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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1971, p. 10

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10The Canadian Statezrrani, towmanville, Aprtý.28, 1971 Durham Agric News by Bob Watt Assistant Agricultural Representaive C.SS.Class Builds Iron Rocket SCOTTISHVTR surface again. If th( sy rup Guelph, Cabh noise is produc- r 1Pur i C po11 n iTJunrior becomes thick, add a littie cd by vibration instead of the F~rcrshav th p~sur ~water. Then 'pour freshenjed exhaust and engine noise of - hnsingan utsandng nm syrup into clean, sterilized an open tractor. Mr. South-~~~ ber f te Sotts sociat-o containers. well says there are three so- -f YoungFarer fron April TRACTOR NOISE LEVELSluontoheoiepoem 1on tractors: 22-3J Ne i on Rendali CAN INJUREOP AOS 1. Th~e reduction of engine Î froi Bake Turriff, Aber- Research intoà noise pollution speed and thus of noise. eer-rhir,Joh assists on the shows that it cani injure the 2. ]3etter Construction to faifi 0 300 acres wheîe fariner operating his engine- prevent excessive vibration -hroincphiasis is placed driven machinery. To avoid 3. The wearing of total hel - on)f,[ t ctte and sheup. He the probleni, the f armer should mets by operators to protect -Bý:r: ri alo )i a t1nership with bs coîîsider noise levais when hie theni from head injury, dust bohrin a potato growing purichases fanm equipmlent, and noise.s e erpi. The purchase of a tractor cab Am a temporary ineasuîc, Jonl has heid flie post of to reduce noise may bie one Mr. Soutbwell suggests oper- treasurenr and la at prescrnt solution. ators use soundproof car f icîc Test Cnveno rfor Research indicatcs, how- muffs. Tu,-riff TClub.CWitb Il rfor ever, that appruciably bigher Mr. Southwell says that the îcincyTes pasesto isnoise levels aie recorded in public equates noise wîtn crdiheb s als taken part tractor- cabs than on tractors Ipower and engine-driven veh- laStckudigSpccmk- withiout cabs, -says Professor idles, and suggcsts a public ingand Grsslnd Compe- Peter Southwe]l, Scbool of education program to dispel » titon. e bs ls atenedEnginieering, niversity of this myth, u,3o ÀArep Conf cences and one ' 10 Nan l nerence, M1C I ' 'f ~ J0 Wi l the County, JohnN ES T L ET (9 unlw is styig ith Mr. and Mrs. LryWlhof Bowmanville. Sincere symipatby is uxte i the Anglican Parish Hall, g OnStudy April 24 the ed to Mr and Mrs. Malcolm, Blackstock, on Saturday even-~~ " Jun,ï- iioFamirs had a hiay-rîde Emerson on the death of their lîng.a and alîe pîresntitn and this son Donald at Whitby on MViss Maitha Lawrence and ý wîllbe n prtunîty to meet Tuesday, April 20. Theme Tom Lawrence have complet- ~ the Seotti hdegt. moîjal service was Thurïday ed tbeir yeaî's work at the STORINC %1API'1, S YRUP at 3:30 p.m. fîom McDermott- Univuîsity of Waterloo and To retaîin the r ful i ch flav,- Panabakei' Funeral Parlours,jbotb have receivcd summer S -,r ofpueii ptsrp, ýIt Port Perry, with interment ln employment. R nistbuprpelyst'oîed'. Food Nestieton Cemeteil iVrs. Ivan Pîoutt spent Fr! Sin apcait ttcOtroFood fectvs oswtîIî day to Sunday with bei son and Mis. Gordon Gilîson and ughtri-law, Mr. and V Mrs. Donald Pnoutt, Star-v u; Ag iculture ad Food, sug- Mr. and Mrs. George Avery,bounaMrad getacool, dry,,place untîl tbe Mr. edbraO unda r n Mi.Hye vry v syrup la ý qýtopnd; then it should Mr. and Mis. John McGregor, Mr. Proutt callcd on bis aunt, lijr ttiy r1 ;eseailed and storefi al of Little Britain, and Mrs.M SRthPout ini the 'rufigeratôr. Large Luchla Wickett of Victoria i.Sane a quniisor maple syrup are Manor, iLrîdsay.comvstd n idywt beat dI-iv ided lo to amalier con- Mrs. Helen Veal of Newv Mr. and Mis. Lawrence Mal-a pnesorstorage This en- Brunswick has been holiday- colin -and faniily. suiresbute retention of flav- ing with ber brother and IMr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson . or. Heth syîup to approx- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr3. wbo have sold thein farm have VI imete-Jvly 8', then, pour into Ernest Freer. reted a bouse in Port Pcîry M steilîed ontines.F111 the f Mi. and Mis. Milton Fisher adwl emvnMy1 jastooeniwigto exclude uni oyed a recent telephone Mr. and Mis. *Clarke Wildi a0 ' i.Suai and store thelconversation witb their sn ias vîsîted, dunîng the week You vii! have to take our wr for it. Be-hindi and unider that crowd of bodies !M s pin a cuool place. land bis wife, Mi, and Ms with MVr. and Mis. George Fin- a9-otrceacibigdvc ien rntuigwihteGae1 For loing-term storage, maple Delton Fisher and son Scott, nie, Port Hope; Mr, and 18 otýokLacibn ie,7cmd _fiinlbii hchteGae1 0 '~rpmyb rzn us b r uiaigin SpanErnest Werîy, Eiitiiskiiien-i Mr. Occupational Class at Courtie Secondary buit ilor the studients at Courtice Ja nor hesyupino onaier ltuic, eran i xtpaind i.Ge lesn as South Public School. TIaking delivery is the Public cholsgrateful prin)cipal, leaînga ne-nc bed sac. tei sceduedtou 0 Euo-aiea. Mr. andiVrs. Earl Falls, Wally Pitt, standing to the lef t of the Oceupational class tec b,,hdr, Leo Hauirs- S~ladfreeze, The heàd peau countries. iBethany, weie Sunday aftci- bre.Tebyovosypodadhpywi-l11(,tý(,etoi are h anage iiliinecssary to ailow for Mr. and Mis. James Law rnoon and evening dinnerbegrThbosoviuypodan hap wihtel etocrrdte xpninduringÎ freezing. rence returned,- on Mondav1guests wý,ith Mr. and Mis. hcavy rocket by hand the onu e distance betwecni the two schooi s, Posbl roblunis during froîn a vacation at Freeport Wiliiams, ______ ofe strg fmaple syrup in athe Bahamas. Thiî daugb- Soînday ServiKem'eessîe a;re the development of a sug- ter, Maîtha, and son,, Tom, In the Presbyteîian Chturcb,Elc Dog K m Prsdnh aqry nuat, and the development carried on business, as us-al'Sunday morning, Mi. Morleyd of aua mold. If a sug- lin the Country Store and Po$éMthl otnc i ee * .E ary- mati! develops, beat the Office. on the Lord's Prayer. Reading Je.~am~ Mi0. and Mis. NolmaninsfrînJob, the themu e n U W W * ~ EEE El oyru .,nryuntil the ctis Mr.uad di7solve.This cruat will not spent the weekend wt e DlvrU rmEi i affet th laon of the synupr. parents, Mr. and Ms wltrzf Visser sang '.esus la So of Aýibougb the, moid will Kent and other r'elatives at!IWonderful".W affectIthe flavor, it is not ýSundîidge. Itis that time of Uniited d enfuThe synpcmnbuz yean again when the yean,'s In the United. Cburcb RcvP y hi t i o e M 0km iing 1)11-,1o1d firm the bnougbt fîom the northein las the theme for bis messagLe srfacent ri rd pth t hatis 1fee inaptes - tis ater orth, iJesu Sod at the Doon and n T e tn u i r e h l r n ' sinpinoasacpn huasuis.Lindsay Song Smnnrsdi -yrup it asuepn ou ai Several local fýoikatedd"hwme - - resentedthei v~a1ctyPiO~¶Cmgton as gcat ~4kg cenres or c~iJ4ei~ a 901 IAe.dBis.S.yl.Sylvste gramme J'oine"lat e he annuial dinnier o c We ndra vnbe ýo'a ben presi-denjt for United Cburch on Saturey