.Births Cards of Thanks riRl-Ronand Juie ý(ne I would ljike ta thank the llawke-) are praud to an- ladies of Hampton for the toun etc birth of Il-ceir lovely gifts gîven at the Comn- îèJaugh-ter Kim Marina,. 6 lbs munity Sliawsr. S p e cîra nos. at Memorial Hoptal, thanks te aur neighbours who PI)ra-mrvîie, on Monday organîzed thc evenîng. l-oebr22, 1971, a sîster Brenda Terrîli. 47.1l for Richard. 47-1* ____ is i %ould lîke ta cxtend If OpE- Mîchelie i very thanks ta Dr. Anfassi and al wla ed ta annaunce the rlinurses on Third Floor for hflirwebayboer their kindness, and neiglors iomsWilliam, born at Me- anîrercds for vîsîts, cards, ruiîa opital, Bownianville lw and rdesà nThuirsday, Novemrber 1 Mr.ElzbehWod 4- ~1:15) .r.,weigbing 7 lbs. . ___lzaetWo.__ 4- V',ors Proud parents are rtna d audJdy. Spécial thanks The famiiy of the 'ats Etta I, rMî_s n nurses on Gertrude Page wsl ta ex- ~V1aernty.47-1 pressdtheir sincere thanks ta _______frien S, neighbaurs and -cela- FROWE -- Arthur and Lucîle tives for their* kind expores- are pfleased ta annaunce the siens of- sympathy shown us l iof tîcîr daugîter, Caria in riecent bereavement, Juii,6 ls. 23/4 ois., onc 47-.l* Navem-ber 14, 1971, at Ms- marnii Hospital, Bawman- We wrîsl ta thank friends ille-. Special tlianks te Dr. and neighbaurs of Biackstock J. unidie and Maternîty Communîty for the gifts pre- taff._i4-1 ented ta us. Speciai thanks tealal who cortrîbuted during UNDEJ and Pat are thc evening. alae aannounce the arrîv- Sharon and Ray Essery. ai i Vîginia Lynn, 7 ls. 47-V' 4 rs. n Thursday, Novem- ber l8th, 1971 at Oshawa Geji- 1 would like ta thank mny era Hopiti.Praud grand- frîends, and negîbours for parntsar Dr. and Mrs. H. 'plane caiÈls, vîsîts -and cards B...RndIe, Bowmanville, and during miy stay in Hospital, MUr. and 'Mrs. A. Rîley, Graf- Also special thanks ta Dr. H. to.47-1 .Bý Rundie, Dr. John Rundie and nurses on 1Èirst Floor. Forthcom-ing Clîfford Coulter. 47-1* Marrictges I wauld like ta tlank M.and Mrs. Ralph Ames frîends, neighbaurs and rela- arînouncIJIe_ the farthcaming tives for their cards, gîfts and marae af tîcîr, daughter visits while I was a patient in Judît- J oi, t John Siaven Memrial Haspital. Special Capleil, soni of Mr. and thanks ta Shelley anid Kelly Mr.John Ca-,mpIeli, Aurara, Adams, doctars and nurses an Ontý. 'Tic weddîng wll take Surgîcal Floor. plae Dcemer18, 1971 at Mrs. Ada Adams. 47-1 7 ..in Trinîty United Clrc.47-1 1 wauid ike ta thank al frîends, neighlaurs and rela- - Deathstives for the letters, cards, ASOJahn Regînald - gift5 and viîts ta me while 1 Su aia Newcastle on was in the Orthopedîc and Saura, November -20, 1971 Arthritic Hospital andToron- John Alaon af Newcastle. ta General Haspital for the Rcsted at îe Narthcutt Elliîott past four and à alf months. Funjlera! 1Home. Funeral- serv-Idd appreciate tliem very ice ~s einat 3 'clack Tues- much. da 2fternaon, Interment Edna Thîcksan. 47-11 BEowman1ýiivileý Cemretery. 47-1 ______We wsh ta thank frîends BORANDAt unset Lodge, and relatives for cards, gfts Bowiavîheon Suinday, Na. and cails during-aur respect- veu, ber 21l, 1971, Mabel Bor, ive stays in Memorial. Hos- iain, agýed 98 years, a daugh- pital. Ssecial tlianks ta Drs. ter of tIc lae Mr. and Mrs. Hullard-, Spears and Sylves- W C,- . Bariand , Pivate ter and nurses and staff af svi ashcid in the Morris thc First and Second Floors, V Funerl Capel, Bowmanville, Tlanks also ta Rev. Sneigrave onTues-da a il a.m. Inter- for lis kînd vîsîts'and tealah men BwmavîleCeMetery. whio provîdcd transpartation. Tac ad Marlon Hatheriy, BROW ,TdaLoui]se,-At Mr Netonlvilie, 47-l' ai- Turda, Nvebe 