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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1971, p. 1

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Happy Birth day 'o, Board Chairman 1Ir ee usi I oow The public is invited to ci 'Career Exposition' whi.-ch will be held in Bowmnanville tomorrow at the Bowmanvilleý High School. At least 42 f ims willb x hibiting in the one day af f air which starts at 10 am. and, ecetfor lunch and dininer breaks, lasts VOLUME 117 thr oughout theday until 10 o'clock, inthe evening. The general public is invited to attend -the evening session between seven and' 10 -p.m The purpose of the exposition is, according to principal organiz- er, Chuck Kenniedy, head of the BHIS. Guidance Services,. to ex- pose, acquaint, and stimulate stu- dents into t hinking acbou-t jobs. But, it is just as important h stressed i an interview ysedy for parents to avail t-hemnselves of the opportunity to talk to prof es- sionral peo-ple arboýut care-ers atnd k URN To PAGE TWO) 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WED-NESDAY, MARCH 31,'1971 là( Per Copy AI Sýtrike, Ciairmnan- of fie Norhumberland-Durham Board of.Educafion was our'prised wien ulis colleagues ield a birfiday party for uin following ticir m-eet- ing lasf ThursCda niit But, he only blew ouf fwo of fie fhree, candies,, so his wish- for. lawer edciLation ceosts, a quick salary settlemnent v,,iti feaciers and sh-ort- «r metnsprob-ably wo )n't merue. His ýage wes not revealedi, according ta tie PortHopeGuie wi kinly oaned us thîs photo.____ Pros c fArort on Scugog Isi Aruss esdnt'Anaons La.iePS cugaý"g rEsidetsre in reýen"t tls ithe fed.- fer zone cica chaady v xsfs toicrnd bout ic rosecral avmo en th fe met- anild oldnot have t' le rcx- c'f havîng i new Tam(ýonýto fer. Thc site !s iespccially at- propriatcdJ. (55,000 acre buf-1 International AI r p or.t con- tractive hec-ause a large buf-I (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ztutdin thir ai-ca. quoted as one ofithe fAr radia brecatonMrcen iYea r - OId CBoY 0nePreierDavs fvau~d is t ed as C ii a .0 adM.s. . Kn Sle Scn-ycar id E d w a r rusicd nto Toronfatc t1 icý Van1 etofOhaaete-Chrb Laftis ïlu crifical con- Sick Chllren's Hospital. laîned et iLa dînnýer purty et dition after being struck by Th rvre i a a neic_ GiInn, Sceý,rbortougi,,a car ounroc Roed, just on theccasione r.Vnnrt fHihc o o-Gerry Oiof icf 'R.R. 3, Bow'- Ncest bing clled to ie -Bar,.1day affernoon about .3:30 p.m.mnvle A 1on fias ttending crcTic youngster was teken tf0 Parents 0ffie injurcdchd ticr arnts' vi-.anrs. Oshawa Genurul wîth possible are Mr. and MIrs. Edward LOtf R.O u Nest of 1Bownn- ihead injuries and, whcn 'ils who have a house onVac& eille anpd Mm, anîd Ms D. C.'condition remainud unimprov- Road1 in fie vicinity of îfie H()un casteafS.Ca"tia ý'rin ecdfie-following moning, \a 1accidnt.____ Was Hlead Office of O-nl'ario Bank TeBank of Montrel. building n row being demolisied 'was the head office Af thle Ont aria ak John Simpson, one cf Bowmanville's most prominent cifi- zenls and e Senafüor f rom 1867 ta bis deefi iîn 1885, founded fie Onfer in Bank in 15wtiheaýd office et Bo lj(wmanivlllc e, Ti bnk wes first lcMedina romon the sýconid floor of eKigStreet buiding11866 tuîs iandsýome f(hree-Frye, structuref brckwifi Sftone facade wes erccfed, Tic bank as sfarted wiia capital of $400.'N000.Ina 'sbort fume Wiifb, O sbiea, Port Hope, ortPeryen Lin ay iabratnci, nd a branch we opncdin Monfreal. yS 88, fe,,a ofice id benmvc o Toronto, fin 1906 fie ýOntariaBnkfaic and filýeuBw- -ilaville branci beaabranch of tie Bank c f Mvýitrea Tommy Douglas CalEs for Planned Economyq Sby Derek Sidenius Hîs voice, smootb and arti- culate, filled the Local 2221 U.A.W. Hall in Oshawa. Ther party faitbful gathered upf each word be spoke. It was,s forthem, very palatable stuif.r Lionettes PIay Court WAhist at March Meeting The -Bowmanvîlle Lionette dinner meeting was held at the Lions Centre, March 16. Guests were invited to this meeting and were introduced by ecd Lionette. The door prizes- were won by Marg 'Killeen and Marg. Munday, AlIan Bragg and Doug Lux-' ton were our special enter-1 taînment for the night and, tboroughly cnjoyed by ail. Business w a s dispenscd with and the remainder of the' evcning was spent 'playing .Coujrt Whist. Prizes wr awardcd for igh andlo ýwinncrs. Lunch was served by Eva Hockin tic convenorý for the evening. i TWO HONEST BOYS Several wveeks ugaýo, 4during one ef thoîse bloingsn- sterm, th Ecbtx~'ss~tva!