p' Tbe canadian State-sman, B3ownianville, sert. 22, 1971 By Frank Mohun JUIRMEN'S TOWN, LEAGUE Anyone iterested n 'ni uirMe'Towni League th csao ail any of the fbllowing: Vnce Prout- 623-2295; Crat Malley - 623-7135; Irwin Beauprie - 623-3402, Bruce Adtame - 623-5279 as moon as possible. t t t t t COMMEYIRCIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Aty players interested in playing Commnercial League hokyincluding players from last year must have their nansin by, il arn. Sunday morning, October 3rd. You can give ylou rnarne to Larry Chant, - 263-2258; Ted Fairey J- 623318;Jo Blson - 623-2483; Jin Clarke - 623-7163; Geo. rooksl - 623-5407; B3ob Hellam - 623-2072. Anyne ntresedin refeeeing Comi-mercial League hockey please notifýy any member of the above executive. t i t i. t 6BADMNT lON Tito' be ln before badminton is again in full swing on ona and Thuiisay nghts, seven to 10 p.m at the High 1 oo nTe openlng date wîll bc announced in this columnl. t t t t t Varou bsktbllleagues will be soon geýtting undr way,.1 wît teten's own League slated tosati n md-1 Octoer.The De1ppaýirent of Recreation also sponsors boys',ý gils1nd tes basketball on which more details will bel ava&ablM atr t t t t t NATIONIAL GOLF WEEK WINNER'S aryin the golf season, the annual acrons8 Canada -com- ppeition took place during National Golf Week, with hal:f of thie pr-oceedsý remaining at the local clubs to assist in the deveopientof junior g-olf. Towels wereaare to those who were able to beat the scoes urnedi in by, the pro golfers, with the following mem- bers at ï the Bowmanville Country Club coring through with MEN - R ickKakenburg, G. Toipping, Colin Cooke, Bb CGodfr-y fJenki1ns Jr, Mîke iKowal, Chajrles Warreni, Bey Ell,' GeoýrgecKnigh nJe Nowl!an, Ian Turner, WilburClre Alec Air, Hugh Muliigan), Jack Blliniger, Jack Jarvis, Bob Le.yden nd iBill Wýeýbber. WOMVEN - Dorthy Kelly, Peggie Fayle,' Mary Marvin. Trpiswe-nt to the low lady golfer --- Chrio March wîha net 69, and also!3 to Ray McAvoy, who carded a low net c! 65 in the mn's iision, Bowranvlle îghSchool Senior Redmen ,saw thcirfrt act,- il. of . thesason las-t mweek, dlefeatxng Port Hope 6-3 in' rexhibition ifootball iat the B.-H.S. ciampus. Coach -Bl Brnt %will undoutedly bE pumttîng the team' 4hrug svealstenU)us practice sessions, prior to the next exbibîtlon tilt on Tuesdiy ila Duabartonl.1 BomavilesSentior ",A" echedule is as followýS: l'riday, Oct. ;st!-Port FeirryAt BowManville '3MO .m W~nsaOct. 6thi Courtlice at Bowmanville - 3:00 P.m. ues., Oct. 12t1-b wvllat OhaaDonian - :3:00 p.m. Moin., OctBh.' o i1 e saaCenitraI d 330 p.m. 1rhurs, Oct. 2lst-Bwvll at Whit'by Henr y St. . 3:00 pn Thursday, Oct. 28Vh -Wlb Henry St, at Bow. -3:00 p'm.! t t t t COBOURG WINS DURHAM LADIES TITLE Afterr lsig he fr-t two gamnes, Cobourg lintermedia;tes1 ~m kto wviia three imes iin as many nights les,;t wFeek to. Frank's and Whyie's Have Good Playoff Series As this is being written Frank's Variefy Vîriiea gamiesbeck row, left Vo righit, Dick WVilloyughby,, Joh-n Stainton Tuesdey afternoon, fhe sixtl Vo two 1Vt could end ifWhes MeLean, Peul MAtuRn-mngr tv Was(ln, Datf gaine o! the Men's Town can f ake it,otewe dy B eauprie, Terry Baker, nis MçFeeters, LryFo)rsey Frank's corne tîlrouLgitoüfieý League softbali finais is ap- it up, the seve.nthï gainewil Doc' Adari-i, Gath Linton, absent, Don Piper, Gien Relu p r oaechi ng tonight, wt be played Thursday. WhytV's Týom 'Milleon and Bat Boy Ray Welace and lMike Bothi Whyte's Upholstery ledigtein iembers above are, Scott Linton; fr-ont rowý, Rarry5wll. c'ver fBowman ilKnpp's rTo17ineg.