]Kngst. East, lànwrecupert uisLan Ho nm i r C agd b M a 1ating et home afler spendîng'e-in Ho nm l l h n e the pat fel weêks asapt- octal & ~~ersona lent, flrstof Marnorial Hospi- _ . of an hrautadisc nd beqentrp ý-.' 'l 'Mi, and Mrs. Donkèý(nft tnh- tron e piain- Atc9h ie Mason Scaihonough were ini town onlvica of World Day of Pnsyey was aowdta un home, >~~~~,.~ ~ .~ a Saturday and cailed on rala- held iu Manantha Chunch on hae stilli mua hava compila[ ,.",.,., +uvas nd frands.Friday, Mrs. Groen's messagelbed leat fr qite soýme lim.i Mn. aud Mrs. George Weekes 1-as bsucare and commandîng. Mr. Allisont, whol haCania-I, -.fWindsor wana weakend1 Mr. and Mns. M. Preston, dian- Director o f the URCL- ~ ~ ~ ~ "" " guestu with Mr. and Mns. Alan town, Mn. adMs i o- P.W.A. sud bas hed tis posi -l~~ uii~~ H. Osbornue.Brown Stneet. dan, R. R. 2, Bomnil tn ion for, thepaîtls 22 yesrs, is l,.... , Mn. and Mns. Edwin Cook, Mn. and Mns, Genn-y PetUErsonhopîiig that bý1'is ncovany w lt r J Ontario Street, ecently ne- Of Oshawa halidayad last not ha pnalong-ed as ha bas a..' ýtunued tram a lx o-week win- week lu Quéec City and at- vary beavy busFiiness achedula , tan- holiday at Key West, Fia-. tended the Canadian Curling in the comng ýïmouthaI. rida. ~Cbampionship M c Do nalId' s Apo aey 50 fiand Mi. Gary Preston',' lrent Bier. au rlaive ttelndec[asu UnienstyluPetanbonougih, M.adMn.JmCrzaprise pal-ty held on Satluda tpii he - weekeud with bhisKingston, aspent tha wea deeigat l eiec fD pirnl, Mr ndMs Lo with lbar panants, Dr. and Mns. uîd M.Keith Siemn un panans, M. ,,~ Mn Llod Kath Semon Mn.Crazen of Mnw;ur1 R. Jam3es' . Preston.n.M. i,,,,rÎ Dr,. sud Mrs. H. B3. Rundlia memben of tha teachîng 61 itda. in t h af Sdenhm Huh Seoolpanty a fondue diinuenwvas 1beld - r-eturuad cihome lasiSatuirday staffaIofheyhomeaof Mr. aud Mrs aiflan-noron nm aail -1ejay- sud Mrs. Crozier attends 74ac- a:ble two--week hiolîiday aI St. Artbur Collage, Quee n ui- amanis' youngarso ad anb rclesbu.g an Sarsota FIoýverîtyta-iui-law, Mn. aand Mns. Doug- Peteshug an Saasot, Fa- Xersty as Jam-nes. Among thase pres- rida. Bawmaoiville Mînn Hocnkeyceut atIeclbatoifo Lions Clubh hockey da Teama wene so succeýsaful on out-of_,.toqIwn we their aider, wviuuers are as alow:N-1+1-, Satunday that The Statesmnan soui and dauighter-iu-law Mr 01,> Manch 20, James nr, Fred may have ta close for the tour- audMn Norman Jamecs of Leydeu; Jr. "A",Mac 23, nameut in Midlsud ou Manch Landau, Mn, sund Mrs. D1on Brian Smyth, auld March 27, 25, 26 and 27, as many of the Mason, cnoog, n n.i. K. Luxton. iltaff ara învolved with teama Mns. GeorgeWakes, Wido,"M~' . Miss Florence G oinr f aS Parents, coaches on friands Mn. sud iMrs. J. Crolzian,Kîg ai. Chutrch Street, netunuad home of playens panticipating. stan, Mn. sud MnirJis. Frank Tr............ . »F'v ý %i~."'n-.i racetly afltan spendinig six Mn. Norman James, Ronald ney sud %Mnts, Lesr Eagle-son, afl weeks wtbhanie niecqe sud hus- sud Michael, Landau, Ont. ofOsaa Kindengyarten pup-ila ifroimn East Maple G;ravel for eating. They were accomrpaied by thel' teachens 'baud, Mn. aod Mns. L. Rab-ispeot a few days isat wek A postcand from the DavepUîCSha eevd oepatcnisruto aIMs agae aisadM.JonTeer1uce enta, Chattanooga, Tenu. -, ithbrprnsM.sdMPrica "Canada Calliug" pnag-;Pbi colrciei pcklisrcinýs agrtbve n i onTeer üce Mn. ud rs. ougas ih m.lirpacuntgS., sd a-rmaMeuracaPv l hy t eak aiDykstra's Frigîd Lacker System, on how the HarnTy Bauwhuis 'la explaini details of his trade using ails, Raleigh, North Canolina,ltne the fluneral last Tlus editon tram Mn. sud Mrs. . aias thay sec in the bairnyard are chang,ýed mbt food a sida of par1k, are visiing their pananIts, Mr.:day of hanr uncle, Mn. C4,cil A. Dilling whoaren winterng1_______________________________________ sud Mns. Robet THay es, Val- 1IFound. Mn. -James arrived ou lu Flonîda. Mn., sud Mns. Diii- hevy tol. The supply" con- arans Ave., sud Mr ndsud Ms.ithe weekaud and accampanied îng had. justl attauded the o-1)daruhodtIfl' Lljoyd Nichais,, Duke, Street. bhis fami home ou Sunday. Canadian newscaster's, "Can- Boo0k Revi ew îo .7By nw young Saa adla Calling" Mondav luncheon.1 know the1Fgnim nealities 0f Mand Mns, Las CoombesailMn. sud Mns. Ray Brock, he hvdan itypr ar, wbat a desperaesrga CbuchStee, rtuu nc-Tow sd Mr nsd Mrs.liick euitly from aa ýt picasaut Dan,'hithy, hava neturned tis cnapaeultIispr "j à,hawlav asrvv h tbe-we hlda I imi ra vctinaIOtai, iuar luncheon sud the beauii ~ fI5ff'II~1 'I~I5 ruel Russian winten. Bal.tiful weatber st Crystal Lakýe 5 5 ~ ~ N ~ E,' D D NH otasssoy0 t BecFlnidra, u epr h California. During thein ll-i Country Club, Pomp[ana Beachn, wetbnwa er o-len-day, Mn. sud Mns. Brock visil- reaceda amentuira of 80 hsrl tiv, aig an ad uny d Mr. and Mns. Tom Cabla egra.Aogths1ted Guy Sajen bhas wrtten au acrasaý Europe tai the, top of grapblc day-to-day account of changes fnom that of a younigý duigtheir vacatio-n. (nee Mavis Garton) sud Mns. ingerA Mon os M n a- ei so but the sbocklng the best-seller liaI, 'togethar a youug man's jounney juta boy toas pitiful pawn caught. A ice lbreak lu the weathan Mae Garlon, formerly of Baw- lace Mariow, Mn. sud Mns. H.lhrutallty of vwan lu Tbe Fanrwtbcniia cliI ne-wr aa 0l0 nnbin a mencilesa tnap set by two laiýt Fiday attennoon anabledimanville, at Sacramento, Cali- standahle. Its Amanican suc- fatber sud German mothan - colossal industnial giants. Iu ainiy lange gnoup of ladies Kyta, Blackstock, Mn. aod M, irs.l gatten Soldier (Fitzbaory sud ca em sue. ~1 u iigbAsctesma f14 aiia taislai. Wmn. H.' Cunnie, Tornno, Mn essesasrd thaealita "rass D43 estcbad Photognapha in a racaut issue sud -Mns. Stan Carao o Wieie.Isqiku~ug tsspaieywitnsdwben haieulisted un the Gar- thDionasa ronDt hln odr lo f The Oshawa Times show mauville, as wall aa Mn. sud hmas Army. His story 0fftle DHa woas uahefrt blla s0fr Canîpunial eio h rooCitizeusrdl lso s oeuqposortn- h ug~w aln luRusa is ilke no other, tHceUainutetrm Kunls ta M IhUrh to maba no b rookîlu Mscrds. Dilu. Ta cupnue aJo n IV., h aEgh qÊ7 >7 iThe author achievas a uniqudeKharkav, lu mud, snow, bitte unîed Chuch Club, Cauncilon Heher Dowu six-bottla carton of a'popullaI fe.Ha makas the reader cold, unider the tcnifying Rus,-ý Mntrb-monthly card night of thelthe adîtor willl use wilh thauka deal as the Germaus a of dvanc a artillemyainthend