Vil iil abli, and usable- - you wouldI ccertainly fînd l'this to ha tha situia if yau atteenapted t Pl' pmarkef the stuntddcarrots: froira the untr'eatadqtrea. Tha-irefore, the main differ- ____ nCe in the crops obtained ~~W anted RalEstate Wanted Real Estate for Sale!:Real Estat fr SleRe L Ett-frSlefo -w imlrpicso Work a ________ landis quaility rathar ta ~REE cu an reavad en LITINS Wated HoesBUILDING Lots, 100 ftc. x 150 FOR Sale or Rant -1 acre quantity. As, a genaral rula, ÎR-ËÉsý-c rtý-in __výd, an LISINGSWantd: Hmesft., close ta, Newca,ýst]le; nicae apple orchard In, peak pDradue-, a spacific area of land hias a size, an.y braed. Reasonable farms, vacant ]and. Mortgage viaw. Phone 983-5709 Orono. tien. Choica variaties.- Ternis ralated potantial for bialagi- rateq. Cal 728-0456. __13-1 monay evailable. For free ap-132arnefous ofbxclpodtin-t mg e ---- storage, equipment. For par- cerrot production, deer, pro- --RA-- _B 1-ý area representative J. Leslie BOARDING YOUR ticulars Phona .623-2637 ba- duction, or wood volume pro- Trenhing Hall, 623-5211. N. Keitli Real REAL ESTATE P N tween 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. duction. In order ta obtain Estate Ltd., 303 Hilîside Ave., 11-3T the maximum benafits, how- SEPTIC TANK Oshawa, 13-tf Buy your own farmi, $25900 -lever,' the land must normallyý INSTALLATION ~ .y 147 King St. E., Bownianvilet -9 acres with craak. Fancad 'Country Home raceive soma form af soundc R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE Rea l EstaLerJo± -al 623-7461 'or '623-2492 pony yard. Older farm homeý NEW management practices. If a( No vrJNDAY CALLS rmdle.Lrebokgr specific site bas e potentiel1 623-7201 Courtica Area, 2 bedroom ae. 30 day possession. $3,500 Down for producing 50 cubic feat il0 w aluminum sided bungalow on per acre af wood fibre an-i JACK BURGESS LU/2 acre lot, just steps froni No. 10 .. Pick your lot. We will build nuaîîy, that incrament might j f 2Hîhwa. ul prce$1,70 dwn.-Smal una-youx home. Trade your pras- ha distributed over a, range Il w ayth Ful2,500 do5,n00 $2,000 dw ml ug-ent bouse. 1,200 sq. bornas.0 eea dzn rpossibly CLL IT NERS -FULAC wihT$2,50ITEwn low. Mr. Fix It - Needs. a Newcastle outskirts. Only 2 saveral thousand trees ýpar PLUMýBjNG REPAIRS Bowmanville, 3 badroom ad man's touch. Spring te pick from. t stetmYuchancet acre. Whan it is spread avar PHONE HAMPTON brick home, lot 66 feat front- i th tu. Yur hane t * ea nwly dacorated. Asking go country., $16,900, 4 acre Çali KATHLEEN HOSKIN sevarltosn trees the an- $19-15500., e lnd. 623-72,76 or 576-8345 tire stand teads ta stagnata and $19,500.much of the volume is lest Mail Address: 21 King St. W-, Bowlnanv5illeglwinOooM 'a gRelEtt ev L n hog aurlmraiya P..Bx4 onavle623-3393, Village, an lot with 149.82 the result of severe campa- ____________feet frontaga. Full price only 576-8345 Real Estate tition; when the volume is PERS NALBowmanville $490 31-- 12-tf distributed ovar few opan Cosy two bedroom bungalow Bowmanville, Liberty St, N. -- TF grown treas, these tend te INCOMq~TAX ith garage on beautîful rav- 3 bedroom bungalow on 1 acre SAVEK ,UP TOae errliby wd ine lot with mature trees. lot, Large living room. Only S V PT spreading, "park-lika" tracs, RET RNS Onl $,1,00 ithlREALTOR3,50.with again, littla or na merch- TshranTIG erl payment. 