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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1971, p. 4

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4 Th Caadin SttesanBowmnvileNov. 24, l1971 EDITORIAIL COMMENT A Friendly Southern Neighbour Looks'Noýrth John Sý,arn FrmThe Examimer, an A-merianJournail W11,itin riiten, yearstChe tUInited Sae will be iconsuming over 80 per cnt of the worlýd's energy and resoutrces, ac- cording' to an expert in tJhis f iLld. Wîàthiners ail fresh waýter in the ni Stýates will bepoutd Within ten years theUnited States% will have Lta take oerCnaâda, Lthrougb 4ith rioomic, pressure or force, in iprder -to survive. It's nlot realiy a question of how," sasresources expert and, advisor to President Nixon. Henry Gablinger. "Ve ce-rtainly have the means to conquer canada. ",Ih's a qýuestion of when. I've advi,,s- ed the President we should start moving wihnthe next two" If 'you t[hink this is dialogue out of a science-fiction story, think again. Mr. Gablinger is deadly seriaus. Gran,ýted that Canada has been our peaceful neighbor for several hundred years and thatl we have shared a bor- derline f rom Mainie ta Washington wihhl- out incident. But lie inthe international jungle is rough and if the U.S. is to make iJt to the yea 00 l needs thec fan.tasticrnatural resou-jrces tha,ýt sit jusi, a few mniles abo-ve its border. "It's alilvery simaple," says, Gablin.- g-er. "Just look at the fgrs "By 1985 there couild be, as m8rany a 9'75 mlonpeole iïn te Unýited State, Anid by the year 20I0 t'he popuilaio côuld apr;ïac 350 39million. Cwjanaais expected ta hauve a population of 38 mil- lion by the year 200V., But even more than its present vo-_ raciascnupion of fuel, power, ïnirierals, metlals, ch,,r-emi-,cals, plmsticsq and xploing oplatio1n, the US. is dedicated trea an incredîble growth in the U-sr, of ail critical rmaItenials. Every *20 yeara the cnupino energy aid key rsucsduls "Yetfrm esucesanpin, Gablinger expInsrr, "the Unitedî States a havé-not natiô ,me 33 SEPARý- AITE AC MATIERIALS AR~E ON JA 'CRITICAL' LIST, Among those the WS. ustnow împort aï-ndconineta) do :,o t aht acceleratedraar crude- oui, ir?én ore-, buiefo-r aljuiinrum, cop-~ Per, lead, zinc, pojash, ranluni, plp- woOd, tîImber,- manganese, rubber and gold" Wihaqt ail thisý bouls down ta is ver sipl. aniada has an abundanice of ncost o! the abovýe rmateniaIs, buitis ex.- port-ing them atia very sîow rate. After ahl, teydon'twanLtota be cau,hr)shrtwe the crunch for raw mnaterAals cones. ButtheU.S hs nyerhee~ hy about taking bat it wa3nLts in the ~at And dniven bt, he walI, it wwill d5 the sinme withCad. "ACTUALLY VWE'RE pSEING( VERY NICE ABOUT IT,"si Gbi ge. We have offered ail kinidý,s o! deals ta theCndan uhas% the Cfon-i tinerital _Energiez Proýgraiiiwhich would sesiono!Paniamntwhicb received illfle pubhLicîty but wiîc asfan neaci- en ffeet tb protect lte indidtuali 1 the SActayIstue td __ inThiisActprov:d;jes, aniong i>othén- titngsfor lte puýbltcalion and bite sertiry b a taningCommîlitea o! lite ouseo!aîions o! ail regula.