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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1971, p. 5

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The t!anadAn 8tatsmran, Swiavler~it. 22. 1971 SOLINA Co)g'ratulations from &Il commYunity i s extended M1r. and Mrs. Don Bernat nee S-_haron Huggins, who rrdonSaturday et Vhe Sabvation Army Citadel, -niiie, with the re- ception et the Solina Com-> munity Hall. Mr,- and Mr s. Harvey Yel- lowlees attended. thé Met-. caifî - Blanchard wvedding in Boxvanvlleon Saturday, Misýs Karen Y eHowl e e S., Uini,,erisi ty()f Toro9ntowas homie for the weekýencl. MissJLie Thlornlton iand KmTelling epent ther week- end at the Geo. KY*nox: home, Mi-- Kelly Lr-(tomr, Bow- tnanvîlle, spent Sunday with her griandnarents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oriniston, Oshawa. Mia. Harvey, Yellowlees and Miss Karen Yellowlees atended a bridai eshower for Miss Sharon Larmer which was held at Miss ElizabeLh1 Thompson's at Blackstock. MrJýs. Ross Cryderman- re- cent ly ttended the gradua- tion of iVrs. Debora Shore (Wray), at Centennial Hall', Lon~don. Mrs. RoseCryderman visît.. nd NMr. anad Mrs. Clifford Romn and was an ovemnight guest at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sýeerai attended the g1ath- er-ing eat Solina H4all on Sun- daiy evrning of mnember-s and 01 ns fthe lHamiptn cir- cuit to lhear Mrc. Maurice B3radUley speak to the young people and their par'ente 1on :*"lVjrnYoui've Got It1,Made", Refeshent wre serived Arcnstyle in theý lower MrI andMe.J nwdn S 1ey1AdBuevîsted Mr. IacHardy , and S'taniley And Ms.Endicott at Lndsay on Su'nday Mr, and Mrs. Doniald TaLy- Ir)r âand fàmily viszited Mr. and Mirs. Sandy Abernethy end Mr, and Mme, A, F. Aber- Mr.WA. Ormiston us vis- i-ting wth -Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice accomnpanîed by.Mr. and Mrs. Claence Vice, attended Bea- vrton Fa;im on Saturday. Mr.iand Mme. Alfred Allen end Ken, Bowýýman vil!lr. vwYre ;Fujpper guese onWed-, ri ght ef Mr. and M. W vesleY Yel- N,11ani-d Mrs, PHarold * ol- iolsOrono, wero Sun- diay night guests of Mr. and me Yl1owIces and Murray, Mm.: and Mme. R. Page and Mm., and Mrs, Hciward Brad- ie-y, Maple Gro ve, enjoyed the weekend vîiting at Upý Býr-an and Lîs Colll Guel, Are Meponding a fû1 das ith rs rothyv Pasro cosanvfAnd îly,- Oshal, vieîed Mme Doro daye ,i aet kvetîngfriende ir, Clel adFredemick- town, Ohio WE SLEY VILLE -hose attendîng Port Hope Faron Satumday were hap- py that, the predictions of vain kept off at, least until Sunday, the weather on Sat- Urday was ,perfect1,0 njoy the inmy attractionis pro- vîýJ.d Cd by aihad-wxorkîng group of peonle ocn thie fair ordand exhiîbitorsý. Barry Betwas ucsfli sn 1nU itir tray rsetd ythe InsýtitutsCamninr,1g 2,,ointeý en hiý ceral texhîbîts Ail- e" W1,ilso)n won fîist prîze in rîîgand a4 