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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1971, p. 5

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- ; rmpathy la extenided to M InthMr. and Mra. George anid Mrs. Robert Freer and Johns. family on the death cfMr Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Wil- Freer's mother. liams wece guestsaia the 'Congratulations te Mcr and Clarke- Stephenson wedding ce- Mrs. Gordon Clarke (nee viola ception and dance at the Bon- 'Stephenson) who were mar- Pire Restaurant, Lindsay, on .' in Lindsay, Saturday, SaturdaY evening. uary -20. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis YVayCartwright anl Man- of Orillia were -Sunday over- vers residents attended thc night guests with Mr. and Mrs. "At Home" in honour cf the Bruce Heaslip, Orillia. ý,I)tMr. and Mrs. Aylwin Haines. ~Oh Wedding Anniversary o Miss »Dennise Malcolman M.and Mrs. Alvin Bruce at Mcandewnviie frts Port Perry in Seagrave United lea Ltivstdfoth Church hall on Sunday Con- weekend with lVichael's moth- ,ratlater in St. Catharines. --aQnas. Nestieton U. 'C. W. Cartwright residents called The regular meeting of 7t the McDermott-Panabaker Nestieton United Church We- Fuineral Parlours. Port Perry men was held Tuesday after- on Thursday in respect of the floon at the home of Mrs. Arn- laite Mrs. Ida Taylor and at- od Wiliams. tende-d 'the funeral on Friday. Folowing the theme hymn Sympathy la extended te bier and the Lord's Prayer the bronther Mr. Wilbert Malcolm President Mrs. Arthur Hyland and to the nieces and nephews. read a poem "Tomors-ow" and Members of Nestieton Wo- extended the welcome to all mien's Institute who attended andthe thank you te the bost- Summacy Day at Hampton on ess. Wednesday when the finished Mrs. Arnold Williams was zippered cushions were dis- Jin charge of the devotional and played, wece Mrs. Lawrence chose 'Love" as the theme for Malcolm, Mrs. Walter Welts, her message, reading Mark 2e Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Mrs. 1-12. "Faith and Love" are R. K. Jackson, Mrs. Athur syriocamous as exemplified in Hyland, Mca. Milton Fisher, the faith of the man wbo was Mc.Richard Davison, Mca. healed of palsy and in Jesus' Ben DeJong, Mrs. Cecil Wil- love. It is essential te renew so.Owing to the inclemeiit that warm -hatdes b weather the attendance was "People helping People" and vecry small but the ladies en- the expression of "love" te j;oyedý the bospitality of the each other. This was con- H-ampton WlI. and were de- cluded by a poem, the hymn lighted with the tour of the Blest Be The Tie, and follow- homes of Mrs. R. Lambert, ed by prayer. Mra, L. Harmer and Mrs. W For the business period Mrs. Lowes. Malcolm Emerson cead the Mrs. S. Brooks. Bowmanville, minutes of the January meet- ila spending a few days wlth ing in the absence of the Sec- her gcandchlldren at the homne retary, Mrs. Norman Mairs. ,if the Lawrence Malcolms Severai thank you cards were elurng their parents' absence. received and four carda were Mr. and Mrs. Mel Switzer signeri for the iii and tise be- and their five children moved ceaved. It was decided to1 Ib Port Ferry on Saturday. have the Song Spinners of Mr. and Mcs. George Bovv- Lindsay present their 19711 rs5, accompanied by Mr. and Variety Programme in April.1 Mrs, jîm Abernetby of Bow- At this time the ladies willi manville, ieturned home on have a bake and produce sale Thursday after a moat enioy- which proved very popular able seven weeks' Florida va- last pear. cation. Reports were given by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers A. Hyland, Mca. L. Malcolm md boys, Tyrone, and Mc. and and Mrs. B. Heaslip in regard Mirs. Bert Bowers and John, to the Oshawa Presbyternal Oshawa, wiece Sunday eveiig U.C.W. meeting ini Port Ferry. d1inner guests with their par- The topic was taken by Mrs. enta, . Heaslip who gave an aceount Mr, and Mrs. Norman Mairs, of the 1f e and work of one of Mcr. and Mrs. Don' Frew re- Canaa' doctors. Dr. Gus Gin- turned on Saturday from their gras of Montreal bas given 25 .aouthern vacation iln Florida. yeacs' service te the disabled Mc. and Mrs. Charles Vine by helping to cehabilitate and family, Whtby, visited them. In 1950 with the assîst- Sunday, witb Mr. and Mca. ance of the Rotary Club the Wilfred Vine and enjoyed firat centre was opened in a gýnowmobiling. 