14 The- Canadian statesman, Bowmnanvilie, Mal, , 19-71 BROWNLyndaanti Robert armunc1-ce 'tlic irtli of a son, Robri Jason, ani March 3rd ai Petrboougi.Firsi grand- chîltifor Mm. anti Mmc W. H. (Mlck) Brown ianti Mmc. Lllian Gray. 10-1w rRA'NK ý- J - âm anti> Shirley Frank are appy ta annaunce tbcemia of a daughter Judy LZne 8 bbc. 8¾ are.s, on Mon- dayý, Fiehruary 22,' 1971, ai Me- mrial Hos-pîtel, 'Bowrnanville. A sse for John, Lisea anti Karen10-1 MUTTONi-l-aoii anti Mar- '.en e annajue the brth of th-eir son Tr)y Harolti, 8 Ihe. 4 az. o ueta,tMarch 2. 1971, eit Oshabwa General Hos- pital A brother for Wayneý In Memoriam COX-In laving memory of a dear niother, Ethel Blanche Cox who passoti away Marcb 10, 1963. My heari stilh aches witb setinese Anti secret tears stili f low, What it meant ta lace you No anc wili ever know. When the tiays arccati anti lanehy Anti everythlag goos wrang, I seem ta hear you whisper, 'Choor up anti carry an", Eaeh timo I soc youm picture You seern ta emilo anti say, "Don'i cry, I'm only sleeping, We'I] meet again came day"1.1 -Sadly nmisseti anti alwayc re- membereti by three cons Art, Clarenice andi Frank, tiaightor Flamenco, son-in-law Fred, 10-1i -Wti Wend. 10 FORSEY-In loving moembry of my dear mother Gladf-ys who 3VyL',-Jamio wiehoe ta an-« Passeti away March 11, 1968. nounce the arrivai of bis baby Yau arc not forgotten,, mother, -sister, Tral"cy Joanne, 7 Ilbs. 5 Nom over wiil you ho, aze, Fbrury27, 1971, Prouti As long as life anti mcmory parenite are Bryan anti Gwen.z las 11 rwili emember thee. _______Satihy miesseti by daughier -STEPH-ENSýON-J,oyco ant i JmRoa (- l-'te iesn (ype Campbell) - praudly anniounce te bith of ,qtiaugter ianLeighi, Merch SLet,1971, "7 lb1s 3I ozeai Me- mairial optl Bwmnil STONEBRG-Royanti Keitb- een (nec BrS-aiganc.), henpiiy announice the ariacf an 8 lb- 5 o-.sn Scot Alman, on Februiary 10, A bohrfor Dale, SeeBrian atic]Deria, Karen anti Denîsue. 10-1 WICH AN-Grry ntiJoanne (lice Therteil) are roudti t announce the birth of tho,îr son Jerreti Garry J7 ames, 7 1bbs, February 18,191,e Oshawa LGenerai Haspîtal. Deaths Bownenvtieon Frîdayý,Mac 51,h, 1971, Raleinti Baýte, S, ageti 86 years, huýbanc i oithe laie Annie Deacan,. dear- fathoer o.f Wilfred, Ohw;Robert, (Mme. Robert Biekie), Bow- mnanvjIle; Don, Petemrbairough2. Re le-ietthe MrreFuncral IChepeL, Bownnma-nvilie. Service wes _helti ii iJohn'e Anigi- cen iChumch an Monta a2 vile CemcEter'y.0- FOWLUER, Jamyes obriAt Oshawa Genemal Hspta np pobe ber ertt hie 93rd yeer, heet I lmnoLil- fian B?.,kat athor 0f /E.arlFawle, aI lackstock, 'g.anidfathieirof ERaberi anti James Fole-r. Restti et the Mvcntosh - Adme.F unerai Ilone, 152 King St -E, Osha-1 w.Service vwae ýheiti -sn the chapei on Weineia, a rc h Coano Cemectery. 