1Brths ýOY-Brendu (nec Bmagëeg) Douig announce the cbîm-th son, Todd, 'brotlher for 'enD, o etm 15, e-t Memniel,ý Hospital, ýman1vîlle. Speciial Ibunke Dr. Sylvester and nurses Iatemnîl.y Wurd. 38-1 LAS--Nancy. and Bi-il îarns are happy 10 an - ice bbic bîrlh of twîn SShelly e nd Sherry, on day, Seplember 19, 1971, VIemonîal Hospital, Bow- vleSherry was bornat p.,weîgbîng 6 lbs., lyý, t !:24 p.m. t 5 lbs., oze. Happy grandparenls Mr. and Mme, Lawrence ici., Newcastle, M. andi Sidniey Wlliams, VWater- 1, Ontario. Mother and e.ý doîng fine. Speciel kau te Drs. Anfossiad )bard, and -nurses on the emn;ty Floor. 3- Forthcoming Marriagces M.and Mrsn Jack Sturdy, omanvîile, is mtia- riource the forthcomîing mar- riage of their daughter, Bar- barà Jean, to Mr. Neil Chanton Cr Gil on of Mr. anid Mm. Thé marriage ib take place Zat irduy, October 9th, 1971, ïi the BwuivlePente- costa-I Chuirch, 38-1* -RJ Cr t 4PBELL- AI Wellesley riîeh, Tomonto, on Fridey, t.17 , 1 971, Alice Mue pbcl, R.R,ï 2, Orono, egedý yer, beloavcd wïfcof 1 ýII Rus-sel Ca-îrepbehl, dean f cf Bdrid Percy Smith, orneý, Llydmitb, Bow- Lvile. Serviýce ws el inl Morris Funerai Chapel, i-auriille on iMonlday t oc.Intlrment Hump- Ç.O Wý,7ILL--At Osihawa Gen-1 er2 Fospitul, on Thursday, Sent. 16, 19711, Imwîin Morris Co1dvi1, Newcastle, in hîs 6t yeÎrbeloved husband1 of ora owndar fther i oniaidGuei1phi, anid Jum- m NewcaePtle, granidfather awn arid Lisand Service ,pa7 heM hi ,the Morris Fun- eralCh-apeil, Bwmavîleon $at ,rday a.till oc In- ED bLI, 7 !An ey-Onh Monday, Sept. 1, 1971, in ~ maivîledearsitrf ý nipsýon Ave îtorIa .Caunt cofLuc-y (r. ýH- GibsoSi), 23 S- ve-Stf,, ariville, Fl e -,(mrs. cughand the late E.L. Oli[) 0vr an Jack Fîsh er of Scarborough, Private7 Çrr maion. A e ofurl PIC, Bowmnaville Cerne- «o > er imieimber l4th Babt.,1 l'alHospital,Bo aviln 'u Sept. 19, 1971, Gog - f, o 8i Flet! , 11n his year, beled huSband .of , W 'a Geer; de afther of0 Waren.reitcat, the Noth- culit Efllîott Furieral Ho0me. riieral seilvice waz heild;at ô5'dock Tueday atfterioon. Y,, Y ughat PrtLHopLe 6n Suduv, ept.19, 1971. _Jugh Kelly oif 2', LîbcrtyS ,S. is 6th year, bejlovedý lu band of Ele-Je htne rlear father- of -Ralph and Wehnf-th. Resbed e-t 7No(rthcutb 'Ellott Fucra-1 JHome. Fun- eral service weheld t 33 pçgkTueeduîy afternon. SlmeentBomnvle e MeCLLOH -At Mcm- c ril Ho,-spita1.,7owmanvile, Wedcay, Sept.1 22, 19,;l Eda>ShlirnanMcCll'c ilieu 87û,hycar.i, ormnerly of ýtratb1avený Nursing Homer w 0 f tbe late HerrtM- ýýCullvch, Tronûto, dlear aunt )f rta M i Sm-Pen- touvd), R-R. 4, Ohwu eet - h-1-rt the Mrris ýFuneral Chael, Bomarvîle orser- vice on Frîduy at, 2 o'clock. Tntermment Pîne 1Huis -,Cere- teryý,Toro11to. No cuplvis- ftior iuntîl Frîday nooýn a lerth1Y ilî[nese ýAt the FIridry 1lcre 1 Numi îng Holme, SrtioOntario, ~ept 1, 171 Caa MFar- 4~n, fmnîrlyof Peter-bor- Vuga Elpoved wf of the lateAridr-wT\Me ek . flu niotilem of Georgeý, Bowkmant 111,Funîemulwas el e t Kay -Memorial Chape-LPe-1 eýrborou-gh on IMondlay t 1:30 PerGonal ~aampcs $,00.Mail 0Ordr De~pt. T-2Î3. Nov-Embber C. Box 51, H1iltot. Ont. 1-52 -Nursing Hm ACCOMMODATIONavlue for uLp 'r Jed patients. Re- orale rates,. l'pySot en m4~ingHcme, Ne-ý p5icmth1o9741 lt 1 in memorldm ory of J. Arthur who paeeý,ed eway -Ever rreembcrcd and fumily. WILSON- la loving of a dear husbaad sa Davîi A. Wilson, w eDd awýay so suciden] 27, 1966. Swcet mmrswl Time cannoi chari it's truc Years that may cor Ouir lovîng renq -Wife -Ru-th and fa For Renî HÏEAT,ýED ApDIf,-2 600 SQ. FI.heb office sepece. Caîl 68 SIX rooümed ; artry, traily lclehea 3396. UPSTAIS puta Capl63-51 ROOM ila bachelor F bouse, ah convenue week. Phone 623-3 ONE bcdnoomý baseniy! ment, Oct, 1, swu young couple. Phonii THREE bcdroom 1hc nishedl or un)fumiel3h able Nov. 1. Phione THREE bedroom- and fîve acres on rn Garden Hill ara01 5423.. NORTH end, four *nrer cen.