-~ e Ca a4 a S ate~ma~t, ~e'~manviUe~ Mar. 10, ~71 FUELS s HOOEIV 1-N FINAL Stenen uelsandHooper's Jewellery xnet ni the open- lnggam ofth beùt of three, Men's Town Basketball finals last mgh,th the next encounter slated for Tuesday night et thFHgh Seoolgymnasium. Hooevs ndd up lne leaýgue basement, but knocked off rrs plce en' Me's earin the totalpoint semi-final. Fuel menwhie wre usetingrunner-up Coronation Cafe, Att cin f tecampaîýga, Stephen'a had put together the beat eam inte lage with two of the best shooters, a finei~ebunde, wh als colected 15 points in the last game, and a alredy stong dfence. It's doubtful if tihe inspired Jewelers cn math tl' Fues1 aggregatidn. Thi cone caîsfor a tuwý-o game sweep for Stephen's. Thjs corer has wndered ometînres when we have beard et ahocey tickscrtclng another player's eye-ball, just what it fels like. W wearen't wondering any more. Hap- pened o us lst wek jusýtimte to cause us to miss thre finl bskebal ganeof t>ne season, and whaIt everyone tells us ws tre est r. A" ockey -gaie ocf tire year. In urcaea crtcedeye-baýllhrtlk alget oU, andwhn i ws asttiat taedouble vision took ove. ow we kow hatif i lie ad -wîsh me had neyer irad tire ex- perince.Justthouirt ou ight like-to know. Don't try if! t t t t t NOVICE - owmnanvîlle Preston tire Mover won their bes oftireeseresover Bay Rîdges, two gaines to ore.Tire next rond got nderwaY Sunday, wîth tire Movers downing Nextgam inthebes ofthree series will be played to- night Wednesay) seea o'cock in Bowmanville. 'pEE WYîEE omnil Tra.ilsleds moved into the O 1froseI fls-by vufueoan 83victory over Ganan- toque hre on unday afernoo ,h Trailsleds had taken the penr 4I i Gaanoue o sweep the best of three set. ]3omanill no awitsthe winner betweea Midland amiNewarkt. or urfrerdetals we would suggest that you eepan ee o thebuletin board et the main inter- MIDGET Bowmanille cGregor's I.U.A. Midgets will nav thi bcstotr wl hi urday night at seven c'coc, wre fhy eetGaanouehere at the Memo,,-rial4 The lcalshelda s )m"on goal lead in thie thirci perîod, Saturday but homtown Gannoque came back to whn 4-3. Tirf vltor givs Gnanquea 2-1 edge la tire best of five serus. l earier ctio , Bowmanville won 3-2 and lost 4,3. A BomanillevicorySaturday will force a fiftti and decdin enouner n Gnanqueon Suaday. T T t tt J.,iTLEN.VILLï ZNE OURNAMENT Bowanill'smmor oceymembers - and tirat la- eluds evryoe inolve, nust be migirty happy followtng Fridy i Por Hoe, al free "B" teains, representing tinstoua wonthe itti NHL. Zone *Playoffs. The onSatrda ifwas a Bowmanville sweep al over1 agai asthelocl prmers saw tieri "A" division bantail pee ee nd nvic entiescapture the zone playoff here. It holdbelkod home week, wiren no less than six ~owmnvile tenis akatheîr initial appearance fa Midland Tie naroLItteNH.L Ciraniploashipa will get under- ~ay ~ tnt ate cotinîngfor three days during the ad t t t f EA ,LS R FLYING! Bowi~vîle agesgrabbed a commnnding 3-0 lead lu thaîrs betofsva uir C layoff series agnînst Port Hope Pantrers witr tre nxt gine n Prt Hope Thursdny night, Affet ullngut a 'cse à2 dcision im ire)pener, Bow- ,nianîlle mo,)ý,_ved into Port HoeTusanight, where they1 vraea1 -0 first