4 ce eORih2be 2OO E and GENERAL INSURANCE entabla values - and -again, prepred49 Are armwith2 bd- 2pjuo OREfalling short ofthe inherent PrprdBowmanville rooni bungalow, L-shaped 52 King St. W. - Bowmanvîlle potentiel of the site. It is only1 JAMES BELL Large brick f amily homnebhen and spring and pond. BUY A BEAVER11 623-2453 when the most suitebla de-1 6 CONCESSION STREET W. with 7. rooms. Corner loa- Asking price $40,000.'1Bwanil! grea of thinning is applied,1 BOWMANVILLE tion with garage. Asking $500 down, Nandyman's BowmanviîîeL through sound managementj 13-2. $24,900, Spaciel, bungalow on lot with 4 Badrooni bungalow with practices that we can hlpçta. Bowmanville 55.6' frontage. Asking $7,900. AND FINISH IT carport. Only 2 years old, on approach or realize the site Refrigeraion 4 badroom brick home -with Newcastle, cantrally located good size lot, Has to ha sean potantial, and obtain the most1 and carport. Finished basement. duplex, presant income $20000 YOURSELF dta h preitd.Cî frmretbeqult pout A-plàne eriC Al lctichoe ndloatdmonthly, could ha incraased. al. froni the land, neer schoois. Only $27,50() Asking, $22500, 34 Models ta choose from 2 Stores and 3 Apts.! Saverel hundred acres hava Commercial and Domestie with good terras. 1- Size adjusted up ta 2,100 sq. IL. Excellent location. Good hean traated in Lindsay Dist- Refigraion- ll Coles owmnvll Asisane ii lanin 1- return on investment. Cail rict this wintar, ta concantrate1 ____________________________ for Asistncednetlnninailsecthe wood fibre increniant on Phone BERT SYER Split level home witb gar- Zoning Requiremants frdtis the hast quality trees. The Days 623-5774 ae. Owner trensfarred andnacgadLadAstne 150 Acre Farm ! ! mto novsgrn o Nlghts -623-317 ustsaiitisbantîul om. 'a AI!Tthe ~7 Miles north-aast of Osha- quality or bull treas ta e- - Hadwar Ony,$2,90. Tems.wa. 8 room home. Large maya these from campetition L and ELETIr___ Dairy Farm Beaver Home Plannar bhen. Frontaga on 3 roads. for the availabla wood fibre a60ncrefarn etLakpor, Iand details of the $600 par acre. production potentiel 0f aach CUSTOM 160verîook in Lakeei.i HOME FREE CONTEST Move Riglit In!! ar.Da ouain fa overookng ake ntaio.9 ' à ýî =1 Bdrom bick o .me ithboneit frani thasa operatians Carpenry WOr roombrick ome, seelBedroo33Kinbrickashomewmwitlleas weîî, as they oftan do from Capnty Wok roni brck h oet, e l em,33 n S16E2t3 B -3a950BEA VER garage for only $21,500. Reas- cutting aparatians, becausa CUPROARDS - ADDITIONS stea-3th1ug1prprry62n3 $65000. Terms. Caîl Andy Poe 63 11o 6335 nabla tarras. Central, sanie treas are fellad, provid- NE HMES, ETC. Sutch collatt, Orono 983-9119. VJERY NEAT AND CLEAN:L M E eros!igbos rn h os NOEWHE BEST NewcastleR 4 e3robedrooin bbrickfobungalows FOR HE EST ewcstle3 bdroo brck bngaow, l e,ý;WaIllkept olda r brick home This typa of aparation is Don Brooks and Son ar La ia *wiHollywoovrgd i ng room LTD. with garage, paved driva; iargely applied ta yaung GEN., CONT. - PHONE rooni. Very deep lot. Owner Racreation raom. Nîcelv land24Ksg I ,- 2338exrwarom Esytm. growth on the hast, trees at levn country, Only $17,900. scapad. Asking $25500. Ternis. JKOWMANVILLE 110 Acres!1! an aarly stage of stand de- 62-201or 72-67 150, ACRE FARM with 3 6-tf At Newtonvilla on 401 High- valopment. As the stand ae 12-8* Newcastle________home.___________.wey. Ideal speculativa prop- increasas, furthar thinnings 92- renhoe ic ntre f edrooni bah me ilhated. erty. Cal for detaîls. wîl ikeîy ha merchantable 9 own a hoe inrcentow r ah achanizad.;i tisisne GENERAL REPAIRStin Idely ihf o or ag rw- large barn, silo, trout strcm. ewcastle Building Lot1 opartiansfthiand ot pas-et Asking 39,900.Ter-s. ne acreon western limits.ibedu BIC, CARS - SMALL CARS payment. Only $18,900 O MNIL: 4bd ny$,00. conditions, the thinnîng opel'- WE REPAIR THEMAL Orono room brick home. Compîetaîy Atr8 a.atpiw1ions ust a lighteandy REASNABE RTES 6 rorni brick home on Mill ranovated. Heaed for about Atter 8 p.m.