The Cenadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Apr. 28, 1971 Ebeezr Tro Rae heir HommadeCr WhiIe Parents and Friends Cheer Them On Recently, at Ebenezer United Church hall, mem- ners are pictured here, from lef t to right, winnýier of bers of the Tyros held their. annual competitions for design Phillip Pamment, most original, David De-an cars -made from a block~ of wood, Awards were pre- for Neil Osborne; 2nd in speed, Dan ,Hust'on; lst, in sýentLed for best design and for the races that were run speed Kenny Shevchuk and consolation winner, Steven in'i two-car heats. There was great excitement along Sanderson. thiE- track as the crowd cbeered on their favorites. Win- Legîon Members Receive Pins For Long Service At the Vîmy ,,N nih, and Service Award dinner held ree tlya the Evowm9.nville Branch 178 Royal Cana- dian -Legion, one of thleatures of the evening was the awariding of pins reccnizîng years of Legion member- slhip Thîs is a new program here so the lîsts are in- cormplete Hlead table guests at the dinner included, from left to right, Poppy Co-Chairman Ron Pingle, Membership Chairman Irene Whitney, Deputy Zone Comd. Alex Walker, Special Events Chairman Seth Itlunt, President Stan Dunn, Zone Comd. Keith Fergu-I Jack Gibson. Lower photo shows those who were pres- ent and received 40-year pins, left to rîght, David Ahl- dread, Jim Abernethy and John tLiving, while Zone Comd. Keith Ferguson and Deputy Comd, Alex Walker are in the background. Lt.-Col, J. C. Ganiey, M.M., E.D., and Reg' Harding were not present to receive their 45-year pisno ere Monte Goslett and Jack Middle- ton for their 40-year pins. In the 35-year category were Alec Campbell, J. A. Allen, J. A. Newman, Walter Hackney, and Dr.,V. H. Storey. IV! rg Perris, Wle ole, Eu chre rariy' -Mr. Sally Harmer, Mrs n. - rey Hurnie, Mrs.. Cedrie Rus- slMrs. Lîllilan Angi, Mns. Attracts 100 iArme Heavysege, Mr. On Sturdy evnîng ApiMrs. John Harmer, Mrs. Mary1 On atudayeveing ApilLou Townsley, Lionel Ten- wanis Club held a successlul Mrs.' Ken Sumersford,Mn euchre party in the Libraiy and Mrs. John Coombes, MnsIr. Auditorium in Bowmanville. ýDorothy Mclntyre, Arthurý Although it was their finst Hone, Reid Hern'ess r euchre, the Kiwanians had Eleanor Colwell, Cherles ,Re,! nearly lo0 people in attend- Mrs. Isabel Cunningham, Mrs,1 ance. Selly Harmer, Alden Hlub- AU the funds raîsed will1 bard, Mrs. Dorothy Branchj be put towands Kiwanis' pro- Mrs., Ileen Reid, Bob Stocker,ý ject of turning this room mbint an Gray, Mrs. Bob Stocker,i a funnished recreational cen- Lloyd Harmner, Mrs. Lillian: tre for thse people of Bow- Hone, Mns. E. Fletcher, Ern ie manville, to use at thein iris-1 Hermer. ure. Kiwenis was most pleas- Bowmanville m er ch an t s ed to receive a veny generous who donated prizes were: Thei donation from thse Canad(ian Carter Faily Baker, Erney'si; Legion tow ards this cdU5Ce Barbenshop, Sullys Barber-! and wishes to evrnes ils shop, Bowmanville Cleaners, sincere thanks for this gift. King Koîn Laundry, CIds' At the euchre on Setu rdeY, Ladies Wear, Bneslin's Ladiîesý a large number