O-ver the Jumps in Great Style The sparfing competionr which wvill ýattract th te most number Of spectatfors l'inthe Trnt lre or a Singleevnwiltkepaehs weekend cat Masport, Naturally, il is the Can-Ain -. the 1971 Labatt's Blue Canaidianë AmericanChallenge Cup -Rce. VOLUME 117' At stake, is a $75,000 purse~ and the reputatian that the Masport, trak~elogstoMcLaren cars.. ,A genitlemarn fnrom ScOtlandÈ Jctckie Stewrart , ji5 out ta nab the one and breakthe other driving a Lola T260. 1Fe has plenty aof competitian. Denis Hulme, Peter Revson,, John Cordts, 'Rager Mcraig, Lothtr' Motch.enbacherto name a f ew. They may. not mean much t same people butthe names to thec approximately 50,000 fans Who wIl crawd into Mosport Sn aiae spoken wiîth areverenice--. iiThe;y are the, racîing grteat, (TR OPAGE TWO), 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, NT, WEDNESDAY, JUNE », 1971 150b Per Copy Attorney General Claims Spadina xpresswa a eis Termed a eliberate Mo to0 ISlow Domin apid Growth IL etro This you.nuitfied rider takes her mount over one, of the jumps during Libert Stabe secon annual Schooling Horse Show on Sunday afternoon. On had orth event wr horses, and riders £rom a wide area, making.the event a getsuccess, ther pictures on page 12. Claimsý No In-centives Offered 'Y pu !fbstold hecucldur- jngItsreclaimeeingon excepion t remake mcle by PonvîcialTreaUr Mr. MciCeough had remark- cd that he feIt the munies- siallties In th~e Oshaw a area were uiwllsîng to make any suggestions on the future form of local goversment they wi-h for this area. Itaeexception to this remark" he said. "For the past two years there has beenj Acceptsosii s Cape llford 1erk Josep Des~ent, owman villeTreasrer nd TauCol lecto sinc lestOctoe 91, ha umitc3hersinton laore tath mgh cyp and to extend theli apprecla- ion for "a job well-done'. They offered their congratu- lations f0 hlm on being ae- eepted for the more reepon- ,ible position of lerk-treas- urer. "I wouldIlike tb th.ank yrn for your assistaiice and co- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) feed- back from t i..aiea go- ing înto the stuà;y" The Oshawa Area Planrlng and Developmnent St ud y %vhîch was intended to desIgn and promote a form of re- gional goveramen for this, a ,avas terminated by mem- ber f ste eutî comit teekond Malth.dI h Mn. MeKend oherconeed t Batimoon dSesng and AtMrookand Mrs. aclWood-, ward wonflt I naeke-a ter er r ade Cbuey on fige seond , onteýndlg fBae LaorseaSo wtBokilu ou te OpenWestenothler e utr, P% almore outhSuuoath At Brookilue, Mr. Wood- ward won 1sf lu file Wes-. ten adde ls, du P i and histe Pys Return Vîsit On Stra vergteLegion Hall was packedto0the doors for an :even- etg ofwisoisasn ombrf the famed Pig and Whistle group rtrndfor thei scon v petrad again presented a great show .This photo sbvis furof those wboetetind taleft to ngt hc Kent wbo Lacted sM., Anita ~cott~ Pe e Gle and Bily Listn. Attractive Lynne Shaw was onj tage, înging :ld5 nihe rý 5h44l'c h'L,~ akn Ontario Attorney Genera1 Allan Lawrence has called thae decision to, hait the Spadinp, Expressway "another logicalý step' in a determined policy by the Davis Government to decentralize îndustry away from the Metro Toronto area, Speaking at the Northum- berland and Durham Warden's dinner held in Yelverton Fri- Red Shield Appeal Needs Your Donationý Don't throw away that envelope front the Red Shield Appeai. if one ended up on rour doorstep, t he canvasser was there but you, weren't. You eau stili make a dona- flon if youwish by mail- Ing it to the local Salvation Army Corps office. Buy a slice of happiness for someone less fortunate than yourselves. day evening, Mr. Lawrence de- cision one of the moves to cried the rapid growth in the attempt to place some green metro area and said that beit around Toronto and slow something must be done to clown growth in the hope that control A., other means will be found to He called th Spad'inaý de- (TURN TO PAGE TWO2) Il you are concerned about maple trees ar:e belng eut trees beîng ctsopped clown in clown and removcd and an- Bowmanvîlle under the au- other 12 are being trimmed spices of the Town Works De- la the current program which partment, the anewer ie you was authorized and approved shouldn't be. by town council on April 19, The trees beîng felled are 1971. either a potentîal hazard in The cor tractor le Kimberley the event if a ,hgh wind, or Valley Landscapi ng and Tîe they are dis3eas.ed, Experts of Toronto. lea i the, word from the Their charge. $1,570, the Twhat eChre Wt'lowest of three tenders, coun- About 35' elm, birch and cil received for the job. The Bowmanvîlle Worke Resuihts hi Grim Baftle ý_For Two Neighbors Two Caearea nei-ghbours beat hlm over tise head. brought a three-year feud ta George Gallinger, age 55, a head yesterday affernoon I of Caearea wae faken to Port In the course of an aigu- Perry H-osptal and freated ment one of the men le ne-j for a deep eut on hie forehead ported ta have giabbecl an and noce. car froin a boat and rushed Hie neighbour. George AI- at the other, proeeeding- (TURN TO PArGE1 TWO) COURAGE Our onchid of the week -goeýs to Mr. and Mrs. James Walch, two schoolteachens from i Dothan, Alabama, who