Phonie 9874213 SDurinailice Carnival SThe Caniadian State il Ante $100ý onoArenu Pocke faIirt ean the oc e C vI -%T ~dtt Dona <DON Vanderstoop n Bowling 5-5, E. Mrcr2,51, T. Lanig- [ne26,G. Couch 2'-34, I. rown 231, E. Meadows 226, *Perr'in 216!, M. 'Wadle 216, *Hallowel 215, V V Wtonn 13 .Lunn 210, J. Aidr-eadl 09, sr inou 203, M. Majorv ~9, A.Lagtaf 9, J. Stere 96, M Fstr195, pB , Mjor 93, B. -Lake 19:3, R Irwin 192,1 !RNal19, C. Pirkering 181, tCouroux 173. M. Potteri wTere wToil, y these skaters, from Sendy Kelly, Gale MVilhench, Darlenie Lesnîck.,ý Sonofni S. 'Ruh Bernar viited wt eltvslast wieek andba now retum-ned to bis hoime ini Siouýx fLookouit.: Mr.Ch iýarles Roger'son hýas3 eturnied to Egifoliowving a riait with bis son Keith and his faily and renewing opd friends and acquaintnres in the village and surroundingi area. Sincere sympatby oMte vil-1 lage is extendedi to the fLam-iil of the la-te Mirs. Mary- Fosterý sr-, wio pa5ssed away mast WVe are,(, ryto rep-ort thati Mrs. Carol Rowely, Rev. Bob Hayne and M Jack Boul have beepapýtients iýn the Me-ý morial Hospital, Bwavle Congratuios are extend- edto Newr-,Tastle ereto Figutre S1lating Carnîïval, and itsarmany youthfufl akaters. At- tendig the Sunday afternoon performance, it was enjoyed' 'from start to finish ;Iadit la hoped thepy wii]l co)ntinue 10 Ï includle a matinie peolrm-ance yearly as wvell as their open- i.ýng night. The arcounit Of theC wher, inrludec ail the names' as menîonedin thL pogam alth)ojgbwve were informed that some,(- due to ilinessa, brok- e'n bon"s and eveIn deth iný Uthe famiLY were tinable to perfomm. P The enamesveri inlddrather tane'ld Usonir whiie icuigoccirs. Their intentlions were goo"d ightLup IunJIti he lst int presumably, andlitwaS there- fora_ fet they needed mnin of Bomnie, frey He waa Ainwn y cany at d1 like byaIlandwull ha adiv qeLake arnd Clarence Tonwere ail dreased up misaed carrying balloons au part of lte crcus performrance. Guasa witt evefo untr ail that, terrible snswý.7É ltaI bas been pijed. b igh fcr ' Mnty amôth-MU"ad lots oM Il.Yu nt-aifo 72 wca t/ lte irds will 11-y back aad the hur,1 laake th ier' lbrouigh the ground, but Ihere wiibe daa tey'l1 wish b y ~caIanda'(Peroa hdnt, cen yt Weh bave talked wtbthel Mury -WaLto;, woinfo""rml stle- The Marcit rasun ,April 4th-. u s t'ltIPPasaeoîn01aon :lbDance, down a The Kida Inorpoated beld nbcelyadlt peigo hi attaldanc , a sti.hëir dance Frday weeng, faitand chip store W!ll ha ici ejoedbya fsuywli r .Boll MCLearMrS. May lat. eltoseof yuwt rwdon Saturday. Ed. Nesbtt and Mra. Jack have heen mnakinù nuii5 is probably caused Ultm BOuld chapemog Weyrmark down te dia o liu utii5taking pae oryfor thIFe erro madie in calendar. and dont ty break-P jout tha village, and iltiteli advertisng, wviteait; wacling any speed recors tryàn dî that bite Aril danre;reported tmat tite dance was b be anmng the rf in l ine, -e tie us DUalfuihmolfr the week esmier. 'We ibw aebeen aý-sLumed thC-ee inre. The spot Prizes try ta do a better ob in heîng PARl he Iota for everyon),re. -ek were won hyMm. miore acrurate Mthocteda1te WVhîle e ae no acr-urate -.Gord. Darbin and, Convsble and Iis o BnanB Toumamenýt, M. ednPamker.% WEyce, fomr,y ,ýol ecaiCale qii rprsa, oetamn fite nCext and now tatîorted witit the 1good tournam"ent and epes Mincla elctienvizited a b mitnka 10 MW.Stewart, p oiCarnaswortl -y !