of gift prizes W e ar, Kaye's Spýortswearl supplîed by our local mer- John and Judy Shoppe, Char- chantsiwene won. By tise tnan's Men's Wear Ltd., time the evening was finish- George's Men's and Boys' ed, nearly everyone in the Wear, Amway Products Ltd., room had wona pnize ofAenthsPanadWl- some sort, Then toinrouind off pAeetedm aian's dperîmlet tiseevenng ws a argetabj Str, SWdan'er Stores, Bow- 1)i homnemade pies and cakes manville Fabnies, Flowers, byý of every description, which Jackman,. Tony~s Refresh-, probebly nounded off a few ments and Catering, Dyk-1 Bowmanvilleiles eround the ýstra's Food Market, Larn'er'si middle. A few fond items not Grocetenia, -Becker's ,Milk,, consumed were auctioned off Jeffery's Superette, Murphy; aI the end of the evening to Furniture, -Mulder's Furni-! thse delîght of ell who, wene lune, Knamp's Furnlituor e,' present, by Auctioneer Char- Rickaby's Ltd., Bobette Salon les Reid, a member Of the of Beauly, The Style Shoppe, Kîwanis Club in Bowman- Greig's Hairstyling, Hormne ville. IBëauty, Kut 'n Kuni, McGre- Kîwals hopes b liÔld a gor Homne Hardware, Crest progressive euchre later this Hardware, Landen Hardware,, year, penhaps sometime in Man's Jewellery and Gît the f al, and egein, ail moneyI Shop,- Hoopen's Jewellery, wîll-be put towerds this Lib-'Alex McGregor Dnug Store, rary Auditorium.' Jury and Loveli Druga, Fred-, Below are histed tise names erick's Pharmey, Bowman- of the people who won pnizes. ville Zoo, Liberty Bowl, Con- Pnize, winnens were: Mrs. fonation Restaurant, Flying Helen Little, Frank Angi, Dutchmanî Motor Inn, 01ym Hanny Hughes, Mns. Marîlynn~ pie Restaurant. Bnock's BP., Dow, Paul Mclntyre, Jerk Liberty Esso, Peter Vander-, Cook, Mns. Hîlde Humphrey, Veer Esso, Johnston's Final Mrs. Bey. Fogg, Mrs, Walter Service, FlIy i ng Dutrhmaný Woolley, Mrs. Ellwood Gray, Gulf Service, Slaght_ endj Jacob de Jong, Mns. Josie Corok Golf Station, CedrW Hughes, Mrs. Steven Jeffery, Russell Sunoco, Kunt Sloos Mrs. E. Harnden, Mrs, Mer- Sunoco, Ron Mutton Shaîl, jonie Brenîgan, Cedric Rus- Irv Brooks Supertest, Paddy's sell, Howard Bradley, Mrs. Texaro Service, Cowan Pon- Aileen Van Nest, Mrs, How- tîec-Buick, Nichols Motors ard Bradley, Mrs. Hazel Fan- Ltd., Bowmanvîlle Auto Parts' row, Mns. Millie Hill, Mns. Lloyd Ellîs Shoes, Maher! Lawrence Meson, Mrs. Mer- Shoes, D & R Sports, Beaverl, lene Luxton, Mns. Muriel Lu mber, W. H. Brown Im-i Crago, Mfiss Sharon Van Zenjt, plements, Western Tire, J-_ Mns. Shirley Tennant, Mrs. Mer Equipment Co., Bryson's fll,,JL v t1C.JVJ .t. ,.,..,,, 11Jin rg Tâk" . ' y, t . - Vnrirc v i sdnf, Padre Rey, Robert Hayne and First Vice President Mr.s WarnTwseMs'Soe ief Hendy Shop.i YELVERTON dled t gel mer- Two Truro Equestriennes Visit Pony Club Here rîed about middle of May. Sypth s exlended 10 Congratulations 10 M i s 9 Mnr. Fredt Porter and son Of Janîce Stacey who topped iser ~~. Mjountl Horebs on tise untimrly voibal rless (87%) et the Ka- passîng of tiseir wifeand werlha Musîr Festival in Pet- .