1, y siîn,ýcretlaý;nks ta Senior 1971 IdaBronof Apslcy,, in Cýitîenj Cub hurdaya lie 6t1yer, dacighter r týie eno lb l aeur hat M. ad rs.Rihar M GuldaI t.John's (Curc lh -'~o~n dar îser I rs.S.the, Evening Branch of StL 4 Bown(Mldrd) Wate an Jah's Church, the Martha i~ ~ ~ ~ i RoRse t l ot-Craup, Rev. T. Gracie for cuttElhîtt Fner lnHoe. visits, friendci. relatives for 'Pî-sa eric wsheld. at cards and' vîsîts. Special Ila'licr Studa Iarning, thanks ta nurses anîd staff, Inernet out ,~wnCeMe- Third Floar, Memrial Hos- tr, -47-1 ptal, antd ta Dr. E. D. Hub- bard. -LGHFQT-At Mlemarial Mrs. Bcrt Mundy. 47-. Hosotal Bawnil2.le , o b Sunday, november.R1, 91 'I amîly of the late Eva Jaepi îhtfoot, RR. 1, May cIVklray wauld ike te Cheienha, blavc husandexpress sincera apprediatior. IîfJsî Aîtken, brather-in- ta friends, relatives an,] îaw o Anne (Mrs. A. Piper), nighbaurs far cards, floral Eowanill, nd Ellaý (Mrs. tributes and, acts af kindnesý E.redat] Etolbicoke. Serv- during aur recent bereave- 'ce as eld n tc Marisment Aisa a special thank. Puneal lape, Bwniavie t Dr. McKenzie, the nurseý an Wednesday at 2 o'clock. and staff an the lst and 3rc IrtemntBwmanvl-le Ceme- floars of Memorial Hospital tey.47-1 for takîng sudh wondcrfui BOLLAD - t Memrialcars ofa adear wii'e. ciothei Flopîal BwnAniie, on aand graimther during lei Budy oember 21, 1971 illness, andta Rev. T. Sict Lar wuoed e ars,,197d, Mrris Funeral Clape] b Lo cd wîfe afGeorg4 e as- for ail their heIn and kîiîd- lrOrono; dear môthercof ne ss. 47-1 i Jame SeVice was held in Ilc orrisFuneral Chanci,, 1 would lî-ke ta express 1m; Bowarileon Wcvdrîesaay sincere thanks taal Wl at330pm Intermrent Orono lcoaperated so well at, il Ccsietry.47-1 Hobby Slow hcld at Tri-nit) _____________________Churcl Hall, Nauemkcr 1lotb Reception Espccialy ta Mrs. Puk anc ____________________lier helpers for looking aftei The famîly af Mr. and Mrs. refresîments, alsa Mr. Sta Stney B. Gray wish ta in- Dunn of the Royal Canadiai viteteir, relatives, frîends Legian for their wondcrfu. and liighbors ta a receptian display af medals, etc., ais( upon î1 the accâsîon of theirtetahîe bays of -Pine Ridgi parts'àt Wedding Anni- Schaal for their beautiful ds tc . esryt e held at their play af ceramics and art, se lae i Perrcytown, Ont., an up by Mr. Croakail, their Art StraDecember 4th fram and Craîts teacler. Thank; 22ta5 ad 7 ta 9 p.m. 'Beat alsa ta Mr. Michael McAllis wilsony. 47-1 ter far supplying "Dawn Me mary -Lan Mic" for tlb Ce, nta reia.r nt 47-3 ro Persnal MEXICO .3 HYGENI SuFor -(Brochures contaci,; gads aile.d potpaidi In p7aiscld-nvlpcwfbJury &bi -!prce lîi i ape 5,19 Ring S.LE ~ o 9,Harjml oOnt, 1-521 OSHAWA 30-f- The Bowmanvrls Hi g he Sclooi wîll hldis annual Commencement Exercises Si tle Hîgli Selool., begrnuîng aI Eý 8 p.m., Frîday, November 26, Of 1971. The public is iuvied. Fî 47-1 N( ,SUUl,-n Vm lovtg1'-.J.c.'- .. siion Club Dance, 8:30 p.m., Saiurday, Nov. 27 ai LionsE 5 Centr"e. Music 1-y Ross Jack- man. 2.00 membens, 3.00 nan- *mem-bers. Bar prîvîheges. Evenyane weicomoe, 47- COLMER SHOPPING TOURSE Nov. 27 and Dec. 7 S For Reservatione Plane 623-3265. or 623-3093 46-2 Durham New Democratie ,fParty Annual Meeting sudC sEleciion aI Olfîcers wîll be 0 eheld Saiurday, December 4t1, ' i1971 at 7 o'clack p ru. ai tle -2 Newcastle Town Hal There I' wîll le a guesi spoeaker and a edance will foliow tle mccl-, ing. Evenyane welcoms. 47-2 Oshawa Antique Anms Guilti GUN SI-10W r sud -SALE Sunday, Nov, 28 9 a.