18~~~~ ahautndin taemaa owandfeset,22 17 ~WU0 V VU 11IRN; MVU 1- Derek Sidefflus arms~ for help. 1He is forced tei n a Iih i tMospart. Cor- stand anti watcb bbc barrot One Suney.Players gafing on about hlm. - Another atd i ixu. Weite,!ari y W'e marsball, witnessing bbthecrash ùun aur 1toutboaie t froin a position an the t rack ýs liere ain, then iigbt bb bebin thebcambulance, calîs !becue out bystericaliy ta bbe flag- Èbe Form--ula Forts sbsrt gers, "Ret Flag! Red Fla-g! in a, pacýk amaundthbbctrack, Reti Flag!"_ bbc prelude te the big The cars -are stoppet. The ï b A girl cames airer anti crash bînkies ta silence. The id UîSa questiannarie marshal who hati beeni caîl- utrpcîng. "in tdoîng a i-o- îng for bbcei-et flag butas anti rch iudy,' ie explaîns, w îth i-4loak oaI angfuish anid Fi waiks Rasy Dutifully, barrot broýws iu nïbis bauds check offtf bbc qîeinos, in the air snt criéses ul thbb îîngoulycsaui atentionstbilnino, "Oh my Goti, ou axy bbcrac gongon blwu8. Goti, He's been tiecanitatoti -uienutem o i,. acrunrh, He s been tiocaptaet"ý Ial down anti sec a car I laokairer ta my rigbt anti th! mi bc -atai guarti see a marsbali lying proe I!aovebb tunnel leadînglanti notnioving. I approachl o bbtrîmli h car catis hlm cautîaualy. Ho maves onI sa ert angle, bal on slîgbtly. I gîvo a sigb af relief. brckatibif on bbe rail, Gasline pours out anto the ambuanceant sgroup af trazci,. The ambulances ýtank rahil rsb a bin cone. hati spparently, beon sheatet, do weyrni aur ihl-top open in ibc collision witb the -ie point theb corner, Formula Fard racer ,lae rams yeilaw "Anay ona o smokinig keep ~r ntîfmngfrllowmng dri- away frnm bore." a marsball IL abu bcaccident. repeats over anti aver, again *ciijmbicbue fonce ta take e-ppicturos. Snap Ros- LC ng bbc injuret drivr of. aI bbcwreckod ca bae le atoobutac a t anc » op ne ti-e!YAtacet cainesP o - bbcJ -jmrîhali i-unerat t tmg aount thecornr an iBowntanville ie gb School's marah i crrîca back ta senior football teain playeti raiîn H tries agai, sheîr first exhibition gaine of i nievotetiwhe an the b season on Friday, Sept. tran paît Sane aIbbc17tb. Port Hope Seniors pro- rîlnli5revelingta bcvidcd bbe appsition for the Iges t bc orui a sowgaine which waa playeti on vu bc i afîc A ew/ cal the BH.S.back campus. ~e soppti bc aceundT he gaine was a very taugh vvecXge n - cle]eti anti rugged anc but froin a ed- îwar te ceno un- kil paîrt of view was very Sinop theb bbceamun- dsagauz-ianishowed bbc ~bere~ ~ tct, Aneet for consîderably mare Apack af practice. r ete bc o'ne AMat- Bawmanvliles I; ones touc- illokau wd-eî cd anti d-owa wan scoreti byDoug -~oi "Cati bbhey're going Craugh w,.b tanl 45 yards for b-ib us- Look out". I duc.k bbc major on a reverse playý nhrwiny armaaies Dugbok bbc liandoff froîn neknutistuif',inyla- equarterback JoCaruana. On a bîocks ai we )Ï bCh play, Don Sylvester threw entbanknient chaiebb a keyblock taklng out twa moil I boar a crýashI above men. Doug anti .oe sharet hetatsee bbc ambul- thc quarberbackIng duties. :e oie iner bowcrd tbc Port Hope scoredtbhree siag- lîng 1 acramble lower, anti les on punts into bbe end zone Ido -1 hear another crash, wbîcb Bowmanville coacedeti. n tir Wreckaige -sem Alter a great deal af prac- ho flmg evrywh rati tice, b Redmen will play portaim ~ uy scon taagain on Tuestiay, Sept. 28tlh, biiaI-bbcrace cas fly n Dunharton ai 3:30vnt e-- l-e otlguard anti The remaîndor of bhe ache- t beaudeIý ie r alnime, but tub uis as folbowc:, 1 ie acsFn. Oct. 1 - Port Perry at ~ i-narsbslla lu o aer Rowinanviile, 3 -p.nt. raiiagant li couJcheti Wed. Oct, 6 .