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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1971, p. 8

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9 heCa~avSttemnnaomnvUeeMrnt 17 el H TuP Pictur,ed above is the Preston the Mover Novice Whiteman, Peter Nemis; centre row, Danny Strike, AStar. teamn who defeated West Rouge in the final Brad Godfrey, Don Farrow, Eddie Visser, Allan Brunt, game fýýin theMidland Tournamenl. of Champions on Tommy EyMan, Wayde Pireston; back row, Coach Gerry Satudayto give them the Grand Championshîp Morrison,, Timmy Buttonshaw, Gary Dusseldorp, Man- Trpy Front row, from left t rîght, Britt Murphy ager Don Wrlcox. 'RnvVisser, Larrv Watson, Gerrard Morrison. Wayne Bowmanviile Bantam Ail-Stars shown above were Rory Gibbs, Steve Rowe, Andrew Mackenzîe, Dennis S the second Bowmanville team to t corne up with the Bamber; back row, Terry Black, Coach; Byron Holmes, BIritt Miurphyi, goalýý,ie fr te Grand Championship, Trophy,îi Saturday evening in Mid- John Hately, Mickey Wynn, Ron Strike, Rugtv Me-. Movers' club receîveè d one and by defeating Beamvile 4-2. Front row, fromn lef t Quaide, Grant Luxton, Don Spicher, -Boyd Knox and week scholarshiip a" h Rgrta right, Pac icx o uink o tie a rombie, Manager Crozier Hockey g PSchool in Li-l,,Bb t.",Ra Barrie for beïi, g the mot valuable player onristeami Novice tC.hamnpions Lose Opening Game 0f 0....Finals ýýVPrestonl the Mover NovIce posita blue nsa a r Ail Stars reached the surn- te, avenTegm Smit ns G and Champions ai fast movngoewt teTournamet of Champions teams beiýng eveyma Lîti NHL rovtincial Play - indicated -y ea t1hriiling i dns a&Mitadou March couint for the Moesk 24252-27, The Movers had Pres3ton lired Ln agoal a a achedule startîig Wadnes- pase from iDon Farrow. 71 dy12 noon adtefa eesev.eralfieia ucoawas not knw n-bt nds of the rink, ou tieter fourth gm au-tems motn hc Nlmaret weeh o- hckhnded iou Lby cîs' rtopsto ihteSrk to West oug loal b n flIvaueora rat.A uawee H to iwin DonFarow sartSoarsipwsLwnIuby ard Morison ary Duse - hv g oly onegola Gofry msedt sorngiseditzas homae pnaya award Don 1FarroL Loe Oenln'lyof Knxan nm d a cre forhor hat t ck he oyeLa oth vill'smot vluab e scoind gae îrfpor thoevy hliy stedug p'ýye- ndreelvd weks oMoen ,trndiouto e u a ti hedufini r gameof the amioshp rph wsreeîvad1yteam cp taRonerea ueak ýýFne edBr wîh 2 t te~..paofsre rith~~~~~~~r Bo-erlyTuraen hIrmn.unfo Bwmnvl oerOrllaTh Mye Thorold iary atsooe-Tiscrof the laked S ers goas.asI t e to Tomm inyteanfand doula SA da s teain, fl oy Koxwa naadBrd drtiey, .Thhrd te Nesort tan orth Bomnvle ouvlube coh rte thrd arodona nt h ain t a 2 riipio sni fra istucton t RgerdeTh e irt in erior ratodae Croïers Hcke Scool I odfey angd u a Base hdsgaine was plae J u ne bettons mas the Classi Chain- goals, assj-t o errdM( oy