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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1971, p. 3

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M4ridin' Orono Uni r7,d Picenehn double row from th1e back w:n a -iîrnlover flic ahoul-1ders and dcown the front panel ai the cdress ta the flo, The gawn bhad a fitted bodice wsvtb 'a raunded necrkline accented ;~ ~ by a strng of icltrdpearls, and the lon g, lily-pointed sleeves were compilenicnted. byj an edging ai lacefn, The akirt waýs slightly glthei4edetlc back waist and aide frfionts. The double chapel train fell pleat- i: K]d from the back, waistlîne, ad was adorneýd by the saine Gallon lace ant the cwaistline and inset :aroutnd the akîrt- edge of the trainj,lier three- tier veil ai silk illusion f el from a wedding ring band ai crepe trimmed with Frenchi lace, and her cascade bouquet was ai white carnations, steph- anotis and Polynesian Sunset rases. Miss Alene Allun ai Orano was maid ai h anar for her sis- .0, ter and fthc bridesmaids were Mrs. Ronald R amris,, Orono, aind Mrs. MValclmn McKenzie i Aylmcr West, sîster-in-law ai the groom. Miss Mchelle McKenzie ai Aylmer West, niece ai the groom, was flower girl., The senior attendants* warc flaor-length, A-uine gowns ln watermelon'color ai crystal aheer arganza with long, beli-sîceves, and a front inset bax pleat ai white lace aýver watermelon arganza. The round ncckline was accented by a string ai pearîs. Their cascade bouquets were ai white Fuji 'mumas and sal- ai mon-pink carnations. The flow- er girl wore a floor-length Ai r. and 31v,. I. D. McKenizie oc with a full, gathered irt iroin the ide fronts ta -Aldswarth back. fttcd bodice and i s h i~ Gil Aibi ofcandlelight from ca ,-,ab iort. puf cd leeves. The A Aaughtcr-ai Ir. and Ms. Stn- ras, The gueat pews were .ulne iront panel was accentedL 4yG. Alnai lR. R. 1, Oro0no, marked by 'mua and laceirnthsoudrneate ~ndMr Ia Dugls cikenrzîe, riblion. floor by tiny daisy trim. She snr aiDr, aýnd rs 1I, Alan F. Rev. BaiÉong officiated. carrîed a basket ai white Fugii 4cKenzîe, Oro, werc mar- Mrs. E. Brown played the muins, stephanotis and sel- jei c' Ii Ono n itedChurch wedding music and the soloist mon-pink carnations. Ail wore ou Frirday e vening, Spebi was Mr. Jack Allun, uncle ai amail whitc Fuii mumas in 19 117, at 5 30 For the the bride' thein coiffeurs. ~~moy hechrc ws n- Gien in marriage by her Mr. Malcolmn McKenzie ai ~îacedwît loelyfloal r-fathen and mother, the bride Aylrner West. brother aif the langemens iwiegadoiv R floor-length, formnai groom, was best man and -~n bahe lath sot Lio , gofa white polyester crepe ushering were Mr, Danald McKenzie ai Toronto. brother .-',~of the groam, and Mr. Neil (Y UCUIl Allin ai Orona. brother aiflhe 'L'l-t sif e h~ The groomn, beat man and saemnhad beosrae is applance ushers wore black Spanish ý> a fhome- freezer llyhlo j1ýpre ofeectuxedos with braid trim, blue - futr6a farier nd tis if .Te he alhseednferenaboutshirts and black bow-ties. depbutJ filly rejed thed: achine, As ldalsansabout m i 1Thie receptian was held In 4 ta 4rthe ifareeeraskeord: "htwudyu iem fIOrona United Church Sunday ~ ad n f hi fezrsfryo?~School Auditorium where theb 111,1'i give y- $25 for eveyane yousi, the salesman hride's mothen reccived in a C ~relid.very amant, deep pink,, double j "Wl, et I1ec seli My wif e one." deelarcd the fariner. knit dreas witli long sîcevesh liH, didl, taa - and pockètcd tihe commission. and fitted waist acccnted bya .