-M fron o, leu tin gît, Coach Itthe 00nal cuter, hoturg, Wh h id moit o9.>neLoy ai WoyLe duln thgfI euie r campeiga, won -j tIratuemtheti lJni Crydermandhmlie 0Nas h o 40i ;i V(ext man the agenda will be10th Duham LdisBanquet on 1 rý bac er nnd Don, -Th OcbeuïMbt e M-mril PrkChi Foue i Bwtn4i-ldrews, leu Pafterson, John MjrLeu started le lookl ton, ~Kremp, Deve MVaynerd, Keith ,like Major- Leaguers an four1 t t f tAnlderson, Bria.n Bradiey, h bolr bettered the 800 ý ~1~'S OFflAL iNA snt, George Scwott, Mike Imark. ~'an'sVaiey et hefietth-e aieshithirbetJohnston ;ndB Ritci. uv baller Doug Carter ef se-vén Meivi's ow Leagu Chempir-nship serien . thon 300, Bd Hernng, acting like1 fnaI1y hit ths in coiumrn lest Tuýesda;y nîgît. (New'ie-Sakilaprsdnshudld85 The ilèry uw contnued heil, ýjn(289-231-31,75),ilJack Bond, tek-1 TheVeîet eewcoainod her innagwey bf, ,Bwlng eaue ing dl aH its, liV 831 (235-286- h~g a hardfougt 3-? wjin on Thursda,ý;y. Triaîling moat o! 310), Bragc !3ian, "Snap" Martyn Way, Frenk's tok a 241 leed, bult Whyte's Upholstery camenI80ln 0829 32) luth ono eut ta thebdoofit alFrank'ipushed murosaj-'OCQUMc Oui97,Merg Mas- 70 beekt.larry Pipr799 the wýinlnter. 'The Pt an a pae etngtadi I oald t1p2,iDiroth y Sfrk (327 25), Rn "Fas" tcr aggregaîon cendo IV ean t1t3ould e ho 10,DoisTonjkns18, a_ 71 (3c04) 3Ls"Golf" smal «1TlcOy astage Mcnjdlisonaiy Mt,1Ft iBemn iedar- 76 (27),BigDon 0ke747 for- the bîg seveath and decding geme Thureday, mn 181, Date Foran 178RPaf0299), Moe Rlichards 721ý Dletailson let ngtsgaurîe ppear elsewhere jin theMilîson 174, Joyvce Sacy170,(268,ýRusa "Dufel" Haîlmfan RorW. oode 1 1'0, laina fMar 20(50,Art"inoi" t t t ~~~~ X, ehad 62V SireyM ,teiRowa 715 (25n), Ed labie 71 TENNS PLY îFS t16, nda îs62>56 Jtag(262) Ron Sallack 702 (27,5). Gu2,Landa12 ahyLmetLuka Annaerf lad 'a 309 'We've aintained over the peet several years, minice our1,Mai jn14, jp u:l RsOk 3, 1'et)umn t(ý'enis -thalthVe sport la booming iln.Ontario, end tho e! aron L,14, KrnMî ere tpei and POt8 axilrDe p aaingamajojr i-oe. Isn 4, egy Milison 139à,Muirphy 289 andV Hg afey-4 ~~uiuior~~~~~ Nadina Timbla 134, Mlary Caec k n ogTy Well fIat imay ha a bit o! an unçlerstatprmant - becauseljToppla 121, îBarb Ingrahainlr28 Karl Piper 206. two juniors -- Chris Terhuae awd Don Bradle1y won the senior 118, Bobby Carke 111 Cowan Pontiao-Buick Ilad doubles club chemrpionship by knocking off Bill Burgess and igh Singl-Pet Milîson 2 j47 Ihîgli single teain score 1347 Dr.KetISbmo 62, -3lath fna.U. Trip., Marg MacDonald 666i-while ftha Luinher Jacks frooun Teihuno toamedwith Pet McArthur o win the mixod H i 0 evrld321fr1g tifle match as weil, defeating Naacy Jackinan (enother -20GmaLryPie ntpo I and urgsa 8, -0,6 1rI at1,Milisn 247, Drsaeae uha i trinndous, juir)Tomkis 21,Mrg MacDNon 283 f-M; or 6rineJira e Tha senior singles a~~~~~~~ýofaed NMonday - and Idotn'V botaaîa ad26- -,bhruyMrtl K1gt saaodet27 h fijt1 o nffrsl th1at Oyant otho1,KrenMio 23:D riOn Mertyn lathird wî h' , Junýiorcharrpinsnps mgot underway iaýV algît, and cn Frn2219 , anMeQuayi218-c25i Ëee AV edaesdlay and Thursday et Vhe .owmnavllbe Tennai 0,cJye Stacy 207,DrtyS0e w aanfi~ t~lk.Sterk 201. rpeort oVbowling efforts t t t t t ,a'CeI[ n0f Lweil MacDou gel or or HOCKE PRACICE Denlis',-,-iFmnk's Varîety anid Pab's DaIn j1g Cal ar ied n irfe team The Rirat practice serions for Bowmeanvitirl' A and B4oheBrae -..-- standing, lotI with a, recordi ockeyal-star clubt-s ook place on i e weekencj, wItjh'Tuby Tweeds 2r.5 - ad1 (s te next ty-out sîdldforf[his, week and egain on Satu- Coeky Cruos22nd Week - lst Sehedle day moring and aftemaoon.A aes Ae Player sléahng o piipatee frin Vthe Bowmanville andLarr Pipr------- v28 býaIlington area are requýIesied Vo, ho on band with fuli eqrui- aa s Jim McKnight - 6 257 r n.-aorad nno ruts (A & B) will be held -e't Ie Brian Martyn - 6 2-56e =mane ime for eachage group.Mo Spebr161 91Doug Carter --- ----6 254 j' The Novice and B1antain te ai ieriulaýr, like em tndns Ron Saileek 6 243 un A on mng hoyPIPe u n pru Il sJackaha Bond 6 243 11e f9r saturda Wifh (coches' nainesand telcren ubr etvr.... . -onsRnEtcher - ---- 6 2.54 BANTAM -8:0 em,(Gorge Saiosbury - 623-7318) 7'ric D eer4poit& a c ih e- 3 PX WEE - :3 ani (Gorry Morrîson) - 623-7153) Buclie - --4pnsAtRw - al 6 2cm NOVICE i.i,(Don 'Wilcx-62-78 '1YKE -1.O(na Pry-6374) A rcetinninrhckylague ecoacbës' meeting MWi he lai e IeTown H1-all, Setuxdeciy rnioraig e ineocok Teaiw<11 ho picked et 1;thistue, Ail wbo a re înterested il' çoachig aeadV am pwrseniThora wîllI els oa eere Mcoaches rulas eineOnUara affernioon, et the Tewvn Er1,startig t 1:00 Pm,. ~EI AGLES IN SEVEN TEAM1 LEAGUE anowmanvibie Red Egis ill hopla in a e30 gaine, scherulp invong entains hs inter, iil fIa îe oop, alonfg wîf h VIeRed Eagies ar' StoNewnierkot, Lindsay, UWhy, Cohourg and Port Hope The oca JuiorC's lid f eihr ir t ;prectice 1Monday igît withfIe ecod gong onigt e fIeMer1jîqilArena, Coee "Bck"Moor is]ooingfor eniyone wishing o try oufforVIeclu Voattnd Ienext prýctice sessions on Mon-1 dayan-d Tuesday boi n agît o'eock until tn'Agond fur-oeut ni, hnabýrew taletf irin omavleN aend Vhe mnnre usmuntg area Cis expeeto enamhie eRed lEaglesi Co tri-diestolrprsaion in Lthe !baguÀe.- Hl1gbSîngle EdenDameter -2 95 111gh Average i-ern Bruce 218 Top ToTn Averages, F. Brune - C - 218 B. Partliar 'Il - 215 'K. Caîpbell - 2110 J. ..u..liffe.... 200 EDemafae ..- . 1981 R. Vnesa - - 83 D. Anear . - 180 H Simnck - . 1781 lDeiner 2520;SA uebîfe Gý-ibs-on 237; Ca p li 2 , t221; Pertner 226, 221, 210; ,Sheahian 222; W 'stover 225; 5Burton 221; Vanessa 2 12; Sa-! mran-i207, Oka 201, ad Sn lrîck .2M0 BluejE HOCKEY Lepre Bobca EqUIpMEp Rover CLEARANCE uk Jack D &R sports KIN-,T. WEST Eileen ALI HOCKEY ITEMS Hicei DRASTICALLY 240-21 REDUCED Lean 227, Check, flyer Ewald Maho delieredte yur dor. 218, MOlly lor League', Eltn Bok. 2 Howar.d Bromeli - 3 227 Dave Reynioldriz 3 225 Bud Heonng -.3 2'25, Gord- dWilcox"329 Doug Taylor 6 22 Ed Leslie .. 