~ mrother. Depît l ehber phys- i erborougis this week. Als ,,~ ical isardsops, Helen ehweYs rame in second in another -njaintained a very ciseery out- 1as, wîhin 83%. look on lite, Snrry 10 leern Tise Velverton 4H girls par- 19 of heurpassing. tîcipated in tise 4-H Achie-ve- i' v . 'Nî Sympatisy ton b tise amihy ment Day et Welcome on Set- of tlise late Donald Emmerson, urday witisteir Club Leaders foýmrl f Nesîleton, wiso Mrs. Peggy Starey and Mrs. À pesse awa t1u week, Joyce Malcolm in altendance. S Sir toreort thet tise Tise Jaaetville - Yelverlon Plmbre rresi denre soutis Young People have begun to of Jeevllws destroyed practîre a one-arl play "'Elmer by fiine tisî peet week. Tise and tise Love Bug", which they Janebvihl rirp e Brigade were hope, lme.. - u l ci csaýve tise bose but tise future. A humorous little M m monage t cnfine tise blaze farce -from sredig adjacent MiVr. and Mrs. Art Rowan. .. v. ' '.v .c buildings.attended tise Blachetock Hîgis Mrs _.oRalpisPfok o T roeJ en sno r- " ~ <4'-.. tco was a Snday gueÉt 0f Mn. Sonry to learn tisaI Deputy M.yvg.,~'~v, ~" Mrs Fr ank Glasisurgeri ield gressîngas weîî as anticipat- *...v :vsv ... ~ vî~ mî,scllanecous sower this ed. Hope Jack wîll be feeling w(eek to ide-elect Miss baersoon1 .$i54.!' 'ie~vv','. j Just received word of tise vv~.......~ ,« ty " 'v..'k' ~ v*vv 1PHIL VO LES Chapnanof Bllyduff -a vv ~ ~ ".~s ~{EATNG PECILIST palisy i. extenided to Mrs. 4iv f.:vvM...'ivv y 'v"5 I ietyS.N Chepman and femilv and close .~.. Bowmanv'lIe relatives and fiends. 4,Z , .ilv. PHON 6237591 MEMORIAL HOSP'ITAL .2 2él4 HOUR E. I iV ICE WEEKLY REPORT ~~ 011, Gas & :,Eletfre urn!ace Week of Apnil 19-25 inclusive v.i ~&Air Condtion I1nstalla-_ Admissions ----.- .----. __-_ 88 The Bowmaanvîhle Pony Club manville to learn how lise local in riding and înstructîng and club miembers, Nancy Heavy- -tions ,-Ceta & Wîndow Brlhs-7rmaie, 4 female. hIlay ed huaI bo two teenage club is organîzed end tb pre-isope tisat wîth their Bowvnan- sege, Anthea Francis and Pil- r iila- Clare Hecla mcages -10-------- 6 wl i '(1d a EDninnt ar oeain 0eusim rmTuo oepr hmcvsfraîoville, experîence tisey wl pCarlton. Phyllis Creelman: FI! . J-yE1ÊMn ao prtos'0ýaScolie hat eek, A.rleoNovFan oareita ernesfois aummerquehîfy for e Class A certîfi- and Bowmenvîlle club organ- Free EstýMates Mirior operations .----.----36 S ia adsylhi CrAreelFmn Ts irL re workîng owers rate. Intise pîcture above izer Ann Vendyk check tise 'DreAalbe Emergency treatoienîs 181 erty, adPylsCelaTegrsaewrigtwrsAlene Fenerly ime-on lise lead riders for niding style andj Buge Trm Aaiabe Visting hours 3-8 pm daily I bols 17,spent a week in Bow-' a hîgher level. of proficiency horse, £ollowed by three localtechmïque, i mif ehell's.-Corners Hme & School0 Assn, l1nsf ails . ffiers Presîdent Mns L. Hart prec Mrs A. McKay; Social C_1aýir- sided over tise Apnîl rmeetingi men, Mn ýD. Muî'rayý; W11-- of Mitriseli's Corners Home &I & Means Chaiimen, Mrs. ScholAsscitin. nnalGeîssberger, e;es Scisol ssocatin AnuelChairnien, Ivrs. HHorrocks;, reports wiere presented by and Hospitality Chimn members of tise pest exeru- Mrs M, Coles. live for epprovel, Mn. J, Hartle, Dpuy Mrs, W. Buntmng, Vire Pre= Diiector of PlannL ng~ or Ithl aident rf0f1ie Northsumberland Central Ontarin o"intt'Plan and Duisam Councîl of Home ning Board, gave anîneeîi & Scsool Associations, in- îng anid informativ e lecturre,, stalled tise' newhy elertedi accornpenied by illustrativer executive as foilows: Presi-j slde., concerning tise vole of dent, Mn t . Hart: lst Vice tise Planning Board, He our.