~"Theç- tr4oub le with yau fellows," he confided, as he helped self-covered buttons and whitec the alsmn nload the freezer, "is that you don't knaw accessories. Her corsage was ~nohin abut e<lcgofaiwhite carnations and Bouc-a 1) RS CRE fllý'S:tiful Pink sweetheart rases, CLOTHE AEHNS The groom's mother assistedS ~Potctyorslf Awas nsatthat yaur refail store guaran- ta receive and chose an rI _ tees arm ftslsld ta y,7U tabe dry-cleaaable. sml if tcal blue argaza withl ing-slecvýed dress and S-T, JOSEPWS AN',NUAL TURKEY SUPPER matc.hing sîceveless coaf, high- Sundy, Sptemer 2th ighted by beaded f mm at flic 26thnecklune and waist. SIre wore LEblack accesornies cd lier cor- sage -\as oai wiftýecarnations f BONI M7v 1 L Iand yellaw swetheart rases. Fan, their weciding trip ta)ï viley lllebridÏe wore, S,1rT .6 52 uqos okaldrest i dtO'IIS aik santung with w hite ac Icesores nd cog lt ýuj C LE A N E R "We pecialize lu Shirt Launderin" ces1csn oraeaigr ________________________________________Mr. and Mra. Mr-Kenzie areC N kne w niy .<. ~Purnine, h M.haE .1Af ter ail, your new phone bookba ci '~~~ikVi.:.the latest aiphabetical listing of telephone subsenfibers, i * . ~~niii- ~.Which makes names and numbers gi Exchahnge Vows in Trinity, Unitedi Church Mr.-and Mrs. Rick Hawthorne -Photo by Astor Studio nasiding at 247 Bath Road, Apt, Despite inclement -wvenaIthcrildncn, Mn. Gmaaim Haw- 406, Kingston, Misa Janice Black, daugiter fliomne, Waterloo, and Mn. A Rcgistemcd Nuise, flic aiMr. cnd Mra. Samuel Black, Tamny Blacki, Bawmacvillc. bride is a graduate aiofs)-hawa 520 Rassland Road East, Apt. Genanal Hospital Schioal<f 92, Oshacwa, formerly aio Atthe reception lield in tlic Nursing, and attendcd Lock- Bawmanvi.lle, laaked radiant Lions Centre, Bowmacville, liart's Public Schooa an1 Orono as she walkcd down flic aisle Mira. Black gnaciously mccciv- and Clarke Higli Schools, The an flic ara ai ler father, la cd flic guesta in e turquoise groom, who- la a student at Trnity United Church-, Satur- lace ensemble ai alcevales Quecn's University, Kingston, day, Auguef 28, 1971 et 4:00, dress and caat, turquoisei ettended Omono Pîiuic an for lier marriage fa Mr. shoca ,and metching acces- Higli Sdboals, Clarke Higl i RckHaline son ai Mn. sanies, wîtli a corsage af pick School and Wctno Ltea-1 cd ira. Herbert Hawthorne, Sweethcart rases.MmH - University. 9 Cardinal Crescent, Nonfli, t.horn.e, a. cisting, was cham Waterlao, Ontaria. The Rev. ing in cmcmald green club George K. Ward wcs tflilnen alcevelcas dressancd coat NEST ETüN offîciating clergyman. The ensemble, green -chocs,, match- Frends arc mleasedl that wedding musc was, by Miss ing arcessories and a corsage Ma.Bec DcJoung neturned Gail Tliampson, churcli arg- ai yellow swectlieamt rasïes. fom Osliawa H',ospital onantndfi solalat was Mmc, The bride afterdcd Vunaf 'Tuesday. Othr lcfi Kevin Tiîompson, TanonitoMseyPbi ScroBw lispf isan Mc.Dowding ~rhwa eutfl manvilla, fwo yeana iii Sud- la Oliea, Ira.Harry Me- c ihalwht ln uySehoolsý, Bown nville Mr.n lGarePnn, orge lrg cmmrial 'm In',coc idFujiuivrs munryis cn gidiol. ity -a i arant o ccdis pcsetl Mn. acnd Mira. Fred inc, Tebid hs o e fount h ycar Pinmacy c