~oo~~y Si' ais Show ai' Santa C~au Darade 15 Fer Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Z4, 1971 20 Pages NUMB~R47 Bôwmanvil inimen Club's cntry of Snoopy aud the Red Baron won firat priz in lcana Santa Claus Pairade. A victorious Sncopy saf higli on flic roof of his hoe lcoing down on the curse cf al l ii drcams, flic Red Baron. ý"If wa uebfot"s Ede Colc, Float Chairman. "But al h flicfiats entered thus y Ew-uc riicshe addcd dipomatically. A imeetiiig lield! in Bo-vmranl-,ng lie finaniiced? vill- e t fdlcicth tedfral A reoltio apriviýng thflic watr iltatosplan u fon cntrction c atc atiMs - ' les touldvlo pln1 o'th prvd yt(i cuil i facht jad wok uf a new 1969 and authorizcd by hbell cstimafe foi th -cot cf fithe OWRC2AOM3 ilow * Repireentat[Ivresyftfhectown ecd teloWethbldwieas a uar-ý coucîl tou ofic, :fC"!con- ter ýmillion (dollars overic suif îgengyieing fin c f estmate, The necd for the Proctorand Rcdf cru, and flic pant hm a-ys bcu en-cog-p OntfýarimonWat , ,c ResourcesaCo m- éizd b y counl . Ho weveam houri in inforitalk in ,whÙ1 flic OWRCadiae Bowmanvîle c"uncl didaeswud nut app oe My fuîe Moda nglt.devefloplcults ni Prflcmnîci-ý The mFeeing liad ben calledCpalîty uénesheowil acquir- ae fcrequtestcfficuOWRCcd a waterltrtonMstm aind ws chiaired ýy Mayn Af presenc lakewatla Ivap Hobb fraeafd chemically and in af e Atrî ic weMy two ces lns frdrinking. Buà t i s'flfr Whmt Mndof plant 'souid flicecd. townopt -,LFor -a packagýcd 'Reýpresen'tatîvea frjoni seven plant -or a con ponent onip" cf fl iuiicîpalifies fotiýngi And ow shnould the uurî-taki -sucs o PAGE iWOi S iisin TisYar'5 s ... Neithier smnow noimn e rin MLshortfic1971 Boan hlli non wnd have deferred vile CharnIercf Comme1r-cerodiincd thfle streetn Sauta Claus from cofmpflefing aialSauta ClasPrdWt-fi olru nu hia annual tour cf l3owman- was a comnplete suc e- uowalhu bsiama ville 'n flic paît» spite fcwethe r sorcd by the town- Chamrber nThis ycar, fUne luth ami- Maàny felt if, asflic bîlg= turc above a -sectýcin o1the ci jversary cf bhl vsita ta tdwn, gest te date. There w-as nel another item s added ta fthc doulit if waa o rne cf thel BURSTING TC SEjMT weathen liaI-nain. smoofhesf And if didu'f prevent obd George ehep èa r a dI, Many articles zllantil-iuibr Santa fromn climbing ahoard manshaîL, w crcdifed wMfh-aof pîctures, includlnig more of liii sied and faking a tour cf jiob wcll(donc-'n get ,'lg thelicSant a Claus parae, .havel the town ta wish 01Neflic hît- 68 entnîca off il, propecr se ren a merry Chrstmas. quee n M, rder i ecu cro#ded eut of thisue Non tîit fdampen flic The pairade mcd ouf ,,fWe hope we wîll lic able te -ir'l nf f Vntrl chril-.! ,,i 't nerfuliv iînclude mosirij"inni- hecf fic csmv-everl W c rustes .. N t Owerspeople wha line theli streetç' We ae Trstes... Not Qwnes f wafd l fli er long par- ade precetlng_ Sata pasby. atorTa"k s St- nCOUNCIL RECOMMENDS CHANGE POLICE IUTY Trhene wili lpbe achange in W a s , ýe