-hon1t nr HEATED apartme: an d stove, centra on-ly>. Apply Statesn 66 KI-rlW. ONE basemernnt fù,u Lepurtmocat, suibable, pie. Phone 623-2741 able Oct. 1! TrHREE room eapant lobr lst pos'session, tbly-,. PeterKou THREE bedroon, lbi central. lirnmie(dit( Sion. $150 rnonthl. Pê al Jr., Reultor, 6;23- uppreciatian tb Irientis andi Sp.2,relativeq for thein visite,1 St Joeep's Turkey Sup- cadflowcrs3 and gifle cýent per, September 26. Sîttings, by wrfe me while in Memorial Hons 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Aduls 18l pilai inri2t aI home. Sp(chul $2,00, chiidren $1. Tickets may thneto 'Dr. H B. Rnl, epurchaeed from Mme., B. ~~~Îr mcoynrssademnAt,ayne 623-2697, Mme. Heenua md c fathen flor ta1ffon sui gici.l1 728-3239, Mme. C harlead1 ano pues- ýr983-9219. 36-31 ly sept. Bert Stu.plebon. I j i ire5 years of age C 38-P 'aund up une invifed 10 atte-ndlý III linger Fiu igtBbe colb- T wold ike t than myginniingn ew season on (Oct.! ge thmneighbors,frlends an a milv 1, 7 p.n. t thc Rehobotb for Vtheir visiteý, orsand hnsîunReformcd Church,1 -ne canaIflowrr-S, as gfdungrny Sugog$S. For transportation, îcbrnei.Aeatuhî RRe 23-7107. 3-2 HRayne, Dr, p er, D.Mko Western Square Dances and îmil. ad D. Cunînbam an~Modemn 10 be b'chd aI Cedar 38-1~1nurses.!A1specia hnkst t. Cammunily Centre, Osb- iy eier Bette for bier help, awa, everySuudyseln Lt ane lîdraci Octoben 91h, with Northcmn i384 Ramblers. Admission $3,501 bedroni. pr couple. Lunch Bar. Spon- 38-isi~el~n exress ounsored by0ILavigfle Back IIoe ehrký nd apprecia-- - l mopmn tnbreatfýives, friends and Attention ail womcn! Dm. 23-664 onaniutinsfor kindaese, R. F. Beckett, Gynaecohogisb 38~* eprssinsof sympuîhy and from Oshawa will speuk on fl traibutes et bbc lime of "What every woman wants 10 riepnt, c en-loun 'recent bereavement in know" la, Triniîy Church Hall, ted.ý 623 bb lose aof a deur father "and Bowmanville, on Wedneeduy, 7,9-1 grandfathen. Special thanks Octoben 61h at 8 p.m., spon- _to Rev. Gracie,' Morris Fun- sored by tbc Bowmaaville Let pn-"eai Chapel, Medical, and Unit of bbc Canadian Cancer Cbuîrch. Numeîng Staff, Oshawa Gen- Society. 37-3 -8~ miHospital. aipartiment The fumily of the hae Pre-Natal Chasses for Bow-1 ec,$151 Joseph Cbild- manville and District, Tues-' 101.~ 36t 8- day. Oct. 51h, 7:30 10 9:30 P,1m. ________________ held et Nurses' Res,,idenice, cnt apant-- i- i eorial Hospital,Bo a- luabie -for Comîing Events j vilîîe. Anyone intemeste 1diila c- 621ý3-54123. LogSeh Cu u rke-- -- aîendiag please Phone Heu- o jc u- jupper, Nov. 6.) Watcbfor buton-Kawarthu-Pine Ridge ted avu- urter ambculme, 38-1 District Healtb Unit. Phone ____________ ____ -623-2511.. 