Be .Ture, sdLm coataduirn nCnda hc e a i n f eand fe ebis aowng n- esusia aanat wthe nd- B.A, BD.club at the Bnaoklîu Commun- Accondiug tlan article sd b nay0 Rmajasu o leaforwar-d obîivious of Orgaente.iottareweîi-jpboIo iH oeney I Pla H e lleland - towards thair horrible lsemaya atl o eloo ity Cntre. athar Ie andchin1thissuee w e-i;' lnt F e fate st Stalingrad. Because of asssh all fB oo Mnr. R. Metcalf, uw oal ul h of a Toronto daily, students at bsyuhSjrlatacdtaud the crossing of the Duieper A.R,.C.T,, AC.C.M, photos, seem ta ha thorougbly Eanl Haig Collegiala lu Ton- hsyuSaeI tacet am alo vtri f 1:4 a.. -Cburch School anjayiug the c and game. auoto ana thonoughly enjoyiug! John V. Sbaugbnassy bas 1952 ha was ou büan durluig a supply raîben than s carn acaivm aaitvictrasceaf 9:45 a.m. - Mns. Annie Wright, Church their Latin lassons. Thein b e en appoinited opérations initial productioni stages ta tbe bal unit, lu OctOber suippliescivmu udedrnel 11 a.m. Honcywall factony lu Amsr- lsud clotbiug are adequate sud apocalyplie saga. PUBLIC WORSHIP trtdvssutatsan-tchMnRosTrebsmngrfrHeyesBow- dam, Holand. Iu 1968 ha was Ibte job of supplying Von Paul- It's an incredible alony, an Inan cneduiu srvceiced a ltter on Fabnuanyldevisad a "f un approach ta manville plant. Ha succeeda assigned ta Ihe then new Bow- us' Sixth Armny et Stal lad, imprassive sud weil-document- Infat cre u,,iizserice23rd, wbicb waî dated Febru- tha lassons by the use of mnod- Thomas Waldin who bai beau manville facility as producton 1,000 miles away silîl seemned Ildi anti-war manifesta. 'Il bas ary 3nd sud mailed fnom Aus- aern cartoon, strips with Latin transfernad ta Tononto l.Ht w-)lan- el. Than lu November the ring of autelct na 1'lR tria, from s ganddaughta,subtitles, Latin bingo, etc., sud assume new rasponsibililies ifcua 1lp at pr h iîrmva u h i-Sjr' uduasdst ~ EMrs. S. J. Day whu nésides alîbhe planning of a Roman bani- the companys Commercial Di- davices lu Bowmauvilla for do- tan cold, deep týsnow ;sud parti- higuý standard for tbis type «f Lecasten,' Leicestershire, Eug- quel for the Grade 13 dlas, vision. msi n xotmres a' taP REHOBOTH land. Apparantly îwo girl Latin, apparenîly, la bacomig Sagnsyjia ae-msi u xatmres a tak rdal aaanraie friands of Mns. Day ware a dying course lu Ontarini hsghesywa hrssd Chirksian Reformied laigElndfr iholidays hools, wihthre Sabighll in 1946 sud moved attanded ichools lu Peter- C hurch in Austria sud took the ller ough schools beiug fonced ta lhroLIgh a succession of f ac- borough. Ha and bis wife with lhem for mailiing. ýcbop Latin fnom thea curnicu- tory management posta in- Jassi!e and two sours Larry sud sugog Seet] umnIbtis ycan., Howevan, Mns. luding production manager, Michael nasida a0I 158 Oak- reMis. Robant'Gili, Mns. Jack Mlitany Producîs Dýiiin l nidges rive lu Sca;rborouigh I ie:Brysan, Mns. E. Wadiow ansud shvpi f nke- I v A. Vanidreiee, :Mn. L. Harmer lhava neturuedinuqt ues av pidoffLalunkep-ý traCm holîdayiug lu Flaida. eng Uthe numben of Latinsu-4T y R O NlE B.A, BD. M.I).thy hsppeued tota ml Mr. Be'tdt a teNl5orthc Yak achoo -j PonP2-70 airrof Aurons, a former. cm- ylarananaveu 150 luPhareaapaît Ibrear