1- N-ÎNEs, John -At Oshawa Genieral FHospitel on MWontiay, ~Mach 8, 197iý1, John ynes of ,~Lyrae),lu is 9thy-r, dear birother ai Geo-rge Hynies anti lte bte Raber.,i Hynes. Resteti ht tc Noe heuiElîoti Fun- ema1 Homoe. Funeiral service ,ýsa2s hobet 2acockWetinos- yda temnaan. Tjen'poramy on- tomrbmienit Ln ei. 10-1 VT VIAN, ýJTar Ln-i h ir-oronjto, March e,171 gt -i tia euhtcr of Camai a nti Daviti ivIn of Port Pcrry, Gmraf tani, Oira ac ~WHITETLouia-At eriai ~ospta1 BornanicmonFet-N dayv Mrc 5 197, Loi 'Wiltshime oPRR. 1, ama villeila ber 77th year. heboveti jv f -Wviliam C arles White, leer nmothet of Mme. Melve jKe-.rmitge, Tonto; Mme. H frls.~.Merel (ub),Oak 9iie,rantiGardon, Bowmnaa-t výille. Restei et the Noriheut Elliott Funeral Home. Funor- al service \was heid t ai 'cocki ývI0ntiay afiemnoan, . Tempor- ary 2entomhmnt Betheeda 'Vau i10- No0, 2Hy owaii 623-5757 D'IYDELIVERY 1TO: OSHAWA -BOWMANVILIE ORONO -NEWCASTLE Reception Mr, nti me.Melvilole ep Wîll hobc a l homne tatheir faml uî.nd frientis- on thie ioccaion 0f t1iîir 501h Weý7ddîng Ani- fron2-4 anti 7-9 et tho hom of Cesrdeughte r meMhapel .Puk, 273 Liberty St N. Bow. nirvle.,Bsi î h only. fFORSEY-1n loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Gladys, who passeci away March 1l, 1968& Three sad and lonely years have passed Since aur great sarrow fel, -The shock that we received 7 that day 3None can ever tell. 1God gave us strength ta beat It -And courage ta bear the blow, But what it cost ta lose you, Neoane will ever know. W<'s lneLy here withaut you, We mseyau more each day,l For life te nat the, came to us Since -,,ou were called away. LYou. bade no ane a last farewell Nor even said goodbbye,, You were gone before we 1reaiized, And only God knows,, why. -Sadly miesed by son Shirley, daughiter-ir'-law Bessie and grandchildren Rick and Jerry. O'BRIEN 1i loving memary af a dear h.usb:and 2and father, Patrick, who passed away ?March 15, 1970. Nothinig can ever take away The love a heart haoids dear, Fond mremaries linger every Rernmbrncekeeps h ir-n guerite arnd famriiy. in-[*' ORMISTON -In lvingme ry 0f a dear wifeýjý , Helen!a, who passed away Mrcha 17,ý Memory e a oely [le Weehearte, are ever true, A lan weso) often travel BýecauLse it leade ta yau. CEMETER Y MONUMET *MABKERS' IN .EVERLASTING GRANITE Our enrese-ntative will eal at yolur ho1me it eeIPgns %froi wlich You einay seepct or ereae the meniorial of yiiour ,cholce,é MR. R~. c_ LE omnil BRUTTER GRANITE CO. LTD. - PORT HOPE 73 Ontario St. - 885-5-216 INSCRIPTïONS AJDDTG EXISTING STONES,; Cards of Thanks Sincere thaniks ta aur maýny friends for c-ards, visite, etc.. during naur recent hospîtaliza- tione, Speccial thanks ota tose wha prov3' Ïced transportation. Charlhe and Lottie mih 1 wish ta exrem y icer thanks ta friends, nihor and -relatives for caýrde, visite and gif te while 1 a in hos-1 pitai. Special thanke ta doc-! tors and nurses for their kindý, services. Mike Kuzenko. 10-1 We ,wnuld like to thmnk qail the friends and neighbory of Tyrane commumty for thýe lavely dis-les whichi were ceived fram, them as a weddinig gifLt Janet and David Bet for ail the îove1y areflo- ers, gifts anic îJsit during my, recent stay ii Memorial HZs pital. Thakeaiea t U r Cunninghaýim, Mikos1adSe- on, and clNursFiig -Staff on the Swrgici Floar for their skili and attenition. ,Mrs. Jean Burracwe. 