-tapplied w thgrtcae ad RAONBERTS Street just nortli of business $100.00 yearîy. Doubleaend Grdn- eh623-526.5 scrtion ota avoi ta de LOU R BN O section. opeeydcra-hae aae.Ol 300P. Kowal 623-5868 which may sh6rtly become AU O SA E d and renovated. Only down. 31mÉcatbe A T SA E , $16,000 with $3,00o down. BOWMANVILLE: Large 2 576-8090 13-1 srctont ofa. am RING, STREET EAST 120 Acre Far- storey brick home with fîve Con20 Te strutin, of riveas BoWM AN V 1L LE Locaed in Kendal Nulls bedroonas, 2 baths. Completa- 0in',Ul a Q~Threis an vael nain g w Phone 623-4150 with ,streem and bush. Ideal ly ranovated. wfieaese.1LrsnthLndyDsrctt 12-tf for horses and racreatian. Living and dinîng roana. Prie- ersînthraucksae-/ acre lot wîth flowing crack construot dams of varions de- _____6 reom frama bouse -wth 30 x cd ta saîl. full langth of praparty in theae ert signs an streanas or cracks 100_________bar__jonn. RGlng andfa-st UIDNG LTSf o 0n0ilageofNecasle Olrunning through their propar- Personal 100 he. Ron land a BUIDING LOTif$ro,00ilage $, 0f0.wasl. nlfieg, ta-eraata ponds for varions eYINCSplis (uhrOnîy -,45,000. Tras al$400a. uigTre erecreational and fera pur- god)maidpastpaid lu Roy Fostar, colleot, Orono 10 ACRE PARCELS with Orono - Commercial prop- posres.orst 983-5801 building parmîts. Available erty, 40' x 60' steea hcatad pss plaù eald nveap01ih - by B. Cross, Anyana wisbing ta, con- prica, list. Six ýsapies 25c, Peterborough pie rm$,0 n p. bidnlredsly wn-M angmn oatr, Lindsay stmuot a dem in any lae, r4v- 24sapls$100 Mi Ode tran, od its SAW Sromed brick dows and power doors. LotrStem us ït Dept. -28. NvRuba rdeCa.,A Aton bugaow., lhe- o 50.Iellcto tIn mafiy respects the aath- ar, creek ortra msfit Box , T Ha.milt br onn .,52 8 are niy 3 miles from and 4tone.buna .Oar ageceHwy. 115 and Teunton Raad ada emplaycd ta produce a secure approval of bath the ________________ -Peterbarough. Stee arn quehemet skn $23000 .Aaking $36,500 with ternis. hatyecathefrs oaif n h ln n M e s VV ntd eatîu sttngfo cunryqie aret.Asîn ceh compared ta gond spacificetians af his propos- Mor gag _________ home. $39,000i Tras. Tras. Orono - Charming 4 bad- gardening practices. if, for cd dam fromthsDpran ORONO: 5 roomed, brick roa aider home in good.con- exemple, yon seed carrots on as set Ouf in the Lekes and 2 H URAter 9 P.m. eaul: bungalow. Neat anid cean. dition. Large dining roona, a section of land in 'your Rivers Improvement Act. A2P HOUVALS Norna Wetherup 723-4809 Oil bcated. 4-pca. bath. At- sunporch and vamande. Stone garden, it la quite likaly that Any inquiries in this me- Frank impson 725-938 ched garage. Nice qui et fence and pony bamn. Askîng unlasi yau ara an incurable gard should ha directcd ta the 2n nd3dMte F r raSigpso 639 streat. Asking $23,900. Tarma. $32,500. optirisit, you expcct ta ýdo Departilent of Landsaend For- 2nd 623-3077tBOWMANrtLLE:i3 62dro1m Newcastle - Vary attrect- somne waading and thinning. ests, 322 Kent St. W., Lindsay. ArragedIn te Cnve3enc30at77obnow. Ou hE eatçi4-pe.ive, 2 badroona starter home. You wonld probably find thet Maple Syrup Demonstration of Your Home Jan Oegema- 623-2318 bath. Walk-out hasernent. Nice area. $17,000.thtoawegtfcrota- and Panceke Festival LOW Cost. You cen eau tin phyllis McRohhie -623-7159 Garage. 