i ~~~~~pbayee of the aid Dominion years. As ona Gradie X tu- Mn1 u r.Lm hr udeudaObwwr 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 WYîu evcs ra in C. hc adent said '"You carit fail sud Mns. Brea McCoy ware Surda supper guesîs of Mn. siaedlutPbild .,winguw asieep lu Ibis cdais, thare's ton lu Essex last Tuesday sud and Mrs. Carl Clark, 10:0 .mIocupedhySpcîaîy apr.much ta leanu". Mns. Turner Wednesday sud atauded the Glad la, report Mn,. Addie 7:00 ýpa.11l Mný. Farn, who hs 86 yeans aid isuthe daugbler-n-u-iw of Mn. fuseral of the laIe Mn. Ca-Mla wsai areturn andstii giugslrngaI andil Mn, Tom Turner, Waîla ls Phiîîips, Weduaîday, Mar. back ta Ithe Sunset Lodge, î-' a- anugl on srra re lni Street. 3rd. Mn. Phillipa was in bis Bowmsuvilla. ,.~ ..,d ,- Beck te God folur lime played the organ lu the 91 er Dial 131 Radio athodistCburchuaw Tni- Finit baud information of Smsh aM.Cais Congratulations lao Glenn i i*~ ii Dii 30Rdo ity JUited Cburch. Durng eIb os sla nl cenuruies Wbite, bis son Gardon, wife Mlen who laced n in ici -vei O conversation ha recalled sud ta hil Montreal camaes fnom sud family on the passîsg of Fe iu llm sdl Evr udy1:0a m indtenms fmn r n r onE aeDebbie Miller who placed laIt "Everyone Whcdu o maioed inthenmadofaiy Mn. ldstsd Mm i. o nd Jmes, bis wif e, maher sud, grand- lu the Junior Ladies Slalomi wha lived lu towuJduns.g hsadi o f Editonsud Mrt s.maîher wbo passed away Sat- et Oshawa Ski Club Cham- _______________rasideuce here. Jh . ae.Thysyileud " Mr. Nrmas Allisoni, 207 au unhalievable sigbl auid one vice .0n.Fsea er iuhi apttas carhandiy believe 50 mucb odytahoîel Elloît Funerai Chapel. Mn. sud Mn., Fred Fergu-, Q 1 uaw oui f il. he ain Little Roduey Gibbs, son of son, Enniakillen, sund Mrn.sd .- IIIIr~ UIff'I reets are bunied undarý four Mn. sud Mra. George Gibbs, Mns. 'R. Gibbs were recenit u' TRINIT'y UNITED CHURCK, ~feat of packed suaw, sud the rtre oeo udya-get fM.adMs rc tresh suawfails anc plougbed rlre oeo udy~ usao n u n rc Minte - Re. eogeK. ar, ..,B.. ram the top surface. Bow tr is reent opération aI Montgomery, Hampton. havegeaKghl feetBof.suawmluvTlCe Memonial Has- TnSigma-C, EyplorersR - Mis GailThompon divewsy. Guansîs Ihat cama pitlI. wansbippcd lagether et Ty- -- , Orgnit andiua o Wdsodyne- Congratlations ta Doug nana United Churcb, the oc- ira, . -r maicd unil Saumay AFrassran sd Joan hall' wbo casias b clu g "Chiidrnu' wenmmanideu Sluda, Wii DaS0aPrya Sr- .. A,,. e THRIRD SUNDAY IN LENT eghoboausad wasMrc are nStraWrdDyo ryr e MACHl4h,191 uIofIwhoseaubsnss audl h 6th, aI the home oa ier nvice." Variaus boys sud girls MARÉH 4th, 971 oudof'towgelonbacutea Mnt- sistan, Mn. sud Mrs. Allas took part 'n the ,service. Rav. real, had lwa cups of milk lefI' Thiassen, Bowmsnvila Thosa R. C. Hopkins had a slde "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD ' ras, ana of whom is six monlhs Mn. sud Mmi. Horace Hall, Buddhism". Mr.Alfred Kuowl- aid. Mn. James managed la Stuart sud Shanon Hall, Mn. Ion naceived the offariug af Raev. George K. Ward reach- a store nearby, lskîngîsud Mrs. Kennetb Rsbm. $5.41 on bahaîf of the Wo- 25 minutes la walk a block, 1Mns. A. Kuowltnn sd Bath nlen's Inter-Face Association. h -F r% CHUCHSCOOLHORSsu anbi rtum, ha cois- wn otse a iea- Leader, Mrs, J. Waodley, su .. a T h e F 1%r et 9:45 am cheit lu difîs. 