l @ Cantdian Saém n owmanville, Mai. 31, 1971Ha p n Gil u de A a ed A l-R HAMPTONM" Thé Brownirs flus a féw of parents ir andî Mrs. Hartild héGuides én,,jayed their trip Balson- this past wéek was to Toronto laat Tuesday taý wee Miss Jenna Hogg of Hamr sée "Disney on Parade." Their Ilton. Wéekénd visitors weré,z leaders, Mis. Vvien Hunt,i Mr. and Mrs. Stéphen Hogg. Mrsý Viola Ruddy and Mrs. Mr. and MiS. Lionel Hlickéy Marilyni White report a ful1 spént thé weékénd in Toronto buasload of prètty éxcited attending a conférence which childrèn Who énjoyed them-. was held at thé Royal York. selvcS ifiimensely, The girls Mr. and Mia. Michael Hickey sold Christmnas cakes this of Oshawa spént thé wekénd yer o hélp financé théir wîth t hci r gîandchildren tn.while their parents wére Pleasc, Noté .-M fday év- away. 1iing, Arril t h, bétween 6 and Mi. an'd M'-s. Bll Mller' 7 'dôrck, in the Township and family spett thé wéek- Hall, will hbé ,registration end witb Mis, Mller'spar- nigh for the newly fôrmed enta,, Mr. and Mis. Harol, H&mpltàôn Cub Scouts, Thé Cumrnings at Brighiton, ard léédérs fôr this3 group are Mr. visitèd with a brothér Mr, flén KIln NiehuIs 26à-.2sàTed Cummnings upori his arni -nd Mis. 8atndrâ Miller 263- val home fîom a four yeaîar, 2389.posting In Gèrmany. Sunday visitais with Mr. Visiting on Saturday with p and Mis. James Smàle S, Mi and Mis, A. W. Prescott, were Mi. and Mis. James aftéî attending t hé Hamptoii!n Smrale and family ni Oshawa Ufited church, turkey supper, end Mt. and Mis.,AIôbert 011- wére Mi, and MrsRosa Smith, ver of Stratfoîd. Last Wed- Murray and Leslle,,of Wind- flésdaY supper guësta with Mir anrd Mis. Smale wère Mis* Visting laat Monday even- Gfladys Mètralléer, Ka t hy' lng with Mrs, Stella Balson Philiîp and Rnald of New- tO bélp clébraté ber 88th castie. bîrthday which fal on thé visititg wilat of Aprîl, were Mis. Mar- iitigwth her grand- Ion McNabb, Hanmpton, Mis. Jean Bileétt, Bôwmanvîllé, BURKETON Mis. EVèlyn Swéetman, Mis, Lucille Pierson, Mrs. Ermna On Wédnésday evériing, March lOth, Hampton Commîissioner Barbara Hi <Thntended for ls-weék) Hardy and Mus. Doris Col', BrôWniés and Guides hield a Mother and Daughter mother Mis. Mary Coultoi JPelian afiM.miy s. - Balon W Vstrngwlth banquet with Boy Scouts in charge of seving thé din- White. Regrttably, tis p wja, ari-e Fîoîid: a t0sh t ter they attended thé tuîkéy ner. Later, during a spécial cèermony Kathy Coulter, standards, soméething weni Noîthiein jyn g tiida thi j, SprwéreDr and Mis, was prêsented with her Ail Round Cord. Taking paît ing, with thé print cônsidèi Mi1s. Murray Ar hîbl Mr Billett and farnîly and iii thé preséntation were, f rom léf t to right, District should hé, chibld rà.A. E. Billeit of Bow- apenit TueÈsdaywith Mr. and mnle iîoswt snx ~roiEae Mis, Saini Grant, andi family, WhavMle.Su B alsn wé orM Ziori.BIonwr M.wthu ex o Oi ýe Several frOMn this dittrict and Mis. Alvin Bîawley and~ service, nôt this Sunday. RPèv, attnî~d té bzéa, bké ledaughtèr Joan of Orangevillé Loughééd wilî réturn, tothée uh grc lua an te in Tr b é all estandMslesî f saapulpit for this Sunday's ser- Patriek's Day, , and Mus. Bill Vaughan ofvice. Sunday waa thé fifth Mi. and, Mrs. E. Smith, Whitby. Sunday of Lent. TusArl1-80 .. îlro oe' nttt Aiac, éî gusta0fMi.and Mi an Mi. onad Cé- Turey tiperReprt Estaté Plann-inig Meeting to 70th Annivérsaiy Banquet to Mi.T. Fitzgéîal1d over thé ments wéîe ini Toronto on «God lovéth a cheerful bi héld, bnthé Orono Town hé