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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1971, p. 7

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weekes visit there. fDon brought h' s mother home on Sunday. Mr.Vetn r rprt ea-Royl rch Masons Honor Their Scribe Ei o£î1 9 eronaI ing a crow Tuesday morning.oy A c a rsEditor and Mrs. John M. James regret they were un- Phon 6233303able to accept the kind invi- P hne 23-303tation of the Courtice Brown-~ fr. Dug Hayes, Wateriooland, their aunit Mrs. D. H. their Mother & Daughter ban- ersiy, ecetly îsied is Jmieonquet Tuesday evening in Sim- sýsiy rcety i..te sJ. Smemiemebes fBOw-coe Street United Church, ntMr. and Mrs. J oeaeebr .w Oshawa.51 111pyes. rnanville's Curling Club found MIr. and Mrs. L. Lucas were it difficuit to concentrate on Birthday greetings to Mrs. iii Ottawa last week to attend tbe game in Whitby on Fn- Laurence Goddard (Ida) Who a 1threýpe-day Hîeadmasters' Con- day when a couple of the lady celebrated lier birthday Fri- venition. curlers appeared on the rink day, Feb. 19, in Portadown, Mn.ChalesEwet, uee's n mni-kirs.Nortbern Ireland. Birthday ]\Ti. Carls Eert Quensin inî and letters would be Unvr ;spent the weekend We are sonny to report thatpetysacdutohemi wiitb is parents, Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Eric Stainton, Churcb riettstil inefe tovethereai E. Ew er1t. Street, bad thbe misfortune to i t it ek Mni and Mrs. Tom (ýowan slip on the ice iast Satunday n t it ek Soutbway Drive, have return- morning, suffering a crushed Miss Elizabeth Braden, 'Uni- ed' f'rom a winter holiday in vertebra. She is a patîitnvesy f aeiow t TheBabads.Oshawa General Hospital. home for Reading Week witb TJ-ý-Barbdos.her mother, 1Mrs. J. W. Bra- MisLaunie Siemon bas re- Mr. and Mrs. John Conboy, den, Frederick Avenue, On tunnedcic to tbe University Of Jimmy, John and Heather, the weekend Elizabeth, along W'aterloo following a winter Prestonvale, spent the week wt 4ohr tdnsfo Vaýcation in Florida. end witb relatives in Belle- wte24universtatended the Miss Jane Mclntyre, Water- ie C maville. Mr Conbo iscoco Quebec Winter, Carnival in lo University, was home eth Pe Bwale-"CourticeQuebec City. recently wth bier parents, MnSpr e W""ta. The congregation of St. and Mrs. Ralph Mclntyre. Mn. and Mrs. Z. Adams were Jobn's Anglican Cbunch bad Mrs. W. A. Edger aiid Mrs. Sudyeeigspe usian înteresting experience wbený Tom Depew recentiy visîted i n o il. n Mrs. Fred Dayes, the il, o'clock Sunday morn-, Ottawa and witb Mr. Bud Nestieton. On Monday, Mrs ing communion service was Depew, Carleton University. Marjorie McKee, town, was a given'in modemn English in- d;nner guest of Mr. and Mrs - Mn.-Cbarles Cattran, Queen's Adams and Mrs. Sybil Snell. stead of the traditional .16tb Unýiiversity, spent the Univer- A hn alwa eevdCentluryEnglish version. Thîs ,tysReading Week with his hn alwsrcie form camre fr-om the Diocese yaetD. n r.C Cat- recently b y Mrs. Hilda Tigbe of Qu'Appele, Manitoba. trants iîs£Crom bier eldest son Frank, Mr. -and _Mns. "Jim" Wil- Rt. Ex. Comp. Harry G. Freemaan received a surprise on Monday, Pcb. 15t, M.Dan Hughes, IJniversity who lives in the eatbquake liams (Jean Wigbt), living in when he was honored as an ouitstanqiding member by colleagues ou Palestinef- ofWtroMa edr nte a Losp teles ad nar the earthquake area of Los Chapter 249, Royal Arch Masons.lHe is shown above with somne of the g ift e PtPdf n Waterloo, t hmesdur-gtemVeterans Ho sitalebanwa Angeles, have pbonied bier sis- received, flanked bv Rt. Ex. ComnP. E. F. R. Osborne at left and Rt. Ex. Comp1. Dr. ReditM:adslng Wekwîb ispa- elise.Hei afeadter and family, Mr. and Mrs. . Mrusn ent, r. ndMrs Genblm wel.Nelson Osborne, thiat other Photo by Farncomb Le(,e- e Hughs. Hrle eisS. 