- lions rle, ane-rs, ,proclamiatiÊns, anid ---e on, made by aný agenicy or commis- jaion o! lte fediera-lgvanat Our îmo1dem day sý-ociehy is beconri- ing increasîng-ly cmlxwita mulli-. pilyo! boards,comsin an agencies. Tithesa dinsrtiefribuný- ails are ncecessary bacauise lite da y wen Pearlianiant ilseif could de(al witit ai- isteveny îminute detail o! aur society bas, long passaed. There is no, question about ite need for administrative tri- bun,-ais but ltera carlainly has 'been a ned ta ensure titat titay act wititin the bounds 1,o!flte autoilJiy canferred upon them by Parliamenit and taIttey da nal step) beyand titoseý bounds. In alter unite ail thereurs in North Amex-' ica mbit one commr.on- pool. If they coi't accept il, we'll. just have tai force il onr thema. "We have blie economie arsenal to do it. We could huiy enough Canadian dollars on the specu-la.tion- exchanges lat drive their value down ta( 15 CENTS."' The other natural resource that Canada, has in overwhelrning abundanice is waber. Within the nlext few years, waber will become the world's most precious element - perhaps replacing gold as a medium of exehange behween nations. "ThIe Unibed States now uses 400 billion gallons of water per year," sy Gabliniger. "This will become 900 bib. lo inby 1.990. Canada har, one fourth of the world's fresh water and the largeaI coastine in thewrd. The b)argain,*ing over Càaadan wat- er has started a cold war in resources that Canada can only lose. To intenational observers tere are nnany smnall sig-ns o! the growînge tensions bietween the two nations -e- sions that wýill eventually either erupl-t int a wvar in which Canada will b(e hutmili:atingl y defeated or smlolder mbi Canlada's complete submission toa any U.S. demands. Lattt mronit ýiU.S. ecustomis menma ing the huge Canadianj border bga carryfing hand Aweaponis for the jfirst tnesince prohibition. Defalialion 0$ areas olin the Ameni- Cani aidýe o!iethe orderihas aleadY begun. This ,vil! create a ,000 mile swath o! open space beh-ween thle (wo countries. Canaa'sswiningPrimeMfiister Trudeau recen-,tly blocked ltee of a huge urnaiuim mine ta U.S.iness anid Amenica retaliatedl by cutting d(ownvr the, imrporis of!)oufrom overstocked ret>ýroumstck o lte Canaidian rar ies. Thé twn ilultries are agigbh terly oiver the slvereigrity o! the Airche, The hugpe oail tanker S, Mahtn réce.nhly maide an istoritpbhuh Arctie watrs ,ai-d now Cnd stryvingý to pCe res.ýtricýtions on funthr sc Al of titis desnr't eýven bînth taucb ori sensàtiversus_-ebtepae mèncrt o! the ABM î'isiîJ eenes- tem Sa lihtrInuclear explosions wiill bake place aven anaianternîbory. "Lon," aysGablinger, "ev been prolectiingCnaafor yP;ans. in Ibhis garre, you don't get nhig'O r rnoihiing.Ijus lime they parilupfor- bie p1rivilege seo! lniing nextiho-bite ichePst caury in brite warld. They«v,\vo udcin't be so well Off 1now ifjil wasn(,r s tAsilhe Presirk rit saýi d ta mE', int hdebtita usý,.'" Sa, in bthe nx e eas okfor ,se*rnnew tasnrtOld G Cltiry ' Trhker the flgsdesin ymrnretrîcal, tÉriwul be a good numurber anlt hat's just lte numnber of provinces- in Caniada,. words, lhýttI by nefrîain r npoîsble la lte PC-"eopl ,1oCana'ýda rugtIe eltècted ire-piesenlalives nalamnt The cam n mbforce o!fieSau toryIsîuensAct and Iha ega lions wilh ma;rk litecanecmnlo a new a ra In ltite area ofubrinl legshhmnThe overnidîng pr, tpose o! lte n-ew 17,ahon l a rviea greaer nca.suna o! )protectinifor lite genieral public. Titis protection is lao ha aciievTed nmltrea differenl ways: vý 1 FIRî'ST, an ijnterniai review o! pro)- pedraguljahions w'il hanmade by a(ffi- cen's o!flite