1Cars were nhomese for a miscleu at eaM.F ,BaD Tyrnnagai as fan as Enu-1ý3 Gibbs gave Bowmanville a killan. Monday marning suýjd 1-0 laead, asîisied by Audrew CR SA Ewene ncturned home awing ta Mackenzie., Port Hope l ied CRUSA DEnoads. the score easnyluinbtheIbird Mr. sud Mma. Jack, Gibhs, before Douny Spichan tram ~~î DaveMr and Marln m sdM. Henry Stainton Bynon Holmas sud Grant Dav 1attendad the Scoît-Grean wed- Luxton sud Bayd Knox tram ding aI Canton United Cburch Rony Gibbs sud John Wood L'--~n,-ansd neception ai Commuuily finad unenîwared goals,.ta HTall, Saturday, Mamch 61h. wnap the am p Tslntd uscinsCougnalulations ta Wayne sud lu the second gama, An- bride tram Tynane friands. dnaw Mackenzie tram Dennis B n -Mn. sud Mns. Horace Hall Bamber sud John Hately The àà55a m werc Suuday supper guesîs gave the loceis a 1-0 lead, - 'i- UNAYSofO aM. sud Mn .Bill Hall, wilb Cobourg Iying the gama Courtice, asua calbed ou Mr. 1 sbonîby aflan. Russel] Hall, Osbaws, sud Mn.r Grant Luxton tram Pearce a . ~ ,~1r- LOO s nu.sd 7.00 p.m sudmiNls. Daug Fraser in iblein Wilcox sud -asnuuassistad goal uaew aparîmeul. by y Gibbs ,gave ,owx- Mmi, . E, . Viue ltended manvuhle a 3-1 lead. Coboeung Everyone Welcome, a bidal sbower fonMiaGalna1we bcmagn 03-2 Masters, Bowmanvi le, aIý the laIe min he third period but Rev HDawonPasor omne af Mn Rslph Vitue., ouldn't gel Ithe equabîzan a;à- Re.H amn aEo ýýnskilian. Bawmanville put up e slnong ______________________________________________________________ Mr nsd Mn, Bill Hosàackî defence, The Ca-nadian Statesiran, Bowmanville, Mar', 10, 1971.7 Manvers Cýouncil* Ail membersà of CouAncl MrsPatricia Bradley s ta ,w-re present for their Marc recelve$300 00 PeryCr, o meeting, with Reeve Harvey keepîng the Road Account Malcolm presiding. ýbooks.' Communicatyons reciverl Mr. Richard Lovelkin kt- and read lncluded the County tended, the, meeting a-id dijs- Health Unit report; Dent. of cussed two ýzoriing by-lawm Agriculture& Food ýreport; that the Council are-endeavt E. A. Starr re gr.-ants under oring to have the Muniicipal the, Community Centres Act, Board approve of. Depi. of Highways re school A number of accounts were: for Road Superintendents to ordered paid in the amount deal with Surface Treatment of $974.44 plus the February,, of Ronads; Dept, of Municipal Road account voucher iii the Affairs re auditing proced- amount of $9,389.92 ànd ure; Ganiaraska Region Con- Greer-CalloWay & Assoc, Ltdý servation Autliority noting for Engineering services> in, the 1971 levy in the amounit the amount of $1,344.52. of $311,00; Janetrille, Hall Committee wîth report of work done on Community ..Pu Hall; Ontario Good Roads ayt ra Association announcing Road School in May; Northumber- land & Durham Assessment Ee t fîtr Office re addiional assess- Mrs. Robert Sheffield oi ments during the year; De(pt. Osbawa was elected and.i n- of Energy & Resources Man- staleci as president cf the agement concernmrg was t e Oshawa Presbyterial,ý United management of Ga rb a ge Church Women, at