1/2 Acre lot. Asking Oshawa -Clean'2 hedréona teh e d anaanntid Te oraRve Cnera rourmte yous rvice. Pmt an Oudshoora 623-2984 $23,900. Terms. bungalow with garage., Ask- sihly exceed the waight of te uhrt ilaanhl InvresentCrvic.Ltd ro33 pta Dafle Found - - 623-~3965 4 BEDROOM, 1 storey home. ing $21,500 with $3,000 down. carrots obteîned from an ita Mapla Syrup Damanstra- St., Toronto. Kay Brown - - 623-3150 living and dîning roorn. 011 Oshawa - Incarne property eqlual size patch that had tisan And Pntka Fstivale CALL COLLECT Audrey Plain - 623-3563 heated, 4-pce. bath. Complete- bas four 1 hedraom epart- been carafuîly weeded and dernanstretion will ha heldi at 36-986Wm Trask, roo 83540 y renovated, b r a a dia0 arn nments, 2 furnishad. Ail hava thînned; the main difference the fan 0of, Wm. Collins, Lot 366-956 Wm.Turanky, Oono 98-5420throuhout.Asking $19,500. fridge and stave. Total month- wonld ha thet the drap abtain- lýCn ,Tp fHnig Roy Foster- Orono 983-5801 Terms. ly incarna $455, Just a smaîî d from the manaed area 1,Cn ,Tp fHnig 2318146 Andll mkeSutch -. woOronomu 983-9119ir-don (on the Moira Road - Ev s 3-16 Ad uc'OoO93-19 BOWMANVILLE:- 4 hedroornanvsmnwilmkityrswod hamc mreds- Hastings County Raad Na. 8); 10-161 13-1 brick 11i/2 storay home, 011 Asking $32,500. the pancaka festival wil ha -heated, 4-piace bath, gond la- Bowmenviiie - Immaculate hield et the Moira Hall about Attr ous leseCal: duplex. New broadloom and fera. The dates ara March Morigages Vlanted ~~Aftir o sking$20,0,Carli: ie oeprsnl sda ,S V n ieweta h oln bethraom. Nicely dccoratad. 27th and 28th and Aprîl 3ýrd Jese anNet 63-23 Akig 2850 'th $,0 on and 4th. If 15 hoped that the MORTGAGE LOANS JswcVnathe21330rsig 2850il4,0 Bud Virtue- - 623-2969 down. etrwl cpra. available at current rates for Harry Voerman 987-4287 F1RE3-ZE1 Snow and Ice Repart ayworthw il ause. Gr acc 8-15Ground Roof Lakelce HarwCutsh72-64l f'l E I ER~ Mne 5823 u rr LEeJ Hec1 9t;;4.05151-2 9-tf I F -iout desira a first mortgage. Voti desire a second mortgage. You wish ta sli your firsf or second mortgege or Agreement for Sale. VYou iish ta borrow moîley on your first or second martgages. Tou raquire any short term mortgeges, Vou are lntereated ln iow initeresf rates-and coaf s. THEN conuît the undersîgned ¶vho has specialized in buineiss of mortgages for. over 30 yeers wth highest E S WARTZ MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS, Il Ontarlor Street, Oshawa, Ontario 723-6510 - 11-4 (O WAN VI LLE AUTO 987-4636 We buy Irn Rads, Batteries, Metal, Cars and Trucks for wrecking. We seil parts for most makes of cars, angle iron and pipe. TWENTY-FOUR HOUR TOWING CUSTOM WELDING A place for you - through ail seosonsý 1971 SPRINGSHOWING 0F VACATION LOTS AND COTTAGES c t the BRAND NEW HOLIDAY INN (Oshowa) nflic pool lounge. (off Hwvý 401'. Blair St, E.& HARMONY RD. EXIT) FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd, 6 .m. - 10 g. SATURDAY, APRIL 1% 10 ni.m. - 6 n n. SUNDAY, APRIL 4th, Noon - 6 pro, * REFRESHMENTS e MOVI1ES * COLORED SLIDES e PHOTOS *FREE PARKING 26 Lokes Througliout Ontorio Ta Select Froro FOR INFORMATION 751-57'l6 1 coiecti 25 acres prima land, near~ St. Mary's Cament plant and 401 Highway. Commnercial site also. Building Lot- Derlington Township 1,2 miles niorth of No. 2 Hlighway on Oshawa Town Lina road. 70 ft. frontage x 215 fIL Well lacated - excel- lent vaine et $6,500.00. 