- Presîdenit, Mn .R, Whîtehey; , ined tise mekeup oI tise pliin- 2nd Vire Presîdent , Mns. J. ning board, its relationsýhip bý Kingisoln;ý Rerording Serre- other planning organizationl tary, Mns. D,, Heerd, Treesur-!et lise verîos governmenit er, Mns, P. Duncan; Correv.'- levels, ils diverse accompli'-Il - pondîng Secretery. Mrs, EUmenti bn date and ils aspira-ý Craig,; Program Cisaîrnin.fions for lise future, VanBelle, Rite Bail, Joe Fd A nno ncedema, Albsert VaniBelle, Shir-» Announce 1ev Ronald, Alice Gion, Jennie Kamnmnge, Ar n n;4 ResuIfs 'of Cemeron, Anne Bosma, Sid- ney Reinsma, Hilda Reisma,. - Iseabel Veldisuis, Jean Hoorn- Swim Programilneg, Stephen Parker, Pesuits of Tests on, Bovw- marîvîlle Recreation Depant-I ment Aduit Winten SwWm Program, held at Pine Ridge! School are as followsr Royal Life Saving Society' of Canada, Bronze Medaflioni lst Bar -Murray Hamnsnnd;ý Bronze Medaîhion-Don Brad-1 ley, Mark Caxrerly. Mark El..! liott and John Parker, Thse Canadien Red Cross! Society: Beginner- Marleneý Adams, June Jensen, Shirleyl Junior -Joan iArd, Mary Henlerson, Sally Feddema, Sara Feddema, Ann Vander- meer, Marilyn Heerînga, Lar- ry Langford, Sandra Cooke, Mary Gates. Survîval- Cathryn Etcher,, Julie Mcllroy, Steve Phillips, Randy Phillips, Art Reynolds,' Brad Craig., Intermediate -- Jean Tur- nr.r Sheryl Whillan, Alice Kamn'snga' Dan' McRobbie. Senior- Art Reynold, Randy Phîllips, Cathryn Ete cher. It may becniuch easier than you think to afford a new Pontîac. Because this year there arc bargain-priced models in all four Pontiac sizes. Pocket-sstze Ventura ii is our newest Pontiac and our smnallest-at Pontîac's smallest price. Now smnall car loyers can join the Pontiac family. Tnn-.stizeT-37 is so cost conscîous, 85% of North Amerîcan cars cost more than its trimmest prîce*! Fuli-size Laurentian, the lowest-priced big Pontiac, gives you feutures such as a Don't forget to buckie up for safety. dent-resistant grille dîvider you just cadit gel on other cars. Sport-size Firebîrd is our basic sports car-if you consider a car as.excîmîng as our lowest-prîced Firebird a basic anyL-hing. Sîze up the '71 Pontiac that fils yeur needs and your budget. Doi îî oday-at your, Pontiac dealer's. *'Based on pvblis/ed mansîfacturer' suggested retalp"riceý compared wîith T37 Pillar Coupe. Scoeif thee ,qmipîme t ,lwtraed ar decî'îed i ts emat ria of TIR -'l YuLL 1ay inVIUp to GMs MONEYMrES! * SWEEPSTAKES * if vou ne 16 or over and bave *' eï 9 - a valid drsver*s license. Yu do't hzveto ber Ask for fou deuails at a Lhlng. Entrïes must bc- * you partcipatiflg Pontiac deaceh. ini by May 31,19n1 miel't',eisa low.-ri d itia iq;all four bz-c% ~rinùsize GFUII 3ze Spot- ize 47in 1 a p 1