that, Dumps; IW. K. Lycett con- group's ninth anntual mneerting cerning a severance of land held recently at ýport Perry In concession 5; Northumber- United Church. land & Durham Board of She succeeds Mr-. Douglas Education report of dus second Rpatasoo sawM year of operation; I.BM. con- L.F. Richardsori of St. Maýrk's tract for tax bîlling and a United CucWibchair- number of accounts. mnan of the OshaIwa reby M. J. Bradley, road Super- 1 tey,înstalled theofces intendent was authorized ta: Othens on the executîve in- attend the one day school onl clude Mrs. Carl D-own iand Raad Surface treatment. Ms ,B lsel omn A severance Is to be grýant- ville, vice president; M rfs, ed to James Gray to seli the Kenneth Markle, Oshawaý, rc, portion of land south of the carding secretary; Mrs. RaIpli R. J. Jenkins property and Thompson, Broýoklin, corres- having the 6th concession as pnigsceey the southern limiit. The depth Aponding secrertî' of lot from the, Manvers- Bowmanville, treasurer; ,Mr;, Cartwright boundary to be Glenn Larmer, Blackstock. the same as the Jenkîns lot. citîzenship and social ac 1t ion; Applications will be called Mrs. David. Duchemin, Osh- for' a Warble F'ly inspector awa, stewardship and voca- for Manvers township with tion; Beatrice McLean, Locust .viges to ha negotiated. A Hill, program; Mrs Ae> Mr Spray Operator with tractor tin, Newcastle, supply;- Mrs3, and Helper will be advertised Ray Holman, Brooklin, lead- for to operate the Township ership; Mrs. S. J, Tayilor, Sýprayer.' Applicatiýons to close Oshawa, publicity ' eprd a r - April 2, 1971. The applîcation chives; Mrs. Douiglasý Redpaýth. of Walter Hale will be with"-! nominations; Mrs. JohinKnx held until the nature of the Hampton, litereture, ýoperation la made clear and __________ Ito determîne at a later date if 'the operation would be Da-tl'ington Twsi a vîolatng, the townshlp hy- budgetted $312.500 for its rloadi îawa.work for 197 1. Dr. H. Harris of thée Fed- By-law 2463,. authorizingth eral3 Health Control of Ani- expenditures of thiis zurn ol mals Branch ia ta bîe conjtacýt- money during the year wasq_ ed t -o enquire if a Rabies passed by council ln its meet- Clinie could, ha set pp in ing on Februery 5th. Manvers township. 1 The Clerk was inatructed A grant of $150Pto 1h. Bow- to send a letter of apprecia- manville Sa1vetiosre Corpe tion to Hurren's Family Ras- from the Township nf Der1ing- taturtfosein lunch af- ton wes approved and authJorv- ier h ours ta Manvers Council ized by Township couincil in, membara and delegatas from uts lest m~eeting oui February adjoining muidcpalities. 5th. il tCanadian Bank ivmanville treal's Bowmanvilfe Brarich'rmoves into iànw j We think you'l find banking there bqtter than ig has been plannedwith your convenienca ght tellers' wickets, ail designed to fit Int the r-balsed banking system,.,.three primae coupon osit box cus tomners. .. a steel -and -reinforced- àsafekeeping: with aur "around-the-clock" edecor, modem furniture, bri ght.colours. And à of the building. ig date. Drop* in soon and see for yourself thal aFirst Canadian Bank in Bowmanville. fephone number îs 623-4411. <of Montreal Fir1st Canadian Bank "Ci-CC 771