4 TeC Iiai f~atemnan', gowmanvllle, Mar. 'il, 1971 EDUTORIÂL COMMENT Unsung Hero Deserves Recpgnitýion- by Derek Sîdenius acimontlh Animal Control Officer Uieorge J. Pra subndts his report to town eoiInci rdif lthe councillors do i.fact read it, they neyer let Cm. h is tsilypassedf without adi(o or comnment. Takze February's report for eýXPam- Pie. Why would an,.yone question .1\5r. Ferras' stteen tatl, e received $54-50 duigthe montfh thirough the sale of ]liceices and thiFe collection of pound fecs? 'r, who Iin his, riglit mind would caîl for proof that hie did indeed im- paund '0 dogs and slx cats in the month as hie has recorded? And what kind of soul couild shed a. tear for the 26 dogs *ndsi cats- si-x, the entire lot! - wvh j:hb were destr-oyed duiring this tîme? The dajily\, activities are quickly, *dlithePly passed over and each littie 1-, 1 -o hecachtathe gas cham- ber, is neyer, neyer kon But, withoult peoiple liýke Vr Xer life in the community as we knocw it would be almost impos.sibleý. Anyone who lias been ritoi-outries that do noct have animal control officers will attesi to this fact. There is niothinig plea-sant orw huml- ane (better, said canine) aou[ettir, animals live toiunt, 'n lean-shankeýd packs, throuigh back alleywaysJfo r scraps and leftovers. it is onlI 'y ask inig for trouble and extended mIiserýy 'Mani, unifrtunatel 'y- for the anJLinIal about him, rmust have total and abso- lute control of the tcrritory lieinats And George J. Perras helps achieve this in Bowmanville. lHe deserves that mucli recognition ...at least. Last week, whilc reading the an- liua1 financial statement aoflie Me.m- Drial Arenia, we happened ta note an iteým Grant Revenue Fund for over ý24,Q0O for the year 1970. This aroused clur curiosity and we sougit additional information tint was forticoming from municipal hcadquiarters and showcd, fiat the amnount mientioncd was actual- 'y a deficit on tic year's operation. It ,,,as pointed out, by thc authorities that fie amount il eudcd some $4,000 in round figures for debenture payments, but this still leit tlie arena about $20,000 in fliered, witli flicdcficit, growing eaçli year. Tbis was informiation that we flt flic general Public siould know and somcthing on which s;omcbody should fakýe somie action, because despite the vast ami.ounrt af use bcîng m-ade oiflihe arenia by youingsters and adults tiraugli- out tie winter, it should stili net be a heavy burden on tic ratepayers, if it can e vidd There is anc.:, area that tie Arena Commiission and Town Council mîgit well explore. We naw have a mutual agreement witi Darlington Township vin fine protection where they siare Vie fýcosts, and wie can see no justifiable rea- snwhy thie same principle should not ýPPly Iothfe arena operation. There are aýbsolutely no restrictions on yaungsters from outside Bowmianville partîcipating in ie Recreation honckey program, only a smnall aiddition)ïal foc tint miglit caver fie papcrwork involved, but little cisc. Pay With Tic case of a New York lawyer faficr wlio rcfuscd ta s-upport a daugi- fer i.i college because he disapproved of lier lufe style typifies a fundamental shit aof hinking in America thit relates fa sucli issues as flic 18-year-old vote &,id tic legal age of majonity. Tic faier liad found that his daugiter lad not been living at her col- loge dormitorly, but witli a girl friend. JJrugs wcre involved. He mnadip as a con- hifion af furtior support tiat siecocme hýomre and change lier ways. A lower courit first ruIed tic father had fa pay $250 suipport a mont i until the daugih- ftor reached 21 i. October. But a higi- er court revorsed tus ,edecisior{, declar- ing: "The fatier -- in return for ils maintenance and support - is entitled fo set reasonable standards, rulesand regulations for his chld" 0f course, f-Iiere arc aiten unknown eircumstanccs surroundfing any case- wiici would disquaify an outsider from judg,,ing it. And in tic father- daugiter