Reports f rorm Wom-pen's Institutes rAI4LE \'OE W. 1, April l7th. Mrs, L. C. Snowtien report- onýrr' s istitt,,-as beiti on 25 years fromn our clippings ~arc 8V at8 pm. in C. E- from Mrs. Greenham. U1, lau. T Vice-Presitient Mrs. Mrs. C. Jeffery reporteti fS' C. Greenoham was in charge of the Good Nelghbours Commit- th fliwing business. tee for the past two months. TeRoli Cal'A popular Mrs. W. Brown lu a few aougnf iy tens wasanser-well chosen words paiti tribute wasticiret nt V ronto Mrs. L. C. Suowtien for (1p-iedno t, nthe organîzîng our W.I. 25 years tnhe lIe Cross as teeago anti for the work she has wi)(,b a commuity can- been doing since. A telegrama Mrs W Brv~ ani rs.s.from Mrs. Snowden's daugh- 'À.ferv vonaret to hS.ater, Mrs, O. Pritcharti, Mano- Nom natinfCoredVto ee atick, 1was reati cougratulating The jîýiÀF, ondFrm' "$1 woth Maple Grove on 25 years of ofma"and 'Neyerý a duIli l o meal" were the Vwo choies Mrs. Brown asked Mrs. antlili was decideti to ask Snowden's o t h e r daughter, BotnvleV be our guests, Mrs. J. Hubanti, Oshawa, to Plans were made for a pin a Life Membershlp'Pin on wedingVo e ctered to, on her mother. A life member- ship certificate was presenteti - to Mrs. Snowtien as well. t Tribute was also paiti to the Il other charter members stili > ~ ' workig Inour W.I. In afew worrls Mrs. Snowden volct 4 SIOPPFN/t er hauks anti appreciation t. R the W.I. for houoring her 5n SBET6.~T/AN his 'ay. A ~~Of further iuterest, It as noted that Mrs. W. Lairdi bas been our pianist for 25 years. MVrs. G. Besse. convenor of H-istorical Research anti Cur- reut Events was ln charge of the following programi. e Misses Elizabeth anti Hilary ** Johnson sang Kerry' Dancers, * O accompa~niPd hv their mother * * Mrs. M. Johnson at the piano, *Miss Hilary Johnson also * O playeti-a piano solo. The Motto "It is better to B Y A j ~ be nobly remembereti than nobly hotu" was commeniteti PLUMING& IEATING on hy Mrs. i. Gilbert. If -a person Is horn nohly, this is , ~PHONE 26-65 Isually7 banded down. How oni rjgý we wlll ha remembered bas Tyron, Onarin o ha worket i a. Many In the -ýBible lik,e Davidi, Noah, Peter M;pm1W INA" i fun - filled aC the ne -Sto Floring Centre o1r one of doz'ens of other w ie pmpeingprizes ENTER THE DOMCO ifesuver coies WEEKEND SPECIALI FREE WIFE, SAVER KIT b the fîr 110customers -$ 10value PICK UP YOUR FNTRY FORM AT 95RiG T.W, BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2542 G 5 STYLES. SHAPES AND) COL1ORS TO CHOOSE FROII Pîfl1t QuaIib.y Lauses* Finest National Brand F rames "' rokan frimes Rapaireti or Replaceti wiile you n'ait * WefMIl ail PSI, Oculists anti Optometists prescrip> tioniis am e low prices. Bifocals, if cequl et . .. Kryptok, Ultex or Flettop PrESCRIPTION GLASSES AT SAME LOW PRICE PRrr5CPION Si, 717UNGLASESAT SAMELOW PRICE OPT'iCIANS-OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 23 B3ON D ST. EAST 2Nfl ;DFLOOR ()-,AWA, ONT. PHN:728-1261 HOURS: Tues., Titurs., Fnl. 9 .m. ta 5 p.m. Wed. 9 amt. ta 9 p.m. Set. 9 .ns, o 12 Noon Coset Monday thim developm-nt lu brainl power. Afler titat mie' oly luceese thc kuowletge