1 . converted poolcoom iln an old Reeve Lawrence Malcolm, hotel ini Montreal with poor De.pu-ty Reeve Vernon Assels- equipment and thcee aides. bine., Councillers Don Fcew, The results were amazing and Noman Mairs and Har-vey he, having gained international Graham;i and their wives are fame, was, given the -prized attending the Good, Roads "Lasher" awacd. - In Bolivia Cýonvention ini Toronto on he be-friended an Indian boy M ondiay and Tuesday. who had lest boih banda. He Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pynci was brougbt to Montreal where elf Waterdown arcîved by he ceceived life-like banda. Dr. meropliane at the farm of Mc. Gingras and bis wife teok a d Mrs, Victor Malcolm on personal intecesi In hlm, andîay and landed south ef brought hlm home witb thern their hioust. Botis Mc. and on ýwcckends, took hmt Mjrs-. Macolm andson Mark movies and gave hlm gifla. enjoyed the novelty of a ride Now. after 10 years, that boy ini one of the amnaller 'plane. write~s of bis work witb the Mca. pynn's faiber, Mr. Les govecement agency iln La Pas, Wrltwas hem Iln Cart- Bolivia. wright Tewý,.nship and hec Ini 1953 Dr. Gingras made grandfather wasone of Cart- anon the spot survey lni Vene- wrgbapieneer farmers. zuela and lhreugh his efforts ~M.And Mrs. Wm. Johns a ce-habilitation centre was nnd lamly Markharm, were opened ai Cacacas iln 1954. Tùesdaýy evening dinner guests Doctora and niurses. received LA&ST 3 DAYS Pre - Iniven to^ryî AL Storewide Clearance Ail Three Floors 37 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE Pre-Sprînga Jeans, Jeans, Jeans, that's -whal's going on now on all tise - young busy bodies around a lrre. Cary'a stockpîles the big- i Satselection ici town for juniors, cassie or funiky, but- Ion-fronts, zip-frents, low cula, tweeds, solida and strîpes. AIL PANTS Reduced 2O01<o Reg. 8,50 NOW ONLY 680 - SAVE 1.70 Reg. 1100 NOWV ONLY 8.88 - SAVE 2,12 - - Reg. 12,50 NOW ONLY 10.00 - SAVE 2.50 Reg. 13.915 NOW ONLV 11.17, SAVE 2.78 FR1, and SAT. ONLY Feb.ý 26th and Pcb. 27th ""'- "-Beautiful things for beuautiful people" 8,Richmond St. OSHAWA 576-4441 Corner cf Richmond and Sinicoe Cou rlice Giîrl Guide Receives Gold Corci Districte co'rsiaenrr colt ecxpessed wiahes foc tise DvsoIhen from ber District as well. Sise offeced some en- ccuraging wocds to Jili wisich should sec Jill carry ber Guid- icig daya on foc pears t0 corne. Jill's Browni Owl Mca. June James then expcessed hem beat wishes le Jili since those Brownies days Jill bas corne a long way ici Guiding. Capiaii Bishop then hriefly expressed to Jili ber lisougisaof some past Guidîng evecita and isoped that se would, continue tiscougis as a'service ici some way to tise organizatiec tisat se is a member of. Jill's motiser, Mca. J. Love iheci placed tise cord around hem daugbter'saram. JilI ccapocided witis many a fine word of Thanks for all wbo ici acy way belcaed ber attain Ibis honor. Jill's cousin lisen pceaeciled ber witi tise Gold Cord pin on bebaîf of tise family. A acrapbook and apooci were tise gilis preaented fcom tise Com- pany. Mca. G. Govne present- ed a gift on behalf of Couctice Parent Cornrnttee. Gucats were inviled te tise churci hall for tea and cake. Jill cul and served tise Trefoil cake, decoratcd witis ber bad- ges ini frostingwhicis was tise gifi of ber Guidera. Evening closcd witis Tapa, SOLINA 'The Canarlian Statc-sman, towmanville, P'eb. 24, 1971 purchased, with a' splendid surer, Mca. S. Millson, Purch- supply