By Frank Mvohlun 623 -7234~ WIN LITTLE NMILL. TITLES Bowaiihl'atwo A tenacapturét i thé grand cham-iP joilshipa in Éthé.Littié N1H, aya ai Mila-nt lest weck, while th t ire"B" éirle wért-eléimninateml. Bowmaévihlle hati ê arlied Éthedistinction of sending 'Sl à ix A and B teea1 Midianti, as épesntti(softhis zoné. týbut the Pe We railaléda reévénited frmtgoing due; to an ,M.H.A, ruhinug. The Trailslétdcroauar in thé Onterîl 5-0 10 capture the titie and then in thé grand chêtipionnhip, eïleoiuntêr, Pr-esatn thé Mover éigtd Wést, Rouge 1-0. B anitafl' action saw lthe local ladis again biig champiôn-ý 1;hip honnis 10o Bowmianvihle. In thé finRl, Bowmanville gc r metÈ an Ot1tPawateam, wînning by 0thé sanmé 5-0 core. Tt vwas Bowmariville over Beam3ville 4-2 in thé granid chamripionshipi clanh. Thin corner jons ith ail other sport is énthusiastaiii con- gratudatîng the téaima -playér, coaché, manag.ra, anti a * tho_è môma antiddabwho can't hé o.vélookti - for a, job * wèl dône! TOWIN LEAGUE TIE» Thé heut of fivé Town Hockey Leéagut final Sriés ic al Ëen et oné gLamé eapicé, fôilowîniigMNIuity'ýs Sýorts 5-2, victory cover Kramp FurniturA hast weétk. Third game la thé séries goes Thuroday night, seven1ý LOUCAL B's IN ZONE FINALS' The olti sports editor offers a bélatedtihp of thé halltob S Jc5,cry's Suériés ho won thé Novice "B" zoné chamrpion- 1 ohip 'vér Markham, Thé té4m put forth quitéea sustairnéd performance over thée entiré season. going through the regu- lai, scheduhe andi playoffs without losing a gamé, In theé Pée Weé category, Bowmianville Sépties openéd u-i.p their zoné final in Or-ono ast nlght against Thornh.hh, Sec- ond gerne is being playeti tonight in Thorahili, wîth thé third, îf inecessary, aiso sýlated for Thornhiil on Sunday. Boweranvilée Sabrés 108t the first gamne of best of three banarnfital 7 lai Whitby on $unday, Thé second game wasl play'éd last nîght hem'e ,Mulders knights Seat Peterboro To Wion Trophy b'ité qirat-gamof thé plalyoff loeok placé wîit Moldé Ka i ghits tiéféaing Pt a oýugh 6-2. A large- crowvd ae oni tend 10 chéer Lor iti - tCé3ma as thecy baUliti'ou lb was a 1gooti, cdean zgens- with close! chécking anti few pénaltiés. Scorlng 1for Mubldrs wr Délion Dykaire 2, Mvarty Sbel 3Anti Jamie, Sleck 1. on Seturtiay, March 27ttý e large crowd was on tend to webch Mul'ldérs lKilghttl dlown Peterborough 2-0, Il we.,s e hart i tting gemee with many penalties béing ýhandéti out. , Tt wes a jubilant team tat léft thé beach ta congraiulaic thé goalie, BilîlBrîïnkmrani,con his shutout andi gréai wo.,rk ihrough 1h. gemei-.