10The C anadîan. tatesan, Rowmaxiville, Junie 9,'1971 tude f ruancy Problemj f C ncern in Some Areas j f, :p- cncrnov r ic- eUcfatiion udtj ed h t jLthe at 1 t-1î col ereaèSing absetism j"I cnty prob]em was news to bim and According 'îýto the rhooiJs t schooL3S pa',e isuso hoped that complaints on attendancercod for Fri1 during and foli,ýîi ig the Unit- absýýntceismn would corne in day, May 28th, only oie stu- ed Counties Board cd Educa- directly to the Board Admin- dent was believed to lie tru- tien meeting held in Cobourg, istration. ant, out of a student body of1 May 27th. 1iHe said that, according to 1,100.9 J. C. McKaguc, a 'tÙîuat ýeeregulations sent out to prin- Hie attributes sucli successl I frorn Eset Nutunerad ipals, students were not to to the vice-principal, Mn, said that lie badrreeived "a léave school until June 12th. Bradley's hard w ork and per- lot tif fac" bot h nurc-1 If this is nt being adheredIsistent surveillance over stu- ber of stud1e-nts who had not to, lie remarked, lie wanted to Ident attend ance. bee atendng eh in hîs know about Pt. "A school gets the- numbec are , ,si-e\prlAbsenteeisto dons ýnOt appear of truants iA esre .,,ori The Aluwick adCrpii-tobe a problem in the Bow- Ibetter, allows," Mc%. Bradley lord Truistee C' V. Jo-l inston manvjîle aid Darlington areas.i saîd. "If the students kîow comn'ented it-at itone sc enLas, principal-cdi 'we are cbecking on their ondary acbool ini bis àre130-t nwinvie igh Sehool, attendance they xii corne., out oif 700 stud.c'rts had bren said iast Wednesd ay 'tbat at-- If they know we are flot. Report rorn Queen's Park, ,by Alex Carruthiers, M.PP. ESTIMATES l"ý-DEPARTMENT i OF~ LANDS AND FORESTS Thse 1inister <f Laids and For- ests, the Honorable Rene Brunelle, ex- perienced a long aid at times bitter debate duniîng bbc consideration of thbe estimates oft bis department, with most of the criticîsrn cenbering arouîd bbe purchase of prîvate laids in the Cale- don area oft the Niagara Escarpmenb. The" Niagara Escarpment, stretch- ing fromn Niagara to Tobermory, is oie of thbb great natural features oft Ontario landscape and inordes' bo preserve aî'eas of outstanding beauty foc park and rec- reational purpo. es, some 3,030 acres oft prime recreational laid in the Escarp- ing: 1. A recrd inumber oft peopi-enejoy- ed the 108 provincial parks as year, Day use înircr-eased by 16 per' enrt over 1969, icachiîg,, 12 million visitation 2. Two neiw provincial parks, Carillonor and Sandbar Lake were openedils year. 3. Two nc provincial paî-ks are buý be opeîed this year, McCrac Point near Lake Simcoe anid Shoals Provincial Park on Highway 101 between Wawa and Cbapleau. 4. The first underwatcr park in Can- adai, Fatbom Five Provincial Park wIïhicbwill probect nearly a score oit sbiwreksis being established off bbc Bruce Peninsula. ] 1tibion. More ctai1s to cone.,- July l3th, l4th, lSth-Agri- IVVp.A cultural Field Da -s at the soe yO.A.C. 'aid1OîtoI 1Hdr Depaî'frrnt of Agi,-iciture an Fod. For More ifoîma fit- The Towni tin on these, contact our t' on bas apprc office,'. tle proposai July22,Thîrsdy Drbamlto constrîîcta and 4otmh rld Dair ,y brun on Beacl PrinessComptitun t !le sien between NeiateArena staliing a T-h e rmotir 7:00 p.m Fah Cuun)t1 iî[]- hav a eprate cne Ç i ouýncui1or Tii a îîcssxiii be Chosen for ~(u.H eachcuuty.For forthrî - b councîl di for matiýon and applications, metig,3 1 contat a rlos Tumblyn, Oro- 2lst' no. Phoe 983--51S4, Pî-epared b- The Ontaio Depatmen !cfAgurýculture and Food, 14 ,F rik Street, Bowmirnville, Ontario. OBITUABY ALBERT E. WS away rrorn qchcoél cie aytenance was avcsuagurg r9r- UnrecklirgUey wonr r. uore an-cl r ment wcre pureriasecu oveir the pat year ýr. 