în - 2 n i INSMEN CENTRE r 10g Colborne st. W., Oshawa [ WOOD VIE W COM«MUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 p.m. Kinsinen CommunitY Centre n 109 Coibonne St. W. ai OSHAWA Sis 27-tf s BOWMANVILLE es LEGION PIPE BAND al ST. ANDREWý'S ýDANCE a1 SATURDAY, NOVýEMBER 27 ýr fiBar Pnivileges el Admission - $3.00 per couple * Tickets available ai île door 47-1 i' Pre-chrîstmas le Bazaar and h' B1AKE SALE er Orono Town Hall aSaturday,, Nov. 27th in 1971, ai 1.30 p.m.. so Sponsorcd by Durham N.D., For Women's organization, i Frinformation or pick-up of ;e articles Plouc 6Z3-7552 Or - 983-5328 - ks FLORIDA .- suni and fun ýr - sE E iWalt Dîsney World P) days -$159 up lucluding Ldc InOTEL - REAFAST SJURY agid LOVELL sTRAVEL AG,-'ENCY ]K 9 ing %t. E'.7,wmanville .g Events HOLIDAYS WITH .Y TOURS LTDS xe Motorcoach arture dates. 10, 16, 20 or 21 Day Tours. All ide Disney World. One goes ta lui New Orleaus. bw as $165,00 per persan curs Fcb. 191;h, April 311, i1h $360,00 per persan Days - Depantiuig ApLil 811 oveil Travel lie 3-18 'Bewman'ville1 ---- - - -r - ---- - ter Alia, Anilsud chîltinen. 47-h 'ARROW-In loving, memory f my dean husîsuti, Harvey Faraw, who Passed away November 23, 1969. It a sad to walk île taad ahane Icisteati of sîde by sîde. But toalal tIers cames a nom eut WIcu the ways aI if e dîvîde. Yau gave me years af lappi- ness TIen, cane sarrow and tsars But you icît ne beautîful ruemories I wîlirsasune through île ysars. -Sadly missed sud ecireu- mened hy lis wif e, Eva. 47-1* GIBBS-Ini loviug memary of our grancifailer Ronald P., wha passeti away Novemnber 29, 1970. Ncease C-od, talte aur message To aur graudpa mu heaven save, reli lin low muel we miss lirn Andi gve hlm ail anc love. -Sadiy msseti anti always renîcrbereti ly zgrntchlr- pn Dnaldti tawna, Doiiis Comîng Eventsi Penny Sale, Friday, Noýv, - 26, Newtonvîlle Hall, 7:30 pmn-c Sponsored by Newtonvilier Wl, Lunch served, 25c. 47-1 Bake sais will be beld Dec. 4tli at Bawmanviiie Atrena frocn 10 unïtîl 2, sponsored by-1 the Hockey Mothers' Assoc)ia- tion. 47 1 Bazaar, St. Juseph's Audi- torluhi, Friday, Noveniber 26, 7 - 9 P.m. Something for everone.45-3 Unît 7 of St. Paul's UC.W. are holding a bazaair and afternaon tea at Sai1 cm Clurdli on Wednesday, Dec. lst at 2ý30 p.m. 47-i Special - Every Saturday nîglt-Ail thc Fîsh and Chips yau can eat for 99c at The Acres Restaurant. Open wcek- ends oniy. 40-tf Pantypool'Thankof fcr in g Service wîll be heid on Sun- day, November 28t1 at il a.m. Speaker, Rev. Wm. Wells, Peterborough. 46-2 Tickets avaîlabie for Lions Club New Year's Eve Dance, $15 per couple. Bar privil- eges, 'novelties, free lunch. Contact any Lions member. 46-4 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Mnor Softball JUBILEE PAVILION and Dr~Ipe. , 47-1___ SLEMON-Iu lovîng meniory GIBBS-ln-t lovîn iimemiory of of a dean brother Mihion, 'iho xiv father 1Ronald P., wha iia sed away an INovember j passed away November 29, 3oth,' 1968. 1970.He had a smile, a pleasant We lîttie knew when we wake way,1 that, rnrnn , 1Abelpîng hand toallai e The sorrow the day wauld knew. 24 brin g He was sa kind, Go generous_ F'or the cail was sudden, the and true,R shock, severe, On earth hie nobldd his ai He ieft us quietly, lis best,.,s thoughts unknawn, Grant him, desus, heavenly cl But left us a. memory we are ret.af proud ta awn, --Ever remfemnbered by sister t, Sa treasure hlm, dear Lord, Lena 'and faily. 