by1 our meny veied axpeciances.1 Tite greatar expanience wel have, te mare aur educetioni Iincreases. We must each the' 'idividual, noV lite chais, sait Mca. Boar, - caci chilt bas' ýdiffereut ability anti intecest..l Hec ambition lu ber work la tao mainly help thea chuldtotae greeten anti broater unter- standing anti so insurea e mare succesful future. To ampitasize bar cemenks, Mrs-, Huer sbawed us sotue slides" ou a number of clascroomsaeti work, ,wha re meny ofte! modern methotis are iteingý put inta practice. Eacb mcm-I ber gaiueti a bettar insight as' Vo what onc consultants arc lcying 10o do foc aur ciilticen. A few quesians wene enswer- et, but owiug o te latenesa of te bouc, Mca. Boar con- clutidati e vay nteresting telk. Thte meeting loset witb the National Antitan, after wbicb we enjoyet a St. Pet- ick'a lunch cdownstaims iBirthdays.. a wedding.. an anniversary.. or any day. Go-Id Filled. Gif t Boxed. m"ARR'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 39 King St. W. ce'ns, wes helt e thVie Mac- tells, when those prescut ln- cluteti Mr. anti Mca. Alan Me- Piterson, Mn. anti Mrs. Lonne Rasa of Wilo wtile, Mr. anti Mns. Roy Ganno anti femily of Scacitocougit; Mr. anti Mis. Robect Van ce anticiiltren of Uxbintga anti Mn.anti Mca. Robent Wilhbndeutsons, Osha wa. Mci, A. Milligan uidecweut successful aye sncgecy ln St. Josepb's Bospital, Petachor- ough, lest Tuastay, and, wf untierîtanti, expecta ta camne homne eacly titis wcek. Visitors wlVh Mc. anti Mca. Boyt Hennis anti famiiy a wcek ago, wecc Mca. Ausiey Green of Wcstpoct, Mci. Genalti Quinn anti son Chnis: anti Mr. Dong Curie of Lakeficîti. Mca. Neil O'Conneii anti son Aluin of Cobourg, wacs visitons bers, Frldey, witit ber mother, Mci. Gectie Rowe. The avaniug af Banbecsitap Benmony lu Osbewe attracteti qulte a few local people. At- teutiiug on Fritiay' evanluig were Mr. anti Mci, C. M., Jones, Mn. Bill Lane, Mra. Beai il anelRuthart ell ememer-Jones, Mrs. Wlnnlfred Elliott, The Canadian Statesman, Bowma ed for particular deeds. Flor- Charm ing it r r RdMs i Aas r1 enc Nihtigal Prd Mdam F. Ferguson anti Mrs. C. Bur- Nurightinglase an Madae1 ' ley. On Saturday evening L' RI Crerrme eIasmfor ters those attending includeti Mrs, dëeets or discoverles made e S. Lancaster, Mrs. A. Perrin, within our memories. Mrs. C. Farrow anti Mrs. F. Atrsvclsed ekfiiiIcrcain grvt Mrs. G. Besse lntrotiuced:ou.- é iýHenderson.Ale eea tdywksrgdInrcaiogrva-t get speaker, Miss Etna Practically ail those belong- 0 etcwnc eteec dh ibigktsat rts g inerarenng ta the Masonic Order were week a month long (or so ing spouses. Grenfilti, a- . ~ eweste St.udeyeve~-they scemeti>, it gives s Presentation for teacher at Dr. Phillip's Schooli i ecste-traye -u lu shee. issGrenfilti s~'s, -k ~ lg, elpng o clebatethepleasure to interject a -note of Mr. anti Mrs. Terry Malcolm hati attendeti a Baptlst Con - -- 6 21hAnvreyo urbamn optimismo that spring may he Yelvertou Church Hall wes1 gres tr Toyo lst ulyandaitec ail just arounti the corn- filledtiet capacity on Satur-1 gres u Tky lat ulyani ~" ..a~sa Saw our first woodchuck day evening Vo