'Wuetleo ad it%110 'î' Y r U>S5O II.AEWsibs61 last wek. W. b.Gren-96 per cent xvhich is consid- that can spread like a dis- Ia oîotapcxmbl1.1milo ak r bi cnetdi t lnmi Merr.AUetcfOnoi-for ,wood, Clarke Tirost-e, ce- errd normal, case."1a oto prxmtl .1mlinPr- r en cnetdi )ý -yaarsreto rrofr narked tat liW neof on i petmpicia Nedls usry ICourt-I1 dollars.,tive parks with no logging allowcd. avecr forty-frve ycars, passc-,d where 430 students were not Courtice Secondary School, icI,, attendaicre arhrbavei The Oppositions contenbion was 6. Agreement has now been reachcd away at is home l Orouiu In classes. stated that absenbeiîsm lird a simple creed. Check, check that the land should have been purch- ihtefdrlgvnmn b'sa- i ii~,My2," .971;, Frank Th~om, director 0f neyer been a major problem aid check sonne more. iae ale olwn h eototPr-ls ainlPr i vr40s.Kîown thî-ooghout thc corro- ase ealir flloin th reor ofPr- lsh Ntioal ar, o ovr 00 qýmunîtv as "Ah" lie was itessor Gerbier, in 1968. The Gertler IRe- miles in the Pukaska area, on bbe nortb- prominent athiete aid sîip- port rccommnded b e purcha,, ofIl,5,. east shore of Lake Supenior. porter cf athictie activities, 000 'acres oft the Escarpment and Mr. 7. To alleviate bhe growing shiortage within his community. fie ex-1 celled hn the field of hockey, D u h a n A g ric - e 1t/ Stephen Lewis, N.D.P. Leader was par- of hunting aneas in Southern Ontario, baseball aid other idvda icularly critical oft the fact that oniy long range laid acquisition aid laid sports. In later years le was 3,000 acres bad been puircbased aid oit owner programs have been establisbed. associated wlth minor sport-I by Ro Stokbbîs 506 acres bie claimed were punch- 8. The manuitacturng oit iorest prod- ig activities througlout the! Assistant Agricultural Representative ased fcom Caledon Mouibain Estates ucts bas been carried out bo a mucb rs wbicb had among its 450 odd sbare-bold- greaber degree in Ontario, than in other fie held a great interest in MOVING 'ro IIEW LOCA- laîîdle the probicros. Departîsent of Aguricultur~e crs, woorbree promincît Conserva- provinces. Eacb unit oit wood (a cu. unit devcmuiupty ef the Orurio TION - Farmeprs un Durham Farm Property bas beerl re- and Food pr'ovrdes up bo $500 ives. equals 100 eu. itb oit solid wood) lias a sud for moariy years lad becný Couintv xiii have rîoted from defined to include farmlaîd for to nemove dead ehm trees. In onder bo assure the public aid manufactiing value oft $107. in Ontario, flie châirman af the Board,ý tieAriNtsthey received whîch, as a srsut cf errors hn fiai Wright, tise Provincial to ascertain al bbc facts witb respect compared wi th $65. i Quebec aid $37. respoiisible for Its operatronl lasiweht tise Ontario coding, a farm asscssment was Farm Safety Specialist, las b bthc purcbase the Prime Miîisbcr ap- in British Colu7mbia. wtu l omîiy Food ofc vii ll e moving. roll of a muîicipality, gardiîg the safe removal ofp fasaoaRylCm-9rpnxmaeyoept etobc mt WaetncaeluOrua Thie date ff o tIc ove is ten- The date