third for hier peformapnce !n the horse Mrs. rony Ncoereturned home iromi Port Hopeý, HoSPi- tai !lest weeck and Mms. Wmn. Eydsni entered thfe hospitai on Sund-ay'. of the H4-ope Twnhî pst o r a 1 chargýe of thieUnited Church attenl(dd ameting eti the mnanse in WaVrku-orth on Sun- day evenîng whr plans wre ýdiscussecd concernîng a Confe-,rence proj ct of wit- neato commurity rededica- tio .nd ren",wa of oioit- res in t1iFheled of Crin îty.Themeetng as hared toýo pre-ent from thîs area wer Msdaesj. Greer iof Gardetn Hi, E. Barrýiociugh Cnd-FrGomsine of Port Hnje, Býel of Garden Hîi and Ah- ian Os or o Wcome Philli Nîchli'ofWaterlo Unvriywa3 home -for the kHmppoL n OdLêUd bring the Iist with you. WVOMENIS COATS CI Cosy Car Coate Regular 30.00-35.DO se. 23.99 ElFebulous Fun Fur* Regular 35.00 me.a 26.99 QFur Trim Cloth Cote Reg. $10000 se. 79.99 El3 PC. Washebls Plyester Suite From a Famnous Makerl Reg. 45,0-55.00 0e. 21.99 WOMEN'S DRESSES, n Assorted Feuf Fashione 7-15 aHid10-20. Reg. 2400-26.00 e. 18.99 HOSIERY L] Stretch Top Nylon Hoiery Seamless mach. 3 pre./99 El "Treadwsll" Suport Penly HMes Irregulars of 'Hane' 7,50 lins, Pr. 3.79 l ArgiiherPeny 140cm One îze.2 prs./894 QOueen-Size Panty FHase 1 size fts 165-225 Ibs.p.89 Q"Cemnea" Bikini.Panty Haose spacial Sale Prce Pr. 1.00 Q "Hanse" Panty Houe Special Purchese Pr. 1.2e TIGHTS QChildren's Cae spattern Tightm Fis 4 ta 86 years. Pr. 1,79 ElJunior Mies Cabre Tighte Fits 7 to 9 yers. pr. 2.19 QMises Ceble Tighte 10Oto 12 years. P,21 QYoung Teons' Ceble Tighte 21 12 te 14 years, pi. 2.19 SLI PPER/SHOES El Lyons Famous "Tender Tootles"l Reg. 7.00 te 9.00 r. 4.49_ GLOVES -MITTS, Q Ladies' Silky Lined Kd GIovea Shorty length. Special Purchase pr. 6.99 " 3-Button Sîlky Linsd Kid Gloves 1pcilPurchase Pr, 8$99 E6Bttn Silky Lined KidGloyes Special Purchasepr 7.99 Q Acrylie Mitts and Glovse For chldren andmsesSpca pr. 690 n Acrylic Mitts and Gloyes- Teens' and ladies' styles. S ýpecialj pr. 890 ACCESSORI ES n 13erdetnd Scar! sets 35 î~ 7Acetate Twill sCarvesre ýg. 1.00j e. 79" QSquare and OblongScrs Reg. 2.00 8a. 1.11 Q Tlscopr nlJbrells e..199 Fn ChainBels.89 SEvering Bare se.2.49 QVrnlyl Handbags e. 5.79 'TRUPREST' -SH EETS- Ist quality, no-iron sheets tvaiabls in whîteý only- QTwln Fat and Fitted Reg. 4.49 me.,3I99 QDouble Fiat end Fitted Rsgý_, 4.7q9»Ae.,199 QMathing Cases Reg. 2.29 pr. 1.I99 BEDSPREADS4' QPuif Quilt! Floral Throwe, Twin and Double. Reg. 21.9G e 69 MATCH ING DRAPERIES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER! ,20% OFF! *Note: Above tems flt available t aàlWlkers store. QHomespun Spreedrs Twîn and Double. Reg, 6.98 e. .49 QHobneil Sprsads Twin and Double, 9e. 8.29 BEDDING Q Pure Down Pillows, Soft as a Cloud! Q "Serons"' Fortrs®Flild Pllowe Reg. 7.98 Q "Airsoft" Solid Foam PlIows Pe.4.98 Qj Cotten Mattrese Peds, Èn Reg. 5.98 Do-ý1Am>Reg. 8.9 