honoir newly- als viite Exo. he aveanAttcntilng the Oshawa Hlarn- this week (Wedncstiey, March wctis Mr. anti Mrs. Terry introduction ta er îts n ~ ess Holdings Ltd. Annuel lOth) out scampering arounti Malcolm (nec Brentia Gun- a very lnteresting commentarY L u~-adies' Night In the Poiish o o nwl h afed hl)o are on ber time spent In Japan. trn 's-',.Vtean'Centre, Oshewa, on Poor fcllow seemnet a bit con- The eerly portion of the1 Mrs. B. Bosgra thanketi the ' Saturtiay evening were MI. fuseti - perheps hie had mis- eceuing was tievotedtiet dan c- speaker anti the girls for a ffl andi Mrs. Ross Brown, Mr. antipaeibsfotdo. Ou u r lseig t h 7most enjoyable progrem. ' Mrs. Bill Wete, Mrs. Mary haîf-hearteti suggestion ta di- rhythnjic musýc of Mr. antij The meeting loseti with the - Watie anti Grant, Mr. anti Mrs. reet our three-legged meet- Mrs. Jim Lowry wlth Mr. Dave repeeting of the Colleet l 'in " ..~ . , Maurice Hallowcll anti Mr, anti erinder in is cenecal tiret'- Masters on the traps. 1unison. l/"'"'--' Mrs. George Elliott. -.tien was quickly vetoati by Priac ta midnigbt Mr. A social tîme was e a r-. ed~ In the second of is Lenten aur first mate whose sympa- Veughn MeGiIl as general M.1 when sandwiches, pickles eýsres Rev. T. Sneigrove spoke thy for this first harbinger of C. Inviteti the honoreti couple and coffee wece serveti by the -'-I on "Conscience et the Cross", spring was bortiering on the ta the piatform ta take seats group in charge. r . <eferring, this Suntiay, Vo thet sentimental. suitably delorateti with empty - -.~,'- ~ -'-, ~ .-o f Peter. The Choir sang B'is Lest Saturday evening a Hog Concentrate bags anti pro- SOIA .Wey Is Bail", large contingent of Yeivertoni- ceed tie a isplay a bitiden1 Dinner guests, Sunday, witb ans atteutiet the annuel Sangtaetsrcoeuasec- Our ladies were 'glad 10ih'c liv-. antiMn. Don Staplatan, Spinners Revue lu Lindsay lur counteti In humiorous fashion1 mee eei, ete mssig heanti family were Mr. anti Mcm. the Academy Theatre. Local soma incidents af the past that1 Feraymeting owing tae Bruce Donnelly anti femily, members inclutie Mn. Mac- Tcyn iutht oeih bad weatber. This i lat ~ - J ~ -'Part Hope, helplng celebrate garet Heeslip, MnIr. Peggyhaifrten Ms, ina the first time snce our W. I.. ilo-Y -' Lois Stapleia' birtbday. Staeey, Mrs. Joyce MalmParaialntybthm was format, thet a meeting ' ,'-Sorcy Vo report Mrs. Lottie anti 1Mci. Isabelle Wilson. ocuus poctie addtress vwbîcb bas been compîetely cancel- -" Totti is egein e patient lu Mae Te avy ecim n t i crceyae stournheti led. morial Hospital as Of lest Mana were ovcrnlgbt gueits etFl thir pithe dbishogris Mcs. V. Aibtan opened the - ~ ' ~.