héld in thé Millbroak ,weekcnd. Sunday te pay théir la't ré- givér,' 2 Cor. chapter 9, vers' Hall. Two speakers will hé United Chùich. Mis. R . Davey spént Satur- spects ta thé late 'Mis. Sid 7. "It is more blesséd to give On hand to dîscusa varlous April 16 and 17- Maple day vl-siting la Zion and Osha- Hughsgn. Mr. and Mis. La- than toL réceivé," Acta 20, aspects of Estaté Planning. Pancake Day to hé héld at wa. ~~~~veiné Cleméns atténdéd thé verse 35. What power wé hr.epi omp usl énd' uh il Mi. and Mis. D. Gatchélifuneral In- Toronto on Mon- havé to impaît happinés y us , lle igb 1Sch o C areés o Rooslk. neysBi il Oshaw, wee d~nér ues' day of thé laté Mis. Hughson. thé giving of otheî thing éhdathéBw nvle StArl1-4HHo - nf M-.and lus. A. C. SteIhen. Mi. and Mis. Hoaken Smith that are mrepeco sthan Scat h eool. mvll aing Crlub7- 4A1hiee aoc. ~~~~attended thé funéral in Osh- gold or silver thé giving of H~ pi ettv a o etDîa lb Mi, and Mir& Grald Abbott éaalmst Wédnésday of thé oursélves. Eveiyone, I'mi r, Dat -DuîAm Cou Tntati-e a . .forbet hs Snr lubi r-pent Fiidpy at thé Sports'. laté Mis. Roy Hepburn 0f to, some éxtent recognîzés thé ae-DihmCut o.a .J ob êîrPbi méîaShow, Toronto. Kédron. Sunday lunchéon blessedness of a job wéîî stein Club Car Tour to Peter- School, Hamnpton. Thé smpa (yif thé comý visitons wIth Mi. and Mis. doné. Thé Bible doés say mai Trués., olsAnil 6 - Princ a Aking lub, Ac-4Hme-én 1niîity la éxtendéd to Mr. antiHoskén Smith weré Mi. and was made for woik, just as PTusato Confé renc hébéd ay for EastCurb aClubsrnt Mis. Eari F'owlér andi faily Mis. Ray Smith anti family hée was made to breathe, àtatoCneêiet ehl a o atDrancib în the aan of 10.. Fowlé-i'a of Milton. est, ta lové, Anti if hé ne- at thé Holiday Inni, Héspéler, at George Hamilton Selcol,, fathér, Jarres Powler, , Satuîday v-.isitors with Mi. glects this necéssary function fromi 9:30 a.rn. to 4:30 p.rn. Wéicomé.> Speakers will hé in attend- April 28 and 29-- Federateti w,,ho had béén îin a nursing and Mis. B8en Klein Niéhuis bis moral andi mental if notané ro Man mdNe WmnsIstutso O- hoi~ fi-a ewyéîs ad~fail wre i n i. hsclhmlhcnsfe Brunswick. Topics covéred tario Officérs' Conférence ta' Soii-y ta report Mi, Ray Glen Kavenaugh ati family But anyoné who saw this wilicuévnéis rîa éhiia h nviiy0 Eratiburri is inîhospital, lof Essex, Mir.and Mis. Ben communitys efforts t or I ncue artis ig-bhld t heTnv,ýiyo Mr. ai-i Mis. Athr ean 'Kéin Niéhbuis and family weré togthér to make a succesa of tob crop insurance anti Guelph. a n travecd t àleterrcarlrl, pon, nite Chuch'SApril 30,My1an 't~ve7Itita eser Cnaa Sunrday dinner guesýts of Mis. thé HamptnUntd bî h's e Arl6- ikCm uno ami' soito to, attend thé funéral of a Kei Chambérlain of Oshawa. tunkey suppér, wilL know mTué et pi ing for Dr Jha orOnarm rovinscialDéc relative theué. Sunrday, visitais w.th Mr. that thé people of Hampton Musoa Nrtublnd r'Meigt ehl ti and Mis. Lés Hunt and farn- neéti not wonry for their Onakiok,PeNrorobumgh and' ti'sMetinatPhéhrk.a ____ givensShiaGenl hrbei iteo Yh Victoria Counthés ta hé hélti May 6 andi 7 - Shéep Shear- -~~~ mnd Mis. Gillingbam of Osh- It la what God bas attéOnai ovrmn igadFleéPéprto -~- LI4 ~ wm anti Mi. and Mis. Ken thém, anti they used It wéll. BidngLndafîm90Scho ah éda amo V ý Kavénaugh and famlly of A mucb desérved Thack You, uligLnsy ri :3 colt ehl tFr r SEssex. ana and ail. ' m. t 33 pr. hi cGorge Génova, E.R. 5, Cale- Mi. anti Mis. Fred Holroyd Thé most délicate