Cildnen's Aid Society o arfl.I întouiy i he pastya, a year that saw evening. The laies' gro0upl Northumberland and Duîbami, childrEî arie loft aloneý, '/o f deligbted their auidienrce with held Apnil 15, at the Lions of them ill impiove iiitimel old favorites and opened witb Recreational Centre in Pont with no treatinent, sotrs- F U L 0 L"0 Canada" and "Let the Cun,- Hope. ment ,enitres must equal orj tainRis". thermemens Di. MeConville is assistant better this if tbey are to h ýwene "The Sbadow of Your o evc c o Smie" "Hw rea Tonprofesson of psychiatry and 0fsrie omunit,, Art", "Down by the Od ilîli pediatica at Qoeen's Uni- Dr. McConville runs li Streamn", "My Wild Irish versity and dinector of the centre on the nicw preruse o Slvîyoo"ancodl1e centre at the Kingston Psy-1 you miust treat -the chîl ýwîh Hamoiiz te ord"chiatîic Hospital. Nontlaum- ilîness but not take oven-i Tara real ses thai MONY N Dnig te ntemisio te bcland and Durham la a part life. A cbild wîtb sx emo Femme-Cee Mis. Ollie Hrl of thîs region. Dr. McConville tionai or py9arcllr0 utn rsdf DXPRMIMin, a uocusruetee' described the noie that a rc-dnberae sapr di ffe rent needs. kept tbe audience on their gionai child sud sdolescc-ntî iLs u nvionieut, hm n QUALITY ýtous. The ladies quartette The centre 1iol le aacni -mniy rametgc1Whîç h îs why we Tune Tumblens, did some Inunity.. on five dajys a wek , lu b' FU L ILsplendid haimonîzing of Folk Ne feit veny stionigly tîîatlcentre,, with the hildrenalr Songs. A new group "The present incthods of trcatment scdu hî eeed taos Somnething Else" to the ac- home ,woîking out oîtîsNo ate hw n f with ethieir parents or ni lNouard h w BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS comipaniincnt of guiters, fav- tbc church for the month of sdie ete pro gasyu.aet COW AVLLCOE C TOM Rouncd with several songs. The May. Al membens bavîn.g nl sa teament sti,:n rs o ae Ask Operator for 668.3341mca a 'quartette, The Country articles for tbc baie weeask-nC oeta i ek.Tu Ask pertor or 68-341 Townens, sang "California Hene ed to leave thein et the home nbcrchil a flotix mmted . 1i ýrjîgt mowe for or Di 1-668-3341 1 Come", several nursery of Mis. Nyland. Fuither plans ahsia rcnr o ihymes (sung beckwaids), were made for the Lindsayahoptln eief witl their final number "Mf Sonig Spinners programme and and is able to maintiîi u CIIWUB2atut Youi". Their "tiained bake sale, most valuable relationsbîps~ DFU L O Lflea" creaed mnuch amuse - TetpiwatkebyM. those with bis parents and CALUST-D Yment ai-d a heanty laugb - (a Geo,(rge Jobns who spoke on communIty. ÇA.,, STfDA make-believe story) with a "When eRalyLv" We Di. McConville f it hbeun F-OR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ra iecnmneo."h really live wben we have a stressed the îîegd fora i n ______________________________________________ usi Maens wib ecori-faitb to live by, a self fit tiLu esubas us ilu Ki nctoi,f -- ---on, banjo and ba-njo ukelele live witb, 'a work to lîve for whiçb serves Nonthiumbe-- led la a couple of sinig-songs and someone to love and bc land and Durhamn as well, b J (action and rounds)I in whicb ioved by. We neally live heip ail the childien iii thel the audience lustily partici- whun we add somnethiug to region. This is possible by f paled. tumen life and lend e baud to the followiug r mcisd: 'Tîuat- oFoliowing Ibis splendid un- lift e load. Each passing day mieut inuit evolve bac t he teiamnmient the