Kax o apenialty sht a t anins pionsýhIp gaine. Moyen aarn- son. thelocls haa 2- Pis Il a 5 t I0 un over Ottawa This wasa very r Pu wîth a fine dîisplay of purk gaine wuth Oillia being Perc llox howa ai-coob3 110 27: ed hamouvau~le laarKirto 2833 25 control. Ba Godfrey stunt- sessed 10 penalties, wIth In~ ~ ~ ~ y eh annthdtei-Ece ___ 11 4c the scoig unassisted, Movers ge-tbing ibrea, suac mîa Veu teRbe 1575 1 Gary _uss.dop unassistad, Movers' pole play was Mcfonld 1090 18Don Farrowfoi Wayne able, to make the hast thirdperiodMllr _____271 7Wbteman, Larry atonun- buo man avnaein Bowmarvlle's scond gilihoear w much ensuemas theynde,0301 A16 isted, andGerrri 1-t7he-seon;d and thurd pa: Bradey 028 14son fIisbed-the scrung. he nexi two gaines o feated Wtobyaso0f Lawtoa 19306 12e The Grand ChapinLbu At f fve sanies gos, 5 OBoy Knx, ran Lu- Bta 953 ~ gaine Saturday vnigwihBWmanvulle on Wedne ton, wîth two golscch, an~d West Rouge, winrrla her1nibt 7 pain. and Sunda, Rory Gibbs ereth goal High Single C. Robants 2661disad omvll as - i45 arn,, and if they sconers for tha ea as Bob!Hïgh Do-ý-uble -Cý Robants 4701playcd uIth a-large crowd In gai their pais attack or Strike recondJed the shutout, Gamles, ovar 2008 attandancae,ýacb player was road could coma up uit SC., Roans 24 26, B1Fr- nroduced and skuted ta 0p- upset Win. towmanville's third gaina say 214,20, W Coombe 23 was mach lîke thaîr second, Donu Mton24,H.'Nuhuîil as thay dafeatcd Ottawa by 239, 1. Buna 29, , Ma- ýý t a5-0 score, with Steve 5Si" oad 3,J.Mnin20 Rowe recodn the shutout. A. iso 24 .J?ïohno John Ha 7.ýtcly, Denais Bamber, 220, MraGbo 210, H Don Spichar, Rory C ibhs an- Sheehan 204 M MDoal goals1. Br1dle 21,JLutn 21,C am p onIp",i Boyd nox otched the boca'20,F tema 22,F InteGrand Champil U M'Hennng Fi0a11 "hi gaine, Bowmanvîlla de- Avrgsae18 fetdBeainsylîle hy a score C.Robns"'em m r il i a uf~~~~( 4-'RîyMQaduth îF. Brad le-- ____ 1 y.i ak tak n ol tuoln Byo omsand Rr uW oouuhes ___~ EEtcher ___ 0 ysonaSnk hptr-snml B. For y 20 cd o the ouer a thethurd snbury hosadBry ~O disin--Mlery _____ 120ad fnpn 1iodSna,,pa 2-0 ut 5.47tf bc M rtn _______191 tung bcmmrcilce inas issecond goal ot o ________ Manarniona s5 H. Sheeban _____ 186 Superte il1 out parformer dunung the B. Stehen ______ 12 gains, notchad bis finst F.Luxtons____ 1 82 The cha-mpions ratt!ad tuo ut8.45, on a beaul Luxton 119 home fouir goals during the akadr t__________ ad dacîding0 gin te fft Boks, saggîng badly, Johso ________180hat-f fvefias, ofT bhn -0 focllowing 'Fuz, 11' ManernG5onpaeed Br- second goal ut 10:C5. R ~he so2s viciorSy, uib i th 12 O0 frn close range, LEMOIALCENTE Iowlu ~ n se 1tbgoals oaf bbc se"- iiurai ic~~i. eore SiuhnyubhaBrro eplied uith i.Go ged taiasb_îts AudBo final tally ut 13:48. Cr=n Mareh 2,17 1 lellain adding ibrta helpars.adfnvetikura Standings