Privy Counicîl Office and ttc De-pa.rîma.ntof Justice before tihte-y became law; SECOND, te public wvill hé given a shatulory rigitt ta examrine and oblain copias of most regulations and otiter staltory instruments; and THIRD, a Standing Joiint Cammil- tee o!flte Senale ai-d House of Com- mons wili ha empawered ta reviaw reguhlalions and otitar shatulory insîru- m enlts. DurbaCoutyGer Fnl or Esiacbished 117 yearis ega in 1854 Aisa Incorporatiing The Bwm NiieIewsý The Ncwcastle Independent The orono Newu Seodclassmaicl rgitrwln uber 1561 Produced every Woienday by THE 1AMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62-66 Khin St. W., onil, Ontario Phone 623-3303 JOHN M, JAliL.4RS PATRICK GOULD GEo, P. MORRIS Boau~zi ~ADra. MzaAcAGBuunszqss lMai. reproductein whlI e in Pc(ta reourd in Iaw.v o $6,0 a yeaz mnh $3.50 $8SAC a Yea in the Untd Ses strictly in Cadvauc7e Inq tim Cs oluza%& on tii U4eetad 't if witl .îotbe laifor :zn-y cirer in inay avrje pwiý,hd Jrado nsa aprôo of ctvertsmnt e rquetcd iii wriiUog lby '1he dverfteer and rpuetad te Tii. CcnaO5ýn Stteeman bl eofice duy iqoed by t'b. ", cieermdwjth suri 1rro rietoi e fplotrnly otJ-1» wlltung hereon, n t cas-,if My errer cZo ntîe', t crye-lccd by Th,, ConçIdi 1(tenan i4s tbity eh" inut emces am cuci qmtcf j ientîro Ct et i-h nviisîeas tipa aculpld b hli et,'rror i bare teth*, whcle mc, occuptDed hy 4Wh a U t,.Whn", 25 VEARS AGO No les han 17 names Mn. E. S. Senkler, Bar- wene formaliy accnedited nisten, Solicitor, etc., bas hy Town Cierk Alex Lyle, resumed lie practice of bis tie pnesiding officer, as duly profession aI bis office in proposed ta céonteat tie the Bounsaîl Block, King rine council seats for 1947. Street, Bowrnanviile. Required to qualify by 9 Mr. and Mrs. John W, p.m. Saturday evening, only Cherry, who have heen five fîled papers anid as il visiting bis mother, 1dbt lurned ouI, ail were elect- Wednesday ta visit themr ed by acclamation. Tic son in Detroit, enroule ta offices of Mayor, Reeve, thein home in Victoria, B.C. Deputy Reeve- and two Misses Maud Po w er, concillors wene thus conse- Oshawa; Hazel Power, To- quenitly filled., A new ronto: Merle and Mn. Gor- nomnatonmeeting must don Power, Orono, spent now be cailed to secure Sunday witi thein aunt, candidates for four remain- Miss Carnie Power. ing councit seàts.- Elected Misses Vera and Rhodla wene: Mayor, Sidney Little, Beacock, Mr. Fred Beacock former Reeve; for Reeve, A, and daugiten Edna, Toron- S. Baker, former- council- to, spent lie weekenrd at ion; Deputy Reeve, Norman theîr fatien's, Mn. A. fe. Allison, former counicillon; cock. T. A. Garton and Ray Diii- Miss Muniel Belînian, ing continue as councilons. Toronto, was in town Sat- Tice cast of lie play unday and athcnded lhe "Hiiibiily Sue" pnesented aI Hilîs-Beilman wedding. Bowmranviile Hîi School Misses Leila and Hazel Commrencement i n clu d d Kerman, Pont Hope, were Pegg9y Dippeli, Gr antI Wednesday visitons in hown, Bok, Mary Paterson, attending tie Co'x-Souch Pearl Breslin, Stella Bonk, wedding. John Cattran, Yvonne Wood Mrs. Wm. McCiung 1dbt and Paul Lindblad. Miss M. last week for Toronto wbene Carrail was director oI lie sic wili reside witi ber i 7~YQU6H >C 1EAIL Z~~~ Ne eoOnt, Dean Si,- On hbi INestliebon" Womcn's nsiutIws askcd tari ank or on or co oiperetion mn rtn i reports aof eigsec ment i, Ha v i