ioncf flic negular day ahift lcif a ncmedto il-r nuýt1ural cncânesorce. W ar wîli lcnt la Mlcf .tiBut bis atenionceferd penbyPolic_ CrhefBe7rnardý fnlicc rsesley PearoursScaorlrwe aconcei'nctimore cniUnflic fe lcole rny te use -.but te u, e ufell-aou uitwa ill beleft, rsureAhchle îîtciOnamtobyouclo "ntuy end nef te use up." "t t.l Mncfourmncîhave mian wo bcavd catcgoiis rucuclvtdua T1~reh cîardifi io areahyben badly abuseti lie uewatle onrersdt emusyfamemethat fbl Ifs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ii rPrwe iadeeThyulhauppen te effIe TURN TOrPAGE TWO) gadfrsprxmtTfu Club emben meetng at bîcah emsi-re tu en OHf as siby,"li u~ged c fIaTheowmaif)c will L geftiu fitflc 1pr ect sholtilch wheu wece an pparfunfy thorougli ecîg n fcnext offand nclued min Tee f flic tald mae fitluc, etsfc wck.prvicilorfeiea gwncIake AAa n Iwo is lefI ta Wive Junio r fcn u inc liares iWatffeeling hawevr waonfbia thle' chance torr.aaugstig fic amiu ren TA wr oldef waif. ldnFl sVictin hstadaoflic work%"sSapucdAticîcaîmeti gît awyeeA5 enodC,lan ke Tw DIýjRHAM 1cL,ýr uR MirNG pncvcd by couAnci eeing an way or cf len,"flicMayoÏ, ah iman, John Regzin?1Alti-s TiPLNaveilien 151.1, saîti feu,.diédetcanly Ïàlturday me Durlian iuty Club Thc cstimnated cecf t ( he ednfda imetmriga aresuit cf a fine, et aarmîï 'ill imeet thus unÏdetaking lmi W,00, TA c culMi ivlet na o hîch broke ouf in lims A cenînîg Ftiday t the Edu- equpment rnta for $16 an caig(niCen-tre, 'A55 Calge heur, but iabltfadean eut mo rcat Whtli oting"foot by W0 fot trailenparked Stîreet at 98:00 p.m. The a basýl1in iapoîaeu Cuclo epdeclarreti at Lot 26. Concession 2, norfli speaer sll e M. S.Lin mintes 'q hîn nawla lic4imef cf Newcastle. tic if,"f b, in ConcllonPrune a"q Acoràmng fu Newca:s e on- lî-'iîwhose totie wiclibc Mn. Watt natedtfiat if ailaPrvicilP IbLice a IiI i a Fudiin.would 1ceaiaýbout tflicasie A econding fbl1i moto1Cucl egllcrTd Hower, 3spottrcd IbnLiCholm ilaon fic do tflic wonk manuallu'.Uin- j.,agrcti. ck10uîn utfriA;is- zusical êstaF i"The Finieud- tateti thaugli that flchsc-Mn. Watt xetateeq tons s raîrPt Qabou t &lan. Yv Giata CCUcëNlrein'aflnnit would do a superi!nimen put tpari u fwn wthn Q oii.ý cnc1e Lic(J doon ta iu- Al Bit of Soho Cone-s ta omnil A unue of seýhools f rom flic surrouuidîug ares production cf Cliver Twist soan sud thcy want as miauy eeedt l yesr's Sauta Claus parade. Some uscd flic people as possibl!e ta kj now about if. Nearly flic entîre occa1sion te give a pu for ccmriug evente by fircîrsu- cast cf 150 tudeuf s teck part iu thein curli b curb dent lidies Sucli as M. J. Hobls is wmfhir ntry 1lch.sen:Ci dn taýIliy tjjýfla lay 'ih ic licld ut Courtîcl above. The senior public achool wîllle ïpuftng ûon a S odaySciool frmi ecmbucrW 9 lilth. CTURN ITO PAGE TO xney.t wcek's edîfioni. SBITS PIECES SPOSOR- Asposarisneceed o luic Bowmain- csc houldc1 ontact Cîther Bb cla t 2-27 Io avile110hoptal that lie 5 conhing along icely