ucre Bryson'îailier top pointbcmrmaonaBr pouer pîay, 24a54Gog ru nd RAY Vlth turned In saune1 pre forÈ$1,000.09 Hi Cis____ 19 39361 Crombie, à couple .of defea- latntidn o ,,tb___sons I blu'eî em ~ AETynone ____18 37547 ive stars -throughou, e ndfina plbothtirsHeIl L________m Solîna 18 34755 clcked for single goals, Miadfnlplyfi aa MI-^nI 7601 Veitch, a sumhluag block cui13gasdug alein 16 tafive gaine finals. Mar'anxI SPECMale Gr^e -12 7443 Brooks Inthe Sinoke lSh is n-Hla SPECIL Singls -M Mrshll z ,0RhiM %ln- buryanHlau A y fi hw kv rand ChL Last waek i in, Bowiunvill's Batsm " PETERBORO G IIACKPOT GAME $1,500.00 Limuted Nunsbers CalIed SPECIAI 2 M CLURE D ITV fGA MES PL-AVE D ON SAECARD GAMES at each 2l Big Rrlar aait$00 u BRAND NEW 1971 HOLIUDA'Y FKORD MUtýLSTANG Mainy frea and Vlal erPie BUE TTHE DOOR', 353,. McMGili 295, D, W 282, High Triplai - Don Ta: 809, M. MaI&hAlI 752, K., GU 710, C. Goodman 703ý Wat soun 01 26rae a1 plled th Sunoke Sho nie Simpgon banged bonusý ylon Brooks' lona cauntar. Me- For 40 inutes bobh clubs, P. battled on naarby evan trn laý Sunday's crucial aîi Brysons hattlad up bbc lasers,' 46purplay efforts on fu 236 occain lahe garte. GoaIîes 227~ ~~ --t i ad Grant W i~~~. 228 played sanigrclba-tduin R N A I 221 tbe finit uaframes,albui 221 bôhobbaatrse deniv 219 play. 1:0 216goa ofbb ga fa r alcon1t 218ofIn scod, alIlllrn 1-1- foloeda Byaýn' ng 1" Witi Pctured aborve .ý-,is Novice .Al-Star te arn captan (Serrard Morrison receuving ,,,oe h rn ham ,pionship T7 opY from Mr.auece Vc-pre it of the Mid n, al 4an LINtieNHIL fllw n te final vi ctory over WVes Rouge aiurday nigbi ucre Midiand.Photos by "Rick" CGold al ies t Pa, an's for, Rick rJame us wadd tha mou vluaba plyen rophy. jponsors uho made ibis avtnrdl dfaeiBomnil 'SInlthe first gaionTus Asnrpot IheBi' d ray aftennoon, eaag e tm'B' gaieut Midland h-ag SCauted Boumanvîlle -,-. a-ibecarcevd ut sbould "m 1-ag -hdsvea lar cnondta Doug Laddy Fran Mohn 63-724 uo ha vey bad sah Iwaschouan bbc mosi aiuabla By Bomanvile drw sevn pa-!playar 'n thair finsi gaine, a-The annual meeting of tbe Lukeshore Umipîne's Associa- eiix bb uo ill ha held Wcdnesday, Apnil 7tb t ai pm in the Tha Neutonville United Chuuch basement. Ah unîn'bs and pot- ofa ential membans are invitad. both t t'f f 'f ' _ruodi, NOVICE GAME TONIGIIT and SUNDAY f h tommanville Preston the Movaer lbuthbbcfinitgaiiil isday bbc Novice "A!'cbampuorship snc, - aOrillia onSudy [y ai Nexi gaine la the hait of ive final goes tonighi (Wednesd.