for receiig ap)-trees. Because of tise danger msinudrte arasi fConln odi itý,ý ssl e wuuking inalca bt-I4 tabhvely se(focJonci 15, aid plications bas been exteidcd;of b alling limbs aid tmcc Chief Justice Bennett witb wide pow- Amenîcans aid is made Up cbicf]y of shup. Aficr afw Pth s V, xvi i lie locatcd ai 234 King frons March 15, 1971 tri ScP- breakage, Mn. Wright ur-ges crs to investigate bbc matter itulhy. AI- cottage lobs at bhc rate oit about 150 lobs openrd. wiiiuw shup aMnd forý ltree as, Bowmanviie rigisi tember 30, 197 1. If you wisl farmers to wcar safcty haist tse etrpr fls Pfe n; bid 1e Medical Building. t0 refuse tihe grant, the chseque and have a second pcrson thoogb 40 per cent ofithbb moncey desig- per year. On Mancb 191h ail saleso th eerp, r1iiiri Ourteephnenumber xiili nay le retorned f0 the Treas- nabin aeclmcgny ated for laid acquisition was used in Ccown laids f or cottages was stopped Ororîo was the lcadrng but-I resi h ae 623-3348 cirrcf Ontario op te Seitem- Make sure nuoie is itise bbe purchase oit Niagara Escacpmie.nitand in bbc future these laids xiii only c 1r FARM TAX RDUCTION ber 30, 1971. iviciîity wheî felinig ti-ces, aid pcopecty, there wece in addition, a be avaîlabie o a icase basis. efie rpiedeceaî,ed byli RO AM -A inomber of The Department of Munici- if trees anc in fence rows, number oit other purchases hogh t10. Drn the îasb four mrsnttis, sea- xvifeEdos i-an1, 19o6p8>e bnllm ave showî up in pal Aftairs lias outiined a sr- watcl for hidden iire aidbrogot Duig ayAp-l1,16 tis pro-,graro-î, su sever1alarn- les of se that xvi lic caried inil.Mr.Wigtaiso soggests tepoic.Svnyarbbctiigsnlepoyetbsbe rvdd Helpvý omtri1N endi-rffishave been niade tu oct as'a resuit of tise ameîd- that wedges should lie uscd as Indiai burial grouîds were pucchased for some 1600 men aid tbe prgoram for' deatir fîve sons, Juniior; ei ' - meust.S ulttle as possible aid that wlen at bbe site oit the Long Sanit Rapids bbc present year will provide sunsmeu, Paye, Jeufh audRonald, sud; 1) Municipal offices iil lie otching or backcuttiîg watcl erRvradhhre r- fc50 tdnseedrglr Donna (is. R.j notiied.fou' dead imis bliat may fali aîlos îenytruh Furrester). ail of Grenu. t2) Rýecords xiii ba search- because of the Irce vibrating. serve bbc mnost extensive mysterious bbe Deparbmenb oit Laids aid Forcsts, ThelueraI serv ice xvas I cd 10 dteÉmîne wrong Cod- Mr. Wriglt'suggests thaI if youp etroglyps (a itorm oft rock wribings) i During bbc fotbcoming fiscal year, bl1d oui Monday, May 31--t, nîgu fee libs mght ai, us a NrtbAmenca, 00 creswerepun h bcDepartment.will spend 77.3 million xithPvBLngufitinig,l [3)Exvii lie caîle arîd tractor to shake the as î ortbeasb ofteroouhaido lars n inx'stmcîb gc wll, n_ý The serv ice xvae hl rorithIc e oDepartment cf Munic'- imbs off. In Ibis way you wviii înieigh Towsi. erate re-venue irom bbc Ontario forcest itreti hoooUtle pal Affains., compete tise job safcly sud at, Geea nsrne 4) Ceàricatior i wll oci-or the saine lime dlean up yourl Twcnby million dollars bas been îndusbry based on lasb yeac's figures of bery. -'aid claqiues wil libe issucd, jlacs. desigîabed for laid acquisition in bbc over 104.3 million dollars bo bbc Ontario Palîbearers wcî e Me- i . liý F-IREanL UOMBL Becausecf tisis process, il EASTERIN BREEDERS departmen's budget for bbc prescît fis- ccoîomy ail 184 million