-Thursday. Mc. anti Mrs. Aldo iNasasofFhiwngte ttics h cm eetiVng htn oen-.hemitteapresenteti the newly- with our Ode, Collect ~Mr. anti Mca. Douglas Wegg Port Credît on Studayun tswt otbeTsm anti a paem. Mca. R. Fraser, 4 Stouffville were Sunia day lest week. iindividuel gifts anti a bit of secretery, reeti the. minutes ~ isitons with Mr. anti Mci. Sit The bettie with wintec stili folting stuff. anti gave the finenciel report. Brown.I continues et time of writing Terry anti Brenti eaach abiy Our balance is low, 'se wa. Suppar guests, Suutiay. with wltb aur Marivers Twp. roati expresseti their apprecietion tmust ail put forth reai effort Mrs. M. Wade anti Grantwc crew out lu full farce, eug- for gifts andtiet the commit- ta bcing il rip. Mr. anti Mci. Hecny Wte mentetiby the addition of four f Mrs. Fraser reat our cor- The-littie girls in the above photo are, on the left,.New,,îtîe iî Mr. ulldozers. B.ý Tburstiay even- resoniece To ettrsfrm yer-ldSaturtay visitors wihMsiug s everel miles of snow-N LasondChing, aur etteti daml n e- anc o Kim Lorraine and hec big sister, four- Iv, Farrw wace Mr. anti Mci. pluggedi roatis stili remelu un-M ,ghter, ware very interesting. year-old ebocah Anne, daughters of Mc. and Mrs. Ron Carl Farrow, Downsiw.anti oper'ed wth many miles mere 1She describati their New Yeer, Thomnpson.. R. R. 5, Bowmanville. Their proud grand- ai Sunday, Mr. anti Mca. Ken paths anc car in witith withRE D C celebration wbich falls oni parents arc Mr. andi Mrs. Colin Dacrach of NewcastleBrgaifNecsl.aksobthidsuVo1-R D C Jeu. 23rt. A number of' an MrsVvinow a i1e Mr anti Mrs. F. Gilmer 12 feet in height as fer as the' If )yoqr contributionV "TheuanYous"were reatiThompsou,,George St., B ______ e.wcra dinnen guests, Sunday eye eau sec. Enough ta gîgve Bw anileCn Doi usvlutae owith Mc. anti Mrs. Jim Gilmer anc claustrophobie. Ou.r ap- om vilCa a reati the Faderateti News and o nhiT ro t nNuE 5 L 1. T NMc, anti Mcs. Les Raid afinednt anti fellows manning reot Pheaewlsesach esarti, c.Dodrw Ms rn hm-Orono wecc callars on Suntay the plows anti tozens who or min ohlthe nwll bes usat e ou r.ntde weck n Nrwb.son dnjoyat Grnty eeuingwith Miss Allie -Nesbltt. have spent long boucs et their' whCsserlle owaspant ethentei V t goldnwed ichsn noe wth eNda i heyetWamen's Instituts wilî meet posts untien very tcyîng cau- Mr. W. J. Orm daserodet a urchese a ltheas adng eniecsteyolispents famnnr iyBatohek. Bily tthe homne of Mrs, Iva Fer- ditions andtietathe cetepayars 90 Chucch St. reck fot rcse a thesalliMc.antivMca Jaof hsrent c, lcktck ow an WeWtnestiay, March for their lonely vigil, weIing RUAL rac fo ue i te hll Mr an Ms. ac Frw. Mc. and Mrs. Howard Lee,124 et 2:30 p.m. Speciai speak- for thair releese from thein i CONTINUES THR( Doris His, aur District Dit- Mc.. Walter Welts left Mal.- Mr. Cliffocti Lee anti Mc. John an will ha Mci. R. Devis, Dist----- ectar, announceti thet the Dis- ton inpart on Thucstiay about Anbuckle wece Suntiay aven- rict Presitient.___ trict Annuel woulti ba held i e noon anti axpected ta arrive iu ing dinner gucîts with Mc. Scoutmester Phil Haymeu BL C ST C Sauna Hall on May 20Vh (if Germanye' oram on F- anti Mn. Neil Lac. iuforms us that lest weekend, wintec ever goas). We will day Dbhe Leeisba ieshollcl anti Kendal Sots t Titti upergests nf assiît lu diffecent ways, as Frinda eeseti that Mc. aflernlbac siege with tema-Out ta Pins Ritige Sebool Mr. anti Mcs. Heca hr- weîî as serve dinner. George Heeilip is pragressing las. Davidi Laee i owtkngs migpool, whare diving îidge and Bill