2 Storey - Church St. Bowmanvlle -Aiuminum sîrlîng and stone, 3 bedraoms, aider home wîth fireplaca in living roona. Lot size 50' x 123' Near schools and shopping. Lîsted $24,900. $26,900.00 - Strike Ave. Bowmanvillp- Split lavai - 3 hedroama. Only 1 year aid, In new sEb division. Electrîcally heatedt. Gaod taras, $22.500.00 -Oshawa 2 hedroomn bungalow - O shawa Blvd. South. Lot 109 fde~ep - inii îmmacuiete con- dition. Goad resîdential area. Attractive inside and out. Emx-ý celient fînancîng . $27.500.00 - Oshawa 3 bedroom bungalow, Brent- waod Ave. - an ravine lot, Balconly off Hollywood kitch- an. Bujîf-in stava and aven, Patio et rear. Lot well land- scaped. Wonderful value. Mcl Dale - - 623-5638 Pater MacEachamu 987-4279 Wilnia Entwisle - 786-2911 Mika Belmonte - 576-1908 m.McFeetei's -725-1726 13-1 Frcsh or Frozen Salmon or Halibut STEK89 Whoie or Hait Pork49 STEER CUT and WRAPPED,1 WE NOW STOCK A LARGE SELECTION OF FRESH & FROZEN F ISH Fresh Oysters Salmon - Halibut Frash Whit e Fîsh Fresh Fillets ot Sole, Ced, Haddock, Pereh etc. Custom Cutting Smolking & Curing Locker Rentai FriidLoc-ker System PHONE I623-5579 7 3 King St. W, LI owmanville Local Downtowm Parking Problen The problem of downfowr parking is the most imparteni single issue facîng the tawi of Bowmanvîlleaet preseni Boh Lawton, presîdent of fhE local Chamber of Commernec saîd ýdnrîng a meeting of thE Chambar recently in the Libý rary -Anditorium, And. unless a solution i faund, it conld speîl the deatl of the town, he warnad. Mm. Lawtan saîd that he wes dissafîsfied wîth ftha atý tartion Town Council beyi given ta the problin and fa] Ithat they could . .. and shonlc more. Chaiber mambers agreaÊ that a parking lot in a centra location was impprativa. Tha; consîdered the lot ownad b7 ne Caradienatesmnowmaâývil1e, Mar. -l,1917 Provincial Court HeId in Bowmanville Tuesday, March 30, 191711 guilty. 1.e- wa3 represented by first chajrte cfi break and ert D. Barber. Constable D. Brun- ter hie was given nine inort1ha.,r Judge Baxter preslrled with ton gave breathalizer read- definîte, three months indeý Assistant Crown Attorney K-l ings of .20 and .18. He was terminate, on the -secorir Stubington and duty counsel found guilty and levied a fine charge nîne months, thrce- D. Barber. of $150, costs ,$3, in default 15 months indefinîte ta runcoOný, Kingsley VanNest, recantly dcays,>and a license suspension current, and the third ch3r.gF3: called to the bar, was wel-I of six months with a provis- nine months, three months itoc comed to the court by Judge ion that, after three months run concurrent. On the thel-k Baxter and Assistant Crown hie may write in for a re- charge, six nntbs: ta rur con; Attorney K. Stubington. He strîcted license. He was given current, and on the as;sauilt is associatad with the firmn of 28 days to pay. A further charge three months to run Strike & Strike. charge of failing to report a consecutive, Douglas McCoy, Bowman-J motor vehicle accident the Jerry Simms, Gordon Fowlý villa, appeared asking for anl saina night brbught a fine of er, Ranford Nickerson arid4 extension on the tîme forl $20, costs $3, in default, two Michael Donoghua thro-Lgi% paying a recant fine and wasý days.l counsel T. Kelly had aitas-- givan a further 28 days. Ne Judgmant w&s reserved for sault charge wlIt h d ra wiv pleaded guilty March 2nd to one week on Burlay Bus Lines against thema when Yrî'~ impaired driving and failîng ttd., who were charged with Weinsheimer did nô,t appear to produca proof of insurance. allowing driver Garry Clare to go on with the case. Edward ýDunn, Bowman- Walkar to drive a school. bus John Wilson Sweet, ~ ville, charged with unlaw- which was -in a dangerous and Chopin Ave., Kitchener, whn'ý fully obtainîng by a worth- unsafe, condition, They plead- was convicted March 2nd fÊý,ý less cheque goods frorn Mr. ed not guîlty. Constable J. possession of, mêreijuana