and imper teulie home cheî'tly, In flic nientietho e "No Vistons ie f111applieans it seema this là part of the treatrnent, s 1hc cunl't say it irî persn, l e aysil via his om» Thanka for 1il the m1anly ac"f hidikîndne Cxtend- BLIND -- The 1971l camnpaigu to rais umîsfor theý Canadian Nationail Intitut c for lic Blind lias ope $P4,2,00 in flic WVest Durham ares. If you've leie mîsscýd by eonf thý1e cauvassers, yo-u can ti coÇn- tribhute. Juat cail veynPurdy at 623-604 r Dn Allin at 6 23-235ýi1 sud fhey wll i makp aiflic e -farge- ments te coilecf you,,r imost wclcoeedoaio.Thc erganizens vwoulikete tiauk team captanud cauvassens for their iunstining lird ork inu fi drive 't(?date. RE-CPTIN -LaAi eek's egin Remi'en- brance Day picture of Lle-w Br3townsdMao Ward Irwin should have caýrnieda îfferentè caption. Trc, fitwo M wre reminhcing about old fîmes tbey shared together daig Woîd Wvar il. but thre wa-s another reason flicpicture- waatkn.Mjr riwho %wsLewsformeCr OntanRegîmentSquadrn 0,4C.had ja rw Llew's ticket, wvinning first prizeý in a draw. Now there is a commolanding off icer ith sns cf graitude! fincidlentally, Don tIamrnIay- dons gitWo te wonld 4cf the gladioi, %vas the only othe meniben cf Major Irwin's squadron wvho iwaa presentfoir (the Legîgin dinnr. He wan't as Iucy -s Llw, but reportcd a good reunion anyway! CATCHING THE 2:03 A grade riglit studeufii fromn M4. j. Hoblis, Gaît-i Hr,wa one of flirce students inu flch roicewloparticipafed iu last weck's produC - tion cf a new radie program called "Castchflic 2:03 pm"Gail. togeflien witli a 'routo uan Kitchener studeut, wsliuked Lup wi,,the fic routa studfio sud formiet part of a panci quesiaing a former CBC mnan aou1is xpniwcaliving lu inac.Phec proraiispart of flic chol broadcasfmng syst anti je aimd ut Senior PubiSud Elemuntary schoo studeufs. HISTORIAN - Mm. Marguerite Fraer cflPar- lington'îtowvnship la buy trying to compile in- formain o-the hutery cfflice cemnîty cp.f Solin. She lincing i-;for aecoes icîtures, scrapbpookrmez iane and ioes that if local 'sintcac f assistance the-y wïl co'nitact cither her at26-87 or Mrs. esYeoles ait last aweck n ic- lý, iaitcf reafhs laid at flicNéwvcasf le Cenotapli ouno0vemnber 111h. Tlicy wpeJ. 'E. suid B. J. Bclsey. Sorry We lad liheJ. Eprtin, but a grenilin muti 1fi ave suakcd by and suatclied flic res cf flic Iue awa y, PAVING ,C - Tw nierChanles WYVatt ila breatliîng 1mucli caseuwTIc pavîeg program- cnded ycstcrday affrnoo. W i n tarte-dthre werc lem wlio thoutglithfli wok cou be donc before flic snw fe711 i If as abot 1asclose a finish as anyone ouid vwanc t. c nowed todry, as aeryone knows. Clianie wvas confident fron flic stant lie could z ge-0t noatfb(týic wok dnc butdd5sy tatnxtye-ar'apvn pori would !l1keîy u.tart a bit zsooner. Fheir Neccks for the Starit -othe Parade s of owmanîlle atvrdY Silver and Chi-urchi Streets ,tr-etcb oktosewe el Santa' Claus parade spo Ste parade will sértDes-,pïfitter