2 Don Oke 6 -,01 Paul Lyle- 6 217 Bob K,,ent1, 6 216, Luke An[naert 6 21 Jim Bruýton, 6 214' Claience k . 6 213 RuseHailan 6 212 Frank Mohuni - 6 21F> 0 BRob Smiih ...6 209 DiekPefc . 6 20m Don Baignaîl 6 208 Morley Eteber ...6 207 Dr. H. B. Rundie- 6 207 Karl Piper--- 6 206 Bob Williams --s 6 206 Greg Couch ---- -- 6 205 Hap Paimer 6 204 Bill Oke ------- 6 203, Fred Cola ------ 6 203 Randy Beauprie -6 20 Bob Laird - 6--202 WalV Hately . 6 202 Pet Murphy ------ 6 200 Standing of Teams Team W L Pt$. Lumberi 4½, 112414' Jur1 &Loel 2 4 Mutton S hei Sten'sWer 3 3 3e Cow liganau (COF Bowling 1 SPORTO PICS September 17, 1971 FIGURE SKATING' High triple for the men Registrationt for the Figure Sýkating Club wllbe Ii goes o Mult Dakin this week.3f 71,9. Mel Rozerna scored 2991 durîng the week of October 4th to 8th froro8:0ar.9o.i~ for high single, Nice bowling,1 o'clock in the -recreatùi noffice of the Town Hall, Regist1ratioý men,. fee -,$1100 for residents and $12,00 for non-residen-its, For (the ladies, Carol Rob- : t t erts has high triple 6,59. BeV.ILAUEHCE Alldiread ha' sa very fiee 2731 TOWN EC;f, U')KY for hgh sîngle., Any player, interested in playing Town League hockeyý, Over 200 Games including players froin lasf year, must have their names in Bob Smith 219, May Ail- by 1:00 p.mý Sunday, September 26th. You cao give your na:-ine dread 215, W. Piersma 234 t o asn-6328;BthCl 2-29 tv u-i R. Vanderberg 237-221, C V o asn-6328;BteiCl 2-29 tv un Moran22322, G ..t27 - 623-7013;, Dave Green - 623-3483, Bob l-ellam - 623 21072. Norm Woodcock 212-211,' E. Anyone interested in refereeing Town League hýckey, Prout 202 A. Brock 202, J. please notify any of the above executive members and pan Ro'binson 232-, B. Westl-akeTmCx-Orn 8-09 203, J. Rzea226, A.Co OoMc-3509 Men21-2 , M. Heath 291, t t t t t N.Zodrvn210, Bey'. Al- MIlXE» FUN1 DAY WAS GREAT' dread 273ý, N. M 'en228R, P Onceaan the weatherman co-opcrated with the 72 Po-tt.er 22ý',5, C. Ro)berts 250ý, J.1 mlxed pariip-ants in the BowmauvilleConr Club Mixed Lufmn231-270, R. Brock Tunmn o audy 200f, A. Bnsýma 208. D. Detnnis!Twaeto tudy 22'8. P. Mlarshaill 208, R. Wesl- IU was dlesigned Vo lie a fun day .- but the sports editor lake 2.56-227, J.Mcb 2181, didiit tinrk 1V was particularly funny whien it, cost u1s- a cool M. MVcK-een 216, S. Robî1inso 300 bucks Vo i tee- off on the first hole. 256, G. Prout 216, G. Heah ScIi golfer was handed $5,000 Vo etart - bu,(t yrou had to 229-218, L. Wocc 227, A.ý DeJ"1a,,gger 0,.Alreaj pai ot oehndre(d dollars fth terit(rthie glfreo!your 217 A Dboo'236), lM. Rozemna fourismoe f you ent on anothepr fiwa i n teroughnt 215-299, B,. Chipmnan 210, E.a 'watepr hzad r wu andmisd Archr 20, B.Marsall23,, Youjhad to) fork over a coupl) o!buifiwhoverwa 20f-22-2 , f.Oedn235, firs't onithegre, lsetto the pin ad irt no1the uv, R. Van (Goorn 204, A. -Vin Grior Fo0rtuatijy the oId ,scribe pîcked up a' huan olason 256-200-20p3, G. Ptter 2 2 1,-1, ý, G.th st hole, to endl up wîth a profit o! two hundirIrrd.You Fedema20922.didnr't knoew who your partner was untaýil afryou played Te amSMandinig ~ ogNolan. 