ri pillcw Proiectors Z'ýppered End. me. 9.99 se. 5.79 se. 3.99 me. 4.99 se. 5.99 Pr, 994 King Strelel East TOWELS Q"Spr-ingmaid" -- 3 Decorator Styles! Bath Towels Reg. 5.98 e.. Hand ToweIcý Reg. 3.49 sa. Face Clothà Reg. 1.39, Sa. Q"Emoprest" - Florale end Plains Bath Towels Reg. 2.98 e. Hand Towels Reg. 1.98 m#a.1 Face Clotha fReg. 790 e. E"Royal Family"l by Cannon Bath Towels Reg. 3.98se Hend Towels Reg. 2.25 se. Face Cloths Reg. 980 se. ElTowsl Sube- - Speciel Purchaeê Bath Towels e. Hend Towels Ce. Face Cloths 4 for LINEN S S"Lacs Fantaey" Tableclothe 62llk70!'me 58"x84" e 58"14me PSube . 040x4 6. me. QStriped'Linen Tee Towsës Flsg. 890 e. 2 for ElKitohen Terry Towela Assorted Q Lnen Tes -Towels 201"x30" ,Safor Q 1111hw' DIeN Ciotl¶e Reg. 290 se. 4 for Z.79 990 1.19 2.99 1.79 790 .590 NO-IRON F'ALL CRIMPKNITS Special Yd. 3.69 Machine washable, 100% polyester double-. knît in Faîl and Winter weights. Assorted jacquards, blister&, crepes, herrîngbones. etc. n a wide variety of new shedesý. FASHION FABRICS Q381, Colonial Cotton Print WVashebleý and colourfeet. yd. 59$ Q- "Tex-Made" Cotton Breadcloth 35"-36",wîde, Pre-shrunk. yd. 590 Q3511-36"1 Printed Flennelette Washable. -y d. 590 Q44"t-451" Polyester Lining Q351-36V Hi-Le Corduroyyd79 Washiable.yId. 1.82 Q-44"1-45e Polyester rees rep Machine Washable. ýy!, 1.89 El58" Washable Bonded Acrylie Plaids and plains. yd. 3.19 Qi 58".60" Serseen Printled Knite Washable 100% PIyse d. 3.79 Q$8"1-6011 Washeble Singîs Knit Assorted coloure. yd. 3.69 Q5411-5811 Woolles and Bonde1, Ad cis Plaid, twed and soie yd. 1.77 Q "ni.Lok"100% Polyester 44"--4b' îde. yd. 2.39 FLORAL SHEETS No-Ien, erm pree chsten pink, bluc et b isFaend Ftted Specil e e.A.29 Cesse S ~Psca r. 1.99 BLANKETS El"Ksnwoom-d" Alol lke Double Sîze. e.Il~9 Q1 "Ibex" Blen1keteý 80xO"Reg. 4.71 e.4.09 1QOuellty Wrmlhgeets 39'Vx7511 Twîn m. 3.9 54x75" Double m.4.59 QThermal Blend Blenkte 721x90 Reg. 8.98m. 8.99 QBlond- Bianketse Reg. 4.98 e. .9 SCATTER MATS* Q "Nycott"e Woven Mats Approx. 22"x36". Reg. 34P en. 2.79 Q-I Baha!St Reýg..9 set 5.99 Q "Kodel"/Nyion Pringsd Mate 21 "X81e. 3.79 2411x48" m. .49 30Vx540 se. 8.99 QFringsd VicoseMe 221x361 Reg. 2.95 e. 2.39 2x4"Reg. '3,98 e.3,19 GIRLS' WEAR 7to 14 ElFashionabîs Midi Coate Gowns-, Culotte-, and Pyjamas. ma.2.U99 ElInsitructor Ski Jackets- Asote-tylezs and colours. eam.1.9 QPmaPrese %Coýtton T-Shirts 3styles. cSa. 2.99 nl Assorted FlrPnts Variety of fabice a nd-Colours. pir, a.99 n Bonded Ac-ryie Mot Pates Set Plaidetop,-zocHd shorts. est 9.99 EBonde Arylle.Long Vogt Colourful Plaid. me.5.4 Q Bnded Ac-rylie Fiers Pente *To imatch Above vee-t. pr, 5.49 Q Bondod 4Acryliç,e led Sklrt To mjjatch1 vest and pantG. e., 4.492 GIRLS':ý WEAR 4 to 6X 3 styes. e..ý99 Q 1/2 Boxer Fiers Pants Hi-Le Corduro, Pr, .9 QKîddies' Briefs Reg. 490 Pr.2 r79 INFANTS - TOTS ElCire Nyloni 2 PC. Snow$Ult Assorted colours. 