- Caurtice at citer iteaI e Oe, e- Bowmanviile, 3 p.m. cd.ý Pipneit ite, rail Tues. Oct. 12 .-Bowman- on bc mbuanc issbit-ville at Donovan (Oshawa), tvan avey up a vet o o pmIri ai the sme lime? T-HE NON POLLUTION For epi Tanks - Outhouses ' SUPPLIED TO PROVINCIAL PARKS% SEIPO-CEANdigests4ý paper alid othier 501BIufl cont-en-ts f ec reni bleaches, etc>, Sy5items, Drain eaatallimsSEPTO-CLEAN elumina(ces odor undeir-Ëfreez*itg conditions due to fermentaGtin. Wc bsluel guarantee against punlpingif sytej diggîg fr uthoruses. SPECIAl'L NOTE te htnte ower:SEPTO-CLEAN hs a sei-fed formula tha weok hdloyo are away. YQU CAIN MU SEPTO A - CL' YÎOUR SO ýP tWb MN V1L LEIG A TO0M S & SO0N S 1GA' Bnwý ,vmanille Neweastle PlANlDIEpRM-CREGOR R Haj-dw~re & E1e~Iric Bowmaavilln Phono 622-5774 Hardware Ltd. Bowmanvillo Plions 623-2542 DYKNTRA'S fun 46 Scugog S,, Bowmanville P4, Made ii Bow anvilk .fil- 1h. eople Winners ai ebesoeTournamneni .?JXecreatfon âevleWs eaIv!lb, .2YP Klrkton 2 479 1-1911- Double -Val illiier 1igb Single- Val Millet Che r ere escortedti a it A 8, pfrn by Wayne and i Joan STORE Bis k-burn. Miss Sheryl Asbh-$3 9 bo ton reati the card ta thein. lnwiavilvhbie Tari p esentecd ti-legî is~ tree Eas .tjtalvase anti ma!tchmg shesant i nllow îcasies nt Waye resentedthbbc 7Êt ta om V.rr M M.at ra. I. Graatati ri u 4EA'PF0 ln Bath cou0pes HARDW AREFqO hiei ie comàmunïty for PGRO A OW'. lailornw- LIM-ITED ýonE, 623-.4145 ei wa5-l9 r 1 1 ~ WA~7LES! cR~O ~S Bew anile Ett,5 r t rein g alaE M- goBthAbtn r&. Dan cala-, ronshaw~~etisiewtdn i nt ovlyfowt MIlia&~Ilnand IlGyClazia sent -itltbr tin~g.Ther vcae t 7 A Min'sSwln end Gyn" ill o be ira Referees' andiEenrlasn1 lub will be conductid at the Coaches' rules clin' on Sat- Elao ido of_ gas rIeL oe tht ' îP-ineRidige Schooil from 4:30 urday afternoinSept. 25th, MOIlY HOrstman19 ofts r 6:00 p.m ,two dilsPa week. beginning at 1:00 pm. in the Carol Roberts ~ amul hre nt'Ti will atart or Monday. Town Hall, 40 Temperance Val Millet rilht, completely turneti et 7h.Tefel $.0S.Tnscîi .for the bene-Failli Steadman arunan fcnginte p-~per pers.- 0f it of the Recreation Depart- Sot iecin . Figure Skating ment Hockey League coachesFornean positeinsfr t ,ll deetin Jaathe fatal car and driver stil st1rppei~~~" ~ . RgsrtosfrF and referees.Ja hpl 8 ta bis seat, .\. Skating Club wiIl be hield Mary ]Crkton 1 A Formla Fod lie wrec- * ~ ~ .~. ,,, hroughaut the wekofOt e aFronm ftmula nce ..icý 4th ta the 8th from 83 ,.L le Bessie Forsey 8 and anoher lie acatteeti bIt 5:00 p.m. in the RecreaL- A o,1 bitaor onlle right of the t rack iuto Ofc nte onHl.m Marion Ailread I tae mypîctre t the% ~Classes: MoldyJuniors Bow Wîln ia oaba 7 UPI bh athrcetwr ;'40Ot 5:00 PM. 1Beginnrs l sbll un 7 tho rtun a or en Te ad edStr ;5 O o 00 Sen5eeber 14, 1971 5'ern r 3ley 171 qusinnieha-- fl îini 1' PlJlu tasalrenTeam %taildini Maryas __ 171 rethe a i quetiI'ad -enor dPin railts. Brenda --tephe----170 left ta answer, "What CdoL yolobes 303 a like moat about aclng." it lirn.Patch Sesr n; 0taeomes30 Mcljàold_____ 322 ak noceant 