dollars bo bhe M. Mercer, J. C. Tambllyn,i INTRNEis r2asonaible f0 assume that iOPEN flOUSE - Thc Auîsuai cal year aid Ibis hîcludes purchases not fedecal government. Dauîc Foond, Howard WeVod, some isa wil clapse bfr EsenBîeedesOe Hoîrne Floyd Post and William i Contact' xvb wo arc eigbefrtascOe, n ,culy of recreationai park laids but cx- From bbcheabove fautsi i s apînar- oy * crn, liila xii xi lie iseid at EBI. fHead- Ioy HARRY VOERMAN traccve 'tîcir cheque.qa-an nKmivleo tensive acreage as wcll for f isb aid cttattegalotbc eaîsctb 623-111 o 3-90 SAFETY IN -REMOVINGISunday, Jonc 13 Irons 10:30 wiidlîfe managemenb, for reforestabioni providle a continuing combinabion oitf N HES 'R~ 33KN T . DEAD ELM TREES - As ar.t1 '0 .aid for foresb management. Last year, resources dcveiopmcîb, oubdoor necrea- E C ES PAT BO MNILE ianycf ou no , eOft-I You can reat the whoief il hrbc o anicGocnnmeo, blr'ugl th farniy tri barbeue staîhîgîsome 9,000 acres were purccased for ion aiýd qualiby envirnment, cuib omnii hme'c aI 0:0 idthn ist htb these nurposes. cnt wi bbcsocial, economic welb-Cncr'sWneadCee ý,o 0:3 an thn vsitwitPartl, ncî'majiy scheduled fianuds, sec tle bus aid ocli Other înbctrcstîng,- facts r evealie îîg oi the ibctizens oit OntarÎo. is beuîg fer tise spring, bas been de- [serve tise EBI. unit first land duIrlig 1bbc debbe î,icluded the itollow seahîý 1 zed laeduntil Fali, JIack Locke, Scing lise bus fori yonth îi'anc ie commibîce,1 selfr is Ibbc most satisfaconclvmn l cf 'Agifl. ý1ý itd xvaycf riving at cS ag gîclua a eotd F b U icî bus yoî of i î d, we h t'erD a m age H u rts Tcchnology Campus. Adae o' Thur-rla, Octcî- e in your lirecding prograr n Juy 3 Tuesday-Durlaîn iber ï 71ký be tI e oning months. 1 Foc furtisar informati wiornh a cra e C un Y 4f JdigCop-use.__ aDy ftise aliove items contact tise Ontar-io Depatment of iOntar os 1971 ioler wtieatf hat about 3000,<..escia, Agriculture aid Food Offlice inýacreaga las bean redoced liy for, larvest.Tie gvprnornentîj Bewrnanvillc. Ploie nimber is an esîimabed 10 par cen e dîd not condýuet îil usu@l May" Al EYON63-34( ase cf wîîtcr aid sprîng survey thîisya. damsage. LasI year.aco i, ov Mn. K. A. Standingsarre animnt etmls oa DX PREMIUM iWIINS fary-manager of thc Ontaîcreagelhaivf te pwas 35,000 ORiONO UHOCKEY JpIbRAý!W IWat Producers Marketing vwhucl averaged 439 bushls: Hei Riclard. tif thc Monlt- Board relcased resuits of board er acia for a total pouto FE QLcaCaainscccing tIce sunycys wlîclinicate a wîde volume aI 15584,500 bushelý Toro realises; that whîen it corne, t xvinig galat 2 minutes 34 ean nî darnae Tise board officiaI said thati ctï~gas ifrn enehv ___________________________________ scnd c bs tîr pnodi Hfe said reports rnge f tins on thc basîs oftifebIcasI 10 year r-r--asdffrn polehv -- R O W A N V IL L c u s'r M E R S se a s15 o etar bo M c. cl- o w na nil to 50 p an cent a d il îould average yield f 39.6 bu sh csd if e n t e d s z CALL OLLECTwho xasholding tisa lucky appear tha hardest bit aneaspar acre, production weuldiWiçh is w e m kem wc o tickt ad tse xinnr ~wcî'e un Larolifon, Norfolk aid'total about 14.6 million bush-1 'r.etadth inro urn0W ihî why w aem w r o Ask pertorfor 68-341$574.89. Mn, Dçrwi5' kiidiy focn wlicis axperîenc eas ibis ycar. However, if iastl or ial1-68-341gav adontio c s2.ootoabout 14 par cent, 20 parcnt yaar's yields warc repeabcd, the Orono Hockey Meblens. aid 13 pan cent damage ras- production cculd total over 161 ail reasons. 