ladies 0of the bringa its problemai, difficul- neferring agency and ther >' IJ.C.W. served coffue,. sand- tics and decisions but withijmuat be excellent follow-ujp.j * C i u'be0an cookies. A incene God's belip they canlieb met i Generalizations must bu madel "thnk oo"is extended foi'land overcoune. Whcn wc about each case tbe centre la finperron ansd t1 ailillcarn it only to niake a liv-1Ireats asud these passed' oni , * * S iho ble witlh sud patr0-nug but to make a life, wef to ticat other childien sud ed ire ak sle alily Ove. [to keep, other agende u l eiton l. 1)Te'u .-a fl ,v edwîb uiucî T he SnM1 omnvalue of the piizc if wiwneni ciid il- ah important osî ROiA! I iVairs, neadth minutes of receive more than $500. the atm la to pioduce peupleý j-O f îH N ast meeting and tbc treasun-1 Raffles and bingos offciing1who are inteiested lu bb-c FARIM EqUIPMFENT hý^ ý er s report was given by Mis. phîmses xceeding $3500 in.valuel cbild as a penson but will noti E'138- wharf RoQad- Bowmanivi.lfe e aalis]p,Sera "thank youV' have to apply foi' a licence take ovur i- i ic. 91KingSI. West the înthay ox. is.Bow7,- two peur cent of the' total value Dr S(urul',ade f cr kncy offered ta iook aite£ of ite prizes to be awarded, J Dou& Kemp ofBo anil The baud lsalciopanug bu participate lanbbceau ual,31 Fiuworks display to bu hield; LONGSAUL - t the bigh achool on bbe, 24th of May. MlnesdsChuirlest weuk) At bbc piesenl timae bChý Musi, rbis- sud Mîkef membhers Of thc baud cru. raunes, Turonto. spunt bbc iworkiug b reau o tu Beukendwih I. 'and Mua. G. ntra ,visit O! twu choirs ak'.Mi. Hsrry Baker sud _froni Woodstock. On 'May btb girls, Mi. sud MIs. Bruce Bak- ai 7:30aun these choirsand! and s Paela, shawa; M-- the bqn.d wiil perfomni eat the mdMi. .Baker- sud boys I own hall. If you missed Ihe vere Sunday auppui gîceata Ofconcert uarly l prl tpa he. parnt Ms.. to attend this nue. Procunuls MWr. sundayMusts.C. Cool, 1froin this concertwill bu uusr- S'eeiutahuet at bth lu finanuce a recurdiug pro- mtbohume. Mr. sud Mus. f jecî that' the, baud recentiy ROY Boudeau, Dawna and"mpetd Nrgr.lewmarket, were Stundlay eveuiug visutous.Mi. and Mus. Wm. -Muter, Ounno, viSited tbe Smîîths, Wveduesday~. fte ru on. Mi. sud mu-S. W.4 Vau-Y.k s - visited fuieuds un ]BiadforI!ý Saturday afterunoonsud were Sundav eveauag visiturs Of Mu'r and Mua. H. DeMullu, Bo5- manvîlle. Miý sud Mua. Peter Ecg 'mc sud Auna výisite-d wîth Mis. Sophie Kuvaca, Sundayý .fternuon sud ail weIe Sun- day supper guesta Of Mr, and /Ira. G. Kovacsand girls. Mir. sud Mis. Albert Davey, )ïillia; Mus. Fletcher sud Mnu, acýýk Johnson, Oshawa, were' u(nday vitors of Mn. andi ir.Burt Johnson. SALEM e-^ A i C r the renýo ation of the ChIMd- ren's AId Soclety .prern e1i 5 on Walton St. in Port Hope f LJI Oblier offîcers Aîndr Board, memburs elucted wcr, 1971. Board of Direetore fji Hou. President, Mn.H. M .,,i Dli, caîni: Non. Dinectons, Rev. t,,f Cleaiy, Mn. D. MeybeeMrA S. LitleMis l S. Wlnfieldfj Mi . ldyka. Mn. J. G! t Noney, Mn. C. Locke; Presi-ý The I dent, Mi. D. Kemnp; Vice Pie- Scbool B; sident, Mn. J,' van Zon; Suc- lnvitstiýon retary, Mrs. Thomas Gras-: tanlo mac bain; Treasuren, Mn. Rcsd u rument Budge; Local Dirur'tor, M.opuuedcdi A. B. Flunie; Dîructoîs, Mrs.lfront. T A. B. Sylvester. Mis. Katb- will perfo urine Wilson, Mr. 1L, Gibson, Thursday, Bey. A. Vandenberg, Mis.M Th," F( Pocock. Mi. P. Koomen, Mis. apitu J. llardîng, Mr. T. Jones, -Mi. for 9,000 