fcr Beauprie, asked for an ad- Lîght stopped a bus in freez- trafficking appearedý for ei joiirnment to April 6th. ing rain when the windshield tance. He was given thbree Wayne1 King, Pontypool, wipers ware not working. Mr. months in tha Ontlarlo Rý. wspton suspended sen- patcher had phoned his des- formatory. was~~~~ puthe for anothar bus be- LwsJ htag.Ew tence for two yaswith pbo-Legis p.leae fot gui1Bc-,ý bation terrms tyaars thefore b ein pprehaended. manville, lae notuîy eace and be of good behav- Stephen Adcock, 18, Hamp- to a charge laid Dec. 5th last,' iour and to report to proba- ton, who has appearad On of driving while bi5 abilità, tion counsellor in Peterboro savaral recent court days on' was impaired. Constable DMc- as long as the counsellor break, enter and theft charg- Leod observed a vehid-es thinks, it is necessary. Ha is as, appaared tod-ay, for sen- northbound on Church Street not to change place of arnm- tance. It was ravealad fromn a in Newcastle weaving *n ploymant without notifying previous probation hae only followad it ta Bowmianvýille the ýcourt. This was from a reportad to the officar four Whan stopped,- the drîiVerý' Novamber 18, 1969 court ap, ia n ol o epn was weaving when ha walked. pearanca. D. to letters sent. Judga Baxtar to the cruiser. Ha ha d - u Frank D Ellis, 58 Edin- said hae woulcl ha raluctant to strong odor of alcohol. 11e burgh, Toronto, and Gene J. send hlm to: penîtentîary. On was taken ta the O.P.P.Cide -, Formosa, 22 York St., Tor- the first charge of break and tachment at Newcastle. Coptý, onto, 'chargad March 25tb enter, Adcock was santenced stable Martin gave hlmsae with manipuiating Canadian ta nina months definita and physical tests, He was filAec currency in Bowmanvilla and three, months indetarminate $250, $3 costs, in default 2~5 Township of Manvers, had in the Ontario Reformatory. days, for, drivlng while îia. thair trial adjourned. For- On each of the next.six char g- paired. Ha was aIse chargled mosa was ralaased.onhis awn as lha received nine montb s at the saine tîme for feiling cash bail of $100 for ana weak and thraa months ta- run con- ta pravide a breathsape and Ellis was remandad in current, and on tha naxt five This, fine was $100, costis $3, custody. theft and stolan goods charg- in default tan days. He askedý Archia N. McNeil, R.R. 1, es, ha 'raceived six month s for 28 days te pay. Orono, charged with unîaw- concurrent an each charge. fully drivlng while disquali- A, wilful damaga charge was fiad February 9, 1971, plaad- withdrawn by the crawn. RESULTS C U T ed guilty. Constable D. Smith Jody T. Rogers, 17, Bow- observed, a snowmobile on manvilla,, convicted on thre Liberty Street. The operatar charges of break and enter had noý driver's licanse. Mr. and four of thaft, appaared MeNail was convictad Febru- with caunsel G. Pollitt for ary 1970 wîth a licansa sus- sentence. Mr. Pollitt in asking bpension of two years. His for lanlancy, stated the charg- lawyer statad a fine would ba as took place in a group. MULTIPLE LiSTING SERV[CE- 1batter as being without a Il- Asst. Crown Attorney K. lcensa is an Inconvenience. Stubingtani said the pre-sen- OShaLWa & Distrct .Judge Baxtar said If caught tance report was weak. Judge 1again it will be a * j ail sen- Baxter ramarked there is Real Estate Board tance, The fine was $150, some gaad in everyane but costs $3, in default 15 days, e hv ah i ad______________ and givan two weeks ta pay. Laws have ta ha obayed. Pro- VN Uý-T Reford Cornish, George St perty has to, ha pratected. N QALT Bowanvll, cared 11 On the first