Santa'& nsit tno r of Commerce In the pic- town wa a corplete sces :rowd in th intecton of ~Ton Starts Legal Action ,,Again.stC onsumers'ýý Gasr.Co. erilini ofUthundergroud gai munde hefran1chise e, Suncefthe agreieillnt ermin-1, une newrki tw w b en.aed, iltl-i~ opia1y has oPeýrat-. settld! i ncurt. TeÏ11 emnt-whchwa cwthiîn the town ithu Adtig uon aàresoluIon ni eetufor05 yearsirtlfncseMaoHbbpak fmi-ncouncl te Tonto laýw JunIe 1, 1!166, -ýtates that upoii ing at cnuil rneettg on ?Av- finii o Mcai -ni']andMcCar-teminti "ilmais.mes. en-iber lSth sanal that this vwagý thy lias bee n tued tn fîttu-ga and ic tues then i illiegal ac9cording to-thrýe1-nerý t he Cosmruna omaydee oand beomme teN ae h"asbeen sue ýt,y in thO uee Court of Ont- Pooperty ci the town wtotwe the nmater usl! go befor, Combin d olceEffort RÙNcovIErS Stol en lG odis rrest Osha,-wa Youths Wnmer of anea break lus. ncmmm wmaici he 0store1 ,,11 ome 1d aadoe t 1n nldg rmre tha,ýn Maf heibut flic cuipritsmanags e te c>saa goodc Atoln frei Genzge'î evade caMpte y irunrilng ni' A car parked near Se LG A. MeWn' Wear in Bwunfl a a ak sampwes-t o l treOrq no was tcacdt lit week vWM mwrecserd o vmge. The two men appar- o e ~i youtse and led ta Police nnd Ohw îyplc Two O5Mshaamen liae benwonn UC cases rostie Lcc and ree beng hlin m hlfby e.m Mby r Mwýichael rc Î-ne, sts M ail by MCar ierf age 1, f 82 GeiiStret.The BwaiEn l ubi onfaesAkusn g U1, fities nusin wu Au MATES DOuBLE 0f e r; JJ42 Dean Avenu e . bP , ony last Zmonfi, to ice i Q-ON' ICE MACHINE two men w ivlnvcA nc ie rI121 atfmptd rbbey o n A Mis bisppredby the Os10 Th, cost f advertiing co% mhinaynde another radmica hnc.aioî ce cleaning manichine monning to itsmlig procedur, gan bas gone up one hmined per Wilam Amt agclediceasfficcc.fon$0 to $200 puer d or police~ ~~~~~I at23 , osybs is asndinig out its buisl,. not theseon plac la;d been broken into 0~ reî~-na u h h nmis comne filic Poil Office icessits rates thîsJanau't cgi Cents a letteni, tlierc il be a 50f peni cenit savinga usiug cr iers, who w) ill ecarifu0r cents; for, every liîl they deliîven. 1 Iec decisian to uselc cr nirwssanctîonied bu' fli TRNTO PAGE T1WO) co)uncilonNveibrmih t!A pro-cv>iioD whchwold ba1pve alwdoly lc1mer- -chants >to use flic space on til-l m"cIacine was amendedfto gîva the present svrts rianopo ptutyto aply for an cex- tersion . at flie new raec cours-ýe. - Tran HtsCar Stalled on Tracks pmurc aliove cwli e lcvelu- Lavcnlc (Colleck, age 41, of eraitcd Ly Jpeane Lvine cie brleme m -Iolith rueki Ashbun.rumaaget integef bbcEnniakilîu, tbrowing it ahead Saturday mnnî ualie te font cuti cf thn vdhmleoff lhi anone dnîven iy banleti-y A. movs emease f lieav y rafic rak biere id~'mnltcam mbeMl cfWhitby bowa up Scugog SînCeet s emt n nt as îlet ff, chat- -burnmng nta Sýcuigo.g Street of the Sauffi u 'aae tnn lre-ar wndiow. (ITUdN tl lPACO! DM05 oyrDclines Comment The iîxf Wood dor areýa will lie held in Oshawla on Decebero2ed 1