-Bill aven, rnanaged ta wîthstand a pen- alty shot. Marty Stai sc-ored, bot goals. Thé rophy ill hé présent- éd ta thé team et thé annuel banquet on April 3rti. LADIES' MAJOR 7 Tt i t TMarch 2211d GENERALS OUT AGAIN Our' gel Onié is a hard one Lest yeAir, Oshawa Générais squeézed into thé O.H.A. 10 béat, she listi1li knocking Junir "" plyofs byedgng Hmilon asuden-daththose pins clown in fine style,. Junlr "" payofa y égingHamhto ina atidn-d athLst Mvontiay she rolljetia thriller. That was thé only time that Oshawa has matie thé great 329 Single anti 786 triplé, post seasoni activity la four yeara. Lest wéék thé Generaha gamies of 2,31-329-226. Térrificj mrade il one out of five, since their march 10 thé. Mémorial bowling, Onie. Ný,ancy Cox Cupfinls n he ra f -oby Or. ann OShe an Waneturned in a fine 321 sînglei Cup inas l th eraof obb Or, Dnny 'Sha ati ayn game. There wére three otir- Cas Wman. jer 700) triplésroet also. En1aý Thé as, five yéars havé been horrible for Oshawa's long- Bitcher rollîeg 751, 241-279)- suffering fans. Othér téams havé théir bati seasons (usuallyi23, LJudY Bag ls ei with a 740 triplé, 21-21-32 whén a flock of players go ovér-agé) andt hea bounicé back. anti Willie Neabitt's 715, 24I2 - Thé GénéraIs don't bounce - théy jusl éndtin f ninth or, 235-238. 101h place,1 although thé fana believe in each anti évéry one' To 12 Averagesý cf the pat fivé campaigna that Oshawa posséaseti more talecntý Onie Etcher 236, Ollie Pat- titan théy ahowed. !fieldi 224, Dayie Wolnik 223, Coaches have corne anti goné, since thé days of "Bo Audrey Osmondi 214, Ena Bitcher 212, Judy Bragg 211, Guidoliia - but with nao succéss, Guidolin hati thé ikes of!Thielmea Forrester 210, Ev Orr, but this season with London hé only hati a rookie bent, Whitehead 210, Hélen-RogersV anti still ruanegedtetasqueeze înt thé playoiffas. 210, Dot, Brooks 210,He Thé ruinr milI hati il that général manager andi coach' Depew 209, Shirley Davs28 Eddiie Réigle would réaign - andi periaps hy the tinté you are, Tearn Standing ieading titish l as - but thén again il might have béén only' Pins pis.1 a rumaor. Judy Bragg . 34890 23 Ena Etcher 314671 21 Oshawa seema '10 havé a habit of emiploying players who Onme Bicher 1... 4876 20 doi',1 srnté 'b -gîWibktheir best 'Tundamnentals are im- Dot Brooýks 34859 19 portant. You havé 10 have a basic knowledgé or- foundation Audrey Osmondi-34456 19 Eileen 'Moore 33681 19 to be a4uccessful." Tha's witat Mr, Rigle sali at the hégin- Tem 'retr2151 ning of thé season, andt ios. who attentiétiOshawa pre-seasOD Mahél Lewis -.-. 33796 17 practicea camé away,ý louti iin théir preise of Eddie's teaching Helen Rogers 3,*338 8 6 15½ abiitiés. Shirley Davis- 33143 15 Howevér, somewhéré aloag thé uine, thé phayera forgojb oc Tnat..3551 didn't car., or' justt idcn't havé thé déesire 10 win. Théy matie Olié alfelti 33418 1 pristakes that Junior "A" players aren't supposeti to, theré: Onié 2cir230lGa39-226 véry séldlontappearedt 1bchéaeyoné la position la thé lot, anti!Mauron MïcKnight 230, Bi1li; p~asîng to an open man or heti-mainning thé puck wasn'tMWsenan 26,,Cécihe Bowersi- somthing thé Genérals