D. Bullock: County Repre-bb' sx suntatives, Mrs. D. Brintncîl, m ronths, Mn. L. Winslow. Mi. V. Assel- b ure boui atine. Mn. A. Rutherford;[lv ef Solicitor, Mn, W. E, Bonne- froin the ville; Auditoi. Mi. A. BallettiOehsi The meeting was weli I-na n eu icuded by staff sud huardý amateur; 'members. The guneral public the provu ;aud bas receîvud a n iLo perfoîni et On- ce, the OntRrlo Gov- sbowplýacu aoou to bu )n tbe Toronto lake-ý bue slxty piecu baadi îmr i ta huForum oný ,June 3rd, et 4 pin,l urum la an outdoor rIre with a eapacityj spectators. Duringl rng and -ummerý The Forum will fes- ly cuituntainment byý orr-mers, aIlltbc way, Toronto Sympbuny rock groupsasndi Lertainers to bbc and school talent lu" Ice of Ontaio, Oui UC.W. unit meý.etîig nIld at bbc chu ich st Thurs-1 dRy was opeaed by an £st er! poem by oui leader, Mrs-. John Coombeqa She then con-ý ucted the business. Mîinutesý f last meeting were ead,. l7u wuerc uemindcd of thé; uciet luacheon at SL Pauul's .n Tues., Apnil 2Otb, wbenl Nirq. C. Thomas, Osbawa.i jill upeak ou Afrîca. Several, ina .co-ncerning catering to aý louner sud a wedding wcre! ïiscusaed. GET CASH TODAY THROIJGH STAT-ESMAN ýwhen it cornes to mowers to the finest inii awn tracý GRtADUATION, MAI 7 GraduRtion ceremonies wi1J beheid at, the Kemptý fille Col1egf, of Agi cultural Tech-' notogy on Friday, May 7th, at 2:30 p.m, ln the College Aud~ torjuro. iSonie 45 students in Agrl culture and, a simllar nuinher in Home Economiîcs will re- ceive ip1omRa- Guest speaker will be Dean . Meyer of the Algonquin College of Appllied Arts and TechnoJogy School of Busi- ness, Ottawa. Generpl Insurance FIRE and AUTOMOBILE' INSURANCE BARRY VOERMA'N tZ ~i r V 5 33 KING ST. E. anid lay asphalt in pvaly or 'Patio. 1-hip 'by skilIed ~Itea5t equipment. 3-5410 STIMATES rferent people have make rnowers forý -nuch or how littie o cut, Toro has the you. (From rotary tors.) Whîchever Toro you buy, you can be sure it wilI give your gras.s the very besteut possible. The way we see it, if you can't find a Toro to suit you, it can mean only one thinq: You don't have a lawn. TORO SPORTSMAN Riding Mower. A compact rear-engmoe rider w!th t'ractoî type controls (separate cluti and brake), Three speeds forward plus reverse. Easy outtinq height adjustmePiî. Cutting widthes of 26-" i- 32", 5 or 7 H.P. iyi l" optional electrîc start on 7 H.P. Bagging attachment optional. Why walk when you can ride for as little as $459.95 TORO LAWN TRACTORS Tore has the mosl complete fune of lawn tractors availabie. We have 5, 7, 8, 10, snd 42 H.P. modela with cutting wudths froi 25' te 42, (ail with Optional 'bagginq and a complets fine of attacbmients). Yeu can feel equal to sny grass-cutting task with a Tore lawn tractai. Fram $499 .95 ( i h -'--~- i as TORO FIESTA Mower. New from Toro for 1971. The-Fiesta is available in three -models.-1-îg, 21', and 21" Self-Propeled, Ail thrce are cquiPped with 4-cycle Biggri & Strattori englunes (with automatic choke). Optional baggmng kit avallable. Prudes atarI as low as $119.115 MoRO~h 0 DEALERS IN BOWMANVILLE AND AREA J-iMAR Rolph Hardware EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. East Box 249 Bowmnanville Orolno - Ontario 1 LIM PUr 9-It We will excavate, grade your personal drive, Guaranteed worlrniam personnel with the la j PHONE 622 FOR FREE ES' S TEPHEh 138 Wharf Rd. 'RandReive ita-fion ib Play Onfario Place

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