-ay) 7can ut sevan o'clock banc. The ibird anrcounter miii also ha play-.d i ta l Boumanvibla, startiag ai lb,45 Sunday mornlng. .t an Follouing a meek long break, the sanies resumascs- day, Apnil l3tb aInîllua, u thbbcfiftb and deciduagcoti if nccesiury, sbaied foprr-,ereonial Arena, banc onSudy Apnil l8th. ESSEX vs. BOWMANVILLï.E IN ONTARIO FINAL Itbwull haBouinanvible ralsed vs. Essex for bbc Ont- ario Pea Wee "A" chamio,-nshup. Finît gaine of the hait of five sanies us scbcduled forthe Memonual Arana banc on Sut- urday ui five o'clock,. Second gaine goas un Essex on Sunduy ai 4.'00 p.m. Future dates-,uull ha anaounccd nexi ueek1 .ra's ioutb gai. oui and giva bbc boys pbenty of support un their bld for a provincial bible. Funiber playoff dates ull bhaunnouncad uraxi: j~osweek. thiîrdi 'f 'ft f ' tt bbch COMMERCIAL CROWN TO BRYSON'S Ln- The Commercial Hockey League sason cama to a close t f Sunday monng uitb Bryson's Smnka Shop defeuting Brooks' ,utiful Supentesi 5-1 te take thb ba of fiva cbumpionsbip sanies, ibrea gamas ta imo. feil 7zy's' uith mout of thair ofnivmetiniuit go to Mikaý craie punch ugainst Broosol- O'Bnuen ubo very rclîablyi ithlecting 12 o~f theïrl" 7 o' s adca ahl ndled tbbc bine-1 but4 Lloyd RHanilton, Brean Evans kcepuug ebu1,tIai. t?,aîfr- and Tim Proutaddsoe a addition toe baggia aba, ua balance up front foýr bbeblinseif a cbumpionship, o bbcL 1970-71 champs. Haîbaun did a verycoptt ýson's Sunday's gaina uas fins- chore compiing tbc Leagueýý b-rating for Brooks, e-pcially statistcu. To cvcnyone cn- br- thaîr third period fd u.neciad lan any may uitb thd-i Beýy- Lanny Burns la ein offen- yans Commercual LaZu, final siveiy uitb five goals un bbc "Thanks", and ira are ai- buo- sanies. rcady lookiag foruard te bbe bbcth At ibis' une, ire iant to 71-72 campaý,Iga. rlion, cxbend thanks toacli b fl eup- lirss ubo bandlad officiauag band dute, ies st aon. A p iaSe tc efa d j' FEATURING A iln ZENITH In"the LittleN.L.Tour- 1 va 1 nrt o Chaýipiný"helfi, and ADMIRAL -i Mdlaud Mru 425-26-27, SALES & SERVICE tics were decated un both their gainas. The Bomman.,, vIie pbayanî tried very bardi 72z3 -00u 1 but It waî fait by obsc,tervEn V 42 SICOE5. ,tIý-tha ey ucra Up againsi1 426 SIMOE S. hggcr, hetiar and moree- OSIA Apenic,.nced teams. Hoev er, MAilWirasa great axpenuenrce fi'un Salesma n o/tue Wee4 19U9 POTIAC A.RSIENNE"-DR. HARDTOP Cardinal r.ed it blaek interior, full power in- cluding wnos 600 rgnlmiles. In 1970 VAUXHALL VICTOR SEDA 4 cyl, bueket seats, Nrî ivrwt lc u terior, GM executive ca, ta cnrnol ,0 miles, Lic. 50-324A. 196ýî8 FO0R D L TD S ED"AN mileage, local owner. Lic. 47-750ýA. 1967 CREVROLET BISC-AYNE 4-DR. SEDAN-' Laurentiaii green,,local owner. Lic. 50-206A. 1966 CHEVROLET 2-DR. HARDTOP Bronze,,inîl power. Lic. 50-593A. 1964 CHEVIIOLET SEDAN Autoniatie, 6 cyl., safety checked and ready te go. Lic. 56-837A. 1967 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK Cab and stake body, excellent condition. Lic. Y8337. EASY GMAO TERMS AVAILAMBLE Stu preýStùn * 1RayLthnu ~ ednBr--aa' reMQeu 166 Kîng St. E 623-3396 KE~8MEN magnum ch ý,ý ký- x SL

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