ý on his ',Yay p tîewn te pIr- chase somuething, when 'lis signed family allowance chieque dropped out ef lis pocket and was lest. Last week, Wayne Anoni- eliuk and John Colwellcame te the door te retura it. Tliey lad found it on the street, aeter the snow liad, melted.j Their lionest act was in- deed appreciated.,I .Suddenly bhis tone changed. made by the young memnber It wasn-'t a great change. 3ut from Weyburn but I want to no one thýere failed to miss it. teil lm something. I want to He.seemed--( to be more ugnti him that $500 million is a more comp-,ellîng, An electrie lot of money. . . and I want force seeped through the <TURN TO PAGE TWO) smokey air of the hall, and nobody moved. "I 'remember, during 1937," HAP 9OHBTDA he started after a pause, "when We have been informed Coldwell1 and myseif asked that Mrs. J. C. Gamey. of government for $500 million in Orono will celebrate lier deposits in the Bnk of Can- 9th, birthday, next Monday. ada in order to put people to We xten d best wishes anid work. conratulations 'on attaining "Mr. Dunning, thiethen i Min-J this ilestone, while retain- ister of Finance, said to me 'Il ing her sense -of hurand can appreciate the remarks' reasonably geod liealth. Annuu leficiGrow For~M AOeupRuto For thc third year in a row1 the Memorial Arena in Bow- manvîlle bas been subsidizedi by the municipality . . . and ecd year this subsidy bas grown larger. In 1968 it amounted to $8,449; in 1969 it increascd toi $14,974. and in 1970 it hiad ris- en to $24,718.0?, La st year's sbiy o muiia.granit, -dif tken to- setat ithe Arcu(ja fûc ri tsownv r a thiree-rnllltax chrg Q Bowmnaille ratepa7!Fyers, Before h.e Arena manage- ment was trunsfcrred to the Recreation 'Dcpartment ln 1968, it had recordcd tire consecutive ycars of makîng a profit-,-$1,547.84 in 1965; $405.48 lu 1966, and $2,445.00 in 1967. In the nine year perîod prior to 1968, tic Arena showed a CAN'T WIIN - Premier Bill Davis presented hus gov- ernmcnf's firsf Speech froin the Throne yesterday and the opposition reaction wes tiat it didn't contan enougi 'goodýies' to indîcate an election is imminent. Funny how tiese fiings work. if the speech had been packed with tax cufs, and handouts, thc opposition would be screamiîng that the government was trying to buy electorsý' votes with ticir own money. If ýhe speech didôn't confaîn elecion baif, the opposition would caîlJ it a 'do-notiing' effort. That's pohitics. t t t t t EXAMPLE -_ It's a sud concidence thaf the chuirm-,an of this yecr's Heart Fund carnpaign, Ron Hawvthorne, died lest week frem heurt trou- ble. His deaf h shewed clcarly the greaf need for more rcsearch îut o this f ield. Reports fis wcck indicafe fiat prier te bis dcath, Mr. Hawthorne haed the cumpeign wcll orgunizcd. Returus to date arc $2,712 wif h more te corne. t t t t t MEETING --- Members of Local 189, United Rubber Workers, will meef et the Legion Hall, Quecn St.,' on Sunday, April 4th to vote on the acceptance or rejection of tic Goodyear company's latesf offer. No details of the proposai were available for publication. t t t t SPRING - Other than the birds rcturning and fie slieep lambing ut the zoo, thc bcsf indicaion fief Spriug is jusf around the corner is the mail box fillcd with catalogues froma the nurseries. The firsf eone we've scen camne from Van Belle Gard-ns west of Bowmunville, and is quife at- tractive. Actually, we saw it a bit carier whcn we we-reý handling flic printing., t t t t 'WRECKIýNG- On the weeýKend tiere wa.