Period deficit end went on to post a lop- sie 1- vcory. SudS inght, the Panthers took an early 2L0 lead, wîth ieEaesnarrowing tira nargia to a single goal before the flrt prio ,eded. Port Hope fore-checkïng ke-pt tire Engles hemmed la1ar own end forniost ofettirafrst two periods, buttir loalstied it late lanthe second. Bowanvllecompletely do1M, naed.layltire thîrd, gcoringsix ties, as tirey diîd in Port Hope to aarn an 8-3 It ws anfire thrllerf o the second successive Sunday rugt, ntil ir Enle fondtirirwings ia tire second irait B-rooksSuets defaa:ed Bryson's Sinoke Sirop 5-1 last ekf,3 tie th best of five Commercial Hockey League final1 Nextconestgoa Sudaymornîng, 10 o'clock at the UOWN OCEY îLEA-GUE KripsFurîtur-e and County Cryser te -Q 1-.av Maris7, 97 -. C---w-- ---- 26 27 -- W--- -guy ----. 72< 241 61~ 3200 Gaines sud over, JuinPaim 297-223-206, BIUl Orme 255-236-208, Nancy Me- i honey 249, Dava Orme 246, "'Lionel Rîckay 238-226,-209. F,ýred Holroyd 236,SBbCap ibail 231, Jua Jeffreys 231, Vu Io Ruddy 231. Betty Craland 7n:221, LuI Srnifir 220-215, Muka ý,Heaîey 218, Muke Kennedy l217, Sandra Draper 216'210, Eileen Hickey 214, Therasa Rivons 211, Les HuaI 211, i7 Paul Leprede 202, Averages 6 Bill Orme -_______230 Dave Orme ______214 9Jin Faim - - - _____212 Muke Kennedy _____203 7Gary Conway 202 an DMIRAI 426 SIMCOE S. men lirI rasbwadmore1 single aiesIr nvcy bowler tîf;nally aizad o irhis dreanins. Hrus ah exclusive 900plteu o tint umabiri ýs lite. Oke gariin et 284-294-3126 for Sixbowarsbatlaýred fhe Moirua, Iowlad 8&1 (279.ý 258), Will lira Sports -Ed please taie note of ths. "Goose' Osborne had (283-272-266), Rap Palmer, joying avery minute of ut (233-229-346), Maurice "M. of Orono" Annaerl mad (24 35-20). is Woîý howled miloftbtrs ou incas;Dic 'Fnehllý Pe Tirirlean bowlans bit Elton Breck 782 sud tire ni, higir single gaine et 358, Smith 782 (301-273), Rui Michelson 779 (262-269), "Fuzz" BIcher 774 (291-2 Larry Piper 748 (?81),G Wilcox 746 (318), Bruie1 tact 746 (276), Bruce M 731 (261), Bnian Martyn (301), Dr. H. B. Rundie, an ing tire Floiida sua, 721 (T Huis "Preildent" Ralmran (252), Bob Konopakl 704 (Z Jack Lader 704 (258,1),IV Murphy 702 (297). Don Oie bowied a 302 sir gaina, Howard Brouneliý Les Srinale 275, Pal Murph, new m obe fe tire lea 270. Franki Vnniety hmd1 single 1373 whila tireI boy,î bit3753 for mgr tnîpl AI Osborne on top a tire arages witir 276 for 27 gar Huss Oie movad Imb sei place et 253, Emnie Pe: and Jack Bond ara lied aI Dykstra'i Food bas taies leed un tha teani standing,h ing 19 wlns ta tiroir cme Lader Hardware, oua p( off lire pece, 18. Nais Osir Insurneaand Ken'i IV Wear are tied aI 15 wins eý Juil a remunden tiret Mau's Major Langue- bauq wîll ho !irelc aI MamoriaI P Club oi nStudy ist, 1971, 9fr Waetk - 2ad Seluedule Avarges Naine GainesA Ai Osborne -27 Huis ,,O ie ------------ 27, Brutie Perfect ,,27 Jaàc B3ond-,,.27 Wall Hntely ----- 27 Roward Bromaîil - 27 Larry Piper ---_ 27 Bill Westklaa _-'_24 Dici Perfect - 27 Hon BIcher .. 27 Elton Broci 27 BriaMartyn - 24 Doug Carter ... 27 Dan Oie - 2 Rarold Miciae.a- 27 Don Begnaî-l ----27 Maurica Anueet 27 Dr. H. B. Rundla 27, George Piper ----- 2'i Bob Lawtoa ------ 27 Maurice Richards- 27 Bob Sinithr . 