ng Il tlic Branci rpot1udr i hb etding, o-fr bbc Cre at. aid on anc page, presents a complete pri-cune oaI(bbc wonk (oF le t tîuts Especiaily we ppeat thc prning ini fuît, caIa papen recenhly, "Sjîxty-Fi-e Institutt" prEpaired hy Mns GrantTopsn Sinccney,] MnsRihadDavison. No,2,1971 Il h 'bas be en my pleasi ne hodav ta wîtnhis,,anotien BowanvllcSanta ï,Claus Parade. I woid rlbe irem!iss if I did nat epreFss my apprecià- lion, as oancdaIthoïusandaj wwhnvatc1icdil, for hie finer job donc. In, my opinion- bilaý pa1'rde shows a fip commnity spnt nd i tieh tnulcïimsa a Of Sunine rrfor Ail. rs to the ý Alîthou-gi the sndidirC shine on Vie parae you eould V tie Ikind togt for lie pPUres i tirougi tie crowd, 1 an sure a lot AI lie partici- pants, we. cid spdtinedc, alhwhougSMVlismilng and waving, priahy sidnev- er again. rF 1 "; ý aýnd we ai wa, nt h seryo again ext yean, Edward Gingeil. Hoe,(Leasier offbte to CSONGRATULATIONSj au e h o yo r un si in e! fforts once gan pty avncorimmn s rensp îandr buman néed& In Iaking bbc lime and trouble la have a bown counil deelson ne- venscd bythe Ontania MuiipalBaryou ibave' ag-ain deJmonstnaited iat tic wil of tbe nme- :jonîty ta se(-cncJary ta one- upma-sipin Bowmrî-an- the ieelaiîng, RBut wMhomdoéj wcr Ihjink wcv'ne din BORIN 30 VEARS TOO SOON - AG-.AIN My tred aid eyes ailmost poppred out and rani down my cheeks tealiter day, like a couple of paelad gapes witen I nea-d iabout te icrassint-pay la aur antdfarces. MyGod,re,raned. la m-y w'fe, Ëiwtll you lîtenaIbis? A buck privahe Îis gngl gel $480 a mntith" Site wasn 'tnîpressad. But sit1e perked upiter ýeans ýand lurned do 1 ite corners a! iter moulti will be daîg$1,960 a molh," - My brother, han rotitr-in-La, is a Pcolýonel.' Out; carnoe lite pencil and site sîtart- ed sane rapid calculation. In about itaîf an itour, witile I sat ltera sitaking my hea.d wihit. a mixture o! sitocked dis- belief a-,nd incipient nausea, site blurted "Do yau realize tat young pup is go- ing la baý making $22,520 a year?" I nodded monosely. I had done 'il in my itead, give or lake a few itundred dollars, in eigitt seconds. "Wity - wity,bia' impossible," and iter voice went up ani octave. I just toklte paper over and po-inted ta lte without banfiho!waler, foir botof us.; Wit1flaJI itad been slogingalon paiper edibar, somnetimes, ititing a 'itigit of $6,209 a yaar, and later as a leacitar,j he itad bean galiivanting a-raund ta al sorts o! glamonous, and achn places., Aide-de-camp ta an Air V-icaý-Man-' sital in Europe. Boar-hunting in Ger- many. Comrmander of a figitler squad- non in France. Liaison officar in Paris.1 Desk job in Ottawa. Back la Europe. Back ta Canada ta itead a figitten squadron ah Val d'Oni., guarding usi against ite Esimaes, then a soft bouchit at Calorado Springs in lte States, wabciting the panic buthon1, and skiingi weekends. Titane was aniy ana brigitl spot in my mind as I reviewed titis circuit. He's1 now stuck in Syracuse. Wito wanls ta live in Syracuse?1 But my wife -wasn't finisitad, "Wity1 didn't you sbay in lte air farce?" I gave1 bar som-eloy reply aboul being my own 1 1a, ' a.nd not wan In awallowt ironey. I idn'Imantion litaI litair Cojanîiy, we' ber frnm Ave t à ra ned acatr I4 loukge1at tha log a w hae counc, membns w1 opceat on iecids csn'I have îil un cn'" Bsiessmen iiîco:ntinu tal lonefurhe roied, hounateiry, my ciilme doga not hetaav Lusl roes chol t tI aveu amid il mseif ý.in t ctuhe4a1ira -n t-ie job geciô hnd tecba la l Thwi roue cta xreuLyx Drversoappraachîng fomi Miiilh banc.The st road a- ~, ih pice!