of good books on hand. asing Commttee, Mrs. L. New members will be wel- Kellett, Mrs. B. Hlooey, Li-' comed witb memnbership not brarian, Mrs. B, Hooey; Di- limited to our community only. rectors, Mrs. W. Yellowlees, The members of the board Mrs. F. Watson. Mrs. L. for 1976 are: Chairman, Mra. Broome, Mrs. D. Taylor. Lunch R. Best; Vice-Chairman, Mrs 'was served during the social H. Dimbleby; Secretary-Trea- hall hour. Tise annual meeting oI tise AF IAL HATR IOPN Solina Public Libracy was beld MMI CAA C EALY IATESRC COPA O icitise Communily Hall on MMERCNDDEST SRACCOPAII'j 1-r, Captain Evelyn Bishop, Mrs. J. Love, her daugliter JilI Van deWalker and Dist. Comm. Mrs. Arscott Pebruary 17, with lise Chair- man, Mca. F. Watson pmcsîd- On Wednesdap, Febcuacy followed by tise Guides ce-Idiaplay eacis Guide icitise choir Gold Cord Guide ini Courticelin. The Seccetacy-Tceasuc- Local Representative l7tb, 1971 aI Courlice Uncited pealîng tise Guide Frayer. CaP- entecîaincd witis the singing of received Jill's cacidie anid cx- 'er's report was cead hy Mca. MR. JAMES BELL, 6 Concession St. W., BowmanvÎlIe, Cisurcis a special cecemnonp tain Bishop gs-cted Jîli s "Tell Me Wisy." pcessed ber wisbes as Jill pro- S. Milîson. Ducing tise pears Tlpoe6354 was held foc a Gold Cord pre- frienda and relatives express- ceedcd up lise stairway tornany new booký have beeniTlpoe6354 sentation for Jill Van de icig tisanka for liseir presence A guard of honor waa focm- Walker. for lisis evccing. cd along eaci side of a golden - 7Miia a ~ Guides of Firat Courtice At Ibis lime tise girls icitise carpet by Jiil's Iel]ow Guides. , , 0-. ~ ~ - Company wece ini lie chsoir le Company displaycd Jill's isad- Facisoh bs il holding - c~ sn th GudLa Sogas ges tisai se arned wisile Lieu- blue and pellow candîca illaii.i-.r.-e '~'..~- , tise colora, escorta, gucat of 'tenant Bondie Bisisop rend a was giveci a ligbted golden '- - iZ«.i. . bonor, and hem escorta and bnIe outlie of tise cequice- aii saseltts adies~-- '$ Guidera ectered. mects for eacis. As cacis Guide alocig the patbwap, cacis cf tise - Commissioner Aracotccc- finished dîsplaying ber badge gicla rccallcd some memocable - î§ ý.~~~i eived tise colora. Everpei se held a ligisted candle. AtI occasion ducing ber Guidicig 2.'~'- joined ici siciging O Canada, tise completion of lise badgeI dapa. Bey Thompaci, lise last - -a A Big Smile for the vvnoie vvîae orîu d The happy lîttle girl with the large sparkling eyes in the above photo'is Michelle Elaine Dykstra, daughtec of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dykîtra, Liberty St. North, who was oneyear old lait November 29th. Michelle Elaine is the grand- daughter of Mrs. H. Dykstca, Town, and Mr. and Mrs, J. de Haas, R. R. 2, Campbellcroft,_________ __ Photo by Astor Studio speclal training ini Canada andÎ,ýîj --,-,f the Venezaslan Government 0' strtd her scO R i pbysiotherapisy. Miss Marilyn Hamm aI1 pital, Bowmanville, on Sun- In 1959, when adulterated Guelphs Univecsity, Mr. andj day mocning. cooklng oil was consumed in Mca. Douglas Hamm, Queen's Mr, Sidney Lockhart ol' Morocco,, 10,000 were paralyz- University, Kingston, wth ýPort Hope waa a supper guesi ed. Dr. Gingras was ici charge -Mc. and Mca. Donald Hamm of Mca. George .Moton on of 186 medical volunteera from over the weekend. ISunday. 16 countries. Ici one year IMc. anid -Mci. Chas, Taylor Miss Doreen Winter of Toc- 8,000 were back to normal hife were dinner gucîts of Mc. and onto spent a few days last and ini anoliser six montisa ah Mc. Rosa Taylor and family, week witis hec parents, Mc. but 272 were cured. Tise Scarbocougis, on Friday even- and Mca. ClifI. Winter ofî World Heallh Organîzation n.CbHil built a ce-hbh iospital in Mor- Cb ii occo, also the lirai African Congratulat(ins tu Mc, and On Mond-ay of iast week, physiotiseraphy achool, Mca EdwacdFSrniufih of R.R. 3, Grades 6, 7 and 8 of,'Ocono Afler struggîîig for six Coîhorne. foirmicrly of Orono, Publ.c School and their teacis- years Dr. Gingras was succeis- wbo are celebr atîng their cri travelled by bus to the, fui ini opening Mentreal's new à0th. Wcdding Annivecsary at Ontario Science Centre, Toc- hoaital ici 1962 at a ceaI of their home on Sunday, Pcb- onto. $3,500,000. At Ibis lime 5,000 ruary 28th 'Mc. and Mca. Gordon Col- babies wth cruel deformîties lVrs Keilh Tregurina e- fer of Don Milîs were recent (115 ici Canada) were bomci as turcied bomne on Saturday dinner guests of Mc. and Mrs.