attended a birthday party forl h aainSaemn omnilM their grandson in Oshawa W ES L EY V ILt ETeaainSttsaBwnnie a' 717 this week. llT1l~ îhhi agtrad~~~ ~~ ~ Mr. and Mrs, Ken Te The regla eeting of the uinited. The Panamna Cana] UD11UiiRfl in-law, Mr an Mr.N had tea with Mr. and Mrs. A,, U iited Church Womnen's local. was first dreamed of by Bal- Dickinson frtels m Trew, Milihroolk, Sunday. uinit was held et the home of !boa in 1513, attempted inl 1880 ROLAND BýATE years. H-e wsahs ac Mr' R. Mercer was Hm~Mr.}arold Austin ono Wedi- ai finally completed inth with the'udca ir Mrs. Bruce Tili3on, Edltor Phone 9874213 from' Ryerson for the week- Jnesday afternoon, Mai'chl oth. early p, art, of this century. ý The death'of Roland Rate, Rubber Comaypnthr end. Te mig was ,pened with At t'le present day there is aged 86 years, occurred onl for 42 yeardrn;hc _______________ praypr by the Unit Leader Ms pclto whether nuclearlFrïday, March 5th, 1971, at hie was neye nelt o Harold Best who cnutdpowrcouid dig al new one eora Hospital,ý work, and rtrd1 er Scouts, Cubs Take Part in Parents' Night the business for, theatrno.psbl on the rouIte (onsid ille foliowing an illncss of ago. H AYDON The travelihng, basket which ered by Balboa. 1onots had been making the rounds A duet by Aileen Wilson anc i So Mofthe ateJohnon ate EI i ongryash M.and Mrs, J. Joncs and of the community since asMrgetHres ,"ows iead ataJono apaye dgrfeootl, an wa - andMis Coa Dger fîl as inllyopeed a ro- the Ramn" was much appreci- hie was born in Birmingham, wasgeTly trse visited Mr. and Mi's. Jin vide saine funds for the trea- ated by members. Bénediction England where hie receivedi sports'Tedeesd'a Jones, Scarborough, on Sun- sury. Normal means of rais- was pronounced by the Presi- his education, The deceased member ofStJhnsAgf day. ing money have not been pas- dent, Mrs. Best. Ms-s. Mariey came from England to Tr-ca Chcafo-mrPes sible during this unsal ans a rsn o h nowee n10,ha mar-dn0fS.onsMesClb~ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashtoïn, uuulYHreswspeetfrteand served a ebr~f Barbara, Allan and Grant, rugged winter. Anothas- comn- latter part of the meeting. The s-e h oms nn i laa and Mrs. Edith Murphy wes- ete fhnxvs vnta Make It aid Take It Sale was Deacn who predcceascd 1H e t.Jos corfoabyer: Sunday supper gue-sta 'of Mr. Mrs. As-nold Austin, Rcd Cross held before the serving of tea in 1961. !ber of MemoslPr ao and Mrs, David Kyta, Black- CnnrbMr.HodBa- with Ms-s. Margery Ashby look- Raemvdo-r o- ciation. stock. rowcluh n mr 1wo ing after the pra.cceds in the att Bowmanvillè and was Mr. ussli rmisonEn-give.-- out ta those wha o this the absence of the treasurer, I a resident af this town for Surviving a- iesn n , MRselOmsoE-work. Sxenlaisw1e rsn.60 yeas-s, making his home two daughtes ife.~6- niskillen, visited Mr. and Ms-s.i ite laeswrpecibr, M . Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Articles for the Spring balel Members of the (Ron bst, M-sNRDcosp Ray. on Sunday.for the lothing depot of, thellnstitute provided rafreali- tas-la lera during the wcekcnd RosBe),RlnMr-y ss IRy nSna.United Church are ta ha cal- ments at the fas-m sale at Ms-. say tliey as-e quille sure tlieyB.icl(Srey an Do ~ Ms-, and Mss.E Thompson lected during housecleaning Gilbert Austln's on Satus-day, con match any atonies of fthe Also sus-vivigae1\sa~ and Cynthia, Bowmanville, chas-es and brought ta the AprillMas-ch 13th. Thase assisting adwneswt omc childs-en andi ra-sad wes-a Monday supper guests.meeting. werc. Mesdames C. Dikinson, snaw . Many of tliem havelilr.Ba of Ms-s. A. Thompsan. The progr-amme for the day Gs-ace Joncs, Ken Asliby, N. ta go upstais-s windows to bc~ M- ae etd a Ms-. Douglas Blackburn sud was the introduction of fthc Hodgson and Boss Bamsey. able ta sec past tihe snow, not Morris FunralCaaBw Miss Norma Hover visited study of Latin Amas-ica. The As anather projeet forlplaughed drifts, just piied up manville, wmhfnra evc Miss Hover's parents at cal] ta wosship was given hy achieving lier Gold Cord In 1 suaw as-ound the hauses. Tisera in St. Jolin'sAgiaCh-c - Smithi Falls an the weekend. Mss.>A. Austin, leader of the Girl'Guides Jennifar Paync hava been collapsed buildings, on Monday, a-hSh a~ Ms-s. A. Thompson visitcd gs-oup for thec montis and tisa took a graup of girls on a1whes-e livastock have heen ducted byBe.T Gsai- bas- son, Ms-.Lloyd Thompsorn, scsipture readings wes-e given nature expedition on Sundayýw killad fs-om the faliing roof. Dusing these-ieafv-1. Tos-onto, on Sunday. by each membes- as she ps-e- aftes-naon. They vlsita s1 s.adMss elNcas hymo of thedcae,"I.< Clu 21hal tiais Ma-chsented lies- ffes-îng and con-C Dickinson and Clar-ke to and ths-ce children of Cooks- l ugdCoswsp~' meeting-an Wadnesday niglit. sisted of verses fisroughout tise see the display of natus-al bis- ville visited with Ms-. and Ms-s. e d- an fthoe n Its-et Tisa prasidant. Ms-s.. Norrish Bible giving direction for tory there. Tisa girls wes-e: Boy Nichais and Ms-. and Mss was in BwavleCrg was in charge, 'Thank yauI' Christian canduet toawa s-d Joanne Caller, Annette Walf- Clas-ence Nichais on Sunday. tes-y. - carda wcre sead. Plans wes-0 people aves-ywisase. Ms. Thos. as-s, Sandra Kean and Auds-ey Ms a-l ev pssjt Many loviyflrltiue- made for bowling. Tise date Wilson was pianist for tisa Vandes-staap. past \veek in Toronto visiting attested tath hghatal . was set for tise Baz-as-, May dedication hymo and others in Thara wara tao many activi- with friands there. l hc h eesd.w 5th. Marc particulars at a tise absence of Ms-s. H. Beave. tics dusing the week 'for tlie Mrs. Har-old Best was luinschld, amon hch wr iotas- date. Tise ladies liald an Tise warship pas-bd ended witli usual quilting, but it will s-a- Weicoma an Friday aftes-noan those fs-om lcWens New Scouts Alan Freethy, Danny Alfin and lion Shawn Garrod. auction sala. prayer by Ms-s. George Tuffard. lsume during the waek of Mas-ch conducting a progs-am with lier Nigist Club;Dp.274'n Couvie New Cbs Jin Wind Bs-cn Polok s1dMs-. and Ms-s. Ar-nold Galla- A bs-tcf reviaw of tise basiell5tli. class of Mesangars. 