2pr. 11.9 El/i Boxer Flare Pente Bonded acrylio fabric. Pr. 1.99 ElStretch Nylon Jumpeuit Sleeveless with.front zîp. se. 3.19 ElPerma Press Cotton T-Shits Assorted styles and colours, e. 1,49 ElThermal Weave-Blanket 36" X5011. Bexed, Reg. 4.00 e. 3.19 ElBrushsd Blaniket Siseper Sizes 1, 2, 3, Ordînerily 5.00 0a. à.9§ QAcrylis Plaid Co-Ordintes 2 PC.. Set 3.99 El"Orlon" Plile Buntlng eu Assorted colours Sa.7»99 QBoys' and" Girls' Diaper Suits Assorted styles and coleurs. 2.69 DRAPERI ES * 25% /cOFF REGULAR PIE QDra Peryilid BedspremPdEne ls Drapes- 11.99 ta 41,9q Bedsread 23.99ý Q"Fortrelï" Knit Curtein Panels AF sortoýd cîzos. se. 5,99 te 9-11 QDrapsry Remmnnt Asetdfabrî,Ice and clur. yd. 89* QFurniture throws-j, Reg. 11.50 te 17.98 m e-1119te 43 QDecorator Tcs Cushione Reg, 3.98 es. 2.99 HO'USEWARES* Qf2 Pc. staîniese Flatwmars Set Special est 7-9e Q Eetewre- eam atSet 0PC. st - .Mc El 2-Quart StiseSeel Kettie "Westînghoue",me.M19 Q"Wotlnghouse-ý" Iee n Dry Ires 21 stears vents.e. 12.9" QBeked Enamel Bread Box Family Size. R%. 1098se.-199 Q aked Enamel 2tep-On Cao Reg. 9,98 1.17es. QBaked Enamel Cenistor Set Reg. 9.98 nest 7.29 Q"Crnng*warm" Hiomentioker Set Reg. 47,95 a PC.aset 32M9 Q"Comnlngwere" ;oeuc*piI1Set Reg. 22.25 7 PC. met112.29 BOYS' WEAR 7 ti Q- Pile Linerd Corduroy Jeckmt Hips;týr Syl.8-18. QPile LVnAd Nylon Ski Jacket El Rkex8r Corduroy Fiers Pente QI A-tBoxer Corduroy Pente 7tei12- Q510rped Dsnlm Fiers Pente 7 tr 12-. QNavy Oeni'm Fiers. Jeans 8 ta 18a. Regular Waîst. 8-18, QFm eraPrese T -wili PenteL A-sorted GCelurs. 8-18. Qoi ,nts Pl hirts Q Penne P seprt ShIrs- Longcleees.8-18, Pullovers,, c4.adiganm-,s. -L-XL Qj Buîjky Knit A&crvlir uivr Ql perma Prse sPyjamasm Asot 1 oours. 8-18,. Q Flenneilette Pyjamas Fancy pattom, 8-18. BOYS' WEAR 2 ti Qj Cordurocy or Wooi Duffle Comte Aseorted colours. 4-6X, QNeoprene'Nyion 1 Pc. Snowsuits Attached pile- linod hood. 2-3X. QCotton DOillPente Kasha lined. 2-3X. Q/2 Boxer FIaesLmg Pente Kasha lined. 4-6X. Q/i Boxer Corduroy Pente,1 Assorted colours. 4-8X. Q- Perme Prose Knvltts-d Polo Shirts Long siseves. 2-6X. Qi penne Prese Sport Shîrie Assorted colours. 4-6X. QAc^rylic Knit Sweaters plein and fancy. 4-6X. QWeeheble Flennelette Pyjamas Assorted. 4-6X. CHINA -GIFTS* Q"Royal Albmrt" Cupe and Saucera Reg. 1.98 <me. 1.49 Q"Sedier" Engilsh Chine Tea Set reg 8.96sel4.299 Q "Sadier" CaftesMuge Rog. 1.00se79 Q Mnd dut Lsed crys-tel Aser-dRg. 5.50) 10 11.50 317D te 6.99 Q "Krmmx"Rslish Server Specal e. 3.49 Q "Krmsx"Chlp 'n>Olp Set Special ut 5.49 'N te hnia esd Cîftwaraîabocemflt et @Il Walktrs stores. FOOT WEAR* QWomsen'a CrinkîtsSnow Boots 2 styles. Pr. 15.99 Q coMen'a " ý '"A!Stsp,"Shoqs Ae-se1redsylsand cîzes. Pr, 12.99 QWolme'aCrêpe sole Sport Shosà A;sserted styles and colours. pr. 10.92 n Menrs Lether OrmsesBoole 2 styles. Pr. 14.99 