600prrnFrec Skating, 6:00 M_____ 322 4 GM C rSac 1 lonk down at the -ait- ta ls lst acing. on Mon L, uton 32CarSale bulances, the cars and tlie n31457 3 people crowdîngaround the dyOct, 25th adWd.,O t Mutton ----W- 34 3S i Inr~es scene of the accident, and as~ 27th, Registration fee 'L'la 1ShackIeton 2982 3 for residents and $12 for noni- Mle 1 1 do, slowly rip the question- /ilr _. ---- ---34 resid_______ 0 verL st e aire ln two and throw the Hreside a hs etn S tephens ------ --3000 rstY a bers of the barbecue. The A eae ceo eeMin Hocey c1 black ciauda open and it LeageCac hes TngHalwci app 3d gmeAI Ca ndraotora',8d7aNerth ho hedtatthe own Hll a IRinGood 214, 2-l, 303; American aegrcrsn stra ora.Saturday morning, Sept. 250h Shirley Gridon 217; B. ,Par-_August compared with 1'2,398 alke t 0:00 arn. eaawll e, 2e 32, 240; _NCo l 56; a year ago, L. A. Hastings, di- ors D ee t "are, intretd 1in coachi n~~O ~e o Mo gr228, 238; H. B.alianti e rnonth hied 25 selling days 215, Bruce Smith 243; D, both yeara. Sé-lui Bridger 21 ;Ai Cole 316, 211; Commercial v-ehicillensles in 1 L. Adams 204; H. Aiken 304; the manri totalled 3G,120 thüs Mo.Ot18 .Eowmadan-4 is Agu ville At. Central, 3:30 pns c e inin-20,28 SoccelAda A ve0, A ger ar Wel 2forfli Thurs. Oct. 21 - BowmanffFitýcenprd e 3 oi ville at Henry St.,Whîtb Junir-la e-ft F !in l, Ganies 438tr 3 p.m.li hr second gam ofthe on o 3 265 ycar ao 1 ..J un ior finals, Sailins kept:GWîo ~-3 24Clna c ae yG Thurs, Oct. 28 -flenry t iheir playoff hopes alive ý)R ike.-3 226 of Canada, with thi ar at Bowmanville, 3 pl~ yn outc ttoal, A oe . 2 pnîg fgrsFor 1970 Support the Redmenl JimyntvSrnithsan open-ed thle BPartnrir3 21shwinbrces ae ot Please consuit the papr o cr112 for SaIl-lMins iha botJ. ridgr - 2215 Ame ricpsenge ca a school for changes in e, ~ httegaiopraoedNCwe .- ----203162,792 (148,264): oereai pas- dulo or addîtional gaines ani- < .liY11 r U, but cin'tstp. G oals1 no' 1. 3 03'ege, ,25 'i73, At watch ffororato o- Osy rceGborne ad~aAa!m - -----200-cmmercial vhce,3~0 cenlng the junior foobl l Huiuk put Courtîce it , dan teainth lead 2-Î before tbif. 110(6,9) A. ~~Midwi'ay through 'the s-econdc hlaif Dean Knomý coretL Irnuda teraield oeff ln nuhfor ?bl oeGolf Club merncili-tylng marker rm na wln u liglo n 1n, , h i 11-qT-rtreVl wn rýadatic, CourStice lica(titeý ber a fiishthei bîgtounamet aftheseasn, Te tree1op (Iles fainalsa over Solina three rpointsb honhere, front left ta righ,1t, tfllcLadisCaminLynda Flegg, _Men's Chýaomp grass Rau Ashton, low net Tomn Forrestal, hidden hle John Flegg, cjleatt pin of the series, Courtîce needodS T L E On Sunday, September 26, Walter Givens, The day's evep concluded with a deliciaus luncheon proide only ta play for a tie :gaine' the third annual Darlington b the club owners. ta win the series andi the Dar- Soccer, League Tournament _______________________________________ will ho held InlaSalns lrngton gaian hputJi !HOT E gain olwg h ia v "se Pa es Fran s s lina ahead aone ta aothing anti HT E at 12 o'cloc'k noon, thI eonlcondrokUcrt baindoc no shw u inlead. In the second haîf the' frtgieseodganwîlB c W n tide changed as Courtice taok N w O en n begin at, 12:30 ppin.mo rc contrai. Two goals scor-ý N - lat gaie autie s o VUU I~ en B a k v ed by Bruce Osborne bled the! 2nd gaine-%Salun vsSalin 3rdi gamie