37-3f 237î808. Bocot Paper Drive,- 2 e. et 25. Pieuse have The Cunadiani Club aI Wet ârpbue id n oi b y 8 .mi 38-1 Durham will hold ils opcning nuii roai, ounby -meeting of bbc 1971-72 ceasan .nai1ý&iWestern fi ance, ln Trînity Church School )rono93Mîbok Leg-ion Hjall, Sut., Auditorium Moaduay, Scplem- 38 -SPt. Mscby FVy Ad- ber 271h aI 8:15 p.m. Han. bedoon ais ndCouintmy ue Dan- Michael Slarn wIll speak on uiî cine ng9 ï10 i. 3-1 I"Citizenship". Season mcm- que oclock Nec=ele_ UCW -Tu -eybensbi-o available from Mm. 38- Super Noembr , sîlîgeW. Pring 623-5020, on ut doon, nt, fridgeut 5, 6 andi 7. Adulte $2ýü,0 50 Igeaut 1sue ai, adïulte Cildlrcn 10.For tickets_____8I ian ODffice, pbone 98-517 allter 5. 38-1 WOODVIEW 3-fNewcustle Hïorticulil'ai.l-o COM1IUNITY CENTRE 1 rnîsh;led clcy Fai Shw.sept.,2 MONSTER BINGO fo 1m-1971, 8 .0nim.Exhibîts m ruet bel XVX MONAY menîloOc- J, rsesl ler Kow- 38-h NE b e d om prtnt cenitrahhy located,$15mn tyinclides fnticige-, staveý and ail s;erviceýs. Cail 623- 597L. 38-1 hous e lctdinBom - Iville. sutable for couple o wiLli onle child, $1215 tmonthly. AaabeOct. 1, 576-1904. i rBOWMNILE -Modern apaîmet.Four roýome and' bath. Free parking. , cable tele-1 'visin, hcated". ApyCash- i înýde1,r. nd Co., Real Estate and usiess evelopers, 18 ýDi- flOUSE la Bowmanv:l j oy a hoime lan park-i nig. Tw erybri too,wtbdiîaVom- Mie, abo gnounlds in ed, snow remoa, uIcl, Ent- iike scît- cebc-. steged bebwecn 6 and i 7 p, ýM. ýBilhHrnol pekr Kijrby United Cuc n lnvencsary will be held on Sunde, Sept26,t 9:45 r.m- Guet speaker, MI r emhdVW Hofsetber,B..ofJe- ville. Mme.Morsgutsl- Tour to Holy Land, ý Athens and B ome 21 DA 111S TConduicteti - Ail Inclusive Departing Nov. 4/71. For itinerary anti full tietails i Write or Telephone ALFRED ALLIN Creighton & Pearce TRAVEL SEýýRVICE L1TD. THORNHILL, ONTARIO Wanrted to Renit 7:45 pm Kinsmen Communitr Centrel 109 Coiborne St. W. OSHAWA EVENING CLASSES BOWNMANVILLE 111GH SCHOOL vean Classes wilh be offemed in Sewing, AmI,' iLea.themruft, Woodwonîng-, Typing, Ladies' Gym ed ,acudemic subýjecte if registr- lion is suffîcienl. Classes .be g..in the week of Oclober 4 1971. Regisîration wilh takep place ut the HighSehoo, Sept. 22 and Sept., 23 u t 7:00 pm, 37-21 uper, aIlrin good cýondition; say s kcabes, size 1, $5.00. Phone 987-4-539. TYPEW-RITERS, cdrcle cash registeres, de hie Discount price. Openi Tu esý- day, WeVrdnesday,, Tbunisday. Bihl HmtnBrooklin 655417,9.29t PICIIK VOUE OWN Fresh Vegetables Fred Eyman Farm COURTICE! from Hlighway 2 take 1Sth Uine north 1 block, turun right1 33-8 HO00VER Appliances - Visit aur showroom and inspeet bbc c mplete line of Hoover Pro- duels, Sec bhc exciting Hoov- em Washe-Spin-Drycr in ac- tion. Oshawa Hoover Centre. We crry a complete ine of replacement parte for ehl Hoover Products, 344 King St. W., Oshawa, Phonie 579-1161. 16-tf Fantastic Savings 1971 anti 197t SKI-DOOS anti SKI-DOO Clothing DAVIS MAýRI-NE 617 King St.E. 728-5681 _____ 384 ANDREWS TV TOWERS and ANTENNAS INSTALLE» AT Low Rates ALSO SPECIAL ON Colour Systems Phone 623-2006 or 723-5198 L4-t *Dutch Imported Bulbs TULIFS $L.00 doz. also Crocus, "Darfffodle Hyucinths, Sotrps nc Paperwhlites. CARNATION FLOWER SHOP USE» TRACTORS, International 8414 Diesel wlth 3-point hitch1 $1995 ýSC 1: ý ý -T- E- - T T. DR-- atame scufflens', one nn COLOUR TOUR ALGONQUIN 1PARK OCTOBER 2 THANKSGIVING SYRACUSE, N.Y. OCTOBER 9 - Il For Resenvations Fermal Super "C"> two row scufflers --- -. --$ 89-i F'ond 8N Recondiioneti 750 International W4 ----- $ 595 HReuvy Duty Ferm T-RAILER 8' x 16S' platform -$195 USE» SNOWMOBILES 1970 Sua-Jet, 18 b.p. $ 425 I),gr STABLE wih core land.'C LM RTO R J-MWAR EQUIPMENT CO. valbe725-5752. 