QWomen's "Tender Tootaue Assorted styles and colours. Pr. 4.99 QMen's end Women's Houseslippsrs Assorted styles. Pr. 3.99 *~Note, Aboie cMos eîîiy on sale etetoeugh, Brantford, Belleville, Sait Ste. Mate, iKitchenîer anîd Northî Day. olB SPORTSWEAR Q"Schuss" Nylon Ski Parkas me, 15.99 Special Purchase e. 15.99 ElWashable-Acrylie Cardigans Special Purchase ea. 339 me. 899 QCaretres Crîmp Dresses Washable "Fortrel". pr. 3.19 Assorted styles, me. 10.99 Q2 Pc, Nylon Pant Sets pi. 4171t Prînted top and plain pente, Met 8.99 Tl1ramnp Pib "ortrel" Penteil or. 3.49 RegularODO0 Pr. 8.99 Q"ore"Pente r 4,9 Regular 10.00 lPr. 6.99 ~ Q Washable Cottion Knit Shirts Special Purchasem e. 5.49 pr Q.7 Washable Polyestegr Sklls pr.4, 1 egular 9.0 me.8..9 PI. .79 Q fibbed Acrylie Pujllove3rs Special Puche. e,4.49 e. 2.59 Q Washable '"Arneýl" JesyPent Tops' Special Plurchae me. M99 e'lQ Briefs, Bikinis and Hiphuggers me.459 Regular 1 DO Pr. 79* ta. 4.52 El1,Jax" Acetate Brie Regular 690 pr. ,. 3 Pr.I1.69 pr. 3.19 ~ Anti-Statie Full Sllp1u, Antron 111 and Unel. Reguiar 4.00 me, 3.19 Pr, 2.39 E Anti-Cling Ful[ Slips Regular 5.00 se. 3.99 ElAntl.Sitt e"Antron IlII" Hai lip Regular 3.00 e.22 O 6X Q Amel"' Waltz Gowns Regular 3.00me 2.39 e. 9.sg9ElFlannelette Long Gowns; Regular 4.00 me. 3.19 e. 9.59 E Cotton Flannelette Pyjama$ Regular 4.00 pr. 3.19 pr. 2 El Brushed Short Gowns pr. .39 Regular 4.00 08. 3.19 ElBrushed Short Gowns Pr. 3.19 Regular 5.00me 3.99 Q rushed Long Gowns Pr. 2.39 Regular M.0e. 3.99 EBrushed Long Gowns e. 1.99 Regular 8 00 e. 4.79 me. .99FOUNDATIONS Q"Exqulite FForm at y iri me. 2M69 Lycra Powernet. e.3,71 Q -ycaBrief Special Purchase. e. 35.79- Pr. 1.59 "Warners" Panty Girdie Average leg. e. 227-e Q Long Leg Pantly CGirdie ElShort Leg Panty Girdîs Spscial Purc.hasese.3,4 El "Peter Pan" Plunge Bra Regular 6.00 s.2, 79- El "Lovable" Plunge Bra Sosutal Purchase e.2.7912 El Crepecet and Lycra Contour Dra Whîts orily. os. 1.29 Q71 Peter Pan"' Padded Bra Srîecial Purchasse 9e. 1.79 El aîieForm" Cotton Ers Pegular .30 se. 1.79 Q'eva!Iy Freh"1Hit tup Bra Underwîred style. m.39 M ENS WEA R Mid-Walec -oreduroy Trousers Executîve Cutpr.6.9 Young Me'e NarqvyDenfim Jeeans FIaraegs. Reg. 7.001)pr. f5.4 AIl Woole Dres Trouse,1s EýxecuItîve CIu. r.13.99 P-olyer Double Knit 1Treusers3 Assortedpateurns. Reg,. 9.95 Pr. 13.99 LamsoolonShirts Nleli shades.ek uIvýi. . r3.99 Long Siseve V-Nck . . . 7. Long Sîseve Cardigan , . , 9.99 Fashion-Right Neckwear Reg. 3.00-4,00 JI for 4M9 Ankîs Lsngth Stretchy Hosslery Name Brand'. Reg. 1.50-1.753Z pa i,r29 Permanent Prees Pyjamias Poncy pattern.Pr 49 Permanent FProse Boxer Shorts Reg. 2/2.98 2 fer 2.49 *Note: Mn's W--ar flot 0o1n îa t ail Walkers stores. B~wmanviIIe O EN 'TIL 9:0 po .m. ecd nesdaîy - Thu rsdaày - Frid4 Se-ptember 22 - 23 ,24: 7

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