Oshawa4,.: Wins Novice Tournameni In Newcastle on Wednesday of iast week, an ail-day.Novice teurnament saw- North Oshawa defeat Valleyview for thie champmenship. he wiuners' tropby was presented by Charlie Aquilina te team Captain Jamme Ferguson. Gien Stewart L Park'defeated Newcastle te wimi fle Consolation -award that was presented te Capt. Peter Rewan by Harold Nicholson. castîe curre Figure 2 % Increasethf the I MilionDolar Welf are Budgt Taledfor Counies A "million dollar" welfare uucmployrieut) sud, part te goveruments ssi,4dîze leav- budget, was tabled lui thc thc sucrease lu amounts paîd îly, payiug,80 per cent of the United Counties Counril oui to welf are recîpients lu 1970. welfare assistance îssued aud Mrcl 23rd. 1Thc weifare figures for thIs 50 per cent cf the adminis- Jay Whttîugton, chairmaniyear were based on e 25 per fration costa. cf the welf are rommîttee, lun cent increase over the amnount gîving bis report, said fIat of mouey actually speut by the cstimsted cost et wltare the muniripalîties in, the fer Northumberland sud Dur- couonfici duriug 1970 for gen- Frîen dship hem wouid le $938 500 lui eral assistance, supplemen- 1971, and the ceat ot admin- tary aid sud special asss,- lb M e ib r istatin afurther $7ý9,450. suce, sud ou a 10 per centC u e b r ,Mr. Wbttîugton saîd that lucreese in the amnount pald It had becu dîfficult f0 es- for uursing'borne care. tablish a budget as fIls was, 0fthe total budget, the~Brave. Blizzard, the~~~~ ~~ frtyath conyhscounties' evy îs $231,9J25, te- handled welfare. lie 1men- prsnting $187,700 for wel- tioned that parjt of the prob- fare disbursements and $39,-t lem had beendue ;i larger 725 for ad-ministration. t cas-eload orfetn nreas ed he federal and provincil I Hampton csipi îng GIFT SHOW, S ,,April 3rd Wed, April 7th Featuring man) new exclusive imiported, hues- Hours: from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. every week day; Sundays from 2 to 9 p.m. PHO E263'2251 Bownianvîlle Freshly Baked To Your Order In 6 Minutes pepperoni, Mushroom, Anchovies, Salami, Bacon, Ouiloas, Red Sweet Peppers, Green Sweet Peppers. AL-S0 PIPING HOT PIZZA TO TAKE OUT Deivered to Your Door - 75e Extra (within town lirnita) DOU..JG L UXTO0N' and WED. and THURS. - 9- 12 P.M FRI. - 9 -1 a.m. In spîte of the inclement xeather about 20 members of the Friendship Club braved the blizzard te gather at Trinity United Church for their meeting on Friday, March l9th in the afternoon. Mrs Ted Morris welcoroed al present and complimented the i ont hir brave and hope.. fui spirîits. Mrs. Albert Cole a nd Mrs. Morris presented the worship service, with týhe ,sînging cf hymns, Piandabauiuheip- fi-i adresyMs. A. Cole on the thcïeeof "F'riendship".- Mrs. Colc aise read a strik- ing pon , "Greetings for Two" bringing eut the need Mer friendliness iu ail our every-day contacts. Water Wooiiey and Colin Taylor accompanied by Mrs, Halioweli, sang a vcry inspir- ing duet- "Have thine own way, Lord", following thisÀ with severai numbers on the harmonica, which wcre aise much enjoyed. Club members enrtering into the spirit of the1 dacailed for requcat numn-1 bers of the beautiful Irish1 songs suitable for St. Pat-J rck's Day and the twe gentle-Y men kindiy ebiiged. A brief1 sing-seng cf favorite Irish songs foilowed and was en-j tered into heartily by al present.c Mr. Ward cosed the serviceI with a prayer. Mention waSË mnade cf club members whe are ili and wi shes expressed2 for their recovery. The ladies of Unit 