38- K ing St. E. - Bowmanviliel nhehon YUNGcoplewat t rent 6qý23-3265 or G23-3093I Phone 623-5689 Z34 ilu Orano area. 26Cà-2569. 3&-1"' 36-34 38-1 bo any person wbose asese- Registered, eti opand-f o maen nthje compluaedof o Polled Herefords laterthath197 tda1o young Bulle - qualifieti on teýst A., H. Jobnson, DURHAMFARMS Regional Regitrar, DURHNI PRMS Assesemeal Revîew Court, CÇoneesloil 9, CLARRE wp 405 George St. S., West Of 1l,. Phoýne 983-51,91 Peterborough, Ontario. 36 -63- Notice___ THE, CORPOR1ATLION Ut' THE'TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the elosig of the south part cf the originel roati allowance between Lots 16 anti 17 in the Sth Concession of the Township of parlington anti pnoviding for the sale thereof te bbc abntting ownerd, NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN thet the Counicil of the iCorporation of the.'Township of Danliaigton et its negular couac11 meeting te be belti on Fritay,. the lSth day of Ocbober, 1971, et the Council Chamibers in the Township Hall et Hamp- bon et, 1:00 p.m. or anytime, thereefter will consider passingi a by-law te stop up anti close ail that part of bhe original roati nllowance between Lots 16 anti 17 lu the Stb concession of the Township of Darlingtou miuning 1075.1 led northerly f romt 1he Concession roati between Concessions 7 anti 8 10 the Inter- Section of saiti original roati allowancc wîth County Roati 57 asý sbown on depositeti Plan N14317. NOTICE 15 ALSO HEREBY ,GIVEN ll4et bbc Couneil Wf the Corporation of 1he Township, of Darlington proposes ut tbe saute me.eti-ng by the afonesaiti by-luw 10 authonize the sýale of bbcheiisfl toppedi up parts cf bbc o riginal moud allow-1 aueces tb bbcabutting owners. The propoeti by-law anti plan showing the lends affecteti may be seeu ln my offices ln bhc Township Hall. The Council iil heur lu pereon, on by bis or hem coneagent orslctr2ny person 'who dtaims that hi,,- ori her lande will b. pnejuiieiaiiy affecteti by tbc salti by-lew anti who applies to be bearti. DATED this 14th day o-f Septemben, 1971. Walter E. Ruade, Clerk. 38-4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON NOTICE 0F ]BY-LAW conceming bbc closîug cf thut part of bbýc olti Station Roati ruaaing tbmough the tasI baîf of Lot 23nti Lot 24 in bhe Broken Front Cloncessionn of bbc Tou ship of Damlington, provitiing for bbc sale theneof te thc ebuttia.g ownens. NOTICE 15 HEREBgY GIVEN Ibet tbe Couneil of 1he Corporation cf bbc Town-shiip of Derlington et its regulur concil meeting te bbeltriîounFriday, thec15(hb day of Octoben, 1971, ut 1he Council Chembers lu bbc To-wnshîlip Haill ut Ilup- bo(,knaet 1:00 pm. or anytime thereaftem wvill conrsider pusingi e by-law 10 stop up anti close that part of oglti Staýtion Roatiý beiug 33 leed lu width anti mnnfing vwebeniy fro nmhb.c est limit of Sbh street as sbowvn on nregistemeti plan number 97 bhrough the west baif of LoI 23 ,ýanti Lot 24, la bbc Broken Front, Concessioncf the Toiwship cf Daïlingb-;on for a distance !of epproximutely 1980 f..t being -morc particularly tiescribeti iu instrument numben 11779 regisereti on the 301h day of April, 1917.> NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN Ibat tbe CounciV of tbe Corporation cf bbc Township of Danlington proposes nt bbc sainie meeting by bhc a! oreuaiti by-law to authorize bbc sale o! 1he suiti sboppeti up part cf Station Roadti tec abut- ing ownerd. The proposeti by-law anti 'plan -shýowing, the lantis affectei may be seen lu m7 offices in bbe Township Hall. The Council will heur lu person> or by bis or bier Coneagent or solicitor, anuy persan -wb'o caims that bisor b er lantis will bc prejudicielly aiffecteti by bhe saiti by-law, anti who epplies to be beenti. DATED Ibis 141h day cf Septemben', 1971, Walter E. Rundie, Clerký.i J Pets COLLIE pups frcee. Phone Orono 983-5292. 38-1 REGISTERED Collie pups for sale, sable and white,' 7 weeksý olci. Call 576-0837. 38-1 DOG Meat, beef, fresh frozen, eut, 18e lb. Modern, heated boarding. Havelberg Training corner Tauntoni Road and 1{igh- School, 0 r o n o. 1-983-5016, way 115. 2-tf Wanted to Buy- MI& LALO T DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:b30 p.m. 623-3303 -Il BOUGHEN- Ia ioving mm omy of a dean husbani and futher who passcd awuy Sept. 12, 1956. If we 'could have one life- tie wieh, ', One dream thel could corne true. We'd pmay bo God, witb ahI our heurts For yestcrday and you. - Alwuye rcmembered byý wffe Alice, and family. 38,-1 FERGUSON--nlaloving me- mory of a dean fether, Wîl- bert J. (Bert) Ferguson, who passed ewuy September 24, 1966. His niemony is us dean today As in the boum he pasecd away. - Alwaye rcemembemed by deugbtem Elve and son-in- law Bruce. 3871 HAMILTONJ- an lovîng me- mory of a deur, faîber andi grundfather George Hamilton, wbo paesed awey Sept, 25, 1962, 'Tis sweet bo know- we'll mccl again,, Where troubles are no more And thet bhe one we lo-ved 1 so well Hue jusl gone on before. .-Always rcmcmbered by the family. LARGý- Ia loving niemory 0f a dean brother and uncleý Walter Glenn (Beeno) Large, Whbo passed' eway Sep tember 21, 1969». We shah rememben wbilc the lîghb lîves yet And inbbc darknese, we shaîl not forget. i.Ssten Fernanad Ted and Suzanne. 38-1 LINTON-In hoving memory of a beloveci son and brother Allen Gordon, euddenly, as a recuit 0f an accident, Sept. 21, 1969, elso hie frienci Larry' Dunn. We do nol nced aspetîal day To bing you bo our inimd, For bbc days we do riot thîik Sof you, Are ver-y bard to finci. -Dearly loved and -,adlY mnissed by Mom, Dad, 3isterre and Brothers. 38-1 Cards of Thns Coming Events Article o Sale Articles f--or Sa-cle Notices We wish 10 express our sîn-1 Color To ur to Algonquin CHINCHILLAS a-nd ags SCREENED loumn, pickup or Newcastle Sulvage on High- ceme eppreclabion 10 the many Park and Santu's Village, Phonie 263-25173. 3-M ildlvr 2-42 7- a ,es fNwatewl friends and relatives for their Sunday, October 3rd. Phone - --1 -_ accept stoves. fridges, appli- expressions of sympathy and!885-2527 or 885-,5020. 37-2 WINTER potatoe for, sale. WATR or al and derliver-' on other hclp durng aur recentPhone Hampton 26-37 e d. Caîl Cliff Pcbhick 623,-2313 ne n asa adMn 38- 29tfday bbrough Saturday for othe________________________2_9____f disposai oniy. 987-4741. 38-2 sud bercavement. Dancing' starts again atý __ _________ Mr. and Mme, James, ola Hall on September 251 -iI Woodward. 38- îs[ with The Country Raînbow TWO tractor tires 9.24, oneý Cars for Sale 9Tepset pea big Orchestra. Everyone welcme good as- new. Put white, Th.R. ___pea bin 4. ______ 81 1970 SKIDOO, 26 h.p. TNT, matie in Bowmaîîville under T would' ike to thak m - - 84 -_____- $600, SkiDoo raîler $65. 92 Chrîstian R eeo rdt Braille freds eiho. n 1 rl-Kthnr ad Wtro VISCOUNT wringer waslebeî, Duke St., Bowmanville. 38-1 Foundation, 1870 Ferutiale tieforîhbon vsitandsel- icee n aclogooci condition, used six ycare,.., ctoiBCintcn tivs fr hei viit, crd, Tour, Saturday, Oct. 16. Stops Phone 263-2185. 