newtonville. There _________were no injurles reported. Uà~ICmanvile wih hee injuies.A car collided with a Meck . . __ He wes released'the following transport onHgwy41o el day. Property damages wereFrdyenigtabu 30tr estimated by OFF to be $300 p.rn. as both vehicles. wereC., * a j $9)0 or Hod'stwo travelling ila>the westbound and $500 for Frost's. lane, just west of the Texaco or Othr acidntswhih ~station. The car, driven by IBw curred during the peet week Gary Haws of Bey Ridges, re-j Christ aeceived $700 in damages; thçonK 1 aelisted below. The New- onh; K castle detachment of the opp truck, opereted by Joseph Lev- .Sh I investigated 25 la ail. Only the ert.of Huit, P.Q., about $400. '- .8 p.m Zreîatively major ones are re- A short while later, et 9:10 Goe ported. P,..a car dri ea by Ray Wi- arei Lest Wednesday at 5:33 p.m. lis of Bowmianville went out of ~ ~ " them. H ~& VEY'two cars coîîded on Mili St., control on the Concession'St..Pi Orcrno, causing $600 damaeto es fteTann c~îed.~ Brown £~O P R Rone drivea the Francis Cowân crashed ceusing ý an estimated out t PkTN Ran $350 t h other operated $1400 i damages. dy us o ORONO 983-5206 by Kenneth Bail. A Saturday afternioon crash il A toal popery daageof involving three cars la the vic- IE Atotl prpery daag(-'MMr. ae ESSO HlOME H, EAT SERVICE 60rsledwe asdi nty or the Kirby Ski Hill _____________en by Stephen Pol1e of Oh- resulted la a total $1600 dem-__:f~7 age loss. Drivers were John je,. , Dowsett of Willowdale, Gordon .s Gray of Don Milîs and George Clýi Simesoa of Oshawa. OFF et- h'rday, tributed ëxtrémely 'poor roed --Carlos conditions asthe major cause 't~ , er Si of the accident. ,,' .,. .Ms Another accident due to -poor § road conditionsand rest.ricted Mrsi~~ &iu~~ visibility occurred on County Mf ...... .. bu I Ro~~~~Ead One about a hall! mile ' ' .-- Ete of tbc Oshawa ity lUne, P.. Flat.-..., a' Drivers were Joyce Stainton a .. Y D ntof Hampton and Linda Pyzek "w..» hîtrgi$h k of Bowmeanville. Damages .* ., " Ne d A N wwere $300 and $250 respective- ~M i Mr. IAI L roads and a roadway The charming littie miss in the above photo' is Tracey Lee Welsh who ce] r- Jefi'1 vvaicn narrowed by drifting snOwv brated her fîrst birthday on January 7, 1971. Her proud parents are MTýr. nd YMrs.Mr wer ciedas ajr fctrs iiDonald Welsh, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, and she is the granddaughte-ýr (of TMr. ai-ddeg > But et these savings, you can owfl a two-car collision whlch ap- tG a scod wtc eta oo sain. ~ . ene o Mnday et about Mrs, Leslie C. Welsh, R. R. 4,, Bowmanvîlle, and'Mi. and Mrs. John M,,archiitto of M 410:47 arn. on the Fourth Con- Bermuda.pes REG. PRICE SALE PRICE cession of Clarke, one heu'da pes $~0.00$39.5omile west of Highway 35. Theda ~~3995 ~~~~~two drivers were Rcad~U Lihm Dudar of Port Perry and Jos- N 1W L A E th $47 50$33.95 eph Pollard of Ajax. Property - M MMW' *Ubrth These are just a few sampie prices. - damage.totalled an estimated Tefothmeigo4HGbs GldnPuh Cote ucrprtFreye-rs - Drop in and look. We feel you must *' Lter oa Mondey, et 6:56 Jacketeers took place et Mr. bourg, ening, Mrs. ArthurRihrs Oshav ce hewtc .m wocrs rve y i-Murray Yeo's on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs M. Yeo visit- Mr. Freeman MCichglg, hott, see he atchp.m tw car, divenby id-Feb. l6th, 7-8 p.m. Gloria ed Mrs. Herb Pres- Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mr. speni tu appeciat the ialue.nev James Browa of Newton- Yr*w dpened the meetîng coltt Maple Grove, elso called. Ban Prescott, Mrs. Bessie ing t( toapreiae hevlu. ' ile n Jc~ An~d gwith 4-H pledge and roll eall on Mr. andi Mrs. Haroldi Sa! Larrett, Mrs. Mairjorie Bien- Mis: (J 7 fgins'of Orono clhded a haif The next meeting will be ter, Hampton, Saturday a ght. chard. 