19 89491 ours turned ouf Vo lie Marion Pearson, m ho started and .finis7h. G. Pýro ut 16 8,240 ed with the five grand. DeW. Denny . 15 8600f Jack Todd thouglit he, was doing quite well for himeeosl! B0c J. Bon 1 8287 wbein ha almost doubled s money .- only problei--h b, R. Westlake il 82 discovered partner Phyl Cruess lad just about lost ail o! hier A. Van Goor ----- 9 8618 dough. R. Vaniderberg . --- 9 8345s Bob Walton and Jackie Collins flot only walked off with D.' MeReells ----- 8 8568 a f air bit of boot -. but fley put together a net best ball of B. Smith -------- 7 8011 27 for the nine holas. C. Roberts ------ 6 803() N. MeKeen -- 4 756 Ted Miller and Peggy Fay1,le fied wîth Val Miller and - owner Bob MacDonald (thats h low the club broke even) for second place. Ken Nicks and Helenî Siniclair wound up with the high Bln Rantam Gdirls net score - that means they aither played poorly or they Blncard 3, Holroyd 2; Bruce were the most honest- although îV was lhard Vto f ceat when 5, Townsley 0: Lane 5, Luxton aeveryonc watehed everyone else- to see iftbe eou cotllet. 0ý 1High Single jWe even had other foursomes clarging us for Loing on their S. Bî uce --------- 47 fairway. L. Can n 135 Nieks was the auctioneer for the prizes afterwards, and B----- Lana---- - 135 1eV na fell you -- hs guy las a grcat future ahead o! hum C.--o-royd 131 ln, that busineess. The bidduýnjýg got too murh for us - so wa igh Double S. Bru )ce- ----- - ------257 slippad away Vo wateh tha Montreal-Hnrrilton football gaine B,. Laýne ------ 249 on felavision downstairs. We got a real largair, however - a V. Farr iand ----------- 2481 golf owel for $10.200. C. Holrovd --- ----- 248 Next on the agenda -- ladies closing field day this Satur- .Bantam Boys B. Cole 5, Brooks 0, Edmond- day and the men's closing the wnek after. O! course there son 3, Wood 2; S. Cole, 3, Piper stîli should ha several golfing days sili left affer that! J.g Sinpgle ..165Junior Boys 1 High Single J. too - ---- --------- 1 5 D. Terry --- - 307 B. Wood --- 146Joli 7, Chow 0; Brooks 5,D. raav- 29 ihDobeMosh-er 2; Gray 2, Coombes 5. I raligh ripl B. Wood, ---------- 289 ,lbSngeM. Roberts - 697 S. Cole - ---2491J Brooks 251; J. Lanae 251; D.il). Terry ----- 747 Junior GirlsGry 241; R. Chow 232; J ' D. Bradley ---------------727 Taylor 7, Bond 0; Mitchell Jesn27W.Mhr20;K Supervisor Harold Bennet Aide 2; Paterson 7, Brooks 0. Farrelil 206; P. Lavigne 203; J. le happy Vo announce we Dow Hligh Single Murphy 200-201. have over 190 youth bowiers J.Ptesn ----------- 97 High Triple registered Vo, date. There le J. PAtdeson ------ 1 . Chow 613; J. Lane 604; D. stili ronin for bowlers la the High Triple Gray 597. Bantain Boys and the Senior C. Vanstone ---------. 501 Senior Mixed League League. 