10-1 Sincepre thanke forkide- re shonwn me by friende ai-dý vpatvsbth during my stayi iiiMeoralHosital and after my return hi ome, Speciali thanks ta D)r,H1. Anfaossi and Spears, ourses and staff on Surgical Floor. Cheryl Wray. 19-i I wîsh àta thank my aissoci- ates for their lovely gf n fredefr many carde n frcrondtr» rasprttin ou fo foldraNOW t 'c-k U-' 10. Bowrnanviiie.____ "tountiersignote osoadc any worthwhile cause. bree o betitac sport atio yfroc' ole N W CLEARANCE > COW Manure. Wo neeti more presoatative an or befomo Aril 'abece beAoawelcomi1 e th jURY & LOVELL ONE ONLY: S44, 5S29, S23 cow manure, shoulti ho wel î 23, 1971; btheefothe ast A LuI VE T E T ýec hz lb vecm ih>rotted. Cali Broaktiale-Kings- sigoiidiestibte hasis VL IN ST freeh flowr lois. . or furtherUSED 1968 wey Nurseries, 145 Duke St., of the siiotl .vn e details tlehoeTRAVEL RUPP SNOWMOBILE 623-3345._-____1 ad ol atedisto 0/2Kn ý. saa567 7287 GEC rdeysGoeyCORN Wanitid. Anyeiý>jFn- DATED March 9, 1971. Evenings, weekends and holidayc 728-5623 teeestedti t contraci cam,$5 TIE& TIE 24-HOUR SERVICE O'BREN TURS 9 Ksg St F. Bowianvhle ontyool ton, senti deteils to Ativertîser Box 7, Otra Phono 623-3182 I)o I 2772171mcaUPO.Box 190,Bowman- olicîtor fortheExecutam phon1 Meio23S.,O3ew82nt 9.2 18,1, c/a The Canadian States- avleOtro Members of the Ontarîo Mortgage Brokors Association2-t DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.- 623-3303 Cards of Tanks Comin gEvents Articlesfor Sale'Articles -for Sale-,or Rent Auction Sales Seed Cleaning Sincere thanks toalal who StParcsDneatSleHA fo sale. Cai 6-74 ARAE navy blue and ,SMALL bouse in Orono. Tele- WEL remembered me while 1 was a Hall, March 13. Earl Browns___ 1011- wht, Swan1madei byv Thist, phone 983-5915. 9-2 LIVESTOCK SALES PESA O ____ excellent conidition, .$30 OrI'STORE, in Bowmanville, cent- at'Durham Connty Sales Arena, DSO N patient in Memorial Hospital, Orchestra. Everyone weicome, BLA'CK Western saddle.Cî best offer. 62-15 i-) 1,1 Dî oae. hn 2-21 roo-EeyTus. :0pm f I reSCOUkNTb ae Bowmanvilie, Speciai thanks Prizes. 10-1 623-7789. 10.* USD waher artsdmotrsne__ 623-1.Sellngo- vyhrss, at0ie, Swine, 2 oth rd e aedl hyin and ita Dr. Ewert, nurses and staff n on the Third Floor. Rebekah Home Baking and LEATHER davenport. Ph ne ipii , i-oovePr and Moffat CleSeP t. hrj ss loDsototo se Ann Rivers, 10-1 R. ýgeSale at Centenniai 623-3172. 10-1 * SimplcityRumnage alves SReidp, tonetc anPro- rse;as Dson nSe Hall, Queen St, Friday, March-- applianices-. Ne w c h roam ePRTE SmdhetRiAuioer d r- Cleaning and Treating. 12,14 ..10-2-1 HAY for sale. Blackstock1 suites. Paddy.ý's Market, Hamp- ed, adulte anly. Apply Statel- prietor. 23-tf l. O A'1 1 h fmlyo telaeM 1-4p986-4486. 10-1* ton 2324.