as a club heievet inl. 253, Doreen Park 2ý37,Ena At tintés they phayeti fine hockey, parîicuîarîytïlire. wins Biert 242-295-238, JWîllîé over Montreal. But whéa are thé Oshawa GéneraIs going ta Br egg 291-232, Eva Whiteheadi beconte a wleninig téam?' Who la bo blame? Management - 260-229, Minnié Taylor 224,r céacés o plaersEmma Bragg 239, Marilyni Oshawa losés five players ta over-age - ceptain Térry Cole 266,c Tann aeme O'Reilly, a guy who led thé teain in désiré - but itativéry Marg Kingi 247ý, il een f éw followers. Hé wilh hé mnisseti. Péter Sullivan, a nîftyiRogers 263-245, Jean Harnes, centre, who coulti havé bée n uch bélier than hé showed. 224, Joycé Aimonti 229, Ai-ý "Sulhy" dldn't appear 10 éven ry la thé first haîf of thé sceti-ryOsot26,DtBok i.ih, bt sîlihé ati éerir 0 galsla to sasos. érr 272, Jack-ie Paifielti 220, Na,ýncy vJe bu sillhehadnerly70goas n to easns GeryCox 321, Mabel Lewis 226, Mtte was thé îeague's top goal-scoring défenceanantias Keren Burns 271, Dayle Wol- thé seas-on progreaset iehé hcamé e afine defénder as wéll. Hé ni 221,rHeenrDpéw224 will hé nihséti. Larry Thornpson, a fine akatér obtainéti from lrneDrpr28 Niagara Falls, neyer receivéti thé chance 10 play as régularlyý as ln our opinion hé shoýulti have, Gary Mahon hati his mom- ( F B vf g f ents - but not too many. Sa il hoils down 10o thé fact that (0F1Bwlin Oshtawa hosea O'Reilly anti Mthé, who wilhétoughtob replace. MaraIs ?6, 1971 t In goal, Gilles Grallon s one ofthé béat in thé héagué itsîe RyWslk anti on deféncé Jack Lyncht anti Doug Férguson, roQkiés hast'wéxit all thésngwey forthé mnd. year, along wlit Miké Amodeo, obtainéti from Mrlies, ahoult iRs trilh wsngle1(.220s23533 an givé Osawa a fine défensive nucléus, ',333).s On thé forward line AI Avery shioulti tivélop mbt a fine' May Alldreatd took théei centre, whilé "Buit" Williams, if hé gains thé confidence,j ladies'5hgit triplé w ith ' 'coulti hé anatiter gooti pivot. Dean Sitere-méta, was inconsist- (235, 257,285).Robyrso lied éni, but coulti bc an adéquate hft-wingér. Warren Anlderson' single with temr 285 gamea. can skate but ca't score. Brian Thora ditin't play éenougit ta Tearn Stanidings, bé asséaseti anti Dénnis Howard -was a major disappointneent, R Bockd .. 354676 54ý but hé sééma ta havéetée potentiel. C Mrahil- 534 505 That heavea Tommy Simpson as thé. béat for-warti on thé D. Nolen --.--3-42 51 46 club - a 42 goal acorer hast eson, tiéspîté thé factithat hé C. Robertsa---- 3553 7 didn'b havé a centre who coulti iake a p01,y - andtiis G. Prout .. 349009 4 B. SmstLh .=.. 35539 44e réfiectéti perhaps a intpona parntick of cdésiré eat lms .Maorshaîl 315098 33I Whe~ Tomy wans 10 g, hé hsbiéo cn f 1he béat right- D.'MRéi ..348 3 w"jngéys u n thé eagu, ani uindoubtétily hé would havé bLie-ni A. Van Goo,0r . 3436 3 rightt Up téré lanthé scoriniýg saîsî if lhé was with a 'Luffmnian -------34 127 "31~ wiinnér.C.Mge . 