271B Goody: flcFndy Covir;Nc.,j ub Jm in, re oloc ad gises-, Ajax, wera Sunday din-1listas-y and gaogs-apliy 0 lic he Weafier was more agrea- Ms-. Win. Eydcn ilaIn Port Brandi 178l oa Cnde On Monday evaning, a Pas-- calcd on the Chuma f0 repeat Annlouncamants wera tien sr Jin, Stepisenson, wloin 1 uer guests offMs-. and Mss. Americas was s-lafed, flian tise able for chus-ch ses-vice 'on SunI Hope Hospital whcs-a lie was Légion; LadeÊuiîay o~ cnt Niglit waleld fos- Cuba thias Law and Promise. Assist- mode f0 the pas-entsama ta cam1- tus-n intraduced fisem f0ta B oy Pates-son, ladies wes- dividad 1inflirea ýday mos-ning and flua was seani taken following ilineas af work Brandis 178 aa aaiý~ andScut, isn fisceCium, d by Georgeý Gray, tisenewly ing avents wiic includcd Pafs-ol Leaders. Witi tisa fine weekand tiselgroupa under tise leades-shp of in bettes- attendance at Wei- an Friday. Lagion; Memra -aikA~'~ an crtwe he hminvcsfad Cuba fisan seceived Cubsaond Scouts.I This brouglif fliccaraniony snow is graduaily goiog away mamrbers, Mesdames A. Ausf- came United Chus-ch, YeIlow Gloria Nichais of Toronto ciafion; Lihty als al Sisawn Qarrodi,Bs-cnt Pollock thias Cub Scarf and Lions With tise Scouts isaving ta a close, affer which ligsht witliaut toa mucis flooda. In, H. Austin and G. Tufford clirysanfisemum was tise fias-- was home fos- fie weekend and Leaf, Clubs;Ma-iaGupSf-- and Jimmy Wind wcre invest- Creat. fos-mad thias Horsaslioa form- refs-esismenta wes-e sas-vad aiid Mrss R. Paies-son reports se for a more dataileddiscussion al offesing and tise cisoir's Mari lin wso lias bean practica John's Chus-h cd as Cubaý. Loas- senior Cuba, Badges wes-c awarded f0atise afion, tisa going up caramony thesataffnding pas-enta mat wi hi saw a robin foday. Spsino f Panama, rasuits 0f whicn spécial number was "O, God teoching in Port Hope refus-o- Paliheas-erswr rnssr Alan Fs-acfiy, Danny Aluinfoîin Readers Badge, commanced. Standing in front Scout Mothers Auxlias-y Prs-l must ha juat around tisa cas-- ware praaenfed witis fustiser of Peace". ed fo Peterborougis Teachers'f Don, John, Td aiLssy and Ronald Couvier wenf uP Laurel Wi o;Paf Kee-paraof thias-Akala, 'ashe oufiined dent, Ms-s. Agnas Maik iwitcz 1oas-. discussion wien tise grouipas- e- Visitas-s fs-om Eastern On- College. and RichardRt,- ta scouts. Badge, Laurel and Duaine saine of fisc paf ycass wifli to plan a means of saIsinigý Tise evaning opened witis Waifon, House Os-desly Badge,[tisa baya as Cuba, and wislied moncy ft upottseCb Bonald Cauviar givîng tise Laurel and Duaina Walfon; tises- well in 'Scoufing. Aff as and Scouts an thisa is- tnpfa______________________%___________ Grand Howl, affer whicis a Toymoakers Badge, James In- repeaaing thiai Promise, thieOffawa. Tisosa parants oct iný nalute tau fli flog wa takan,; nis, Team Piaves-s Badge. JafCubs stsock bonds wifh fisose attandanca will ha s-civing -" % and O Canada was sung. Be- Myera, Doony Gr-ay, Richard! tbcy would now leava baind, a latters- iortly,, and yous- co- et a' îes oi lD K NU1e niai ning i0 thais- Parade Circle Andreas, -Kevin .Ienkina, Csaig1 foibowed isy a Paps-Cola cbees- operofion wil ha appreciafed. Akal Ms-. Fis-coa TiîsonVentand ennyDe a0 spead fliam on thicr -way. Tises-a will ha no Cubs dur- ifapedlto tise centr-e and T~awney Star, Stewart Tilîson. Tisey wera intrsoducdf cu-igts oia ak L I I oc Newcastle e Blî LàewcçàS't t !Woges- wio notcisad a pais- witlî singles going ta Rab Motrlcseà Wn Landry, Gary Cox and KenSTA orR AT Bowmanvilia met with Little jo"e,,Botm u ( 7/ y avd hes-r Bsifain and Bowmanville was RO UN 0 STEAK OAS ~ E Thu-sayMa-ci ývîctoriaus hi' a 6 fa 2 score. R DM ROÂST Roneles ana'da;Mach1 1 h hr iteo h I Tyke waa fos-tisa Consolation u New castle kepf thias win- whisci waa donated by