47-1* nr in your garden of rest, C -Sadly rnissed and alwvays STUBBERT-In loving me- 6( remembered by daughter De- mory of a dear wife Helen lares and son-in-law Don. who passed away Navember 47-1 26, 1963.' M Oh how pjatient is thy suifer, HAMILTON-Ici lovîoig me- ing mory of a dear mother and~ Wheci no hand could, give1 grandrinother Elsie, wh-rn ass;- thee ease, ed away November 25, 1958, 'Gad the heiper af the hàeiD- aiea aur brother Ross who les oassed away December 13, Saw thy pain and gave thee 1969. nea e. We who lai ed youi sadly miss -Laovingly remembered. by you' husband Frank. ý474* C As At dawris another year,F In aur lonely haurs af think- STUBBERT-Cherished me- ing maries af a dear matherand S Thaughts of yau are ever grandmnother Helen, wha pass- near. ed away Navember 26, 1963 -Lavingiy remembered by Sweet menories will linger the family. 47-1* farever, Tîme cannat. change them HART-In memory afmoth- it's true; er, Bessie. who died Novem- Years that may camie cannat ber 26, 1970, and my father severe Lawrence, who died Februa'ry Our laving remembrance of 6th, 1965. YOU. Gone from us but leavingl-Always remembered by ý,memorîes daughter Marilyn, son-in-iaw Death can neyer take away, Charles and grandchildren Memories that will alwayilHelen and Chu.ck,. 47-1 linger While upon this earth we STUBBERT-In ioviiig me- stay. mary of a dear mother and- Sadly missed by the family, grandmather Helen who pass- _______ed away November 26, 1963. KENNETT-In loving memory A part of aur bearts she took of ý a dear father and, grand- 1 with ber. father, Robert, Kennett, who But her lave she left with Passed away Nov. 26, 1963. usta keep, It brolie aur heaits ta 'bac Sa we wîll, neyver realiy be you, narted,2 But you didn't go alone, The bond bet'ween u is too For part of us went with you deep. E The day C-ad caiied yau -Forevr iaved and sadi home, mîssed bydugtrM ie It's lonely here without you, a-nwBy, granrdchild-' We miss yau more each day, ren Kevýin nr San -Far life is not the samne ta 4-7-1* us Sînce you were called away. STUEBERT .-In lvîn n-e- .-Lovîngiy remembered and mary of a dear mther, Hel- sadly missed by daugliters en, wopassed away Navemn- Evelyn, Grace, son-în-iaw AI, brr 26th,193 grandoildren Mark, Terry, Ou.r harspre like a ;-remiory 'KENNETT - In laving mne- Wis pages, Mother de 1 )mory of'a drar husband, fath- Hol.d ail thc loving thoughtsy er and grandfather, Robert of yau. Kcnnett who passed away, Recorded year by year. November 26th, 1963. A book of golden yesterdays, Dear Dad, r-othîng can ever Bound with iovîng cars, take away , A rare edîtion, Mother dear, the love aur hearts hld, Because you re treasured t dear, there. A loving father, kind and --Sadly missed and forever true, crhrcmembcred by son Reg, and No onc-on at we'll find daughter-în-aw Shirley. lîke you. 47-1* And as dawns another year W ne Thoughts of yau are aiways Wa te. o Buy near. - AiWays remsmbered by PIANO, grand or upright, Lwîfe Marjorie, son George, suitabie for student, will pay daughter-in-law E v eline, cash. Write Advertîser 240, grandchîldren Robert, George c/o Canadian Statesrcian,, P.O. Si. and Evelyn. 47-1* Box 190, Bowmanville. 41-tf 1 Lil BROWNELL-In iovîn pime- ï mary of a dear brother", Ray-I moud Browneli, wîo passedp away Nov. 26, 1970. We mention your njame Aýnt speak of you often, ý God biess you, dear father, 1You are not forgotten. -Ever remembereti by iisi sîster, Eva Farrow and fan îly. 47-1* FARROW-In hovîug mnmory of my dear father, Harvey, who passed away November 23, 1969. Days of sadness stîli came aver us, Tears in silence often flow, Fror memor:ies keep yau ever near Lus Tlaugh you ied two years aga. -Sadiy mîssed by son Athur and wîf e Hanna, grandchîld- ren William and Kelly. 