3 cf, the U.C.W. vety kindly providede attractive and delicîcus te-1 frealirrents, The warmth and friendly seirits indoors were, a wel- corne contrast to the wind and snow witbout Mrs. Harding expressed our tbanks te Grou-q ,3 and the gathering cJosed early without the customary games period. LON .G SAULT (intended for iast wcek) t Mr, and Mrs, Dave Owens and family, Brooklil; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biais and fam- ily, Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Clif- ford and famiiy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall, Hamp- ton and Mr. and MrIs. Jim Rowan and Danny, Tyrone, were Sunday guesta of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys enjoying some fine snlowmo- biling. Mr. and Mrs. John Dennîs, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gehie, Tyror'e, were Sunday even- mng guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs, Judy and Louise Ke- vacsa are spending some cf their sehool holîdays wîtb their graudmother, M r s. Sophie Kovaca. Miss Grace Smithi accom- panied Mr. and -Mrs. Lloyd Harmer, RR. 1, Bowmanvilce, te Inglcwocd isat Tuesday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harmer. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ercego- vac and Annis were Satur- day visitera cf Mr. and Mrs. J. Szucs, Toronto. Many ladies attended the St. Patrîck's Tea sud Bake Sale in Tyrone sponsored by the UCW. lest Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. W. Vsneyk were- Sunday eveniîng visitera cf Mr. snd Mrs. H. DeMîlie, 13owmanviiie.ý Mesdames W. Vaneyk, L. Taylor, E. Murphy, T. Phillips snd Stan Gobie attended a social evening in Oshawa Thursdsy evening sponsored by Oshawa L.O.BA, cestu Orono Hockey Moibers Lose to Newcastle, On Sunday night in Orono Arena, Orono and New- ýHockey Mothers played the secend gamne of the ent serses snd it was even more hilarîcus than first one the previous veek. The. e are thec girls iUronio. plus two officiais whc wore apprepriate umes, They are, fromlef t te rîght, front rew, Bath Spring Hits Bowmanv Black, Det Tennant, Gloria Mitchell,' Nancy, Philp, Jan- ice Quantrîli, Bonmiie Taisma, and Joyce Major; back rew, iReferee Russel Maj or, Lois Philip, Lenore Hick- ey, Shirley Black, Lottie Johnson, Joan Haynes, Barb Long and Referce Gerd Lewry. Newcastle won the ga-me 4-2.11 Zoo Spring has ,priuiig at the Bowmamville Zoo wýith the birth mid-March cof twe Pl:arbaýry lambi, lin, firFst in 171_ The lambs,, abI, le)te walk an heur-after being borf,, ar- heaithy. ftisk crefature[nS. 'Mothr w .wvemakes them imid itheir P's aýnd Q's, and dorsn't really like the idea of the phtegrapher getting tee close te her charges. The IBarbary sheep are native te the Atlas Mountain region of ,Nerth'.Afrca. ____________________ there have been severai cern- plaints of a teenage youth in-. deceutiy exposing himacif to female persens mn the Courtice sud Oshawa Town Uine area, The youth who appears te be suffering from a mental dis- order la described'apprexirn- ately 5' 6" high, 145 pouuds, medium length blond hair, age 15 te, 18 years. Any in- formation that may iead te the apprebeusion of this sus- pect, should be reperted te the Ontario Provincial, Police la Newcastle, Ontario. On Sunday, March 14, 1971, two persons from Newcastle and Oreno were charged wîth possession of stelen property. Seîed was a televisien set stolen from the Port Hope ares. KNOW TH1E LAW l'Avo'd Danigerous Passiug"l If for any reason you