___ 49-ffman Office. P10-e 986-433e - Th amî f h lt rs. Dance ta Country and West- For Registered or Certifîed Edith Banks express their sincmr Music by "Willie a n d HAY and straw fo.ae Poo4 FO 14inch T"V tawer TWO bedromr apartment ;also Autosaefmde an rytoanadSiu ceme thanke forthe many acts Daughter', Saturday, March 723-1308., 10-1'* structuire wvtihail channel one bedroorn apairtrnent. Tele-Acinaeo idr ad arSomn n iu i aniqut furitur, ofOats, Herta and Fergus Bamfley, of kindnese, expressions of 13 Tyrone Hall, Everybody WATER for sale and delivered. antenne jinstalled for $48'.95. ph22oe623-2672. Mr. antquefumnteý, Vproperty ofc lfafq Mr. K. Dodnevan, ribtes721, Becs-Venlad aane lafa syptyadfoa rbtswelcorne. 10-1 Caîl Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. Speciai oni colouýr ! sstene.FURNISHED apartm-ent, twoboroughi Dr., Oshawaartaoa in Elnar Brom,, cet the lacs of a lovin-g mother. ________Ro__ e,ýs6'23'-on Thanks also ta nuirsing staff Speciýal - Evemy Saturday 38-tPhnRyAdrw62-06 roorne, 2-pieebathi. Telephonelheld at tre atisAction Climax Timothy and an Jet and 3rd Floors of Me- night- Ail the Fish and Chips 40" MOFFAT stove, 23"'Philips - -623-2383 after 4 ococ.10-1 Hall, 33 Hall St., Osýhawa, an SE IPLE marial Hospital, Doctors C. yau can eat for 99c at The television.. Phone 623-5817. Friday evening, M 1ýarch 12 at Austin and J. Rundle, t he Rev. Acres Restaurant. Open week- ______10-1 Cars for Sale R Minbceoapartmnent. 6 'clock sharp: 4-pce. epool W I _______- house, $15weelal con- Ibedroorn suite -r.wîu EDCE N R H. Turner, r. Tormance tbe ende nly. 10-tf TRAIGHT alafaey, firet19'60 FALCON, 6 cyl., best venienices. Phonoe 2-51 eronsitpn he fî t Mo)s-jnr Chplan i Bowmanvîîîe Women's Insti- cuttin g, large baies. Phone affer. 983-5034. 101*- ders cainlcars wh epdi n a.1- K Kria ac 7-45 0- 6 HV -or eehne 110 ACRES good farrn land, antique chair, antique docks, 8-3 ___ lth' et Lions Centre. Many FIRESTONE deep freeze, 17 623-5528, after 6. 10-1- East of Burketon, on 10thi marble top coffce table, vanity_____ We would like ta e.xpress prizes including quilts, borne eu. ft., 3 ycars aid, price $125. -- Concession, Phoneo 263-2355. and stool, French Provincial Vok'Tne a ur sincere thanks and Sp- baking, candy. Aftemnoon tea 786-2244. - _1 * LîvetockFcrt alej0-p. television (like new), humidi -______Wante ___ and 35é,s ocaw .. ±or Slen______$2_perbus.,_fier, wicker tr-unk, antique WELLS cleened out. Phone preciation to aour famîlyan3c.Da at 8 p.m. 9-2*~FNYMlts,£ e u __________ friende wha shared the Oc- Bowmanville High, Schooi W. T. Cax, 1%1/ mile narth 0f'CHINCHILLAS, 6Ô animaleý, NEW one-bedroorn apartment, biail bench, sheý[Iepekin, bear- 728-8180 anytirne. 7-4 casian of aur 25th Wedding Band presents Concert, April Pine Ridge School. 10-1:ý' ilinese forces sale, o.quip)rrnntail modemn conveniences; 3: ki routd, e agon-,bbyiinm on Annivmsar by urprsingus 7, 8 p.m., Town Hall, with 1969 SNO-JET, 27 hip., $350) and cages for twa years'_c-1bryS:Nat1Tlpoe a c.rg, .2_2 rifle, scwinegWL Wit elvyprtit was Courtice Secondary School or beet 'offer. Cali 983-5872.pnin N esnbeef' 63288P01mchncret idbthone wh2e3- thr832k. such happ even; aie thane Char Strng Tro fra the etwen 4 ad 5 aclock 10-irofuïd. Toephon C borgeLIhoTEDnuobborenai1anique oot soal, hceibr- Phne 62-7832 10- 372-6790. 