352 1 Oohaw.;,a Généralisneeti forwarti w-ho van score if théy D .Nien 24,23ej, 29; J. are 1ri héconteýnders nxlseas;on - but whr ilh they gel Flonk 11;- A. fleboo 211, 232;ý itnThé fans are "growving" rslsantiancé is-down . ventie-n 239; j. L'ulffmi,? r~îi wlle wé -have bée optîmiase in thé pai, we Cali t 22; . De 35'C. Mt.- tblings gttng'any bel er for, thé Généirais In 197l1î2. g2390;,' dR r. 1Van2 De:C Brg Opening. MONDAY, APRIL 5th L ÀUCKY OFF -TRACK MESSENGER SERVICE 19 TEMPERANCE ST. - BOWMlANVILLE (Located just beliind Beckér's Milk) DELIVERING TO GREENWOOD and MOHAWK DAILY -EXCEPT SUNDAY OPEýN - Moniday to Frldey !9:30 'fil 5-20 p.n, Saturdays 93 Ii :0p.m. - aÎ br 214; RF. Van Goor') 247; B. Smith 238, 257; M. Rozemra 235; K, 238; D. Mc-ý Réélis 218; J. Robinson 212;ý M. Dakin 217; R. Brock 252;! B. McRceéis 2 29; M. McKe-ren! 245, 243. 203; S. Brock 229, 203; B. Williiams 212; C.Ro habrts 05, 285, 248;, G.Hat 272; D. Dennis 229; S. Brock 228, 01, 18; N. Morgan 205;j A. Bonsma 292; G. Smhnth 200, 210, 213; M. Heatht 228; E. Roberts 208; P. Bumea 203; P. Patter 210; G. Mvarahaîl 21, 2220, 2229; M. Alîdreati 235, 2,57, 285; A. Brock 235, 222, 233;1 C. McKeén 203; -A. Van Goorý 225, 252, 231;, N. McKeen 211;, D. Bond 208; A. Dejagér 203; N. Ahîdréati 252; J. Bond 242,ý 237, 209; G. Potier 234, 204 G. Dennis 236, 211, 214; B.ý Cbipmnan 214; A. McKeen 2,55. 216; G. Prout .204, 229, 206;ý fl, Wéstleke 220, 251, 333; R., Nohan 213, Nichols Comeback To Tie Junior Playoffs by Defeatîng Fisk Fuels 3-2 by AI Colé 1 OnSundaly nihtilwa 1d or die fjr Ncosa s Fîjský néedédolya win, but Nlch-l cia 1 provetI théy-vwererno t! déaid '-et as the y downet1icj -Piaka, 3-2. As- Nich'ols' coach tté,this séries is not ovér, yet. Juat becausýe we are bc-, IlindCId oéentImean wée liei dowý,n and die., anti we have provetiweréstil much alive.ý Thé sériés now stands 2-1 for Fisaka with ýone gane tiétCi. 1Thé acoring was lef t for thé fir-t anti third peniods,ý Fisk took a oniegoal lead aet 4:30 oin a goal by Burntsi Aga, ai th é7;21 mark, Wt0!)Iér it for a two ýgoal1 lèpti.NIcý(hîs Wére finaihl abie 10 push Oné ieby Foran eti théi 15:5 mirk ès mcliyr"e moveti Nichols tb wîvthmn ionépý goal. Thé sýcond prioci helong5- édl t thé goal-tenders as:- bio th Foran for, Fisks and Lno for Nichols clôséti thé doors.i So, afiér two périods of play, Fisk held ae arnaîl 2-1 léati. Nichols provedti b themn- sélves that thére are al1ways threé perioda ln a hockey g-ame as in thé other gamnes of thé seriés théey had pla.yeti two good péiIoda but died le thé third. But not ln this gamp, as théy camé' on stroegci eanly ile thé pcrioti, scorrngI a' 3:51 as WbitèftýntitidujpI théi ganié, antione éminute latêr ai 4:51, Mý?cintyré s'-corétij wha prvét tabc thp win-! ning goal as Nîthols went. on to win 3-2. Big