'a ant suits, wbicb are being than an odd tremor and a few On Monday evening, Feb. 15 ed to England and brou;zht bis you mrust have a lag room Mrs. Harle Leistn. bas wor aboal nsoe ycak utewls hye-at the negular meeting of mother, sister and brother to with many windowsind doors -ontuand daufro vîing bei cMrk n osocibv nu arsl opias ed elu nur n a-Palestine Chapter No. 249, Canada. His sister is Mn. L. as proven by your servcet son d M dagter-Ln-iw, Mn. n osca far etc., are age, and are safe>and sound. Royal Arcb Masons, the offi- Jackson. your community, churcb, Pail-1 OtandMswHa.yLeii making their appearance in Lions Club Hockey Draw cens and members paid a OnDc29193emaie estine Cbapter, other fraterni- Ottawa.sports, one of wbich is bowl- winnens are as foîîows: NHL special tnibute to one of their t formDer L9,î913Sd ties tn nmn te Miss Lynda Hostetier oif ing. Shouid make for comfort -_ March 3, Joe Flett, Bruce outstanding membies, Rt.Ex. h wayo te"Cl" is tcasnornexample you bave G;uelpb bas been staying witb able bending. Adams; Marcb 6, D. Cîimen- Comp, Harry G. Freemn tbey lived oanlthe "C oie fanm beenf -D,-an Ms.KethSlmo, ory o eprttht hrs ag, ic Wddcobe Maple Grove and worked for alogtm me erf l and ns. ethiem ont omry o are isor tuCnisha, DTick ie ob ate; n. The prognam began with the I. J, Cole. This farm toia Maple Grove Uited Cburch, Loebie sntcbing t Potomfli nonbra tisheginotunoD. Tnim3, L.Bob Mathew. ;Finit Principal Ex. Comp K. ls owned and operated by Ex. rece ntîy eîected Pan -ononaàry Hop Hih chol. o aîlandbrak islegin woMarb 1, . Bow , ndru- Sumersford caîîing on V Ex, Comrp.Victor Coolnson. Elden, a lay representatfive to Mnvi. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and places while skiing tbree skiw. Junior "A" - Mancb 2, Comp. Waîton G. Pascoe to give1 Confenence and on ocso Mn'F. and Mns. Norman Smitb weeks ago. Chnis, wbo bas been H. Kilpatrick; Mancb 9, Jon aocecitr fPlsin rmhr ewn owokhv upida asacb ceertdMs omn(e-l optlsnetel rg Hancock; and Marcb 13,. Fred Chapter, but as a surprise, the for Glen Rae Dainy and serv- er. ty) Smitb's bithday with ressing favornbiy and hopes to Payne.p i-',iine an a sow n Toontobe ome hisweek 1bistoric outllne unfolded as a ed for three generations of Pnobably most important of dinnn ad asho laTonntobe orn ths wek.Weekend guests witb Mm. history oif Rt. Ex. Comp. Free- the Stevens famtly. He was aIl, you bave srvd ou lai-t weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Turner,land Mrs.'Robent Gi, Durham man.,ey eenale oni sdchrh sSudy coo ut Miss Judy Tnewin, Miss Wellington Street, recently St., were Mn. aud Mrs. Barry V. Ex. Comp. Pascoe rýeview icr.I h al ash o vr4 en.Jahn M arlÀon Macver, of Weyburnn visited their daugter, M . Steven and mont-od daugb.. ed bisi Masonîc career - jo in deie.n hk een days ae oo J.erc4,5dren who. bave at-i Saskaýltcbewan, McMaster Uni- and Mns. Weldon Palmer and ter Jodi Jean oif Aurona, Mn. ing the Masonic Onder d e wee 365 v days a of een the drn Sunay cbol vcersity students, are spending stehn nNaaaFls r and