38-l1'65 PONTIAC sedan, certi- R. itra .. sntcn flowers ý;nd gifle duinig mylat Market and Woollen Mills. ferdo oo iess necteci in uny way with the meen sayetDr Rdd Hs lPhone 885-2527 or 885-5020, STUDEBAKER Srie newv or bcdt offer. Phone 576-4724 anulfmpioorteCn pîtlWhiby ard he in- Rowe Tours. 37-2 andi useci parts, Graham's after 5 p.m. -38-1 teaindNatona nsiut o nees since my vretum home, - . Garage. 1-416-263-2233. 19-tf -- -teBlnit ehelti startiug Shirley Pollard, Thankegiving Weekend in- DUNE Buggy, completely f in- October 18. 38-1, 38-1 Boston, Cape Cod and Lake 130 ACRES bard coma, 3 miles ishcd, emeralci green body, Placid.' Oct. 8-il. Telephone north of Tyrone. Phone Arcu 1500 c.c., VW. enigine, many 1 woul d lîke te express My 885-2527 or 372-5279, Rowe Code 519446-2519. 35-4*' extrus, over $1,250 invested, Interesteti in the Ontario sincere thunke te all my Tours, Port Hope.__- .37-2 CASE forage blower wibh long aeking $850. Culi 416-349-. Election? friende and relatives who sent Seil-EeyStra trougb, 50 tedt pipe and bood. 2689 afler 5 p.m. 38-2 If you would i lke to work me carde, flowcrs and 1gifts on Snigt-lbb Febad isPoe 8-52 Nwovle my 3ri irtda, lsototh nghtAl te Fshan ChDPhne786,212 35-bfile Livestock For Sale with DOUG MOFFATT anti __7__ _ __ ___________ -___ New Democrats Cali Fuiooer .of bbcf onth 2nd Ars Restaurant. Open seven 99SO E,1½ o .HIOLSTEIN. bull calves, 25- Bowanil cr awee. 0-t Ie'l scod mchne Set 00 bs, lsofedercos,623-4454 or 2632543j Memorlal Hospital. 2 alscrt ieabn. et140ay. lo edr os W. E. (Bert) Stevens. RbkhLdenySl, j ust rebuilb,. Phone 6231-5045. Phone Allen J. Werry 263-8412. TODAY 38-l' Seplember 24, 2:30 p.m., Ce 313-638- tennial Hall, Queen St. Hom'e OVERHEAD garage door, 6 iFEMALE pony,, colt, five Maýiny thaanke o friende and baking and Aflemnoon Tea. f1. 6 la. x 8 ft., ai] hardware, months old, good aurd aloLdis1Auxil- Dra w, 8 ______ 37- $40. Newcastle 987-4636. Reply' to Diainne stevens, ASSESSMENT APPEALS irlaftives al Lades8 .m Le-___--39-1 Gien Ru5e Farn.623-3090. uiîaîy 0 gion, S-enior Cibizene Club, The Excelsior Choir witl1 a R -G-RAi- ---- - us- _'Il38 ownhip 0 a nverso Pub Cab edstfuaoD very special group, wîll gve ____RT1ý, 2 vsh Twsipo avr Anfossi and D r. Sproull aend ane-a]CncrTw acie$5Bone ui-BOARDINýGfohorss,6 boxiThe assesement rol may bel nurses on ilst Floor for their HlBowman ville, Oct. 22 formi size 14, complete :ý7.stalle, ligbited ring, $30 )Mon-jinspected dur i n g business1 ver y special came. and 23, 1971, Wabch for more Phone 623-7429. 38-1 îhîly. Taunton Stables in boums, t the municipal of-' Ada M. Butler. details. 38-2RGI oa nulation: 1",Hampton, cî flr6 63- _ies lctdu ehny, On- 38- OkobrfetKitheter o 4' x 8' eheets $1,60, 3/4" 4' X 8'ý2969. 381terio. 3- koefsKthnronsheets $1,20, ~ 4' x 8' sheele Any compiaint with respec-ti Salumday, October 9th. Tick- 80,. Caîl Port Pery 985-7777.!TWý,O egistered polied Hleýe.