case, anc hapos that tic court test des noV leave rcsenfments more seeefhan tic logalisms resolvod. Stilli, fie issue ai whethcr parental res'ýponsýibility f'or a chld's support can D)ying can be an oxpensive busi- necss. Wbile fie dcad bave ta pay for tieir sins, fie living arc stuck wifh the bsAnd, like sînning, there jusf does not seem fa be any abatement fa fie costs, people have ta, pay. Tic Counfies Councîl's weliare commît tee rccognizing f us, bave boost- ed ticir rates for welfarc or indigent, burials fram $300 fa $500, and bave în- cluded a provýisioný for avemages if fie circumistanccs wrat Jay Wiittýingtoni, ciairman oiflice committcc, said fa council members iast wcek, fiat tic new rate is a fairer and hi Our information is tint childreni from fie township make Uip almnost haîf tie teams in tic minor hiockey setuip here. We feel certain hfiat tic fair-minded members ai Darlington council would feel tiey have a definite fînancial res- ponsiîlity ta ielp ouf, rather than sad(- dle Bowmanville ratepayers witi addi- tional taxes. We also have learned tint thc hour- ly rentai rates ciarged icre are quite low, compared ta other areas. With' power, maintenance, repair and labar costs increasîng every year, tiere must ho adjustments upward, curflailed servi- ces or increased auitomation ta offset tiem. Apparently, any aftempt ta in- crease tic rates lias met witlh determin- cd opposition, wiici is rîdicuilous. This editorial and the stary eIse- where ' ii ths edition, is not put farward ta cause, trouble, but we were siocked at tic size aoflice arena deficit and led fiat cvery effort should be extended ta overcome it. Tic building needs niew ligiti ng and other costiy repaîrs Vtils summer ta brîng it up ta standard. Tic Kinsmen Club has been a great arena benefactor in tic past, but fhey cannot be expected ta continue ta play Santa Claus forever ta a mui-nicipally-owned structure, no matter iow muLcli use is being made ai it by y'ngt L' rom a wide area. Tie arena muLst be op[er-ated in a busincsslikc manner with fheicocsts bcing siared by fitose wbo make, use ai if, not by Vie gencral ratepayers ai only onc parficipating muricipality. oui' Say ? ho divorced from responýsibilify\ for is conduct lias been naiscd.' Graniting 1-er-lstic. vote mlis promptcd interest in lowcninig tic age ai majonity ta 18 fao. A gavcrnar's com- mission in Michigan, for example, lias jusf proposed suci a change. Tic feel- ing of tic commission was that, witli 18-ycar-olds ai marriageable and work- ing ago, the law sbould altow fiem ta bear fie full burden ai responsîilities, suci as taking on a bouse mort gage, wiici ticir circumstances entail. Young persans MERIT responsibili- tics carlier, surely. Education, accelerat- cd awarencss ai public issues, faster soc- ial maturify, bear fis ouf. But, negafively, tiey alsa PRO- VOKE respansibîlîties calier by refus- ing adult governancc or accommodation witli adult wisics. Wbat tic judgcs in the lawyer- dauagiter case scem to ho saying is sint- ply fliat witli igits came responsibili- fies. And if appears fiat as youths in- sist on fie rigit ai sel-governance, adults will insist tiey bear tic full res- ponsibility whici goes wifh if. 1-Ch ristian Science Monitor more reasonable anc. Warden liar Malcolm concurred. TRIJE WEALTH I was sitting at my wiîndaw, Tic day scemcd duhI fa me, As I gazed up finougli fie thianin leaves,1 Upon my maple free, Tien suddcnly a vagrant breezo Set all the branches fwirling, Andi thoee heore my vcIiied gaze, A Nwealth ai goli was %winling. I thougit, as golden lieaps nase bigl Tlicrc's none s0 truly nîch as ' ---Marjorie Cunningb Durham County's Greait Farmîly Journal Established 117 years ago in 1854 Also Incarparating CWNA The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News Second class mail registration number 1561 hooProduced every Wednesday b y 623-3303 THE JAMES PUBLISJIING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66 