apte"! y-gaine. The final score2 3rd gaine 14amptoTh'e, tie gaine gives Courticie, 0 E rar, by Terry Baker 1 Lee, Dave Maynlard andi Lou gle, H'arvey Web -liter toppetilte lbague chantpionshlp fouiWO NE The tournianint la round- " rankas Var'czy bouncetijPattersan iai ad nc bit os h. off another fne gaie by driv - po-tints ta two points, rbn Spctaosaewih with thoîr backs against IPatterson tuirneti in a fine ing mn the winning, run wîth __;n___ eomed. Br'ng yaur lnhs1h aibhnti twa greatlgame -At1,ahortstop wilth saine single, Webster scatteretifu and m1ake An a (ern rn f t, pitching performances by t'ar- finie deensvepiss.Terry hîts, walked titres afa ianeiFdDlN I G O N E eWbster in the Men'sBakei rld byc'wtwth hî, i ce in the svnH1 i eki _e, n â> _ Leauefinlslast week, uits. La;rry FWorsey, Denis Mc wrkcd.Willoughby ,ta sed_______________Bowling__ TujesdarIy rngbt, il kF ap ecet crs anid BriinAaagnit si-hit bail, walked two and I oney ? out l4andta0inrraute ta aa 7-2 sîngletýns offlte stag ptchl- fanaed five in taking the de- Neptember 14, 191 shlakîga Wyea po- n f ese. et Wbtr neagBUeSPn It.DINE120StS 23 plti tghtdefensîvýe-,hall n, an even bottr ffîrasitDon Bisbop, IBris raidleyl 1ead Pins 2594 Whyt sTii 3pi li ,, reyWred l an-tpýi sig,haWdy eandecharr ose ieSrewBalla 64 fo310p"mt 1:0~,n leav buebest of sevpea soesl i e ar îlu ya1ensMFees rs dS ets -29 4 2ii do of Whyte's wth Veil as sofifine d euv m anti TerBa,ýY;ker IjirA1ces --- - 2411 i.1ihtbgaine latetifor pîsyo. Wbytea toýok a 1-O leati Wiyte's bits. qOnce agaithileIigh single BOOKINGS NOW AVAIL.ABLE FOR Tuesday night anlitibbc eventh, in" bb first, Frank'i tieti it in 7series was ta resurne at 7 10A Cols ---------------6 -;if neesary, on Thursday nîght bbc Isat of the fourbir anti wcnt lp.m. Tueàday nîght weathe Bernice Partner -40--WEDAING BANQUETS PATE at Moi-r7mal Park. ah cat inl the sîxtb only ta have e rnitting and Will continue MHigh Triple 'l' Tu-stiay'as gaine, H{arvey Whyts's tic it n the top af tiiecil nceassary on Tbursday nigbt liRon Gooti-------9 q Wýe1ster' scatteroti five hita sevnth. The wînninig rua waa îat 7'1 p,.x. Areport a1 Tues- BornicLrý;ltner 62 i el 0Si orBde ov,,er seven innîngs, walked twa acorei byLaPterowhta s gaine wîil iappear else.-1Hididea Score Wi-es'1a and annei th-se n a i ntoffLth iaigwith ;s sin-uwhere'. gaine, JL Woaaer; 211d gie 4 ptching performance. Ho alsoi iýdeti his own cause wîbh fouri bits ia five trips ta the plate, W,,hyte's jumpet inlta a 2-O * leadtinl the first inniag but 'crs-helti scoreless the test' UP? I aItbecway. Frank's led 3-2 go- P R tilîng nto bhe top of the seventb anti rupteti for four ruas ita iit tUi garie out af rosach, Don *rail -A -vae i ,i pwho bas been nlayîngi : gest haillforFIanheambt bwo fer that it had 4hts as titi BriaBradley, an" 4otier stRadouti anti Cbarli bas. Keth Antierson, Woody fere b llliy caustic H Y O is, Tanks andi Tule Beda (h ,ended for at wcek) on contact. Will, work Mra Gardon Werry, Toron- ta: Mr. anti Mrs. Boyti Werryvf or bn, visîbeandrJani Mrs -e O NAMEýiT W E.# HAVE UT!O ,ým ell onstucte, 1 yntn, Bnisit antirJan, Ma- well cnstruted, Lloyd Ashton, Ronald anti Ray., 'resort and cottage o audy__________________________ Mr ussel Ornmîsban, n-l là kîîîen, as . untyevîsi- Duk Seasomi Oplens Sept. 25th à tor with bhe LAshton fanmîly. qu