47-h FARROW-In iovînig meniory of my father,-Harvey Farrow, passed away November 23rd, 1969. He is gone but not forgottený, And as dawns aoteyar In our lonely boursat- ik Thori chis of hîmi are aiways Days ofr sadness wîli came o'er us, Many thînli the wound is healed, But tîey httie know tIe sorrow TIat ies in the lea.Prt _concealed. DEADLINIE FOR CLASSIFIED T ue sday,, 4:30 p.m. 623-3303 ,e WANTED-Good home for Y -1 kittens, varîed assartment. Tl 623-2744. 47-1 * n 3. SCOTTISH Terrier, register- R -tf ed, female, 5 montdhs, ali shots, champion sired. CaîIl f9 W416-7,53-2549. 47 Il1 - - - - - - - - i 7- THREE German Shepherd -ýaj FEMALE cierli wanted. Apply Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bow- manville, 47-1 REGISTERED nurse wanted. South Haven Nursingz Home, 87-4441. 45-tf 1.EGISTERED Nursing Assist- ant, full orpart tîme. Appiy Aîîction sale at Pethïck-'. Auction Shed, Haydon1 one, mile east of Enniskillen on, Saturday evening, Novembejc 27, large quantity of furni- tupe, also bedding,toe, dishes, other thîngs..Stra nigît. Ciiff Pethick, Auctian- eer. 4'7-1 T-n Mpmn,ýîàm 1 In Memoriam l= nKFÈNN-ETT-1n lvng, m- n-cry of a dear faether--and7 grandfather, Robert,.vw'ha passed away November26, 1963. A golden leart stopped 'beat- ing, Two workîng liauds are -ýai test, C-ad Iraks our hearts ta prove ta usE He oniy takes tIc lest. iThe blow was hard, the shock severe, 1We neyer thoughtj, lis deathý sr near. Oniy those wha have hast can-1 , tel l The pain at parting without farewell. -Aiways remnembcrsd andý sadly mîssed by daugîiter Mary. son-în-haw Jas and grandchiidren. 47-1-* MILLSON-In lovîng meniory'vý ,of a dear wîf e and mother, Pearl E., Mîhison, wlo passed away on Novemnber 10, 1959. A sulentthought, a secrrettsar, Keeps 1er nemory ever dear. Timie takes away tle cedge of grief I Bu memory turns ladk ever'y leaf. -Ever remembered by lus- band and famiiy. 47-1* RICHARDSON - in lovîng memory of a dear father Bertram Colin (Tony) wîo passed away November 25, 1967. lui the Booki of Lîf e tIers are memories 0f the happy days we1 knew,1 And recorded iu loveare thel. .blessîngs 0f a wonderfui dad lîke1 you. -Sadiy mîssed and aiwapi rememlered by Jîm and Sandra. 47-i RICHARDSON-In loving me- mory ofai'a ounderfu1 bushanti and father, Bertrarn Colin (Tany>, who passeti away November 25, 1967. They say time heals aill sorraw, And hlps us ta forget, But time 50 far las oniy Haw much -we miss you yet. Thougli tsars in aour eyes do rotgîsn And aur-faces, are not aiways sad. Tîcre is nleyer a nîght or a morning But we thilînkoaItIe husland aud father we lad. Not a day do wev forget you, In aur leartsu iare ahways bers, Forý we loveti ou and mies you As it dawns the faurtl honely vear. -Alîvays loved and sadiy mîsdby wîf c Ruth aud 1; Articles for Sale CARROTS for sale, Phot 725-6479., 47 WATER for sale and delîve je. Cali ChClff Pethick 623-211 1 1 29- SK1 boots, size 5, like nei $ý25 cash. Phone 623-3497. 47 FLOOR palisher, swivei rocl er, lîke new. Cail 263-8838 47 PINuprig, god roi :dition. Phone Orono 983â51ý 47 FRESH kîlled capon ,s, Qv( repady. Phane 797-2206 Gar, en Hîli.46 E:,L-ECTRIC -bass guitar, il nýew. Phone 623-3182 623-5959. 47 ELDON race set, 46 pcs. trac 6 cars, 2 trarcsformers, $1 Phone 623-7078. 14 B-LACK -suitwarn twic just like new. Plane afi 5:30 p.m., 623-3878. 47- STU-D 1AER Service, nE and used parts. Grahar Garage. 1-416-263-2233. 19ý ANTIQUE china cabinet, good condition, best off( Cail 987-4617 after 6 o'clo5, 47 LADY'S coat, purpie. tri: med with black fur, sîze Goad condition. Telephoý 623-3400. 47- COMBINATION starm ai screen door, one exteýr: wooden door wîth glass p3ani Plane 623-2130. -47 USED 21" black and whi Electrohome TV ý with U- 1$90.00. J-Mar Equîpment C 134 King St. E., Bowmanvil Phone 623-5689. 