Frcankiord, ara spccding 1f1lic h b-IntIre University. week wiLt hber sister, Miraý . Iwdîg dres -a1o1 rmel George Johnsa. lccgtli gvo r aichiffon aven Thc groom attccdcd Watcr- taffeta, wi p h ctired empire loo Public and, Collegîctel Wcdccsdey visîtors with wîtapiudrsse lcahasad il atcfpresent in Mn. EhMainswcre ir- uinccklinc, wrist ccd waiqf ccd fourt h year Phcrmecy, Uni- ily Mains ccd Mmc. Bud Vin- with full sîeves oi double vcrcity ai Taronta. The hacppy tue, Bowmcnvîlle Mn. ccd sheer. couple will lie nesîding la Mmc. Ivan Mains, Clarkcon, Afuilcghviwfhtan Toronto, were Saturdcy, guests.Afullnt e whtri Mn. ccd Mmc. Nanman Sain- ccd short over-veil ai chiffon, For flic weddicg trip ta flic cils wcre Sundey visitons trimmcd with c im hq ue d Kpartlias flic bride danncd witli Mr. and Mira. Herbent ""Ss, wcs held by a match.. an'Y emc-rcld greeca double kait Lukp acd Ted cf Utîca. ing hcadpie, and flic bride fwo--piece cuite wîthi beige Mrs. Aithur McColl visit-Icarnied a bidai bouquet ai suede aceeccanîca whs0ich was cd lier parents, Mn. and Mrs, white garýdeni;as. white car- ;accccted by a corsage ai Ofycl- - . .,-.-nations and. enhanotîs wîfl, low swactlicart roses. Jamas a-utccinaon, Peecror- oughi, rccently. Fnienda are plccscd that lier moflier le progressicg icvaurably foul- owicg lien recent ilîneas, Doug. Rohmer iundanwcnt c tosilcctomy in Part Penny Hospital on Friday. ha many cases flic fabacco harvest ha e bac cmpletcd, Excellent weathcr specded lie processancd an avarage crap iseparted. Mr. ccd Mrs, Oliver Roli- rer ccd "Mn. ccad Mmc. Waren Rolinen, Toronto, attendcd flic /Iussel-Lee wcdding et Wal- singhiam on Saturday. Tlicy wame over-ciglit gucats acd 'icîtcd Mm. Rolirer's faf ler, Mr, Orlccd Rohmer et Mitch- ell, an Sunday. Mr. Len .Cnawfard, Osh- awa, was e Friday gucat with lus braI len and sister-in.-law, Mr. cnd Mmc. Harold Cncw- ford and famuly, Mn. ccd Mira. Grant Tlioanp- son arc spending flua wcek with lier mothar, Mira. W. H. Johnstoc and sister, Mmc, Jamas Naylon, et Pciieniaw. Mm, and Mira, taverne Ly- wood, Namlacd, were Thurs- dcy visitais nifli Mr, and Mns. George Bowers. On Fmi- Lay cvcning, Mn. ccd Mira. Bowers cclled cf flic Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay, la respectef thliclaf e Mmc. Ivan, Pollard. Sincena sympathy is extended ta flic famiiy. Mr. ccd Mira. Bowcns cnd M-3., Fred Dayes wcre gueats no 'Saturd-.ay. et flic Grant- Adams wevnrdîcg in Hanmnany United Chu1,rdl ccd flic ne- ction cf flic Credif Union On Surday, Mn. and Mirs. Bowens werc guests fan even- ing dincer wîth Mn. ccd Mrs. Eari Wriglit, Bethacy. Mn, ccd Mmc, Ian Scott ccd lianl e a, Corbyvilla, spent Sundlay wil. li er parents, Mn, and Mmc-. Raipli Sadien. Mn. Raipli Sadler ccd Mn. Richiard MacKcnzic attcnd.ed Acton Fair on Set unday wlerc flicy axhibîted c teani oi Hackncy lances. A number ai Nectîctan folli .ttccdad flic et 'oct ypooi on Sundcî. This cas the finat game in flic cer- ies Pontypol vs Omemea withi coma 11-7 in Pontypooi's Mn. ccd Mnc. Ormn Moore, David and Lynne, Yelv antan, wene Sunday cvcning dinner gueats wifh flic Bruce Hea- lunion GIrls Saftbali Leaguje CongratulaI ions a tCar-, turqgoisc1 acnts. The maîd i lioofnwajs Miss N iMa ,1rgrt Clquhioun, ThuadrI Bey3,? ,uýnta an cd bnîesmida Mis JliAmas, Ohw Mmc. Darnyl Bedis, Noreanda, Qucbec; Mica,3 