wcn Hector's1 The Namineting Committes in Part Ferry Hospital. register for kiatirareten ta- under the supervision of the Englehant anti Mca. Carl FîcaIWAe ifor next yeer is Isabel Dav'say ieSvnIstuorOhw. Elaine Baker anti i{lan Wer: Mc. Wn. Armstrong ceturu- Mday. Lslfeli M - Svnigh IMnruct ocre, Os aa. s erllFr be nognpor ry Orlueho o e d home fcom Part Pecry Has- Ma aii c ongt Mata) lcl Rv antiMd cci e-We nugapos ry. Our Kewn Mc.oantfMca.rLionl Scouts anc baviteti out ta guson, Toronto, anti Rehv, antiin wa i7tit was discusseti in cleteilipital lest weck. Bis deughterewnMrad s.LooDn T'he rall caîl was answer,d Mca. Marguerite Hicks hes McKeown, Mona Roati, visiteti Kendal for an eveuing of Mns. Clarence Ferguson a Most iternias are in tt quite wahi by membans. I beau staying with themn in Suncley efternoon andi were baskatbaîl anti othen -gamas, Mîhîs, wecc Seturtiey cahilers Titis hernie weekness c, we Mk rpa om jce, their Port Ferry home whîle evening dinner guests with enting in a social eveuing. of Mr. andi Mn. Bihl Fergu-* it may be muait later ln for youc favorite product anti Mc. Armstrong Io convalese- MMrutM ,BrcetesipoMnRemotlBucismteouanibos nt atcte brig smporpa af or- ing. lEvaning visitons wece Mr. anti the weckanti et Markhem witit supper gueits of MS. Olge gieeîîy was a long draw brn ape rpyaMcs. Bonace Heeslip, Janet- Mr. anti Mrs Bruce Waters Hill.pain souofcm feit. $2. wes peiti aitogether. Mr. anti M. Arthur Byl'ie e.11 anti family. Rau Mactyn bas i-eturnedv atetw ott'ci Thvîga asi he sied Thursday witb Mci. This milti Weathar la awai- home after an extendeti tour rathar tfin have tit ofthe roCam wans lGrupcag BueBakune on icoma cespite fcom te ceat of Europe. Bruc Hawins hersonwif m e *1eovery is mait marer def the Cleadenship Gfoup n- eanti family, LittieBritalu, eut colt anti snow, Spring mut rETPTPTn M. anti Mca. DonFlmn,& iaeadco o t Wtson ant i Eleen Page, wece evening dinar gucats. have eciveti as thet herbin- Oshawe wane Saturday gucatsi herenceaetin as.ehairms e.Leter, Lloyd, Gerry anti Art- gar of îpring, the robîn, was, (Intended for lest weýek) Ms beratipArcns c u fyussetahernienda hur attentietiûthe hce aese eeti onn.Mr. anti Mca. Gardon Tay- Sit cleioMc.SieVobetwcen hocke geme ad siteauMbaccdthis. monMNg. Mi. îofctM rche.nday ve the mtta, "The World Stufiil nt ltoMat c. tnMN icanti f emily visiteti et Mc. guesti 0 Mr tMc Archer vou OR TYOUR1 nî, y country aud Maukind ti lie ite rti. lie o Williamis Point, spant Ke;th Taylo', Reehoro- wece Mr. anti Mca. VincantUSwvien you reed ad is my fienti. Mca. Sie Suntay Mc. anti Mca. Bylenti the weekend in their Toronto Mr. anti Mca. Ralph Cacit-Ace, antiMci D. . Se * peompely to n fo bat c same vary 'iSpiyas visIteti witit ber fether Mn. homne. cane, Oshawa, visiteti Mr. P eut pn rýD C Iýnpeper- nu o isrng Wm. McCebe, Lotus, anti wece Mc, andi Mc..Barmanýj Roî- 'c.LeleCcirn.wece hoats of a famiii 3in>-ý wveicosne requesti forj toughts on wnrIdwitia un- Ms el- Ccrn tensîanding~ veniing tinner .iets.LVr miend ntilar, Litle Britahri, Ms yteTmln o-ncon Fnitay aven-ing ilu witb Mc.dan t Mcs. Caci