King St. W., Bowmanville. Ontaria Pione 623-330, JOHN M. JAMES5 PATRICK GOULD GEO. P. MORRIL EDI0R-tILISERADVTG. MANAGER BuSINESS MGR. "Copyright and/or, property rngbts muhsist in the image appearing on titis proot. permissiont reproduce in whole or in part and in aay orm whatscever, particularly by photographia or ofise procesinao publication, must ie obtained from the publisher ad the printer. Aay unauthorîzec reproduction eill b. subject ta recours. in law' ,$6.00 a year - 6 manths $3.50 $8.00 a Yectr in the United States trtl i advance Aitoug eeryprcution wiIl b. trikena b void error The canadiîna Statesnian ccepte advertim initain colmason tire underatancting tatit il wllnot bh. hable, for ay eror in any advertcseree m bisbd erund nr r>escoipro i cisuait odvertîsmeat b, requested iwriting by the codvertise oadF1ured ta The Cancaia,, bbeinonbuiness office duly signed by the odvertimer and with surd 0,r r orrectoae p1ay aotd in wriititereon. and ta that case if aay error so aoed xc ným ,crated by T1he ,na ittsman it, tiahîlity shah lt exaeed saha prio f tit enti-ec 0ieuh d,ýV remcob as%, C.s ace occupied 'by the. noter, e:tcr herrs to t ho hles ýpa.ce ocupi. MIV PEpv)ZE I PL/v~LE 2 e ________________________________ i £Liet[e/rs eEG LEAVE TO REORT Editor:- When the chairman aif a standing committee walks fa fhe rastrum ln the Unit- ed Countîes Council Cham- bers, Cobourg, ta state... "I hold in my hand the re- port of the finance cam- mittee, (or any other cam- 25 VEARS AG() <April 4th, 1946) Chef L. Hooper ativises fiat tie Fine Departmcnf lias been calleti ouf 18 times siace January 1sf, wiicli is rvey a record lic liopea will noV ho r epeaeei. Dorngah of lest year, tiare were anly aiglif fines, wilh a total las of aniy $472. Tic 1946 bs aireaiy cexceetis S25,000. Mn. Fred (Busier) Saund'- ng ors, Hantlaniý , Mici., was in town Vils week renewing aid acouaintances ai-i visit- ing Vie scenes ofhils youth after an absence af .M8 yai. Mrs. Artior J.Suidc Toronito, vas a ýi l <0n Thoursday wi M [-s. ie ,h, Allun, Cerlisie Ai e.Man af aur altier citizens will r emember Mca. Saunders ýbamn Wen sic hîvet inlaBowman- ville as Miss, RioaCaftan anti- was a popolar muîsic t cacher. Don Sutton, foc five years, a favorite witi flic public as driver fan Gatons Bus Linos, neturneti hast wcek aff or firce yeers ,averseas witli fie Canadien Army, He rejoins tic Garton arg- anization next week. Mn. anti Mca. Ainsle Clark andi Bannie, Toronto, visif- cd fnientsisnla fwa aven the weekend. Mca. Frances Lee was a weýekend visitar witi ber sister. M~iss Rose Narwick, Toronto. )3 Larny Chant spent tic weekend witl i s aunt, Mrs. Arnoldi Venner, New- S castle. Mrs. Art Hompage visil- Io d in Toronto on Toeaday et anti Wcdncsday. ?d At fihe Quinte Seeti Fair, Ahex H-endry, Newcastle, won fhe ciampiansbîp an oats, whule like honora ln wlieat t iharley went ta GannlefR arBowman- Nacsl~ Mn.anti Mirs. W. R. Haýwktins5, IVI. Frank ,CI s0 Mse Ada anti Elizabeth AliaII ta t/he é9citor mittee), what shail I do with it?'" ý. ..the lepre- chaàun in me is tempted ta shout: "Sit an lt!'" Sa it gaes, the ancient repetîtiaus rite of present- ing reports wherein al ehairnien "beg leave ta re- part" but they do nat bend their kaces in abject solici-- 49 YEARS AGO (Atril 6th, 1922) For the thîrdti tme la as many years D.O. & P. Cai. (Dominion Orgen & Piano Ca.) bowlers won the ciem- pionship lai the Five Pin Town Bowling L eago e. Team- mýembe-rs, S. Marris, A. Mitchell, I. L. Peara, C. Osborne anti J. B. Mitchell. Rev. C. C. Washington, B.A., Baltimore, was guest of his parents, Rev. anti lVrs. W. C. Washington lest week. 1S. Roy Foster is improv- ing ilsservicetfie public by apeýiiga ucersa wants t lý ocaý li il ot e Tlîty uanlya uskfi- a Ic site, nommia fixeti assess- ment, cieap electric power and water, anti a stock sob- sciiption of $75,000. Mrs. C. A. Banisteel anti son Geralti, BeIle'.iîlle, were recent guests of hec sister, Miss Emma,' Kaight, Lake- view Farm, Port Bowmen- ville. Mn. anti iVrs. Arthor Fnice anti tieugter Betty spent- tic weekend with their cous- ins, Mn. anti Mrs. W. H. Hlowtien, Toronto. 