ý py illSm.îley WarII te ro e oI twhenly miînut'es I ý jandup, we gà $,30 a.ay, or $40 a maît.I snlbomne $20 a rmonlthla my moltar, W gaI paid ev'ery Iwo we-eksý, 50I4ed a uita;ndsam-e $10 ta blo!w. l'i1nye 1Cîcfonge time I lba l ny $10 bill abcouit te minutas a! tanpa parade. IL wai ah anning Pool in Tar- ntas, wili about, 10,000 airmn i on ted. Tite nxt opla o! weeks werc siin piekinga. But I ade if, by bmoig ThaIýs witen I sl.anbed horrowing, an-d, 've neer caugitt up sinca. -But iiasn' 5 badl, realiy. Bear was 10c a dr-afl and a dollar wanb a long way. I didn'l smoka. Girls didni't axýpeet you la lake tem out for drinks, dinnar and lte titeatra. Ttay just axpectad you ta tak them ouI. H Ioteh roomas wera no prohiain, on waakend leave. One o! aur would chack in ltae old Kig Eddie in Toronto, and lake a singla room. Price was $3.00, wiith 10 par cent off for serviceman. Titan about fiva mrore would sneak up atnd six o! s wauid ,ahara a single roomr, sleeping trie nlte ha, raswy bite oter a ita [floaor Averagecs, 15c ac.We din't need mut Leep Wage.s went up wîth caci incr-easeÊ in nanik. As 1 recalh il, wten I 'was coni- missioncd, I gaI about $6.50 a dlay. Titis was wat beyond btae dreains o! avar- ice, in lthose days. Tite Austr-alienl and U.K. officers aenviad us ititterly ý. Tfiey weme paid about tel! btat, ta mainlain lte standards a! an officer and gentle- ma'n. "I don'L anvy the servîcemen Liemr iperease. They hav,,e a job btaI i's espac- iaily Ihankiass ini peacelime. Euh if I wara quibe a fawv years yaungar, I'd hae running, not walkmIýýg, ta lte ineareat ne- cruiting stalion. But myv kid itroltaer is anotter mat- ter. I'm amýarter tan ha is, ltougit te'd neyer admit il. I could always bealt ini up. Ha's gaIt is only ctiid mnrricd of! la a wealîty Englishman. He'a going tao have a fat pension in juat a few yans. Yts onilY faim ta serve notice on itimn, bit haie ay hve long-tarn, prtp penmianienbi, guas, \wten t rie s and picitsou hs i b pain. 49 YEARS AGO onrIbelieve many , people a arnet Lioreen brought Miss Dela MMatr iowne reeta heIft monster hen's egg tri the- Oshawa, is VIsii b er o-f these ýchildren iý more bdtrtis' week, sufficient cousin,' Miss Leta Coridh, imprtat tan dolaror for a couple of breakfasts. Salem. twora year.that ,ola o t nmeasured 6" ini circum- Mr.- and Mrs. Normânr tw a r e maymt ference, 4t/2" long, weight Greenfield and family have 1rists h do flo t- n 5 ozs. moved to Toronto.' oth areabut mut rive in Fîre broke out at TDouýg Mrs. V. A. Galbraith, To-- th rgh bit reusrlydite Rackham's new garage at rnto, has gone to Kna hear i thoul glad it Hampton, Monday niught. City, Mo., toi visit 7her sn, ly contribute his oungld-A passing mo, rist sw the Mr. MMa]colm Galbraîth. fy o r eir own pace of blaze and aroused neigh- Messrs. Thos, BottriFli mf.or i ppie ofb- bors. Brought q Iyund- and Son w7re sceau ertA. N. as wel a Su- er control, litte damage re- exhibitors oi Bantama., and gog . . a w a uu lted , Pigeons at the Royal Stock. Bo09. thsestret1ar ,Ms.1 Gilbert Whitney 8Show, Toronto, wnig4 trte or he -lieLhig ar e Marjorie Healey), firsts, 3 seconds, 1 third,i