de- ride, te pass the car shead cf you when ycu're not quite sure you can do if, remember -you are risking buman life. Neyer attempt te rass another vebicie unless you are abso- iutcly sure ycu eau de se in sefety. The Highwey Traffie Acf, provides that if is unlawful for a persen mu charge cf a vch;icle, to pass or sttempt te pass another vebîcie gcîug lu thc semne direction, when the roadway te the ieft is net safely free'from approachîng or overtakii traffic. A motor- vehîcle aise shouid net be operated te the le-ft cf the centre cf a two-lane highway when approachîng a bill or upon a curve or within 100 feet of a bridge viaduct or tunnel where the driver's view ia obstructed withiu such a distance as te create a hazard in the event another vehicle might approach from the op- posite direction. Driviug Tlp It la often sqid, that a man cannot outrun his shadow, but it has been proven that many drivers outrace their head- lights. <If is simple ceomon sense te drive at a saf e speed that wiii permit you te stop withiu the stretch cf road îiumnated by the headlights of your vehicie. The l7th aunual meeting cf the Orono District Credit Union was beld on February 16 in thc Orone Odd Feliows Hall. The President, Mr, Joeseph Walker. chaîred the meeting sud presented the Board cf Directors' report. The fnancial report, gîxen liy Mrs P. Werry, ruer, rcvcaled thaRt a- eta lin- creased te $1'50 4,as cf Deceniber 3, 1970.)0fthis arount,$54,700 GO0 was on boan te menibers. Shares cf the 204 ietubers amounted te $53,1 25.27. The anoulal meeting epvrov- cd that the dsvldend on) shares lie 51/% and the iiitereit re- bate be 71/. This represents anl increase in both rates over lest year. Thecnmembers also approved a liy-law amoeidmcnt by whlch the' residents ef Newcastie wîll Dow le eligible t6 joîn thc Credit Unien. The Depart- ment of iuancial and Cem- merciai Mfaîrs bas ludicated its approvai cf this by-law rIeetings frcm the Ontarie Credit Union League werc ex- tended by Mr. Frank Hallinan, Toronto, who conducteri the Graduates electîcu et officers. Thre directors, Messrs. Joseph Walk- er, Orono; Roberf Allia, RHR 2,Newcastle and Eric Fera- lu.nd, Bewmanviile, were cleet- cdI for a three-vear term. Mr. W77ayne Bailey, Orcue, waa e lectcd te thc Credît Commit- tee sud Mrs. W. Reid, Kirby, 14e thc Supervîsery Commit- tee Mr. Alfred Banc A sstant M oagr tht. Auto Werkers Credît Union, Oshawa, gave anl illustraed talk on 'Com- munications". Iu thc past, he statd, nn las been more ()ncrerned wvith tue art of send- îng communications thali re- ccivîng theni. Listening is a s-kill wliicl must ele larued and practîsed. It is important because, tlircugh iistening, wc gain information sud a deeper insight and understanding et the situation at band. Mr. Boue drew te our attention: a fcwfartera whirh preveut lus tram bling goedIlisteners sud gave us several useful sug- gestions wbîrh should hein us comtmunficate better with oth- crs, -Mr. Wlkr thanked Mr, Boue fer his iuteresting pres- entatien. Thc door prîzes, ,lonaed by Curvply Woed Producta Ltd., sud Co-operators Insurance As- sociation (Guelph), were won by Messrs. Donald Msylew, Newcastle; Ronald Fowler, R. R, 1, Orene, sud Robert Han- cock, Orono, Atter the meeting lunch was served by the wives ef the officers, The Canadian Statesman, Bownianvll1le, Mar. 31, 19715 Runs S..'