'Her many fientis will he glati to learn fiat Mrs. S. Tiampson lies returneti fram Toronto anti will ne- side ln tawn. Miss Irene Wercy, Osha- wa; Mn. anti Mrs. M. J. Werry, Tyrane, spent Son- day with Mr. anti Mis. Sher- Wood Rundie, Mrs. Wm. Robson spent fie weekend witi lier son andi daugiter-in-law, Mc, anti Mrs. W. J. Robson, Belleville. Mr. anti Mca. J, G. Solley, Liberty Street, are home fram Florida wiere tiey spent flic winter. Mr. ani Mrs. Rd. Snow- dien, Oshawa, spent Sun- day witi fihe Misses Brima- combe, malien, Ms, Fwler, tation. The word "beg" in Countîes Council remralins Vhe misnomer of our tirnes. Ritual, passed irom onie generation of Councillors ta the next, is an inbora thing, but a motion against the norm separates think- ing man from the comfort- able establishmnent of rou- ine. At a plenary session of Northumberland and Dur- ham Counties Coun cil, Merci, 1971, a motion was read: S TeAT . a.ý"wing ta the severe winter iV is manda- tory, for the preservation of deer fiat there be, no open seasan in the United Counties in 1971." The word "mandatory" was questianed, "What does it mean?" asked an officiai. Answer came from the floar, "iV must be", In other words, a rule, an arder, a mandate, in fact, a law. The perpetuation of Vhe rigits of man and ànîmal is impassible without com- munication. If fie meaning of mandate was not known by onc officiai and some cauncillors, it is now under- stood. Exercise of vocabulary by counciliors and citizens is tic verbal armament needed ta preserve the boundaries of tie United Counties. The aminous threat of territorial invasion of Baw- inanville tawn andi Dar- lington township by "lin- teflectuai pianners" fro'n Oshawa can bhe repulseti by mandate, fao! Foster M. Russell, Deputy-Reeve, Hamilton Township, Box 636, Cobourg, Ontaria, Memnorial Hospital -Weekly Report Week of Mar. 22-28, inclusive Admissions ------------ 73 Births-3 male, 1 female 4 Discharges ,----------- 72 Major operations ~..24 Mir'ox operatians ---- 23 Emergency treatmcnts 165 Visîting houra 3-8 p.m. daily Mayors-Reewvec,;s Plan May Meet For North Bay 1Tic' Association of Ontario Mayors andi Reeves meeting wil be helti from May 30th Vo June 2nd at North Bay, Mayor Hobbs anti Reeve Dyk- stra. or councîl members re- presenting them, are expected ta attend. S uga r B y JULItJS DIDN'T ENJOY MARCH IDES EITE One istboot in tlhe behind for March, anthen 1eV us lave it and the whole pershin witer that lias embat- tled this land, this year, and move on to higlier thoug-ýlts. Mardi. is kniown' for every little, be.yonid givinig evryoniethe last. and worst bout of 'flui for the year, Hawever7ci, we'il gîve ît its due. One of its oidest associations is with Juliîs Caàesar.- Wealthyý, dictator of Rome, out- standing general, and well1 on his way to becorning the first emperor of the mighty Roman Empire, he was a victim of March. Big Julie was taking part in a pro- cession during the Feast of Lupercal, whici is neither here nor there. As the parade wended ' ts way to whever it was going, througb the terrible traffic of Rame, which is still terrible, a seer (this is usuaily a chap who can't see, except into the future) stepped in front af Caesar's chariot. This is a custom, I understand, that is faithfuliy fallawed bypedestrians in Rame to this day. Anvway, the aid nut, craaked in sepulciral tones, "Beware the Ides af Marci". Now, in thasedays, the Ides of Marci mearit the fifteenth of March. This was just a few days away. And when a seer tells yau ta beware, you'd better be wary. Thase seers don't mean you're gaing ta wake up an the given day with a hangaver, or even warse, a hangnail. Unfartunateiy, Jul jus was a bit deaf in one ear and alsa had his arnnai