10-i'1ý-iiitoý,i P O O cp ig id i -o for the laveiy gifts, carde and Oshawa Symnphony.__ 10-4 STDEAERSrvc,[e unit,-valaienow for axv adntos al apePOOcpigadmmo donations with speciai thanks -SUDBKE erie eas-lti ftiuldsesgapig btk avig ta the boys for good music Woodview CommunitY Centre and used parts. Graham's IF you are buying or seiiing!an. Roorne inclýude TV, bath, bdi ap,1niuedse rahn, okcpyn . p ehower tel ho F1~~ n, cut lasspots and ing, eddreesinglael, ena and~~~~~~~~~~ alhoewaianwa 1TTP BN O Garage. 1-416-263-1233. 1-tf îîvestock of any kînu, cal epe IM pnsi Alfunitucin A-! ofovhedpoctsfr heiped make it such a lovelY O STRBIG GIBSON Sauthema J umbho nJhsn&Sn s, Live- DthnnMtrIn 2-33 'odto.Pa aatn.Alstrýpekrs. Cal Crntrnunity evenin g. ,Thank yau again. Next Monday guitar, like new, cosýt $480, ask- stckDRa.ers Bailieoro.PhnoTHEErorn-ad at , coF ecyeein:79rn. 6233181.rank4 George and Bessie Van Dam,7:5PM n$30Phn62-01. 759965.4t HE oman ëýi(nUispo1,Au i Pontypool. 10-1 71 ..ig$5.Poo6371. 05-3965 4fmile fmom shopping, soif cojý n- em ah oues].Ac - RED BARN BOAT trailer, 750 lb. capacity, TWOuerdhiesfrslDand dleony opt.toerMlsKnOhw AE I -FAININ. Corning Events - arc' nldswnh ad~ atfrmr the late Bittcry Farn, $115 ronthly includesfrde72-51101ODOS Salie Cub minty CG.IT. neriynew tires plus 4 x 8' Bowrnanvile-, de n pisAVe, heat andhydro. Poo7aura, ach2 t, e R S ,'platform and rernp for enow xeletsokadachRfr63-22 M___ 0 Saline Hall, March 20, 8 a'ciock, Tea and Bake Salep, Seturd av, mbl ruiiyue $0 lodei ,a, p ARTM1T, 4larg3room.m., Disr it ewandUse 62-241 -623573 Music by Rocs Jaekman. Door Mareh 20, 2:30 - 4:30 Church mbl r t-t6se £0aeadel prl ap r 1030 ar., ldrAnnuel Broo prizes. $3,00 per couple, $2,00 Hall, Tee, 25e. Proceeds for T1ehoe63-08afe 1 pmHlln ewovil 8-25 hea'and water supplie od. amMechinery Consignrnt per persan. 1 0-2* "Meais on Wheels"' project. 1- _----______ and rear catrance, graund 'Auction. Tractors: Over 35ý FREE ESIA S Everyone weicorne. tol TYPEWRITERS, adders, cales, floor, garage. Adulte oniy, models ta choose fram. Ahi____ -10-1 tC.O.F. Dance, Lions Centre,- cash registers, deek-e1 , chairsPetsAvaîlable March 15, Ia New- oua pe n ie sý Bowmanville, March 13 et 8 The Durhamn Coutlty Milk files, now, used, rentais, service. DOG Mý-Teat.-beef. fresh frozen.l castle. 987-4514.. 10-1 pouer makel sln sizes(sFR~ANK BRINK' c'cîock. $ý4 couple. Music by Producers' Annuel Banquet, Discount prices., Open Tues- eut, 18e lb. Modemn, heatedi - ---- - oral50t, artsealaboutr~ " RPose Jaekman,' Everyone wei- Entertainment and Dance in day, Wednesday, Thursday. Billaeîcg riinu0-0 3-a1prs n7lbu Trenching ýýcjn- Hll 1ý'dnsdyboarding..HvlegTann Notices warraat.y. Haying Equipment: SPI cae.Br privileges. 10-1 the -Saline alWdedy Hamilton, Brooklin 655-4179 Sehoal, Orana, 1-983-5016, f - I B ale r , haybiaes, mowers,SETCAN March 31, 7 p.m. Get your 46-tf corner Taunton Raad and High-I Dr. E, L. Ewert's office will rakos etc. Grain Equipment: ISALTO "ByGoh" "y arah. icktsfrm heCont MlkSEALEY 'mattresses; lampe way 115. 