Mn. (Dr.)siTurkeMarin, usalem Lodge - in 1924 and be- Cbristmas and New Yean's and during that time and havýe gonle a few days witb the forme'anMr.osTue, Willow- Kingston, Rev. A. C. Herbent came its Worshipful Master in al bolidays. Hîs bonse-dnawn t, many parts of the wuonld.1 paetMn. and Mns. Si Tre- dale, visited bis parents on and Miss Elizabeth Herbent of 1954 sud also that lie Is pres- wagon was a familiar sight on These cbildren wil carry witbI! wî.Tuesday of last week. Ajax, and Mr. and Mms. Imv entiv Tyler. the streets of Bowmanvilie. them many oif the truth, they andMrs C.E.1 Williams Membenship classes for Gi, Carnie Leigb and Robent EHis caneer in Royal Ancb He was neyer too burried to îearned at youn Sunday Shol Mn. nd ns. . i young people, 14 years ofl age James Jr,, Town, Masonmy began on Jan. 21Imiead bvl laatAypno odvtdt i uetlatunaand oven, began in Trinityl Mn. Erie Colville coliapsed 1929, when lie joined Palestiný gneeting for bis customens and famiy and Cbunch munst een,t unisLsMmi. G.da, M euien and United Churcb on Sunday, lutbe Oshawa Shopping Cen- Chapter wben the late F. C. lewoned nide tedH ainy a goo du scmuntad infliý-,p o M- nud Mn .G. F. Jamieson, Februarv 2lst at two p.m., tre on Monday moriug, Feb. Hoar was Finit Principal. wre isd h pr n w---1 ithaui lsssattre Sb. îting bis head on the 1ncluded lu the dlais receîv- in ail spent 43 years witb Gien the world at large. p.m. The classes wiil continuel bard tile loon. He was taken ing their R. A. degnee on Rae, retlning 10 years ago. Your fiendi are legiocn sud S t. PaiuI's for the next few weeks. Lo Oshawa Genenal Hospital Manch 18, 1929, were Bros. F. He Is a vaiued member oif your thougbtfulness andi kind- According t the Weekiy whene stitches were required C. Groat, C. T. Herrnîg, A. L. The Canadian Cancer Society nesi bave made you an reOut- U nited Church Report of Memoiai Hosital, to close a head wound, sud Nichoils, Geti. W, Chase, J. J.i.since its inception bene, i a standing citizen. You aPre al- wbîch appears elsewbere in later transferred to Memoniai Gilfillan, G. M. Linton, N. 1 Paît rcsJdent; sud bas taken ways ready to heip wben nieed- Mntr:the issue, that institution must Hospitai. He returned home ou Metcalfe and H. G. Freemian.'lau _activ e part Inu.drhving ed. Rey. M. A. Turner, bave been as busy as the pro- Mnday of tbis week. He was Finit Principal of patienrlt to Pinceis Margaret For youn faithful evie B.. ..verbial bee bive lait week. We Mn. sud Mns. Nelson Os- Palestine Chapter iu 1949, be- Hospital, Toronto, for treat- oven sud above your jiutytO Organist: ~understand beds were set up borne, Town, sud Mn. sud Mns. lng lnstalled by Rt. EX. Comp. menti. PlsieCatn u urc Mn. R. Mteaif, il corridors to accommodate Donald Mason of Scarborough Dr. H. Fenguson.ExCmpAyerfrdtogiioofhevyouta- A...TAC... patients. attended the wedding oifmiss, His election to Grand Supt, other fraternal actIithesý, be- ingcontribution you havuenmade a.m. - t3hurch Sehool Mns. Margaret Jeffery sud Sandra Wallace sud Mr. David tif Ontario District No. 10 foi- ing a mnember of St. John's to, yourcmuiyw k i l m.f amily,, Mn., Ray Williams in Wellington Square lowed in Apnil; 1956, withl the the Alorr Eceptoryý , sa-yutO acceptis ekst PuBîiLIc WO0RSHTP r Staluhtoti, Mr. sud Mns. DeuisUnited Church, Buriiugtou, ou title of t x.Cmano. wa asud 1DunmChapt. er, Ord- presented by Ex. Comnp. Arley infant eare duaring services