gunisfor Faawr Burns with one goal anti onée assiait, elong with' Donoghue, with two assista. For Nichols,1 it was MVcln-tyre with, two hlg1 goals. Don't forgéýt, this Sunda4y night ai 6 p.m. thé Juniiori Town League wiUl again séeI action ès théy contînue ta hattie id out for thé Léaguéeý chèmi-pîonshlp. Lb Tyke Mug Play0ffs In the first game of a two- game total goal séries, the Guif Americana defeated îthe Blades by a 2 to 1 score. The Americans' goals were seored by Randy Crossey with botà gaswhnie Jeff Edinonston picked UP one assist. The Blades' goals was scored by Brian Canfield. Th(- second game of the séiswas played on Thuirs- ,dayv night wi-jth the Gulf Arn- enicans onice mnore the victors by a 4 to 1 score to capture thée Tyke Mug Chanmpionsip T7he Amenicana' goals were iscored, by Randy Crossey wvithý three goals, Carl Metcalf onte wieKevin Tik picked up two assists, Earl Doyle one and1 Doug Hoogeb(om one. The Bladïes' goal was scored by Ken IHoy. Atom 1Mug Playoff In the semni-final mnatch,_ the Clippers defeeted the Rama! by a 6 to 3 score. The Clip- Pers' goals were scored by Len White with two goals and' two assists, Murray Ruddy, One goal ani-i one asaist, P~aul Fice oneé goal and two assis, Ken Devidson, two goals and woassists. Dale Cary pïck-, cdi up one asist < The Raima' i goals were scoreti byJoe Nowlanj with one goal andi onie assist, Tod Mahoney one goal, John Fowler one goal' and Don Rupert oneé ast, ee Wee B 'Mug Playoffs In the flirstgarve of Marchi l5th, fthé Rangera and Blades ba(tled to a 5-alI tie. The! Rangers' goals were scored Wy Steve Mvilison with four hi1le Larry Woodward scoredi one and picked up two assiats. Dave Bonpickled up one, assiat The Blades' goals werel scored, by Bob Shantz with,, tto Neal Pringle and WaýTyne oHryone goal each, wIle Terryý SaSrginson picked ipi one goal andl oneessist. Don C-owle picked up one asSist. In a Pee- Wee Mug ae thc Bruiins and Kings alsO bettled to a 2-ahl tie. Théý Bruina' goals were scoreti by Stephien Fowler with one goal andi one assist, Randy Norman one goal and David ilis picke i up one assist. Thé, Kings' goals wevre scoreti by, NelRyanl and Glen Mai. In thé Pee Wie E Brernatch,1 the Rangera defeated theé Blades by a 14ito 2 score withl Ranera rSteve JlVliUisonscrn tw&o goals and one assist, Dave Down one goal anti one assist, Dav7e Brown onie goal while' Don Roberson pieketi up one; assis. The Blad-"es' goal wa S scoreti by Bobby Shantz as- sisteti by Don Cowl,,e. In the replay' of the Pee' Weec A Mug Flinal, the Bruins de-1 fced[the Kings b'Y a 3 to0 score. TI-e Bruina' goals were scored by Randy Normian with: two, Doug Farrow one goal1I anti onp 1aséigi, Curtis Noel. Jerry 1 Johnaton and St[e ph enr Fowlr, ne ssiat each. Th, Kinýg's golswere scored byv Mathew Jones adBilly Birk-i ett while Rlph Pflanzer, i Glen tn and Terry Kr