dîopped in, to Garnet9 Gdheen's Handy store on Sunday night for supplies.9 They were in charge of a Girl Scout Troop of 121 young ladies wbo raised over $850 by gatheiing upi litter in their home town, with sponsors contributing4 money for their efforts. The result was a two-week holiday trip in a station wagon and a van through parts of Canada. They tented at Darlington Park overnight and then weîe heading for Quebec. Quite a nesponsibility for thé energetic couple in change, but they seemed to be enjoying ît. t t t t t NO FUNDS - The friendly old Bank of Mont- real appears defermined to haît a practice that if claims had been growiug in the past several, monthes. . the handling of 'dis-honoured cheques'. This would include NSF cheques issued, with, no funds iu an account to cover them and othere such as postdated ones, we suppose. Any- way, as cf June 15th, there will be a service charge of $1.00 for each of these cheques, the bank handies. So, if you are paying by cheque, > please make certain your account hae sufficient funde in if or we'1l have to psy that extra buck. Thanke! If s hould be mentioned that the new procedune probably isn'f unique wifh, the,,B0 Of M. t t f t PAPER -Itshould be noted that Bowmanville Scouts will be ouf in full force this Satunday to pick up waste paper in the town. Please hâve your bundles tied and ouf on the curb brigbt and early, t I t t POSTPONED. - A soggy diamond forced post- ponement et the handball game aset night befween Locke's TV Electrons sud Oshawa Juniors. t. t t t t HOBBIES- This Saturclay, beginnîng at il a.m. Miss Helen, VanDusen and ber associates will be holding an outdoors Hobby Show on her lawn across from Central Public Scbool on Horsey St. and Elgî. She assures us that many of the dispîsys are unique and will be of great intereet to most citîzens, Drop around, if the weatherî s good and take a look at the show this energetic public-spirited lady bas organ- ized ... froin ber wheelchair, SDepartment has agreed f0ë provide equipment to load !h eut-uip tes i hu thEmr offt( hetw ln. f111sste- ohe twM laleplnng eeed bingo lna tmareas wheretre have been removed Change kArrowl As Business Spreads East' The signe pointlng to fhe town's Business Section on Liberty, Street North and South show only one direc- tion wbich touriste should take. Not unnaturally, those in- dustries located la the other~ direction feed they are being snubbed. They want the ar- row to point their way too. Monday evening they pie- sented their case to the town councîl la the form of a petiý tion prepared by Beaver Lumber and sîgned by moet of the companles la the area, Council concurred. It wae unt air. The arrow will be changed. The tourist will now hâve a perplexing decision to make when he reacnes King Street:, whlch way to tura? Manvers Hd.'nors Counties 'arden 1 Popular Manvers Reeve and United Counties Warden Harvey Mîalcolm arnnd ibis wif e Cornne were guests of honor at a Warden's Banqulet held A, h evr ton Chure!h ll on Frîday nig)ht. In the picture above, Mnf. andMr Mlcin hold ~ ~ Oý upgfso oquto e oe nd anatchcsehihwepeend Fridy atYelverfoni C'hurchWa IcoI ig'ht i ýv anversF Towns ip onors re It was Harvey's n.ii ghbt. FrYidayJune 4 th. A time for éHarvey Makijol,, Reeve of. Manvers tons i an Warden of the United Counties If Northumberland and;Dwýuhami They came from fan to honor hlm u--ad join hîm in dinner zat he Yelverton UnitedChurch. Roast heefpte, an assortment of pies prepared by the church ladies. Deliýious fare, country style, PLAN FAREWELL 1RECEPTION Members' of hie parlsh, aud file rest of file com- muuItY Willlbe ilonoriug Fatiler F. K. Malane tille Suuday eat-7 p.m, wlth n public reception af St. Jos- epil's Churcil to bld hlm farewell and offer tileir beet wisiles ou hie franefer to thse paril cof Duoro, Ou- tario. One hundred and seventy- five gueste jainmed iato the hall There were reeves and depufy-reevee from county towne and villages. There were municipal leaders, pasand present- andaseuredly the future foo. 1As the, sua went- down over the church yard 'fence, the temperature la the dinîssg-hal rose . . . and the mosquîtoceS camne out. Iu the back of the (TURN TO ýPAGE TWO) MAN DIES MOWING LAW> A Toronto man, Edwýardz- Moseý Davidson, age 58), àcol- lapsed and died wile mw fiuie lw uns yaf r dence atR.R. 1, lKeu)dal. Mr. Davidsorrwa, pDr ently lu charge « dms sions at theUnvrty f Toronto.. Students Present exican Hat Danceaâ tà.. SENIOR CITIZENS With the tiret Senloý Citizens' Wcek couliug up on June 20th, ifjît.~~ worthwhîle noting that effective îimmodiately there is a new service available to them here. Free grass cutting, gardening, painting, etc. wMl be dou)e by students who will be paid by the MalCaat ls.Te lu youngsters pictured aoe r lcws rmtr oMceeWslk n federal gvrmetsOpportuniies for 'Youth grLade heeadforsudnsa! Ontarîo StreetPbi erikMrhRdnyRbisad oiSles grant audfth c service won't affect your pension. sehl, hwdjeowteMxcnHat aeshudDreiGdyadAdeyDogoeronto The phoýln niber t0 Cal fuir suclisriei eduef hi a~ta n ovstr tedn h'adSsnIerLoaSae n ngBut ~Z~461cS.e hq VO~1t~ ~ sgê OVClê~SChOI'5Sprm ~ eld~4ai£64I ~n 2:à5 LeA. h'__ NUMBER 23 - i si at Reglonc., Gov