47 MOFFAT and Simplicîty A pliances, Hoover Produc Large selection of new chror suites. Paddy's Market, Ham ton. Phone 263-2241. 18. NEW andi Usa Partsf ail mnakes of Waslers, Dryc and Ranges. Paddy's App lance Parts Ltd, 344 King W., Oshawa. Phone 579-13; 18 SEALY mattresses, baby m, tresses 24 x 48 and 27 x 14.95, chesterfields, 190. c chairs 24. rip, l-assocl Murphy Furniturs, King W, 623-3781. 47. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cal cash regîsters, desks, chi files, new, used, rentais, servi Discount pi ices. Open Tu day, Wednesday, Thursdý Bill Hamilton, B r a a k i 655-4179. 29 -3BEAVEU WAL'-LPAPERi SPECIAL 99C per sin gis rol 12 COLORS IN STOCK Cash sud Carry Plane 623=3388 146 King St. E., Bowmanvi 4 OLLS sud railsaIS ând hardiwists ail at $8 5. yard:C-reatiy rsduced ctsar foc Christmas, Same as much as,$4 yd. Guan Led installation fan Cîri mas. Don't dehay. c caunty Broatiloom Li 668-8895 or drap ici ta wacehouse andi showroomn 1742 Brock St., South oai vhiiby. - 4 USED TRACI'ORS 20% DISCOUNT J-MA R EQUIPMENT C, 34 RIma St. E., Bawmanvý 11Plone 623-5689 Internaional 414 Diesel e1 Csîec-aîlar D2---- - $1 Fannali Super "C" îvîth Scuffiens . iuncn W4S ANDREWS TV TOWERS and ANTENNAbc INSTALLED AT Low Rates ALSO SPECIAL ON Colour Systems Phone 623-2006 or 723-5198 T V -TU BE S S P E C I A L -$99-- - -- -- -- - Plus' BLACK aud WHITE TUI AT LOWEST PRICES PREMIER TV OSHAW.A 725-1179 Why Wait for Spriing DO IT NOW! YoIu111 be layiug zcanaIs your CONN or-gan even lej :lhat guy i la îl red suit st: loading bis slcigh. C'mon in and sec what w talkiî'g about ai your frici orgaui store, The Avenue Organ and Piano Salon 5235 Vonge St., Wllolw (11/,miles nortl af île Phone 223-6684~ k- ýpuppies. R Pegistered 1 Austral- Marnwaod Nursing Home,- be-, i.an^ ai pups; reasonabie. tween hi1 and 3, 623-5731. WEEKLY 7. ýCali 705-277-2191, Pantypool. ____47-1LVE T C SA S m- - ~~~~~~46-2- --- - ýIETC SA S ci- -- _____ ------ INSTRUMENT REPAIR 7 LvetckF r aeHELPER at Durham Conty Sales Artia, L1 etc FrS l Orono - Every Thurs,, 7:30 P.în. ~ 5 PI-S.Frac Scte, RR.far hîghly automated plant. Selling Horses, Cattle, Swine, ren 50 nnIskiFrnc 7 t1 C. D an- Apolîant must have had Cal-ces, Sheep, etc.' Charic ,d -1, nni kil en7th Con D a l-recognîzeti apprentîceshîp or R id, A uctioneer a nd Pro- -2 îngton, Nrth af Zion. 47-l' appropriate trade selool train- Uke TREE cows wîtî calves, also ing. Please reply in writîngc prietor, 23- t j ]Cockslutt 30" tracter and ta o y u h is m s h p 7- loader, needs some repair. Best ST. MARYS CEMENT CO. ping thc easy way. Came ta ak ffer. Plane 263-2589. 471' P.O. Box 68 aur Christmas Auction, Satur- ý1.IF you are buylng or sellîng BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO day, November 20, i p.m., 7- livestock of any kini, eal] 47-1 Fsrnlili Park Club House, Ivaîn Johnson & Sons, Live- Oshawa. Cliff Pethcck, Auc- d5,stock Deaers and arder by- RN's tianeer. Handicrafts, home errs, R.R. 1, Balliebaro. Plane and ,baking, Christcmas gift ideas. 705-939-6855. 4-tf R .' RNA's Auctionr sale at Burleton nsi Carsfor Sale W N E Churci an Saturday- after- WANTEîîoaci, November 27: Two ail '62 CHEV. 4-doar sedan, as is, space heaters with fans, twa [er Best ffer. 623-5192. 47-i in Bowmanville Ares pianos. organ and stool, pul- ek. '66 LeS-ABRE Brick, gaod nueare, qualificatios ansd it sud two chairs, otber odd 7-1î mieehanical condition, Phane sîlary expecter ta chairs, extension talle, somë r-7-80.47-i, Advertiser 256 sml als hrhpw.N 16. 1965 FORD Customu, ail Ieavy c/o Thc Cariadian Statesmnan ai 1.30. Cliff Pethick, Auc- ne duty, excellent condition. Tele- P.0, Box 190, Bowmanville tioneer. 