il-r onto, was an avecnigbt gucat hanor mef the Golden Wetingý Apaed discussion 0on "Sa- Mc.anti Mca. Stanley McCae h eM n aday aft ecilon r ifrdcelebretion of bis parent,, Tiay" oliowt. M 146a aret family at Lotus, son. Saturtay evenîng visiteaonswhMc. n Mcr.Wlfj anti Mca. Melville Sleep wý Tdy olwd agetSryt reotAnnette Normane ndtitam ta aifemify tinnen et Mc.Thosa wha, Booay acteti as moderator; Hinsocry thelintu were Mr. anti Mns. ettanttatawece titein teughtr. Hansbtliemao te taLyans ent famîly, Uxhnidga. ted wrthrdagei Lorraine Knox anti Joyce laie e fingan when it hecamne Ms ae alradM.Chenley Milleriis, Ocono. rsMihe.Pk Taylor favocat lte modern ceugbt in the can taon. She jca. Jam fe alcanti eM r. .anti Mca. Gardon Taylor MantirMca. yMichael Puk, day, witile Rete Fraser eud was cushedte VorPon erry FJiak uris, Pefaw , weMr. adanti Susan visiteti Mca. Frank' anti thid amhl, DMcn. atid6 '.1,S Doris Flatt praferret Soline Hosptal where surgecy ce- Fia iioswt c ant Osmondi, Bowmanville.Mc.DvdPkDee.Td$KIOS.E T as ilwsi 96 hs i-hwî 0t Mca. Grant Thompian. Mc. Mrs. Frank OlliffeUxbrliga anti Tom Puk, their sou Mr. WPHlONE a twsi196 hsdi-jaî-net it but i h e1 yiard, Mca i Jhso ee-anti Mns. ArnoltiSleep, antid fecent headinga wece discus- befons te openetion cen beiborough, waeeSuntay cellers. witba Mc. ati Mca. Godfc e Bob SleepM. an MA.1 set - Opportunilias i d-poo cdscesu.court Lady Snowbinti BwhMrand.r.GdryBbSeeM.adMs I cation, Clothing Styllesý, Beelti Mr. anti Mca. Victor Malcolm Tite rguafmetig o Ma. Lsi oirn a atn oga le Improvements, Ativences n visitet hiec mathar Mca. Geo- Court Lady Snowbirt L11930, Mciiune e C oî ii chr an t i FacsBndg _____________ Science, Luxuries lu aur cge KerrinluBowrnville bas- wshitMci 3de l' Mcr.el y wCo hrane, andewe n A hBeyn, Musenanti Homes, New Foocts avaîlable. pital ou Suutiay anti report a wa edMrh-de îh e r.A.HreSsnad Medicae, Wonder Drugi a--nti ligitt impravement in lber p.m. nVt-..F el e-anti viaitet iber faiher, Mcroniat.iti egt Vaccinas, Family Life Chang- condition. tîcton. Hc oward Cuwling in Dr.'J, 0. Joan. On Suutiey Mn. antid as, Wocking Mottera, Sports, Mr. Michael Keut of Vie- Followiug te opening, a-Rutidy Generel BospitalinluMc. D. C. Shaep end fam E»roo y anti Greeter Incomes. In apite tarie Collage, University of cocting ta rituel.,te election Whtj. attentiethVie Open Bouse in, of hee fneimpovrnets Toono, îstedetthewek- f he ewofficans foc 1971 Whitb. LwA ,KigvllBawmanvilleetaite homne of tookplae wth Dstrct ep-Mr. Patrick Nelson, Mr. andi Mr. anti Mca. Michael Puk, lu't l aur pollution and' iteant dis- eud with bis aunt anti uncle, took plae witiDistri ct tep- Il.Benr er, saa ýno fM.Rd r.Se eae rea a tut. e oe Ms Nrmn a -s Bowmanville, anti Bigh Mer- M ni. Sevenal fremibtis area et- H ali'r Iv he wonlti cen salvagm te On Suntiay Mr. anti Mca. Mains visitati r. ndMci. Danois better thinga of aur paît Vo viiteti bis fetiter, Mc. Eli shal Siter Emma Balsom, Mor.tentatite Oshaw.a Harnas go lonwit th grat hins Mirset be omeof r. ndOshawa, pnaiding. Titese are: Mr, anti Mci. Tercy Smoith Holdings Ladies' Nigbt