ý quite a crowd around the aid Bank of MontreaL, byîg p tic fireplaces, counters and otheýr fixturesý before the megnificent aid structure was iý7wrecked. If is elso undersfood tiat fihemaneýt Pîne Ridge Sciool is also being tori down now fe the cows have gone and farming is no longer încluded in fhe curriculum, This building hasn't' quite fie architectural signifi- cance of fie bank, but probebly cantains quite a few memories for saine of tfie school's graduafes and staff. .f t t t t READERS -- Smebody at. Bowmenville Rotary Club lied ai dea fiat peid off fils week te flic ture cf oe vr $500, Tfiey collectcd over 3,000 books fremifizens andwon Saturday ield c sale ut tic Canadipn Tirestre A large crewd of readers nd collectors furneritd up-and parted wifli ticir xnuy te buqy books ut Iow, low prices. Nice geîng! DANCE Aparenty yungsters 14 andrud, liketo denrce, venii oy until 10:30 p.m. Ls 1Frîia, Frt amnleScoutshid 'a dan)fce end1( raîed$3 fr her amin fi-d.Mr, and Mmsrý. ila 1n PÀgby were ie chaerones-. Admission was- only 25C e a ch1l Prft forfe years and a loss for four. It reorded losses in 1959. 1961, 1963 and 1964. A spokesman for the Recre- ation Department said that the two sets of figures-thosebe- fore 1968 and those after-1 could flot be compared fairly, For one thing, he declared, before 1968, debt charges were flot inclu-ded in- the Arena's expeditues.Sinice that date tehaebeen:$4111 lu 168; $4,J62 in 19,69, a-id an estim-i ated $,9,50-ip4 97Oý A159, he sa-Id, in he(,ar,; befo0re the Recreaâtion De part- TrURN TO PAGF TW0> We IcomneRetiring Leadeýr Provincial New Democratic Can--didates Bob Wing and DougMoat talk to retiring party leader Tomxmy Douglas at Saturday's dinner,. and dance lheldi at thie U.A.W. Local 222 Hall in Oshawa, Mr. Moffatt, onY the le-ft is çcanidate for Dur- ham County ridîng and Mr, Wingý, on thie rightcadiat for the ridîng of Ontarko Souith.____________________ Land Promtion11 C> a'pa D i In the first of the best-ecf- three zone playeffis with WeeB epie lFt 1or r urh m T wnshiips lz,: Orno astnirit.Thesec- onyd game will be playd i Thornhill tenigbt. Tbrce ruralmuciatesnoe for the municipalit1y H uesthe assessmreii _____________ ln the 'Unitud Counities a1re ovur and above tiche, nshud hav ben higer expuricncing tax increeses tiýe present assessmeni of tfi (fIf thse lots lied bceen aa PREVENTION OF CANCER beoause of tice ffect :,f a ladlos(tctx is $9 a yeer ùon sessed eat $500 îif m1ght have promotional c amrpa i gniilu l jots sesesd at $100. TURN ro AGE 7TWO>" is casier tian cure. Learn their areas. more about how to prevent cancer from your local unit Land developing cmay of tie Canadian Cancer So- Whiterock Estates bas pur-i ciety. Thousands of Cenadians chascd tbousunds of acres n are alive and wcll today be- Cavan, Cramehe and Percy cause of the work of fie and has been sellinfg it off in Canadian Cancer Society onc and five acre parculs ta city' folks under the sloganj ' 'buy a piece of Canada'. AAu.12Iowcver, according to Lu- fher O0lan, Reeve of Caye uringMri2r on se btteaeratio of ou lo Zie% Township, the Whiterock lots ticsConcl eein, iale eolugetig e] ae a Fî y Êýarc not heing developcnd and Burro, Re cfHmtnadspiiclyfter wa F raay~pru 2 thus nt generating any txTanbp sked ii fhtic wcl- a m jrîti f p.ersons under deprtmntgave rlif30yars cf c' gc on 1relief. A t usnawga Hall GOES OUJT LIKE A LAMB tû a man W11reud1-r MrtMrinsidfat hij Wclfarc administrafor, M.dprmn osnthv on Frîday, Aprîil 2nd qt -Mardi may lave rearcd i Martin answercd ta f~sc nomto e ith 8p.m. ri tic McLaugblin like a lion, but today, the naclmdhewsotap. o 'oteu hazarda Lîbrary Concert Hall, Edward lest day ofet ficnnth, if able of work1ng le would becss;thwsnn ne Piilip Oscepella presents Greg elosed off ifs 31 days lhke a sent ta a doctor, 0s hr wudbe. -Waters, clarinetîst, flautist, lamb. Tie sun shonc if was W h vec p-ole -on'tw suaxopionist, accompaicd ut tiec omparafively balmy, se "If tic doctor :iudgcd hm fefrom thu ýc. geof1yai St,,'einway by Edward Piilip there is yet hope fIat April capable of workîng tien tic oabou164, le aid Oscupella. Concert No. 15 will take uway fhe suow ep ilîct would bu refusced of tic scason. Admission is and bring along those flow- welfarc," Mr. Martin said. Thc United Couies Welfe free. crs . . and mud. Tic administrator was lar (TURN To AGE TWVol Wacky Cheerleaders, Put on Show at _Mothers' Game 3 rhese f ive costiýumred cheerleadecrs tof ie -irce fie crowd roaring uwth their ac and ulnusual Sunday nligit, prioir to fie scar of fe ieivecast1e- j utff fs. Tiey arfom lef-tto right, Don Ilnîs. Bob Oronock cey àMother;s gaii. u OrooArena and thad tîlES o'b lo-m, Pete De >Jong and Ed Dwv,,yer, NUMBER 13

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