Mr. SIRLOýit- POINT ROIAST Nawasie-Ws-s isabristoouisotisar commtmenîs,lning sfseak live as tliey de- John Rickard and prasented tonad u p, .ndtie fis a- u this tima. Piai ing in tiahi' a score of 5-3.f trapu' was capfured by Port peas-ance an be) bafra o usu i)w League isous tisai' Mike Smith led tise winoers Hope as tisai'dafeatad Little*I~N ~ IIl CT A ,C auinenwbiidfsm icfxiiplay f'lua Sundai' evening w his isf-ici with singles Iritain by a score of 6 fa À" N M, R tI' D ST A Vý1 Newîýcastle HceyMter s- nNecslabc f7p..gin1g 11t aScottf Fastes-and Ed. Jo tisa final game fan tishe___________________________________ prepaIred tO ps-Wform oceagnt fic Os-ana HockeyKnlia.cisampionasip Bowmanvblie and again. Tisase wisa afendled oisrjn tise foiwi1 Exhibition Game Newcastle battled dlown fa fise Super-Right Quality,- Semi-Boneless, Ss~ed, tiss-fi-a n gae ade-ydwe wl li nOono îica Io an exhibition game New-final buzzas- witis Nawcte7 if enouglif ugs noia nts Sna'eeigaf 8, castie Pea Wee "B's" defeat-icaming ouf victoriaus by a 2 CoeWoe avso ures l ame lI hvaThe lpa'l.m ise poed -edbi' ed tise Novice Alistars by aljta 1scas-e. Newcastle scores-s PS B tunity ta atedagain, andtis-ese spuriky aisss viih co1re of -3. I wes a Bb Landri' and Bill tbsasîahe a a s.set vali dvi-ld afaa tsa ickGanie an Do Wages-. Tiechcampianship Tw lb lcd bvcu k twa Clubs, as a means of con- Wilks lad tise winnara ivitis traphyldonated by tisaRanci' iouingopgojectaatwowcadi singles HllwRestaurant wsps-e- JoadSr gLm tise Minas- Hockey emgoing aRo idl Jeff Bug- senfed by Ms. Linda Riekard M rzn mo~db 9 btinOs-nan i ekn and Tm aCsaig Whitney h wa Yous- support wbli ha appreci- Malkwisl.fiin ints captain's spot - onlda'y Ladies td Taiyurfindfl Scornog for flic Novice cu for Tom Mas-fin. IAB rna y the Piece, i n d O es o u as s a o nj y a as t s- w s- o m R w l y w i i t a S p e c ia l th a n k a fa t ie co a ci n W e ig lt C ut, V isk in g î A. angtaf28, J Stere wiie aveoing. and tise single ta Bsian Alin. as and thias teams for par- 28,B ou 6, i Rrwn Open Ibusie at tisac Naw -l Friday, March 12 ticlpafing 1n tise tous-nameof. -d -orJfiedtho 2,56,, N.Willinms 2ý.52, F.1Moora cast i Pu lic Sisol as wail Juvenile Also, special thanka fa those 11E IIMY2-16vacuum pkç Alp9csint 8a érnie ffci, hog 235, B. MVajor 22,J. H-utton aftended daili', as paranits Newcastle tsavellad ta Tweed people 'wli came ouf and got î E N E Mdes S Saturdoy, March 20, 1971. 23o. D. Larîgstaff 228, M- mode thias way fa tisa scisool whas-e tisai'wara aufpfayed behind tise ployas-s wlfh flair Buslai' 227, L. Farrow 221, fa taka advantage of saingp and outscosad hi' a taugis support. hr'noigPlei! F. Lui-n 214, E. Maadows 213, tisraugi tisa scisool and meet- Tweed team hi' a -scare of 5-2. Juat ana place of sympatisi' BUIMS, STORE PACK PEAMEAILEO, SWýEET PICKLED 'Ta4 ,l'sgOhtfke, rker lI? Langsa ff 212, C.