2t be cloeed frorn Wednesday, Combines, bced drille, etc. Coma R.R. 6, BOWANV1LLEý St. Patrick's Tee and Bake Coimcmembers._ _92$.5 and up; chesterfields; ______ atch' 10 ta Wednesday, March Equipment: Har-vesters, plant- NO SUNDAY CALLS Sale et Tyrone Cornmunity s-. -saer,$75 or $131, inclusive. <__10-3 es t.TlaÉýEupet Hall, Mareh 17 e t 2 p.n-. MONSTER BINGO sHcsvr 7 fr $4 .}elp V/anted _ -___ Orec TiegEupmn 623-7201 Sosrdb yoeUiechoestlarge pictures, Fast, efficient car wash Piows, dises, h1arrows, etc. _____________ Sponsh oe yTne n0te THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. $10 up. Murphy Fumiture, EXPERIENCED sewer wanted service FREE ,with gasolîno Other Equipment: M an ur e TJACKY BURGESSiF ___Sponsorcd by K i n g West, Bowmanville, for aur uphoistering depart- fi-up, Flying Dutchmaa eproaders, wagons, Cuh trac- St. Patrlck's, Dance, Royal Oshawa Minci' Softball 623-3781. 10-l* ment. Pleese eaul 983-5192. Gulf Service Centre. 6-tf tors, snowmobiies, trucks (for OIL BURNERS - 11JRNACES Canadien Legiani, Bowmanville, JBIE PAION VAABanuerf_ __ - -10 D.frn use), and ather misec. CLEANEb JUBIEE PVILIN AVILABE, anumbr ofDr.S. Gertz wishes ta an- equipment. Note' This ie Your PHOMBN HATO March 20. Couples over 21 O SH A WA 30-tf black choir cassocke, men's and BOOKKEEPER, Girl Fiday nouace the removai f i market place for farm me- PHOBN RAIRTO Moet weiom.Mayprz. women's; aiea martar 'boards need immediateiy for one- practice from Bonaa-tjville t chinery, Your ooportunity ta Admission $3 per couple.i 02* SUNNYSIDE PARK :and ehildren's boanies ta girl office; minimum two years Ajax, 23 trnperor St, Op)ýpositelbuy Your farm epquýiprnent for,2325 10-___match________ Advertiser-180, experience, others need not thehosptal,_942-7631.1 10-2 the comiag seasn, w\éith ly 'Mail Address: MONSTER BINGO T /emThe Wri ______ pl.NetigFuntue t.,1P.O. Box 43 - Bwani The Mrtha Graup af StC Boxhe anaden Semen eppyetn umiueLdNOTICE 0F-MEETING (0F--15(0 units ta choose fromt. Why John's Spring Rummage Sale,'O 9, i t9-2 .o98-12.1- SHAREHOLDERS 0F nat plan ta attend, and Jainth___ __30t Thursday Nrsay îght __rgowngnu __ f at pe s___ Ai 7:45HOUSEKEEPER, aeo40 or THE PORT DARLINGTON eergruoiag numbrf st'lP SONe ta 9 p.m., Friday, î6th from N EE DLIARAORlCOePANY lergeet mchîoery actions TA 9 ta 12, ta the Parltsh Hall. RED BARNSU P UM j $120 per month. Write Adver- IRO CMA-1 1rgýtmhipvPwon N O ET X C'offee and dont. P sn AW tiser 182, c/o The Canadien TAKE NOTICE that pursui- aenywhcre!Mcinr n i-REU N Mtlbak eio Hl, au tatesman, P.O. Box 19, ant taordra h urm playv, Frda, Mrch ilth. 1 Lan- idT (ep Caunty andWesten Dano, TRNTVJA HARV Y PARNER BwmanvhleOnt. _ îoîCour't of Onitaro dated the 3id cated 1 rmile Eest 0f Brook-.T hr ndT eoa HAR Edcay fMhA.171 c iorner of Thiickson RaPeae day, Merch l3th. Mulsie byCLASS "A" meebenie for I-neeing 0f theSaeoieso Hgwy41111nerchantge JAMES BELLý Fay Adameni "The Country O RuOOO98-26 ternational Truck Dealersi ïyl0fTue :ýPort Derliýiingon Hemýi- 68 (between Whitby and !Oslie- 6CNESO TETW Hits".