-ito an assessment on the as- The fumily of ithe late' etc available for Gala Bu- 36-3 ord1 bulle, one 4 year o](d, sesement moll may be brougbt Irwin Colwill )f Newcestle vaîlan Party. Phone 885-2527 one 29 year oid. Ajpply Tysn., AssmntRve would like to express their on 372-5279, Rowe Tours, OIL' Cook Slave, high back Ranch, R.R. 1, Nwovls Court pursuant to Section 1)2ý sinceme, thanke ta Iheir friends, Port Hope. 37-2 oven, elcctric fan, pipes, 786-2927. _______ 38- 10f The Assesement Act, RSO relatives and acquaintancý-es -'-- white enamel, côst $300, ask- for Iheir many expressions of Register Now! for Ried Cross ing $75. Phone 623-5998. IF you are buying or selling 1970, c.32 as amended by Sec- kîndaes and eympabby and Home Nursing Course, Wed- 38-2* lvestock of any klnd, cal] lion 10 of The Assesementý fo onton o b Cndinnesduy evenings 7:30 to 9:30--- -.- Ivan Johnson & Sons, Live. Amendment Act, 1971. Canr onainetheurin Ibir sturting October 6th, 28 14') GLENDALE bouse trailer, stock Dealers and order buy-j Not ices of Complaint musti recent ced and sudden be- Division St.,,Bowmanville sîcp t 6, eellentconi, crs, R.R. 1, Bailieboro. Phone betme oran wrting cieb raeet Pieuse ceuh 623-3929. 3-4extras. muet besold.Owner705-939-6855. 4-tf eîi ro tn viul neavement.____ ar__________________________ at bbc Municipal Offices. Maple Grove Turkey Sup- 3777. 38-2 ýREGISTERED Polled' Here- For purposes of identificu-ý Heanîfeit Ihanks are cx- per, Ocbober 2nd, ia C. E. Hall. MOFATed iplciyAp or ble fsevîebl ge ion, please include youir lended 10 my wondcnful nur- Sittinge 5 and 6:30 p.m. Adulte s a e Hovt Pouî. uhfeAn efrac. ae ad pstlades ses, on third floor 0of Memor- $225, children under 12, $1. Largi- ecin0fnwchoeCalufler 5 and on Satur- and the reason(s) for coin- ial Hospital,, Dm. Sylvester, For tickets, call Mme. W. H. suie sefPuddy'sofMurke HaMp- daye, R. G. Wolfe, Black- plaint. If possible, note also Dr. Hubbamd, Mrs. Meachin, Brown, 623-2610; Mme. H. stn. Phone 263-2241, 18-f stock, 987-4447. 37-2" the assessment roll number, strong, room mate-and many -N EW an dLUsecr Perte for CHINCHILLA:Wilcl0%heseladrs, one- pharmecikesElizbeth ArmsBredle, 623-3108.d of 23 for $1200 or ion........nmbers, and the others %who nmade rmy say 'in M , an Ran5goffeWashcrs, Drycre 0f herd afaloty n wi h hospital, worthwhile. G'o d MONSTER BINGO jailmae PdysAppl-bc sfr eson b ak emuniplty n bîcb bbcn i Blese you ahl. THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. unce Parte Lîci., M44 King St. complete pos sessio n ond ame- pmoerd ne omliti Lorraine ,Coty, Sponsoreti by W., Oshawa. Phione 57.9-1332. ni üqbilitie. This l noya i Nuted.f'Crplit Oshaw Minr Sotbul ____________ 18-b gelrich quick echeme. Only 1n oieo opan 181________ -ahs ih, intcgriby pieuse shall be m(- saaMnû otalýýjailed by ordinury T w hta xpess laer JUBILEE PrAVILION NAVY Genidron. carnïageý, coni- apy.TlhneWh a78- mai] to the Regional Regî s- 0osHMA W A 30t!{verts tastojlrwhit rb4694 la evcning. 38-1 tramnmdblw nl mattress. Tolli addit~1ion, hv registered mai , 1, -lï STRAW. Call bctween 8 andl 9p.m., 263-2305. 38-1 ONE row potato diggcr, horse drawn or PTO. Phone 263- 2056. ___ 38-1 GROUPS intemesteci in uscd clothing andi reg drives. Cali 987-4741, for information. RED Cloyer and Timolhy seed.ý PIease bming in sample. Top prices paid. Carnation Seed Store, 33 Division, 623- 5577, 38-If PAYING $7 each for old alunmiuni tokens îssued by ,W. Glover's Bus Line,- Bow- manville. Write Pilgrim Coin Gullemies, lac., Box 16, Stougb- ton, Mass. 02072 U.S.A. 37-5 APPLE GROWERS ýAqain'Buying JUICE APPLES lu large volume et Frm luinbulk. Cash basis. Pieuse contact early. RAYMOND INCH 416-753-2246 38-2 Lost SET of car keys. Finder pieuse caîl 623-2254. 38-1l BLACK Labrador, lost Set-ý urday l8th, fmom Bumketon,; Enniskillea. Answere 10 nume of Blue. Reward. Caîl 263-1 2975. 