47-1 -If plaone 82-3798. 47-h 46-2 nd '(1168 CHEVEtLTE 2-dr. 327 eu. SCHOFIELD-AKER Ltd., Real Paints, roofiug, nietai sup- or iu., four-speed, immaculate Estate Brokers, require at plies, eavestroughîng, fur-ni, ies.Itîrouglout, 31,950, firm. Tele- ieast ons more male or female turc, buildings, 1970 GMC -1iý _1*,lioe 63-362 ater6 Pm. sales represenialive to add ta tan trucki with racks - "Bus- 47-1 plane 623-3622 ofafc sra6f. iess s oîd" - property of "Eaýrh 19690 4î ar Bwmavile ofic stff.Wallace Roofers", Tpohný St, 1F16-0"VIVA G.T" 112 hp, Ability to speak the Dutel i7 ilay otPry '0. OH/C, AM-FM/SW radio language and SOME sales aturAyPDc.r4Saerai i le. green wîîl special interiar experiçuce would le an assetam.srp Do'mists 7-1 trîm, 18,500 miles, $1,350. Tele- lut ual a necessîty. We wl .sha Evecythî migss Ted --ý plouc__728-9847. 47-i train sud assîst île accepted sl.Eeyhn os e :t. 97 PNTAC--2- applîcant ta become succcss- Speuccley, Grant Werry, Ali(-- cts 190 ONTACParisienne 2 fui in île ceai estate field. For tioneers. 47-21 ne daar lardtap, 350 V8,' auto- an interview, caîl Mr. Michael Acinslpiasett op- mýatie, power steering aud emneMaae t6340 uiosl,'pvt sâe -itf Irakes, excellent condition.,eor nts e, Manaerat 562-4403 ran Oshawa, to le held nt - Cail 725-3945. 4 rbsrsdnea 76-108 Stîrtevsnt's Auction Hall, 217 for 196 GMC 1- -tn, 47t4494CHall St., Oshawa, Saturda,- rs $995: 19 6 I t r a i n l s oi O D M T U RE- i N avem ber 27 ai 6 p.m . Frig - ' li- witl 66Itrati nai Sout G dlaire electrie -slave, chrome St. Lic. 77ydrauli1,7n5. plorl SALES REP. suite, gosi ench, dresser, ý32. Equîpmcnt Ca., 134 King St. for short trips suVron1!dtng matiress7, irn ed, radio, floor -if E, Plione 623-5689. 47-1 Bownanvlle, eran w at poîsher, ches, af drawersi aI- s wrth p ii 81,00 lu earfloor lampa, school desk, aval 52, 'Tenders Wanted Plus regutlar cahbonu. ' dining room aleatifu Air Mail chairs, irunk, desk 1iamp),si ýks. TENDER NOTICE Bcntwocod chairs. dsecal- St. Au addition ta Golden 0. D. Read ouired TV, eleciric dock, -- -lV' PlougI Ladge, Cobourg, On- President cas;ional ]clairs, 1967 Vauxj- i, l, isbîgtcdrdTs Aniericax' Lubricants Ca. hall Envoi'; lîst not camnpîcie ira, work will le of inîcresîta Box 696 ùe 1welAI!e mcc cotractors capable of heiug- Dayt on,OhoM esKig ,,ron le-b o n dt i t laapDroxim1atelv 45401 O io cash. ylea Kiug 47- sec, 725-5701.447i [ l F or tcnderîng inform ation, w L Y.T L L T1 E I .V O i7 1 P M 9t ýapply ta A. W. anti P. J. Ciuff, j 1W WL O EL STA Y, NOV, 27, iâo Arclîterîs, Torouto', lelepbone îVOUR FAMILY Aulio1sleI ousehold 487-4165. "I'VYE BEEN LAID OFF?" furniture, autiques. ThIe Before mare jobs dîsappear estateý of tle laie CorsAiwf\ell, [K, SYMONS; Cierk-Treasurcr sîouîdn'î you ai least investi: wililec îcld (on Coîborne S Unitedi Counlies of Sre n teo FZNorthumberland and Draugale bloîv-you eau stan in Sre u îe vlae a 47 2 yaur sp rim as an O.A.A, Omence. Antiques, Lawn Bm', membrshî encller, You'Il mower, RCA 19', TV, 2 rc cairu extra money and le pre- iairs, 8 pce.diîn rFor FesuiteFniilar For Rent paced fori a [nIl-lime career ' gdîerfieaa ONE edron bate apîI~that 15 not dep codant upcm andi siove, assarîment efdir ments. Cahi 623-2672 afier 5, basses, strikes. lay-offs sud es, 3 ledqs2anti dressera, fr 47-i automation'. Ail that is need- stand, olti brols, cap1àainý WATDwo -cd] is your name, address sud chair, Singr vacum cleaner,. WAN aElady will 'Plane number. No obligation ailer quaiity items foiurov- share an apartiment. Phone or invesîment. Ail replies enais ta mention. Term ash 623-2395. 