Connagban, Town, sud Mr. Saturday, Febmuary 2th. Day- Then ou the îudden p' assing en of the Easteru Stan,Bo-W G. Nothcutt on bebaif tof sud Mns. Rosi Jeffery, Oshawa, id is the son'of Mn. sud Ms. tof E. Ex. Comip. L. W. DippeIl, mauville. Iu the latter, he Palestîne Chapter as a token attended the funerai of the Donald Williams, former resi- lie was electedi Scribe "E" or bas heid the higbest off off our aPpreciation for anl you former's brother, Mn. John dents oif Bowmanville. Secretary of Palestine Chapter Worthy Patron on four oc- bave doue. Davie, lu Toronto on 'Friday Mns. j. O'Neill, wbo lived onOtober 16, 1961, wblcb casions sud bas aiways been We hope this will be useful REHOBOTH oif lait week. for years on the corner of office he still holdisud fis verY active lu ail of its activi- to you sud as you bhave it on ChritianRefomed Mr. sud Mrs. Doug Andrews, Brown sud Churcb Streets, si pbf hee alos !thes.yurdkwilyoaewit Church Stoney Creek, called on bh-r bssilteprpry s h fices, bie bas filled them wlth He -bas ýalways given untir- ing up the miuts1i Pales- Chrhparents, Mr. sud Mmi. jacknow resîding 2t 20 H-orîey St. graIeotonoduy sd lgy of bis timie to ail of these tine Chat tmyrmn Scugog Street Brough ou Saturday during Mn. Gottlieb Astor tif Astor sincerity oif purpoe - dhgity onganizations sud bas earned ytiu of the esteem lui whihi their weekend visit witb Mn ýPhoto Studio, who suf ered 'a adefcec lRýscoigtersetadete falyùp- 1lý'vYi on Minuter:dMgir fmidber ttc hiei more than waî rrequired or with whom hie I associated. panions. - ev. A. VandenBlerc, Oshawa, Mr. Douglas Brough, Port Hope recentîy, bas re- expected o! hlm. He isud always has been a V. Ex. Comp. otct then Toronto, speut the weekend turued to bis home wbvp3ee b At this point V. Ex. Comp gentleman and s "gentie man" presented's ioveiyv onyxbs B.A, BD. M.h. wit bs ecpertig sd asoe called on Ex. Comýp. W, sud tbe Influence tof bis per- desk set tof peu suddck -1foi- Phone 623-7407 iSuowmobiles bave certainly favorabiy. A.,lodAyne ta review bl1 sonlalhty w111 always remain. îOwîug whicb V E. Comip. Worshp Sevice bee useul dringthiswin-Miss Jani Black, daugbter of penso nal b istory sud othr -pub- Ex )ýComp. Ayne cailed, on W. Teeple preseulted 1Rt. Ex. WospSrics ben s efu dni hsriwin-BobMr. Psud Mn. S. J, Bla,,k, wasSlic activities. Rt. PEx. Comp. Dr. Feneuson Comp. Freemnith a naý rd 'Of 10-00 a.m. Bîckle who lives ou R. R,. 4, neceutly crowued Wbte Rose Ex Comp, Ayre poiuted ont whti gave a bnief review of good wlshes aut-Ograýpb1ed by Bowmanville sud bis son Bob Queen at the Annua White the mary veny Padmîrable fils home Ile sud chunch ac- the 45 membeirs resnt 7:00 p.ns. Jr., arr'îved at Bowmanviîîe Rose Formai of Sigma Nu Fra- qu ote f bis chanac-jter and tivities. Foliowinge th, Jiiigingtiof Area t ply or he ee eeternnty, University tif Toronto, then proceeded to give s brie! Ondinarny, he sald. on an "For HesAnoly oo F, Baek te God Heur Aeat lyfrtePeWeV;,dFl 'W' team alter making the which she attended with bier biography of hlm. occasion like thhs, one persn u 1w" Rt. Ex.Cl p.E. F. R, Dial 1110 Radieo n utetf hs ahns fiance, Rick Hawthorne oif He was bomu Iu Egl ansd can a-rrate a Illfe tony but as oshomulua veypîtu Waterloo, who is a member. after the deatb tof bis father, your life bas heen sti î-ch sud nmannen, nfme oteni _Every Sundifay 10:30 i.m. Mn. sud Mi. Don Menton Jan, a pbarmacv student at the