1Ail 1190 tickets 'anc soid, pactivaly. Imiliion busisels. bringing in a total of $1190.00. Mr. Standing said danmage Average productionfrîeN matrhw ncho ho I ti FU E O L Expeises tif the tickets wcne was causad by severai factors past 10 yaar period was 15.9 grass you have to eut, Toro has the CALL US TO-DAY $~~14022. Tise Hockey Moîhers whicl iiciuded soma of tisa million busiscis. i cri ih o e o o.(rm rtr CîNL1 US prfi Ion tsedrxvxviili usuai winterkiil caused bu' Mn. Standing said i dî ih o e o o.(rmrtr FOR PR MPT CO RTEUS EVC sd o okyeuimn mteing ffects cf altIer thon bo bbcexeatiscr darnage -0or bise 1971-72 seasen, soow, ica or water, dî-ying reports, tIare lae licou e- _____ ______ --wînds snd snow moold caused ports tif wleat yclinwing un - by proloniged s9now ccx an. the lasb two oi thrce weeks. In pi-tiiectîng wisab tle dam- Thc condition is caused by.- TO RO > Sage nicans in Itecms oif acres, mosaie vir-us wbich causes yel- Spc Mn. Standing said that based lowiig oftife l owen Icaývrs or iîgM -ron bhcOntanio Depanîment cf tise plants aidres its rnsA comnpact Agiculture and Food officiai cool weather ainpd grxhidrwt estimate tif saedcd acreage lasI Wibh inspnoîed gnwrg"ont-lotr s lu cf 375,000 acres for bbc dilions theý disease nrm--ally I ad brake) Province, Il cou]d lie assumcd disappeans. t -\ pedfo yo, ocd. Throwing your back into something means that maybe you miglit just throw youir back out. That's painlfu and no way te enjoy th.e -nicce things ik life. move or liiftsomething., first test the weight. If you can't lift it easily, get sonie hel. That's self-defence. And it works, for you and - your family, elfdeence. Itworký. Durham Agrilcultutral CalendarI Schedule of visitA t tba-(o, Welcome, at 9:30 a-uj. co areas in .1971 by the' To- June 12, Satu rday Ontaitio baccu Specialist. T11w Sper(-ial- Brk- 'Asoc. Aurcual ist xvi l i ru the ai-caor ei to lie held at Stonýe ]fonday, Tu, 5dd orWcdnos- Fiad FieldLaboratory, Uni- day of te-ktb i .lune 21,ve ii. , G uelph, Guelph, j :JultY 5, .1 u]y 19, Auigiusi 2, Ontl .1 AýugLust 16, Augoýrst 30, Sep,- Joie 1L, Suniday-Eastern tember 13, Breeders Annoal Open flouse Reqoests for fa rm ials from 10:30 - 4:00 p.m. The sliould be made to the Agri- Open flouse xvi le held at c'ultural Office, Bowmanvîlle, E.iB.I. Headquarters in Kempt- by 10 a.m. on Monday of bhc ville. Ontario. week of the vst Definite ,Jone, 15, Tursday'--TlUrf, dates xiii b- îs in the Field Day at the Preston Re-! Toliacco Newsletter. searcli Station. th n Sehedffle oif 4-H1 Meetings June l6th and 7h-O 1 in Durham Courttv bario Swine Brpeders' 'Field! lune 15, Tuesday---Pouitr.y Day at the Livestock Pavilion 1 Club Meeting, -Meeting at Ridgetown Coliege of Agri-j Agi-cultural Office Bowman- cultural Techno]ogy. ville at 7.45 p.rn. Joie 16th - lth Ontarlo Jonc 16, Wednesday--Hope H-orticultural Association Con- Calf Club Meeting at the vention to lie he]d at the Unii- farm of Don Budd, R.R. 1, versity of Windsor, Windsor, Port Hope. Ontario. Jonc 21, Monday-Seior' June 19, Satuiday --Miii- Club Meeting at the faim if brook Agricultura] Fair. Mr. aid Mrs. Raîpli Larmer, ýJonc 20th - 25th-Provinicial RR. 1, Blackstock. 