$30 per couiple. Daneý-,T (Zenith 14620) Experienced man that ce orCopn"i ohliA,à) ton5 miles nýortb1 on6 ing 9 -1 Bar piiee.-- ___9-3 work without supervision. 25 Wharf Road, Port Derling- Th1ieke.onr F(aad Termes: Cash OMAVLLj- lo-l* FLOI)-&, A~ ~ Phono or apply to J-Marj ton-, Ontario, on Saturdey, tc o rei fir:nancing aveilabie TEN DAYSQUIwMENT CO. Equipment Ca., 134 Ring St. 17th day af Arl 91,e ngouade, make arne Dence, Seturdey, Merch 2Oth.E., Bowrnanville, 623-5689. dyepoclckl the97-n1,g ot '1 r I r a ale urne). Noa an SpcelCuar hdWstr ID-ERM BlRh a 28th Nowl the ime F.nn1ingEastern Standard Tirne, for the Ireservop. Weether conditions: Appliance Ser-nvice Baltimare Hall, Co'usin Lupe s (I E_ -RA)Jeca pilgFnnin -fîaig'upssSale under caver (large tent) CountryRhth Kings, 1970 Program an moet International1 SATLES-Sell Goodyer Fîex- olwn upss Meals anti refreshments aveul- Commercial and Dmci W,,estern Band Champions et ~ a±onî Harvostor Tractors and Equip- A-Roof anti Plasti-Glas ta 1-To elee iectoti D rs fai er an eoMrRfieain-MI olr Coaktawýn. Jim Fisher, Caîl- Escorted - 23 Days ment purehaseti with tractars. institutionai, commercial and the Company ta hold office (416 eryKhSaeMr,1ergrain-NLMCIr e;Don Ceisie, MC. and West- April 17th ta May 9th Waiver of finance until Oct, industriel accaunts. Addition- until the next-An:nuai Meet- (46-668-6189. Bill Walker Phone BERT SYVER er;, 10e*17,o eaeo.cs lceia iegvsyuigo h hrhles nd HenKhn, Auctioneers. Days -623R-5774 cmsigr.10kFor furthier information contact lst, 191jrreaeo as ice1clln0ivsyuig-ft2Sarhles purchaes fromn International wide range of prospects and 2-To appoint. Auditors and 1- Nightc 2337 Jury & Lovell on Tractors.commission potentiel.. Airmeil authorize the Directors ta fix Lne crwtr TRENTWAY Juy&Loel on'Tat las your spring reply tai Dept. C90, Consolî- their rernuneration. Straac OhCr-and EETI TOURS Travel Agency tune-up 'til seeoding tirne. . dated Paint & ans (Cana- 3.. To approve, ratify andi Dcta alo ieskant 19 King St. E., Bowmanvillleeheuettoy.d)L.,P.Bx96Mn- adopt anti con irrn ali acts, by- mlmnt:6 1ed fH 1 A PEAL FO62-12134 King St. E., Phone 623-5689 roal N. 459, Queboc. 10-1 Iîawe, proceedilnge antioti-iîngs sidaA 8-3 _____ 10-1 SELL REAI, ESTATE donc by the prosent Directors cti,5 eitrd 0K R A E asPt ncesWeeMargarer C H os- HOME GYMv'I Jain Ontaria'e mast pro- or acting Directors anti Offi- grades, ciessifieti1 with 7 Goati A T Hrnes ausae wliHo rsie Raltar speciaiizing cors or Acting Officers af the, lu, salý0 e, nR.O.P. sieUT-- tepitai "Open HueO IAb gesieoftefidbeoe ao.o R,..sn NE VORK CITY heiti Suaday, March 141, from No A ala e in rural, tawn anti vacation Company up ta the date efthWMrc 170Cac uttadi NASHIVILLE, TENN. 