Wendy Lac, Burlingtoc and Mmc. Terry Black ai Bowmacvilla. The ilowcn girl was Miss Kani Black aif Bawmaanvillc. Tlieyvw-ere ,ciarmricg inform- ai lcngth floral shîrtwcîsf voile gowns in, shades ni blues ccd mauve. Wîde brimmed liats ai turquoise ctnaw witli bands ai match- ing fabie ccd matdliicg tur- quoise candela weme worn by flic attendants ccd ecclicar- ricd a bell ai white Fujii muais ld by a wliite wrist ibbon. The floîe girlcanid ilocî heaket iilled wifh whit e Fuji; 'muins. Kari's Grand- mothar Black lied caried flic basket as c flower girl and cao lad if cerriad by flic flowcr girl cf lier own wcdding, thus makicg flirce generations fd use flic basket. The beat mari was Mn. Ken- ieli Hutdhîccorn, Anc Ambon, Michigan, ccd the ucliera ware Mn. Thomas -Hillan, Mn. Rick wri ght Junior Girls' Soithal teani, coadlicd by Mr, Chahl- iîce, wha won fIco tropliy, de- feat 'icg Ycl'everfon in four ai fIe cigames. Jacice Gould wesý cthrfor cli lihegenres and C h ratîne Pcntdliuk pif- chled allich way in tIre lest two games. BirtIIday Party Steven Crawfoýrd ccd hic uncie Lac Crawford, Oshawa, came homeý on Frîday avec- ing fa a darkaccd 'homie. if seemed as if evemyoca wcws away. As tliey entenedi, Sunr prise" rang ouf. Duî-îng ics absence hic limathema, Bec ccd Michael lied been busy. The living-room wes aýglow wîfh hcolo ured sremesCd balloons ccd a rcd spot-liglif wcs suspended r(îfom flic ceil- icg. Ný,ineteePecoolfiands ccd ceiglibors wenepresent ta liclp celelbite Sec' founteenfli himthday. Steven was dcliglitcd whl fici liappy surprise. As lie opced h1-isc cardIsancd giffa 1" was showereiÉd witli confetti. Games wre pla7ed iccd dancing was ecioyed. To con clude a memomable7, refreshmients wce scrved, wifli flicmenu beî-ng arra-nged by l_is brotheme. Congratulations Steveclý The Canadian Statesman, Bornanviile, Sept. 22,.1971 ,Marrieýd in Toronto BLACKSTOCK Candace Unit or the U.C.W. Thireen membera,.anc visi- ton anld four chîldren met ior the Septeniber meeting ai the Candace unît et flie home ni Helen florreli. Unit Leader, Peggyý Larmer wclcomed flic ladies and ou- eced the Meeting witb e readîn g, The Japanese Ver- sion aiflice 23rd Psalm,,Norma VanCamp led ln worshlp on flic theme "Joy". Recommendations w er e made to be given ta ftic Exe- cutive before flic next gen- enal nmeeting. Marian Carnaghan- present- cd flic pragrem, "What's witli The Family?" Afternoon Unit of flic U.C,W,, The Aiternoan Unit aiflice U rC.W. hcld ifs September mneeting at flic home ai Aud- rey Wright, Audrey opened ich meeting using a pocai "God's Presence", as Unit Leader Erma Strang wac un- able ta ic pr resent, Franicesi Mouctjoy led la warship, using flic theeme "Love is Truthiul"; Bible rcading was from 1 Cor. 1-13,ý and flic hyma. "I Would Be Truc' was sucg in unison. A prayer and the aifertory end- cd fhis portion aiflice meet- 1ng. "Women aiflice Bîble" la still being =used for Bible study. Florence Larmer spoke on Hancali and Abigail, fol- lowed by discussion., Gladys Tliampson was in change af a pael discussion on the Status ai Women. In flic business, plans wcre discussed for catcning ta aa weddicg cnd also ion lunch ta flic General Meeting, Minutes wenc rcead and rail caîl ans- wcred by il members and anc vîsîtor, . Adchcîous lunch was served and e social time cnjoyed. Mn. -and Mn_ Wni