emignsted] to Canada situe' in 'full with so many avenue of that Mnreea bsply su amlrecnicset nvestetfToot, a e-90 at the age oif 12. His service, It requîmes teami-work ed hIr supporting ber hbuiand "Eertie elom" weekesfd with Mns Sidney turned to classes after spend- esiy Illfe iu Canada was dur- sud I am pleased to continue lu bis Mssolc atiitissd Menton who retunned witb ing a study week at home inlg s period mucb diffement Lloyd's stony. oif the recognditton sa p- 115them to Peterborough for a Mn, sud Irs. Mauîrici- Pres- from today, wbeu bard work, Mauy, yeans ago, lîke the preciathon of this byPastn ton sud Mn. and Mns. Gordon sincenlty of purpose, integrity neit of us, feulu love. You Chapter. He called on V. Ex,. Carnegie wene among those sud thrhft wene the funda- won the heant tof Miss Lois Comp. Nelson Wilkins ta pre- M B IV 0%mentais for succes lHe work- Suoxiden, s lovely malden from sent a beautiful potted flower W orld Dacy %of Praylker ýparticipating iu a curling even t G.v !nPont Penny durnug the nec- ed long days on farmi anound Mape As mentioned to Rt. Ex. Comp, Freeman for eut beavy suow storim which Ebenezer - no eight houri a aie you wene mannled on Mns. Freeman. MARAN THA it sother Ontaiti.Tbeyday, five days a weck - but De,. 29. 1912. aud together you lu isi reiy tx op 11:00 a.î. in luQuebec, the rpns family. Iucideutsiiy, )Mr. ElliotI d1IiIIVoLIlt4V tl f Grand CaptePrn sudal h HELPING I A HURTIN WORLD ~ Canuada Hîgbway, clused tn deserves mucb credit for be- Mou bavemayoatislGrnFntPicpl HELPIG INA HUR INQ ORLDtraffic, the anrteny or cutoif 31, iug the main fonce bcbîud ilfe, that you pnize aften your Congratulations sund best St. Charles Road, sud tb"eir Sugan Plum Mountain here in home sud famlly - the next wîshes forn ail present brought 11ev, E. S. CoIwell owu street biocked to traffic. town. It is an excellent place would be youn cburcb. the ceremnouy to a happy cou- CHRC CHOLHURBy a cincuitous route sud driv- for exýencise, praotising sud It la sald that "Service hs clusion. CHURH SCOOL OURSiug thnough 11 luches oif un- learniug to ski ansd luit the reut we psy for oun roorn JuiosIneredatsan Snirswil ee loughed snow 10 thein home, plain having fuît, lu the world". If so, Harry, JunirsIntrmeiats sd Snios wII eet tbey fouud thein driveway W SE IL at 9:45 a. m lugged solid, the front door SERVICELL Kindergarten, Beginners, Primary Departmnents buried uudeî four feet o! YOUTH WORLD DAY 0 F PRAYERSEVC The regular meeting o!f f the snow sud the door locks fro- lcluiofte-LJim wil Meet during churcli service zen. It's been quite a winter. TUESDAY, MARCH 2ND local unt o! he Welcf, ome 2:00 pa. - Membership Class for Young People Mn. sud Mns. Harold St> 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. of Mn., Thos. Wilson on Wed-ý John oif Agincount, were dia- uesdcay afternoon, February 3.00 p.m. Membership Class fer Aduits uer gueits ou Sunday o! Mn. nt St. John's Anglican CFiurch l7tb. postpoued from the à.00 p.nt - H-C 'Pot Luck Supper sud Mns. J. B. Abei'uetby, Peprne~Bw avîe uul second Wednesdaty. Conesson tret. n. udThýe businessý was conducted 7M0 p.m. Mmi. Aberaetby luit returned by the unit leader, Mn.Ha- on Thnnîday eveaiug o! lait Theme: WHO WILL ANSWLIR IN TIS nid Best. Many be1lted ac- 11ev. and Mmi. E. S. CelweIl will preseni. pictures week fomau ejoyable seven- kuowledgements were nead as of their worlt in Brazil. wekhldyin Fionida. Dur- ~ AGE 