50-50 dra o (0oop er s ,yewellers est2o ewovîî0 held et Jackie Hulme. Julie 'Sorry, f0 hear Mrs. Addie by Mrs. A. Barrett. Hgwy adcsddme-Thoraton read hier minutes. Miler fel and broke her hip . adMr.Rg Vanilu- Steve es estimated et $600 and $350 Mrc. Yeo discussed on fitting She is in Oshawa Hospitel, r n r.R- respectively. £t d ~Finally, on the Sixth Line of a germent, sUhe aise gave a, Mr. Jack Phare, who is ctil Clare tree ile eas ofdemnonstrefion on tey-sti ch eat University Hospital, Sas- BOWMANVILLE gCndankeng nthree Msmilesn phneast ofdMr Highway 35, a United Counties lngLandbut tinl darn t rekaon, Pheond hiedad Mr.b vehicle driven by Jack Mercer Lmet tle n sa-LrePaeo udy e.SMS N of roo olide wtha arstitching. We closed wîth a l4th, to Jet hie folks know hie operated by Albert Smithofeicoslnhismpvng PotHpcausing $1000 dam- Mr.: and Mrs. John Baker Mr. and Mn. S Gobie. Ilt-er ag t Sit'eveice nd$30 and boys were Friday even- tle Margie and Leslie Goblea i dam.age, to the United Coun- ing dînner gueste of Mn. and were supper giieste aof Mr, fies.' one. The accident occur- Mrs. J. Rowan and Danny. and Mrs.Kef Goble and I'red yesterday t about 3:35 ,Mrs. Levenne Taylor slong boys Lacock, oresn ndy P with Mr . Hon King ofOU rs0LrnhPar-sen1 Mr adMr.Don Real and Gledys Wight, Bowmanville, 3 d y sons, Greenbak. this week. Mr. en Ashtonla, Mr. and Mn . P. deJong and F E I E Gfamily, Newcastle-, were Fni-Yurçidspi FEEL LIKE A G OD LAUGH? C.H.eS Miss Cindy Thompeon, Osh-Ir U o n ebe were.Saurda superday evening guests of Mr. adEamn COME AND SEEN 0%W â guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roy ad Etclu l Cornish. kaoorFl N E W S cdr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs visl+- Debbîe were Saturday even- adu i fyKtyMorw ioned that Debbie Bantame, Sunday visited lier, parents, CLU backg Plans for the Cobourg Drame second level student et ClarkeMr. and Mrs. C. Harper, Sea- Festivalar keeping the ceet hada poem published ln the Mr. n Mrs. Wayne Gas- Yufi o L MI~~~~~ and crew of Salome quite busy. Telegremes After Four section.,m M. eial ekn, bettkn EA R I ~~~~~~~While actresses and actons are Due te meny requeste, I have n Mr ReiadGshbàtakg busy eVer night reheersing included the poem la this col- ornt, vited their aunt AND thei unes, the, crew le build- uma: and onclde d M n. a y. bfr Osb ing prope and sets. However, Runniag GergbAsdredon unay DI ~ Pfta rthIe costume departaient needs The wind blowing in my face NIrt and Mrs, Vic Daven-thsal maeras uh sold sheets No eciai lc týg portL and boys, Richmond Hill, LTa IYIaTn ace-alyone'iii the No hurry paet owere Sunday guests of Mn, DLK D yOrnNecsl area Who can Find an open field and Mns. Hý Starnton. AN E'VENINGS ENTERTAINMENT W1ITTEN te drop them off in the office Let my troublesblow wedre S , sVuuofhaMr. 1 0 LVPEERSHFFR NDPRDUy day they wish. Youn belp With the wîndM and M e n, Kea Hardy Sports- Aadlneyerrretura. ofrMn. and Mrs. KB. Prdtt Çupids, rrows Fuit As Legion Enjoys SI. Valeo,-ntine'Da'nce Valentine s Day was prizes - Mr.. and Mrs, Ron u~ 'ated in true hearts and Sutcliffe, Corning Ware tpa f!b5wevrs fashion as the gen- pot; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis, téeini brought their Valen- Corning Ware tea pot; Mi. tine sweethearts to the Feb- and Mrs. Gord Tucker, Corn- rumary dance at the Legion on ing Ware tea pot. Sn 'turday evening.,i Spot Dances - Towel rack, GLueSts from near and far Norm Taylor; mixing bowls, wAere gr-etedf with an atmo- Doreen Welch; glasses, Bill aýPhcre c-~ cupids with arrows Cockreton; mixing bowls, Lois flitting -' riefly from hpart Hague. fo heart, breaking sne, nfiak- It was generally feit even sI' ome and rnolding somne St. Valentine would have others, been pleased with the roman- During the dance many1 tic a ttempts on his behaif, prizes were gîven, with theý Don't forget our St.* Pat- wýiners as follows: Doorlrick's Dance, March 20th. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Pcb, 24, 1971 Il 3, Revise Ro ad Budget Ne Totl-$3 560 The 1971 Bowmanville Town Roads Budget was, ne- vemped by Council in 1'is Burning Rectal Itel meeting of the Committee-oX-9 fhe-Whole on February I lth.Itlivd nM nte The a ic'gure lisF,135,600 and incluntdes $28318,5 for EJlsv elngSbtney caipital road expenditu- rre nd Reieves Pain As It $50.000 for general ',noed iim- Shriks emorrhoîrds; provem nente la the Ton. The -maman items are $95,00 f1Q-U-oU went satisfactOrY relief froxm fan tUe reconstruc tino(f Sil-'Itching Piles-here's -good aewG. ver Street and $105,00 for ÂArenowned research làlaboretry hae werk oný Duke Streef between fbund a unique heahnrg subsýtance5 Park and Baseline. thet prompthy nlieves tUe burnir-g' itch andpi-cull hîk Othen projecte include $10,- hemorrhoids. This substance hast 000 for rond building et the been showato,,ýproduceýýamtefec- intersection of' Base Line and. tive ratçet ela.Isgr-iln Liberty; $3,000 for Mearras properties aise help prevent; Street develnpment f r aonm infection. Concession north, te fhe CPR in case efter caýse vn srkn tracks; $10000I for a retaîing improvemaent." wasoted, ee wali and ramp e t the ap- areoag. cases eong standing. An proach'te the CPR bridge on this impi7ovemeat uns nautie Bl' il Street; $9,000 for rond over a period of nthe11! reconstruction on' Scugog 'be- IThis wes copsh4yane tween King Street and tUie healing substance (i-ye-- CPR tracks, and $10,C,05 forL which quickly helps e ha ijre improvemente onQue be- cells and stimiulate growýth c4 new' tween King Street aai Tem- tissue. Now RieDynele fredbin perance. The les5t two,,)pr-i ointmnent and suipoe-,itor y forn jects are fote ie laith he cld Preparatin £H Akfrif Depantmenpi' H ighaenew at-aldu trs-aifto t Hiighway 2prpsimoe fued "'Dea,' th e flt i mnreportedf, 11a1 mea came ryester- daygaern cotiuis for ithe o9e10 esdiv. "Didyogiehmayin"thhsbaiqird "Yes, Jlenry, she nepier. '1I gave hl IiaU t t Ve yereold suit of yours and that re3se bought last muonthi." CLOTHES CA'RE HINT: Steas fro-m be;verag,-es weldamrage gairmens ckl. ake them emmediately te your drycleaners for4)vexpert rf sioa attention. Februery 22nd - 271fi, (97'1 elF-ý,BOWMANVLLE 'aeed to cee se inaa-y ýE k E l nies, Guides and Cubs 1I1VflkER -church service on Sun- f' ~jJwu IT84 KING ST. W2350 itone and c'ahiers wîth cnur nd Mrs. Hewar nd'- CiENE "We Specialize lit Shirt Ludrn aven the weekead: Sa-, y suppen gueef s, Mn. and___________________________ RoeAllia eand Maste -___________________________ na Allia, Newcastle; Set "» .qwW evenîng, Mn. and MnsJINu O Ds Cryderman and daugh ONU FR. Susen, Guelph; Mrn, éi S p e Dave Crydermian, RicU-s p erD n n Saturday, c.2h rs. B3ilh Margea (eii ll e 1Budfai), -a former cc aioMpf G're-C,lnow of Rock, Michigan, wa\;s Mrs. Steve Doyle. r.and Mes. Steve Doe oug Bîve Jeffery and MI-. to the musie or Doyle were visitons inT-E QU R T day, with fhe fermer' H U RE liter, Mary Ana Doy1e, faurn ;uciph University, Guelph. s. Douglas, Joice -was Bobbie ntysunprised on Tue,,, evening, Feb. 16th, ai et ,Sh ro ai' Mrs. Lewis Bhot "ceeion being Mes, Joice e tday. Those lnvîted vere Robent Gilbaak, Hamp- Mrs. Duane Chrycler, ma, and Miss Phylîse Ei- puL ,Maphe Greve, The ladies ý1 o MTý N et veey pheesent eve- together. ise Susan Laird, Oshawa, -3 Monday lnho ue LMn. aad Mes. Frced R ,cns. IN PEIAL COLDUR' N one s nIy .i trait made with IROFESSIONAL» n and materials new-DYNAMIC kground assures lur fidelity and grealism neyer You must ses je ta helleve I mdling #nd DelivMr M PORTRAITS ýNABLE-PRICES ITIONAL CHILD the entire portrait photograph. w ýcomplete<d itt.guorgecvscolnri LE WVA SHOPPING DAY AND DATES Friday - February 26>thi Saturday 7,- VFebruary Z27 PHOTOGRAPHER'SFHOUES,- ih - :0am :9P.miý rer, Derns Zek veld; ce Edgerton, Howard. ýedman, Lloyd Sifh, 1and Keith Jeniagi.s, e., Other 'mstructors ýThose who aftendcd c included Clae Ver- zzarolo, Carl De Long, Ganeneque. ep ent the nd 'wîth Mn. and Mn:. id ta report, Mn. and Chas, White have ne- d borne, Mrs. White hav- ipent e numben of deys lspital and 'Mn. Wlite hie son, Mn, and Mn« on Whit.e, Bowm-anville. 1 APLE GROVE 'p la mind the teenýage Patrick's supper in.,the Hall on March lSfh. nrId Day ai' Frayer e nianville Ma r anLatha !ien Reformed Churchi .inig St. East on Mencii bervices -et 2:30 pým. antd i. Te ladies from Maple ,,Ebenezen and CourtIýce invited ta meet withý