27 Jinm McKalgirb -27 Deve Hoyynolds 24 Ai Seman ------ 24 Clarence Oie 27 Luire Anneerl 27 Gond Wibcox 27 Bill Oie ----- - 27 Elwyuu DIckey -24 'Rois 'Wright 27 Jaci Lader ,24 Deug, Taylor 27 Rapo Palmer 27 _d Leslie - 27 Bob Glanvilla 27 Bob Laird --___27 Bob Wllilams .~27 Bei Konopakit 27 Huis Hleliman ___27, Les Smala ------ 27 Randy Beauprie ..27 Bruce Milua 27 Kani Piper 27 Franir Mohua 21 Jin Bruton --- 27 Bud Hennung 27 Paul Lyle- 27 John Carter 27 SI TrawIn -____27 Variety - 13 14 30621 Salbv Grant 13 14 30527 W. Fani- Real Bsatae 12 15 3084 Jury & oval Il 16 31050 kîd hah CleanSweepfor Ail Local Little NHL Teams kid~.o:, Su eret oviceS -2 mak , Port Hope on Frî,dny, and Dernîs obil, *slstir byý h r,~ ,,,~$ ' ~,' arcir tir the Jaffery'sSp Brian Denais, Scott Sellers, AI r ~~~ '~~~' omette Novice B's chalked u k Gls BatBdu 82 "an împmossivo 4-1i v ctomy Grog Brunt, a, n- ,ovor Prt iHope, nabing Thare weme nafw carn 80 , them to raptaient Easterna monts by Rîchnmond IHIi sup- layor Ontario in tire Little N.H.L, porters as they had nevar had ayr,~Finals tf0 ehoield inMidland n afearnieliîmnated from play-' Sstarfing tire 25th of Marcir off, in 16 hours. Tireaisal.' i MA~ Tire locals got off., o ways n fîrst for evemrîg rfect f ab irst pomîod start ns: gmOt9jý FrdapN gh Brian Dennis tooka a pss nrr Scott Steven ttr 4:30 mark and dmilled it utîto Bob Sx Bowianvlle tama ilrepreser n fus area in George Cawke, an exeutvmember ottir eLittle tr oe otindcre îrol th Lifle HL payof s n Mdlan iner tis onfi, NL, pesetecitir Bowîîaniille Recreation frophy ft A tr 12:15 mark of tir xe ea u Hon Ahl three i- se tor eains wîped ouf Port1-1-1Hope o.ppo- Capt. Ted Puk oftire Pee Weeý A Trailsleds, who had od peiod, Bria Denîs 280), sitio ;1 nvutown ri d y igirt and h ýemer Sfr baPr oe û8.0Q- rpickedup hîs second talh' of Gord > 1 y ________________________Port__________ ire gamo, tire assist gong ta Marcir tir Par- day, thir-A-ý o- 1ominated Cobourg and Port Hope. Brent Badour. Ladies Ine This pictureshow Capt. Rory Gibbs ofthtie Banfa0i la thre third périod, Ken High single, 0. Etcher 318-, 729 A's r1ceîin treTon f ooug rohyfr :lJe ç fllffl Cowle put Jeffery's alhend 3 tîhigitripla, O.Etcher 90. higir jo-Kenneft fîh Recreatîon Dept. atter fhey ir ad deteated 'N e ia53 ako anc 4 17) 2,- in tire final. play set up by Brent Badour, aveege T71A i Port Hope scored tireir loua fl ku~~~v~~ f fi taý_liy at tire 10:30 mark, tire ig sngaR.elck35 VIIkef ~ i O ii Jf oal ging . Rowari. higir triple, O. Etcher 907, rib N E ~Tire final tally came at tirhe agO chr4. _91Taams P ic Pt$. 27, 5 playing a strong ciracking R. Seleck 28971 46 ~U iiii ,~ Igaine for tire locals, broke E. Brock 2838 45 tirrougirtire defance fimîng I .Brc 819 3 homo, tire sîst eaned by M. Richards - 287à01 37 irigir ~by Jini Clarke r îoalyuntira finalparîod Brian Danois Tire fine goal-BRihrs295 3 Brooks' Superfast evened, but tire wina mirefused f0 tandîng wes sharad by Kevin G. Wllcox ___ 27704 3 tierir hst of fîve champion-;wîlt, scomîng twîca Leainy Gison and Brian Fraser. B. Luxton 27,35e 3 hpfinal on Sunday moma- Burns hoostad Brooksýý1 ýu In l