~ tise result of thalidomide drugs, fcom tise Memorial Hospital, Albert Mitchell, Barbara and Hece, tise resulta were out- Bovnnaov-iIlle. Steveci. standing as they received Mc. and Mca. IHorace Best, Mr. Praik B3 Ardron, agc tberapy and were hitted witb Mc. and Mrs. Gordon Power 67, isusbaind of Cathserine M. electreciechanical armas. Many altendcd tise complete funeral Hall Amdýron, fecmerly of were able te, cope with con- service and committal in thse Orono, father cf Madison and ditiens ini regular achools. Turner-Porter York Funecal Allan, passýed away on Friday,' Ici 1969 Dr. Gingras was Chapel, Bleor Street WP.aI, Pebcuary l9tb, attise Queenis- succesful ini opening, the Toronto, on Monday cvening way Hospital, Tocronto, afier $2,500,000 ce-hais. centre aI foc tise late Frank B. Acdroîs, a bncie ilînes, Complete fi-n Qui Nhem, noth oI Saigon. a cousin of Mr. Best. er-al service and committal Twenty Vielciamese therapista ,Mc, Ted Dioncie of Univer- was on Mociday cvenicig aI were traincd ici Montreal anid sip of Windsor vîsiîed bis tise Turner-Porter York Fun- they wilis 12 Canadian doclors, grandpaccnts, Mc, anid Mca. crs] Chapel,, Bloor' Street nurses and psyslotherapisls are Archie Lunn, on Sunday. ' West, Toronto, Sprîcag inter- doing wonders in caring for Mc. andciMca. Ernest Bcy- ment Oreno Cemctery. amputees and polio victima. son of Kirby are enjoying a Congratulations to Mci.' Dr, Gingras, cemparaiively holiday ici Calîfornlia.. John Morris who celebrairdi young (52), bas devoied bas Mca. Cecil Robinson, who ber 801h birthday on Sunday~ 111e to love and service 10 bis bas been a patient ini the alternoon ai tise .0O P Hal, feliow meci, regardiesa of race, Oshawa Genceral Hospital foc Maciy Happy Retuins, clour or creed. He la tculy atise past ihree weeks, was Mc. and Mca. Gordon Powcer modemn "Good Samaitan' moved btiste Memerial Tos- vlated Misa Merle Power,i and la loved and admlred by Misa Hazel Power and Mc ail wisom ise bas served Hyland read "Wben Winier Harold Power of Oshawa oný tiscougisout bise world, Comes"c Sundcay. Mca. NM Hlland read a oDoem Mca Hyland and Mca RHoi- 1Mc. and Mrs. W. B. Hoarý "Mary's Frayer' and cen- !and a sisted te isostess wiis ýwcre ni erciight gueîk ts fMc, ducled a conteat "Hoxâ We lunch and Mca ,R-W. Jacksoni and Mmi, Paul Snedgcrass at ýKnow Our Relatives". Mrs, volced thse appreciation. Lindsay last week. Shm pan~d save (m bra aewSplfa i h Sew ap à caefme 8aen coo" PdSg-zi "Tevira" Pant Bi DOUf'uBLEKN IT POLYESTERS SPECIAL evr Fashion 's Frite Fabricl SCREEN PRINE Mï19 SPECI AL -479 A f on b I krit scecWaty ifSniend "TREVIRAà" SCREEN PRINTED KNITS- A better qtaal4ty fab.ic kitted Me T#eva 2000. Assorted SPdMf 71 colourin -" 1 the iatee cmbinations,5W-60, wide. >'HOB--Of#00 COTTON GABARDINE in isesekiio..4Lr~-4Sff widp. Y&e 50 WVASHABLE, NO-IRONPRINTS & PLAINS Choose fro om - sWadw stipe t*.4%am orted 9D*l-kf floral designs.. orwvesitextued Hor-efibtp yardI Assotcoksurý 444-Wwide « N~and Sa-tee osr Nn*W~s els -lM 5 KIG ST W.BOWMANVI LLE \Àwe L'-1 on5 yiar termn Guaranteed Investmnent Certificates. A sk about our -CASHABLE AT ANY TIME" Guaranteed Savings Certif icates. .For further information contact your financial adviser or write STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Street, Toronto 1 6,93

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