47-1 coufidientlal. Thec 0,A,. Su- nao rserve. Sale 1 i p , ,le THREE bedroom liuse, Dec. pervisar aI Osawa 725-8402. sharpPlan t ttnd. lenný .7-1 isi, Central. Ncwly decor __ 47-3 Fryc 623-5387, oLwr -ated. Adulis, 623-3190. CARETAKER 728-7639, Auctioneera. '47l-1t 8,88 -71 Pari lime caretaker af 24 Auction sale, clearici f Lta APARTMENT, heated. Apply lours per week required for esist, ta let heid ai St-urie- by Bowmanvîlle Utîlities Office, Locklart's Public Schaol. vant's Auciion Hall, 27 Hl .a- 19 King St. W. Telephone Good knowhedge af acbool Si., Oshawa, Thursday, Nv ýi- 623-4451. 47-1 caretaking procedure an d 25, 6 p.m : RCA Viciorte6 a11TOldro usaissat cieaning methods. Aliliiy ta vision, radio, floorlma id., meut for rent., Heaied, lu work tram verbal sud writ- vacum cleaner, éeetrie siave aur iawu, $125 monthly. Plouc ten instructions sud alility ta chrome suite, occascnal cl i, 3ti 623-,5867. 47-i get l sag ith people. heavy duty aewing maine.llr 401, Picase appiy lu writicig records, pictures,lotoos 7-2 ONE ledroan, apactiment, -;tating qualification sud cx- folding mnetal table, tkchs sitalie for youug- Couple, - iece on or belons Navem- bolsSensa maîtresses, niit 623 7746. ________]eph_ 47 her 6, 1971, to: labie, record cabinet,coc0 62377,16,- --47- 1_ 1M. A., MaeLEOD rugs, s-tudio led, corner eprd ROOMS ta cient by mionil. -Business Admînistrator table. TV irays, electnical S pi- O.Televîsi ou. bath, sauna, doc sud Treasuner plianees, rol-away bd, aaru- île poal. Flying Duicîman Moi- North-urmberland sud Durham. ty of dishes, rangette, utîhty,, or Inn 623-3373. 39-tf CouniF Board aI Education table, many marc articles toa 995 TH-TREE bedroon lhouse, m- P.O. Box 470 numreous ta mention. Terini 495 mediate possession anîy ce- D 'Arcy Street 'North' cash. Myles King, Auction- sponisîlle Densons need reply. Cobourg, Ontarioa471cce, 725-5751. 47-1 895 Plane 6M -7809. 471 -......4....74TI N S L 695 FU1SE eronktl CORPORATION 0F THE ACINSL 495 UNS D-bdom ih, GRIST MILL -en ariviiege, near laspital,' TOWNSHIP 0F AUCTION BARN business woman or workîugi C A K ETNIL gilPreccc.623-2689. ____________ 47-1 FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 7:00 p*r-. ONE ledroora aparîment, REQUIRES A Property af Mca. P. Hinbezt, uewly decaraieti, separaie Cores Landing: Freezer (ike entrauce, privais yard. Main C LE RK new), chesterfieid suite, oc~- street locatian. Tehephone casional chair, twin ledaý, 623-3259.- ___- 47-1 Applications plaîuly marked kitchen talle sud chairs, lin- cHE oomn apartînent, lillbc receîved by theunder-f oculars, foiding talles, lampa, centall loate in o,,;, n- igne fo th poitio ofbras lmpehectiieblaukets, $10 mothl. ChlClerk unii 5:00 p.m. Monday, rocker, fruit jars, spreads, John Rieger Real Estate, Parc December 611, 1971. baktdcdseWel [Corners, Whitby. 668-8848. Applicanis are required ta barrow, latiders, vise, nais, apply in own handwri 1tung mauy tools, gardien tûois, ýt NEW 3 ledcoom apariments, gîvînr full details of educa- shovels, fishiug isekîs, plus fitige suad stove supplied, tion, municipal expecieuce sud mauy items ahlu goad capi- possession Dec. 15, only $150 prescut employment. Employ- ditia.n. Also, many aller nantI. Guy Leblanc Real ett omneMna consiguiments. Terms cashi. Estate Lîitei, R e alht o r, alay 91 Auctianeers: Bob sud FralcIk FOUR-7 ons61.co 47-1ed Preference willl be given ta Stapleton. 4- tseenrolleti in the A4,M.C.T. or partment in Newcastle. Heat,iorsep or desirous of imînedi- N tc .00water sud garage mcludi. sierolîment.DrAguM.BaDDS, 'rax Wriite Adrpiser 9258, e/a r.TIe, . lar