Final OMH.A Title ca -~200 2 ing hy virtua of n stroog 5-1 4-1 ]ead at 6:15 with a, power Tr oieBsbg ia .Bgal279104 2 friumpia g aî1n sf Brysouýs play tirrust.fas o 2513 Srnoke Sirop. Both cluhs wîll MecM u rtfr bngged ther ch 7plyinoa bSunay ToMf o f.2589 1 tie h gnnng for tha go niread gainas final tally ýaf 19:40. It tr aahs ftv L. Smnala 26748 16e tadihieseis i aiewsi ecn ftr series ngainst Merkiram, de- Aaee adiv-' .......... -ad1in tsîs' Sund a ad ouir peon ftheialseating train y a score of 1-0. fel l... t1 ..ti Snýy n orhpiti stand- 0. Etchar 2 4 oint ~~Brooks broka un front 1-0out chora on Sunday.Tr an t e u ii .Sallack - 27 241t amna la~~~~~~~î, lait Sunday's match, wî h The ontire Brooks flock U,î aisgîgfonedM Etchar ____2 23 [en's Lean~~~~y Burns countîng iris cama .tirrougir wiu-î a muchbadsoiglt f"rs B. Richards - .2 3 acir, ~~~~~~~third goal aftir finals, from Improved s h o w i n g, with le'btlcîn ienlYE, Brock -.- 2 23 ire Ronny Simpson et 8:55, Dis-Wrighrt making tie big saves ns a ior îy. D. Reynoldi 21 233 ~~UOtf pleying ~mucir more organiza- wirn called upon, Brooks Tapc olne l h o iiad 27 23i> Meyn -in ilatri opening .5-3 got top performances fromn second period, onfly f0 have T. Bagnel --- 27 29 kstieSperte sqadook McMurlýtar, S;împson, Lanny Sc'_ott Stevens put tire locals H. Reynolds 15 '2 2 a'2-0 lead, lis tiran twom-d tee ums udAd ins into n1-0 lead onà a id G, Wilcox - 727 22i I utes star,'Don McMurtar up frot iietrabluelint drva tram tire pon af i H. Paumer____27 26 sent Steve Burns dartîng la patro of "BlcrCoaGrytkg a nica pas-ou27' te romD. Bagnebi - 2l2 et a 10:32, benfiug Bryson's Akay une, comipany aff7d- tha corner froin Rîck Cayley, D. Orme -___ 27 221 276 ~~Ken Veitcir mbh old supr. a nd as e resuif it was the G.Ppa 27 22U 23The two cluhs iplît goals in Bryson's outfit, Marjearsn gaine wîuner. B. Konopeki 12 21 250 tira m~~~~~~~~~~~~iddle period, witir botir George Sninsbury an id Bomuîb el iaag F mdaî.-.,2 1 Vaîoiredtire Coininrcial Hemitou wome tire pick fo mo f the tird persod,T.Mlin2 28 League'i top gaiGtmissing on about fv goodL.Rcrds2 21 Wrgit, urnîg h 'k n ,t Luton263, L. Stacay 263, scoring chances, Markiram L onbs2 1 scoring raidi. John Adanms J. Holroyd 257, K. Hîckey 2541 put ou tira pressureataI imes, .Pot,2 0 i ollecta,-td iris firil goal of tire Bantam Boys but were ireld off hy a stroog H rc . 2 0 23 se-ies at 12:21, itir Sinpson 5, Wooley 0; ýBain dafence and good ga-ed M. A.-Rchrda1 206 -.d McMurter helpîng ot.iKmemern isn n 2381I, Farrell 2.in byKvnGso an S la2 20 E., -ck ---- 27 205 234 Lîti NL ommfte irîman ubeyAuti Wight 10sf iris sirutout hid Teanu Standing Brian Fraer. M. icads 27 2 05 234 15 preisenAirg the Wladyka Bros, trphy apI.Geard atr 1:0 wrn "uz~Kramner ------------------ -30 Tira next gaine of tire sar- ,Milon 2.20 233Morîso cftir Prstn tre cx r Nvic aterMariorrison pounded a Bob, Woolley _____24 les will ha la Bowmanviile A.