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p m., et 500 VU RA praperties. No experienco Meeting. com-rpletet recordi, 305 daysVi~ E K R WAHNTN .. Shorbourne Street. Tours of IN O-.,AE necossairy, full or 'part tirno 4--To transeet such other 14,1835 miik, 607 fat, 10 la 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICIf AWriISTh NtO lt, 1971 the Research anti Treatmeat For the Finýest lu EFxercisers basic. Excellent commission business as may properly carne service tao Elrncroft Pontiac Centres, as weli as the Latigo SEE HOME GYM aorratnge nt orfthOmra before tho Meeting. Chieftain, 6 la service ta Rose WeTwYun Foýr Jfurther information contact will ho conducteti by qualifietifrmto cont-1tO DATED et Toronto the 3rdiVegas R o ck m an J us t ice. One Month FREE STORA,1GE T ~ T i staff, No patients wili ho It's fun and relaxing to ex- Chisholm, RH..f No. 5 Belle-d fom ou ju ry & ±.ovell sec n. Buses wil bave Bow- erciso iu your ownlhomne'with ville, .962-7686, H. Keith Ltrn- dyo arh . 1971 CiDaugtenssei of Ereraldale ________1ednsoMaxsDark Car Whiie ln My Care TraelAgecyet1 pm~reumnng~ ~jM0Je ecrt f tetReltAR -IM Tenders Wanted Leader, Flemningtiele Porceus 623-5756 1King St. E., Bowmanville tuin faro wili e ho ot ,0, orted et ail times. For FREEF ______ ____ ___ Mark ant iother outstanding- 623-182Please 'phone the fallowing. Home Demonstration EPEENAVSUnited oÇties of unit sires. 502 lbs. No. 1 Miik83 8-3 Mr. Carence Bell Mm.539 REQUIRED lc ui Quota-selles uhject ta OMMB Mmc Bort Syer 623-539, s hone 723-8344 Ca you spare 2 boume a Northumerblend :and. Duhe appraval. 'Daviti Brown trac- Repairs EUCPRE CARD PARTy George Ward 623-5721, Mmc 7. 1* day? Do you want ta benk a TENDERS FOR MATERIALS tý, or, Davidi Brown 3-furrow Memnoriel Park Ciubhouse John Wrry 623-2823. 8-3- substantiel amount of mancy ADSRVCSpluh New Hoîlanti powr achRparn LhryouhSEED GRA IN oach month? We have open- mNoERIE ý1twer, ceri-maunt; New Hol- ac Reainc Liuesd tMar lohuBth TOP QUALITY ings in the Motar Club Field, SEPARATE SEALED Tenid- antibe conditioner. PTO; M- Certified Wetchmaker «. wlth Htgh Guaranteeti new antios ianymrkda'a o-FNa. 10 haler, A-C 66 carn- Canadien Jewellers' Accn, 8 P.M. TOURS - Florida, epeciai rates Bcd Variety mof mnwicmisin.Cnattente wilho recoivoti by t inePO 90Chvoe Door Prize - Admn,issin 50e Mid-Winter Break, Mer. 1E8 Don Poiishuk, 1200 Beivedero undereigneti until, 12:00 Nuon, ton *Lruck, chicol plough, John Marr's Tewyelle-.ra Proceede Crïppled Clhiiý'4ren's Many Other Depertures O . . , arey St., Ohhawa, Phono 725-8,402.LcaTmesdy ac 0 91 Deecm ln~3p. 8' Scoo ndCinethrough April 1A1se hîgh-yedî FUNKS - 8-4fo0te, î* eyee nptar, N 3 Holti 39 King St. 1W. - - - 10-_1 CeliMnria - Deperting April 20' freed ollwin manure eproatior, PTO; ful9t ColoialVirini & ew orkorn HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A (1) Ernuisians forSufc lineo f modemn machinery, De- Pro-Natal Classes for Bow- Mrh31-Arl7 1 E E M R BIG INCOME Treatmeat Lvl2 menville anti District, Tues- Sunfinier Tours -MWest Coast, Mail This Coupon Today (2) D.H.O. Primer 2Lavra -cn hik miik tunk, hWantri:ed Fr day. M\arch 3th, 7:3 :30 Gespe, Maritimes, Cape Cod,l 2A M THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CO, (3) Fumnace O niesl nt, eh us-DA nt rppeiFm p.301 hettjhuse oi NwoniadF R S aiby, straw, grain, quantity of S. 1.tock_ Maewili PFur Farmi