1 S. Bond.. ------- : 488 Smala 5. Cooinbes 2; Robertsi We, have somne o! the bee Attention ail Jr. Leegue 5, Davey 2; Martyn 7, Broek bowlers in Ontariolo nl sni bowlers: Your bowling wili 0; MacDonald 5, Terry 2; Brad-]group o! goodSurvsran nlow commen(,nce at 12 (sharp), bey 7, Bouwineester 0. It3str-uctors r Here are sorne ofthe features youIlI find on the 1972 Polntiacs. Read about.them. Then compare them wîth others. Stack them up against your oewn standard of value. Then corne in and sce the new cars at your Pontiac dealer.'s We believe youiel find the real value you've been look inàg for. You know you cen elways cout en Pontiac to introduce Vie ikinid of newness that meanssmetiagmre tInjuet an extra idresingof tibseL. This year, 0on aI1l ieir fuli-size- n-odels, Pontiac's engineers have tui-ned their attention to the little lumpsý and bruises of everyday driving life. They've fitted two steel boxes fuled wîh a resilient material between the front bumper and îhe frame. On rainor impact, titis inaterial compresses to absorb eaergy, then raturas to uts originel shape. And île bumper raturas to position. Ia addition, they've provided you *ith île option of ordering a îhick Strip of rubber-like meterial that i-uns Septep"be 1~,1971 dik - 12 5438 'ay 10 7 5222n ste-1 Men's high Sîigle Ladies' Hlgh Triple an Hickey -------- 583 Ladies' 111gb Single an Hickey.------- --- 269 1Over 200 :k Brown 330-260, Elleen Sy 26,Bill Whlka 266- 10, Les Hunt 248, Jin 247-237-221, Allen Mac- 1245, Lionel Hickey 238-, Garry Conway 237-216, Lae d Wiblidal 23, Lerry rney 229, yancy Mahoney-. Hardt 201, MiUke Kennedy 201J the whole width fb oth front an1d rear bunipers to hel uadagis scratces andid iinge. 0f course. every fuII-size Pontiac offers mn te au features. Like adubea' roof construction w1i aper.- foraîed inner panai that hýelps cut down inside noise. Draft,,- free, upe level ventilation. Side guarbeam-, in al the doors Engines; designed to mun on nou-lead or io -agsolinles. Power fr Ont disc brakes, power sîeerng aadl, on V8 m esetmtctransmission, ail sta àndard, 1 Pontiac'stilnsz Le Mens also has something new and ex-citing to offer you in 1972. A naw luxury series, called, noV surprisingly, Luxury LeMas. Insîide thera's an instrulmeat panel wîh the look of rare Ceylonese teak. A "sof," rimmed steer-'ing wheel. Aad comfort. Real comfort. 1Inches of soft foami padding,. Rich fabrics. Plusl cerpet. And vinylJs soi soft you could aasily mistake thýei for leather. SVe-ntura u, Pontiac's newest baby, is a poc4,ket-sized, pocket-priced beauty that ie proviag so popular thlat juet, about all we changed for 1972 was the nameplate. Vetua Coupe. Luxury Le Mens rtpCo-upe. Firebilýrd for 172 l ni-,; gret-ooingsprt cr tatgiesyo aU the luxury you want andailthre spïorty performance you went-at a e price that will make Firebird most wanted by sports fans. Ail this is a mere smaitering of the featuras and values you'llbe finding on the 1972 Pontiacs. Pon tiac Grand Prix, Grand Ville, Bonneville, Parisienne Broughamn, Catalina, Laurentian, LuxuryLeMans, -1LeMýýa nsý, Ventura ii, Firebird. If this is the year you're looking for value, this ia the'year to look at Pontiac. Why don't you? Pont lac value: Isn't this what you'vez been. looking forÎ? Don't forget Somu of the equipment illustrated or described is optional at extra cost. Vo buckle up for safety,