----ep- 27-2- 233 frym ondPr oe51 qa elmpi oe rsnBi 19 on Satumday, March 1lir, et L. Walsir-- 2 0 232 thy addone or Hpe5-.traîling 3-1_ pressed occa- Faeal -------- 17 5 o'ciock. H. BannaIt 2,7 2û1 21 Hîgi Single - L, Dadsou Keock Off Rlchmnond khiI D. Zealandi---------272 2 -iTown BasketbalIl League 200, L. Fallîs 182, D. Kramer Tire Novice B's elimîuaîod S. Stalaton - 1-- ---- 27 20 230 164, J, Gîbson 158. Richmond Hill, froni playoffi 650Trle 229 ~~~~~Hîgir Double - L. Dadion Ii O M.H.A. play ns thay O thr97 .Slak81 229 Ç 327, L. FaIli 307, D. Kramer scored 2-1 sud 4-1, victorias T. Meraw 771, M.Ecer70 228 111 29, K. FarrelIl 285, J. Gibson I bu s ftre ei __ ~ fl 22 D ruce 72 DHodg a hst 0ftirra noias. L. Richards 754. D. Ryod 228 o 28254Buc 7,.1ld. Tire tîrt gaine was played 734, H. Bennett 726,Me Ricir- 225 et Newcastle in whîch tire ards 718, H. Palmer 704,.~ 224 Sepiren Fuels and Hoopcr'sInl last week's tir ilgnineand Tom Simpson Uîree. Jno il locals won by a score of 2-1. Coom-bes 703, DL Bagrnell676 223 Jewellery openad Up lie hastiof tire, win-hill, Stopiien's, In tire nîghtcap, Ken'i Mou's, C. Cowle 5, Perfect 2; K Tire tint pariod B. Buciran T .Bagnell 674, J. Thompfýjsion 22 ftirea Town Basketiraill held a sim lend througirouf, fWear led 31-21 et tira end oflPiper 2; Carter 5; D. Piper.5, gave fie vîsitors a 1-0 laad 670, P. Prout 668, HZ'. Brock1- 223 League cI- ainpionship saniesi maintaining e 37-34 tirrea tire third quartier, but wera! Fredmîcks 2. on e hreekaway goal. 664, E. Dickens 662, E. Brck 222 lest nîgit.at tire Hîgir ichool adgeafaler tirrea quartrs, but sf111 dowa 17 points on tirel Teain Standing Brent Badour evoned tire 661. 222 gymnesiuin. of ,co)urse tire watt a dozen round, Hoopar's witirtira setj Carter.-----------* 44 score et tire 7:05 mark of the" 250 snd Over Gaes 221 Lest woek Stcpheu s de-, on týire rund, Stapireu's made locked up, took over to out- K. Piper ------- - - 37 second period ou a irard slp .Weîsh 273, L. Coonfbe,ý 22leafad Coronetiair Cafe 58-39 sure as tiray broke if wîda score Ken's 24-10 lu thefinal Cowle --26 sirot ftom tire pou-ut, asi9-6,HBok24 .Ecr 22ý0 fa îweep tira two gaine total open by out-scoring Corone b o an tire deciiion. D. Piper ~ 33 goîng b ,Scoft Stevensor27-21, . Salck 2 7.9-35-, 220 point soties by 28 poin ts. lion 21-5 in tire final quartier, Guy Pnrki triggered 14 Perfect 25 Iu tire third peîod B rica2 -7..Konoppak 2331B5- 21 oprs Jwîey adged Al Murdocir lad tire way points sud John Rundia net- Fredmicks --------------------- 14 Dennîs scored ire winuem aIt naît 286, P. Prout, 266, R 218 Ken's Men's Wear 45-41, irut for tire Fuaiers witir 18 ted a dozan ta paca thfir Rgir Single - L. Taylor tire 12.30 mark, asîîsled hy Palmer 269, O. Elcirer 293-296- 218 tiroir 27 point t rît gaineou points, Rick Bîlînîki, addfing Jewellars. "Joe" B ur geoss 284, J. Carl1ter 260, D. Piper Scott Stevans. 318, H. Moore 258, D. Reynolds, 2'17 gave fha Jewellers lieron 15 and Karl De Grandes 14, notched eigirt, Bob Sireridan 257, C. Mitchell 224,, K, Piper In tire second aucouater 279, L. Richards 277-251, D. 217 hy 31. Ted Dadion accounled for seven and Wifirîdgeae pair. 218, C. Cowle 200. play tire next day at Ricir- Begnaîl 281, Moa Richards T2, 215 Tire semi fiials producod ýedsavon and Stork four. Bill Scribe, who missed tire Higir Triple - D, Piper 570, mond Hilltire' B's showed T en 9-7,H en 215 upsels ns Hoopem', reulr Doug Kramp