0F AQUARIUS" the Januany meeing had JIu thinstyin tile>su vbeen caucelled A1lthough no -EVERYONE WELCOME -iul h ~tç isd Ail Young People Are Encouraged to Attend ofcs odbdbe e Mn F Bradlev.Tu~n. who eivd.a ietter uibeîte i.spend each wîinter ini St. Pet-. Hong King girl stated she, haýd graduaied froso the ele- 1 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Pcb, 24, 1971 mentary ichool. Since s hîgb- er ichool would require lu- cressed support, Ibis was dis- 1~ C cussed sud the ladies decided i i C u a e S o tbey would wshto continue, ber support when Ibis lu- i, crease was required. , Roll cali was answered witb collections o! used stampi > ~ sud knitted afghan squares. The pnogmam was lu change ~ ~ o! tlie gnoup led by Mn. A., "~ Fond with Mmi. H. Beit, Mns. T. Wilson sud Mrs. R. Joues - assisting.- Mns. R. Beit sud Beniece were unabie to be present. Tbe topic was "Tue Status of Women" sud ws iutnoduced by Mrs. Ford ne- viewing some oif women5s posiitions sud problenis. Mrs. Wilson bad secuned a review o! the "Report" from Mn. ; Russell Houey sud nead from it some oif its necommeuda- thýons, most iuterestîng to the!, group sud discussion foliuw- ed. Jennier Payne, wbo hs working for ber goid cord ini the Girl Guides, spoke on the î . country o! Penn as one o! bier required projects. This ws an excellent introduction to testudy o!' the Americas whicb the U.C.W. will ha dola g, for she had doue mlichi painstaking research sud pn e-I sented ber matenial in a dlean - sud easy way witih pictures sud drawings. There wene ýabout 14 ladies preseut. Ou Friday evering the, Weicomne Sunday Scbooi ru-1 Dave sud Marilyn Jobunston Teen Challenge, Toronto, Out, joyed a social eveniug withlare to conduct su "Outreach Dave bas entened bis presen about 50 present, lu the Sun- Evsngeiism' crusade aI the field o! Christian service. Set* day scbool room. Games o! Bowmnanvilie P-ente co stai ah ttypes wene provided for Cbunch March 3nd to 141h lu- vices are lu be heid escl bat.-h cidrnuasd their par- clusive. Dave was bora lu s week-nigbt at 7:30 p.m. suda ents. Those present fnom Ibis "Pr 1escber's" bouse but reject- il sm. suad 7:00 p.m. ou Sur communîty wene Mns H. Best ed bis f atber's "religion" until days the 7tb sud 141h o sud Barry, Mns. T. Wilson 18 years o! age when lieisays Marcb when Dave sud Marilyi sud Alleen, Donald Nichols, Cbnistiauity became au expen- will present musical rendîtion Mark, Patti sud David Bee. ience sud not suother expeni- of the Gospel Message as wel sund Paul sud Peter Hoskin. ment. as relevant icripal, nic Road conditions were mucb Allen fulfilliug the position The services are opecn ta 1hi betten ou Suudsy morning of Directon of Outrescb for public. ______ for those wbo wisbed bo at- tend churcb service. The spa- o JT AR teem in whicb the decease cial music at Welcome wssi BT Yws eld. provided by an ail lady choir. Tefnrlsriew Four of the gentlemen usual- RUSSELL M. GILBERT Tefnnlsriew ly there, Ken Symous, La- beld ou Thursdair, Februar: verne Farrow sud Lloyd Kel- Followiug a brie! illuesi, l8th from the Nontheutt El log were singing at Newcas- the death o! Russell Herman liott Funeral Home, Bowman tle United churcb whicb was Gibert, aged 80 years, occun- ville, sud was coniducted b. holding a lsymen's service. mcd ou Tuesdsy, Februsry 16, Rev. George K. Ward. Teiri BeuiceBal. 