38-i Help Wanteêd M. J. HOBBS SENIOR PUBLIC Fuill ime teacher aide vos- ition for M. J. Hobbs Senior Publie Sehool. Apply to E.,S TAYLOR, Principal M. J. HOBBS SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL Hampton, Ont, 38-1 Northumnberlndianti Durham County Board of Education ORLONO PUBLIC SOHOOL PRIMARY TEACHER REQUIRED for Orono Publie Sehool with tiemonstrateti abillty lu vo-. cal music. iEmployment to begin Octo- ber let. Aiîply in wniting ta Douglas Moffatt PRINCIPAL Box 30, orone- 38-1 FEMALE DININGROOM WAITRESSES 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. ExLcellent gratuity potential, benefits ALSO NIGHT, CAFETÉRIA CASHIER Please phone for appointment between, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN 623-3373 SALESMAN WANTED! U-nîlîniteti oppartunity for ani ambitious man to cati on stockmen lu the district sel,- ,n wel-kn -nApr 4.es-# Hielp Wanted EXPERIENCED help for dairy; farm. 623-7620. 38-i CLEANING lady for /g day a. week. Phone 623-2865 after 4:30.3- REGISTERED nurÈing assist- ant, full time. South Haveri Nursing Home, 987 -4441L FULL and part-time waitress- es, wanted. Apply Voyageur Restaurant, 401 and Wa',verlev Road, 7. APPLE pickers, full or part- time. Apply E. Mostert, No. 2 Highway, Newcastle, first farm south-east of narrow suIbvay. 37-2 E «A-P R N extra money for Christmas by selling Sarah Coventry, Jewellery. F re e samples and training, 110 de- livery or collecting. For ini- formation cail 623-2677.38 IMMEDIATE pning for fuli-time cxperienced legal secretary. Reply in ýwritingý stating qualifications and e- perierîce to Barber and Kell,, P.O. Box 159, Bowmanville. 37-lT FULL TIME waitress with some kitchen experience, mu§t be '18 years or oldr; also stu- dent to work gasol!iie puniiios part tinie. Telephone Oroilp 983-50944. 3- BEAUTY Consultant Traincees needed in this area. FuWl time, part-time or your time. For information and initer- view please reply to, Adveiý. tiser 233, c/o The Canad!iar1 Statesman. P.O. Box 10h Éowvmanvi'lle. 3-i ' VOLUNTEER sewers anrd kit-i ters needed to complete Red Cross Disaster Relief clothing. Ail materials supplied. Worlt room 28 Division St., Bow- manville, open Fridays 1:3t) p.m. to 3:30 p.m., or Cali 623-2639 or 983-5291. 37-2 RELIABLE maàn, pmepferabiy with some knowledge of apple industry, requimed by Dumharfn Growers Co-operative Stomagýz Ltd., Newcastle, Ontario. The man we require shul b capable of advancingý to _Marf ,ager. Apply ln writing b:q HaodWatson, Vice Presi-'" dent, R.R. 6. Bowmanilf&l. Phone 62-5893. 39-l! REAL ESTATrE CAREER Want to niake more Money? We reenire two repregent- atives for Bowman-vilè ôI rural areasý, who akre -e0o' oierative, enceto~ andi deNim o f high ange We offer an excellent A"- portunity ini this regard, F'or confidential interview eaull JJ. WILIKINSON REALTOR ~ 100 Xing st. E., - Ohw Oshcawa 576-1411' or Toronto,921-5055 LOCAL MAN BREQUIRED 1 neeti a representative fo r my finm in this area, Thi,& opening man be %wortk lp (ti $1,000.00 yearly for ther right person. .,Ful or part- Lime. Age over 2?1, Can you make short uotip? 1& hope ron wiiI s4;art1sooPndn, stay wlrth us a long time.- Appiy to theý O.A.A, Sup-ý ervisor, 1200- Belvedere 5t," 1 shawa, Phone 725-8402 LimitetiRalo OPPORTUNITY For experienced -saiesman or saleslady, to join an old MEI. W. ýSTAPLEY '4., DOMINIONAUO BI7 ASSOCIATION M01KtNG SIPREET LONDON ,CANADA