> Picker-- iog wth tisa teaclera, Mani' Bruce Aldrad and Bsian And- tînt going ouf f0 Tam Martin, fl tako a it , yJaer pi e aruat,' ing 209, M. Wade 203, B. Lake changes hava taken place esson scored for Nawwcastle as captain of fise Newcastledoae fu twihapre, ane wapepace ca-r 171.Pto 19,VWasnsince moat of tisepasenta af- fIai' wei'a eliminated tram Bas-dams whoIs asidelined fan N U ave orne opurhe, nd whtast'coyuha& 15J.Ad-a 18,M Gr-tendad acisoil, and mani' juaf playoff action b hfsree games tisesest of tise yaar hy i' an pe ouI ve at s-od 18, K. Ms-ces- 1, E. bn a short time. Psapfitanai Twesfaous-. injuryi' w li I ncus-sed nia Pers-bn 178. onu' tfiing semaining tisa samn, Thus o vas-y succesaful season previous fousnameof. Sa, get BEEF& END CUTS' ETE CU'TS Daîly Pated Manl - 2!00 and Ov- la i recasa, and chbîdran fadayib' s-gt fa an abrupt end wall s000. PR B. Busicv i'37, . liff sacîn f0 realli' enjai' Ifas mucli for fisc local baya. R SA I 27, .Kuai'27.R Fr o ias- mafIsaand dada dbd. Sunu)(ay, Mas-ch 14 FUJI__B"_2-1-0?7TR2< _ i'a 26,L. ayor26, J. Kiîdsincorporafad xiii ioîd Tw egeELIZABETH VILLE1 Brtn26,J heagn 5,tics teen dance on Fidai'y Eliusa7ooe2lk tsi M.Hn- 5, G. Kimblil evaoing, and invite aIl feen- wanfcd ta take thiasaries On Tucadai'tisa ladies mat 25,T atn243, E. Taylor agara ta attend. Tiai' hava ighttcdown fa tise wire as tisci' t tise basameof and put in a 232. E. Cowlîng 226, D. Ras-- ean working isard ta saise coma out living but Cowan- qulît, isad o pot iuck dinnes- ris21,G Watson 217, T. funda ta bring in disk jockeys villa- lad diffarent ideas as andi lad tis United Chusris Babinson '209, B, Lewis 209, and offes- you a fun-filiasi thai' defeates tisa dafcnding Womcen's meeting for March. C, Rivers 207, G. CowIîng 203, evanbog at ifs hast. Pion naw champions 3-2 ta hacama e e f ewa odatedn Tisas-aena. aheood attndancn A70Th71echampss J. Fors-estes- 200.,t ted ienwrom1 7-7 iap.IThe business was conductasio Newtonviiie Ladies itiseisall was builîffan tisa pur- Elmisust opened ftha cor- ib tisa preaidant, Ms-s. H 17 n vs oao an sd, and par-ling on o goal hi'Bs-i on Bowe'Wisita Ms-s. Banistar took RI ,SW E AN JUC V L CA a71ad vepIual'h'ayul i !$--fs-1mDoe tiso adA _ . ls-se1-ta- oI- quitd-- Re.Roe 1 B p kn of9 LOID, WETAN9JIY VAEcI through summer. If was presentesi iNewcastle batthfiis-fisst M-.J aoeOiavM- S T T ES M N oficilly on Mandai' ansi a gam 0of playoffsaainaf Os-ana niM-.B atsue- ou oia AP(fe n. ek 'ya oyean anyllr vr 10-6-7CA OzOr ' Phon 6233303 aong wlish defails aftfils naw Newcastle lad 3-1 for tisa firsafthe waekand. AU ansi exciting sport. isaîf. Bath teama playasi this s. niM-s a7s-Ln baes-00gol xe scs esih'ias-spent Sunsiayin 0Port Oron gols ere cord b Hope wltis Ms- and Ms-s. 'Rosa Venezia Restaurant ~~~~~~e,,yJohnsfan 3, ,Barry Westj Langyear.MssOsliMa-aChieQaiiFoz rdrzeMrinChceQat',Pe HIGHWVAY 1 15,_MILE SOUTH 0F ORONO castle goals lii Davidi owVi lllf for Fiasida on Tuassiai', ras.sre-t- _____________ ~~2, Gary Zulouf 1 ansi Tim c- & R N HA P EBTE OPE 7DAS WEKJenkins 1. Mrss Grace Knox is in Ca- ~Second game at Newcastlefbu- opia. ~IJ fIJJ IL PEAN UT Thuraai',l8tiot 6p.m. iVMr. ansiMs-s. H. Quants-il basi Ms-. Bai'Quantrîli ansi i Specializing un. Gr unrlOhwo Àî SPAHETIBANTAM TOURNAMENT 1 sda',vu' PIZZAla tETC. By Ken Boyd s.Ca-as alcndceo 9f-z - 24bf- attisis- wn -urEaC."ut1New r.OsaawaoawiBse cn,1.0 Congratulaions as >i-e e t h ie service af chus-ch on Sun-ý tins tinsced1 A lso T k -O t O rd ans cd t t h fic ew ast B af m s day. __\___ ___ ____V7__L__4 a ni d W e e d p c a a ýyw h a w r a t i e p r o i c h a m p o n s M -. a s i M ss1W D e - a o PHON UORNO 987-6f51 mte eefesi Pas- t laSafturda,. fisc lisi a meS citg Ms-. anitMs. M.MAlitr --