wraystanmor e si d e n ti a Sutton, was weekend guest Aifth and a specil. ways th0f Mrh.and Mrs. Fred Pat- ZVon: Mr. A. T. Starntoii streets. The need Aor ide- tinson. Tt will be rpealed was in Torontoattending wak i obou, jsi or àrMrs. Whitny was the the Milk Assocîation's meet once culdn't Bowmanville frt Public HelthNurse îng. g row up and act before the in %, Focdistricti sur camage il done instead Of s rEnfi Filsm aelNde r. nd re waiting for Li the trgîc 'evi -*]r-. Dnad Fcrgsn, are d ery g(,tý etrta deýnce" Mr.Strroc] antri Toonospnt rh.weand aot10 ussvry e Mr. Hooper apparentîy re- wt bspaets)rraii3ybl nFriday -g Mirs H Frguonand iref- Nwcst N4Mr1E Paf quirc, CèCred the (Central YWhel- inaunived hia houcÉhldl Ai For telare um ècr-L ' marked as wages for th ers asetb ç-gaeri B ejeen a p,À odSaur nie neded Ito carry nout HSStra vnn. dy Ibswork, perhaps he cudbe diverted for aw le l from thepcrrent campaign j '% eàl ta In b eývn01Ono Pr po a bdene e twn- ofed sw lief, Mor. Hfooper-, thatù every A one should be tireated thef lno,toc oeprotctîing thyeow înterests of a mnrîy The CCty nf 4uelhbane- when they happened b beAti01ond til, poinia ov- WORKSHi-OP AjMCS TO snonbile owners. Per- ernmnent tiappinta prm- haps, these toys are mýore aneùit polcfariats in SELL 1-5,000 CAlRDIS fimportant in your eyes than negnoitos ariing bdtwee Glenolme AAC. Inuel, tje safety of a few hundred mcunicipalîtis and policýe as- Wokho nd- Training Certr school chuldren. societhins. of the Oshawa and DAItio Hopefully 1I arnentthe -, The pooî,s the City of Asmeoin fo-r Retarded ý only voterbowili rem. Guelph enbvgd ià, would be-Chuldren are again bis yÊMi ber your uisIof priorîties smiîlr to theOnr1,ri)N Muni- ']jý(1 in, 1 comre lection time an;1d we cioal Boa,ýrd in function. selig hr'îas Cards. Leîs- cari fil opr sept wîth wou)ld pnrîdeaileast thLreeer tyao Sld 0,00 bio y soiôew.hnwill lo0% bc- nbirators toserve or] a thyai àsl1500 pond bi spon block and hîs Board with oneayabitrator Durng helasI monbuh maq-r own i caied itrss pone by the local police oI the ?,5 aiaes t 0the Worh' zind rÉalize hé is ýthee&toAssocition, and one arbitrat sbop have been busy sorting, rpenta wholè cm.orappointed by the local fodîng, collang andrpackag- muit.Board of Polce Commission- ing Jie 10 varielieýs whlch arsf3 Déiaustd Parett Cs.viabl Iis year. Toreimunicipal counlcil ai The cards are purchiased iie MMDES O1«GAbRZED Guelph had expressed con-Ittuîk from Lie. national offies FoR DEAIF cern about "tic overly gen- of tie Canadian Association In co-o)Peration writh c rous awards made by oItler for lie MentallyReadd ntraC ntBorof EBards of Arbitration dur'11 Fornth eiuPe y1k ucto, transportation 05asthe P lllpd.t littie ouarof lie dens rble hemn arranged fromthe COnror no concernilfor: the ta:xpay- and areierattractive. lana QSehool for tVie DeaPf ens" Alilproceeds from Ihe- a,-ie ocated in Beleill ad Osh TAe cunA cîl sougîit arv a"the carda are used by lt% awa. AI of itspont of01 vîew frn' CenItre for Ihe purcieh sC o wierkends ofNoemer 1h,ro nvince. Baow M a nri IlJe Thcad aybprcae 26hadDecembehr 101h and Councîl abg the cor1 rmGehleARC ndus5' 2d.Two reio trîpa lpoh enc in a meeting on trm ies t9 Wellngbon Street ctober 22nd and 29th ÀweeN13ierlt eoneurred with Eat ilOsh"iaa orby hoîa run the reution.72141 Religi"on for Today by Rev, Gordon