and mc-at RgoaPeeigarhéO-dnEmst. b taio Milk MreigBoardPaeiby h nal Rnd Lynétté visited on Sun- sensible of aIl pléasurés con-1WdArl7-Ci ln- eahet o giutr dD ihMis. Hoiîoyd's par. sists- la pîomohing thé pléý-I Api PatýeRtiýn i ýiut-1 enta, Mi. andi Mis. Amos ores of others. For Ciie ta bh lé4 té'nti Fond, 4FakSr~, nesPeterborough Cn~ hitî n~waVll,~ tai io.Phe Brookham of Oshawa. Items phone 263-2985. Bye Goni rm 7:0pn o623-4. Hampton Church New$ Now! 10:30 p.mn. There will hc e Guest minIstér, thé Rev. H, imo h éia0 alu A.Monow h lvéretionnhEA e ORiARH coin -planters,. actui1 el déon- OflTUTTTAi Sunda andchos Luk 12,stratîi o0fdifférent coin Sundy md bs Thep March meeting of thé plantersa mcd speakers talkinig ROBERT z. R. 1O0 A HAA DStré s e 1 orhssc -Pine Button Club was helti about coin plantera. LIA IL TY H A AR S ür lssn. Ths crpt reat th h me of Mis . c- - prl , - prl 5 D r esdet f sh waff PREMSESStates that we should rémeml- Larén, Toronto, on Monday, hem, County 4-H Club Meet- 44 yéaîs, Robent John Russel ber that ifé la more than March 22nd. Thé business Ings ta hé heiti la théevnJoanteiathé saw Théedca ayuse home la in- ylramat an t t oymr ha n wsession commncé t t1 1 .m. ing. More information will Gnral Hospital on Tustay, tainti e n a s oiîy i j r ai e t uth r h t w durnic whichf tim é arrange- hé sent out toa lal 4-H m ém - M arcb 23, 1971, ia is 7tb ta thrs shoulti bewaîé that lifé coni- méats were matie, for thé bers. Yeaî. Hé hati been seriousiy ,1'ClRS 'ALACTS sistéth not in thé ahuntiance April ati May meetings anti Tués., April 13 - County hI for théeat few months. P~RSNALof thé things we own, but il unusual buttons were shown. Evaluation Day for Ontario Thé son of thé laté John Any énibi cfyou famly, é sek té Kigdo 0f oti eau emîriags, hiacelets, Départment of Agriculture and MryJoanRoétJr eve yoî ptamayinfictmliothr hina sah é aiti shila shlisauvénior Of anti Footi Staff Ia Durham 1danEWas bain on July 6, 1893, inîury _ accidénts dïo happen. éd. Rév. Meliow's sermon, Toroato spoos- wéré also pass- County. ah Edént,cao.H aiit "Wht orns iri" émt d for inspection. Fri, April 16 - 6:30 p.m. - the former Editb Floueccé DEIFENCE COSTS with "Prioritiés." In mattérs Miss Eloisé Gilmour, Toron- e eî i idsy nOt , Leégal actions cast moniey o f priarities, which should ho, présenteti thé club with Bui ssDrc r 1917, ant imovéti to Osbaw wll pay whther yu'e ablé statua or Oui spiritual eed? Buttons, aother bok for the about 10 yas latr. o re îi n g P o i c y c m é f e plr a t m n é y t h é ly l b o o k o n K a é î é a a yH é r t ir é ti f r o m G n r a ]i aiot ny of ttaining thé social At 12 'clock thé 15 mm -___C______Cl__CY______i_193,_____3___ar Fo FiterInoratonCmistatua anti how they ca bers énjoy ýet the-ir own anat- of service. Hé wms am mém-ber1 Für urter nforatin C lçeep up with thé Jones', anti wich lunch anti thé hostéas WM. J. H. COGGINS Of Sirncoe Street Unitedti * ~ ~ egetthé spiritual ide of proidetidesetani cp f15Chartéreti Accouchant Chuîch. insuranc ceglectanda p f15Liberty St. S.,Bwavlê Piédecéaséti by bis on~ J m s Is r n6 l.Tb ykéep clat close ah tea. At 1 o'clock thé social. Bwavléwf OIU>hantibut not thé wmy, only session ectiet anti Miss Mc- Phone 623-3612 Aug. 4, 1965,lhe is suivivéti If they ficdtihhérnsélves la Larea gave thé study talk on WILLIAM C. HALL Hope (Elga) okterboîaugh M. Age cy imied needof H m Pearl Buttons, illustiating lher .orr.Mis. E lno (of ebrs) o 2children was of a spider, cot- tans. wihmn euiu u- Catrt cocat Oi an d thuée sons, Gar- 24 Kiar t.E. Boxl100 ic36lstnn1pie/2 Mmesthnpset hi King St. E., Oshawa net Of Hamptan, Earl anti inga lîsenngspierwe Mebes tenpasedthir Téléphone 725-6539 - Lmwrecce 1, tho4, haa Bomiiil - Otmi hiig até u at ti rawhich diiaplaye.t.