4-H Conference, University oif Junie 22, Tuesday - SouthlGueipli. Durham Dairy Club Meetingl June 23, Wednesday-Jonc at tlic farm of Lawrence Mal- meeting of the Quinte Brarsch colm, R.R. 1, Nestieton. of the Ontario Institute oif Jonc 23, Wednesday-Pony Agrologists. Tour of Corby Club Meeting. Distiller-ies, Corbyville, On- Joie 24, Thursday--Dur- tario. Tour starts at 3:30 p. ham Potato Club Meetrng at Dinner at 6:00 p.m. at the home cof William Farrow, R.R, Four Seasoîs Hotel, il Bay, 2, Newcastle. Bridges Road, Belleville, On- Joie lth aid llth -Alfalfa tarin. Weevil Days xvi le heid at Jonc 27th-29th-4-H Science the liowing locations: Thurs- Seminiar, niesiyof Guelph, day, Jonc 10 -Faim ocf Ra1nph Jonc 2th-3th -Regionai Larmr, i 14miles West ýf ' 4I-I Cifrn.Trenit Uni-ý Biackstork, RR 1~a-~vrix Ptiucn ~toc, at9 50a m ' id' Jr, S9h-3Pth i) op, acdi june,Â-Farm oif Lloyd iKel-Livestock Days at the Ridge-' Ontarsio ydro ennouxeed ý"P proes ast v7eek hat it had decid i1200 it had optioned last fr11 Station There has beeri no announce- Iment on xvherî a gerrerating iî of Darling- i tatiori will bc but, but ciii- oved ini principie sent speculatiorr b.7 il that of Ontario IHydroone vii liebcconstructcd here i generatirrg sUs- wîthîn the nesct five ras h F ro n t C onees- - îon, mnoi cd bliiR ink and secondedTROG aker, was pasied, STATEI)MAN lrng its regularj CL A S IF ILD 8 Hamnpton on May, Phone 623-3303 5'pringtime L y5j REGULATORSWET N 4.65ttpoîhn~sMUTOR VIL CAROIIETORS"AIL SEASON" Foi, -'lcrs MULTIGRADE 19-W-3 12.5 ttxhant ure. Super r cegen- cy. Bulu egiepro- WATER PMPS tetion, 6.98 upexchange U31"TNLAD 7 WESTERN,,) SO AB osBE S :7 PEMIJM' - iioggediy bilt fer tep performance. Superioc 10Io IIW orquliPAIR ' 'IIFErVY-nI5ii" - For ci eticie htiraicains tcas-? tocs, tows ci trriler or r unbîecr iciextreme drrving conditions 'SOASMASTOI" - Stock cnd opnrng coebncrtioos. For tuant- mutu stobîily under ail bord ood rocd condihonu. Alatched uruts replace stocks. PAIR Western Tir& t"& Auto SuppIy $à kING ST.W., PHONE 623-3134 IBOWMAN VULLE I ServiceDept. aid Store Hours I MON., TUES., WED., THIURS-. $ AT.- 8A.M. to 6 PM. -FRIDAY - 8AMtO 9rM. mowers to the finest in Iawn trac- tors.) Whîchever Toro you buy, you can bc sure it wilJ give your grass the very best eut possible. The way we sec it, if you can't find a Toro to suit you, it can mean only one thîng: You don't have a lawn. )ORTSMAN lwer. tractor-type ýseparate clubch I. Three )ward plus reverse. Easy cutlnng hcight adjoistment. Cctlîng withs rf 2mor 32"', 5 or 7 H.P. with optiocial electric start on 7 H.P. Baggînq attachmlerît optional. Why walk ,wn yona ride for as tile s $459.95 TORO LAWN TRACTO RS Torti has the mos-t complets Une oft lawî bractors avanilable. We have 5, 7, 8, 10, and 12 H.P. moedels with cuttnng wndt'ns from 25" to 42" (aIl wibh optîinal bagginq aid a complete line oft attachmeibs). You cen feel eqîbai te aiy grass-cutiîg task wnth a Toro lawî tractor. I-rom $499 .95 -i i s r. a F a TORO FIESTA Mower. New frorn Toro for 1971.' The[ iesta is available in thtree m noels-l19-, 21" and 213elf Prcrpelled. Aul three arc equipped with 4-cycle Brigps & Stratton eognes twlth autoratilo choke), Optional baggrog kit avallable. Prices start as lm! as S119.95 TORO DEALERS INBWMNIL AND AREA W. H. BROWN0JMAR Rolph Hardwqare, FARM EQUIPMENT LQUIPýMEiNT CO. 91 King St. W et 134 King St. Eaat ou Onari Bowmanville BewmanvilleOro- nai 156e PAI R -M