wood pickcd UP oéasa INDOOR HEATED SWIMMING POOL Porget< Winter. ENJOY A REFRESHING SWIM FOR THAT CHANGE 0F PACE 1 Mon. to Frn. 7 to 9 p.m. $1i0epr personl at the MOITOSII NN Liberty St. S. at 401 Phone 623-33,73 Baintainthle Mt Royals uraet t'le CÔ- In the final week of the ets for thelir first defeat of the Bantam Schedule, t he Pee' season by a 4 to 3 margin. Wee "B"'s defeated the Husk- The Mt. Royals' goals wére jes by a 4 to 2 score. The cordb ayMilýnoe ~B's oalswere scord bySteve Parker one, Fred Ryan iFrank Leac-h with two, GerryongalndnesitSve iLeddy with one goal and onie oegland one a ssîst, Steveord iasst, John Conboy one goal Davison, Keith Kelly, ITerry qWhiie Rick James, Marty RoeadEi oik each had Preston and John Davis ec siî.The Cornets' goals had one assist, The Huskies' îitscribyPuFoe, goals were scored by Robert wer" crdb'Pu Qay Brough and Davon n Morris Meadows-i one goal and while Dave McGregor had one one assist, Peter Eolkemia one a5sist.goal, while Bob Spicher had In the second gamne, the Fly= n sit ari rn w ers dlefeated the Braves by a 7to i score. The Flyers' goals The second content, the Cani- were scored by Harvey Loot,ý ucks defeated the Bantam ma with three goals and one B..P's by a 7 to 3 score. Thýe assist, Michael Hobbs two Canucks' goals were scored, goals and one assist, Tom by Martin Wind. with two,j Woolner one goal. and two Dave Eyman two and oneý assists, Doug Severn onte goal assist. Steve Watson one goal while Dan Leddy picked up and one asist, Doug Tam~blyn three assista, Stephen Hobbs one goal, Mike Birkett one tLwo and Dennis Knapp one goal 'and two assista, Dalec assist. The Brave's goal wasiCar'penter two assisis, Bobý scored by John Johnson, Luxton and Len Eldridge oneý The third gai-e, the Cuba [assiat. The Bantam B's goail and Panthers battled to a 1- were scored by Bryan H-ellami ail tie. The Cuba' goal wag one goal andtw assista, Bihî scored by Bob Shackleton Preece one goal, Tommy while Rob Donoghue scored1 Nowlan one goal while Den- ror the Panthers, assisted bylnia Livingstone and Johný UOfey Guest. Trinible jpieked up orge assis"t In the final gamies, each. Men'ils Major 1Leaguei *Bian "Snap" Martyn hladthe aeagswith26 1Eri hi-s best nighit this schedule Perf(,ct lias 2,55 while Jack wherl, he put together games ýBond is steady at 251. ocf 325-302-207 for 834 high l2th Week - 2n-îd Sehedujle triple. Jack "Traier-" Bond had Aeae 819 with gamnes o f 323-272-2241. Naie Gamres Ave. Bond and Mrtnwere thie AI Osborne 36 26 only- bowlers over the 800 Ernie Perfect 36- 25u mark. !Jack Bond -------36 -2 51 Twenty bowlers bettered Russ Oke --------36 1245 the 700 mark. Larry Piper ýLarry Piper -__ 26 z24 5 780 (281-261, Ross Wrighit Brian Martyn .13 240 7;72 (264-299), ri Perfct Bill Westlake 24 239 769 (8-8) Ed Leslie 758j Dick Perfect----- 36 27 (258), Les Smiale 751 (282), Ron Eteher, 36 236 Don Bagnell 750 (324), Gord Walt Hately - 36 236i Wilcàx 747 (286), Rosi "Fats" Howard Bromell 36_23 Etcher 745 and the higl'i ingle Doug Carter - ------3 6 234l game 338, Lowell MacDougal [Dr. H.B. Rundlle 3ý6 232 745 (265-26G), Clarence Oke Hýaro)ld Michelson,. 