-A inter -:_____________ i14 Frank St., BowrnanvIlle.J Téléphoné 623-5140 Office Hours: By appointment D en fal DR. W. M. RIJDELL, D.D.S. DR. P. MONTGOMERY 7-5 King St. Ez. BowmanvIlliec Office, Rouis: A a.m- to 6 p.m. daily t C1oýsd Saturday and Sunday1 Office Phone - 623-5790 i DR. WIL.LIAM, KENT. DD,.v Bowmanville Professional Bldg. 222 King St. E, - Suite 106 Office Hour$- Closed Saturday, Sunday andE Monday6 Open Tuésday thbugh Frlday 9 amn. to 6 p.m. daily' Teléphone 623-7349 Insurance a DONALD A. MaeGREGORP Life, Auto, Home - S Insuranr.e 67 King E., Suite 2A Bowiranville - Phone 623-5962F O Pi o M e r y_ KE1 TH A. BILLETT, O.D. t .Optometriatn 143 King St. E. - Bowmanvillé i OfficeHours: By appointmentr Téeléphone-623-3252 , 4 Mcoi. - Tués.ý Thurs. FrI 9 an.to 5 p.m C Wed and saýt, -9 -12 Thrda vennga at 1:30 P.rn. Ictéiment wasi la Eden Cemnetéry.- NESTLETON Unitedi Cbureh Womén NeStletOc U C,W. helti thelrý March meeting ah thé homeý of Mis. Arthur Rylant oný Tuasday fteîcoon, After the thme hymn anti té Lord ' Prayer, thé Pré.sidenit, MIs , Rylenti rend a pOémI, "rth- day Canidies,, and éxténeCtIétia Wekome toamli. Mus. Till conductéti thé dle- votional perioti with thé thème "Cen Wé Be Suie" anti thé Scriptuîé reatiicg from thé, 6th Chepter of Maht.héw. Many passages ln thé Word of Goti plei us Ris Word that one Who, hy simple faith, récéivés Ris Son as Saviaur, bas etéra- al lîfe naw anti here. Salva- tÉon, by faith ic Christ, is ré- peatédly deciareti in thé Scrîp- tures ta hé thé présent pos- session, not merély future of thosé wha helievé. Hymn 270 "Juat As I Arn, Wihhouh one Plea" closeti this part of thé meeting. The business perioti follaw- éd with thé Assistant Secre-! tmîy Mis. Sadiér readiag thé! mnutes of the Fébruary meet- ing in thé absence of thé Sec- rétmîy, Mrs. Maîrs. Séveral "thank you" carda wére ré- céiveti anti thuée "gét wéll" c'ards signeti. Thé finani report wms gîven by 'thé Treasuré4 r, Mu, li-lip. it )Und Cord ii'dman, Miss Coulter, her .r and Guide Captain June photo isn't up to Statesmnan iwrong during the process- ýrably léss contrasty than it was decjded to have thé Sone Spinners of Lindsay présent their 1971 -"Showtirne" in Nestieton Church on April 24. The tentative date for the Sering supper is May 22nd. e(Watch for Advertisements of 0both events in local papers later), Three new members jo(ined. Donations were re- ceived for a gift for a new t baby. The roll cail "Sing, _ýSay or Pay"l followed and was _well answered. The topic was taken by Mrs. Emerson who told the story of the Càbbler. He was civery downcast. but found corn- fort in reading his Bible. Christ spoke to hlm -and told thim Hé would visît hlmi on a ce-rtain day so hé put on an, extra plate at meal time. In- stead, on that day, a tramp, a housewife and a young rnoth- er ahd baby came to the door. 