charge, Mr. Rog- MONUMENTS AND belng lntoxicatad In a public ars was santanced ta nine MARKE.Rs place,ý plaaded guîîty, Sgt. months definite, three months McGuay investigated a dis- indeterniinate In tha Ontariao turbance at the Castla oa efraoy.O h nx OIIk and told him ta go home bt two break and enter, ha a TAFB hae did flot go. Mr. Cornish g1van nina- months, threa BROS, 1LTD, was takan ta the police de- months te run. concurrent on partment and allowed ta slaep each charge. On the faur thaft charges lie it off. The fine was ý20, costs chresh was given D, $10, and $10 for not goîng sxmotsoneceaat home, in default threa days. l'u conurrnt. arnae t e Wm Gidings 552Fron thelocal jail cells was 'ith St., Oshawa,' received a fine Kîm W. rown, 1, Bow-Brothers ofe $20, costs1 $3, for oparating KmW rw,1,1o- a car in excess of 60 miles an manville, convicted of thraa fi.4 hour, charges of break anid enter LIMITE» Ranfard Nickarson, Bow- and ana of assult and ana 'ofBo1,5 emanville,, charged with un- theft, appared for sentence.BX13 ,Asst. Crown Attorney Stub- 318 Duds St. E. - Whitby l e w f u lly h a v in g liq u o r ' in g o a d h o n o t u . P n e W i b 6 9 - 5 2 other than bis residence,îga adh o nato- Pin bty6835 pleaded guilty. On Fabruary hIe whiîe on, bail, On the! L th, Nickersa n was e passen- gar, in e car wihich was stop-, pad. The fine wes $50, casts' d$3, In dafault five days.,H asked for two weeks ta, pay. d Domenico D'Nuncio, Toron- eta, charged by Constable" itWhiteman di d unlawfully', 4hunt Dacembar 3th lest in' Township of Clarke without e license, was found guilty MAPLE LEAF Sie rb h lc an d receivad a fine of $25,ýýisie rb h ïc ecosts $3, in dafault threa days. DINNER HAMS IL 99C itDavid Pullen, 24, and G sLandau. 23, bath of 39 Parkz ý EXTRA LEAN FRESH LEAN iRd. North, Oshawa, plaaded B T dguilty ta break and enter atA PEAMEAL B T ethe residnecg of Donald Gui-1 PORK CHOPS tard, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, BACK BACON or ROAST and takîng goods ta the valua of $375. All articles. were re-! I 9 cIL. 5c covered. Constable Mahoneylb c ewas tha invastigating, afficper. URZNF0» 1 TASMS ýd reformatory. Mr. P. Bathgete, 252 King SPRAY STARCH TOILET TISSUE ;d St E, Bowrnanvîlla, charged White l Jan. 28th with drlvîng wla r 3 3c - --i âbilîty was impaired by elce- Tiii 69 'Pink Peck hal or drug, pleadad ot SAVE 16C SAVE 1if Staînherg'sa h onro Church and Division an del arkng avenue, Thera was e location but the umored $125,- general feeling that the town 000 -prîce tag for the land conld affford te debanture tha wouîd preclude purchese., cost a f bnying arpropriate A suggestian was made ta land forparking and pay ont bave a parking lot buîlt et of thîs revenue f und. ana of the ends of the business1 The Chember formed a section of tawn. It wes fait, comrnittee ta contect a real however, that oniy stores in estata campany and invastîgate the immediate vîcinity of the what lands in the central partý lot wauld benefit and that un- of tawn would ha anuitable - leas lots could ha constmncted and available - for parking, et bath ends cancurrently the "We dan't wanftaéhacoma proposai would ha untenable. like WhI-tby which îzs saddlad "The Town fada if la doing with a' dead and dying down.- a good job ini thiý fieldl." said town shopping area becausa cf Mr. Lawrton, "but itin'. a lack of -farasigbit in dievalop- A question was raised about 1,g good af-street pa3rking," the disposition cf funda ,ont cf L :. Lawfoa said. ELEENEX BOUTIQUE FACIAL TISSUE 2 pkgs. 69c SAVE 10e DINETTE MARGARINE (HOME0F QULJTY