opd1 ni openar, pourod la 22 for tireJ. Carter 560 tri Ti. wtranipes li 6,E . Broc-23,iH290, F, 215 sciredule feuI-endorýs kokitira losîng ceusa, with Don bisen, Kevin Forgat iîtting' Junior boys sîve 4-1 victory. Scorîng for Bradley 268, D. Zaaland29 214 -off tînst place Kn' ad hoDagazia rigirt in stopwira for feu. Wayne Burgess and Welsir 7, Adams 0; Moirer B3owmenvilla, Ken C 0WlIe, E. Dickrens 279, G. Ccwl 21,3 tirird place Fuels dwe dozen ' Wally Sato collected Proie irad four encir and Jaît 7, Roberts' 0; Brooks 5, La- Scott Sý'te-vous, Randy Prout 253, J. Tirompion lu,. 212 unner-up Carat ation CIro six points;Jit',_MB3am îva Glhooly asigle. mont 2. 212 1Teanu StandingKNSE 211 N i jMoirer --41 - 20 Brooks 7 ýto fthc next 20Adamus2 210 ~~Welsr____2 29Lamout --- ------------2 U E A 208 HîgirSngle - W, Moi rr>SU E CÀ4 20 291 l'-238-303, J. Welsir 247 20 20 21, D. Withenly 230, M. Ho- 201ý ýJborts 205-222, M. 'Chittick 17'i 208 Dy AIe 1h po a t d oatdrop ia ou Sunday nigirtihae- 1Book121, G Coobe, 208 I.Bok 1,G ome 208 a InIIe Juufr aw anue8 A itnmovd -NichoI tweau 6-8 and crear these 207. 207 Finals onudy g aItrb wtnou gol ttrbvofntaisotreun Hîgir Tripla -W.Mosire PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE 207 oca amea Nchai Maons10:57 mark, only >ta eaFîskir or Town Loague champion- 82 1Wl 8 206 and Fiik Fuelsbattî d to laga tae aIwogalladassip Tl i gig oprove a ,Senior Mixad Langue FR1DAY, M ARCH 1 2 247-7 lia n h opeuîng otieBrn ed home ti 'irdo greant sr n provude you Terny-V 7, Dnvey 0, Whito- 201 cirampîonsir oundlire 'night. Nichols madea a witir some excellent hockey ired _5, Lyle 2; Brunt 7,'$ , 0 N P I E 216 Fi Fuels Iooi tira leed t dyng effort laIe in tire third as these Iwo beainshabIle outBouwmee0erI0; oimayd 23 ia 8mako Wonn peiad as McMulea unioaded iris hast otfîve finals, Cein-etr ;Horyd5 2 2 e g o al, 8 ci r on t le a i s a s o l e ir 6 0om rlu d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a D r î l ,1r d a y 4 n u-g H i L a n e f r $ 1 00- .P Trailsled in83 Oust Gananoque Enter' Semi - Finals, L & L Pee Wee A TraIýCiamh osh on Stra sleds entered the O M.H.A. by dow!=n Cobourg aaý Semii-Finnîs by downing Gan- port Hope 4-1 and 8-0. Thý anoque by a score of 8 to 3f tea wilî now venture to,- on Sunday, Marcir 7th, aftire Midland on Marci 24th te loca larena. compete for tire Provincial During tire first fwo per- Cirampîonsirlp which lests for lods the locals bulît up a com- tirree dnys, manding 8-1 lead on ma n O.M.H.ASemni Final grent and accurate pass,,ýinlay tire oppositiort will hae cominations and thon coat eltr Newmarket or'Midland ed to the final 8-3 count. white ,tire îocals travl, -, c, Bill Loamon and Geraldý Napanee on Marcir l3th and Brunt led thre locals witir two'1 to Collîngw,ýood on Marcir 20th goal efforts while singles: for tiroir lnvitation-al Tourna- want f0 Ian Wilcox, Dan Cox, ments and must at tuis point Gary Nemisz and Kirk Kemp, ire considered stro.'ag candi- Kemp also set up two goalsi date for top laumels. Pleaseý ln tire winning effort.1 llw tis apei for mors The Tralsirds also won tir dates and 1 t's get ont an Eastern Ontario Little N,H.L., ive tire lb als our su'DDOr,".