'The cobbler invited them in and helped them but thé un- used pl ate was stil there and Hé had neyer corne. Christ spoke to him again and told him that He had been there through the kindness sbown ton those who called. Almost eý(veryone la in trouble some- tîrne or another and kindnessi cnd Omuch. A reading, "A Shutt in Corn- erwa iven by Mr.s. Bow-: ér-s and Mrs9. Vinie read "That Ahrs. He1pexpressed ap- preciation to the hosteas, thié uinit and to all who helped to m-ake such a pleasant meeting. BITHANVY Mr. and ýms. Earl Oliver o f Smj i. Cannington visitecd Mr. aneU Mis. Kéith Adams opèned à MrEddie MMGill and Rickey. the meeting with prayer and Master Rickýey McGil , a talk entitled "Who Is Your WMeFIÇ K a7peniding this week vith .Neighbour, and Who la YouLir[A~J4.~y4~g grandparents Mr. and M.ýrs. Brother?" Earl Oiver 0of Carnnington,' The Aftérnoon Group'i Mr. Giéorge Smith cel(ébrat- main]y a working group, and FT//ir Yrmie ed hîis birthday on March 18. the project for thiis wvifter wâs Mr. and Mrs. Bart Pylc kniitting for the Children's Aid celebrated their .26th wedding it, At this meeting the annivraryv on M1arch [,th, work was handed in and con- Mr.Hrman Mc(cli cele- sisted of baby outfits,' boys'i brated( her birthdiray on MaWrch sweaters, mitts, etc., ai 0 lt.articles were handed in foýr WE> are sFoirry to hear Miss the Aprîl Mission bale. Heâther McGli il, ini Cîvic Thé e -étîngs for the n Hospîtl.in Peterborouigh, We three months will hé eld rMn- hoppe Heathier is feeling a lot the evening at the borne of better and wîll be borne soon. IMrM. Eméry Smith. Plans Mr. and Mrs. Norman Làne-iweýe made to attend t1he U DI., anë boys of Peterborough Deaniery meetings IinHAPétYr- vîsîted Mrs.,Waltèr Laneéand borough in April. (~~ f Mvargaret and Mr. and Mrs. The meeting closed !with a 1 W JPARTNE Don Lane-. hymin and thé Bénécdiction, OOOO350 1Thle aftêrnoon unit of the Lunch was served and pro- Anglican Chuirch Womén Yme:t vîded by Mrs. Douglas Smrelt, Esso HOMlE HItAT Sr V E at the hôme of Mrs. Ery nýwith a St. Patrick's thème. _____________ 11 YOUR PORTRAIT IN COLOPR A GIFT TO YOU FROM Bowmanville IGA PA4RFNTSweve arranged ta have a natienahly revondpr' sional photographer.at our store on thé dates shown below. Iyou ciii have each meniber of th@ family photographsd i smral Poses, and pick any one of theni for your tram portrait. W. only asic that ag tblidren ha accompanied by a parent. DON'T MISS TI/S OPPORTUN17Y to get a living calar portrait you will tresure always. SeVera! Pes aM taken and low coet additional portraits are available for thms who wisli thérn. if's eur way of saying "Tbank Youtar te M nY regutar custamrâ, arid &"Welcome" ta everyone else. Incidentally, wé believe thes photographsir art really something special. They're beautifully pased portraits - nat soapshats. And don't farget they'll b. in living coW«, m cdres ti chiI dren i bright colorL APRIL 3 - 10A.M. TO 6P.M. AVAILABLE ONLYA 77 KING ST. EAST MUR Fresh POR'ROA'TSIFRESH MINCED Fresh POR ROATS IHAMBURGER SHOULDER PORTION BUTT PORTION LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS TableRite RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF$ DONELESS ROUND ST EAK or RGOAST IlR(ump ROAST i BSOUE wI) , M1 .5$ICicken inset391 PAEATY-SIDE SPARE RIBS TABLERITE RINDLESS' SIDE BACON 59~ WIENERS :~ NEW! FROM CHALET FARMS mFRESH JELLMOIo -DL 59 CHICKEN logn .75 IGA WHITE BREAD Loaf 4for$1-0 corna: Peas 1U95 F ECIM WED, 7TIIS SA, MAAO4 31 - A WÉ rm îr mm ~fRIIT 10umiT OUAN1TI5 CABANA BANANAS CANADA GRADE "ýA" -EVISCERATED 3.4 Wb fc Avg. 391b j el 33 lbr ChickenLg& Breast portions 49ib SCHNEIDER 49l PICNIC 4 1 ICA ALL PURPOSE3 HABITANT so0 UP EMBE 2 28-OZ. 47$ SEEDLSS RASPRBERY OP. TRAWRRRRY 39-oz.$ PURE dAM 3JARS BOWMANVELLE WATCH THIS WEEKLY AD FOR MONEY SAVING MEAT FEATURES Econorny Pack - 3 Ibs.