Smyth THE LORD'S PRAYER (2} "HALLOWED BE, THY NAME"ý I suppose tat la many a persan titis pelition means litIle mare tan ne- fraining fromn cursing or blaspitemy. But il is nat likely ltaI Jesus began itis modal, prayer wlth any sucit aie- menlary expression. Titere is soma- limes mare ganuina religion in a rougit fellaw wito ends itis wcek wilh a botîle of beer in te lavern Ihan ana finds in analiten sont beginning itis week in a choir lafI. Ttec car.penler af Nazarelt wouh.d know taI. Afilan ail, lte cnaine o! Gad la li(ýte Hebrew was mcit mar re in aitle. Tite Hbrwscid 41even ulýtettci rname ,ýof God.I, Jtwas a word b to saerd for uiitrance., so UtEýy u àd asubsLilulc. Titus te iipdividuah wito begins te Lard's Pirayer in tlite Hebrew spirit aum- riions ta itiougitt averyting wtict stands ta him for God. "Our Falteér wito art in iteaven, italiowed haltey namne." God's name raprasants al bis ways o! revelation. Nature i* anaway.Tte psalmist saw titis and wrole, "Tite iteavens ara telhing te glory of god; and lte firma- ment praclaima bis hiandiwonk." But timber barons plundered lte foresîs at te burn o!fltae century, and tycoons o! industry have poured teir- poison into aur rivera. We are bacoming awane of ltae affecta of ail sucit irraverance. Hal- lowed be ltae namne o! God. Human nature is anaIiter way o! ravelation. Thte apostie saw titis; and wroha, "Liva,ý as free men, yab witout usîing yonur fneedomr as a prelexh fan cvii; but lîve as)seran o! God. Honaun ah.I mari. Lave lte broltheitood, Honaun lite emperor." TIhos,ýe words w.ýere ulter- cdJ hn an, atteml-rPtto a eueolback !rom a rk age o! civîhization. Wital of-au lim -ie? Anry conslitulad aultorily is regardadc as suspect. No- body is alaowad la remain an a pedes- bal. Everybody is supposed la ha puilhad down la bite lowest cammon denomnin- alan, inbte nama o! democracy. Today's craed ila, "Do yaur own lting." Senti- manitaliim s,-eems incunable. Politicienls cajolea and gra'vai. Our hast prophtl are laymien wt, for saine sînaniga and nefresting reason, refuse ta rupi scared. Thte gaverni(nt enlmedy f[or ecanomic il o ulacreate uempaymnt 1and Ltitan to Pendlow ibt - lit he sIar1t e -,f'a 11d lilaciddest raad ýHtg)nun sânce lte downifal a! lte Rr-mepariEmrpira. Renissnceundcer wicthlitelife oi reveracee will ah hast bethi fe o!nman- kinld. Sucit a topa mustl halahowaed ta floal before our minds. Il is not un-. reason)abla. Il willh itlp uis ta get ltrougithe ia emainder o!fltecentury witicit it not iikely ta ha a pleasanit time ta live jun. Titis tape must ha fed on a genuinie dev\goin[ta lte Gaod, lte Truc, lte Pur, aIdlte Beauliful for tem aown sae.And permit me ta recommerîd te folhowing prayer ta nounisi t aur devation, "Creator of ail titingas,ny Faltaer, Gad and Faltaer o! ail maniaiiî,d, renew witin me My Most sacre titougita and al taly associations ,viiici, are ta me ltae symbai o! titysaîf. Give( ta me a senise o! deep reverence for tlt worid. As I ltus look ouI on thy variad ways o! ravelalion, heip me la bmîing rny own spiritlintolitis unity wîil lit- self. Assiast me ta tumhiy begin, conj- tinue, ;iand end, aacitday by' hailowingal thy nye, In the Dimri and Distant Past Fi-cm the Statesman Files Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P. Phone 623-3303 sugur, CWNA

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