C. Mc- Laughlin, Toronto, and Mn. Rarry McLaughlîn v isai tcd wifýh Mrs. Roy Taylor on Sunday aitemnoon citer at- tcnding flic Memonial Service hcld at St. Johin's Anglican Churcli. The ladies wha attended flic Leadership T rai11ncg Weckcnd, for flic United Churcli Women hcld et Camp Quin-Ma-Lac on, September 10, Il and 12 were EdiLs Mc- Laughlin, GIadys 'VhompsOn and Audrey Wright. Reports indicate thet this was amoaict wontliwhile and stimulefing. weckend. On' Satunday cvenicg Mnc. Ivan Thompson ccd' Miss Elizabeth Thompson we ne 'hostesses for e miscellaneolus showcr linliocor ai bride-lo- be Sharon Lanmer. Sharon was assisted- iii pening lier many gîita by Karen Yellow- lees and lier grandmother, Mm. Eber Snow-dcn. Sharon tlicnkcd -ber former higeh achool clasamateýs. fniends cnd relatives. A delîious , lnch concluded flua liappy eveciin9. Also' on Saturday evecbrng another 'happy parfy, wea tk- ing place iii 'Blackstýck-ti YOU RECEIVE: * WEEK DIAPI * ONE5x7PI .Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kulba Miss Enla Lerai 'Anderson and MVr, Peter ICulba exchanged niarriage vows in an evening ceremony in July. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tari Anderson, Third St, Bowmanville. The bridegroor i-4 the son of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Kuiba of Agincourt, Ont- ario, lVr. and Mrs. Kuiba will reside in Toronto. timne a :chivaree for the -new 18, tables, with'the followig lyweds Mr. and Mrm Jack, winner-, Ladies, lst Mn,, G, Rahm, Most of the partiel-. Strongý -dMrae \11s pants in this activity werc2dMagrtM1s friends from Oshawa, a-mn sKeilli VanCamp, 2nd though some neighbors also Bill Cox. joined the fun.. Mr. and Mrs. David Me-~ Sunday cal1ers af Mrs. AI-naLean and Mrs, Henry Wotten Fowler were Mr, and Mm attended the funeralai ofMirs Gordon Wilson, Oshawa, M-rs.MLa' rte-nlw C. Devitt, Bowmanville, Mr.MLa rternI~,Mr and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton andýPerry Neals, in Peterborougli Mrs. Mildred Nesbitt, on Wednesday, Mirs, C. Devitt, Bawrnani- vie, I spending a few days withi her daughter, Mr. andL e n lse Mir, and Mrs K. Dunwall] commence at the attended a wedding'and visst- OSHAWA cd friends in the Durham BUSINESS COLLEGE area over the weekend. Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry Van Camp, Mrx and Mrs. Wallace Tuesclay, October 5 Manmli.row, Mr. and Mirs.Jiii 97 Marlow, Anne and F red, Mn.'197 and Mirs. Ivan Thompson,ý and will he held ever,-y Elizabeth. and Susan, Mr' and1 edyadTu-,-y Mrs. Merlin Suggitt, Mir. and TedyanTtrdy Mrs, Rick Thompson and 7:00 pým. te, 9:00 îp,,m. family attended a famîly Choose fromn the fo!ow- gathering at; the home of Mr. R. H. Heaslip at Milton, ing subjects: There were 103 relatives at- Forkner Shorthand tending this party. Gregg or Pitnian Mr, and Mrs, Steven Neary, Refresher Brian, David, Michael and Bookkeeping Peter, 1Jownsview, werc Sun- day aiternoon gUeSts ai Mr. Accounting aniïd Mrs. Wilbert Archer. 1 Business, MNachinesý Mrs. H. Grahamr anid daugh-1 Typewriting fer Miss Verena ai TorontI Dictaphone sipeiit severai days last ýweek Idiiue nsrcto with bie-rbrother Mn r. , d-ni Mrs. Russel lVountjoY, VWhle Oel Fclte hiere_ they vlsited several1 ReasonabieTitioue other relatives In the area.ý Dial 78O~ 'l

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