3623 743 (276), Ruas Oke 747 (309), Eltoni Brock------ 36 252 Harold Michelson 740 (300), Don Bagnell ) . 6 23 Pat Murphy 741 (312), Bill Don Oke------- 3 6 ;2301 iOrme 733 (262), ()rmn wis 2a Maurice Richardls. 36 22q replacement for Don Oke; Georgle Piper -----6- 227ý BRandy Beauprie '737 (332), Gord Wêikox .- 36 226 Dick Perfect 7219 (255), Ron MVauirice Annaert __ 36 226 iSelleck 727 (254), Bob Glan- ýBob Lawton ----- -36Ci 226 iville -722 (302), Ai Oshorne Dave, Reynolds __ 2,î 708 (4) Dave Reynolds 700Clarence Oke, -33 226q (266). ýBob Sith 36 225 Hap-Palmer hiad a bUg 32I Ed. Leslie ------- 2 6 225 aingle game, Paul Lyle 316, Rus Halinman 3- 6 225i Kari Piper 306, Jiz Coom-ibes Ross Wright .38 224 303, Ji ,.McKnî,,ht 294, Bruce Bill Oke 36 22-4 Mil -e 273, Rowlie Coombes; Bo-b Laird 16 2923 270. Jim McKnight 36 221 'W. Frank Real Estate had Bob Glanville .3F 221 high single score 1339 while Jack Lander ------ 33 22 1 the I.G.A. boys hit 3619 for tRandy Beauprie 36 211 high triple. Help Palmer --- 36 220I Dykstras Fooehv arth Elwyn Dîckey 33 220j ed their lead to .3 points over Ab 'Saman -------- 33 2 19 U~ne adaeand Nels; Doug Tayor 34 217 Qsborne's Insurance team, LIes Smale .36 215 AI1 Osborne is leading Îtn Bob Kent ----------- 36 215; Night Hawks .Bowling .1, .,16arch 24, 19 ý F. Bruce 1.,458 213 1 K.CX nbl - 33,061 21J F. Landti --- - - - 32,068 15 Hlgh singleé J. Row e - ------- -------- 2388 ighTrile 1). Mutton -------------- 669' Over 220 Gamss J, Rowe 288, C. Bruce 275, D. Ogden 273, D. Mution 228, 259, F. Dyksira 256, G. Dow- ney '251, 230, K. Cempbeill 2-39, 245, B. Smith 228, F. Landi 224, A. Dykýa9-24, R. Siel 225, Averages C. ruce ----- 20- D . Ogden .. -2041 J., aRow --------- -- 9 K. Campbelh 196, F. Bruce -----..- - 195 A . Banus --------- ------- 186, A. Dykaira .-.--..18P5, E. Mvitchell 184 A. urgesa 184 ilug-a- BobKnpai-3 22 Art Rowe .....3 1 Bruce Mlné S6*21 Ray VanMiéi_ér ----36 211 8ob Wîlhlama 36 211 Si Trtwins c36 :210o Mike Murlihy 3 1 John iIngrem .2 1 P,ôwle Côonihbe3g2J Jôlhn VanDyk , 36 209 TCed Begel - 36 20 Georg5e Stephen - 6 27 .JÔhn Cariter ---6----6 ýRon Carter 33 204 Steve --ke36 200 Ron Se-llers ' 4 23 Pet Murphy 15 2 DaléTéry :5,3 21 Jifi Coomnbrês----- !2 207 Standing of Teama Téam W L Ia. rjood ------- 2 4 12 24 Hard1war'e 21 15 2l 1Nela Osborne Insur-ancp- --2 1 15 21. Ken's Men's, Wear - -0 16 20 Frenk'sý ýVarîety , -. ,1Il 17 19 Selby Grant î1 17,,1/2 8 RélBaaé17 151 17 CôOw*n Pontiac Buick 17 1il 17 Jury & LovelI -- 15 2 i1, 7 Pepsi Cola 14 2l 2 14 Mutton Shehl 12 2412il Youth Bowling 'Bantam Girls Gibson 3, Eioisoýn 2; I. Gray 3, -Aide 2; Luxton 5; T. Gray O; H-oiroyd 5, Fer. rend 0. Tram, Standig LuxionI----- Aide - ___..4 Gibsori.._______3 Edmnontson 30 T. Gray .."