ýuccess fui Holiday Pro gr'am The IBowmanville Depart- day, while the boes actii- ment of Recreation children ties averaged between 80 and and teens school holiday week 90 each day. program conducted in Viei During the three days, the two gyms of the Bowmanville supervisors, were kept busy Hîgh School during Monday, supervising the 8 te 18-yeàr- Tuesday and Wednesday'last olds participating in active week proved to be very sue- games, volleybal,, i n g i n g cessful. games, basketball, tumblîng. The girls' 'activities attract- gymnastics and otcher geames ed an- average of 135 each enjeyed by the youný,g ocnes. INDOOR CARPET Indoor - Outdoi with f CARPET h eavy rubher 'back 6, Great Colon 99sq. yd. 2* sq. yd. ALL OTHER FINE OZITE PRODUCTS PR INTS and SHAGS wîll b re$1,00 ysq. yd. FOR AbDITIONAL, GREAT SAIVINGS WIN A FUN FILLEID "DVAY ON DOMýCO" Enter thie Domnco Wife Saver Contest Entry forms at the One-Stop-Flooring Centre WHERE CAN YOU USE OZITE? USE YOUR IMAGINATION! WHERE DO YOU «ET THE BEST SERVICE AND VALUE? MtGregorll Hardware 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILJLE PHONE 623-2542 Pre-Sprin SPEIL S! FR11! WITH EVERY $10.00 ORDER PURCHASED AT OUR GARDEN CENTRE Mum Plant SENO FOR OUR ALL NEW FREE COPY 0F OUR 1971 CATALOGUE DAZZLING DOUBLE BEGONIA - These bulbs wlll give you that much needed color ln the shady1 spotsý in your garden. Available iu: Deep Copper, Red Crimson, Dazzling Orange, Soft Pink, Sweet Salmon, Scarlet Red, Pure White, Rich Creamy Yellow. HANGING BEGONIA - Excellent ou the veraudah, la pots where there la shade. Available lu: Dark Crimsoa, Rich Orange, Soit Rose, Deep Salmon, Suow White, and Golden Yellow. FIMBRIATA BEGONIA- Fully double flowers, with ruffled edges. mast plain beau- tiful. Available iu: Deep Red, Bright Orange, Deep Rose, Lily White, Sunshine Yellow, MULTIFLORA MAXIMA BEGONIA These little gems are practically eovered with a mass of clazzling blooms. Excellent for pots, or in shady sppts. Available lu: Orange, Red,' Salmon, White, Yellow. Al Begonias one special price. WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR EASTER SPECIALS TUBERO-ýUS BEGONIA BULBS REGULAR PRICE: (as listed lu our catalogue) 3 for $1.69 - 6 for $2,99 - 12 for $5390 24 for $10.99 2O for $3.99 ONLY for 7.99 Cash and Carry, Plus this Ad «'THE FRIENDLY GARDEN CENTRE» HWY. No. 2 BETWEEN OSHIAWA and BOWMANVILLE NURSERMEN PHONE 623-5757 O.P.P. Report . .....The Newcastlc Detachmeut of the Ontario Provincial PeLce from Marl l4fh f0 MercI 2Ofb, 1971, invcstigsted 14 motor vehi le collisions in- c-ludiug eue iujury snewrno- bile accident. Six persous te- ccîved personal ijury sud as a resuit two .persons wcre chargcd wtb traftîc effences. Investigeted during thc saine perlod of finie were 38 generai occurrences of whîch there werc 2 reports cf common theft, i report et break, enfer sud theff, i report et wilful Mary Jamç !tarr (Waltera) damage, 2 assauît ceniplasuts, Onjeuuary 29, 1971, et, Uni- 3 trespassing rompliîns, 3 versîf y et Guelpli Convecation dîsturbance reports, 3 dornes- in Mcm oriai Hall, Mn.ý Wmn tic complamts sud cne erratîr Starr (n1ec Mai.ry Jane Watcrs) or dangerous drîving comn rereived 1 er Bacheler cf Arts Plaint. Thre persons were degreë, Mns Stsrr is thle chargcd wîf h criminel cf- daugîfer cf Mr, sud Mns Rex fencesl, 3 persons cbsrged wif h Waiters, Bowmanvîlie, She is mînor lîquer offeuces, sud eue 00ow enployed ou fhe permna-Ipeî son chargdwf mar neut staff ofthte univeraity cd driviug, library,. Over the past few weeks C7, 'a/ Cre dit Union RepCort's Assets Grew elin, 19 70 Liberty S t. S. atilHwy. 401 Phone 623-3373