lunte o o alnwith Vitere. a hgMaisueit hs hom ofMn . atitPresiteut, Sistar Marilynad Sean, Laitit; Mr. Albert form of e banquet anti tance ( e - of those taking part gave a Sympethyity a xtanteti Vo Cooletige; Frauident, Sister Semis, U. of, Waterloo, wece et te Falîut Bell, Ositawa. goot accaunt of their iteas. Townsitip Clark anti Mca. E. teCal DoViy-PesiRcdenSs weekant visitons et lte'Semis MIFatiMa.BevdGe Shirley Westlake fevocet wîit Fowlcc a intae deatit of bis itm anti Mc. anti Mca.Ken O'J w 1 cI - ereara hotrMagLe;Me. r.Wlae a-Lewr o-ot eter thrae slections an lban guitar. father. Reeva anti Mca. Law- SceaySse ec a; M. aniM.WaaePs-LcwecahtsV tei We hope Voeiter fcom lier rance Malcolm attentat Vite Treesuner, Sister Docotby collevîsîteti Mc. anti Mca. Hec- frinuteV a snowmr.obile par- agaîn. funerel in Oshtawa on Weti- Les; Citepiain, Sistan Sentira ePacKdrn - tyo Stua vnig Vo nîctuc ou spake, Ms. c. m. tee atentt ia Tai; CaW ar, Siter ir- eMc. Cy Merlin anti Ctity, Miss Sitern Lermen eut' Ri Ama Lnemad wa askdineday._ore p-(nltnr-s er iitt guesa et- Mc GardonwesP-Seturtisupe n thlx2Il V19 J(URL answer WIG~ rour hairdresser, knOWA yling staff at Kut ' KÇuri he style and color that',s of 1000% dyneil. Body? ment is buÎlt in, so youlr inp, even in (he rairo. ý salon collection - BOWMIANViILE 6Ï23-5019 ELE OTROHOME Look'n Listen color TV value Family-size 25"f color picture in hand-rubbe-d Deilcraft cabinetry. Great value at this prîce! Great performance, to o, with exclusive Electrolok automatic fine tunîng and Electro- tint for locked-in color balance, scene -to scene, çhannel Io channel. Six-year picture tulbe warranty plan included. Been waiting for the right color set at the right price? W. Service What We Sel " HARRY LOCKE TV $69O 29~~ Kin 6t oW.-23-231 1CAPILANO ianville, Mer. 17, 1971 tep. in ch1arge, Lunch wa.§ se rveti by the committee: Mr, Vaughn MeGili, Mr, andi Mrs, Art Rowan. Mr, and Mri, Jack Wilson, Mr. and M rs, Ralph Pfoh, Mr, andi Mr-,, Ronnie Jackson anti Mr. Briaa Wilson. Guests were present fro-m outside communiies, Barrie, Toronto, Bowmanville, Ux- bridge, Picton. Oshawa, Lind- say, Port Perry, as well as most local 'communities Ail join in wishing Brencla anti Terry the best in their, marital journey aheati. Weekend guests of Mr. anti Mrs. H{oward Malcoli andi Cantiy, Mr. and Mrs, --Tiriy Malcolm were BArendaý's par- ents, Mr, anti Mrs. Allan Guni- dree of Barrie, Miss Nancy Dorzert of Stratfordi(rna mald of honour) and MIr. anti iMrs. Howard Philp of Toron- to. Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Olan of, iPicton, MNr. and Mrs. Ken WI.I. son of Uxb-1ridge were week- iend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wilson anti Brian. Mr. Ken Lemar of fatmilton was *a weekend guest of ttie Ray Robinsons. Miss Anne Wilson hAs-, 1quireti her first new autcr, a Duster. Lucky gai! Mr, anti Mrs. Earl Gray aýnt Betty spent the weekend with Mr. Wesley anti Mr, El mo Gravp ROSSMONTH1 w?-, iissed during the iass it niay he left at iiinion Bankç aîled to iîston, Treasurer tBowmanville CANVASS 10UGIIOUT MARCH dam M v - w w *a *