1971, at. Memonial Haspital, porany eutombment was i Pont Hope bospitai but ne-Bwmuie.heLgValOao Bu coverng well. Son >o! the late Mrn d îl will be in Hampton Cemm Gloria Nîchols o! Toronto Mri. William Glbert, he was tery. speut the weekeud 'with ber' boru aI Enulîkillen sud at- Honorany pallbeaýrers weî, family here. tended Baker's Schooi. On Messrs. Wmi Rais Wesle. The Ken Dinnens hsd anc December 20, 1919, he mar- Mellowlees,Stiy Mlso o! tosehapp stble veus ned the former Miss Lena Bruce Taylor, RdSmii lafithweekhwpey oaboleir nsSiemon, who survives;' George Irwin, Chas. Ln dOws Produced twiu caîves.1 The deceased fsrmed for misdLusMïees Tbhey are baing uamed Puddle mauy yeani, ou the propenty sud Dudýdie. sîtuatad north o! Salins, un- 1111 bis netirement -16 yeansi AnIl NTC. 1 STÀRK VILLE M.n.dudrMn, Sid Halloweli :were Sunday dînner gueits, wIth Mn. sud Mns. Scott, Ac- tan. Mn. su ad Mns. Grant Syl- vesýter, Julie sud Davidi, Sarnia, were rtecentweekeud guests with ber parents, Mn. sud Mns. Jim Stark and aiso Mn. sud Mn.s Ralpb Fry, Bowmanvile, Mnî. sud Mns. Maurice Hallo- well sud famhly, Morrish, were dinner guesîs there. A few frim Ibis district ai- teuded the card party lu New- tauville, Friday eveniug. Miss Nancy Hallowell, Wat- erloo, spent lait week at home, returning ta bher studies ou Sunday. Miss Norma Hsllowell, New- castle, speut Suudsy a51 Mn. Liew Hailowell's. Mn. Ian Smith sud frieud, Tornto, were dinuer guesîs with Mn.r.sud Mme. Liew Hla- loweli sud Jim., We have b it ý!on? o! oun communiîy tlu the pasilg o! _Mn. Victor Farrow. sgt. HIe had resided at 37 Carlisle Avenue for the paît. 16 ye.ars sud was' a memban, o! Trinity United Chuncb,. Bowmauville, lHe was s meni- be r o! The Scuste, sud asut o! the Senior Citizans. HIe was President o! the Senior Citizens for the paît seven -yeas nsd wben living iiu the I ares servedi on the Sbo Board o! Baken's Scliool for aven 201 yeans. Mr. Gilbert tsugbt la the Suuday Schools of both En- ulîkillen United Chuncb sud Eldad United Chunch, for many yearî, served ou thýe Cburcb Board o! Enuiskîlien United .Cburcb, sud hbeld o- fice lu other cburch organiza-, tions. Survivîug, besides bis wf L,eua, are a daugbter, Mnr.ý Robent Jobuston (Velma) suid a gnanddaughten, Kathmyuî1 J ohuston. Alsa survivîug âar two sîstens, Miss Ethel GM.7- Ibert o! 25 Centre -Street, sud Miii Lillian Gilbert, Maru- waod Nursiug. Home. attested tn the very h1gh es-' Up, ip and away SA LE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT COME IN BEFORE CLOSlINGf TIME FEB. 27, SAVE ON THESE and MANY OTHER iTES (We reserve the right to limit quanttites) AnY Toe z. 99C I CORIIDIND 24%s Sugg 'List 2.19 1.;39 COOL-RAY POLAROID SUNGLASSES ALL STLES5VO Off (t) T.M, Rez,. by Cool Ray Tac. (r) Reg. by Polaroïd Corp. SCOPE MeuthWash & GargIe 12 oz. Stigg- Liat 1.49 99c GILLETTE PLUS BLADES Sugg. Lîst 1.69 BRECK SHAMPOO CONTA( - c 093c% c CREME RINSE lo's 9 15 oz. Sugg. Lit ti Sugg. List 1.99 DIPPTY -DO IDee-Tee"VAP-AIR" SETTING GL TlHUMIDIFIER 8 OZ«.-77140ozeapacity 4.e77mA SUG. LST .35i ngIi-t 6.95 DEE-TEE TIOUSEHOLD__ II TbII- t 1eZ.I WAX PAPER 37, LIJ12IIoz. 12"zi x 100 l'petI Sugg. List 1.39- 88c PRESCRIPTIONS .A.EMDS ALEX McGREGOR DRlUGS 5 KING T.î W. PHONE 623~l-5792 z 't ch at, t.- yn na il 7s- ed a5 y t.- ir ey t-, m J DO r4CMETHïNG ABOUT-YOUR EDUÇATION I ý with Aduit See Your Aduit Couinsellor EVERY WVEDNESDAY," EVENING 7 to 9 -pn. at thle GuidnceOffice nIeceson'y. fý% lo33

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