?3 Fariý,nd -. . g 1Hiigh single - S. Bruce 180, :B. Lané 174. Elfgit Double - J, Holrayd 292, B. Lene.285, A. Chowv 280, Kramér 4, Woolley 1; Bai-ný ,, Farrell 0 Team ,Standing Kramier -.2 Woolley . ____3 B ain ---,_------ Farrel ------------22 Hligh Single - D, Bruce 212,1 D. Krainrr75, Itigli Doublé, - D, Kram.rý 332e D. Bruce "332, D, Hotig' sl 0 Junior Girls perfect 5, Cowle 2: Carter 7, K. Piper 0; D. Piper 7, Téam Standing carter --------.5r ID. Piper - --------____ 4 9 K. Piper . ~ 4 Cowlé 4 Perfect -----36 -------- FredrickF, ..,- -------19 Higit Single - L, Taylor 248,i D. Piper 228-210. C. Cýowleý 219, S. Brooks 205, K. Lux- ton 200. Higit Triple- D. Piper 612, L Taylor 569, C. Cowle 566. Junior Boy's ohis7, IM-oshe(,r 0; Adea 5, Welsh 2; 'Brooks 5, La-1 mont 2. Team Standing Roberts. --------- 4 Brooks ý ---------49g mosher 4 A tiarns -------- ----.------ 71 W élsh ---------- Lamaont--- ----- Higit Sînglé -M.Robertsa 281-250, *G. Coombés 251, D. Gray 244, K. jol224, J.ý Brooks 219-202, J. Laité 228,ý J. Jensen 214, 'R. Chow 213, B. MaIýcDonald 206ý ,M.Ry noltis 206, R. Short 202, B Lamant 202. Higit Triplé - M. Roberts" 72l, D. Gray 618. Senior MLxed Leagué Whiiteed , Térry 2 Bradley 5, MvacDonald 2; Lyléý ý5, Bruni 2; 1{olroyd 5, Boulw- mester 2; Cea 7, Da'véy 0. Téam Standing Tcrry-------------- 52 Bradléy - ------54 Bouwmeestér --44 nal- Single -P.Lylé, nt 293., D. Badlc.y nondýsorn260l, Triplé -P.,yl AL.WEARN LTD. Ennîskillen, Ont. PHIONE 263=2291 GEZ'O* STEPHEN 138 Wharf Road, Bowmarwille Phono 623-5410 (Bowmaniville) SATURDAY, A KI CARBY pl us MATINEE CARTOON PARADE Evenuigang at 7.0:1) ad, 9-1,3W P.m.K Doors opeft 12:'M aid ;30 pai. MAT1NEE j EVENIN CHILDREN 5ejCHILDREN SWUDENTS 75e STUDENTS 4D'ULTS $1,00 ADULTS ENTERTAINMVENT FUN F~OR UTHE' WH-OL~EFAI1LY Look 'n stero Mas every rnost-wanl at a Iow Look 'N Lil j' j, 1 1 11 1 1 -- Tfie Mar, M, 1971 13 St. Josephi's Mixed Gr owy- 0 Bowling League IwaFred-Ho---yd ------ Trai tn digsGeorge Charlani l-------13 4. Nué, Tra1ins 6 74 3. Crall ie - 615Orme 33,236, 214, MoIlly Y. Graiesk -4 2 rstffBman 311, 232, Gary Con- 6. ~ý Wisguy0 243 ,545.wa 23, Lioriel Hickey 278f 7. Wanderérs . 423509R26207Ma , A.Briinklow 269, 1. nprdicabés 305 ikleHealey 245, Jim EPai 2.~~~~~~ Hi Haa03 53123 2, 1,Dvr i f 238, Ui T-Ia219,3 35ieén îcy 23'5ý ,222, MA.L.S, 343 - Mk Knedarroîe Oürme 229, Vi Ruddy M. - 770 -Bi]Orme 29,Jack Brwn 28, 'htré3a L-ES, -311 -MorHrma Rivera 222, Gerry Dwyer 2l~, bln MT -77 - MONiîHorsman Stu Chlaholm29, Kèthy Topr) reAi rages kribe 28, 02, Paul Laprade .BilOm 2128,BbDae 217, 13b Dave Oirme 214 Smlth 210, Mary Bririklow . -ju [£4dtllA- lylullul: Recreation Reviews