Mardi cald and, was coughing s0 loudly he couldn't have heard the last trump. Sa ho missed thc message. Yau guessed it. Rigit on the nase, on the Ides of March, lie was filled full af cold steel, Nat by student activists, or black militants, but by trusted, nay, beloved feliaw-members of thc Roman Senate. IV shauld, perhaps, be pointed out that the Roman Senate differed in some respects from the Canadian Senate. In tiose days, senatars were noV just aid politicians put out ta pasture, or party bag-men. Some af them wiere under 40, and they ail knew haw ta h andie a shiv. That sort of thitig just couidn't LENTEN MEDITATIONS, (3) THE DREAMS 0F GOD Epictetus, a Roman philosoplier wio ilourisied during tie latter hall aifie first century aiflice Christi 'an era, was a pagan. However, bis writings aiten breatied fie Christian spirit. Commenting on, deafli, for cxam- pIe, he wrate, "I should like best tiat if find me busy at sometiing noble and beneficient and' for tie good ai man- kind." Weli, by his manner ai deati Jesus sbowed how God laves' us, iow ho haVes sin and takes aur burden, and how be would have us lave and serve him. Continued Epictetus, "But, since this is liffle likely ta befali me, I siould choase nexfta go ouf 'rendcning wiat is, due ta every relation in lufe." Well, as lie iung on tic Cross the tortured eyes ai Jesus sougif and ieid bis mati- er's fear-filled eyes. Rumor ai wbat migit -bappen brougit Mary anxiousiy from Nazar- eti ta, Jerusalem in Holy Week. Now if was dreadfuihy clear fiat tie rumor ivas only fao truc. And yet, in fie veny act ai redeeming last mankind fie Son ai God became once more fie Son ai Mary. 1John's Gospel tells us, "Standing by flic cross were his mofier, and uis mati- er's sister, MVary fie wife ai Clapas, and Mary Magdalcne. When Jesus saw Iis mother, andi the disciple whom lielod standing îîear, lie said ta lusmthr 'Woman, beiold your son!' Tien lie said ta Vie disciple, 'Beiold your mother!' And irom fiat hour fie disciple took lier ta uis own hiome." Thase ai us wio have kept vigil as loved -ones wcnt firougi fie valley af tic sbadow ai deali know how fie past leaps into Vie present. Pcriaps, at Cal- vary, Mary's thougits swept back ta Betildeiem's mysteriaus nigit wien sic, gave birfi "ta lier iirst-born son and wrapped bim in swaddling clatis, and laid him in a manger, because fiere was no room for tiem in tie inn." Perhaps, at Calvary, Mary remem- bered tiose peaceful, golden ycars at Nazareth as "Vie chid grew and became strong, filed wifi wisdom; and the- favor of God wes upon bim." Periaps sic recailed fie years whcn tie Carp- enter of Nazareth made cammon things for his iellow men, listcning ta ticm and prcpaning for uis feaciing ministry about ways aifie Fatier God. Pcriaps, at Calviary, Mary recalledl lien wistiul goodbye wben Jesus went ouf into fie world, as cventualiy aur cbildrcn, do, Tiings were neyer tlic same again, and neyer quite are. Butl alil tie more so in this particular- case. For instance, Jesus was in fiemis aifu ministry. Ha-I was in a certain town, at somnebody's table, cuîîductirg a kind af semmnar. Mary and otier and' Spice~ Bih ml e happen in the Cani'an Sernate. T worsýt that cauld occur wa7uld be tp ping over a cane, or being run ve b a wheccair, or bludgeoned ta de-ath by. a spee-ch. However, that is aýl1, as ihie sayingý gaes, ancient histary. The .onfly lesso)n ta be iearned fram it is thjat weyou hear a seer, don't sneer. Especially i'n March, Ides af. Anather event for whîci Mlarch is reasanably weil knawn is St Ptic' Day, the l7th. Perhaps "Ircasoniably" il noV the word hrsjince it is a celec- bratian of ane af the patron saints e? Ireland (the other is King Billy), and wha ever met a reasanable Irishmian? I'm aimast pure Irish, an bath sides. But let tiem keep their preciaus.i saints, bath Patrick and Billy, in firee land, where the bogtrotters. can basb eaci others' brains in, their faqvorite