--1itb jdnfris1 lite v.lage lazt ocf th'e 1;eCkCe's Milk Soefor Toronto Dr11,esc ilweknattentdig lte Lions bis donation of nov. . f Slew- St. George's A117lîeaP Club der on Studa rt la fiirly aw tnacte * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- Neeal o C-p I-but ta ýut iintarezted in it o- ma at te il tin. serv NEWTONVILLE LADIES 175 and Over HE. ifms236, . . Wijils 227, V. Guay 222, W,. SàhnpsOn' 216, M. Sit 1 i1, G. Henry 198, J. Vogels 197, H. Cali, 1!35, G Iliglies 188, A. Hollen 184, TRURSDAY 7IXEDI 175 and Over T. Cordn 27,H. Verburghi 243, M. ibhotson 281, MM.Mac- G reègor -227, B. Mornn i1217, W. Forget 216 , J.imes 211, I. Zu Wuf210 HFarrow 210, V. M/errer 206, F. Lew'is 198, B. Glanvilie 198, M. Courh 192, S. Blark 1Is, A. Farow 184. FRIDAY MIXFD 200 and ovr J. Poimea 279, A. Pare261, R. urley 245, -R.God2, B. Madil235, D. BudlM22 J. Jenkins 228, 1M. Brifett 224, J. McCracke(n 223, S. Powel 2'23, P, Kidd 216, G. H-IncI(ry 212, G. Kupary 209, B3.Madfilu 207, J. Sikma206, M. Burly 206, T.Emhley 205, E. Jenk- inas 204, B.Bifet204,.HT-M. Munro 203, A. Peer 202, A Ku1.pery 202. Pee Wkee B's Are Awarded Stephenson ïilCup. by Roy Hopvkin -(atl-)Y) Marr'h t playe'd bost toatunmnt reama were from Bowmcan-j tille,.( Oshwaan Nwcastle.ý i lie îAt game, Newcastl0ýI rn over Bmaivile4 -2 ,1 pals he usd y Dale All so n, Tiro JeniaJff Budnand Char oshlforc gals srored by (ben Nade esith two) Two Osbawa teanm payed ;hle second gýame withfern ,NUl winig over Harman 6-1, ln the thlird gameBowmian- in tJhe foumhan final gameZ Newc=Ute deet FembhiI SAI This was a hard-fought ga-ne, with Nweab holdirn dgl a 1leaM for two perlds oaga by Ti'n ekn. Ithe third pemiod, Jeff Buigdéen scored 1for Nwatefiô by a'P goal for FerrhI by Dv LaMonl!!,ý-t. With Femnhill puill- ing their goalie, Tiîm JeýnknS fired ittotheir penne t wivn the Bb teheso sented bly BobSthes, Playinýg bis hast ganta fl itaý year, Dan Hfopkiits did weli for- bis teamr. The eaar nd coache-s wol ieto thanik F tose w,7,- fiontedtrohie, ad the 4-crn- R. irob~ Ms.Chlie An&u- la-and DavidShaewh did aub a good oh as r Eferee. Aioorthanka to Mm.Fred Gavlefor- bis donationIs. Saturd-cay nigit heypbye in Oroto ict tl'elrturae, wisnng th ie Consolation Tropity over 'tort Hope, - t gieenderi in a 3-ý lie,tlie wi 1erbinig de "b -t onD lithoae nmnet .lefClancy seored firsI ttb 1 vd bot- son scorng te seconý b wln î'r- effrts to r -aïse fu for i'S nthe Hr d lte al S, Itfdin ir t, boys01 ofuherown teama. nt gto'oe a inr- cÔvei r ino ......iTakcing to thie ist wrcniynodtoTornto ,c)fio ecs ers'"wso avoed neihper, %m. al Roberta(O)th asà were equipped ithsra Bei.She wans atcngerýAt the rut 4"s beaing the col rs oab!th o ai n lt Fhe cnula dr~s$1,5fn ecams, blarkand gold for the ,part oni a i7heeýrleader and -which waG Or-oino'Ialered and whîerhavtabal it n roe 1to The ,moniey Necsi.This deosr~rrgiehrlater as to wh-(j-zere fr teir oy tinwasin, aPplrrciation for they firat i-et. oweve, heL TU~. theIr effort shown Ay tess too had tOUbl nd aCelr Hoke.ote '.Thie ueheer th, wig sever-al times,ad raino leaders were five of, the liveli- wiiunoutdl cbirrg- tdd hi est,-lovceet maie ty pefenieevn ito tebau p Ne ma1e~everto bn sern, and tiuchiac afthig'Suit., o ohr l they brought the roof down berta's acions and anicao n agIne,,t as they ffrst put feet onpthr the ire just cop't bp srb tail ou ire.Edus. (ED) Dwerlok- ed, there arelin oMord1 to1re- yal's o 4 *r~ ?~ ing devastEing in Ua new1 a lte the way shstole the favtrite tear 'hairstyle, complee wih ide show aMd3f you nussed ai l îeAÏ 'i D3 ma; hecr atilped frock and thi, yu àisedafin turle a hêr mtr1y o .With Ooo i In p ifor ý GET c Profesioal Caig TnatoWrn adSva Pty(ETE De JongMihpicrs, it, wamS oonrealized Ti -Iredish blonde î1ocks put [that thereferes onon! SV Fîceman of Port Hope dîspiyed ther k Id ls i sper ever bhing she had into ber getting hi o th% art, With Cl A performances. black bathïing suit, somujch Ri s1Major -and Gord L ow_,i'ym A&PWhoe ~12 11-C.- tini KEREL ORNMIX OR MATCH Gh eQaty ra tye 1-b~ t m e FaincyQiy 19-fi-oz tini- ~ A& PL ESAU c A& ernd1 1'O W Twinklýe (Cake RMixe;s 4 mi-oz pkçga,$ 1.00 Baby Dijla, u Vui(o hDil32fo) Lidco Jack ý-PotJubChoat MALLOWS 3 -ozPk. BROCECL I J APEA A&P PWAMS 3 ~- A&P RASPEM 2 Ana Page TOMATO $OUP 8 Ana Page Clip CAKES 3pg 5 1Oo Pktga, r FRZENBONELESS, SUP ED E BONELI ENTRE CUT LOIN K 88 1 I mâ RUGHT CENTRE (,UT ROASI lb5 J DMIEN Ceia*on ltGean t lime cf- purte , k ~-~' 17 1' 'c SIDE BI f