sport. Must say, it makes my bload mnui a bit cold, thaugli, when some Can-adiani with eigit draps af Irish bload in him decks out in a green ie and a siamrock and gets into that "Tap o' tie mornin' routine. And it makýes me want ta throw Up, every St. Pat's Day, when a Jewishi camedian starts tassing around "Begor- rai's" ar an Italian tenar, ah m-riisty- eyed, warbles, "Wien Irish eyes are smiling." It's as incangruous as a Canadian seventh-generatian United Empire Lay- alist making a big iuss about St. Wlad- isias' Day, or Chaîrnukai, or Buddha's- birthday. Each ta his awn, and vice la difierence. See how the month of March gets me worked up?'Other manths riyme with samething pleasant. Juno with moon and swaan. July with fly - Vo Europe or somewhere. But March goes with such delightful connotations as starch and arci (as in fallen). The anly other thing for which Marci is noted is the vernal equinox, the 2lst, the first day ai spring ha ha. Vernal suggests green. Take a look out, Snow white ormud browni. Equinýox ýis5 iram tic Latin: equus - horse; nox - nîgit'. speils nightmare, Marchi, rig«ht? Adieux, iarewcii, auf wiedersehn and aux revoir, Marci. May you rot in July. members ai lus iamiiy had came some distance ta sec iim.The announicement was brou-)(git in. Hie replied, "Who are my motier and my brotiers?" Ho -look,- ed around at tiose present and said, "Here arc my mothen and my brotiers! Wioever daes lie wîll ai God is my brother, and sister, and motier." If bumanity has yet ta lcarn fiat lesson, if should noV surprise us fiat Mary feit hurt and coniused. Wiat a strange Son! I am sure fiat sic was niot icit V utsidc ta cool lier heels fiere. t am equaily sure fiat fie reunian seem- cd ta caniirm fiat Mary and Jesus wrere driiting apart. Priobably now flic phli- piecy ai Simeon began to aint MVary,,. 'Tie agcd saint mad soknears beforle at a kind ai ciristening 1,inic hetemple, "Behold, this cbild is set for fie f all and nising ai many in Israel, and for a sîgn thaf is spoken aginst (and a sword will pierce tirougi youir own sau-i aisa)." Neyer sa much as duriing tiahal- vary scene. Ail tic motier's -remanies wcrc matcied by grateful memoniesoit tie Son's part. lie recaihed fie mode] home, in 'Nazareti. lie knew fliat ifsl prayers bad been ever wifi bim. What filial, acfý couid he peniorm, revcaling fiat ilie d neyer loved lier less in loy- ing, God's mission more? Jesus îoresaw tic widow's ioneiy seasonis ai lit e aiead. I-e inchuded lier in i lhast 'wilh end 1testamrent. Tic mes- sage was lould aichear from iej Croýs ta thosewh stood beneatb ift. "When Jesus saw lus mafier, and fie disciple wiom hie loved standing near, lie said ta is mothen, 'Woman, beiold your son!' Tien lie said to ftic- disciple, eBehold yaur motherl' Anid from tiat hour fie disciple toak lier ta bis own bome." WicnI'think ai týic fhings whch wc want for aur cidren, I wonder whether we arc putfing tic empiasis il tie rigit place and paying' enougli at- tention to prayer, worship, patience and exampie. I even wonder wlien conduct- ing Confirmation Classes at thîs fime ai year! Tiare wiil neyer be anather Jesus. Ail th e more reasan, tien, fiat wc shouhd learn.fie sienificance ai Vie hîrd Word from tie Cross. Dr. Leslie D. Weatheriead, pramin- enV British preacber arnd psycbologist gives if fa parents, straigit, "We fatWhý crs and mofiers arc very busy these days. But fie hopes aifie worid arc entrustcd tfa us, Our cildren probably geV from Us tw6oaifie most important fiing-s children geV irom ficir parents: thiirses faivalues andfcir iTidea ar Go.If11, fread down in indffe-re-n-e,, careiessncssD or sioti tie flowers ai auLr cliildren's reli,2iaus if e, let us atlet trcad gcntlv. We are treadîng an fiie dreams ai GodL" Disiributing Disturbilng Arena Deficits z4,9pt Religion for Today by Rev, Gordon Smyth In-the DiLM and Distant Past From the Statesman Files Living Are, Stuck With, the Bis CUZ)DZ--F Y4JPPZý,E